1a. · 2014-05-12 · Notice that both sentences have the SVOC structure. In this lesson, we’re...

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Transcript of 1a. · 2014-05-12 · Notice that both sentences have the SVOC structure. In this lesson, we’re...


‘unlock’ becomes ‘unlocked’ because ‘the car door’ receives the action.

Look at examples 1 and 2.

The same thing happens in example 2. ‘turn on’ becomes ‘turned on’ because ‘a light’ receives the action. Now let’s look at the sentence struc-ture:

Notice that both sentences have the SVOC structure. In this lesson, we’re going to practice making SVOC sentences where the ‘C’ is in the past parti-ciple form because the object (the car door / a light) is receiving the action (unlocked / turned on).

1. I left the car door unlocked at the mall yesterday.



2. We always keep a light turned on at night in our son’s room.

I had my bicycle seat stolen.

1. I left at the mall yesterday.

the car door (unlock) unlocked

2. We always


at night in our

son’s room.

a light (turn) on turned on

259 │ Lesson 59

Match the phrases in the table with the pictures below and on the next two pages to make SVOC sentences like in example 1 and 2. Write the full sen-tences below the pictures. Don’t forget to change the ’C’ to the past partici-ple form. After checking, pair up and practice the conversations with a partner.


O Change these to the past participle

your eyes (close)

the oven (turn) on

my eggs (hard-boil)

my bicycle seat (steal)

my hair (cut)

my favorite guitar song (play) on the radio

the kitchen sink (fill)

our house (repaint)

my baseball bat (autograph)

their toys (scatter)

Did I leave this morning?

A: __________________________________________________________

B: Well, you’d better go home and check.

We are having this week.

C: __________________________________________________________

D: Really? What color is it going to be?

│ 260 SVOC 過去分詞 / SVOC past participle

S V O C 過


Please keep

until I tell you to open


E: __________________________________________________________

F: Why? I don’t like surprises.

I heard

G: __________________________________________________________

H: Who was it by?

My kids always leave

K: __________________________________________________________

L: Did you do that, too, when you were a child?

I had yesterday.

I: __________________________________________________________

J: What are you going to do?

last night.

all over the house.



261 │ Lesson 59

I sometimes


at home by my mom.

M: _________________________________________________________

N: I always go to the hair salon/barber shop...

I like

O: __________________________________________________________

P: I prefer my eggs soft-boiled/scrambled...

at breakfast.

I came home to


S: __________________________________________________________

T: What did you say to your roommate?

with dirty dishes.

I had

by my favorite baseball player.

Q: __________________________________________________________

R: Maybe you can sell it someday. Whose autograph was it?

│ 262 SVOC 過去分詞 / SVOC past participle

S V O C 過


Finally, change the following SVOC questions into positive or negative sentences, depending on your answer. Be careful; the word ‘ever’ is used in questions and is usually dropped in positive or negative statements. Also, you must change the words in parentheses ( ). Follow the example below. Q1: Have (you) ever had (your) clothes dry cleaned before? A1: Yes, I have had my clothes dry cleaned before. / A2: No, I have never had my clothes dry cleaned before.


Q2. Have (you) ever heard the song Sukiyaki sung in English? I have __________________________________________________ Q3. Have (you) ever left the front door unlocked at night? ________________________________________________________ Q4. Have (you) ever left the oven turned on at home? ________________________________________________________ Q5. Have (you) ever had anything autographed by a famous person? ________________________________________________________ Q6. Have (you) ever come home to find the sink filled with dirty dishes? ________________________________________________________ Q7. Have (you) ever heard a Michael Jackson song played on the radio? ________________________________________________________ Q8. Have (you) ever seen an animal treated badly? ________________________________________________________

Q9. Did (you) ever leave (your) toys scattered around the house when (you were) a kid? I (sometimes left / never left) __________________ ________________________________________________________ Q10.Do (you) ever leave the lights turned on when (you) sleep? I (sometimes leave / never leave) _____________________________ ________________________________________________________

263 │ Lesson 59