1964 LINCOLN CONTfNENTAL - Octopup.orgoctopup.org/img/car/lincoln/info/1964-Lincoln--Product... ·...

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Transcript of 1964 LINCOLN CONTfNENTAL - Octopup.orgoctopup.org/img/car/lincoln/info/1964-Lincoln--Product... ·...

  • 1964 LINCOLN CONTfNENTAL Tabk of Cootenh

    l'h4 lll ... dll Co•U'Wn:•l mo.kh. ~ .. "'nu.er..,.~ l~fl:'•urc:ll.P,Iaf'tt lt11eNii'ICI"IUI t

  • 1964 Lincoln Continental

    ... t nt clusic prolllt Is ltnstnened for Rrtater 1nterior space and comfort

    \lor( in• tll'~'lifoortt"'lranocel'leahlf0t'.o.1&nlll'la'M~ 1 .2:'1,..(ront

  • New Features Highlights-1964 Lincoln Continental

    • l..I't.,...JIIM.~,._.,IInlllo•t:rNI8r ljllr"tmofdiRCU"CI UMnl

    • ~ .. ..,!I«I OO~n ,_ith •I•II I ICC~let.

    • 'k~ C".,.,,,..,..,.,..,np1 " " ne•r otiNifl~rJ'Ilnt-l lnlliJeol~--·-........... ~

    · ~lftfdel'tlod•·•h• .... · .. .ttlloq-~ lniUOI~--

    o .......... au.~ ......... I~Nn,.IDorcraoi "-!!Pna-W-.1~

    • I'olfl'"·•llok• cvllvtttl~l«•Md "'llet~Jal tap 1•·•~11

    • Aulllt.·----' .._ ...-... .....,IK itl...,.l -·-• ~•-~..,pq.-ooo'-t•ed-.Goor UU.!*!C ................ _,

    • 1•11·-·nteriofdot'liVI"-~A tot•l o/ll IIJio:A:mln~JOH.

    • ~w 'lldo\idu.all~ &d,IOJ.Cable UltliQIIr fl'l)nl iUt ..... o-..c."""li'IIJIII-t-···R"U;.ed-..,.j~rtoo

  • 1964 Lincoln Continental

    Interior Trim SelectiOns a.tllw'IIIILMttowMIVIIIJ'I-IIIfi-OHr ...... l$lJM ........... c.. .... ._ .... , .... ,_,~~- II $1W .... IIll:lhl't- w.doUrw""l .... a'*"' - II ...,....,c..., .... , ... L-""'•~ .. tt ,, ..... c.. ....... l_.., .. 'fllrrl 1' ....... a.. • • ~, ........ .,.. Jl '"'•_...,..c....,.l~n_LM...,..,.,.-,~ n tlotll,..llllMtt.f.,.. '&tt-••~ull: S..-St,.. ~· ....... ~, . .... , ..... llkorh•l:aoc.•,~· " ..,co v~ ..... aut~ • • ... ,.L•'* .-v..,r "' 8tk1l Vtt~-Cltn ... 1'-w t.ooi YIOIYI 2t BU.II'cti C'-Io "'tlo l'~~t lUIIItftlldVroyl ll h~o"Jt "'I~I Gftlll •·l'llwqM•l .. llof,_dVr..,l 1/

    """llr014dot~ lnttrlor hM ()¥.,-1'1tal ~Jit Sa,.t. .. WIIOIIfoMcloll'oortlt VII, I loau..< Wlt• V••JI-Ittii.O.« PIWISty .. (a) ,.. ........ "111111~.., . .. s..--liiMJftllf Vroyl II l.lltlMtw.,..~,.,. 11 8rl ...:~•a~~t,..., .. _. ... "'f 11 .._,.,_..,. ... ., 14

    -.--.. ,.. I) ... l ............ ¥... • ,..,._,.,......,v"'( 11 .. ~, .... _,.,. . ,._ ........ lf'dvo.o,t ti .... l • .., .... ..,.,. •• )

    L ... ...., .-IIIII vt.l'tl-1 ... .Wj e.MMr SuU- Iha.it S.. St)llt bMhr"l..,._tiiiiV"'ff u ... e ... t • ..,...., ... ..,, llo .. LMIJIH...,Vo"'l &.plaltlterf!WYI•pl RoN lt~tlotr ..... Vwyl kl, l..Nt~er'"' VI•.,. lu•II"'OtClllll_tf.,.,.Yr,'l ll!lwf"NN, hii~O'I'IOI¥1f111 hblnollo lniMr •odVI")'I llol'>o"l .. lhti'-~1.,1

    " u ..


    " " • " " " " It . .,


    " " " u ~ .. . u . . "


    " " ~ " " " " " ~"

    lntenor Tnm Malenals \loedl c... n ... - r-.. tu. • ""~'-" ~·l•ll.t..,....,.t~ofto;,_.ro;~totcu_.

    lOIIloKf'll l """' \leUIIo.; lhfnd pnmdes oee. ... ouiOI)tlo.~ ktthcotlh M orlfl"lothiOa .. u•eor bnJt-t-f,...,.tl n•lOfl'' "" roru all nylon r~o»,..,,tlto bnaN,.,r9nft:lf'tk .. IAw•'-l'ftn.l.o"ttfei.lo•.nent ,. • rl'l>

  • l>e••·,..fl lntl>or The ool'tl;'r fcdtna- mor~ m-frUhlr k.uho-ru•od on I 'H>! Cooll"l'i. t o$1.r~-l PI~~ - otller IKN!. Mt ,.,u.t~ta N> 4 d+~tnnt ~ca~m ~;111)11 f;w Hn>~ t111t -.t1 tl'ld .. ~h 8.,;~ " t'lt ~~«>4lrr ulor IQr lilt 1114wdnlt,'dt~~1t:l~lt«ori~M~rseats

    Hbrultllo:·ol(a 'T'tlm l\. a\'*'lal>lc o ~t,.()r1.::111 f..t>ro.."l .. lth ltother and · ·ln)l n~ lnlhtcnd .. og tu lhctc.pMthc ,.,.,s,.-;d~,o(;~ot;~.tNoh bi lhd dn•·.-r or.d pUo

  • lrl!lhidUII fro~• sell I< w~kb re"iru!l ohfle ")'lin•. cooMcvtandappcu;~roccf fort

    Door Trim P.an('Js

    Door mm p,11ncl.. of .. u-~.., .x,,IV',ote•her .,.,m then,.... door huo.I"'""'Ce" i ndc'"~""" trol$""ildle'! •nd p~dd~I~P"

    T ... !lo!Sft·-Wittd IIMI !f!U M hn~lfi Ill W$J 12- lll}i'>trf« w...,otn L:ont irotntal 'l'l>e btiJ,ill·~nlll'l 1\~101'1 ) ·am

    =:t~~~!;~::.":,~:;.,::~:~;=i:.~r~; lifcofc;otln nornoal..,_otr IIKI P31diS

  • Interior Features lh.tConplt.tely ncwm'IW....,.,t r "ncl •-•in¥ .. -hot! and dot mm IHIItd•. plu• chc more """""'~• r,.,.,,,. .. ,,h,.,·i ocn .. ro """""' '" (l~TL>• >hA!l~i ;o.r>e t>:IUIJ! (r>O~Uof r~ 5tand~rd o:q~oprno:nt

    I J...,oln ('r- toiP"..,.~••P"I•· "'' ...

    11'11 fOOI!ef '101/P!rot #1,'111t 1ft~ ~~iWift r»>(tflr"ll !bt fuel an.f !tlllP'!r~bn p~~Jn.

    (t)tlr~ "' trpo......ctcoot•d•-.d t"'L) "''""'• .,• ""'''" "rn•1hoellfwrpe~ ndWli~ (J)tL'Qin~IW

  • 1964 Lincoln Continental Radios A M R:~~dio-Pu\h· Kullon

    The otand::ord. punlrolknob, -aJJ\1~11 tbe \oiVone of ..,,....,, IM (mnl o r bad \fW'tkcr aftd can brim: front and m• 'P"~~cu m to b.,l;o..u. AU 1%4 models h•~ rur ''"" opuhu.

    c---1;:lilopottlt~ ·"'- " •nst.o.ILed on'"" rt&ht fl"(IOit '""'"""' . The ~onnont•lallc.J Tile op-tiond J>\1~-t>uuon AM-FM nd.o uooo the ~oametiK1ric-J)O'I'C."C\1 for pctWltll.l z.,.ay a;Jm.MI.I.~i~ation. (O>otiot'a\)

    Lrncoln(onlon 1600 kiloc)cle AM band plot1 88 10 1 {I ..v~uyclo! flo.t haft(!

    Ctls!Omt< "'oil >lOll« irroprove.l ~rform•nor of'""' AM·f\>lradl(lm~ralwus • FMJOund,.bttlrr than u~IAMo"ililio • Fwcr ' ""tPIH!Q '"'"lllfl.g from 'Pl'I'KliUitKm>fONf Drredioultu~ St&nlb lliovt eont~•Ldlr•r flldl!unkCOIIlptrlnl..t kcllll hlr 5ntd t~~t~~k W~Ih l:rtHCI"ckll(lr.klti~HllttWier.!orE$1qnrta"moldi~ts f ii(!OI'j-.~~Ud .... ..,.......,. , f•llltw od liltH Ory-t)rPf¢-~111-trrt-laro.rclon•r


    :::::.:1~ llltJit VJ~oty JI'Ul"JOf llln.llhtoiod·mulltllod-ll•rcreot.,.-.-.,...rQI" \1/l-.lculoutmaldill&' 6-"lo'))',.....tc'JI!II £111dric~owtrultl'olll A.-otiiC.-.rlolnJbrtb rdax ( lfdllcdJ ~lu liN" Ill N J..srlikdt:U ~IJ1>dorri~if»>tRrH.

  • ~"

    ll.tLii'~~~~~2~~~3ijiF. - :.;;!::,,. ~~:~;·'2 ------

    ....... _ """" .... ..,

    ft·e~"'"' ..... ~.7 .. SofvotrGtototn 46,16,6(:; Sliver S..rod 44.64.74 DeM!'I Slrod 44,64,(4

    ~··- 20;il,4f.H,70.76 Row l!l.70 Eow::onoY.-... 44,4e.f460.74.76


    16,5E,83.1l6.96 14 ,!14.1!14 14,!14,84 60,54S,!-8.ao.eJ,86.aa ~.58.80.88


    Lincoln Cont111entals Normally Need Service Only Twice a Year O..o! tt.•4·••!4tl" ~1M ~J'

    ... ....,,cnoh ..:1 r- _,.~eo.. ... l'lri.-hr.oHO

  • 1964 Lmcoln Continental Body Construction In tllcli,..;olnCoo•hwntatthe underbod)muc-lutal mcnbtn arc ..cldc,J thr« ll ) 1.:0 lho ~~ 14 lfll.ka tMf•- •nlftl'al..,,lhtheollod)•"'*-•1 n.a.W.tloo4,tl ...... \lotdl0fll!Mt"M) I"-11U~taru _ ...... r. ... -..1 ~-~ .. l"'IA~n&eplii'ber of -..dded·lOICihcr -·J"icrn.nonbl)'.tl04"'"-~ · 1~1 I~ • Kd C\lnlnl(n\1)' llw0111h t be ~lf""l''\lt.ptl \Jif f1brinuoa. The klr."'''8 l)u•rp•r.t«~

    • l.~r..,.rab.4nnl)'~docm..~ •Pft"«< ....... ~P""-,._ ... _ ~ ,....." ... rro..-~"""""''"• ... -re.-loot-

    • Vnnr;S.!'I..W PO"t ar'lltr cohr and reu body ...-... u.,.. .,u~ •""-urllo)lhctM-.,c budr.,.,.,.,;,

    .v .. ..w .. •k'•l ••~u H

  • Lincoln Continental Center-Opening Doors ~c .... ....,·,"' Cl'~, ... ~,.~ C:U .. I:On.~to-•llhl ___ .,._

    .....,._r..,.u..f~~-··~-~ ....,,.u ,...., oo&rJ - .rklnr .,.,nnor

    ........ r~w:~·-h~,._,.,.,'""""''_. W'llllln 10 \W'p ...,, 1111 dw·~ a •alit UAUO-Mr~l>peh~J

    Tltc brecr ~ ~~~ '"" f¥ 1-+M I '""Gin ( 'onu-nenlll, .. !"ord-rt"'r•.....:.•!lde"!.II'OdC dOOittf¥11 ... -~,.,, TIMI'iiMtl'~-~~...,._ llle .. lnllae ............................ It,~ Tile IIU 1~'1 • 1 ~ .... Cll' ~~'II II i"IODI•If'P '""' Wlltntllti .. l tkl .. llhi-..lllfl"'"". (ll!ftllt'S l )tl 1M llf•hl ~·· ,.,. 1«1.1 *~'"' "' pc!l.~,,. lh r1tblt lfiO(l k tiM"I ttl ... orot .. (lfto~l lllo:o\ a~d IUI!al.tsfJ'I'H.tWoRO•.,Io.+i,.ltiHI

    Ad•IJObl" ol lit ... 1-lllt•~t It!..:~- lA 1/1 Sel ««ltt••e '"~ t l_ ..,, ~•r-''fllllef:t. \l1 ltldl•••&ll~idcll 1Mit"''"""0n l.ln•·tt "• ......,, "'"' ~'"' '" rn.Ji.,"'ul •••11:1'1 (M UltOh 'IIII>JMt •"J • INOOCt •If '·h.o..t." ••i ... lt f.l r i«l ofO$OOIIil frrJ\o4"'"1 .... ,,1'w;:t(11'10tl'teodocoo"o INi•odw.l•••"'~ • •• _....,.,,..-.! o• .,._.,., ioon to cornr11.1¥~ .......... ~ •• .._(~

  • 1964 Continental Convert ib le Features The IH4 l.lnoo)! (lo~ a1 mlllolol"dom~ tlnt\1 • ctf '"•n ,_...Idled !(N' Q~IU)' .. 4 C\o:""'Yil kllUfft

    Tbe 1"'-' comott.bk (A)flt"-..e. ••Ill ~,. "iiNio•~ Ulod w.,l.o~o .... .oe -h ftulol .. 1.1 ruo .. n.Jr.tM l' loloi}CI•heelbonoCI)t"f'll\oll }' .... _, >lo)Of>•ft.J 4"~1~14f>o11o"'>!!ho:l-frol .... lrwlfbrpi..-,..,.rf;

    Thc:•odn'.IIQrwfkJP..rl.M4>t.JNICI'IfOWf~"'h. uo;. .. ~.•lkk1•rn>ll1f--.oab',. . ., ..., ..r ~ ___. .,...._ .._. ''" •c•-"


    Stw-11--.,.~.., ... u .. l-• ~1.11 .. -'-'*'• ,.,....,.... htlllllt _.... '-- --.... --a.,.,_ ... , __ .......... .. ---· ......... - ....... oclllf ...... _

    ==~-.. -.!::.::-.:.-:.-:-.·.:~:.'":: , .. ..,. .... _.," .... .............. ._ .. =:: .. ~·--...---·fll fM-'-tlflcMI1U..IooU--r o-. .. Oitlt-1 llt ro., .... ~ -"''"""~001101- o.tll>olo.:'•·•--•••--t.:~IU4tcllolfll., .... olt.,ootitll 11tho_ .. ~poo01 ....... 10."1_ ........... _ 0.1 ~- .. I .. ,., .. ___ II) lilt .... -ltowll

    .. ~ ....... -· ...-f ... ...., ...... ""'' ,.._ .... -... -............... -...... " ......... .,. n•• -l'llf alll~e ,," .. -""'• UJ"oc'• ~•ft•••• .. -QJh•••YM , . .,...., ., ... • -=--""' __ , ... _ , .................... .. =::.~::. ... :..: .. IIWtflflflff-n...;R.-'- ......... _._~ ~:::..:.!.:.""~c;,:=.: •• _n.. ____ ,_,. __

    ::=-.. ;::; .. ---.


    (~t"-t•l II:Oit•trtH. ~Chb;

    · ~triM....-~I)MJleotor>e•...,. -.UIIk.oiC.r

    t i!J.I.,t ll:to .. hrM-II•h .. lr_...._ ..... _...,, ............. • n, .. ,~ IDII...-ttie "'" 4...,. .-..... ..c., ..... , __ .....,.... - n...~,.,..--trtoi;Jie .... _ o fllt..,..,.I--IDII~flitllfi..,~Mf nn. .................... looah c., ..... bl """"'"~-"••,..•••""'lllfl( _,..,.. .......... ._,,...,..._t....,l:l',can """""l--...e ..... ..,. __ lllt.-,tiWII .. ""I .. "'f...,......,ll-

    0 Mirt15111it Tuo \llit"'WI

    , .. ~.., ... _.., .......... "' ---...... "'lb . .,....,. : W,.ei..U-.. .,_.. .rl>ldo•t ........ ~ lut-. A_,.,...... _..,.,....... ..... abot ... ·--- .. ......_.-"C_,...,._,._ l•U,•III .. trlnoW. ..... ,. .. ~.,~· ... ··•.W.,•tJ-... __ ..... _ _.. __ u'-'., --· ... ..... ,) c.n. •ott-a .... , ..... '"''"' ' ''0..~-'"-"' 0itlqll...,.._ lltc.tiOII~. S- S..-rtio!!Mideor-,4"'-'.

    s. ...... ~toll ., ... ~ .• - ... ., .. ""."'"' tt-"'-ddllonuttl .. ll:····tktot .... ~ l4ftt, hwt.tr . ..-1 Uo~ lw lloJWN .,...,~

    All-wl...,. MM >t nsbhc!..., 1M Nil -~ Ww • ""'"' lfltl"l IW IN 1M.t liKdl t11t- to,. Th1 beN,,. tl

  • Improved Body Insulation and Weatherseailng

    llo J) .~ ...... """ ......... . ""' "'' 111) .~ .. """' .. Oil -AITII"t io. ·!I·'*IIUJ~m.l!.UtlleUIKOiaC:ontltlf"';d "'U!llltr !laM •ndc~focrnd.• Q""' '"'"'.,""" .. "' ' ..,..,...6eln botll.illi•btoon t n.Jwt•ti>c-•l•h• IIIICOlnlll\.tlft,...,.-...e_ •• ~,.,. .... ... -"'-'~ 10011 tarn:1". TJwoo llnlt•c- b,-«-> .... . tloQ,....,,...n ... Jcr .. l....,~.,.·ra. ... .,....._ .. ;.. -~ M ..-.....i ib>.rt....., who'- tlw he.oo) ..,._ lo..,.l'l ~t>lnfo.c~--.n•••..,-t141'\o· nc• ·llul~ ... lli>ul•uo"ln rd.1 linn I lh~ 1luo.:l (>'II· m(' ...... ~· •llh "'" th;k ,..,~ pod _.,,114 '"'"'Vfldroo;Jie4mtk~ISIIMIOI'I tJ-.. [te$,_lhe .......... .._ MCHtltl .. ~lollt f~VlTk ......... t .... IMMiihlttl-tl ...,_.._,._ .. ,......,..nlllll.t.__. .. ull) ......... _ ....... ~ .............. "' ~ ................. ~ .......... . ...,.._,_ .,._ld"' ""'"' .. l"'l""*"t.oo'' ....... ..., l•t..,.da ... ,t~~f• lu lo"• ....,,,o-__ .,.l'd.loot141 t•ol~ff>$10lltri'"IIIW"~dll01-o"l lfld f~>tlll ... ,~,,.,. ,h;tlll ......... ltur6odo lilll_t..,_l,.. -Tilt- .... ~* ~ ... ro. ................... d'lll ...... ~ ,..,_.._._.,..... , .... ~ ...... ........ ...&y•••._..,.,.., .... _ Tk- ,_ "'*'"'* 1 .-.of~ -~~~-·elM urtot:. 01t lk-41•" - .... ~. "''"*" ,_,, ... (lOOt-.,_, ft~nfOI'jt,. Wlo"'r

    l lallf'O~Ml l ·liiY clnlft Ylhts IGr setl!•t•Nt II...,. loolt1 1~ ••1l.oliM.,. 1.,.1 li...,n Coot._•*- doeu l"'w "~·- _,,~. Ill 1 rdbt< '"''' .,.,.._.., ...._ l ...... _. ••• ,., ..... .,.,. ~- ....,-,... ..-~-.,. ..... ,..,. ... ,,.._ ...... to•l-

    -~· fKWIY·i ...... uMt'tollr .. II qoor .. Ill llrl --~-c~~nw~ ... ,tlt,._..._IM,..."' ...... I'NI-...,. • .,~-tn ......... ,, ... , lfMflfl. ,, .. , .... Md)!Ji r..:llill.lhlwl .. fl'lottotpi•cll''wofttlnpt I'>IIINCIIWt olt•••oo•Pntllo.rtlltll'lllltletlf'l

    ""''" \u- ..,,..,...,_ ...... 1- ............ ,_, .,,. -,.,WIW'-... 1< IW,_tM,.,., ,_.._,.. ~-...... "' n..,._ ..... ..,,_. .... ,., .. , ;....,J,.W ....... ·----114 .,. '""4

  • 1964 Lincoln Continental Seats

    lli~liK)ItsofS~o~p4:"10r ft111111'H :

    o Al .. klwn ~.n, l~~~: IC.t.l u:.bioou aoJ «at· IN..h,.botll.froe~ta!ld ru.r.

    o Fd)'_pnldcd_t~i:pn~

    • \cdan-~~oid1tl n .... r... ,.,.., .. J .. taNt ................ or~. "llloe~_ ... ............__, ___ 1')'t'C

    ~l• nwaoNdo"'rocr l••••~t-«lhe ..,..,,.uru..,•.x\i.nun!oOflo.Tot•t•tw-.•tw fn>a~•.W "'' .-.:ufu

  • lJioo*Coo l.-~'-1)014trlld fl'f'~ ~- II ICcnd~IOO'IOI _,, "-•llwilh •-tonh"'''"·~a •JICI«lle hi IMP If ~-r...a. *"-f&. -111141 *"._.,•C TM ...,. -''"1 "'- ...-rtl lilt t~en• -~~~ ..,,. Mtn""diN4.CtM .. I.-YIWo~

    """ ..... t.. '-- ......... ., ,,~.-""& •tt~~•fMI•t ........ .._ ....... ~ ...... -o.. ..... .- ....... "",,..•"""""at *'b '• c.t'"lll ..._. ... _.,...,. • •c .,._., ull .._ ............... ~lit .............. ,_

    SMell ... ,., .,., ... _ , ......... C...0flltlj.., ... .._._""..,,_,lol ...... ...u.M.., ..... ........, _, _._. llotarc:tAM C8dlol _.. rllld-Y ~

    nomtlt~"t ,..., t11 .,._,. lk ....,, ._"' _.,...a,~~~..,.,..._.,. .......... ,..,IN lfll"•tMk

  • Baked-On Enamel Produces True-Color F•msh l"""*'C""'•"UI,,_top«ollta• ·.,.t•h'tR'Itttt••~al stt!GI·Itl II' 1M o..t~:oi.'J fw ,..,.., h r 196', ta.iOI\Oil ....... ~ ,, ... ,..,. tottl·"""'.ntl Ull lll(tetwl ~

    ·~-10'''''"''~--.. • IM'Y•• ..... po'llldl.ll~ tl lot"toloC(IIIIIrltfl111 11oDd!'lt art N 1"1U"6oCitcllloottl 'htl ~OOJif1111tiiUIIJCI

    Mil IWI:-1 r N11of I~ agno,sJ~ t;h!OJ ""'*' hi ,_cMI•tW""'

  • Electncal Features lhw Ned.- I-ns '-' lilA """"'~ llloOit-llt. loocfl .-..~• rt,MMIMtfos.oauiiMtii...,«~Phi_, J_ lm N~tl c--.~ akl¥t CllftiMIIIIIH l iiXIr. LM~I·IIII lltlell~t-TIIil ~·fl tth•flohiJ ~ ""'•

    - IN~ litht~t mCrt ~~ ... ifw. lht K IVIU 1!11 If ,,.,. .... tlrr$L TR-~....,_t-.-tll

    - 11taGJ ..... ,...,.__IItrt4..cM-ttbiW ................... lfbaOI, .. ,_ ,_ ...... ,...

    ........................... tsa.-.. .. ..... , .. _ ........ , ............ ~"' ....... _,.,...., .. _ _, ...... ,.... .,. ~~ ... wlii:ItfCI~I'Itllt\.IIIIO fttl

    -.. '''"'''flt""•• I'Jypa~to•illwJI,.."""t•tolttMot ~IIII"'OIIOfbttln ll'eudlol.. Ollttt W,~IM1 n1Jo01 Mritlll u "'ill'ld- IIUMfJIIMrt, ... llJ~ ..... ......... .... .. ' ....,.. .-t ...... __.. . ... rtl~ tlo• """"'" ... _ ...... w.lf-.~ .......... ... ....,.,., ... -~ ....... -~ ltJ,.... ••••-'ll•tt--.....,,...~ r~oo.. ,..,_._.llll.,a.,..tc..r

    - . lllt ....... d.ii_t,~ ........ 1etiltP. .. , ..... M••IJICtftSIDielca- '" 11111 .. t t.- ~~- 1-.1

    lonl·hlt IHIIM !11 IIJt..rt. bltlo If lo£llh, llr• tl t Q!s ....... k•' llllll!L

    WW•qtGrtller .... jllrtfi .. WfiM"-•fWrl.-sM ...... P'.-tllll~·-1 .. "" .......... .... ,., ............... ,., ... ._....,..__,,..,. ......... ~_,_ .. ........ lpol/tll IWihll. fl

  • Lincoln Continental V-8

    n.. t-uolt-(.ufAi.lla.,t-.. c.~

    t ... w.n.~ oorcot.reop.1riiWIITirlllbuo.•lr>K

    ~~~" • "'*''-'l • lt IUB Olll"$1h (Qf the a&l!~u~ ..00 ''"'U'IIiuion tro,l\,mtl"t I I'M.

    " HIIt-16 , , ,,., ... P iiUlll• (

  • 3-Stage Cooling System In oloo~ J.-•L>l }j · f'.hilflc"tPnally by •

    ~OC.:~~~-~::.:'"!,,'!:,tc;".:r~"'!';::!•, rrot..:-Tlw $0..~0 w:>lut oo" .... ,..,.,the boili"l pointappro•i· rnlttdy 10 h.tlhcr t lua p la.Ja "'at.-lwo~•l'fJ"UlcMtrttf/o.Np/MII"~Itl .)

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  • 4-barrel Carburetor lli4·UtrJIUitut«KIGof~l .. llko~Con•"'~tltll ~-l otor4•1•t.t'""'"ot~~lof lt.cNo

    IIOik4 1.>) IC"'Dfr~tu""o(.,.,..,..ovl~014 in ·'"' f,.;.inc u ... c-..c~ ,., to,. tP"'II(I'•tuR """'ten ... eVw"" .._....,._, .. .,._... __ c~,.-~ toMH•_._..

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  • Engine Lubrication ,., ........ ~ •• ot.ll .. .,.,.~ ..... .., ....... , ......... dJocM ..... ~ ....... "" .... l!ll'll.ot .... ~ .... ......,_ ...... ....,. .... ........ o•...,-~ ........... ._.~ .. ....... lfdDIJ';.tohd~rf14 ... ~·n.e.,.....u ~lllotll ..... ..-.., .. ~ ................. _, ... ~,..~"'IN - WriiiMffMin .,OWMhltl'lto:l~ l ittltd..WII"tt4tooleoootll"'nllt .,......, IOIIorrRt lllltleflll.

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  • Cont1nent al Rear Axle

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    A ~bl'lt •t~te:~tr _.a,.,.., .. , }lltf!t ••• • r-.~ !llf1.cm-i•:trltoooiC10t4fi•IN1\ ., ... , •• ,.U. frte. 1 ~1 tOf!!.'-'nj O'f'l ... .l'Y JOn~ CUfl\itl"l of twt UO!• ~rt.II)'IIII!IIC .... ~byletlllttotiCd"'ICI,I$1111\I Ied

    ···~ ~ ., ,..,.._ •• ..-.o..ot thad ri~Stfllt cltM fwtte U.IIORIIS .. Iill ...... ltloloper .... 'oi .. NJM¥dt---. ......... lblr ·-l¥.. 1r_,.,j tDitll •• .....,. ..,.... 41N01', ft IIIStlllloCI .. tl• I ... UCI'!II"'"I' """tll""'"rU•'l llw loo!t"f JOd'l• (IIHl!l~ .r!«l'l1" ••l......,. ~·M .,_ .....-&. 't.oo fll !lot...,._ MMito-............ ,...,~.-..a·l,_.f'l'!...._ . .,. ..... ., .• _4·-.-...11 .. ,.. ,.,....._, .. .._ ................. -""""'~"'-" (lffteletrlol•lMhii..,,Orw,.._..,drMlflli'l t«100fr"llol~ll'tflor¥ftni!IS.. TorQU I-\OidlfMI trl~ii(Hh•tiii'Glll~~·f\lbbl

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    Rubber-Cushioned Steering System l~olr~~ Coooo .. 4oc•~or she:-..-. "" $1-·•cml~"'" (IOSit.Drl ~-~ tiM l~ll 11'1• of tr~tl lit"- HI" t 'HI "lO" .1.41ntr.t•tol'tM\Iol"ladcenlliiU~eioenJ_I .,.,I~•• tk3'>! 'lfO~t. fj, bult$0!ro "' f"'e :lUI~- Tllo fkenng tolumll~-..;toOt~ tk-,,...1, ~ •ttndl~-44t·~fllf:t!1Cill· ,; II'Yiftei«j>t lotlitiii.erllsell lO &~e..,.rtnu•lltllllllf)Mllbet1lffflllll'!leel lr>4 SUI fot U$01"f entrUOIIM eli~

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  • 17us llo'or .... tl k>li ~tly riCU"Ihtlrcot •npl""""" f"mllll to:lf.

    ~!Jbtf Mut.to's .t•• ~""'odecl .t l6 ''~"'""' ~t,....,penMoo I.1]1 ~IIMMntiM ~PP"' MISI'f!lt.OII tlllll101f! lfftllole setllll~,lllllflleelslr. hxWil ploce•,I•IHQPel tf,tnoot•t

    SllperiorCoovcrtiblc RM!c

    Sdto'lli~l1 clt!itntdtiiiii1Wfle/1Up1Kec1 Jt lowtonm tf tile Melt' ti•ellliCOI~ ~11\oltoW ton•tf'llblfl 11M u rne I MNdoMidO

  • l.on;dll e,·!Ufllo r.,-lonF"ltf•

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  • Lincoln Continental Brake System Lont6IMI ('....,._,.1 ....... P ,,,. .... •IIIli t.bc IIMot Jllio!Ou• .. •u•lot-W •nd ,.,,. .... - Ul -lio!IIOoo410'...,._•_..,.,.,.,t.._..,.__. ,.._,.,.._ft'CI_!rl.lntfJio",.....lrfln. \--~C1 .. ~-- .. ··•I.o*•tdll111ft .. w .. u .. ,,. .. ,.,."""I""'•-••MidiW..• ~ .. -... ... _... -~• ,__,...,, r""""" •J.J·-JI(Iul f"('•fl-1-.1 ·-~ •-hc'lll ....,K ~ ...... " IOIJt •~.ui•W.. L•(l• ••th .U ~-.lUll .._.w c ·~ .. a. .. re ...,tf-.KltY>t•t •~ 1-1 ~lll...,..tl . .......... ~llltwol••llrltltiS'~wt'l ... ~prll'o'o(le

    IMtlwlirllo'lll ... f\.lldt"iHIOI·I-

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  • New H1gh-Effic1ency Tires

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    ... .-odumon of tbt llldt4• ,......._ .. .,.~_ .. ,.JI...,. ,, ....... ," ...... , ...... l• a- -••,n .. , ... _ .... ~ .............. . A•-·botll Cllf •II _.,._ ..... ~tl T ... ..... IMO.II MI'tl