18 March 2008 Cape Town

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Umalusi’s presentation to the Education Portfolio Committee on the 2008/9 Strategic plans and budgets. 18 March 2008 Cape Town. Overview. Introduction Vision, Mission and Goals Key Result Areas 2008/9 Budget Three Year Budget Forecast Conclusion. Introduction. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 18 March 2008 Cape Town

Umalusi’s presentation to the Education Portfolio Committee on the 2008/9 Strategic

plans and budgets18 March 2008

Cape Town



• Introduction• Vision, Mission and Goals• Key Result Areas• 2008/9 Budget• Three Year Budget Forecast• Conclusion



Umalusi’s mandate lies in the objects of the GENFETQA

Act No 58 of 2001: • To establish a quality assurance body to ensure that

continuous enhancement of quality is achieved in the delivery and outcomes of the general and further education and training sectors of the national education and training system;

• To develop a quality assurance framework for the general and further education bands of the NQF; and

• To regulate the relationship between the National DoE, SAQA and other ETQA bodies, providers and the Council


Vision & Mission

Umalusi Council and staff are committed to a vision of continuous improvement of quality and standards in

general and further education and training, and a mission that obligates them, as experts and leaders

in the sector, to promote quality and secure standards by

• confirming that assessment is fair, valid and reliable;

• quality assuring the provision of education, training and assessment providers,

• monitoring the adequacy and suitability of curriculum and qualifications,

• in order to issue learners with certificates that are credible.



To:• Promote quality and appropriate standards • Assure quality and standards through quality assurance of

assessment, monitoring of qualifications and curriculum and the quality assurance of providers ;

• Continuously develop in-depth knowledge and expertise in mandated areas;

• Issue appropriate and credible certificates of learner achievement in terms of specific qualifications and subjects;

• Provide reliable and credible leadership and guidance in quality management and in the assurance of standards;

• Ensure financial efficiency and sustainability of the organisation; and

• Determine expectations and appropriately respond to these within the parameters of Umalusi’s mandate.


7 Key Result Areas

1. Improving and maintaining the system for quality assuring assessment for certification

2. Establishing and implementing a system for evaluation and accreditation of providers

3. Establishing and maintaining a system to certify and quality assure qualifications and curriculum

4. Developing and implementing a system for research and development

5. Developing and maintaining management support structures and governance

6. Ensuring that Information Technology systems are established, maintained and improved

7. Ensuring that finance, human resources and administrative support systems are maintained and improved


Quality Assurance of Assessments 2008/9



Quality assurance of assessment maintained and improved

Question papers moderated- NSC – 104, SC (dependent on DoE list for 2009)

NCV (level 2) – 39, NCV (level 3) – 45NCV (level 4) – (dependent on offerings in 2009)ABET – 46

N1 to N3 - (dependent on phasing out for 2009)Marking standardized-

NSC – All 39 national subjectsABET – All learning areasNCV – All fundamentals and sample of core / vocational subjects across level 2 & 3

Moderation of CASS-NSC Sample of subjects across provinces to cover all national subjectsABET – Sample of learning areas across provinces -all learning areasSample across independent assessment bodiesNCV – Sample of at least 50% across level 2 & 3


Quality Assurance of Assessments 2008/9

Outcomes IndicatorsMonitoring of exams-

SC- 150 sitesAbet-50 SitesN1 to N3- 100 sites including NCV

Moderation of Common Tasks for Assessment ( CTA’s)-

GET schools- 18 learning areasIEB-GET-10 learning areas

Standards for assessment articulated and maintained

Standardization policy for NSC 2008 implementedStandardization of-

NSC – All national subjectsABET – All learning areas (National and IEB)NCV – All level 2 & 3N1to N3 – All subjects


Evaluation and Accreditation 2008/9

Outcomes Indicators

Accreditation and monitoring system for providers of education and training maintained and extended

Provisional accreditation and monitoring of private institutions and their programmes, across sectors-

610 Schools280 FET Private Colleges, including their sites170 SETA ETQA FET providers referred to the DoE (for registration)200 AET Centres

Provider Monitoring-Site visits160 Schools, 110 FET Colleges, 32 Public FET Colleges and sites55 AET Centres

Monitoring reports-

610 Schools,130 FET Private Colleges, including their sites80 AET Centres

Provider workshops-

8 Schools, 8 FET Colleges, 8 AET Centres


Evaluation and Accreditation 2008/9

Outcomes IndicatorsAccreditation and monitoring system for Assessment Bodies maintained and extended

Monitoring of new and existing assessment bodies-

5 Public assessment bodies (Existing)5 Private assessment bodies (Existing)2 Private assessment bodies ( New)

DoE NCV evaluation completed and reported on

Self-evaluation reports received from 9 PDE’s, IEB Systems evaluations completed and reported on

Public provision monitoring system conceptualised and initiated

Monitor the quality management and assessment capacity i.r.o NSC and NCV in a sample of provinces

Colleges monitored for state of readiness to deliver NCV

Provisional accreditation instruments reviewed for FET colleges

FET colleges self-evaluation reports anticipated and reported


Qualifications, Curriculum & Certification 2008/9

Outcomes IndicatorsUmalusi’s framework and policy to develop and monitor standards of qualifications and curriculum is established

•The qualifications framework for GFET finalised and approved by the Council and regulated by the Minister•Directives for qualification and curriculum development and evaluation finalised and piloted•Framework for quality assurance of practical subjects developed•Consultation commenced with QCTO and other stakeholders

Qualifications and curricula evaluated and approved

•Strategy developed to manage transitional arrangements for existing NQF qualifications transferred to Umalusi in its extended role as QC•National Subject expert panels appointed and trained for the evaluation of existing qualifications and curricula for: NSC, NCV, GETC: ABET and FETCs (ICSA)•Evaluation reports generated•Standards set and curriculum developed for new qualifications as identified•Database for qualifications and curriculum improved and maintained•Internal cross unit meetings extended to include qualifications and curriculum


Qualifications, Curriculum & Certification 2008/9

Outcomes IndicatorsDevelopment and maintenance of policy for certification of learner achievements

•Learner certification processes ensured•Workshops on NSC directives conducted•Visits to assessment bodies’ sites to quality assure certification processes for NSC•A new certification system for the NCV 3 and NSC is tested•Manual for users of the certification system is reviewed •Certification policies and processes coordinated with relevant stakeholders•Periodical quality improvement meetings with SITA and the DoE to assess the performance of the system and other related issues•Certification guidelines, directives and formats are disseminated•New certificate designs developed and approved for new qualifications•Certification paper specifications maintained and provided/Sita printing•Processing of verifications improved ( 212 000 verifications anticipated)•Records on fraudulent certificates maintained and reported


Qualifications, Curriculum & Certification 2008/9

Outcomes IndicatorsProvider and stakeholder relationships extended and maintained

•Workshops for the review of the 2007 SC , N3 and NC(V) level 2 results – June 2008•Workshop for the Implementation of NSC Guidelines and Directives for Certification by Assessment Bodies –September 2008•Annual provider workshops conducted•Consultation workshops conducted with stakeholders•Participation in orientation workshops for new assessment bodies


Research and Development 2008/9



Research is planned, implemented, managed, and research findings are shared in the organization

Research reports-Technical report for African benchmarking project Analysis of CASS results Consultation with DoE around Level 5 qualificationsMaintaining standards results to DoE for use in 2008 matric examsLanguages for learning research conductedReview of level 1 curriculum conducted / Evaluation of GET curricula Research conducted into vocational subjectsResearch plan for Languages ASECA research fed into DoE workshopLiterature review on accreditation, monitoring & evaluationResearch into FET college examinations New standardisation approach implemented

Resource Centre Management

Public events-Series of seminars on improving public schooling African benchmarking / research-related seminars


Management Support Structures 2008/9

Outcomes IndicatorsOrganisational planning and implementation and review of plans

•Co-ordinated plans, reports and policies vetted and approved by Council ( 4 Council, 4 Exco, 3 Audit committee meetings planned)•Customer service audit conducted ( April)•Networking with stakeholders

Stakeholder relations established and managed

•Meetings with political structures, educational institutions, other statutory bodies•Engagement and collaborative work with other bodies

Public relations programme implemented

• internal and external communications managed•Enhanced participation in public debate•Umalusi media profile improved•Corporate identity strengthened

Organizational governance is maintained

•Governance meetings conducted •Council programmes adhered to•Key matters presented to Council / Committees and information sharing


Information Technology 2008/9

Outcomes IndicatorsIT systems established, maintained and improved

•Gap analysis done for the Accreditation and M.I.S system•Website maintained•Developed system to accredit new assessment bodies for non-DoE qualifications.

Certification IT programme effectively supported (programme link to QCC unit)

•Maintained system per policy•Participated in IT steering committee for the new FETC system•Development according to project plan for NCV levels 2-4•Developed system for National senior certificate candidates•Developed system for certification of new assessment bodies for DoE qualifications.

Adequate computer hardware and software in place to support operations

•Equipment procured and installed as required ( Disaster recovery plan)•Software procured and properly licensed•SLA managed with designated providers•Effective utilization of IT resources ensured in a secure environment•Effective network support in place


Finance & Administration 2008/9

Outcomes IndicatorsFinance and accounting systems maintained and improved

•Internal controls, risk management, auditing, reports to committees, Council and PFMA requirements met to ensure no audit qualifications

Accounting for, and collection of revenue

•90% debt collected

Payments made for goods and services

•Creditors paid timeously per agreement•Organisation adequately resourced

Surplus funds invested •Surplus funds invested with CPD per Investment Policy

Fixed assets registered, labeled and monitored

Register, label and monitor assets•Count and verify assets on a six-monthly basis

Building and security systems maintained and improved

•Alterations effected to accommodate organisational requirements (Capex R 3,3 m)•Security / access control systems improved


Human Resource Management 2008/9

Outcomes IndicatorsHuman resources managed

•Human resource policies and procedures implemented and improved•Appointment of staff in line with HR policies• HR Administration monitored and audited

Staff development

processes in place • Staff performance managed• Staff development strategies and plan implemented•Identified skills and competency short-comings•Training programmes implemented•Submit workplace skills plan / report to ETDP Seta•Conduct monthly internal training sessions for the admin cadre

General services provided

•Reception, telephone and cleaning services maintained and improved


Income Budget 2008/9

Accreditation Fees 450 000

Certification Fees 18 298 000

Department of Education Grant 15 929 000

Interest 520 000

Reserve Funds 5 293 960

Verification Fees 3 450 000

R 43,940,960

As approved by the Minister of Education on 9 December 2007


Expenditure Budget 2008/9

Quality Assurance of Assessment 8 250 000

Evaluation and Accreditation 1 955 000

Qualifications, Curriculum and Certification 1 800 000

Research and Development 1 546 750

Management Support Structures 1 349 929

Information Technology 5 814 613

Finance and Administration 6 462 533

Human Resource Management 16 762 135

R 43,940,960


3 Year Budget Forecast

2008/9 2009/10 2010/11

R 43,940,960 R 46,637,472 R 53,672,594

Y/Y Percentage Increase/(Decrease)

(15%) 6% 15%


Total Income 2000/1 ( actual) to


2000/01 R 6,150,786 0 0

2001/02 R 7,027,948 0 0

2002/03 R 13,757,861 R 1,513,000 11

2003/04 R 18,076,902 R 3,050,000 17

2004/05 R 23,547,626 R 12,869,000 55

2005/06 R 28,603,979 R 7,690,000 27

2006/07 R 32,972,345 R 10,286,000 31

2007/08 R 51,636,963 R 12,652,000 25

2008/09 R 43,940,960 R 15,929,000 36

2009/10 R 46,637,472 R 22,487,472 48

2010/11 R 53,672,594 R 27,983,094 52



Challenges include:• the mapping and integration of all unit processes to

culminate in an effective Management Information, Records System and Retention Strategy,

• Establishment of a new unit (SIR) within the current budget,

• QA foundations for school, college and adult education is in place i.r.o. QA assessment, curriculum and certification, and provision - Umalusi is ready to engage the Department of Education and related stakeholders on the improvement of quality in these sectors,

• The NQF review - consultative processes amending the Acts have begun with the DoE, etc



Thanks to the portfolio committee chairperson Prof. Mayatula and his members for their support.