18 Checklist to Solve Time Management Biggest Problem

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 18 Checklist to Solve Time Management Biggest Problem

One of biggest problem in time management is lack of focus, priority, and not grounding in present. Below are 18 checklist you can use to eliminate the problem and build better

habits in your daily life:


1. Set Priority and Goals


Know what you want and what you actually need to do. Divide those thousand things to do and list them based on priority and goals. In timely

manners, know what's urgent and whatnot.


2. Don’t procrastinate


This one is easier said than done. There are few method to eliminate this habit. But first thing, tell yourself that you really

want to get rid of it.TIMEDEFT.COM

3. Time block your day

and schedule


Know exactly when to start and when to end. Set the clock, let's say at 9am to 10am, you're going to answer that stack of emails then at 10am you're

going to start drafting legal agreement until lunch. This is very

simple thing but sometime your mind trick you into "i'm going to start

working after i'm feeling the mood". You won't until it's too late.


4. Organize your data


Tidying up your data saves time whenever you need

it. You don't want to spend your precious 24

hours searching again the stacks you had done


5. Develop a routine


Don't switching around task whenever it comes to

your mind. Develop a routine. This makes you more efficient, because your mind and body get

used to it. TIMEDEFT.COM

6. Institute systems and



There are routines in your daily life that consuming time yet you

can't avoid it for one or two reason. In this case, try to build

system that automate those procedure. Make it like conveyor

belt. Don't dull your creative mind to do repetitive tasks.


7. Set boundaries


Know what's your limit. Drawing a line

what you're NOT going to do is as important as what you're going to.


8. Use your calendar for

appointments and to dos


Human mind, while it's wonderful thing that build this civilization it's

also have some weaknesses. Memory is one of the weaknesses. Using tools

could help you a lot. This also free you mind to get creative. In most

smartphone today, there is calendar application, use it as reminder of your

appointment as well as to do list.


9. Use action steps for

items on your to do list


We all crave for the least effort to get something. This applies in to do list. If you doesn't specify the real step on

how you're going to finish those task, it's easier for your mind to give an excuse. By writing down the action

steps, you can do it right away while your mind might be screaming to

drag to water cooler talking about the bar last night.


10. Stop multi-tasking


It's counter intuitive. And it's backed by science. Multi-tasking kills productivity. Our brain is not

capable to multi task at all. What it can do is switching rapidly

between task. This is not how brain designed, therefore requires alot

more energy than it should do. Just focus on one task at a time.


11. Keep your workspace



This goes just like organizing data. Saving

time, saving money, saving life. Surprised to

see how your desk affect your entire life?


12. Organize your news



Are you familiar with those early hours or after lunch browsing time to "update news"? Are you familiar too that, in the

internet, one thing could lead to another, before you know it you sneak peek that Game of Throne this season

trailer? Keep your news and information flow organized by using RSS feeds. This

also prevent you to get information overload, a disease of internet age.


13. Automate social



Priority. Compared to your work, sharing picture of your lunch to your friend (which been tired of it) might not

really significant. Automate it help you get benefit of both.


14. Schedule time to engage in social media and stick to it


One little peek to facebook notification might lead to another

Game of Throne trailer. Even worse, it might bring back your happy memory

of your delusional ex.TIMEDEFT.COM

15. Check email at specific



Avoiding distraction is the key to finish that

10 centimeters height stack of document you

have to read.


16. Learn to say no


"Hi, are you busy how about helping me find out why the printer is not working again?"

NO. That's why.


17. Get appropriate amounts of sleep


Staying up late working, while it sounds cool to the first

jobbers, it's actually dangerous. Those little

zombies inside you creep next moring and digest your

focused mind for the rest of the day. Not cool.


18. Know your most

productive time of day


Some people are like got their power from the sun. When the sun rise, their pool of energy is open. Morning is the

most productive time for them. While the other people got the energy from the

afternoon wind. When the sun ready to set, they are injected by some productive fuel. The other type is friend of darkness.

The night comes in, idea comes out. Know your time, and use it optimally

during this precious hours.


A Bonus One, 19. Delegate


Divide your to do list based on level of urgency and importance. If it's urgent and importance, do it by

yourself, do it now. If it's not urgent and importance, put it on you

calender when to do it. If it's urgent and not importance, delegate. It

saves your time. The last is if it's not urgent and not important, why are we

talking about this?