175!J Personally appeared in presence of undersigned witnesse

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Transcript of 175!J Personally appeared in presence of undersigned witnesse


Personal l y appeared i n presence of undersigned witnesse:Gi l bert Dumont, who of f r ee wil l & consent transfer toto Etienne David & his wife , a piece of property mea sur ­ing 1 arpent & a hal f f r ontage,vnth all bui ldings &impr ovement s thereoh.Also a negress 1-2

Befor e Not ary in Pointe Coupee,Pi e r r e Ri ca rd,st or e-ke epe]for the Ki ng ' s War ehouse in this Colony,declares to have

day retained & entered in partnership f or 3 yearswith Francois Mar cant e l &wife, inhabitant s i n this Col on:and authorizing them t o t ake possession of a pl ant ati onsa i d partnership ending in 1762... 1-2

In the pr esence of t he Royal Not a ry of La. r es iding in N.appears Louis Baure,Officer of the Citizens' 1li l i t i a ofIllinois,presently in t hi s city, who anticipating hi sr eturn to Ill . grant s a general Power of At t orney toJean Mi l het , wherei n he author i ze s Jean Mi l het to r epffresent him & adninister all of hi s affairs dur i ng hisabsence · 1-4

Succes s i on of Sr . &Dame Faz ende . Auct i on Sal e

By notarial act, Dame Catherine Huber t Bellair , widow ofChns . Guy Favre Daunoy, tutrix of her minor childrenauthori zed by a f~~ily meet ing decree, sel l s &tran sfer sto Claude Jos.Villars Dubreui~ & unimproved t ract ofl and known as " The Little Desert" situated about 2 leag­ue s above t he cit~' on the right bank of the river 1- 4

Succes s i on of D'Auberville,Division of the as sets of thesuc ce s s i on bet we en the minors & wi dow 1-10

Dame Mar i e Pascal, vndow of Francoi s Gourdeau,surgeonof the Ki ng i n thi s ci t y , appears before cle r k of t he S. Cof the Pr ovi nce of La. & declare s t hat her husband havingdied in an Engl i sh prison,having been ar r ested whileenroute from France to this Colony,whe f ears he oontraot econsiderable obligations,therefore she r enounces all ofher Co_unity Rights in his suooes~ion 1-11

Ol ogr aphio vnll of Pier r e Theston de Si legue 1-10


Inventory of pr ope r t y &. community property of SrBoisdore &. Na del a i ne Devert , hi s wi f e 1-9

Narr i age Contract I Louis Barbaud Boisdore, wi dm"er ofMar i e IA. Devert &. Mar guer i te Daussin 1-14

Auct i on sale of slaves. On request of Pelletier de lanoussaye,Ni colas C. Lefreniere proceeds t o the off iceof t he Cler k of t he Council to conduct the sale 1-16

Proces Verbal of f amily meeting hel d in behalf ofsaid minor s by order of Descloseaux on petition ofDame Var i e Pascal, wi dov{ of Francois Goddeau, for thepur?ose of considering the advisability of selling aport i on of gr ound on which t her e is a balance due 1-17

Sue cessi on of George &. Catherine Poeg 1-17

,- Agreement of compromise by &. between J.B. Heldre,known a s Colmar, and Agnes St aing hi s wife 1-1 7

Proces Ver ba l of family meet i ng.Appoi ntment of t utorand under-tutor to the minor children of Sir Dernvilleand hi s deceased wife, Madame Pelagie Fleuriau 1-19

Succes s i on of Sr .&. Dame Mor i s set . Auct i on Sal e 1-21

Relinquishmen~ of land. By not arial act at Poi nte CoupeFrancoi s ~mrcantelle &. his wi f e , relinquish t o Pi er r eRicard, also present &. accepting hal f of l and, s~ave s

cat t le &. buildings which t hey acquired from Mar ie Colobseparated in property &. \~fe of Antoine Sar r azin 1-22

Mar r iage Contract. Valentin Jautare, &. Magdelai neFourneau, widow of Ignace Bonpierre 1-29

War r ant y sale by notarial act of a certain port i on ofgr ound , with bldgs.thereon situated in t he eity ofN. O. mea suring 36 ft. front on Bourbon st., by a depthof 120 ft 1-29


Petition for Family Meet ing. Dame Mar i e Pascalwidow of Francois Godeau , late surgeon for the King, declares

,'- ) that her l at e husband having gone to France in t he--- service of His ~Ajesty on a boat commanded by Daiguillc

and was returning to the Colonies on the boat "MarchancLe For-bune" when he was captured by the English & putin j ail i n Plymouth where he died. She being l eft wit !5 children she pet itions the ~S . C to issue notice tof amily & friends to electex a t utor... 1-29

Not ar i a l Act lease by Dame Mar ie Jo s.Roy,vdfe of VigerAbsentee,to Lalanda &Duvi vier, of a hou se , 1-30

Antoine Regnis renounces all 'r i ght s in & toion of Antoine Regnis,late sergeant of thein this Colony .

the succe seSwi ss Co.,


Pierre Dutillet, his wife Jeanne lmret Dupuy, the Sr .Gui l l aume Boisseau &his wife Mar ie Maret Dupuyall above personally appear ed b efore Royal Notary fordi vision & partition of the succe ss i on of Sr & DameMar et Dupuy 2-2

By notariel act, Sr. Denis Braud,merchant of t his cityrelinquishes t o Francois Cnminada,also merchant ofthis city the sum of 2307 livres 2-7

Pet i t i on of Fr ancoi s Demouy i n his own name and astutor to hi s minor brothers & sisters, for convokati.of family meeting to deliberate on sale of planta-tion et c 2-9,10

Pierre Cadis, former Capt.of the boat" Joseph de laMartinique, describes the capture of said boatby an ~ English Brigantine. 2-10

By notarial act,Nicolas Delisle Dupart as husband ofDame Julie Larche, acknovuedges having received fromJos. Chaperon, former tutor of Dame Jul ie Larche , a l lpr operties etc, from t he succession of her parents____2..16 _




Jac . Delachaise, r esident of N.O. & highest bidder f orl and & plantation of the l ate Dubreuil, appeared beforethe Procurator of the King &pr esented as his suretySr .Ant oine Chauvin Desill est . 2- 12

Mar r i ag e Cont ract, Rob ert Ant oine Robin de Loguy, andJeanne Dreaux 2-17

Lafor cade &Dargent on , request permi s sion t o sel l 7arpents of land " 2-21

Agreement by notarial act between co-he i rs of de ceasedGirardy 2- 23

Rochemore, approv­of minor children



Pursuant t o an order of Hon . Judge deing a fami ly meet ing of the r elativesof t he l ate Sr. & Dame Demouy.

Las t wi l l & t e stament of Fiaire Ferrand Dar bl ay. 3-15

Mar r i age Cont r act , Ant oine Lalande & Dame FrancoiseRoquigmy, widOiT of Louis Pugeol 1st mar r i age &" HenryRoquigny by second marriage 3-20

Poncet l iving on pl antat i on of Sr . Decous, l ocat ed atEnglish Turn,declares t hat at t he time of Decous forFrance he engaged pl a int i ff to buy 150 deer skins whi chwer e in t he tannery & guar ant eed to be good. Aft erpurchas ing the skin s he found onl y 140 skins & t hesepartly damaged 3-25

Succ e ssion of Sr . Francoi s Songy & Dame Mar ie Paline,hi s 'rife 4-10

Succession of Sr . Jean Simon Armand 4- 16

Marr iage ContractBLaCroi x

Joseph Zer ingue & Agat he Hubert LaCr4-18

--------Mar r i age-Cont r act '-Ant oi no-Bor del on-&-Mar i anne-Dccui r ,wi dow of Louis Lemoine - 4-20


Joseph Bi l l oart De ssal les , about to l eave for Fr anceleaves his Power of At t orney t o Jean Soubi e ,Secty. ofGov . Ker ler ec 5-1

Ni col a s Chauvin de Lafreniere,to Francoi s Raguet , Warran­t y sale by notarial act of a lot of gr ound,wi th t hebUildings & improvements t hereon, s i tuated in N.O. onSt . Loui s St . 5-2

~mrriage Cont r act : Jo seph Choquet & llar i anne Decoux 5-2

Declaration & Pr ote st of ;~toine Philippe de lmr ignyde ~mndeville , Lt . of the Company of Dernevi l le , Cheva ­l i er de St . Loui s . Having been i nformed t hat about 15men some of whom were off i cers, had a s sembled by orderof Gov.Ker leref, at the gene ral vmrehouse of the Kingto draw up a pr ocess verbal of t ranspor tation of ef fe ct s

,--, confiscated on t he privateer belonging t o DeavideDiasse Asar iasse. . . 5-5

WAr r i age Cont ract : Pierre Garaude & Mar i e M. Uenel et 5-7

Marr iage Contraot: Jean Et ienne Poir ier & Suzanne La-Beaussaye 5-9

Contract for Partner ship . Pierro Ri card,King's st orekeepe:at Pointe Coupee, Francois lmrcantel .Co l onist & Pier reTruteau,blacksmith,ent or into an agreement to operatea blacksmi t h forge f or t he t erm of 3 year s 5- 18

Succes si on of Sr . Dumas,knovm as L' Empileur

Succession of Sr . Nicolas Sarrazin

C) Succession of Jean Cariton




In t he mat ter of the di s sol ut i on of partnership ofMr. Euchert ,of Illinoi s, De Bar ry,of Illinois & MrAlexandee 5-25



o Sr . de 1J0ncharvaux t esti1'ies that t he duel betv;eenJean Francoi s de 1!oncharvaux hi s son, &. de VerGes Sr • •in which his son was kil led vms 1'ought according to therules 01' honor in such cases. . . 5-28

Dame Catherine Henry, widow 01' the l at e Hubert La Cr oixdeclares having just 1'ound out that Sr.Dumas di tL'Empileur had died at Pointe Coupee, she acknowledgest hat her husband succession is i'ldebted to Sr.Dumas int he sum 01' 4500 l i vres 1'or 2 s laves 5-29

Succession 01' Francois Goudeau, Surgeon 1'or the Kingin t hi s City 5-29

Sa l e 01' negro s l ave named Labranche,aged 16 yrs 5-30

Srs . Joseph de Lamirande &Pierre Clemen, appeared be1'orNot a ry at Pointe Coupee & say &. declare that they werepresent &witnessed that Ni colas Lamathe so ld 4 arpent s01' l and to Mar i e Phi lippe Decour, widow Brindamoni,1'orthe sum 01' 3000 l i vres... 5- 30

Letter by J. Boisspn t o Sr . Chantalou

Succession 01' Sr . Du Blanc

6- 9

7- 4

By notarial act . Vincent Ga spa rd Pierre de Rochemore.enters into a contract with Louis Champion,~~ster sailmaker,1'or the manu1'acture of canvas bags . = st s , Tlagsetc 6-18

Marriage Cont ract . Joseph Prevost,called Collete andlta.rie Jeanne Daublin 7-2

Pier re Hardy de Boisb lanc,Attorney 01' Vacant Estates,by virtue of ordinance of May 22d l a st permi tting him t omake a search &. t ake i nventory 01' a l l goods &. e1'fe cts01' t he succession 01' Gi lbert Dumas dit LIEmpileur.7- 5



Sr . Boul , Capt .of' an Engl ish Schooner , having come toN. O. to be tried on some unnamed charge. , Delal andemade a r equisition to Gov. de Ker lerec , f'or Sr . Boul'sco~~is sion &. passport , said paper s to be used at thetrial... 7-5

Succession of' Magdeline Mayeux

Dro~ning of Demoul in


7- 16

Partner ship Agreement betvreen David Lameire of San Dom­ingo, and Theodore Benoist to operate a t annery 7-18

Succes s ion of Sr . Cariton 7-19



Dame Alar ie Anne Dinant, widow of Sr "To&ll Cariton,havingby nota r ial act dated Ju ly 19, 1759, deeded a l l herpr operties,movable &~.ovable to Jac. Cantre l le, petitioned t he S.C. t o have said donat ion r eco rded int he Conveyance Office \ 1-5,1760

-< Q..'«(}:{ 0-Mar r iage Contract, Bernard Pellerin, & 1/.arthe HubertBel lai r 7-21

By notar i al a ct. Jean Pier r e Aubert , Joi ner place s hisnephew, Jean Germain Etier, minor son of the l ate Germa inEtier &. Mar ie Lavergne , in apprenticeship vdth Frederi cStabre,~.aster shormaker f or 3 yrs. in or der f or saidnephew to l earn the trade of shoemaker 7-23

Power of Attorney gi von by Bar re t o Francois Roquini hisson-in-law, t o act f or him &. t o r eceive whatever amounthe is ent i t led f r om t he sucoession of Giar ar din 10-15

Final a cct . r endered after the sale of de Murat andMrs . de l a Pommeray ' s propert ies 11-17

Benet for deliv­together wi t hconsists of




Sa l e of negroes, pr operty of t he success i on ofSr &: Dame Buisson 1-15 ,:

Advertisement of auction sale of 4 negroes Re:succes sion of Sr .& Dame Buisson 2-10

Acknowledgment of r eceipt from Mr .ery to hi s vdfe of 45 ful l pi a st r essome articles of merchandi se. (t hi scloth of Brit tany &: package of pins

Statement &: partition Re: succession of Mr. & MrsFaz ende 3-17

Petition for attachment of f unds . Petitioner:Gabriel Jean Fa zende , a cting f or himself &: as attorne~

in f act for Ant oine &: Jo seph Fazende,~~s brothera,ab sentees. 3-22

Re: Successi on of Pierre Robi n, dec eased, husband ofJeanne Vieui lle, in community. Magdelaine Robi n , sol oheir. 3- 29

Sr . Francois Caminada as Pr ocurat or f or Sr . Layssard,says &: declares that Sr . Chant al ou ha s in his poss­e ssion t he sum of 5866 livres 16 sols 8 deniers ,vlhi ch bel ong s to llme Lay ssard from the successi on ofher parents, Sr &: Dame Fazende 4-22


SSucces s i on of Dame Mar guer i te Roehon,marri age of Sr . Trouillet &: by secondSr. Paul et

widow by firstmarriage of


Capt. Jean Dar r agory of Campeche, in f avor of JeanCa zel lar , of N. O Certified copy of Power of At t or.ney6-5

M. Deruissau to Bunel, gol dsmi t h statement n.d

Claude Jos. V. Dubr euil ac knowledges &: confesses oYnngto the successi on of t he late Jos .V. Dubreui l , hi s

( 1760

(hi s ) r ather,the sum or 32729 livres••• 7-4


'-Jac . De l achaise appeared before Roya l Not ary & acknow­ledges "& confesses ovnng to the Wi dmv Dubreuil thesum or 40000 livres ror pr opertie s brought f rom thesuc ce s sion or Sr . Jos.V. Dubr uei l .. . 7-4

Act or mortgage by Laurent Lerable, knmm as St.La urenti n r avor of Fr ancoi s Lar che 7-7

Nuncupat i ve will or Jean Joseph Delfaut de Pcntalba 7-9

Donat i on and quit-claim by -Jos , Barbau,kncwn a s Boisdoreto Antoine Barbau,known as Boisdore,his brotheror all his rights,title & i nterest in &to the succe s s-ion or Francois Noyan, t heir uncle 8- 30

Chri stophe de Glapi on & Dame Jeanne Ant oinet t e Rivardehis wife in ravor or Sr . & Dame Huchet de Kerni on 8-30

Mar r i age Contract. Louis de Populus, Esquire Sr.St. Protait, & Dame Jeanne Ker r ouret t e , vndow bymar r iage of Ni col a s Aubert Dumont


Last will & t estament of Sr . Antoine Fr ancoi s Denis LeDoux, I!lB.de at Herdin, Provi nce or Artoi s ,Fr . 9-27

Sr . Populus. Capt. or Infantry at Mobi le, and "Dame de Ker otret.his ,vire havi ng signed a private agreement orsepar ation or bed & board, send t he said deed t o t he S.Cat New Or leans to be homologated 10-7

Order issued by Sr . Deruisseau to Bunel ,goldsmith todeliver his mvord to Sr . Bore~ stat i ng that he will set-tle lat er ror workmanwhip 10-17

~7Derlottemanville having a claim against the succes s i onor la Tiolain for bread & biscuits , petitions the S.C.to be al l mved t o i ssue a citation to Dupaquier . tut or oft he minors , to appear i n court & show cause why hisclaim should not be paid 11~29


Promi s sory note secured by mor tgage for a loan made bySr. Daut er ive 12-11

- - Petition of Sr . Grandpr e to de Rochemere aga inst Chantalou12-17 1761

Decree ordering the bailiffs to de l iver notices of peti-tions &: answer-s 7-4

Letter written at Herdin, France,by Sr . Cossin,Attorneyto his cousin Sr . Ledoux,Capt. in the Navy, at N.e 2-25

Succe s s i on of James Nai gl e 8-28

Agreement of separation of bed &: board.Populus &: wife 10-7

At Ato.co.pa s . Letter of Ma sse to Dauter i ve 12-24

( ~)

!YEAR 1'159

(1-1/4 pages)




Personally appeared in presence ofundersigned witnes s es Sieur Gi l bertDunont, who, of free will and consenttransfers to Etienne Dav id and hi s wife ,Marguerite Le Blene, present, and ae­cepting a piece of property measuri ngone arpent and a-half frontage , by u sualdepth, with all buildings am improvementsthereon. Also a negress by name of Rose.

This on condition that Etienne am hiswife promise to pay each year to Si eurDunont the sum of one hundred and fiftylivres per year, a s long as it may pl eas eGod to preserve his life.

(Signed) Dunes, Marguerit e La Bleue ,Gerard, Rioard, Benoi t, Notary.

Not printed in Louisiana Historical Quarterly.


YEAR 1759j r"1>~



Before Notary in Pointe Coupee, Sr. PierreRioard~' store-keep~r for the King's Warehousein this Colony, deolares to have today re­tained and entered in partnership for 3 con­seoutive years with Sr. Franoois Maroant eland wife, Anne Rondo, inhabitants in thisColony, and -authorizing them to take ' this daypossession 'of a plantation, said partner shi pending like date in 1762.Parties agree to furnish Rioard nine slaves,Maroant el three, eaoh party paying separatelyexpenses of their slaves. 'Is allowed said Anne Rondo to raise poultryand hogs deriving benefit from these the firstyear; these, as well as oattle; are to beequally divided the 2 following years,likewiseshould Sr. Maroantel place other buildings onsaid grounds and wished to retire after abovesaid time, these will be scoounted· him by Sr.Ricard after estimation made by experts.Thus agreed parties between undersigned wit~

neases.(Signed) Rioard




Not printed ,i n Louieiana Historioal Quarterly.


(f/7347 (~f5 ~~)





In the presence of the Royal Notary of Louisiana ,residing i n New Orleans, appears Louis Baure ,Officer of the CitizenS ' Militia of Illinois ,presently in this City, who anticipating his re­turn to Illinois, grants a gener al Power of At­torney t o Sr. ;rean Mil het , Officer of theCitizens' Mi l i t i a and whol esa l e merchant in NeOrleans, wher e i n he' authorizes said ;rean Mi lhett o represent him and administer all of his affairsduring his absence .

In case of his deat h whi l e travelling, this actshall be considered his Last Wi ll and Testament;he co nati tutes and appoints Sr. Mi lhet his Testa­mentary Executor, and requests that said Executort ake charge of Teetator's estate and deliver samet o his son, Mr. ;rean Et ienne Baure, who is inFrance.

(Signed) BoreChantalou

Wi t nesses :La NonnandA. Thomassin

Not printed in Louisiana Hi s t or i cal Quarterly•


YEAR 1759

# 7349(55406 )




Copy of r ecei pt of Captain Phi l ipe incommand of the ves se l " La Ste . Anne deBordeaux" , now i n the por t of New Orl eandand about to sai l f or San Domingo

i n f avor ofThe Reverend Mother Superior of the Ursul ines

fora negr o , Jean Baptiste de la Montagne , ageda bout 40 , and his wife , Catheri ne , agedabout 22 , whi ch the said Capt ai n agreestc se ll t o the bes t advantage and to r emitthe pr ooeeds to said Rever end Mother ;othervd se t o de l iver said ne groes t oJ e suits Fathers at French Ca pe .Made in good faith a t New Or leans , June 28, 1754

(Or i ginal si gned ) Philippe

Certified copy i ssued by Not ary on January 4 ,1 759 .

(Signed) Chantalou , Notary

() Not pr i nt ed in Loui s iana Hi storical Quarterly .

5 7/ 29

YE1>.R 1759

7349(55406- 7-8)




Captain Phi lip of the Vesse l "La Ste . Annede Bordeaux" having on June 28, 1754, t akenon board his ves se l ~·ro negro es menti oned inhi s receipt , whom he had agr eed to sell in SanDomingo f or a ccount of the Dames Ursuline s andt o remit t he pr oceeds t o the Reve rend MotherSuperi or or to deliver said negr oes to the FathersJesui t s at San Domingo, not having; t o this dayf ul filled any of his agreement s and t he Dame sUrsul ines not receivi ng any news f r om him,The Rever end Dame Mar i e de Baumont , sister ofSaint Thereze , Supe r i or of the Convent of theRel i gi ous Ursulines Ladie s at Mm, Orleans bynotari al a ct , i n the Convent par lor , i ssues aprocuro.ti on to Sieur Henry Des cous , merche.nt ,about t o l eave for France on the f r igate"1 ' Opalle" gi vi ng hi m power and authority inher name and the Conununity 's t o recover f r omCaptain Phi l i p , or vrhoever may have charge of t hem,the two slave s mentioned i n his re cei pt da t edJ une 28, 1754 , and if they are sold t o r eceive theproceeds , to receipt for said negroe s or the va luethere of and if necessary to i ns titute and pr ose­cut e suit , obta i n j udgment and execution of se iz­ure and general l to do any and sll things ne cessaryand pr oper t o carry the f or egoi ng i nto effect .

(Signed) Si ste r ~~rie de Ste • .Thereze ,Super ior

Si s t er St . Pierre , Ass i stantSi st er St e . Marie ZelatrixSi ste r Ste . Radegonde , depositary

Vii tne sses:ThomassinBury

Chantal ou , Nota!'Y ~ _


YEAR 1759(3 pages)

'. , )

Sieur Matthieu Thomas infavor of

Sr. Mi che l Brasset and his wifeand

Sieur Cheval


Whereas Sr. Thomas, a passenger on ths ship "LeMent or " , had caused to be invested with Charl eaLe Conte, Cap t ain of said ship, the sum or 4020livres , 10 sols, belonging to mortgagees he r e i nwh i ch was delivered to said Captain to be em­ployed by him, the profits of which were to bedivided upon the return triPi andWhe r e a s the said ship has not r e turned and t hemortgageee herein are holding mortgagor responsible,

He binda himself t o prove within one yearfrom date that said sum was dUly given t o s ai d Cap­t ain to be employed as contracted for, or else toreimburse and pay said sum to the mortgagaes . Inorder to secure the said obligat ion he he reby mort­gages all of his property.

To these presents intervenes Francois de J!orziere,who guarantees the payment of the above, alsomortga ging all of his property.

(Signed) De Morzi ere A. TbomassinMat hieu Tbomas Chantalou , NotaryToutaut Beau regardLenormand

Not printed in Louisiana Historical ~arterly.



YEAR 1759

No.Pages 55357 to 53 , inc.



Auction Sale.

By decree of SUperior Council under date ofDecember 2nd last, end on request of the Sieur;rean Gabriel Fazende, said decree of Council bear­ing confirmation of the decision of meeting ofparente and friends of minor child of the lateSieur end Dame Fazende, all effects, movable andimmovable, negroes and cattle belonging to saidsucceesion were ordered sold at a judicial sale,in ordinary manner, an d proceeds to be dividedamong all heirs who have reached the age ofmajority, the share belonging to t he minor to beinvested in the most advantageous manner until hehas reached the age of majorit y. Sr. CharlesMari e Delalande D'Apremont, Councillor or SuperiorCouncil, accompanied by the Procurator of the King,the Clerk and the Sheriff of said Counc11, went tothe office of the Clerk and atter having reviewedthe proces verbal and caused notices of said saleto be posted in all crossings of city, proceededwi th said sale.Results of shove sale are as follows:

Household goods , cattle, tools, etc. -357 livres2 9 negro slaves ----------------- 47731 "mak i ng a total of y~-------------- 48098 "

sale lasting two days.




- 2 -

1759May 29, Sieur Fazende ackno wledges receiving,

in his name and for his brothers, thesum of 354 livres from the Sieur Chsntalou, aspart payment on above sale. He gives a receiptto Sr. Chantalou for same.

(Si gned) Fazende

(7 pages)

Not printed in Louisiana Hi s t ori cal Qu art e r l y .

64 /29



L--- 1 YEAR 1759-c,



Sale of land

By notarial act, Dame Catherine ~bert Bellair ,wi dow of 10m l ate Charle ()ly Favre, Daunoy, til':'trix of her minor children,' authorized by a .ftllllly meeting decree, ', sells and transfers toSieur Claude :Tosoph Villars ])l.breuil an unim­proved tract -of. land known as "The I.1ttle Desert"situated about t wo leagues above the city onthe right bank of the river, measuring fourteenarpents front ' by forty arpents in depth I:!ore or1ess, for the sum of 13,200 l1vres which DameBellair acknowledges having reoeived in readymoney by a drBtt of Sieur Villars dated thisday.

Wi dow DaunoyVillarsChentalou, Notary

Witnesses: ·Bellair, LafreniereLan01'llland, Thomassin

Seid land being the sema property aoquired bySieur and Dame Daunoy partly from SieurA8sei~ly by act before l4esSrll. Brule and Dore,roya1 notaries at the Cape on !4arch 6, 1752,Sieurs Daunoy and Al!seilly having jointly boughtthe said J.and and other real estate from )lonsi eurde Bienville, Governor, and de Salmon, IntendantCommissary at the Colony, ",ho had procurationfran the 'Mars hall d'Asfeldt and others interestedin the Conoession of the Ohsouaohae by act P' ssedbefore )lae t er Henry, Royal NotarY,at t Orleanson :T8IlUary 28, ],738.

- . (Signed)

Not printed in LoUisiana Historical Quarterly.




1.__) YEAR 1759


Suooessions of Sieurand Dame Fazende.


Opposition of Jean Baptiste Prevost. agent ofthe Compa..oy of the Indies, to the deliveryof the prooeeds of sale of movables. immovables,slaves. oattle, effeots and utensils, of saidsucceaat.ona, until said Company shall have been

. J paid the amOQnt due it of 7000 livres.

(Signed) Prevost

Not in Louisiana Historioal Quarterly.

rI__ ~ ) YEAR 1759

( 54582 )



For writing a pet ition ••••••• 5 livres

" two deorees ••••••••••••• 10 ~

It Bailiff cost s ••••••••••• It

27 It


Certify the abovs note amount i ng to27 livres. At New Orleans,January 6, 1759.

(Si gned) Decous

(1 page)

Not printed in Loui si ana Historical Quarterly.


YEAR 1859

1 pageIn French





A habitation belonging to deceasedSieur and Dame Fazende on theopposite bank two leagues belowthe city, ' consisting of 15 arpentsby ordinary depth with buildingsand dependencies, is offered forthe last time at 15,000 livres,the successful bidder . paying one­half in one year and the other halfsix months later. Notices to bemade at parish church, door of theCouncil, and door of clerk's office.


Land sale, Mississippi RiverFazende.


r-)~ Not .found in Louisiana Historical Quarterly


YEAR 1759

#7354Pages 55425 t o 30



On the above date, Sieur Louis Barbaud Boisdore,surgeon in this city o~ New Orleans, in the nameand as ll'idower or Mari e Megda1aine Devert. hiswi~e who died in France. appeared bef'ore us,Royal Notaries in the Province of' Louisianaand the undersigned wi tnessss, we repaired withSisur Mari n Pierre Barry. bailiff' at his houseto take inventory of' the movable and inmovableproperty that he might own in this colony andthat of' the community, in order to ascertainand dissolve the same, and requested us to pro­ceed with the inventory, declaring and af'f'i:rm1ngon his honor that he did not hide nor embezzl eand of' the proper, f'or whi ch we granted him act.

The inventory amounted to 13..3.09 l1vres, whichhe declared was al3. that he and the COllllJlUnity ownedHating no obligations.


Witn e s s es :P. BarryJ. Thomassin


(6 p ages )

L. Boiadore


Not printed in LOUisiana Historical Quart e r l y .

--62/ 29--------,-----;---;----------


( 117352

YEAR 17593-172 pages




Division of the assets of thesuccession between theminora and widow.

Personally appeared in presence of undersignedSieur Francois Gallot Chamilly, grandfather,wi th procuration from Dame Francoise de Coulangewidow of deceased Sieur Dauberville, and tutrixof their two children, Marie Louise and CelesteDauberville, who, with Sieur Loui s Boucher deGrandpre, uncle and tutor ad hoc of Daubervilleminors, declare that said widow Dauberville,before her departure for France, rendered :fullaccount in her children's interest according toinventory taken, and approved by Council on Jilne2nd last.

The widow and othera had several assemblies toplace the share of the minors at interest to thebest advantage, or make a separation of the fUndscoming to them by law, but this could not be donebefore complying with certain f'onnal1ties of' thelaw.

It is f'urther stated that the said widow broughtin marriage considerable property proceeding fromher community and liberality of the late SieurBoucher, her first husband who died in Illinoisin january 1758 of' which 1/3 entered into thecommunity and the other 2/3 remained clear, whichshe must deduct bef'ore making the partition,besides brlngi;g in marriage wi th Sieur Monbrunthe inheritance of' the property of the late Sieur


f/'1352 cant' d.

YEAR 1759

Petit de Coulange, her father, and DameFrancoise Gallard, her mother, Which consistedof slaves, money and other effects, all pro­ceeding from her marrisge wi th Sie~r de Monbrun,furnished her dowry at the time she remarriadSieur Dauberville.

" ~

In order to proceed with the partition noticethat certain property had been remitted to thewidow according to her account, for which weestimate that was left to partition amountedaccording to decree with the exception of errorsbetween the widow and her children to 178742livres 18 sols on which must be deducted theswn of 1260 livres loaned to Sieur Dauberville,4000 livres preciput i and 22646 livres 17 sols9 deniera for the 2/3 dowry she brought inmarriage to Sieur DaUberville, the other 1/3being between the community according to aclause in her marriage contract. The saidthree sums amounting to 27,906 livres 18 sola9 deniers, she has to take from the successionbefore the partition, besidea other deductionsby preference for the funeral, mourning clothesfor herself and her servants, har prefix dowry ""accorded her by her marriage contract March 15,1749. The above deductions amounting to 14133livrea 7 sols to be deducted from 75418 livrea2 deniers, leaving a balance for the two minorchildren of 61286 livrea 13 eols a deniers tobe given to them at their majority or When theyget married. Thus the provisional partitionThe widow will account for the half value of' aslave she must liberate. By means of which thesaid appaarers approved, ratified and promised

e- (cont!d)- - - - - - - - - -

~. ./" #3

tfl352 cont'd.


execution, renouncing t o all charges endoppositions.Made end passed in my office at New OrleansOctober 4. 1759, in the presence of V~.

Raguet, Antoine Thomassin, Marin Le Normand,the papers remaining in t it'" hends of thewido".

Proxy given to Sieur Chsmilly having beentemporarily at the Notarial office, to remainam be attached to the present as wel l as aduplicate of the account rendered by Wi dowDauberville.

(Signed) Wi dow Dauberville, GrendpreGallent Chamilly, Lencrmand

A. Thomassin, Raguet, Chantalou,Not a ry

Not printed in Lou i s i ena Historical Quarterly.



I( r

YEAR 1759(2 pages)


Olographic Willot

Pie=e Theston de Sllegueat New Orleans.


This testament contains usual religious andphilisophical retlections custanary at thatperiod.

Provisionsl1. Testator deeires a Christian burial.2. Bequeaths 100 pistols to the poor Ill1d re­

quests that they pray tor repose or hi s soul;3. All his debts are to be paid;4. Testator herein appoints Jean Soubie, Ad­

ministrator ot his Estate with the expressproviso that he be exempt trom the takingot Ill1 inventory; Testator shall verballyneme the heneficiaries hereunder to saidJean Soubie.

5. Teetator requeets that the Administrator otVacant Estates be not permitted to have any­thing whatsoever to do with his Succession. '

Testator deClares that this '11'111 is made in dupli­cate, one duplicate original being sealed and sentto the clerk ot court by Testator and the otherdelivered by him to said Jean Soubie.

(Signed) Theston de Silegue

Not printed in Louisiana Historical Quart er l y .



f!l 3 fJ5

YEAR 1759(1 page)


Act ot ReDUDciat10n ot CommunityInterests by Surviving Widow.

DSIIIe Marie Pascal, Wi dow ot lats FrancoisGourdeau, surgeon of the King in this city, ap­pears before undersigned Clerk ot Superior Coun­cil ot the Province of Louisiana and declaresthat her husband having died in an ~lish

prison, having been arrested while enroute fromFrance to this Colony she fears he contract edconsiderable obligations, theretore s he her e i nrenouncea allot her Community Rights in hisSuccession.

(Signed) Mari e GoudeauChantalou, Clerk

Not printed in LoUisiana HistoriCl:al Q;Uarterly.


/----~--- ----




Louis Barbaud Boisdore, surgeon of this city,widower of Mari e Magdelaine Devert, native ofMobile , Bishopric of QUebec, end Miss Margue­rite Dausain, dau~ter of Louis Daussin, MasterGunner of the King in this City, and Marie Colon,native of Mobile, same Bishoprio, whe rei n thsyrespeotively, in presenoe of their friends andrelatives, agree to the following:






To solemnize their marriage aooording tothe rites of the Catholio ChurohiNeither shall be held for any debts oon­traoted"prior to said marriage, which itis herein stipulated shall be paid be­fore the oeremony shall be performed;The community of acquets and gains shallexist acoording to customs of Pariswhich shall govern same;Value of the property brought by thet'Uture bride herein is estimated at thesum ot 1,000 Frenoh Pounds and anythingwhich said prospective bride shall in­herit shall take the place of a dowry,1/3 to belong to the Community, and titleot other 2/3 shall rsnain in her name.

5. Prospeotive groom promises to dissolvethe Community that had existed betweenhim and hia deceased wife, and the issueof that marriage shall be supported 1"rom

_the income of the property coming to himfrom the sucoession of his said deceasedmother "and also from the Clonmunity orparties herein, no"deduction is to bemade from the suocession of hi s own

- - - - - - - t at h er - and-mot Jie r oeoause of sai~dc---­support.


YEAR J.759

---~ - - -#2

7354 cont' d.554 23


6. The husband settles a jointure ofJ.ooo livres on his future wife,secured by mortgage at the time ofthe benediction of the marriage.

7. The right of preciput amounting to500# shall exist to the survivingspouse.

8. The right to renounce the Successionis reserved to the heirs of the futurospouse, as wel l as to anything whichthey might inherit.

Done and passed at New Orleans. at the houseof Sr. Daussin.

(Signed) Louis Barbaud BoisdoreMarguerit e DoussinDoussin Mari DoussinLa Mer l eMari CollonAntoine BoisdoreA. ThomassinChantalou, Notary

Wi t nes s es :BarryI.e NonnandD. Braud

NOTE: (The pages of this document do notbear consecutive numbers: a 6-pageinventory has been inserted betweenthe 2nd and 3rd pages thereof).

(2 pages)

Not printed in LoUisiana Historical Quarterly.




•On '~anuary 15, 1759, Messrs. Britto and Mons ant o ,

" Raguet, ~. Lamothe and Francois Henry calledDuplaDty, interested parties in the vessel"I.'esperance" or New Orleans; Captatn Lamothe,

. _' . Master, cl'rtUied thst t his copy conformed withthe orig1n;';~atatamant:that ,),lr . Pelletreau sentthem' froJll. the Cap, March 25, 1758, signed by his

,.'-...."~'. ,'; .own hand, the original haVing bean deposited in

', ,'~' -t he hands (orSiaurHaguet, ~r. on the date men­.. 'i.- tioned above'~ --. ?

=< _ ,~._(-;-;-c~,~~~,o:;_-- -,>; (Siened) " '

j ' - - _-~_ '-"" ' ,_'F. !!l'!.nry" B~it~9;i",~~_ M~?s~to, Raguet,, .- -'-, --- ,-- oj : Lemothe c__c _

...--"-- . ~

, .The certified' copy r eferred to above is fo r aremittsnce by Capt. Lamothe to Sieur Palletreaufor money advanced and repairs for the keel ,etc., amounting to ._.. ...... 38087 18Owing by the interested parties toSieur Pelletrs~u, for money ad-

- vanc ad and equipnent of the vessel, dating from Mar ch 28th last up to .

today according to the order ofSr. Lamothe. . 10,285 ' 11Paid to Capt. Darmand, Tondee,second mate, and thEls ailors, 3 , 973 11bpense of Capt. 'DurlOand forf i ve months an d ot he r purchasEls,etc. 7, 096 11

--- - - - (e ont ] -'- _

1759J anua ry 31, Personal ly appeare d before

the under-sf gnsd Royal Ii0t aJ'yand wi t nes ses , on t he above dat e , SieurFrancoi s Henry called Duple.n ty , i n t e re s t e dfor *i ntsrsst in t he vs ssel "L' esperencs",accordi ng to t he above acc ount. by wh i ch itsppears that he has a ffiLm of 1089 livr as 11sols 11 deniers coming t o him, s hi eh is i nt he hends or Sieur Psll e t r eau at t he Cap, whoby t hese presence, voluntari ly cedas , t ransferand absndons wi th promi se of guarnntea to Sleu


. #'1385 cont'd.".."


Don Hilario Aranda, the said' sua in moneyof the Cap; having rece!ved~Srom the saidSieur.Aranda the value,here in this cityby means of which he places and substitutesS1eur AraDda in all his rights, name, reason,actions and pretentions, declaring havingnothing more to claim, neither in the

. partnership.


. \ 'Hilario Ara)ida


(Signed). F. Henry.

Witnesses:Francois DennouyA.. Thomassin

Chantalou, Notary

)',~:" ~~j;L~Si.?~~t.~~~",~.... :",~~ ;."o~. '.,(3 pages)

.' : :..

Not printed in Louisiana Historical Quarterly.


. '"' ..-

(- - - - - --------------


YEAR 1759



A letter of exchange, dated September 3, 1758,for the ~ of 14,895 livres tournois, inletters of exchange on the Royal Trsasury, wasdrawn by Sieur Damurat on Sieur Trudeau anddiscounted by Sieur ;rean d'.Arragory of Cempechefor 2779 piastres.

By notarial ac" ->!ona i eur Raymond de St. Mart i n;raure Guiberry;-Captain of Citizens Mi l i t i a ,proxy for Sisur d'Arragory, acknowledges re­ceiving from Sieur Trudeau the sum of 9645 !ivresin nins letters of exchangs, ssconds, thirds andfourths, ths firsts being left in pledge by Sieurde Murat wi th Sieur d'Arragory, and al so the sumof 5500 in t wo letters of exchanger.

The total amount being in excess of 250 !ivres ofhis obligation, Sieur Trudeau in his capacity asproxy of Sieur de Murat, gave up and abandonedsaid amount as a discount on the two letters ofexchange which are of longer terms than Sieur deMurat had obligated himself for.

Sieur de st. Martin gi ves full receipt and dis­charge to Sieurs de Muat and Trudeau and promisesto have first letters of exchange, retained bySieur d'Arragory as security, returned to them.

(Signed)Wi t n e s se s :


St. Marti n , TrudeauChantalou, Notary

___2 _pages _

Not printed in Louisiana Historical QJlarterly.fi'7 ' 90


YEAR 1759

1 pageIn French




Receipt made for sale of negro slave ofSr. Braquier 'and sold to Sr. JacquesLirieu for 1100 livres; and a negroslave belonging to Mr. Villere and soldto Sr. Braquier for 2350 li~res.


Slavery, slave saleBraquier, Lirieu, Villere


Not found . in Louisiana Historical Quarterly

(_. . _-~~

#7360Pages 55663 t o 671,inc .

YEAR 1759



On request of Si eur Pe1lat ier de Lahoussaye,Sieur Ni col as Chauvin Lafreniere proceededto the office of the Clerk of the Councilto conduct auction sale of .s l aves belongingto said DeLahoussaye.Sale lasted one day, terms and conditione be­ing half of purchase price t o be paid in Augustand remaining amount to be paid in December.Total amount of negroes, negressee and childrensold wer e 21 for the sum of 34 , 115 livrseo

(Signed) LafreniereDe Lahoussaye

1759J"anuary 29, (Page 55667)

Aft er cost of sale and commissionshave been paid, t otal amount ie

31 , 895 livrea, of whi ch 15,947 livres 10 solsbecome due in August and remaining 15,947livres 10 sols are due in December.

(Signed) . Chant a l ou

1759February 24, (Page 55668)

Sieur Chantalou acknowledgesowin g to .Sr. De Lahoussaye the sum of 17,400livres which wi l l be paid as follows: 3700livrea in August and 13,695 livres in December.

(Signed) Chantalou

';-- - - - - - - (cont t d )- - - - - - - - - - - -


#7360 cont ' d.

1759March 4, Order to pay above to the Sieur

Raguet and Sons, or their order.

. (Signed) De Lahoussaye


1759November 6, (Page 55669)

Receipt for amount of 908& livres2 sols 6 deniers given t o Sr. Chantalou by Raguet.

(Si gned) Raguet Sons

1760February 28, l!\J.l l discharge and receipt gi ven to

Sr. Chantalou by

Ragu et

(Page 55670 )Negro slave belonging to Sr. Braquier sold toSr~ Jacques Hivier f or 1100 livres.

Negro s lave belonging t o Sr. Villere sold t oSr . Braquier for 2350 livres.

(No signature)

(9 pages)

Not printed in Louisiana Historica l Quart er l y .


YEAR 1759(1 page)


.TAmARY 1 7


We, undersigned, .Tosephe Villars du Braulland .Tane Catherine de La Boulay, spouse, agreeto present to Mademoi a e l l e Porneut, our cousi n ,a yoUDg negress by the name ot Francoise , wh i chwe acquired and paid t or tran the public saleot our deceased tather, Sieur Dubreuil's suc­cessiQn, who is to serve as a domestic and beentirely tree trom any other authority bu t hers.She is to have this service as coming t rom prop­erty belonging entirely to herselt. This dona­tion dates trom this day."

Done at New Orleans, .Tan. 17, 1759

(S igned) Laboulay Villars, Villars .

Copy deposited in Registry by Mademoi sel le 'Porneut on Feb. 27, 1762• .

(Signed) Felicitea PorneutChantalou, Recorder

~t printed in Louisiana Histories]. Quart erl y.


In the matter of theMinor childran ofSr. Francois Goudeau. deceased,and his wife, Dame Marie Pascal.

YEAR 1759(2-1/2 pages)

(7362 )

3"ANlJARY 17

Proces verbal of fe:nlly meeting held in be­half of said minors by order of Mr. Des­closeaux on the petition of Dame Mari e Pascal,widow of Francois Goudeau, for the purpose ofconsidering the advisability of selling a por­tion of ground on which there is a balance due .

The deliberations of said fe:nlly IIl!leting areto the et'fect that it would be to t he be st ad ­v ant age of said minors toee11 s aid propertyto pay the balance due thereon and to inv es tthe remainder to the banefi t of said minors.

Drder to refer the above to the Council forapproval.




Widow GoudeauChevalier d e Boisbla ncDltilletLe Chevalier MacarthyT'rudeauCane3". ViennaRaguet


Conclusions of Procurator General for the



7362 oont' d .

L,. ) YEAR 1.759 JANUARY 17



King, reoolllllSnding homologation o~ ~amlly


(Signed) Reguet

Homologation o~ ~amily meeting end ordar ~or

judioial sale.

(Signed) Roohemore

Not printed in Louisiana Historical Quarterly.


)YEAEl 1759

(2 pagesl

( 7363)



- )

by and betweenJean Baptiste Heldre. known as

Colmar. and Agnes stainghis wire. by him authorized.pa;rties ot the first part

andCharles Leger. in the name or h i s

wite. Marie Anne MargueriteCristian Vaingre. minor daughterot Cristian Vaingre. deceas ed,and or Catherine Cleine, partyot the tirst part.


In order to settle amicably the matter of t he shareof Madame Leger in the Successions or her father and ,mother. a compromise ie reached as follows:


Parties of the first part promise to pay t oparty of the second part 400 l1vres. at the"rate of 60 l1vres per month. beginning at theend ot the current month. for securi t y otwhiCh payment they mortgage their property.Party of the second part relinqui sh all otherclaims.

/f (


(Signed) Jojsmos"'"kn-o-wn-as Colmar

Chas. Leger'arguerit e Vaingre


Not printed in Louisill.l1a Historical Quarterl y.


YEAR ·l'759

#7364Pages 55492-93




By no tarial act at Poi nt e Coupee, t he ~ollow­

ing pe r sons : Jean Bara, husband o~ Mari aBarbe Poeg, Vincent Porche, husband of Mar i eFrancoise Poeg , and Pierre Gueho, wido er ott he late Anne Mari e Poeg, heirs of the lateGeorge and Cather ine Poeg , their ~ather andmother , voluntarily recognize and ccnreasreceiving ~rom Marti n Poeg , son and .al.eo heiro~ said George and Catherine, their share o~

t he succession o~ t hei r late ~ather and mother,and gi ve Marti n ~ull receipt and di scharge ofall obligations.

(Signed) GuehoVincent Por ch eRi car d GerardBenoist, Not ary .

(2 p ages)

Not printed in Louisiana Hi s t or i c el Quart e r l y .


YEAR 1759


(Page 55340)JANUARY 19th.

Power of attorney given by Fazende in hisname and for his brother Antoine to theSieur Chantalou to handle all their affairsconoerning succession of Sieur and DameFazande, their late father and mother.

(Signed) Fazende

YEAR 1759

(Page 55341)

Sieur Ledoux as husband of Delle MarieFrancoise Fazende gives approval for lliswife to everything which hlUi been doneooncerni ng above sucoession.

(Signed) Ledoux.

17 Pages.

YEAR 1759






RE: Appointment of tutor andunder-tutor t o the minorchildren of Sir Dernevilleand his deceased wife , l ir s .Pelagie Fleuriau

Presiding: Benigne de Fontenette, Commissionerand Councillor of t he SuperiorCouncil, Province of Louisiana,herein appointed by the Court tohold said meeting.

Pierre Henri Derneville, Knight of st. Louisand Captain of one of the Companies of saidtroops in the Colony, declares that he haspetitioned Mons i eur de Rochemore, GeneralMar i ne Commissioner and first Magistrate inthis Colony, to order a family meeting ofrelatives end friends, for the purpose of ap­pointing a tutor and under-tutor to the fiveminor children born of his marriage to PelagieF'leuriau, his recently deceased spouse.

By virtue of an Order, issued and signed bysaid Rochemore, granting said petition asprayed for, friends and relatives of saidminors, having been summoned by writ issuedyesterday ,by Sheriff La Normand, appear herein,and upon due deliberation agree unanimouslythat it is but Just that the father of saidminors, Sir Derneville, be and he is elected

- ----- ----{cont t d )- --- - - -----




7367 cont I d.

their t utor, with Mr. Fleuriau, their mat er naluncle, being elected under-tutor; to whi chelection said gent lemen agree and take oath t ofaithfully discharge their respective dutiestowards the said fiv e minor children.

(Signed) DemezieresFleuriauFazendeDJ.tilletDtErnevilleIJuhomneilLe GrantDemacartyOl1vier Devezin

The fo r egoing instrument to be submitted toMr. Rochemore aocording to la •

Thus done and passed at New Orleans, on t h eaforesaid day, month and year.

(Signed) Fontenett&

1759Feb r uary 12, Order

The foregoing consideredthe said Act i s hereby homologated j Mes sr s.Derneville and Fleur1a1:ll having taken theoath ·to fai thfully and wel l discharge theirr espective duties as tutor and under-tutor.

(Signed) DtErnevflleRochamor e

..'- '

o 1759 ..Tanuary 18 ; Pet i t i on

(56510 '::'7)Sir Derneville, Capt ain of

of ths Royal Military,--"O~r",de",r,---__




7367 cont' d.

of st. louis, prays that the Oourt order afamily meeting consisting 'of t he friendsand relatives of his five mi nor children,whose mother, Mrs. Pelagie FleuriauDerneville, has just died, for the purposeof electing a tutor and undur-tutor to saidminors.

(Signed ) Knight Derneville

1759January 18, Order

Petition granted as prayed for.

(Signed) Rochemore

1759January 18, (56511)

Return of Olerk showingservice of foregoing Order on the friendsand relatives of t he said five minor childrenof Sir Derneville, to appear before Mr. deFontenette, Oouncillor and Oommissioner ofthis Oity, for the purpose of electing a tutorand under-tutor to said minor children.

Note: This instrument is not signed.

Not printed in Louisiana HistoriCal Quarterly.


(--- --~

7371Pages 56582 t o 56539,inc.



Auction Sale

On request of Sieur Hardy de Boisblanc, At t orneyof Vacant Estates, the SUperior Council orderst hat t he 35 to 40 slaves, cattle, sheep, mova­bles, .pl ant at i on implement s and var i ous othereffects belonging to the succession of thelate Sieur and Dame Mor i s set be sold at publicauct i on. Said sale t o start on january 24thand continue until everything has been sold.Noti ce of sale ordered posted on door of theChurch, on door of Council Chamber, and on doorof office of Cl erk of Council, and in orderthat everyone know of sale, it is to be an- .nounced by drum and trumpet at all crossways ,of the city. Sale to be held before Sieur DeKernion, Councillor, and in presence of theProcurator of the King, and conducted by Sheriff.Terms of said sale to be cash.

(Signed) Le Normand

1759January 24, Sieur Jean Francoi s Huchet de

Kernion, accompanied by Sr.Jean Baptiste Raguet , Councillor and doingfunctions of Procurator of the King, pr oceededto 'Chamber s of the Cl erk of Council, and aft err evi ewi ng above and t"inding a IIUIlIber of personspresent, proceeded with sale.



7371 cont'd.

Cattle, sheep, movables, plantation implements,various other effects end 40 slaves brought atotal sum of 48,387 livres, whi ch sum theSieurs Dreux and Hardy have on hand for thesuccession.

(Signed) Dreux,Hague"!;,

Hardy de Boisblanc,Buchet de KernionLe Normand

1759February 9, Dre to illness of a family of

slaves, the following wer e notsold with the rest, but on February 9th, thenegro named Mamul u s , Florinda, his wif e , endCatherine, their daughter, were sold to t heSieur Dreux for 2500 livres.

In addition, a rocking chair wa s sold for 50livres to Sieur Hobi n.

There being nothing left, the sale was con­cluded on above day and month .


(Signed) Har dy de Boisblanc, DreuxHaguet

Hu che t de Ker m a n , Le Nonnend

(17 pages)

c, J Not printed in Louisiana Historical Quart er l y .


#7368P ages 56512-13

<C. YEAR 1759


By notarial act at Poi nt e Coupee, the SieurFrancois !Iarcant e11e and his wife, AnneRondot, relinquish t o the Sieur Pierre Ri card ,also present and accepting half or land,slaves, cattle and buildings which they ac­quired from Mar i e Colon, separated in propertyand wife of Antoine Sarrazin, by notarial actdated 15th of present month. Sieur Ricardobligates himself to be bound and abide byclauses and conditions of said act,Regarding the mu1attress named Magde1a1newhi ch Mari e Colon reserved for herself', Sr.Ricard obligates himself and gives bond topay to said Marca nt e11e the sum of 100 1ivresper year as long as said Mari e Colon lives,at her death, Mu1a t t r es s Magde1ai ne and herchildren, if she h as any, will be shared al ongwith the other negroes mentioned in Act ofSale.

(Signed) Ricardlfarcant elle

Witne s s es :Aubin GalleysGerard

Benoist, Not ary

(2 pages)

) Not printed in 'Louisiana Hi s torical Quar t e r l y .



7369Pages 56514-15




Personally appeared before me undersignednotary, Augustin Bernard and Juan Fagundo,proprietors of the Boat "La s t . Trinite"and "Notre Dame de Carmes", presently tiedto the .quay of this city, who acknowledgedand confessed having t h i s day voluntarilysold, ceded and transferred to Si eurKerlivian Frollo, the above named boat asis,' without retaining anything, for the sumof 6500 livres, whi ch the seller acknowledgeshaving received cash for which the purchaserremains discharged.

Made and paased in the presence of the under­signed wi t nes s es . Augustin Bernard statinghe could neither write nor sign.

(Signed) JUan FagundoJ'. Klevian Frello

Wi tnesses:Laclede LignertP. Thomassin

Ohanta'lou , Notary

(2 pages)

Not printed in Louisiana Historica1 Quart er l y .

---62/ 29-----------------



16 pagesIn French




All goods, slaves, animals, and realestate of Deceased Sieur and Dame~Iorisset are offered for sale inaccordance with established procedures,prices at which various items weresold are given and the buyers arenamed.

SUBJECT: Auction, furniture, household goods,slaves, personal items

. PERSONS: Morriset, Raguet, de Boisblanc, deKernion, Andry, .Durel, L'Anglois,de Languy, Marin, La .Forme, Verret,Dreux, Parret, Le Normand, Jung,Braquier, Boulanger, Glapion, d'Aussiville,Ducrois, Chantalou, Gedieu, Verdun,Robert, Alexandre, Beauregard, Laurin,Riviere, Delot, Cherentier, Macarty,Robin, Chaperon, Grandmaison, LaRonde, .Riviore, Garderat, Ancare dit L'Abbe,Chamilly, Maxant, Bellisle, fils,Pictet, Sassier, Latitte, Caminada.


. Not Found fn .Louisiiana .Historical Quarterly

7372 (S"t,ft/O '( )

YEAR 1759



Personally appeared before the undersignedNotary, Sieur Christophe de Glapion in thename of 'his wi f e , Mi s s Jeanne AntoinetteRi varde , who acknowledged and confessedhaVing received from Si eu r Huchet de Kernionthe sum of 5000 l1vres cash on account forwh i ch he obligated himself t o s ettle forthe ri ghts of t he said Dame Gl api on , accord­ing to a transac tion made before Mat r e ; Garic,Not ary , under date of June 21st, last year ,for whi ch he discharges Sieur de Ker nion .

(Signed) de Glapion

Wi t ne sse s :Pierre Thomassin, LeNonnand

Chantalou, Not ary

(1 page)

Not printed in Louisiana Historical Quart e r l y .


YEAR 1759

Doc. 63/48 C.



Cempeche, Jan. 28, 1759•


Memcrandum made by Joseph Manuel Martinez, or (6) sixcases or tallow that he will deliver to Diego Argos,in order that he nay sell them at the highest ' obtain­able price, and with the product or the sale to buyfor the account of the former 2 desk lamps aM twolanterns of the best quality, one desk, spices, andan English clock.

(Signed) Jos. Manuel Martinez•

p. S. Diego Argon gives receipt for the above mer­chandise and the instructi ons ,


(Signed) Rios.

(Signed) Diego Argos.

Not prim'ed in the Louisiana Histcrical ~rterly.

r.~.'J YEAR 1759

.. #7377(56586-87-88-89)



In the presence of undersigned Notary appearedValentm..nw.t=Iio, son of Jean Jautare and RoseDuffaut, Native of the Parish of ste. Eularie,Bordeaux, and Magdelaine Fourneau, widow ofIgnace Bonpierre, late merchant of this city,which parties in the ~esence of friends andreleti ves make and enter into the followingmarriage contract, agreeirg to the followingterms and condi tions:

) 1. Neither one is to be held for debts in­curred by the other prier to this contemp­l a t ed marriage, which each agree shall besettled before that time;

2. Community ri~ts accordiq; to tba custansof Paris shall ~evail.

3. Of the conmun1ty ~operty Just inventoriedby Notary, and inherit ed by prospecti vebride, one-third shall belong to the futurecommunity"and title of remaining two-thirdshall remain in her DeIIled.

4. That said future husband is to bring to theconmunity, in Imrchandise and cash , the sumof 10,000#.

5. In vi ew .of sai d marriage end as a dowry, .(cont'd)


said ruture husband presents 3,000# to the :fu ture wifefor the principel or which she shell hold a mortgageon his said property.

6. Right of wOll8n's jointure shall exist in theamount of 1,000#.

7. The right o:r the survivi~ spouse to renouncethe community as well as any inheritance, ordonation shall exist.

8. The minor children issue of the previous mar­riage or prospective bride to Ignace Bonp1erre,now deceased, shell be supported at the expenseor the community now contemplated, and incomeo:r their property · in consideration thereor.

9. Said :future wire Il8Jres adona ti on or a child'share to sal d future husband which he accepts.

Wi tnesses:Le NorrrandA. ThomassinLaclede LignestDurelReynard BizonMor et t eChantalou

(Sgd)Valentin JeutareWidow Bonpierre.

This inventory is made at the instance of DameMagdelaine Fourneeu, widow or Ignace Bonpierre, latemerchant or this city, mother and tutrix or the minorChIldren, issue of her_mrriage-to -decedent,b-efore




undersigned Notary am in presence of undersigll6dwi tnesses, she contemplating anotmr marriage.


Merchandise in stere, consistiog of groceri as,tobacco, notions and furniture.

4 negro slaves (adults)

Immovables:House and lot on Royal street acquired from Mr. deKernion for "10 , 000# .

Debts due widow are by insolvent parties.

Widow owes various debts to different individualsam DBrchants amoDg man are Messrs. Dictet, ArnouldRivoire, Robin, Capucins,

( Signed) M. Fourneau, wi dow BonpierreDuralMaretteChant a lou

Lenormand I wi tnesses.Bijon I

()Not in Louisiana Historical ~arterly.

101/2 pages



Jean Pierre Hingle end MargueriteLegeu, hi s wi fe, by him au thori zed

toPierre Lanson.

Warranty sale by notarial act of a certain porti onof ground, with the building thereon situated inthe ci ty of New Or leans, maasur ing 36 feet front onBourbon street by a depth of 120 feet.

Being the same property acquired by the vendorsby act under private signature, dated April 1, 1749,from Bapt~ste Rolland.

The present sale is made by virtue of an order bySr. Descloseaux, commissioner and administrator inthis colony, and after formalities of publicationhave been complied with.

Consideration: 3000 livres, cash receipt of whichis hereby acknovlledged.

( Signed) LansonLenormand, witnessThanassi n tt

Chantalou, Notary.

Not in Louisiana Historical Quarterly.


YEAR 1759

3 p~"

#73 78Pages 56 600-601-602




Dame Mari e Pascal, wi dow cr Sieur FrancoisGodeau, l ate surgecn r or- the King , declarest h at he r late husband having gone to Francein the service o r His Maj e s t y on a boat com­manded by Sr. Daiguillon, and was returningt o the Colonies on the boat "Marchand La For­tuna" when he was cap tured by the English andput in jail in P lymout h where he died.She being left with ~ive children, one o~ herdaughters married a Sr. de Roch ebl ave , t h eremaining rour bein g minors, Dame Godeauthere~ore peti t i on s SUpe rior Council to issuea notice to ~amily and ~riendB or said minor st o assemble be~ore any Counci l l or name d ~or

t he purpose of electing a t utor and a sub­t u t or , and also to take an inventory of alleffects left by her lat e husband.

(Signed) Wi dow Godeau

1759January 30 , Superior Council grant s above

petition and names Sr . De Lafreniereas Councillor.

(Si gned) Rochemore

1759February 11, Due t o illness cr Sieu r De Lafr eniere

SUperior Council names Sr .De~ontenette t o t ake hi s place.

(Signed) Rochemor e

________~( c.:..:o.:..:n.:..:t t_=d} _


1- )1759February 20 ,

Defontenetteing pe:r sons :

#73 78 conttd.

Not i ce to appear for f amilymeeting in presence of Sieur

issued by Sheriff to the follow­Sr. de Rochebl av e , brother-in-lawto said minora,Sr. Delahoussaye,

Sr. ·deHacart y ,Sr. de Coudreau,Sr. Olivier de Vezin,Sr. Coue andSieur Carlos,


wer e ordered to meet on above date.

(Signed) Bery

Not printed i n louisiana Historical!. Q.uart e r l y .


YEAR 1759

1 pageIn French





This is part of another unidentifieddocument ·which shows a tabulation ofsale of 11 slaves, the price/~ ofwhich is usually due within first year,the other half due six months later;also showing amount due for expensesand commissions.

SUBJECT: Slave, slave salePERSONS: All Slaves: Jus, Flore, Michel,

Le Veille, Cupidon, Mereure,Thomas, Coezan, Joseph, Jean,Catherine.


Not Found in Louisiana Historical Quarterly

(YEAR 175g

#7382 I





with kitchen and little cellar, situated at thecor-ner of the corner of St. Peter and Bourbon ststhis City, for 3 years at the rate of 45# per monthpay abl e every three months, cash, in advance.

Lessor acknowledges receipt of 16 months' rent inadvance. Full description of house and its conditionis given. The "banquettes" are to be kept in g oodcondi ti on by lessees.

Done and passed in presence of undersigned:

witnesses:Le Nor mandA. Thomassin

(Sgd) Wife VigerDuvi vi arChsntalou,Notary.

Mar c h 3, 1760-Notarial Act.Dissolution of forego ing lease by the parties t heretowho appear before undersigned Not ary and Wi t ne s se s axnmutually agree to cancel said lease. Lessor returns twomonths' rent out of the sum she had received in advancefor 16 months' rent, which peri od hsd still two monthsto run before expiration. Lessors delive r the houseover to Lessee and receive full discharge and acqui t­tance therefor.

Witn e s s e s :. A. Thomassin

Le Normand

(Sgd) Duvivierwife Viger.Chantalou, Not a r y

Not printed in Louisiana Historical ~rterly.


YEAR 1'159 JANUARY 3 ,

Receipt and 1\111 discharge by Nota­rial Act.

In presence or undersigned Notary andwitnesses, Pierre Derbanne resident ofNatchitoches and Marie LeFleur, hiswife, duly authorized, acknowledge re­ceipt of two thousand (2,000i1) poundsof Francois Croiyet in payment or aplantation acquired from said lJerbanneand wife, fer vb.ich said Croyet isgranted full discharge and acquittance.

(Signed) Benoit, NotaryP. Griotl

George Baron ) Wi t ne s s es

Not printed in Louisiana Historical Quart er l y .


-------- ~ - - - -


r ",

# 7384

YEAR 17159

Notar ial Act of Renunciation andtransfer.


Antoine Regnis renounces all rights inand to the succession of Antoine Regnis ,late sergeant of the SWiss Company inthis Colony, am of Rose Moraud, deceasedwife, Father and mother of said AntoineBegl11s, am transfers same to Jean BaptiseRivarde, barber am hair-dresser, thiscity, for the pr i ce and sum of seven hundredand fifty pounds herein delivered by saidRivarde to said Regnis and for which he isgranted full receipt and accpittance.

( Sgd) RegnisRivardeChant alou, Notary .

A. Thomassi n] wi t ne s s esDemony )

\June 6th , 1763,Affidavit in which deponent, Antoine Regnisratif ied the foregolDg renunciation.

Not pr i n ted in Louisiana Historical QUarterly!


} 7385

)YEAR 17"1

.f;JnuJrrl 31,; til i'frl ;S5



(S i gne d)F. Henry, Britto and Mon sant o , Ragu et ,

J . Lamothe

On January 15, 1759, Me s s r s . Bri tto and Eons ant o ,Raguet , J . Lamot he and Franc oi s Henry calledD.1planty , interested part ies i n the vessel''L ' e spe r an c e'' of New Orleans , Captain Lamothe ,Mas t er , cert ified t hat t h i s copy co nfo~e d vd t ht he original st atament that t!r . Pel letreau s e ntthem from t he Gap , l"arch 25, 1758 , s igne d by hisown hand ; t he original having been de pos i t e d i nthe hands of Sieu r Raguet , J r. on the date men­t i on ed ab ovs,



The cert if i e d copy r eferred t o ebove i s f or aremittence by Capt . Lamothe to Si eu r Fel l e t r eauf or money advanced and repairs f or the keel,et c . , amounting t o •.• •• ••• •• 38087 18Owing by the int eres t e d part ie s t oSieur Pelletreau , f o r money ad-vanced and equ ipme nt of the vesseldating from Mar ch 28th l a st up t ot oday according to the order ofSr . Lamothe , 10 , 285 11Pai d to Capt . Darmand , Tondee ,s e cond mat e , and theaai.Lor-s , 3 , 973 11E><pe nse of Capt. Darmand forf i ve months and ot her purchases ,e t c . 7 , 096 11

(c ont I


I -~ J




#2#7385 cont' d .

YE.L'l 17 58 i',iARCH 25

Total to be deducted f r omt he de bit 20735 5

1'7352 13

For my commis s i on on1988'7 @ 5% ..... 994 7

.Amount owm g to the int er e sted 16358 6parties by me

Summary of the Accou nt :For i i nt e res1t to Si eur tuplant ycall ed Henry , ... 4089 11 6For i int eres t t o Br i t t o&: Monsant o , ..... 4089 11 6For i- i nt e r e s t t oSi eu r Regu et . 4089 11 6Fo r 1 i nteres t t oSi eur Lamot h e , • • 4089 11 6

16358 6

Exc e pt i ng error s and omi s sion , made at t heCap , Augu s t 28 , 1'758 .

(Signe d) Pel l e t r el\ u

17 59January 31 , Personal l y appea r ed be f or e

t he unders i gned Royal Not aryand wi t nes s es , on t he a bove date , Si eurFrancoi s Henry called Dupl anty , interestedfo r i i nt sres t i n the ve s s el "L ' esperance" .ac cor ding to the above account , by wh i ch itapp ear s t hat he has a sum of 408 9 livr es 11sols 11 deniers coming t o him, wh i ch i s i nt he ha nd s of Si eu r Pe l l et r eau at t he Cap , whob y the se pr esence, voluntar i ly cedes , trans f ers ,and abandons wi t h promise of guar antee t o Si eur


YEAR 1758

#7385 cont ' d.


- ) Don Hilario Aranda , t he said sun in moneyof t he Cap , havi ng received f rom t he sai dSi eur Ar anda the value here i n t h is ci t yby means of whi ch he places and subst!tutesSieur Aranda in all his rights , name , r eason,ac t i ons and pretent i ons , declari ng havingnothing mor e to cl ailn , ne i ther i n thepa r tne r sh i p .

(Si gned)F. Henry F.ilario Ar anda

'ili t nes ses :Francois DannouyA. Thomas si n

Chantalou , Not ary

(3 pages )

Not pr inted in Louis i ana His tor i cal Quarterly.

62/ 29



February 1, 1759

.•.-l'-~~1 rfW":fp..1-(a 'A~ i<-

II ,/ .




Receipt for 200rlivres, pe:ld through Mr.CheIItalou, tendered Sieur Perret by DameMarie Mauci au , wite of Sieur Billiard forfour months pension for which he pledgedhimself to pay her.

WITNESSES:Chentalou x her markThomassin

Not printed in Louisiana Historical Quart er l y .



YEAR 1759

I/?386P. 56622




Sieur Delisle Dupart having promised t o gi vehis daughter , mar r i ed to Sieur Arnoult thesum of 5 ,000 livr es as dowry , the said Si eurAr noul t , by act pas sed befo r e Mr. Garic Nov.25, 1758, transferr ed the said sum to Mes sr s .Ni col as La Dlff t o whom he was i ndebted int he sum of 3464 l i vr es and Denni s Braud inthe sum of 1536 l i v r es.

By notarial act , Mess r s . I.e Dlf f and Braudackno~ledge receiving t he sum of 5000 livresi n ful l set tlement of above obligati on , eachone receiving his quota and gi ve Si eur Dupartand others full recei pt and di scharge.

(Si gned) D. BraudLeDuf f.Chant al ou , Notary

Wi tnesses :LenonnandThomassin

Not pr inte d in Louisi ana Hi st or i c al Quarte r ly.


YEAR 1759

Doc: . # 7388Pages 56625-26-30



The Si eur Pierre Dut111et , his wif e , Dame;reanne Maret Dupuy , t he Sieur GuillaumeBoisseeu and his wife, Mari e Mare t Dupuy,a l l above personally appeared before RoyalNotary for division and partition of thesuc:c:ession of the l ate Sieur and Dame Mar etDupuy , f ather and mother t o above DamesDut i l let and Boisseau.

The share of Sr . and Dame Dut111e t c:onsi sts ofa lot and houae in the ct ty valued at 4500l1vres and 6 negro slaves valued at 9800 livres .making a t otal of 14300 livres an d c ash t o amountof 8015 livres.

The share of Sr. and Dame Boisseau c:onsists ofa plantation wi t h buildings valued at 20830l ivrea and 8 slaves valued at 9470 l ivres,making a t otal of 303:30 livres.

Al l c:at t l e were equally divi ded between th~

Above parties gi ve a full rec:eipt end dischargefrom all further obligation•

(S i gned)Wi t ne s s es :

BeHileMaret De Latour ,Bery .Le NonnendDe Livaudais

.Maret DutilletBoisseauMaret BoisseauChantalou, Not ary




---( ~-Pages)----------------


ImemolT ot 8lIOouslon ot the late SielirlIaret, shon the tolloriDg:

Plantation ot 8 arpel1t:8 sltuated bat.ellSimr De Latoar and Sieur B1en.,eJII1.lIl1lld1nga 011 plantatioll, house and lot111 tbe clty14 negro elnu, cattle ad horses

Dinslol1. ot ahoye property as toll".. :

1 - Plsntatioll. esttmated at 17600 :r.. tor Boiuelll12 - lIl1lld1Dg8 011. a_ •••• 323> L. It ..3 - Eouae and 1010 111

the cit;v •••••• 41lO0 L. .. Dlt111at

"'4 a: Plerrot and

-.J" 5 - wite SUa_ ••••••• 3000 L. .. BoiaaeaD6 - Valel1tlJ1 ••••••••••••• 2500 L. It Dutl11et7 - .Joseph ••••••••••••••• 1500 L. .. ..8 - 'l'het1ce ••••••••••••• 1500 L. It Boiseeau9 - Casy ••••••••••••••••• 1200 L. .. It

10 a: L'Evel11e and wlte11- lIade1011 •••••• 800 L. It It

12 - Charlotte and daughter. 2500 L. It Dut111et13 - Pal1Bsade •••••••••••• 1500 L. .. Boisseau14 - Labonte 11lO0 L. .. ..•••••••••••••15 - .Jacob •••••••••••••••• 1800 L. .. Dut1l1et16 - Sanegal 1500 L. .. ...............18 - Calotle shared eqaally

81l11l Boiseeau owes toDlt111at

'rotala ..•.••••.. .....••••........••••..••


3O~O L .: Boisseau(U:500 L - Dutllblo(( 8015 L cash22315 L


• 3OS3O lin'..14300 •44630 " Total ot BUccession

22315 • share tor sach



Sr. Boisseau owes to Duti11ettram succesBinn ••••• 80151'

Sr. Duti1let owes Boia5llBU-ror board ro.t" 112. te • •• ••• • • • • • ~

Bal enee due • • • •• • 7082.#Boisseall owes Dutillet tor

payment on buildings 79<3#

Total ••••• 788:1#

Sr. BoissellD. pays on accOunt 1880 livres, 1"E)­

garding 6000 livreB dUB he will pay S8IIle in2 years at 10 percent lnterest.

(Signed) DutilletBoisBeau

Above division made betore wi tneBs" and inprBsence ot Procurator' General and registeredby Clerlc ot COUJlCll.

(Signed) Dell11eKaret De Latour

.. Livtadais. RligI1etLa Breton. Notary

(3 Pages)

Bot printed in I.ou.iBiana Historical Quarterly.

YEAR .1759 .1 pageIn French






Monsieur Le Doux, husband of demoiselle~mrie Francoise Fazende, agrees to sellland and habitation belonging to hiswife to Le Chevalier -MaCarty and Mr.Hugon for 15,800 livres, payable withinthe year;

SUBJECT: Land sale, .House -sale, Slave salePERSONS: Le Deux, Fazende, de Macarty, Huyon

de Cloreaux, de La Lande


Not Found in -Louisiana Hisqprical Quarterly


YEAR 1759




By" notarial act , Sr. Denis Braud, merchantof this city , relinqui shes t o Sieur FrancoisCaminada, also merchant of this city, thesum of 2307 livr es. "

Above sum due to Braud by t he Sieur Dupar e ,r eside nt of this c ity by relinquishment fromthe Sr . J ean Arnou l d , ac cording t o Act pa s sedby Sr. Garic under date of November 25th last .Sr. BraUd, in r elinquishing above to t he SieurCeminada , says and ac knowledgee having to hisentire satisfaction, rece ived fUll value f ors aid money from Sr. Caminada.

Copy of ab ove with Act of November 25thdelive red t o t he Sr. Csminada by Cle r k ofCouncil.

Wi t nes ses :ThomassinLa Normand

(Si gned) D. BraudCaminada

(1 page)

Chantalou , Notary

Not print ed in Louis i ana His tori cal Quarterly.



YEAR 1759(3 pages)



.~ )

Petition of Franooi Damouy i n his own name,and a a t utor to hi s minor brothers and sietere ,f or oonvokat i on of fami ly meeting to deliberateon t he sale of plantat i on, negroes , e t o. , be­l onging to the Estate and the Administrationof the prooeeds by petitioner.

(Signed) Demouy


Order •(Signed) Rochemore



Return on service o f not ice on Louis ChauvinBeaulieu , brot her- i n- l aw of' minors:Franoois Chauvin Monpl a i s i r , b r other ;

Delalande . unol e by marr i age ;

Gui l l aume Lange, brother - i n-law;

Chauvi n del afreniere , unole;

Olivier Davezi n Grandro j et ;

De Belille ;

Ds Font enelle .

(S i gned) Le Uorman d

Not printed in Louisiana Hi s t or i cal Quarterly . -




YEAR 1759





Pierre Cadis, fanner Captain of thePriva t eer ";ros eph de l a Mart i ni que " , .owned by Sr . La Roque , stated and de­clared that having left Mart i ni que;ruly 8th last t o return to his destination,New Orleans, being 14 degrees 45 minutes,North and Sout h of t h e we s t point of PortoRi co. was met by an English Brigantineunder command of Captain Thomas on the 14th

., of the seme month, who seized the v es s e land conduc ted her a longsi de on t h e Coastof Curacao, wher e he and pa rt of t he crewwas gr ounded . and expedited t he vessel andPart of her crew wh ere he ju dged convenient.

He outfitted ·a boat at Curacao and arrivedhere on the 9th of the present month, of allwh i ch he made the present declarati on,t hus act

(1 page )

(Signed) CadiChantalou, Notary

Not printed in Louisiana Historical!. Q).larterly.



YEAR J.759



l j


jos eph Chap ero n , f onner tut or of JUli e Larche,ve r sus

Ni col as Del isl e Dupart , a s second husbandof j ul i e Lar che.

Dame j ulie Larche hav ing married Si eu r Del i sleDlpa r t , the said Sieu r rupar t demanded f rom SieurChape ro n an account or his wife 's tutorship. Thereport showed an excess of disbursement over r e­cei pt s of 2098 livre s 11 so l s 10 deniers, f orwhi ch amount t he Supe r i or Council on November 7 ,1750 , i s sued a decree agai nst Sieur rupart . Byt he same decree Si eur rupart was awarded t he en­joyment of al l of his wir e ' s (JUli e Lar che )movable and immovable properties , for whi ch hewas t o gi ve good and solvent securi t y.

Sieur lJupart having never complied with theterms of t he sa i d dec r ee, Si eur Chapero n petiti on­ed t he Superi or Counci l f or a final set t l ement .

The Superior Counci l , aft e r a l engthy r evi ew ofthe wh ol e case , orders Sieur Dupart t o pay SieurChaperon t he sum of 1000 l i vres 18 sols 6 deniersin full settlement of balance due with cos t s . andal s o t o gi ve Si eu r Chaperon a fu l l r eceipt anddischarge of his t utorship ' s account .

By the Coun cil(Si gned) Chant alou , Cl erk

(cont' d)

#7361 cant' d .55472





1759February 15. Sher i f f Bary issuas and da ­

l i ver s a no tice of above decreet o 5i eur Deli s l e Dlpart .

(Si gn ed) Bary

Not printed in Louisiana Hi storical Quarte r l y.

57/ 29

(- - --..

7394Pages 56664-65

YEAR 1759



Sieur j acques De.Iachaiae] resident of thisoity and highest bidder for land and planta­t i on of the l ate Sieur D.lbreuil, appeared be­fore the Procurator of the Ki ng and presentedas his surety, the Sieur Ant oi ne ChauvinDesillest, Offioer of Troops and resident"also present, who after hearing leoture and

,made known olauses and oondi tions, vol unt ari l ygav e bond and seourity for Sieur Delaohaisefor the prioe of said plantation amounting t othe sum of 130,000 livres, promisi ng and ob­ligating himself that in default of payment bysaid Sr. Del aohaise , he wou l d be responsi blefor whi oh he mortgages all his effeots, mova­ble and immovable.

Said bond and seourit y is aooep t abl e and satis­f aotory to the Sieur D.lbreuil, a ot ing for him­self and for Dame D.lbreuil, his sister-in-law.

(Si gned) Raguet , Chauvin DesillestDelaohaise, Villars

(2 pages)

Not printed in Louisiana Historioal Quart er l y ,


YEAR 1759



Letter from Langeto Mr. de Mouy ,

New Orleans, La.



Because of an attack of gout , Lange isunab le t o attend a proposed meet i ng whi chcannot be postponed.

His wife bei ng personally interested inthis affair, having conferred wi t h her,their opi nion is that a sale of all prop­erties must be for the minors' interests.

Lange asks that thi s letter be read atsaid meeting in order that t he membersmay thoroughly understand why he recom­menda general eale of property and in­terests.

(Signsd) Lange

Not printed in LOUisiana Historicall. Quarte r ly.

58/ 29

Doc. {l7401

YEAR 1759(2-172 pages)



Proces Verbal of family meet ing , convened a t r e­quest of Francois Demoiiy, tutor of his minorbrothers and sisters.The purpose of this meet i ng is to deli berat e onproposed sale of plautation and negroes be l ong­ing t o the SUccession.Lange, ' Del a l ande and Delafreniere we re absent ,but sent l ll.,t he i r -v:ote by writing. At t he meet­ing it was decf-ded that the plantation and l andsbe acld at ~ot~; payment to be made i n oneyear and the negroes and movables be pl aced withresponsible parties; proceeds to go t o minors.De1afreniere was of the opinion t hat t he wholebe sold, with half payment in 6 mont h s and re­mainder in one year from date of saul.

J (Signed) DemoUYUonplaisir

RaguetOne signature undecipherable.

Forwarded.(Signed) Fontenette

February 24, 1759Homologation of family meeting.

BeaulieuOlivier Devezi n

Sale is to be conducted before Mr. Fontenett eand in presence of Procurator General.

YEAR 1759 PP. 56678-79 FEBRUARY 25

Return on posting of notice of sale of fifty- t wonegroes, negresses, and negro ohildren . The ssJsis advertised for Friday Mareh 2, at 9 o ' cl ockA. U. in Chamber of clerk of Court.

(cont' d)


YEAR 1759

Doc. #7401 cont ' d.

!'P. 56680-81-82-83-84 FEBRUARY 25

Return on post i ng of f i r st not i ce of sale.

The p roperty advertised as one plantation atChapitoulas, measuring 6 arpents f ront and withdept h ext endi ng t o Lake Pontchartr ain. The im­provements consists of dwelli ng on a six footbrick f oundati on, chickan house, pigeon house.k itch en. barna, 12 negro cabins, store. three in­di go plant s. etc. . the whole fence d in.

Plantation adjoins property of Mr . Hazeau on theone s ide and that of Delafren1 er e on t he ot hers ide and is t hree miles from New Orleans.

(Signed) Le Normand

1!arch 4. 1759

Return on posting of notice fo r t he s econd saleof above property .

(Signed) Le normand

Rot printed i n LoUisiana Histor i cal Quart erly .




YEAR 17 59

#7361P. 55478



By notarial a ct , Ni co l as Delisle Dlpartas husb and or Dame .ruli e Larche, acknowledgeshaving rec eived f ro m J"oseph Chaperon, formert u tor of Dame J"ulie Lar che, all propert i e s ;movabl e s and immOVables , ne groes and ot her ef­fects bef allen to t he said Dsme from t he suc­cession of h er f ather and mother conformablyt o t utorshi p aco ount r endered by sai d Si eurCh aperon and a s per SUpe r i or Counc i l dec r es ofNovember 7, 1750.

By s o doing , Si eu r an d Dame J)J.part re l ease anddischarge Si eu r Chaperon of any responsibi l itiesatt ached t o his administrati on.

Ac oo rding t o t he stat ement r end ered by Si eurChaperon, Si eur Dlpart is indebted t o SieurChaper on i n t h e sum of 1000 livr es 18 so l s 6denier s , v:hich he wa s ordered to pay by de creeof the Counci l of February 10th, pl us 30 livresf or c os t s , al l of whi ch he promise s t o pay ondemand and t o s ecur e this indeb t edness he givesmort gages on all h i s (movables and i nnnovables)properties.

Sieur and Dame J)J.part humbly expr ess t he i rthanks and appreciat i on t o Si eur Chaperon f orh is ki ndnes s an d at tent i on an d t h e care and pai nshe t ook in t he administrat ion of Deme J"ul ieLarche 's pro pertie s .

(Si gned) . Delisle , Larch e De l i lleWi t ne s s es :

____ _ ___ "'Lc=e"'nc=0.::.rm=an=d , Songy Chant a l.ou _Q;t,e l'k_

Not printed in Loui siana Hi storical Quarter l y .s::;:" Inn

(I •


YEAR 1759B pages




(Robert Antoine Rob i n de I.oguy (D'Hary)(Major son of Laurent Robi n(Bailly D'Hary and Catherine(Garrot,

and(Jeanne Dreux, minor daughter of(Mathurin Dreux and Claudine(Franaoise Hugault, who aat for(their daughter.

Ceremony aaaording to Catholia rites,

Eaah to be responsible for his or her respeativedebts aontraated before marriage. The rest ofthe cantraat follows t he customs of Paris.

The bride brings as her share to the marriage,9500 in cash whiah her parents promise to turnover during the year, 2000 l1vres whiah was adonation made to her by her grandmother, Mme.Mor i s s e t . .One negresse named Lmrgue r i t e , valued at 1000livres, 12 arpents of land situated in Chantilly,valued at 2000 l1vres.Of this dowry, 1/3 goe s to aOl!llllll1ity and 2/3to remain her's an d he r ahildren's.The groom brings 48000 l1vres worth of property,made up of one lo t and house, cash, silverware,clothing; etc.Groom giv es bride 6000 l1vres as a dowry, andwhi ch is secured by mortgage on fixed and movableproperty of groom.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ------,- ( aont ! dl----------



7365 cont 'd.

In presenoe of Ant oi ne Thomassin an d Mari n LeNormand as Witnesses, wh o signed ae well astwo contraoting parties and all persons nemedin body of contraot.

(Signed)Marqu i s R. A. Robi n de LoguyDreux de Gent illy .Tanne DreuxHuchet de Kerni on Claudine Dreuxde Vill amon t de Kerni on . RaguetHuohet de Kernion. Challvin Larrell1ereLe. Chev de Glapion Huchet de Ker n i on , Jr.Kerlerec Roohemer eDJhommeel Olivier de VezinFrancois Dreux Fr. Dagobert, Cap. Superior

Wit nes s e s :P. Thomas s i nLe Nonnand

Chantalou, Not ary

1759.Tuns 2, Order for registration in proper folio, e~o

(Signed) Rochemor

Reoorded June 2, 1759.

(Signed) Ragu et

Rece i pt

1759Oot. I, Reoeipt by Robert Antoine Robin Loguy

in favor of Mr. and Mrs . Dreux, for11.500 livres and 11 arpents of ground.

Al s o one negresse. All this aooording t o mar­riage co nt raot.

--- - - - - - - - - - - (cont td}- - - - - - - - - - -






7365 cont ' d.

Robin LoguyDreuXLe NonnandPier e ThomassinChsntalou

Not print ed in Loui siana Ilis tori cal Quart er ly.


YEAR 1759

#7397Pages 56663-64



The Sieurs Laforcade arid Dargenton s ay thatthey have 7 arpents of land si t uated atCanne s Brusle, adjoining properties of theSi eu r B on one side and on otherof Dame Piquery, which t hey wish t o sell.They therefore pe ti tion SUperior Councilto g r ant t hem pe rmi es i on to sell above.

(Signed) Laforcade and Dargenton

SUperior Council gr ant s pe rmi s s i on , providedusual formali ties be observed.

(Signed) Rochemore

1759March 19, Sheriff Le Normand certifies

haVing posted on door of t heChurch and door of Council Chambers for t hreeconsecutive SUndays, 4th, 11th and 18th, noticeof above sale.

(Signed) Le Normand

(2 pages)

Not printed in LOUisi ana Histor i cal Qu arter l y .


- --\ - - - - - - - - - - -




I, ,)

YEAR 17593 pp

Doc, #7400

FEB .23rd.


Charles louis, alias Taralloon, .a s husband ofMarie Louis e Girardy, widow Langlois; and asProourator for Marie Jeanne Henry, widow ofJoseph Girardy; Paul Barre as widower of MarieJeanne Girardy; Louis Duvernay, as husband ofMarie Ros e Girardy on the one part and J os ephDeruisseau, as husband of Marie FranooiseGirardy and aoquirer of 1:I;e land and planta­tion belonging to said Suooession, settleamioably the terms of payment for balanoe dueof 10000 l ivres, purohase prioe of plantati on .

They agree as to terms for payment of the ne­gr oes bought , for 1ihioh Deruisseau paid 300011vre s . He is to pay 1600 11vres to the widowGirardy , with Charles Tarasoon in oharge; 500livre s to Taras ooD, 500 to Barre and 500 t oDuvernay. He is allowed a deduotion fo r t he .one negro who died after purohase.


Lenormand , witnessA. Thomassin, witnessHelo, witness.

- )

DuvernayBarre .

J. DeruisseauChantalou, N.P.

Not printed in Louisiana Historioal Quar t er l y.


YEAR 1759

3 psges

ffl398Pages 56665-66-67



Dame Marie Pascal, widow of the late SieurFrancois Goudeau, former Surgeon, appearedbefore Sieur de Fontenette, Councillor ofSUperior Council, and says and declaresthat following orders of Sr. de Rochemore,she caused Sieur Le Normand, .She r i f f , to is-sue a notice to the family and friends of minorchildren of late Sr. Goudeau and herself, to ap­pear and elect a tutor and a sub~tutor to saidminors named Margue ri ta, 17 years, Joseph 15years, Mari anne 12 years, and Francois 6 years.

Aftar daliberating in t he Chambers of the Sieurde Rocheblave, brother-in';'law of said minors,the f amily and friends elected Dame Goudeau astutrix and Sr. de Rocheblave as subroge tutor.

(Signed) Wi dow GoudeauChev. de Maca r ty ,Ducoudrau

OliVier de Vezin, Carlier, CoueBraquier, de Rocheblave


Above ordered communicated to the Hon. deRochemore.

(Signed) de Fontenette

1759May 7, The Superior Council confirms and

approves the election of above.



(Signed) Wi dow Goudeau, Roch emor eCherde Rocheblave

Not- printed-i11-LOuisiana Historical Quarterly.


YEAR 1759

1 pageIn French






M. de la Houssay buys 6 slaves froma succession, agrees to pay 17,400livres: 3705 livres in first paymentnext August, 13,695 livres inDecember • .Sale handled by Chantalou

SUBJECT: Slave sale, method of paymentPERSONS: de la Houssay, Chantalou

11 1759022401

Not in Louisiana Historical Quarterly

YEAR 1759

1 pageIn French




Superior Council, at request of SieurDe Mouye, orders t o be sold and adjudicatedproperty belonging to his father andmother on the following Friday, slavesof both sexes and ages, in the clerk's.office.

SUBJECT: Slave sale, Bidding Method~. PERSONS: De Mouye, de Fontenette


Not found .in ·Loui s i ana Historical Quarterly


YEAR 1759

5 pagesIn French





At request of Sieur De Mouye, Councilorders .. sale ofva plantation, 6 arpentsfacing by a depth to Lake Pontchartrainwith a raised main house 70 feet longby 22 feet across with a gallery on allfour sides. There follows a completedescription of other buildings. Asecond ·auction is scheduled for March4, 1759.

SUBJECT: Plantation,Main House, Kitchen,Pigeonnier, Pigeon, Store House,Chapitoulas, Terms of . sale, BiddingMethod.

PERSONS: De Mouye, Hazeau, de la Freniere


Not Found in Louisiana Historical Quarterly

.~--~"} YEAR l.'759...... -'.-~-

#7 603P . 56686



Pursuant to an order of Honorable Judge deRoohamore of February 24th ap pr oving a familymeeting of the relatives of minor ohildrenof t he late Sr. and Dame Demouy, on pe ti tionof Franoois Damouy, tutor and brother of saidminors; Mr. de Fontenette, CollllJl1ssioner ap­pointed with the assistanoe of ;rean BaptisteRaguet , prooeeds in the Counoil Chamber t o anauotion sale of all movables and immovablesb elonging to said suooession, condi tions orhighest bidder paying casn price of adjudioa­tion.

1759March 3, Sale having been dul y advertised,

there being many bidders, said saleended amounting to '77, 240 l.ivres placed incare of Franoois Demouy in charge of reooveryof same, plus an old negro and wi f e sold Sr.Me snard for the sum of 600 l1vres.

(Signed) DamouyChauvin BeaulieuChauvin Monpl ai s i rFontenetteRaguetLe NormandChantalou

Not printed in Louisiana Hi s t or i cal Quarte r l y .



YEAR 1759


MARCH 15th .


Testator opens with the ousto=y religiousdeclarations of faith.

Stipulations I Mr. Devaugine, officer of I n­fantry in Louisiana, a close friend is here­in appointed Executor.

Sale is to be made of all testator' s eff~cts

in this country, proceeds to be distributed 'as herein provided. Testator's patrimony isbequeathed to testator's heirs.

Testator's sister, Susane Ferrand is bequeath­ed 10,000#. Donation of 1,000# is made to sonof Janton, mulatress, deceased, which amount i sto be put in the hands of Reverend PierreDagobert, Capuchin, Pastor of N"", Orleans, whois to take care of said Pierre and see that heis taught a trade.Remainder of e s tat e is bequeathed to the hospi­tal for the poor.

(Signed) Fiaire Ferrand Darblay, Officerof Naval Troops, maintained inLouisiana.

March 31,1759

Codicil.Testator appoints ur. De Boris, officer of I n­fantry in Louisiana, executor in the absence ofllr. Do Vaugine.

J (Signed) Ferrand.

Not printed in Louisiana Historical Quarterl:r.



YFoAR 1759

5 pp



·MARCH 20th.


Marr i age Contract by lb t arial Act executed byand between Sieur Antoine Lalande and DaJIleFrancoise Roqui~, widow of Louis Pugeo'l, by.first marriage and of Henry Roqlligny"'by secondmarr iage . g

The parties p r omi s e to take each other i n l aw­ful marriage to be solemni zed in the Holy Cath­olic Church. The parties agree to the communityof acquets and gains according to the cro.s tom ofParis.

The part i e s agr ee to pay their debts before mar­riage. Neither of t he part i es to be re sponsi bl efor debts contracted by t he other before marriage.

The future wi f e brings as her property her rightsin the Succession of her two pr eceding hu.sbandsas .well a s her rights under her previous marriagecontracts, one-third of which will fall into t hecommuni ty, the other two-thirds to revert to her­self an d her heirs.

She declares t hat she has had no children f romher p r eviou s marriages.

The future hu.sband gives a dower of two t housandlivres to his future wife t o be her sole prop er tyand that of the children who may be born fromsaid marriage and for which he give s mortgagesecuri ty on dey of said marri age.

(con t'd. )

YEAR 1759

740 8

MARCH 20th .

) The parties agree to a .preciput of 500 livresfor the survivor.

The future spouses make a mutual donation ofall their property.

Done and passed at New Orleans.


Louise Francoise RoquignyJean Louis Le VasseurClaude RenaudinMon si eur Delfan de PontalbaJean Baptiste DesormeauxDavimayLe Nom an dChantalou.

Not printed in Louisiana Historical ~terly.



Si gned.


Plaintiff offers certificate on condi tionof eldns b;T Fontanelle end Pe17 who worep resent when skim were examined and tekonf rem tenno17 b;T said declarant.

MARCH ~th.

d, J


Poncet living on the pla.ntation of SieurDecous located at English Turn. declaresthat at the time of the departure of SieurDecous for France he ongaged pl ai nt iff tobu;r 150 deer skins which 'were in the ten­ner,y and guaranteed to be good. After pur­chasing the skins he found only 140 Bldnsand these partly d!maged.

TEAll 1759

Ii pp

)Hot printed in Louisiana Historical 'quart er l y .





YEAR 1759




MARCH 22nd.


Mr. Pierre Deli sle Dupart, inhabitant ofCannes Brtlslees, declares that on the pre­vious day. his overseer, accompanied bysix other men arrested and jailed two run­away negroes found in the woods on his plan­tation belonging to Mr. EUgoy, officer.While on his place they killed and ate a cowand a hog and did other damagea,

Plaintiff requests payment for said damage salso payment for the days his men wer e em­ployed helping to take the negroes to jail.


Dlle DupartChantalou.

Not printed in Louisiana Historical Q;uarterly.


L )YEAR 1759

l~ pp


MAROH 25th.



Poncet living on the plantation of SieurDecous located at English Turn, declaresthat at the time of the departure of SieurDecous for France he engaged plaintiff tobu¥ 150 deer skins which were in the tan­nery and guaranteed to be good. After pur­chasing the skins he found only 140 skinsand these partly damaged.

Plaintiff offers certificate on conditionof skins qy Fontenelle and Pery who werepresent when ski ns were examined and takenfrom tannery by said declarant.



Not printed in Louisiana Historical Quarterly.






I pray .Mr. Ohanb a .Lou to payMr . Be10t the amount of Mr.de MUrat t s notes of whi chMr. Decous is the holder , andalso half of t he i nteres t ont he sa i d amount . co nfonning tothe decree r endered on them.

(Si gned) Trudeau

(1 page)

Not printed in Louis i ana HistoricalQ.uarterly.

62/ 29


CJ YEAR 1759

7416P. 56868


i )


Proces Verbal and judgment of adjudicat ionof prope rty sol d at public aucti on , byvirt ue of an order of t he Counci l , datedFebruary 2, 1759, on t he petiti on of Pi er r eSongy , Fr ancois Songy and J oseph Songy , t het wo l at t er being emancipated f or admi nist ra­tion of property and ac t i ng under cur atorshipof Pi er r e Songy , t heir bro t her; also on pe­t i t i on of Sr. Chant al ou , as spouse and headof the communi ty bet ween hi mself and DameMar gueri te Songy.

After proper l egal advertisement and delayst he proper t y consiat ing of a pi ece or portionof gr ound , wit h al l buildings and i mprovement st her eon, et c . , f orming the cor ner of Roya land s t . Loui s Sts. , measuring 60 ft. fro nt onRoyal st . by 1 20 ft . in depth, was adjudicatedt o Pier r e Songy , the l a s t and highest bidderfor t he ' sum and price of .140m livres .

By the Council(Si gned) Chantalou , Cl erk

Not printed"in Louisiana Histor i cal ~u arterly .


r-'"'-__ 1 YEAR 1759

---------- -----~~

D 59/1

APRil 12


I pray Mons i eu r !).tplex tohave the ki ndn es s to deliverto the bearer the barrel ofpeas whic h is at t he addressof Sieur Mangi n , and obligehis humble servant

Collet jesuite

At st. Pierre, Apr i l 12, 1759

In t he store of Mes s r s . Grimaudand Agnus .

(1 page)

Not printed in I.ouiriana Hist or i calQuart er l y .


7419S IO S']1

YEAR 1759 APRIL 14

' )


N. B. - Part of the heading of thisdocument is missing.

Personally appeared before the undersignednotary, Antoine Patin and Marguari t t eMayeux (out) to the effect ofthe present, the said Pat i n in his name andas curator of jacques Patin, his brother, thesaid Antoine Patin and his wif e acknowledgedhaving received from Ni col a s Bordelon, in hisname and as having married Adrienne Bondeau,widow'of Etienne Patin, his brother, and curatorof jaoques Patin, the sum of 800 l1vres 10 solsby whi ch the said widow had obligated her sel fby agreement passed' before the undersignednotary, May 29, 1753 . for which sum they holdBordelon and his wife disoharged of all sumshe could have owed j aoques Patin.

(Signed) Antoine .PatinMarguarit e Mayeux

jean LabbeePierre Guiot

Benoist, Not ary

(1 page)

Not printed in Louisiana Historical Quart er l y.

--- - 62/ 29- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

YEAR 1759

7 420P. 56893



Pro curation

Si eu r Jean Simon Annand having died in NewOr l e ans , 'Si eur Jean S1Iiton Mi chel , his brother,merchant at St : Pierre, Mart i nique , gr ants aprocuration t o Sieur s Laforcade am Dargenton,merch ants a"t New Or l eans', giving them po werand a uthority to obtain from Si eur Ni col as LeBoeu1'f, t estament ary execut or, an account 01'the properties thereof acco rdi ng to the in­vent ory t aken or to be taken ; ' to accept saidsucc e ssi on i n the name of cons tit u ent, eitheras heir or universal legatee, unde r the wi l l ;to audit all accounts includi ng that of thet est ament ary executor and genera lly to do anyand all things necessary and proper to carryinto ef f ect the purpose of this pr ocurat i on.

(Si g ned) J. M. Annand

Ti ph aine) Notari esLeblanc)

r )

s t . P ier r e , Mart i n i qu e ,Apr i l 17, 1759Authent icat i on of Me ss r s . Ti ph aine and Leblanc .not aries at St . Pier r e , by N~. Remy Thiboulh,Counc i l l or of the King.

(Sign ed) R. ThiboulhBy order

Pierrugues , Secretary

57/ 29

YEAR 1759

#7475Pages 57224- 25-26- 27


7u /'1 /2­




By notarial act, Sieur Henry Oouillard,merchant, resident of t h e Borough of st.Pi arre , Isle of Mart i ni que , in t he nane ofand as testamentary executor of t he late Si eurGuillaume Landal l e , mer chant navigator, ac cor d­ing to i nformation received by Sieur s Le Blancand Thiphaine. notaries at st. Pierre, onApr i l 1. 1755, grants a pr ocurat i on t o theSi eur s Laforcade and Dargenton, mer chant s atNew Orleans, gi vi ng then power and aut hor i tyto r ec eive and collect from Sieur LeDuff, resi­dent of t his city, t he sum of 39, 058 livreswhi ch belong to the said succession. Theyare further aut hor i zed to receive and collectfrom all other debtors all sums due to saidsuccession, and i f unable to collect. to in­sti tute legal pro ceedi ngs and t o gener al ly doany and all things necessary to collect above .

(Si gned) P. Enevi gon )' Not ar i esDupin

1759April 19, Authentication of above signatures

by t he Sieur Remy Thib11l1t . Counc i l l orand JUdge of the Royal , Ci vil and Criminal Courtin jurisdiction of Horougn St . Pi er r e , Isle ofMar t i n i que .

(Signed) Remy Thibaul t

(cont· d)

( #2

# '14 '15 cont' d.

1'159April 19, Seal of I sle of Mart i ni que appli ed

on April 19 , 1 '159.

1'1 59July 12, By notari al act , Sieur Laforcade

acknowledges r e ce ivi ng f rom SieurLe Duff , t he sum of 3'1 , 105 livres 1'1 sols 1denier and added to above an ount the sum of 1952l i vr es 18 sols , wh i ch Sr . Le Duff kept as h i scommission, mske a total of 3 9005 liv r es.

Above sum was remitted to Le Duff by the l ateSieur Simon Armand, who had cha r ge of affairs ofthe late Sr . Landalle.

Sieur Laforcade give s Le Duff a full receipt andcomplet e dd.s char-ge of all further obligat ions f orabove sum.

(Si gned) Lafo rcade and DargentonLe Duff

Witnesses :Le NormandThomassin

(4 p ages )

" ....J Not pr i nt ed in Louisiana Historical Qp. Brt e r l y .


r. YEAR 17 59'. -~--.....


#742 4



Agathe HUbertLaf r eniereLeNonnandDesRuisseaux

By notarial act and before wi t nes s es under­signed entered into a contract of marriageWith the following clauses :

" oseph Zeringu e , minor son of de ceased MichelI '

Zeringue and Dame Barbe Ethe i C1'-how \'life ofSr. Louis Harang YoM,

amDlle. Agathe Hubert LaCr oix, minor daughter orthe late Daniel Hubert LaCroix and Dame CatherineHenry,

, Th e parties agree to the conmunity of acquetsand gains according t o the cu s tom of Pari s ,The dowry of the ' futur e wife amounts t o a negrogirl valued at 2000 l1v r es, her cl othes andfur niture valued at 1000 l i v r es and her r ightsi n the succes sion of her fathe r and mother ,one thi rd of whi ch will fal l into the community ,the ot her t wo t hirds t o be hers and her hei rs ,The ' future 'husband br ings into t he community7000 l1vre s payable in i nstallments and endowshis future wi f e wi t h 3000 l1vres,Part f es agree t o a preciput of 1500 l1vres andmake a mutual donation to each o t he r of alltheir property in the event that no chi ldrenbe born of said marriage.

(Si gned) " os eph Zeringue ,Loui s Harang, Doswall,Wi dow Hubert LaGroi,!!:,Huber Lafreniere ,Vaudal, Bellair, TriereMargue r i t e Harang Lafr eni er eThomassin, Pier r e Zeringue , Ghantalou

Not pr i nt ed in Louisi ana Histori cal Quarter ly.

58 /29

( .#7426

Pages 56955-56-60


...../' I.J )~v , .

,,~' ....~


.ll'RIL 20

Sieur Laurent Lerable dit St. Lauren,recognizes and confesses owing to the SieurPierre Clennon t h e sum of 2000 livres, whi chClermon loaned him. He promises and obligat esh'imself to pay sbove sum in December andfurther guarantees that in case of change ofmonies in the Colonies, Sr. Clermon wi l l notlose anything.To secure payment of above Sieur Larablemortgages all his properties, present andfuture.

(Signad)Wi t ne s s es :

ThomassinLe Normand

Larsble dit s t . LaurenChantalou

1760April 12, Receipt

Sieur Clennon gives a receiptand full discharge from all further obligationsto the Si eur Larable for payment of above.Clennon being unable to write, doe s not sign. '

(Signed)l7i tnesses:

BrouartLe Nonnand

Chant a l ou , Not ary

' ) Other document en cl os ed is a duplic at e of above.

(3 page s )

Not printed in Louisiana Hi s t od caLQ;uarte r-ly. - -


YEAR 1759

3 pagesIn French






Sieur Laurent Lerable acknowledgesborrowing from SieurPierre Clermon2000 livres and .promises to pay incash in the next December, for whichLerable mortgages all his goods.Debt was ultimately discharged April12, ·1761.

SUBJECT: Debt, MortgagePERSONS: Lerable, Clermont, Thomassin, Le

Normand, Brouart


Not Found in Louisiana Historical Quarterly


YEAR 1759






The parties, with the advioe and oonsent oftheir parents and friends promise to takeeaoh other in lawful marriage. to be solem­ni&ed in the Holy Catholio Churoh.

The parties bind themselves to pay their debtsbefore marriage, neither of the parties to beresponsible for debts oontraoted by the otherbefore marriage.

They agree to the community of acquets andgains acoordiJJg to the oustom of Paris.

The dowry of the future wife coneists of 2511livres , 5 sols, inoludiJJg a sum of 1247 livre s ,5 sols due her from the Suo08ssion of her f ather.One-third of her dowry will fall into the oom­muni ty, the other two-thirds to revert to anyohildren to be born of said future mar riage.

The future husband makes a marriage settlementon his future wi fe of 1000 livres , the prinoi­pal of which will be reserved for aIrY ohildrent o be born of said marriage.

The parties agree to a preoiput of 300 l i vres.They make a mutual donation to each other of allof their property. ,

(oont-,d. )

YEAR 1759



Ceoile Rondot, wife ofPierre Ledoux,Antoine Bordelon,Jean Stephane,La FleurBordelonSarazinFr ancoi s MayeuxLamotheMon sBenoist, Notary.

Not printed in Louisiana Historical Quarterly.


810 7(66894- 96)

YEAR 17 63

Fi r st date not gi ven )

APR .22 ,29th .&: MAY 5th .


.. ".


This dooument contains the same mat ter as i scontained in the Sher i f f ' s advertisements oft he auction sale s of t he lo t of gr ound onBOl~bon and St . Loui s St r eet s , togethe r vdththe house and ot her buildi ng s t hereon, saidproperty be longing to the Succession of Ant oineBoucherand, pl us t he mat t er contained i n thepr oce s verbal of the several acution sales and'the final adjudicat ion of said pr operty to Mr •.Pet i t for 3 2 ,6~f cash and costs .

( Sgd. ) By t he Counci l .

Not pr inted i n Louisiana His tor ical Quart er l y .

3 pp



YEAR 1759

2 pagesIn French




Monsieur Descloseaux would have beennamed commi~8ioner for successionsbut since his departure, M. de LaLande has been suggested by theattorneys for the Fazende heirs totake his place.

SUBJECT: Succession~ PERSONS: Descloseaux, de La Lande, Fazende


Not found in the Louisiana .Historical Quarterly

YEAR 1759

5~ pp






sale of a one-third ownership in the ship"St. Joseph", of 40 tons burden, (at pres­ent in this port, ready to sail for FranohCape) I together with her taokle and apparel,arms and ammunition, and cargo.

Considerationl 12152 livres, 8 sols, 9 deniersoash, reoeipt of whioh i s here­by acknowledged.

(Signed) J. Vienne, Jacques Lefebvre,Lenormand, Thomassin,Chantalou, Notary.

March 2,1761

Deolaration of Sr. Denis Braud, agent and at­torney in fact of Sr. Collas, showing retro­oession of above sale, dissolution of partner­ship, and acknowledgment of receipt of the sumof 9693 livres, 3 sols. 2 deniers in considera­tion of the retrocession.

(Signed) Braud, · J .Vienne.Lenornand, Chiron.

On separate sheetl l760-June 11- Power ofAttorney by Sr. Collas to Sr. Braud.

Not printed in Louieiana Historical Quarterly.-­



YEAR 1759




On the above date the effects of DavidDiasarias, Captain of the Cartelship "LeTexel~, was delivered in the Ki ng ' s Ware-

Vo. house, in the presence of the undersigned21 wi tnesses at the verbal pro cess of delivery,

appeared Mons i eur Pierre Henry Derneville,who stated and declared publicly, that hewa s i n no way connected wit h the deliverymade of t he effects of Capt ain Dav i d Diasarias,as contrary to ordinances, requesting t het t heconfiscation that had been made at the sai d

- ) -- place, and t h at even t he said Davi d Diasariasbe held in prison as an enemy of t he state,and aSpy, having heard in pUblic that he hadsounded the passes at La Balise, and tha t hehad shot down the French Flag by firing onec annon at La Balise, and hoisted the Engli shFlag afterwards, for Vlbich he requested cer­tificate.


(1 page)

Chev . DerIlalvi lleChantalou; Not a ry

Not printed in Louisiana Hi s tor i cal Q.uart er l y .


YEAR 1759

7431 \.: (. . )

MAY 1st .






Power of Attorney, authorizing and empoweringsaid agent and attorney in fact for him andin his name to administer all of his af f air sdUring his absence in Franoel to pay debts ,reoeive and reoeipt for paymentsl instituteand prosecute suits and execute judgments Ibuy, sell, lease and put in possessionl re­oeive and receipt for the purchase pricel andgenerally to do any and all things necessaryto oarry the foregoing into effect.


De SallesLaultreRaguetChantalou, notary.

Not printed in Louisiana Historical Quarterly .


YEAR 1759

4 pp

MAY 2nd.




v:arranty sale by notarial act of a oertain lotof ground, with the buildings and improvementsthereon, situated in the oity of New Orleans ,measuring 60 feet front on St. Louis Street bya depth of 150 feet, bounded on one side byproperty of Sr. Voisin, and on the other byproperty of Sr. de La Vergne.

Being the same property acquired by vendor fromSr. de Chavoye, by aot before Sr . Chantalou,Notary, dated October 5, 1756, as per oopy oftitle delivered to vendee herein.

The vendee waives advertisement and publioationof sale.

Consideration: 22000 livres in money currentin the oolony, payable duringthe month of September 1761,for seourity of which paymentby Sr. Raguet, a vendor I slien is retained on said pro­perty and the vendee alsomortgages the reminder of hisproperty.



IYEAR 1759

\ 4~ pp

7432 (::6 .'

MAY 2nd.







The parties with the consent of their relative sand friends, promise to take eaoh other in law­ful marriage, to be solelJlllized in the Holy Ca tho­lio, Apostolio and Roman Churoh.

The parties agree that the debts of eaoh sha l lbe paid before marriage, neither of the par t i e sto be responsible for debts contraoted by t heother before marriage.

They agree to the community of aoquets and gainsaooordi:ag to the oustom of Paris. The proper tyof the i'uture wife consists of 3000 !ivres andany additional amounts she may derive from theSuooession of her father , whioh her mother haspromised to pay during May 1762.

The future husband makes a marriage settlementof 2000 !ivres , the prinoipal of whioh shall bereserved for any children to be born of saidmarriage.

The future wife promises to rear the future hus­band's three ohildren by his former mar ris.ge.in the Catholio religion.

- ( cont ' d . )

\ ~I - YEAR 1759

r -



MAY 2nd .


Joseph DecoueMarie Decoux, wife ofLouis TroutoAllainGerardPatinAllain, Jr.Benoist, Notary.

I . Not printed in Louisiana Historical ~rterly.