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Transcript of d2y1pz2y630308.cloudfront.net · 17-05-2020  · Laser Jewelry Repair Custom Jewelry Making Watch...

Rev. Msgr. Thomas Derivan, Pastor�

Rev. Joseph Ligory, Parochial Vicar�

Rev. Edmundo Gomez, Retired, �

Rev. Robert Imbelli, Weekend Associate�

Mrs. Josephine Fanelli, Principal�

Mrs. Marie McCarrick, Dir. of Religious Education�

Nadia Papayani, Dir. of Music�

RECTORY: 718�892�1900/1901 WEBSITE: www.sttheresachurchbronx.org SCHOOL: 718�792�3688�

FAX: 718�892�1146 E�MAIL: rectorystc@aol.com � RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: 718�792�8434�

Church of St. Theresa�

A Caring Community Reaching Out To One Another in Christ�


Saturday at 5:00pm, �

Sunday at 7:30am, 9:00am(Italian), �

10:30am(Family Mass) 12:15pm , �

1:30PM(Spanish) & 5:00pm�


Monday thru Saturday 8:00am & 9:00am�


Miraculous Medal & St. Theresa �

Novenas after Monday morning Masses�

St. Anthony Novena after Tuesday �

morning Masses.�

Thursday 12 Noon Mass �

& Eucharistic Adoration�

Exposition & Benediction of the �

Blessed Sacrament First Friday 6:00PM �

2855 St. Theresa Avenue, Bronx, New York �


Saturdays from 4:00pm to 5:00pm �

and by appointment�


Baptisms take place most Sundays �

after the 1:30pm Mass.�

We ask parents to attend the Baptism �

preparation meeting. Register at the �

Rectory for the meeting. �

The date of the Baptism will be discussed

at the Baptism meeting.�


Call the Rectory at least six months in�

advance of the wedding date to make an �

appointment with parish clergy. �





For forty days after Easter, the apostles had a great gift. It was the gift of Jesus once again being with Him. How wonderful that gift

was! The apostles must have felt that it was like old times�here was Jesus, teaching them, listening to them, praying with them, even

eating with them�just being with them again. Here was Jesus, their Risen Lord, but the One they knew as their friend, their brother.

He was the same Jesus whom they knew before His death, and they must have felt that He would be with them this way always. But

that was not to be. As you know, forty days after Easter, on Ascension Thursday, the feast we will celebrate later on this week, the Lord

Jesus brought them to the mountain and returned to His Father in heaven. The apostles must have felt that they had lost Him a second

time�not this time to a Cross, but rather this time to heaven.�

But perhaps as they left the mountain of the Ascension, they remembered the words He spoke to them at the Last Supper, the words

we just heard in the gospel today, “I will not leave you orphans.” And He meant that. He promised He would return to them after His

death. He would rise again and be with them again. But I think the Lord meant something more. I think He was saying these words

not just to the apostles in Jerusalem two thousand years ago. He is saying those words to us here and now, “I will not leave your �

orphans.” “I will not leave you abandoned, forsaken. I will not leave you alone.” How many people feel they really have no one to

turn to, other than themselves. There is a recent book, describing all our technology, with instant communication and amazing social

media. But the book is entitled “Alone Together.” That expresses how many people feel. They may be physically together with �

others, but they have this feeling of aloneness. Our Lord knows that feeling. Remember He felt that way on the Cross when He cried

out, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” The Son of God was feeling the pain of every person who has felt alone, �

forsaken by others, forsaken even by God.�

To every person who feels that way, the Lord has this gospel message, “I will not leave your orphans.” He has not abandoned us. He

is with us in a deeper way now that He has ascended to His Father in heaven. While He was physically on the earth, He was limited to

one place and one time, accessible only to the apostles and a few others. But now in glory He is accessible to us all. He is literally only

a prayer away. He is with us here in this neighborhood and in our families. He is with every person throughout the world, a person

who worships in the poorest of mission chapels in Africa or Asia and a person who worships in beautiful churches like our own. He is

present to everyone who calls upon Him. He means what He says�He will not leave us orphans. He loves us too much to do that.�

When Our Lord said “I will not leave you orphans,” I think He must have been thinking of three gifts He gives us, three gifts that

show us He is with us here and now. The first gift is the Holy Spirit. In the gospel today He promises to send a Paraclete, a Helper to

guide us. He promised He would send the Holy Spirit to be our strength. We are not alone. We have the Holy Spirit who is given to us

in Baptism and in Confirmation, always guiding us towards Jesus and towards heaven.�

And His second gift was His mother. Who better could He give the apostles to help them? Who better could He give to help us? A

mother never forgets her children. I always smile when I hear a mother refer to her grown child as “my baby.” For the mother, the

years make no difference. Big or small, the child is her own. We could say that we are all Mary’s “babies” because Jesus has put us in

her care.�

And the final gift: the Lord Jesus gave us the gift of Himself in Holy Communion. How much we miss being able to receive Holy

Communion at Mass every Sunday at this time because of the pandemic! So many people have said that to me. But we hope for this:

we hope that this will give us a greater appreciation of Holy Communion, a greater love for Jesus who comes to us. Please God we will

be able to receive Holy Communion very soon. And when we do, the Lord is saying to us: “Do not worry. I will not leave you �

orphans. I am here in this Eucharist. I am here for you.”�

Let us never think that we are alone. We are not. Jesus is here with us. We have His word for that. Let us remember the final words

that Jesus said before He ascended into heaven, words that He wants us always to remember, “Behold, I am with you always even to the

end of time.”�

� � � � � � � � � � � � Father Thomas B. Derivan�


This Thursday is the Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord.�

Forty days after Easter Our Lord returned to His Father in �

heaven promising the apostles and us that “I am with you �

always even to the end of time.”�

Even though we are not able to join in Mass in church on �

Ascension Thursday, let us offer our particular prayers on that

day that all people will remember, particularly during this �

difficult time, that they are not alone, that the Lord Jesus is with

them. This can be a time when many people, including �

ourselves, feel very much alone. But we are not�Christ is with

us always. May that belief guide us especially at this difficult



Since we are not able to actually receive Holy Communion at

this time, we encourage you to make a “Spiritual Communion,” �

opening your heart to welcome the Lord Jesus present in the

tabernacle. We offer this prayer:�

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy �

Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to �

receive you in my soul. Since I cannot at this moment �

receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my

heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and I

unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be �

separated from you. Amen�



During Lent, we observed the Stations of the Cross, remembering Our Lord carrying the Cross and suffering and dying on the Cross for

us. A new devotion in the Church is the Easter Stations of Light, recalling the great events that began on Easter Sunday up to the day of

the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. In our bulletin each week during these Easter days we present these Stations of Light for

your prayerful reflection. These reflections were written by Father Francis Martin.�

■Eleventh Station■ Jesus Entrusts His Disciples with a Universal Mission�

Then Jesus approached and said to them, “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples

of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have

commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (Mt 28:18�20)�


Did you ever stop to think why it might be that there are so many different religions and so many conflicts in the world despite the fact

that the Church has a mission to all the nations? It might be that we are simply not holy enough, not enlightened or delicate enough to

enter into the hearts and minds of our brothers and sisters and appreciate the truth that is there, to rejoice in it, and see it in the light of

Jesus, the eternal Word of God, the very source of all that is. We are unable to carry out the mission that the Lord wants of us and �

cherish these rays of truth in such a way that they are preserved and enhanced within the bosom of a Church radiant with love and �

graciousness. Pray that we become deep enough to cherish and carry to completion the truth that God wants to entrust to us.�


Lord, have mercy on your Church and purify us; gift us with enthusiasm and respect so that we can carry out your commission to bring

all, without coercion or triumphalism, into the life you have for them.�

■Twelfth Station■ Jesus Ascends into Heaven■�

Therefore, brothers, since through the blood of Jesus we have confidence of entrance into the sanctuary by the new and living way he

opened for us through the veil, that is, his flesh, and since we have “a great priest over the house of God, let us approach with a sincere

heart and in absolute trust.” (Heb 10:19�22)�


While Saint Luke, in the Book of Acts, recounts the Ascension of Jesus, the fact of the physical presence of Jesus with the Father is

spoken about in many places of the New Testament. We have access to the Father and can enter the sanctuary, because of the Blood of

Christ and through the flesh of Christ, that is, through his glorious and radiant humanity in which he is the great priest over the house of

God. We know that Jesus has ascended because we can experience our access to the Father. It is through the mediation of Jesus our

Priest who intercedes for us by changing us and making us apt to enter the Father’s presence. This is ultimately the mystery of the �

Eucharist where the blood, the flesh, and the priesthood of Christ bring us to intimacy with the Father.�

Prayer �

Jesus, glorious priest and brother, we honor you and worship you. We rejoice in your presence with the Father and your place on his

throne. Bring us into that presence for ever.�


During this time when we are not able to have public Mass, we

want you to remember that our church is open every day from �

7:00AM to 12:00PM for your own private prayer and devotion.�


The side entrance to the Church on Pilgrim Avenue will be open

every Sunday for anyone who is handicapped or in a wheelchair.

Also this same entrance will be opened every weekday until


MAY 17, 2020�


This Thursday we celebrate Jesus’ Ascension into heaven, which took place 40 days after Easter. The Gospel passage, which �

concludes the Gospel of Matthew, presents the moment of the Risen One’s final farewell to his disciples. The scene is set in Galilee,

the place where Jesus had called them to follow him and to form the first nucleus of his new community. Now those disciples have

traversed the “fire” of the Passion and of the Resurrection; at the visit of the Risen Lord they prostrate themselves before him, although

some remain doubtful. Jesus gives this frightened community the immense task of evangelizing the world; and he reinforces this �

responsibility with the command to teach and baptize in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.�

Jesus’ Ascension into heaven thus constitutes the end of the mission that the Son received from the Father and the beginning of the

continuation of this mission on the part of the Church. From this moment, from the moment of the Ascension, in fact, Christ’s presence

in the world is mediated by his disciples, by those who believe in him and proclaim him. This mission will last until the end of history

and every day we will have the assistance of the Risen Lord, who assures: “I am with you always, to the close of the age.”�

His presence brings strength during persecution, comfort in tribulations, support in the difficult situations that the mission and the

proclamation of the Gospel will encounter. The Ascension reminds us of Jesus’ assistance and of his Spirit that gives confidence, gives

certainty to our Christian witness in the world. He reveals to us the reason for the Church’s existence: the Church exists to proclaim the

Gospel, for this alone! So too, the joy of the Church is proclaiming the Gospel. The Church is all of us baptized people. Today we are

called to better understand that God has given us the great dignity and responsibility of proclaiming him to the world, of making him

accessible to all mankind. This is our dignity; this is the greatest honor of each one of us, of all the baptized!�

On this Feast of the Ascension, as we turn our gaze toward heaven, where Christ has ascended and sits at the right hand of the Father,

we strengthen our steps on earth so as to continue our journey�our mission of witnessing to and living the Gospel in every �

environment�with enthusiasm and courage. However, we are well aware that this does not depend first and foremost on our strengths,

on our organizational abilities or human resources. Only with the light and strength of the Holy Spirit can we effectively fulfill our

mission of leading others to know and increasingly experience Jesus’ tenderness.�

Let us ask the Virgin Mary to help us contemplate the heavenly benefits that the Lord promises us, and to become ever more credible

witnesses to his Resurrection, to the true Life.�

� � � � � � � � � � Regina Coeli Address, May 28, 2017�


Tickets for our�annual GRAND RAFFLE�have been sent to all who are on our mailing list. We hope you have received

yours.��If not or if you wish additional tickets, they are available by calling the rectory (718�892�1900). We thank those who

have already made their Raffle returns.�

We ask your special help with the Raffle this year.� We are hoping for a considerable profit from the Raffle to assist our �

parish.��The current coronavirus epidemic has affected us all. It has changed so much in our lives�in your family’s life and in

the life of our parish.�

Therefore, we are depending on the Grand Raffle more than ever this year to help our parish meet our financial �

obligations. �We are asking every parishioner to take a ticket (two if possible) so that the Grand Raffle this year will be

more successful than ever.�

�There will be a few changes for this year’s Raffle:�

First, the price of the ticket will be $50.� We are hoping that this will attract more people to take raffle tickets�and �

hopefully more than one.�

Second, because of the change in the ticket pr ice, we are changing our �Raffle prizes�to the following:�

��������������������������First Prize, �$15,000�

������������������������� Second Prize, $2500�

������������������������� Third Prize,���� $500����


The drawing for the Grand Raffle will be on Sunday, June 28




Also if your Raffle tickets are in before June 12�


�you will qualify for the�“early bird drawing,” the winner of which will receive $300

and three additional tickets.� Also we will award $100 in cash to the seller of the First Prize ticket. The early bird drawing will be on

Sunday, June 14�



You may return your ticket stub and payment either by coming to the rectory and placing it in the slot marked for “Raffle Returns” or

by mailing it to the rectory. Please help us to make the Raffle successful this year. We are confident you will help to keep��

“St. Theresa Strong.”�


Dear Friends,�

The thoughts and prayers of your priests are with you during this difficult time of the pandemic. Simply put,�we miss you!��We miss

welcoming you to Sunday Mass, hearing about your family and sharing the good and the not so good happenings of our lives.��We miss

those faithful parishioners who came to daily Mass, often through rain or snow, always there��to pray for all of us.���Of course we miss

our children.��We miss welcoming them to school in the morning and greeting them for CCD class on �

Sunday morning or Wednesday evening.��We miss, very simply, the hustle and bustle that characterizes our parish and indeed every

parish. I think it is fair to say that we will never grow accustomed to the way things are now. Please God we never will!��Please God we

can always say, not just, “I can’t wait to come to church,” but rather “I can’t wait to come to�my�church.��I can’t wait to come


Some time ago Cardinal Dolan�who has been so wonderful in his inspiring leadership of the Church at this time�wrote a

column entitled,�“Is the Church closed?”��I want to give you his words again because they are so important for all of us to �

remember.��The Cardinal wrote: Is the ‘Church’ closed for the virus? No way!�

�� Now, the “church” (small “c”) building might be locked�up�although so many are open for a good part of each day so folks

can pray� and the public celebration��������of Mass is on hold for a while.�

������������But the “Church” (capital “C”) can never be closed! “The Church” is not our buildings, but the “living stones”�you and me,

with the Apostles as the foundation, and Jesus as the cornerstone�and is more alive than ever.�

������������No one, nobody, nowhere can close “The Church.” Oh, not that some have not tried, to this day, when thugs in �

places like China, Nigeria, parts of India, and Syria are indeed not only trying to close the “Church” but exterminate it.�

������������������������Well, some skeptics continue, “the Mass and the sacraments are closed to us.” True, we miss regular Sunday Mass, Holy

Communion, and Confession deeply, and long for their return. But Mass is offered daily by our priests, and no �

Eucharist���������is “private.” Every time we priests have the honor of approaching the altar, we are in the company of �

God�Father, Son, and Holy Spirit�Our Blessed Mother and the Communion of Saints, and all God’s People, so that “from the rising

of the sun to its setting, a pure sacrifice may be offered to your name.”�

������������I think it is essential that we keep the Cardinal’s words in mind as this pandemic goes on. Frankly we do not know when the

church will be open. People ask us every day when they will be able to come back for Mass and we simply do not know. We �

understand why the church has to be closed. God forbid that one person�just one�would transmit the virus, probably unknowingly, to

someone else. The virtue of charity tells us to put the other person’s well�being before our own and in this case that means �

sacrificing what we want to do�namely come to public Mass�for the sake of others. That is hard to accept, but it is real.�

������������I have to say that most people I talk with accept this. They do not like it�none of us do. But we accept it as the greater good at

this time. This is the sacrifice the Lord is asking us to accept, the Cross He is asking us to carry.��With His help�and only with His help

�� we will continue to do so.�

������������I want to say something about saying Mass in an empty church. I think the most important thing to tell you is that the church

is�never�empty. When I offer the Mass,�you are there. I heard of one pr iest who put the pictures of his par ishioners on the church

benches during Mass. I do not need to do that. I see you there. I see our older people faithfully coming Sunday after Sunday. I see our

families, parents coming with their children, some of whom are �

preparing for First Communion and Confirmation (which they will receive as soon as this crisis is over). I see you there.��And the point

is: you are there, perhaps not physically, but spiritually. When you pray at home, particularly when you join in the Mass that we �

present on the website or YouTube or Facebook, you are there. Your prayers bring you to God’s house and nothing can prevent that. Of

course I cannot wait for you to be able to be in church physically. But for the moment, be assured that you are there in your church and

nothing can take that away.�

������������I have to say how wonderful you have been in supporting your church at this time. God bless you for your �

material support in our Sunday collections. Many of you are using the online giving which is found on our parish website �

under “Parish Giving.” Many are sending their envelopes by mail or dropping them off at the rectory door mail slot.��And I want to

thank you for the support you have given to our Grand Raffle. Many parishioners have already returned their raffle stubs, some even

asking for additional ones. But beyond the material support, you have supported us by your good wishes, by messages of concern, by

phone calls just to say hello. And of course you have assured us of your prayers. Your prayers are what keep your priests going. Please

do not stop. I have one final request. Every night, as many of you know, we have our “7PM production” �

(produced by Joey Antico)��with the church bells ringing and much singing and clapping all for our first responders, doctors, nurses,

EMTs, police officers, firefighters and other essential workers. But I ask you when you think of “essential workers,” also think of�and

pray for�the “ordinary people” who are taking care of food delivery, staffing markets and pharmacies, delivering our mail and �

packages, keeping public places clean, staffing offices, and, in the case of funeral directors, providing dignified service for those who

have gone home to the Lord. Do not forget any of these people. Some of you are among them�and we thank you for your service.

When you hear the music and the singing and the bells, they are for you too. The Lord will get us through this difficult time. Our

Blessed Mother Mary, whose month this is, will take care of us her children. May we never lose faith. And may we remember the words

I have said often during these weeks:� STAY STRONG, STAY SAFE AND PRAY HARD.�

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� � � � � �

� � � � � � � � � � � God bless you!�

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ � � �� � Father Thomas B. Derivan�


Phyllis Amitrano, Maryann Cale Bannan, Kenny Brisco, �

Nancy Cardone, Elaine Reiss Cina, Joseph Cina, Phyllis Caruso,�

Pasqua Del Prete, Marie DiPolo, Thomas Egan, Frank Ferrara,�

Rita Ferrara, Daley Gribbon, Ita Griffin, Sean Howell, �

William Keenan, Sal Lanza, Frank Maiorana, �

Maryann Maiorana, Diane Martino, Joe Martino, �

Theresa Martino, Patrick & Jimmy McCoy, Isabelle O’Brien, �

Marie Petillo, Joseph Pisano, Camille Siciliano, Mario Simeone,�

Toni Spahr, Florence Valentine, Dean Valentine, Nicholas Vasti,�

Frank Vertullo, Irene Vesely.�

During this time when public Mass is not able to be celebrated, the priests are offering private Mass for

those who have arranged for announced Masses for loved ones. We are trying to do this, as far as possible,

on the actual date that was arranged. In some cases, these Masses have been moved to a later date. This

information is available in the rectory.�




& �


Toribio was born in Santa Ana, Mexico. His extremely poor

family had to walk a great distance to Sunday Mass each week.

When a visiting priest stayed at the family home, Toribio began

to consider the priesthood. He was still a boy when he �

announced that he was going to leave home for preparatory �

studies. His sister Quica broke off her engagement to go with

him and support him financially while he studied.�

When Toribio was ordained in 1922, persecutions of the �

Mexican church under President Calles were intensifying. Three

years later, Toribio and the pastor of Cuquio organized an �

outdoor Mass on the Feast of Christ the King that was attended

by fifteen thousand faithful. All present took an oath to defend

their Faith. The authorities began to keep tabs on Toribio.

When he accepted a new assignment in Tequila, a dangerous

region, he made his home in an abandoned distillery in a remote

canyon. Quica and his brother Román, who was now a priest,

came too. The brothers catechized the children on nearby farms,

visited the sick, and brought the sacraments to the faithful in


On February 15, 1928, Toribio’s brother was on an errand in a

nearby town when gunmen arrived at the distillery looking for �

“the priest.” “I am the priest,” Toribio confessed. They shot him

immediately and he died in his sisters’ arms.�

Quica was spared. She spent her remaining years helping poor

children to receive a Christ�centered education.�

Eternal Father, through the intercession of Saint Toribio Romo

González, make me faithful to the end.�



Priest and Martyr († 1928)�

Prayer of Pope Francis to Our Lady��

O Mary, You shine continuously on our journey as a sign of

salvation and hope.�

We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick, who, at the foot

of the cross,�

were united with Jesus’ suffering and persevered in your faith.�

“Protectress of the Roman people”, you know our needs,�

and we know that you will provide, so that, as at Cana in �

Galilee, joy and celebration may return after this time of trial.�

Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform ourselves to the

will of the Father�

and to do what Jesus tells us.�

For he took upon himself our suffering, and burdened himself

with our sorrows�

to bring us, through the cross, to the joy of the Resurrection.


We fly to your protection, O Holy Mother of God;�

Do not despise our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us

always from every danger,�

O Glorious and Blessed Virgin.�

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands

in moments of comfort and convenience but where he

stands in times of challenge and controversy. �

Martin Luther King Jr.�

This iconic quote resonates perfectly at this moment in time,

when we are all challenged to be our best selves.�


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“Serving the Throggs Neck and Surrounding Communities since 1965” (718) 892-2102 WWW.SISTOFH.COM 3489 East Tremont Avenue, Bronx, New York, NY 10465

Sisto Funeral Home, Inc.

1725 Edison Avenue, Bronx, NY 10461

(718) 892-7114Dr. Peter J. Healy • Dr. Stephen M. Molinaro

Family Practice Dentistry & Laser Dental CareNew Patients Welcome!

Castle Hill Funeral Directors, Inc 1528 CASTLE HILL AVENUE, BRONX, NY | (718) 828-9222 George Farr • Funeral Director Tom Guido • Funeral Director ON SITE PARKING FACILITIES - PRE ARRANGED FUNERAL PLANNING

Visit our two convenient locations:3151 Westchester Ave.

Mon-Sat 7am-10pmSunday 7am-9pm

2722 E. Tremont Ave.Mon-Sat 7am-9pmSunday 7am-8pm


Ralph Giordano • Joseph Giordano • Stavros Dimopoulos CASKETS DISPLAY ON PREMISES • CHAPEL SERVICE ANYWHERE 1727 CROSBY AVE., BRONX, NY 10461 Phone Day or Night: (718) 829-5580

Mayflower Deli & Grocery

(929) 777-96671869 Mayflower Ave, Bronx, NY 10461

McNultyFuneral Home, Inc.




Lawrence J PistilloExclusive Agent

Allstate Insurance Company1892 Eastchester Rd 2nd FloorBronx, NY 10461Office: 718-597-2345 ext 403Cell: 914-329-5015LPistillo@allstate.com

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