16th march phil 3 8 14

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Transcript of 16th march phil 3 8 14

Adequate Living (Phil 3:8-14)BMGC16th March 2013

BMGC Sunday Ministry

Chap 3:1-3


Chap 3:4-6

Circumcised on the 8th day Hebrew of HebrewsPeople of Israel PhariseeTribe of Benjamin Persecute the church


BMGC Sunday Ministry

Personal accomplishments

BMGC Sunday Ministry

Circumcised on the 8th day Hebrew of HebrewsPeople of Israel PhariseeTribe of Benjamin Persecute the church FaultlessAnything in life he placed value

Circumcised on the 8th day Hebrew of HebrewsPeople of Israel PhariseeTribe of Benjamin Persecute the church FaultlessAnything in life he placed value

BMGC Sunday Ministry

• Personal relationship with Christ• “knowing” (Gnosis): relationship or experience

• Jn 17:3 “Now this is eternal life: that they know You, the only true God

and Jesus Christ whom you have sent

BMGC Sunday Ministry

• Salvation is entering into a personal relationship with Christ through faith• But how do we know we’ve a personal relationship with Christ?

• We simply want to know HIM more fully• v9-10, Paul simply wanted to know Christ more in the following areas

• HIS righteousness through faith• HIS power of resurrection to overcome sins (Eph 1:19-21, Rom 6:1-4)• HIS sufferings

• v11 To attain the resurrection of life• Jn 5:26-29 (life), Rev 20:11-15 (judgment)• 1 Cor 15:20-23 (resurrection of Christ)• 1 Thes 4:13-18 (resurrection of church)• Rev 20:3-5 (resurrection of saints, end of tribulation period)

BMGC Sunday Ministry

• Goal is to attain the resurrection of life• Establish personal relationship with Christ through faith• Desire to know Christ more

• Anything else needed to achieve the goal?• Yes, in v12 (KJV)..”not as though I had already attained, either were

already perfect” simply means do not be contented or easily satisfied• ‘perfect’ (teleioo) means to bring to an end by completing or perfecting• The present goal of knowing Christ fully & attain the resurrection of life

must continue to be their goal until the event takes place or obtained• Paul did not get relax or take anything for granted• Perseverance Matt 10:22

Christ Paul

BMGC Sunday Ministry

• “Dioko” meaning to push, drive, set in motion, striving hard after• Focus on 1 thing:

• v13 “But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead’ which is to continue to know Christ better

• There’re many ‘one thing’ mentioned in the Bible• Mark 10:21 (1 thing you lack, the rich man)• Luke 10:42 (1 thing you need, story of Mary & Martha)• Jn 9:25 (1 thing I know, the blind man healed)• Ps 27:4 (1 thing I ask & seek, David to dwell in the house of the Lord

• It’s by no mean Paul seek to know Christ better & strife to be perfect in order to be saved but because he was saved through faith in Christ, therefore he ‘Press On’ to know Christ better & to be more like HIM until the day of the resurrection of life


BMGC Sunday Ministry