160504 themonitor

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The Monitor Newspaper for 4th May 2016

Transcript of 160504 themonitor

Your Community Newspaper ~ Roxby DownsYour Community Newspaper ~ Roxby DownsMonitorMonitorThe

Volume 13, Wednesday, May 4, 2016www.themonitor.com.au Phone (08) 8671 2683 Fax (08) 8671 2843


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Three young children, a full-time management position and university studies –

Roxby Downs woman Ashley O’Hara does it all.

� e Monitor caught up with Mrs O’Hara ahead of local Mother’s Day celebrations this weekend.

Mrs O’Hara is the manager of the Roxby Downs Child Care Centre, where her son Lewis, 3, and daughter Georgia, 18 months, are attendees.

Her eldest Emily, 5, is in primary school.

From Adelaide originally, the fami-ly moved to town four years ago after

her husband Chris gained employ-ment at the Olympic Dam mine site.

“We chose to move as a family so he wouldn’t miss out (on time with the children),” she said.

Mrs O’Hara said the family-friendly atmosphere was what she enjoyed most about the town.

She started at the childcare centre in October last year before taking on the role of manager in January.

Mrs O’Hara said managing a childcare centre had been something she had always wanted to do, and she enjoyed having Lewis and Emily close by while she was at work.

“I think I have very resilient chil-dren who are very easygoing,” she said.

“I think because I work where

they are it helps as well.”On juggling her duties as full-time

manager and mother of three, Mrs O’Hara said a lot of planning ahead, choosing quick meals, taking family trips and being unafraid to ask for help had made a diff erence.

Mrs O’Hara said it was also about knowing your limits, which is some-thing she had to put into practice when she deferred her early child-hood studies while she started her new management role.

She is now only taking on one sub-ject at a time and is about one quar-ter of the way through her degree.

When asked what she enjoyed most about being a mother, Mrs O’Hara said playing with her chil-dren, being able to bring joy to them,

having fun with them and challeng-ing them to grow as individuals were all highlights.

“I enjoy watching them feel proud of themselves, and I just like being silly with them,” she said.

“It brings up memories of my re-lationship with my mum. I think I’ve taken what was fun out of that and do those things with my children.”

Mrs O’Hara said the biggest lesson she had learned as a mother was to let go of her own issues so that she could focus on her children.

“It’s not all about me at all any more,” she said.

“Now you’ve got to think about how things can aff ect your children.

“I’ve learned more about patience and I have empathy for other parents.

“I understand that everyone’s doing their best because they want the best for their children, and you can’t judge other parents for what they do. We should help each other instead.”

When it comes to down time, Mrs O’Hara said she enjoyed playing net-ball as a way of keeping up a healthy level of physical activity.

“I’ll go out and do my own thing sometimes,” she said.

“It’s always important to be a mum but yourself as well.

“It’s all about balance.”Mrs O’Hara said the Mother’s Day

tradition in her family was to go out for breakfast or have a picnic lunch, with the most important part being spending quality time together.

Ashley’s at the helm

Roxby Downs Child Care Centre manager Ashley

O’Hara with children Georgia, 18 months, Lewis, 3, and Emily, 5.

PHOTO: Ryneisha Bollard

Page 2 -- Wednesday, May 4, 2016 www.themonitor.com.au THE MONITOR - Your Community Newspaper


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Port Augusta 12°/24°Leigh Creek 11°/25°Adelaide 13°/22°




Mostly Sunny


Port Augusta 11°/26°Leigh Creek 12°/27°Adelaide 12°/21°




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Late ShowerMin




Port Augusta 13°/20°Leigh Creek 12°/20°Adelaide 12°/20°

Possible ShowerMin




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The MonitorNewspaper6 Richardson Place, Roxby Downs

PO Box 72, Roxby Downs SA 5725

Phone (08) 8671 2683

www.themonitor.com.au patrick@themonitor.com.au



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Two male western quolls are set to call the Arid Recovery Reserve home as part of a breeding program to be run at the site.

Arid Recovery manager Katherine Tuft told � e Monitor the quolls were set to be introduced to the reserve this Friday.

Ms Tuft said the female quolls already at the reserve were settling in well but it was still hard to tell what impact they were having on making other native an-imals more ‘predator aware’.

“We’re measuring that as we go along to see how it aff ects their behaviour,” she said.

Ms Tuft said one of the male quolls was from the Alice Springs Desert Park, while the other was taken from the wild in Western Australia.

Quolls used to be found across most of Australia.However, competition with and being targeted by

feral cats – along with land clearing, illegal shooting and other infl uences – has seen a signifi cant decline in the quoll population to the extent that it is currently classed as a near-threatened species.

Arid Recovery’s quoll breeding program will there-fore aim to contribute towards quoll conservation and re-establishment eff orts.



T elstra has removed one of two payphones on Richardson Place, Roxby

Downs, in light of a decline in usage.

A spokesperson said a rise in mobile phone ownership and use had seen less need for the service.

� e remaining payphone on Richardson Place received a new cabinet when the works to remove the other facility were undertaken last month.

“Locally in Roxby Downs we have seen a decline in us-age of these payphones over the past 24 months, and the re-moval follows a period of public consultation,” said the Telstra spokesperson.

Proposals to remove a pay-

phone where at least one other facility will remain can be found online (www.telstra.com.au/consumer-advice/payphones), with submissions open for a 42-day period.

When Telstra plans on remov-ing the last remaining payphone from a site, a public consultation document is also published on its website. Also a large sticker is placed in the payphone cabinet to invite users to make a submis-sion on the proposal.

Following the removal of one of the payphones from the main street, fi ve remain operational in Roxby Downs and are locat-ed on Richardson Place, Bur-goyne Street and Pioneer Drive.

The Telstra spokesperson added that the company had no plans to reduce the amount of payphone sites in Roxby Downs.

Reserve to host quoll breeding

Main street payphone removed

Workers complete the removal of one of the payphones on Richardson Place, Roxby Downs,

last month. PHOTO: Jody Gow-Smith

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All editorial and advertising requests must be submitted by 12 noon on Fridays.DEADLINES

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Wednesday, May 4, 2016 -- Page 3 www.themonitor.com.auTHE MONITOR - Your Community Newspaper

Junior soccer players attend A-League fi nal

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Local junior soccer players received another opportunity to play during the half-time break of a Hyundai

A-League game in Adelaide on Sunday.After attending the semi-fi nal on Friday,

April 22, another group participated in the Mini Roos program during the grand fi nal between Adelaide United and the Western Sydney Wanderers.

Football Federation Australia (FFA) spon-

sors NAB invited 10 juniors aged between six and 11 years to attend the match and paid for a bus to take the players and their families to Adelaide.

Each playing child and one accompany-ing parent was given a ticket to the game, which saw United defeat the Wanderers in its maiden A-League premiership win.

“� e kids were there not only for a fi rst for Roxby but also saw a good win,” said Roxby Downs Junior Soccer Club president Tony D’Arrigo. “� ey were out there playing at half-time and they had a ball. � ey were all playing their hardest.

“� ey’ll never forget that for the rest of their lives.”

Mr D’Arrigo said Adelaide United players took photographs with the visiting locals and signed soccer balls for them.

He said he was grateful to NAB, the FFA and Kanga Coachlines for making the trip possible.

“We were treated like royalty,” he said.“It was just fantastic, the way we were

looked after.”Mr D’Arrigo also thanked Football Fed-

eration SA for its input in providing this opportunity for Roxby Downs locals.

Local junior soccer players at Adelaide Oval for the Hyundai A-League grand fi nal between Adelaide United and the Western Sydney Wanderers on Sunday. PHOTO: Supplied

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there is a huge demand for rental properties in the Riverland

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PriCe reDUCeD

renovateD & afforDable Home122 Central Road, monasH $185,000

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Four big bedrooms & a study too, large fully equipped kitchen & adjacent is the dining area. spacious lounge room & an additional parent’s retreat/rumpus room. outdoors is a blank canvas for you to add your own flair, whether it be a hobby farm or a garden oasis.open this Saturday 14th July: 9:45am- 10:15am

CraggS CreeK Cafe340 Riverview drive, BeRRi $88,500

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this is a modern and easy care home in a great location opposite the school. offering three bedrooms plus a study, spacious and modern kitchen with a built-in pantry and plenty of cupboards for all your kitchenware. open plan and tiled family living and dining area plus a formal lounge room. ducted evaporative cooling and gas heating to keep the house cool or cosy. outside is an all-weather pergola and a low-maintenance fully-fenced yard. open this Saturday 14th July: 11:30am-12:00pm

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Roxby Downs O�ceSuite 3, 24 Tutop StreetRoxby Downs SA 5725Phone: (08) 8671 2000

Coober Pedy O�ceShop A, Lot 23 Hutchison StreetCoober Pedy SA 5723Phone: (08) 8672 5222

PO Box 287Coober Pedy SA 5723

Renmark O�ceShop 6, Chapman MallRenmark SA 5341Phone: (08) 8586 5122

PO Box 1667Renmark SA 5341

Darwin O�ce Shop 32, Progress DriveNightcli� NT 0810Phone: (08) 8948 0770

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Residential & CommeRCial Real estate andrewsproperty.com.au Rla 122510


there is a huge demand for rental properties in the Riverland

our last rental property was let within a week

if you are thinking of renting out your property,

Please give us a call.

Comfortable family living58 Culgoa street, RenmaRK $279,500

Wendy Tuul 0408 560 639 rSr240611

three bedrooms & two bathrooms, spacious kitchen with stainless steel appliances, dining/ family living with a cosy wood combustion heater & separate lounge room. Powered undercover entertaining area & an outdoor kitchen, complete with an oven. Huge shed, chicken coop & tool-sheds- brand new solar panels have been installed! open this Sunday 15th July: 11:30am-12:00pm

Wendy tuulProperty ConsultantResidential Sales

0408 560 639wendy.tuul@andrewsproperty.com.au

We would love the opportunity to sell it.

For a free property appraisal

and to discuss selling your home

Please give us a call


is your property under $250,000?

neW liSting

a great bUy!1 Phillips Road, BeRRi $148,000

Wendy Tuul 0408 560 639 rSr240611

this nicely presented home would make an ideal frist home or great investment. set on a large corner allotment and close to schools. offering four good size bedrooms, spacious lounge room with heating / cooling & a roomy eat-in kitchen. outdoors is a good size shed surrounded by well kept gardens.open this Saturday 14th July: 10:45am-11:15am

PriCe reDUCeD

renovateD & afforDable Home122 Central Road, monasH $185,000

Wendy Tuul 0408 560 639 rSr240611

Four big bedrooms & a study too, large fully equipped kitchen & adjacent is the dining area. spacious lounge room & an additional parent’s retreat/rumpus room. outdoors is a blank canvas for you to add your own flair, whether it be a hobby farm or a garden oasis.open this Saturday 14th July: 9:45am- 10:15am

CraggS CreeK Cafe340 Riverview drive, BeRRi $88,500

Wendy Tuul 0408 560 639 rSr240611

Fully licensed coffee, cafe & dining situated in the town centre of the Riverland in Berri. an architecturally appealing building providing indoor & outdoor dining with breathe taking river views from the elevated decking & courtyard. located adjacent the tourist bureau- coach set down, providing plenty of parking.

moDern family living10 Fischer drive, BeRRi $284,500

Wendy Tuul 0408 560 639 rSr240611

this is a modern and easy care home in a great location opposite the school. offering three bedrooms plus a study, spacious and modern kitchen with a built-in pantry and plenty of cupboards for all your kitchenware. open plan and tiled family living and dining area plus a formal lounge room. ducted evaporative cooling and gas heating to keep the house cool or cosy. outside is an all-weather pergola and a low-maintenance fully-fenced yard. open this Saturday 14th July: 11:30am-12:00pm

maKe US an offer!

PriCe reDUCeD

neW PriCe

eCo frienDly living at itS fineSt!section 342 mack avenue, RenmaRK

set on 1 hectare of land, the entire house is on rainwater with 65000lt tank storage. Recent renovations include the bathroom, wet areas, kitchen with stainless steel appliances & all plumbing converted to PUC. there are no electricity bills on this property with the original 44c feed in tariff applying.

open this Sunday 15th July: 10:30am-11:00am

oPen to all offerS!

Wendy Tuul 0408 560 639 rSr240611

Corporate AdministrationSuite 6, Chapman MallRenmark SA 5341Phone: (08) 8586 5122www.andrewsproperty.com.auregional@andrewsproperty.com.au


Roxby Downs O�ceSuite 3, 24 Tutop StreetRoxby Downs SA 5725Phone: (08) 8671 2000

Coober Pedy O�ceShop A, Lot 23 Hutchison StreetCoober Pedy SA 5723Phone: (08) 8672 5222

PO Box 287Coober Pedy SA 5723

Renmark O�ceShop 6, Chapman MallRenmark SA 5341Phone: (08) 8586 5122

PO Box 1667Renmark SA 5341

Darwin O�ce Shop 32, Progress DriveNightcli� NT 0810Phone: (08) 8948 0770

PO Box 1212Nightcli� NT 0810

Tennant Creek O�ce1/129 Paterson StreetTennant Creek NT 0860Phone: (08) 8962 2111

PO Box 1141Tennant Creek NT 0860




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Page 4 -- Wednesday, May 4, 2016 www.themonitor.com.au THE MONITOR - Your Community Newspaper


Roxby Downs woman Jade Williams is set to compete against other stylish entrants at

� oroughbred Racing SA’s Fashion at the Races state fi nal this Saturday.

Ms Williams placed second behind Roxby Downs fi nalist Leah Jones during Outback Cup festivities last August.

However, Ms Jones is unable to make it to Adelaide for the state fi nal, meaning Ms Williams will attend in her place.

Judging will be conducted during a luncheon to be held as part of the Schweppes Oaks Day racing event at Morphettville Racecourse.

Ms Williams, along with 14 other fi -nalists, is in the running to win the main prize of a 10-day tour of Hong Kong, Shanghai and Macau.

� e runner-up will receive an extrav-agant shopping experience, including $2000 to spend on clothes and a private styling session.

Ms Williams told � e Monitor she had appreciated the recognition for the ef-fort she put into her outfi t when she was named as one of the top Fashion at the Races entrants at last year’s Outback Cup.

It had been her fi rst year entering af-ter giving birth to her daughter Ruby the year before, and Ms Williams said she had spent about three months putting her outfi t together.

“I followed the fashions for a little while, then I found a design I really liked and I thought it would suit the winter racing looks,” she said.

Ms Williams said most of her outfi t was purchased online, except for her bag, which she bought from a local via Face-book, and fascinator made by Millinery By Mel in Mount Isa.

“Everyone else’s outfi ts were amazing,” she said.

“You could tell who had looked into the rules and the stuff that the judges look for.

“I think it’s great considering we’re just a little country town in the middle of the desert.”

Ms Williams said she had been prepar-ing a new outfi t since learning in March that she would be entering this weekend’s competition.

“I’m nervous but there’s only so much you can do (to prepare),” she added.

Following last week’s release of The Monitor’s key community survey fi ndings, further details about the responses

received are being revealed.Of the 60 who responded, 25 were aged in their

30s, 17 in their 40s, 15 in their 50s, two in their 20s and one wrote ‘not applicable’.

Only nine were not parents, while 34 had chil-dren under the age of 18, 15 were the parents of adults and one answered with a ‘not applicable’.

Out of those who had young children, most respondents lived with them but fi ve had a child who was attending boarding school elsewhere.

Reasons given for this included limited resourc-es for a senior high school education in Roxby Downs and more subject choice at boarding schools.

When asked what infl uenced respondents to live in their current town of residence, “to be clos-er to family” and “was time for a change” were among the reasons given out of the three who lived outside of the Roxby Downs area.

Out of the 57 who identifi ed as living in the area, 21 attributed their work as the reason be-hind it, while fi ve said they moved here because of their partner’s job.

Another fi ve said they lived in the area because of the local lifestyle, and three said the ability to see family every day was a deciding factor.

� ree respondents wanted to be close to their work at the mine site, two said a requirement of the job was to live here and one said buying a house in town infl uence them to reside in the area.

Another respondent said they moved to the area in 1996 because Western Mining Corpo-ration “was a great company to work for”, and one noted that mining towns were friendlier than rural areas.

“Years ago BHP (Billiton) indicated that they will build a town so great that it would attract people,” said another respondent.

“I invested in that.”One resident of Roxby Downs for the past 28

years said the town was a great place to raise a family in a “caring and safe community”.

“It’s important for myself and my husband to be able to work and live in the same community so our children have us home,” the respondent added.


More 7/7survey insights revealed Local fashionista heads to

Morphettville Racecourse

Jade Williams (centre) will represent Roxby Downs at the Fashion at the Races state fi nal this weekend. She is pictured with Georgia Boylan and

Leah Jones at the 2015 Roxby Downs Races. PHOTO: Verity Casserly

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Owen and Brianna Allen preparing the soil of a wicking bed for planting. Further plantings will be conducted by local school students

as part of Wellbeing Week next month.

GARDEN GURUS: Volunteers planted a variety of vegetables and herbs into wicking beds at the Roxby Downs Community Garden on Sunday. These included parsley, oregano, chives, caulifl ower, carrot, garlic, onions, radishes, spinach and strawberries. Pictured at the weekend’s working bee (from left) are Mel Allen, Vicky Mason, Anni Walsh, Richard Gloster, Travis Hague and Owen and Brianna Allen. PHOTOS: Ryneisha Bollard

Sunday’s working bee also saw the installation of shelving, donated by Lavrick Engineering, into the main garden shed. This will help keep

gardening tools organised while creating more space for Community Garden group

members to use the shed for various purposes.

SPORTS DEADLINESAll sports results and reports

must be submitted by10am on Mondays.


www.themonitor.com.auTHE MONITOR - Your Community Newspaper Wednesday, May 4, 2016 -- Page 5


P repare for your sides to split and you cheeks to hurt as one of Australia’s largest niche comedy shows is set to stop by

Roxby Downs this Friday night.Featuring several of the nation’s top Aboriginal

comedians, the Aboriginal Comedy Allstars are undertaking a national tour including more than 70 stops through metropolitan and regional Australia.

With the likes of Kevin Kropinyeri, Shiralee Hood, Matt Ford and Dane Simpson --- all of whom have lists of impressive credentials to their names – on its roster, it is no wonder the show has been receiving rave reviews wherever it has ventured.

Kropinyeri, who is also the show’s director, said that the tour’s success so far had been “amazing” and he was pleased that the show was receiving positive feedback.

“We launched in October of 2014, but it was really in 2015 that we started to gain some trac-tion,” he said.

“Since then we’ve sold 70-plus shows for this tour. Country Arts South Australia alone has bought nine.”

Prior to this tour the Allstars had been averaging roughly eight to 10 shows per year.

Hood said the event was bound to be a hilarious night of laughter.

She lists her career highlights as performing at the Sydney Opera House and the Essendon Foot-ball Club’s Sportsmen Night.

Hood said she drew on her family and politi-cal views to provide a “black perspective” to her comedy.

“� is is a unique concept with diff erent come-dians,” she said.

“I love being able to use this as a tool to talk to the community.”

� e Aboriginal Comedy Allstars will perform this Friday, May 6, at the roxbylink auditorium.

For more information, phone 8671 5941.

‘Allstars’ bring comedy to Roxby

Matt Ford, Shiralee Hood, Kevin Kropinyeri and Dane Simpson will take to the roxbylink auditorium stage this Friday to present their travelling comedy show. PHOTO: Supplied



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Page 6 -- Wednesday, May 4, 2016 www.themonitor.com.au THE MONITOR - Your Community Newspaper


Introducing The Monitor’s weekend and sport photographers ...

The MonitorYour Community Newspaper

Employing more locals

Kristen Dwyer Julie Tovakuta Verity Casserly

The Community Calendar is restricted to the basic details of an event (what, where, when). To add your event to the calendar,

email editor@themonitor.com.au or phone 8671 2683.For more information about upcoming community events,

visit: www.roxbydowns.com/Community/c-Whats-On.html

Community CalendarMAY

4th - Special screening of Mother’s Day at the

roxbylink cinema as a fundraiser for Arid

Recovery. Details TBC. Ph: 8671 2402.6th - Aboriginal Comedy Allstars

show at roxbylink auditorium, 7.30pm.

Ph: 8671 5941.7th - Rugby home

game: Olympic Dam Barbarians vs Pt

Augusta Goannas, Roxby Downs small

oval at 2pm.8th - Miners Cup at

Adelaide Oval. Bye for all FNFL clubs.

13th - Roxby Youth Advisory Committee

console gaming event for students yrs 3-7. Ph: Kirsten Falt on

8671 0010. 14th - FNFL Round

Four: Hornridge vs East Roxby, 12.30pm, OD vs

East Roxby, 2.30pm.17th - Mental health

and drug alcohol services reform

consultation, Roxby Downs Motor Inn,

7-9pm. Ph: 8565 8900.20th - FNFL Round

Four: Roxby Districts vs Hornridge, 7.30pm.21st - Roxby Market

Day, 9am to 12 noon.21st - FNFL - Coober Pedy home game vs

East Roxby, 1pm.21st - National Families Week

dinner and board games night at the Community Youth Centre, 5.30-7pm.

21st - Roxby Downs Sporting Car Club night meet, 7pm.

25th - Black Screens event at the roxbylink

cinema, 7pm.






t o t h et o t h e

On behalf of the Leukaemia Founda-tion, I would like to thank the thousands of South Australians who took part in the World’s Greatest Shave and shaved or coloured their hair.

� is fundraising is vital to help support the work of the foundation, not only in its search for a cure and improved blood cancer treatments, but to continue to off er practical support to those South Australi-ans with blood cancer.

In SA funds raised through World’s Greatest Shave help to support the Bridgestone Australia Leukaemia Foun-dation Village in Northfi eld, Adelaide – a place where regional blood cancer pa-tients can stay for long periods of time while they undertake lifesaving treatment.

In 2015, the village provided 4333 nights of accommodation to regional patients and their families, and our pa-tient transport fl eet travelled more than 244,000km.

These services make a huge dif-ference to the lives of these regional South Australian families.

� anks to all of our supporters we have raised more than $800,000 during this year’s campaign. � ank you from all of our families.

We need the community to continue to dig deep to reach our $1.1 million target, and there is still time to sign up or make a donation at: http://worldsgreatestshave.com

On behalf of all SA families who will re-ceive support through one of the hardest times in their lives, thank you for support-ing the World’s Greatest Shave.

Simon MatthiasGeneral Manager SA

Leukaemia Foundation

LittleLittleLittleLittleLittleLittleLittleLittleLizardsDoes your child love celebrati ng birthdays?

The Monitor has started up a Litt le Lizards secti on where it gives a shoutout to local kids enjoying birthdays, with one child selected to have their photo appear in the paper as well.

To parti cipate, fi ll out this form and either hand it in at our offi ce on Richardson Place or mail it to PO Box 72, Roxby Downs SA 5725.

Send your name andcontact phone number, along with your child’s

name and date of birth, toeditor@themonitor.com.au or phone 8671 2683.


www.themonitor.com.auTHE MONITOR - Your Community Newspaper Wednesday, May 4, 2016 -- Page 7

L eading Australian engineering group Monadelphous has taken on two local year 11 students as part of a school-based

apprenticeship program. Roxby Downs Area School’s Tom Bourn and Jack

Dalgleish both started work on � ursday, April 7, when they began apprenticeships as a boiler maker and motor mechanic respectively.

� e pair will continue on with the company until the end of their year 12 studies next year.

“We are always happy to help out local kids,” said Monadelphous site operations manager Tony Harwood.

“We put 17 kids through work experience last year.

“We are interested in trying to get gainful em-ployment for the youth of the town and keep them local.”

Tom and Jack work two 10-hour shifts each week and are able to credit this time towards a four-year apprenticeship if they decide to continue it after school.

“We are introducing them to the workforce by having them on two days a week, which is ideal,” Mr Harwood said.

“But there is light at the end of the tunnel because the time they do now comes off their apprentice-ship later.”

Both Tom and Jack had already taken a liking to the work with Monadelphous and said they were looking forward to the months ahead.

“I defi nitely love it here,” Tom said.“It is good because we are getting hands-on expe-

rience, getting out here and getting our hands dirty.”Tom and Jack are just two of a number students

currently taking part in Roxby Downs Area School’s apprenticeship program at various workplaces in the Roxby Downs area.

Students learn tricks of the trade MINING

Tony Harwood (right) with Jack Dalgleish and Tom Bourn, who are undertaking school-based apprenticeships with Monadelphous.

Our next MININGFeaturewill be

published in the

August 31edition of The

Monitor.For your

business to be feaured

contact Jody on 8671 2683

General enquiries: 8671 8888 Community feedback: odcommunityrelations@bhpbilliton.com

Public Tours - Bookings essential

Roxby Downs Cultural Precinct: 8671 2001

Phone 08 8671 0020 Fax 08 6316 6420 7 Charlton Road, Olympic Dam, SA 5725

“The Safe Way Is The Only Way”

Monadelphous is a leading Australian engineering group providing construction, maintenance and industrial services to the resources, energy and

infrastructure sectors. We build, maintain and support our customer’s operations through the

provision of safe, reliable and cost effective engineering service solutions.

Operating in Roxby Downs since 1988,proudly supporting the local community.

BHP Billiton recently reinforced the need for economic reform

to secure Australia’s future prosperity.

Speaking at the Melbourne Min-ing Club, BHP Billiton President Operations, Minerals Australia, Mike Henry said shared respon-sibility for reform was required to help successfully transition after a long period of investment in re-sources projects.

“As a nation we have stepped up and met the challenges and oppor-tunities that come with competing in a fast-paced, global economy,” he said.

“Government and business can share credit for Australia’s eco-

nomic success, but we also share the responsibility for securing Australia’s future prosperity.

“Our industry has a role in continuing to make the case for reform, and needs to continue to engage with all stakeholders to help achieve the changes that will make us and the nation more competitive.”

Mr Henry outlined a number of key areas for reform to ensure the social and economic gains of the past decade were sustained.

“� is means continuing to work internationally to bring down bar-riers to trade and making the tax system simpler, to attract ongoing investment,” he said.

Mr Henry also spoke about the

need to reform the workplace rela-tions framework in a way that sup-ports safe productivity and enables workplaces to be more fl exible and innovative.

“� e current legislation operates in a way that isn’t always as bal-anced as it needs to be,” he said.

“It is a factor in constraining in-novation and limits the creation of workplaces that have the fl exibility to be productive and truly compet-itive in global markets.

“We have proposed changes that are moderate and targeted. � ey are intended to help us be com-petitive, and in doing so would protect jobs.”

Building on his theme of reform, Mr Henry spoke about the Com-

pany’s drive to sustain competi-tiveness and growth.

“We have streamlined our func-tions and brought our operating assets together geographically in a way that will enable a sharper fo-cus and accelerated deployment of best practices, including the more rapid adoption of new technolo-gies,” he said.

“It is through innovation in tech-nology and in the way we work that we will lift ourselves to the next level of performance.”

Mr Henry also reinforced that mining was still fundamentally important to the Australian econ-omy despite a period of intense in-vestment in new resource projects coming to an end.

“� ere is no other single sector that contributes as much to the Australian economy,” he said.

“Our industry employs more than 230,000 people in Australia with many more benefi ting indi-rectly.

“� e resources sector contrib-utes 8 per cent to GDP and ac-counts for more than half of our merchandise exports.

“Earnings from resource and energy exports was almost $150 billion in the fi nancial year 2015.”

Meanwhile BHP Billiton has also reeased its operational review for the nine months until March 31.

For more information, visit: www.bhpbilliton.com

BHP Billiton highlights responsibility for reform

Page 8 -- Wednesday, May 4, 2016 www.themonitor.com.au THE MONITOR - Your Community Newspaper



The Monitor wishes a happy birthday to this week’s Litt le Lizard, Bethany Miller, who is turning fi veon Monday. Also celebrati ng a birthday this Monday is Tayla Emery, who is turning two.

Audrey at the Roxby Downs Community Library’s keychain making craft session as part of its school holiday program last week. PHOTOS: Nick Rava

Gemma, Jade, Isabelle, Isaac,

Asha and Skylelah.

Kieran works on his keychain at the library.

Hamish checks out

the different beads

available to make his

keychain with.

Steve Gigney and Kate Burton at the Roxby Downs Bowling Club following the mid-morning Anzac

Day service last month. PHOTO: Ryneisha Bollard

Matilda (right) gets some help with the material she

needs to make her keychain at the library last week.

David Turner making damper

for attendees of last month’s Arid Recovery Tour Opening Night. PHOTO:

Ryneisha Bollard


Corned BeefTheresa Bunyon

SingaporeIngredients• 1 can (340g) of Hamper brand corned beef (original or light)• 1 large onion, roughly chopped • 1 chilli, seeds removed and sliced thinly, or use ground chilli powder• 1/2 sprig of spring onions, thinly sliced• Rice – steam first if you are planning to serve the chilli corned beef dish with rice• For sandwiches, additional ingredients: • Fresh white bread, sliced• Cucumber, thinly sliced

MethodStep 1) In a non-stick saucepan, turn on medium heat and heat up Hamper corned beef meat. Don’t use other cheap brands as it will not taste good. Step 2) Add chopped large onion. Add sliced chilli pieces or ground chilli powder to your level of hotness.Step 3) Mix well and reduce heat if you have to until the onions are cooked.Step 4) Use cooked corned beef mixture as a sandwich filling, add cucumber and cut sandwiches into quarters for an ideal lunch pack. Step 5) Alternately, serve hot chilli corn beef dish with sliced spring onions sprinkled on top and steamed rice on the side. Step 6) Best served warm by heating in microwave if you do store your meal in the fridge.

...gems from around the world

Brought to you by the

www.themonitor.com.auTHE MONITOR - Your Community Newspaper Wednesday, May 4, 2016 -- Page 9

www.aec.gov.au 13 23 26To learn more



Make your vote count this federal election.

At this year’s federal election, the way you vote for the Senate has changed and it’s important that you understand how to vote correctly.

On the large white Senate ballot paper, you can choose to vote either above or below the line.

If you choose to vote above the line, you now need to number at least 6 boxes. Put the number ‘1’ in the box for the party or group that is your first choice, a ‘2’ for your second choice and so on until you’ve numbered at least 6 boxes.

If you choose to vote below the line, you must number at least 12 boxes, from 1 to 12, for individual candidates in the order of your choice.

Voting for the House of Representatives has not changed. On the green ballot paper, you must number every box, starting with the number ‘1’ for your first choice, ‘2’ for your second choice and so on until you have numbered every box.

‘How to vote’ instructions will be clearly displayed on your ballot paper. Don’t worry if you make a mistake — just ask for another ballot paper.

This federal election your vote will help shape Australia.

Authorised by the Electoral Commissioner, 50 Marcus Clarke Street, Canberra ACT.


Page 10 -- Wednesday, May 4, 2016 www.themonitor.com.au THE MONITOR - Your Community Newspaper

Roxby Council

Opening hours Monday to Friday

9am to 4.30pmCouncil provides transport services including:

• Vehicle registration • Boat registrations

• Licensing transactions • Learner written theory tests (test to begin before 4pm)

All inquiries 131 084.

Opal Road Landfi ll now CLOSED to the public.

Waste unsuitable for the red, green or yellow domestic collection can now be

deposited at BSH Waste Solutions’ Resource Recovery Centre, 10 Gosse Street, Roxby

Downs (in the light industrial area).

Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm Saturday 8am – 12 noon

Sunday 1pm – 5pmAll inquiries 8671 1154

Opening hours Monday - Wednesday 9am - 5pm

Thursday 9am - 6.30pmFriday 9am - 5pm

Saturday 9am - 1pmToddler Story time – Tuesday and Wednesday (repeat) 9.30am start

Telephone 8671 0500Email: library@roxbycouncil.com.au

Library membership is free. A wide range of resources are available including books,

DVDs, magazines and internet facilities.

Opening hours

9am to 5pm weekdays

Telephone 8671 0010 • Fax 8671 0452

Email: roxby@roxbycouncil.com.au

After hours emergency

Mobile 0418 892 870

Web www.roxbycouncil.com


L eah, Allie and Regina are the friendly faces down at Roxby Council in Richardson Place.

Roxby Council’s Customer Service team members enjoy their work and par-ticularly enjoy interacting with residents. � ey have over 50 years of customer ser-vice experience between them.

“All three of us live in town too, so we care about our community and we want to help,” said Leah Caden, Customer Service.

Not only are they the face of Roxby Council but they can also direct you to other departments to assist with your enquiry.

� e Council offi ce is open 9am to 5pm every day during the week and we invite the community to engage with our staff to resolve any issues they may have.

“Come down and chat to us,” said Re-gina Walker, Customer Service.

Power and water notices have recently been mailed out to residents, and Coun-cil understands that personal circum-stances can sometimes make it diffi cult to pay accounts on time.

Customers can contact Council on 8671 0010 to discuss alternative arrange-ments, or come down in person to our Richardson Place offi ce. All inquiries will be treated in strict confi dence.

T ent pegs may appear harmless but they could be potentially

harmful. Tent pegs have been found

in Lions Park, prompting a reminder that tent pegs are not permitted on any grassed area in Roxby.

“These pegs have been through Council mowing equipment and are a pro-jectile hazard to the general public and staff ,” said Anni Walsh, Community Projects Offi cer (Environment).

“� ey can also pierce the irrigation systems.”

P eter Keller, one of the longest serv-ing employees

at Roxby Council and manager of Municipal Works, will retire this month after 10 and a half years of service.

Peter joined Roxby Council in August 2005 as a Works Offi cer under the late Dave Watson.

“My only regret is that I didn’t come up 5 years earlier,” said Peter.

Pete’s greatest achieve-ments include becoming a Manager, his work at Curdimurka Park, the closure of the landfi ll site and the ‘kiss and drop’ at both St Barbara’s Parish School and RDAS.

Pete was instrumental in implementing Roxby’s cat laws.

“Roxby is only one of two places in SA where

cats need to be desexed, microchipped, registered with Council and kept inside,” he said.

Horticulture and na-tive fl ora are Pete’s true passion. Some of his best and most recent work is showcased in front of the BP Service Station and the roses outside of Sub-way on Richardson Place.

Pete and his wife hope to retire to their hobby farm in Robertstown, just north of the Barossa, where they have a school bus contract. � ey also look forward to caravan-ning around Australia to-gether.

“Peter’s contribution to Roxby Council is im-measurable and he has worked hard to accom-plish many visible pro-jects about town,” said Roxby Council Admin-istrator Bill Boehm.

“In doing so he has always acted in a concil-iatory manner and sup-ported his staff .

“We hope he under-stands just how much he has achieved in his time here as he has left Roxby in a signifi cantly improved state.”

We all wish Pete well in the next stage of his life.

Open doors for Roxby residents

The Customer Service Team at Roxby Council

– Leah, Allie and Regina.

Tent pegs – beware!

A tent peg found at Lions Park.

Farewell, Peter Keller

• Peter Keller

www.themonitor.com.auTHE MONITOR - Your Community Newspaper Wednesday, May 4, 2016 -- Page 11

TOWNSHIP OUTAGE TIMESTuesday, May 10 to Thursday, May 12 2016

Helpful hints: When the power is turned

o�, disconnect your electrical appliances so they will not be

damaged by any possible electrical spikes when the

electricity is turned back on.

Turn o� any electronic equipment, television, video, digital versatile disc

(DVD) players, computers, printers, clocks, electronic pool timers, etcetera.

NOTE: Normally switching processes DO NOT damage equipment; however,

it is better to take precautions with your valuable equipment. Some older

equipment may not be as tolerant.

D u r i n g t h e p e r i o d commencing Tuesday 10 M ay 2 0 1 6 t o T h u r s d ay 12 May 2016 Council will be under tak ing a major maintenance of the Township High Voltage Distribution System.

There will be a series of rolling power outages within the township so that equipment may be accessed for inspection, and repair works can be undertaken.

Whilst we regret the need to do this work, every effort will be made to limit the inconvenience it will cause.

Instructions for using the map and outage details1. Please read the map

carefully as it determines if and when your outage will

occur. 2. Read the notes contained

in this liftout to help you understand how it will a�ect you.

3. If in any doubt, please ring the Council for assistance on 8671 0010.

Notes This work is required to be

undertaken as part of our distribution licence.

Because our contractors must work on all the cable and switches, we must fully isolate each work area completely.

This prevents us from providing a temporary back up supply from other zones while work is being undertaken.

Shane Mills Water & Electrical Operations Manager

Scheduled Township Electricity Maintenance Power Outages

Gold AreaTuesday 10/05/16

8.30 – 17.00 Blue Area

Wednesday 11/05/168.30 – 17.00Pink Area

Thursday 12/05/168.30 – 17.00




Page 12 -- Wednesday, May 4, 2016 www.themonitor.com.au THE MONITOR - Your Community Newspaper

Like us on facebook.com - roxbydownscommunity



BOARD MEETINGSBoard meetings are held on the last

Monday of the month.Members of the public are welcome to

attend and observe.If you would like to make a presentation or raise an issue, please contact the Executive Offi cer on 0418 833 818 to

be included on the agenda.Confi dential discussions with the

Board can be arranged if required.

For further information, advice or general questions please contact:

Michelle Hales,Executive Offi cer

Roxby Downs Community Board Inc.PO Box 85

Roxby Downs SA 5725Mobile: 0418 833 818

Email: communityboard@roxbydowns.com

George Giakoumis • Chad MenziesVicki Mason • Gaylene Crane

Mary Lewis • Bill BoehmSandy Sumsion • Angela Thompson

Thevoice of the community...

JOINING FORUMSIf you would like to join a forum and would like more information please

contact the following people. New members are always welcome.

ARTS and CULTURE FORUMThursday, May 12 @ 7pm

34 Wattle Drive

BUSINESS FORUMJohn Wilby 0428 815 436

Tuesday, May 10 @ 6pmCouncil Boardroom

COMMUNITY GARDENVicki Mason 0418 526 608

Thursday, May 12 @ 6.30pmCommunity Garden (cnr Alberrie

St, Pioneer Dr & Mulgaria Cres)

ENVIRONMENT FORUMAnni Walsh 0448 168 167

Thursday, May 5 @ 5.30pmCouncil Boardroom

ROXBY ROADSAFE MEETINGMichelle Hales 0418 833 818

Tuesday, June 14 @ 7pmCouncil Boardroom

MULTICULTURAL FORUMSasha Yantewo (08) 8671 0010

Wednesday, May 18 @ 6pmCommunity Youth Centre

World Food and Music Festival Sub-CommitteeWednesday, May 4 @ 9amCommunity Youth Centre

FAMILY FORUMJoel Hill 0433 792 450Thursday, June 16 @ 5pmCommunity Youth Centre


The Minyma Talk Aboriginal Women’s Group has been busy

weaving works of art for an Aboriginal exhibition that will be displayed in the roxbylink art gallery during Reconciliation Week.

The exhibition will showcase locally produced paintings and artefacts, as well as a Country Arts SA Aboriginal Portraits exhibition.

Local Aboriginal wom-an Alecia Orr was taught how to weave by her grandmother. Alecia then demonstrated this skill to Minyma Talk at their April workshop.

The ladies were fast learners and picked up the skill very quickly, and have gone on to make some wonderful creations, in-cluding baskets, hats and coasters.

Traditionally Aborigi-nal people would weave baskets and other textiles from animal skins or native vegetation.

Today the weavings are made from paper raffia, which is a fi brous, grass-like material that has been dyed a variety of colours.

The paper raffia is du-rable, easy to handle and great for perfecting the art of weaving.

Weaving can be very fi d-dly and time consuming, and the structure of the fi n-ished product depends on the tightness of the weave.

� ose that participated in the workshop took some raffia home to complete their weavings, and found the craft extremely ther-apeutic and an enjoyable way to take some time out, relax and get creative.

� ey also found it excit-ing to see their craft turn into a practical item that can be used around the home.

It is hoped that there will be opportunities for the broader community to learn the art of raffi a weav-ing at upcoming cultural events, including during Reconciliation Week and at the World Food and Music Festival.

Minyma Talk is an Ab-original Women’s group based locally in Roxby Downs. Aboriginal wom-en and non-Aboriginal fe-male partners of Aboriginal people are encouraged to attend.

The group provides a safe environment for participants to socialise and discuss their health and cultural needs. Please contact Kerry Orr on (08) 8671 9028 for further information.

Weaving a work of artLEFT AND BELOW: The beginning and the fi nal product of basket weaving.

www.themonitor.com.auTHE MONITOR - Your Community Newspaper Wednesday, May 4, 2016 -- Page 13


ClassifiedsCALL 8671 2683


COMMUNITY INPUT SOUGHT ON STRATEGIC DIRECTION FOR THE OUTBACK The Outback Communities Authority (OCA) is now consulting on its draft Business Plan and Budget 2016-17 and is seeking input from those with an interest in the outback.

The annual Business Plan and Budget focuses on key issues for 2016-2017. Being fundamentally linked to the Strategic Management Plan 2015-20 the Business Plan and Budget sets the Authority’s priorities for 2016-17. The OCA encourages anyone that has an interest in Outback SA to have a say on how the Business Plan and Budget might be improved.

The draft Business Plan and Budget and feedback forms are accessible at www.oca.sa.gov.au or can be posted to interested parties who contact the OCA on 8648 5970 (or 1800 640 542 from the outback) or email to oca@sa.gov.au

The public is encouraged to review the draft Business Plan and Budget and provide feedback directly to the OCA at: PO Box 2353 Port Augusta SA 5700 or oca@sa.gov.au. Submissions must be received by 31 May 2016.

Byron GoughGovernance ManagerOffice for the OCA



CHURCH NOTICES NEW Life Church, Roxby Downs. Fam-ily-friendly, contem-porary worship. A member of Australian Christian Churches. Meeting at the Rox-by Downs Christian Community Church hall, corner of Bur-goyne St and Stuart Rd, 3pm on Sundays. Interactive children’s ministry for ages three to seven and eight to 12. Features an innovative and engaging 12-month curriculum. For more details, phone Pas-tor David Bunyon on 0403 058 050 or Theresa Bunyon on 0413 609 102. Web-site: newlifeccc.org.au/churches-news/roxby-downs

ST Barbara Catho-lic Parish. Masses at Roxby Downs are held at the Lutheran Church on Pioneer Dr, Saturdays from 6pm. Sunday masses (by telephone arrange-ment with the Parish Priest) at the Priest’s Chapel, 45C Gregory St. Woomera: Sunday masses are by tele-phone arrangement with the Parish Priest. Contact Fr John Folk-man on 8671 0925.

GERRY’S Dublin Meats - Top quality meat from our farm to you. $230 family pack – 2kg lamb roast, 2kg pork roast, 2kg beef roast, 2kg chick-en, 1kg BBQ steak, 1kg beef mince, 1kg BBQ chops, 1kg pork chops, 1kg diced steak, 1kg beef schnitzel, 1kg chicken schnitzel, 1kg packet bacon, 2kg marinat-ed wings, 2kg beef sausages, 20 gour-met patties, one 500g mettwurst, 1 bottle of marinade plus free cooler bag. All packs mix and match. Ph: 8529 2229.



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Diploma Qualified Children’s Services

EducatorsWe are seeking two vibrant, dedicated and professional Children’s Services Educators.Applicants must hold a Diploma in Children’s Services or an approved Early Childhood teaching quali�cation

The ideal candidates will: • Have a genuine interest and ambition to pursue a career within Children’s Services. • Have excellent verbal and written communication skills. • Hold a current Child Related Employment Screening and Child Safe Environment certi�cate as well as First Aid quali�cation. • Be motivated, enthusiastic and implement the RELCG mission and philosophy of providing an environment for children to learn, create and have fun.

For further information please call Gail Reid on 08 8671 0054.Send cover letter and resume to relcgdirector@gmail.com


F7.3.1 Newspaper Notice – existing site, no DA


Telstra plans to upgrade a telecommunications facility at

1516 Olympic Way North, OLYMPIC DAM SA 5725 (Plan 833800)

1. The proposal consists of the installation of six (6) Twin Tower Mounted Amplifiers (TMAs) plus ancillary equipment.

2. Telstra regards the proposed installation as a Low-impact Facility under the Telecommunications (Low-impact Facilities) Determination 1997 ("The Determination") based on the description above.

3. Further information can be obtained from Laura Hamer, Town Planner on behalf of Telstra, 03 9258 5766, laura.hamer@visionstream.com.au and at www.rfnsa.com.au/5725005

4. Written submissions should be sent to: Laura Hamer, Town Planner Visionstream Pty Ltd Locked Bag 4001 HEATHERTON VIC 3202 By 14 May 2016


Telstra plans to upgrade a telecommunications facility at 1516 Olympic Way North, OLYMPIC DAM SA 5725 (Plan 833800)

1. Theproposalconsistsoftheinstallationofsix(6)TwinTowerMountedAmplifiers (TMAs) plus ancillary equipment.

2. Telstra regards the proposed installation as a Low-impact Facility under the Telecommunications (Low-impact Facilities) Determination 1997 (“The Determination”) based on the description above.

3. Further information can be obtained from Laura Hamer, Town Planner on behalf of Telstra, 03 9258 5766, laura.hamer@visionstream.com.au and at www.rfnsa.com.au/5725005

4. Written submissions should be sent to: Laura Hamer, Town Planner Visionstream Pty Ltd Locked Bag 4001 HEATHERTON VIC 3202 By 14 May 2016



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Roxby DownsGolf Association

ATLAS COPCO StrokeSaturday, April 30, 2016


Saturday, April 30, 201611 & under

Lightning 12 d Bullets 8T-Birds 4 d Shooters 2

13 & underBullets 10 d Lightning 8T-Birds 21 d Shooters 7

17 & underBullets 30 d Lightning 28T-Birds 40 d Shooters 27

Roxby Downs Junior Netball



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The netball courts where alight once more for the beginning of the 2016 Roxby Downs

Netball Association season on Friday.

� e night saw a good turnout of spectators considering it was the last week of the school holidays.

Many clubs took advantage of the returning boarders to increase team numbers.

New and returning players, along with a few familiar faces that have switched clubs, were among the netballers taking to the courts and stadiums.

In the fi rst A grade game of the season, 2015 grand fi nal runner-up Hornridge played against the new Olympic Dam line-up, including familiar past champions.

� e fi rst quarter saw a close con-test, with players working hard to shake off the summer dust and OD taking the lead, 11-8.

Going into half-time the game maintained its pace with the Devils

holding the lead, 23-19. � e third quarter saw OD fi nd-

ing its fl ow with Ali Knights and Maddison Evans working hard in the goal ring against Hornridge de-fenders Georgia Sleep and Dearne Masson.

Heading into the fi nal quarter, OD had increased its lead by an impressive 17 goals, 41-24.

The final whistle saw OD take its fi rst win of the season, 55-32, though the result failed to refl ect the competitive nature of the game.

In the other A grade match, 2015 premiers Roxby Miners, with some minor team changes, faced off against a new-look East Roxby to take a 70-18 win.

� e Roos took the court with two returning players from last season and a number of newcomers.

Among them was Eden � omp-son, who put the pressure on the Miners’ champion goalie Joice Takaidza and created hard-fought turnovers and impressive goals.

� e half-time break saw Roxby Miners hold a comfortable 22-goal lead, 34-12.

Hannah Wurfel (Miners centre) dominated the court, creating

turnovers and quick game plays. � e fi nal half saw Renee Wurfel

take the court, where she made her presence known in wing defence against East Roxby’s hard-working wing attack, Kirralee Buran.

Next week will see a much-ant ic ipate d clash betwe en the Miners and the predicted premiership contenders, Olympic Dam.

A revisit of the 2015 B grade grand fi nal saw past premiers Rox-by Miners meet Easy Roxby for the fi rst round of the season.

It was a disappointing loss for East Roxby with the Miners taking the win by 36 goals.

Goalies Hayley Wurfel and Emma Neilson (Miners) were like poetry in motion, working well to-gether in the goal ring to increase the score line.

� e fi nal whistle saw Roxby Min-ers take the game, 55-19.

In a close competitive match that was marred by injury, Hornridge’s B grade side defeated Olympic Dam, 28-22.

� e Magpies came out strong to take an early four-goal lead in the fi rst quarter, with Alicia Lee and

Ellie Siegert working hard in the goal ring, 9-5.

The second quarter saw OD fi ghting to decrease Hornridge’s lead to two goals, 15-13, with Sam Fishlock and Jasmine Tovakuta in defence.

By the third quarter break, Horn-ridge had once again increased its lead to fi ve goals, 21-16.

OD came out hard in the fi-nal quarter, fi ghting to gain back ground until goal shooter Tayla French sustained a game-ending injury and had to be assisted from the court.

Hornridge managed to maintain a six-goal lead to fi nish out the game.

� is season the C grade compe-tition has seven teams competing for the four fi nal positions.

Roxby Miners, Hornridge and Olympic Dam have entered two teams and East Roxby has one, resulting in each having two byes during the season.

Friday night’s opening games saw a close contest between Hornridge Black and OD Green.

OD Green held a four-goal lead at half time, 16-12, with Marie Gubbin and Jeanette Taylor in the goals.

� ough Hornridge Black fought hard, the side was unable to prevent OD Green from taking the game by four goals, 29-25.

� e Miners White C grade side came out fast and strong against East Roxby with a 54-7 defeat.

� e strong shooting combination of Miranda Syvertsen and Gemma � omas put the pressure on East Roxby’s defence.

Hornridge Pink C grade defeated Olympic Dam Yellow by 44 goals, 58-14.

Hornridge Pink found its groove early, taking a 10-goal lead in the fi rst quarter, 13-3.

Its goalies were on fi re with Rhij Paulauskas, Mikayla Kelly and Katie Carstairs working the positions.

� is week will see all grades play-ing tomorrow night in light of the Miners Cup weekend.

We look forward to an exciting round two as teams overcome their fi rst game nerves and settle into the competition.

The Monitor is seeking a 2016 netball reporter to follow these clubs on their journey to the fi nals.

For more information, phone 8671 2683.

Roxby Miners thrive in season starterVERITY CASSERLYNETBALL REPORTER

A grade wing attack Kelsey Hampel attempts to get a pass around East Roxby centre Kirralee Buran during round one of the

Roxby Downs Netball Association competition on Friday night.

RIGHT: C grader Rhij Paulauskas (Hornridge

Pink goal attack) holds

her ground against

pressure from Krystelle Kerry

(Olympic Dam

Yellow wing defence).

LEFT: East Roxby B grade goal shooter Mel Emery takes a shot while Miners goal keeper Maddison Young prepares for a rebound.

Bullets goal attack Riley Evans takes possession as Lightning goal defence Ines Badman

approaches during their 17 and under match.Shooters and T-Birds netballers converge on the ball during the other 17 and under game on Saturday. PHOTOS: Julie Tovakuta

www.themonitor.com.auTHE MONITOR - Your Community Newspaper Wednesday, May 4, 2016 -- Page 15


Far North Football League

April 30, 2016A GRADE

Hornridge 1.6 4.6 7.13 11.17 (83)Coober Pedy 3.1 4.5 7.7 8.11 (59)Hornridge best players: L. Munro, L. Forward, J. Martin, B. Cooper, M. Hanson.Coober Pedy best players: C. Bailes, G. Warren, A. O’Toole, H. Cotter, B. Crombie.Hornridge goal scorers: L. Munro 4, T. Golding, B. Court, R. Mo-roney, J. Harman, S. Turner, J. Martin, A. Meates.Coober Pedy goal scorers: J. Abdulla 3, M. Likouresis 2, M. Len-non, K. Roderick, J. Calyun.

East Roxby 7.7 10.9 18.11 20.14 (134)Olympic Dam 0.1 3.3 3.3 4.4 (28)East Roxby best players: J. Lukich, S. McIntyre, C. Faulkner, R. Simms, B. Caden.Olympic Dam best players: M. Shaw, M. Dalla, T. Corneliusen, R. Rayner, S. Montgomerie.East Roxby goal scorers: S. McIntyre 10, R. Simms, J. Lukich 2, B. Caden, D. Smith, J. Robinson, B. Ryan, J. Orr 1, B. Crawford.Olympic Dam goal scorers: M. Dalla 2, S. Montgomerie, M. Taggart.

PREMIERSHIP TABLE P W L D F A % PtsRoxby Districts 2 2 0 0 241 67 359.70 8Hornridge 2 2 0 0 173 107 161.68 8East Roxby 2 1 1 0 187 89 210.11 4Coober Pedy 3 1 2 0 181 305 59.34 4Olympic Dam 3 0 3 0 118 332 35.54 0

TOP 8 GOAL KICKERSName Club This round TotalScott McIntyre East Roxby 10 10 Ricky Prosser Roxby Districts 0 10 Jaeden Calyun Coober Pedy 1 7 Ashley Baxter Hornridge 0 5 Joel Harman Hornridge 1 4Jordan Mandemaker Roxby Districts 0 4 Lachlan Munro Hornridge 4 4 Todd Paull Roxby Districts 0 4

G. WarrenJ. AbdullaM. Lynch


1 T. Cribb Roxby Districts 5

2 M. Shaw Olympic Dam 4

3 D. Warren Coober Pedy 4

L. MunroJ. MartinA. Baxter

C. FaulknerC. Dudley

B. Crawford

S. MontgomerieL. HewettM. Shaw


Results from FNFL Round 3

Footballer of the Year Leaderboard after Round 3





Tyron CribbRoxby Districts

East Roxby far too good.Jason Elliott

Good, hard contest. Coober Pedy brought a

good team down to play. Umpiring was fair and

well done.Ashley Baxter

Good win. Need to keep building. Good luck to

the Wedgies next week.Cam Faulkner

No media comment. Brenton Weetra

D arren Hill and Andy Mangan each scored a 180 during the sixth round of the Roxby Downs Darts League competition last

week.� e results from Wednesday, April 27, were as

follows: FODFA d Smokin Darts, 7-4; Dead Eye Dicks d Bull Shooters, 9-2; Four Play d ISITIN, 7-4; Pink Fizz d Twisted Flights, 8-3; GC12 d An-damooka Opals, 6-5.

Hill and Mangan each throw 180s


I t w a s b ack to business for the O l y m p i c D a m

Barbar ians Rugby League Club after a forced two-week break when it brushed aside the Port Pirie Devils at Whyalla’s Jubilee Oval on Saturday.

ODB scored 13 tries to the Devil’s two for a 74-10 victory in what was a contest that ran short because of injuries to Devils team members.

Welcoming back a number of players to the side, Olympic Dam fi elded a full match day squad which took con-trol from the outset.

Matthew Bradbery started off the scoring after receiving a great of-fl oad from Junior Fereti down the left fl ank.

The Devils fought hard to stay in the game, with Richie Nona and Jake Steele leading their team from the front.

However, further tries

in the fi rst half from Wil-liam Albert, team cap-tain Tamati � ompson, Duane Parker, Junior Fereit and Jason Starkey put the game beyond doubt at half-time with ODB leading 50-0.

� e second half con-tinued much like the first, with Thompson playing his debut game for the club.

He caught the re-start and ran through unopposed to score beneath the posts and complete a hat-trick. � e Devils struck back with tries from Loren-zo-Skipper and Mc-Naughton to put their stamp on the game.

ODB, in turn, followed up with scores from Lief Tanzer, William Albert and Jacob Coles.

� is is where the con-test ended, with ref-eree Andrew Unger calling a premature end to the match in light of the Devils’ lack of fit outfield players. Added to ODB’s 13 tries, Jacob Coles and Duane Parker between them en-

joyed a conversion suc-cess rate of 84 per cent. In the day’s other game, Port Augusta Goan-nas defeated Why-alla Steelers, 52-22.  Next week sees ODB play its fi rst home game at the Roxby Downs Small Oval against the Port Augusta Goannas in a top-of-the-table clash.

Kickoff is at 2pm, and ODB would love to see as many locals at the game to cheer the team on.

Food and drink will be available for purchase.

Meanwhile Barbari-ans rugby players picked for the Spencer Gulf Rugby League All Stars game on May 14 are: J. Starkey, A. George, F. Falemaka, T. � ompson, R. Buiniqio, J. Brought-on, J. Coles, K. Stowell, W. Albert, D. Parker, and L. Tanzer.

They will take on the Spencer Gulf Rug-by League Indigenous All Stars, which in-cludes locals Michael Fereti-Walker and Du-ane Parker.

ODB continues its league domination

ABOVE LEFT: Leif Tanzer (Olympic Dam Barbarians) fi ghts off a Port Pirie Devils opponent during their Spencer Gulf Rugby League clash. ABOVE RIGHT:

William Albert in action for the Barbarians on the weekend. PHOTOS: Supplied


E ast Roxby proved too good for Olympic Dam with its 106-point win in

round three of the Far North Football League competition on Saturday.

Ro o s co ach C ameron Faulkner said the side would need to keep building to ensure its success in future matches.

� e Devils’ struggle for play-ers continued to show on the weekend, when they had their third loss in as many rounds after previously going down to Roxby Districts, 14-180, and

Coober Pedy, 42-108.Faulkner, who will captain

this weekend’s Far North side for the Miners Cup match against Broken Hill, was among the best for East Roxby. He was joined by teammates Jason Lukich, Scott McIntyre, Rhett Simms and Benjamin Caden.

Best for OD were Michael Shaw, Tim Corneliusen, Mi-chael Dalla, Robert Rayner and Scott Montgomerie.

McIntyre was the top goal earner for the Roos with 10, while Rhett Simms and Jason Lukich were the only other mul-tiple scorers with two each.

Out of only four goals for Olympic Dam, Dalla made two

while Montgomerie and Mi-chael Taggart had one each.

Hornridge d Coober Pedy

� e earlier game was much closer when Hornridge defeated Coober Pedy, 83-59.

Magpies coach Ashley Baxter said the Saints brought a strong team down to play in what was a good, hard contest.

For Hornridge, Lachlan Munro and Lachlan Forward demonstrated why they have been picked for the Far North’s Miners Cup side when Satur-day’s eff orts saw them named among the best for their team.

John Martin, Bradley Cooper and Max Hanson were also rec-ognised for strong performanc-es on the weekend.

Coober Pedy’s best on the day were Casey Bailes, Gary Warren, Allan O’Toole, Harley Cotter and Brenton Crombie.

Multiple goal scorers on the day were Lachlan Munro (Hornridge) with four, Joshua Abdulla (Coober Pedy) with three and Meletios Likouresis (Coober Pedy) with two.

Meanwhile The Monitor is currently seeking a local football enthusiast who would be inter-ested in writing weekly reports for the newspaper. For more information, phone 8671 2683.

Devils defeated againAction from round three of the Far North Football League competition on Saturday. PHOTOS: Julie Tovakuta


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A number of juniors will be involved in this year’s Miners Cup side, which is

set to represent the Far North Football League in a game against Broken Hill at Adelaide Oval on Sunday.

RoxFM station manager Ross Wilson announced the players during a presentation at the Olym-pic Dam Football Club last Sunday night.

Wilson be part of a team broad-casting live from the game to the local Roxby Downs and Broken Hill radio stations.

He will be joined by Whyalla man Freddy Freeman, along with two presenters from Broken Hill’s 2BH radio station, for the live broadcast from 12 noon on Sunday.

Locals can tune into 105.5 Rox-FM or stream online (www.roxfm.com.au) on the day.

Out of the players set to partici-pate on the weekend, most are from Roxby Districts Sporting Club.

However, four footballers from Hornridge and two each from Olympic Dam and East Roxby are also among those on the Miners Cup side this year.

The juniors picked as back-up players for the team are Jack Orr, Jack Rigden, Seb Lockwood and Jack Dalgleish.

Cameron Faulkner (East Roxby) will captain the side with assistance from vice captain Ricky Prosser (Roxby Districts).

Far North coach Mark Dalgleish said selecting this year’s Miners Cup side had been an “interesting sort of journey”.

“We know that the town’s hurting somewhat, and we’ve lost a lot of families and players of signifi cance,” he said.

“In saying that, though, we’ve got a really healthy core of footballers in this town.

“People in the team have stepped

up and led the way. I think that’s es-sential in the environment we’re in.”

Dalgleish said those selected in-cluded players who had been with the FNFL for a long time, along with some who were new to the league and a few junior footballers as well.

“I think we’ve chosen the fi nest men and most skilful players we’ve got in the Far North, and we’ll give it the best go we can,” he said.

Faulkner said the team was “defi -nitely down there to win”, while Prosser said this year’s game would be a chance for players to redeem themselves after losing in a close match last year.

“We’re hoping for a diff erent sto-ry this year,” said Prosser.

After Broken Hill’s victory in 2015 took the Miners Cup series to four wins each, the Far North will be looking to bring the tally to 5-4 in their favour this weekend.

See next week’s Monitor for a report and photographs from the match.

FF: Cameron Faulkner (ER) Joel Harman (H) Lachlan Forward (H)

HB: Lachlan Munro (H) Haris Vrbovac (RD) Jake Roberts (RD)

FB: Tyron Cribb (RD) Ben Hampel (RD) Matt Schipper (ER)

HF: Jordan Mandemaker (RD) Josh Sheppard (RD) Gavin Shephard (RD)

C: Rhett Simms (ER) Michael Shaw (OD) James Telfer (RD)








Ty Kirkwood (ER)Victor Buza (RD)Cody Kenny (RD)

Jack Orr (J)Jack Rigden (J)

Jack Dalgleish (J)

Stuart Clark (OD)Seb Lockwood (J)

Alex Stopp (RD)Lachlan Forward (H)

Craig Hall (RD)




Youngsters join Cup side

Presentations at the Olympic Dam Football Club last Sunday night revealed the local footballers set to represent the Far

North at Adelaide Oval this weekend. PHOTO: Ryneisha Bollard