16 Topics For A Healthcare Blog

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 16 Topics For A Healthcare Blog

16 Topics For A Healthcare Blog

What kind of questions do your patients most frequently ask about a specific medical condition? Compile a list of these frequently asked questions and answer them on your blog.

Content curation helps you provide your audience with relevant, high quality information on a regular basis without sacrificing your time and resources.

Are you rolling out a new program, product or service? Write a blog post to introduce it and highlight its features and benefits.

Healthcare is constantly changing and evolving. Can you predict or comment on the latest healthcare trend?

Use Polls to get a snapshot of readers’ attitudes to health topics like vaccination, screening, complementary therapy, mental health – the list is endless. Publish a follow-on post with your findings.

Write about a typical day in your working life as a healthcare professional. Be careful not to write about specific patients or to commit any breaches of privacy or confidentiality.

Use an editorial calendar to track seasonal, cultural and industry events and write a blog post which fits the theme.

Have you been to a conference recently where you learned about new medical research? Let your readers know about it through your blog.

A screencast is a video screen capture with audio narration. Create a screencast to demonstrate a how-to tutorial for your patients.

Whether you are running an event, speaking, or exhibiting at it, use your blog to build pre-event interest.

After a speaking event, embed a slidedeck of your presentation on your blog using SlideShare.

Ask a colleague to write a guest blog on an area of their expertise.

Identify a respected healthcare professional and interview them for your blog.

Provide your unique perspective on a trending topic. Find out what’s “hot right now” online by using Google Trends, Twitter.com/Search and Reddit.com.

Mix things up by recording a podcast relevant to your blog’s themes.

Gather the week’s healthcare news into a round-up post. Provide links, attribute sources and add your own commentary.

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