16 Food Preferences · A stative verb is also called a “non-action verb.” It expresses a...

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Transcript of 16 Food Preferences · A stative verb is also called a “non-action verb.” It expresses a...


Food Preferences Non-action Verbs

9:30-9:40 Ice Breaker

• What was the best thing that happened to you this week? • What was the worst thing that happened to you this week?

9:40-9:50 Lesson Warm-Up

• Describe what is happening in the picture. • Do you prefer to eat at a restaurant or at home? • Do you prefer your own country's food or other kinds of food? • Which countries’ food do you prefer?

9:50-10:05 Dialog

Mike and Jeff are at a restaurant discussing business. But before they start their meeting, they discuss their food preferences. Practice reading the dialog with your partner, and then switch roles and read the dialogue again. Mike: This new client will really boost our company's sales!

Jeff: I agree. I think we will enjoy a long relationship.

Mike: Do you come to this restaurant often?

Jeff: Not too often. Have you ever been to a Japanese restaurant before?

Mike: Nope. This is my first time trying Japanese food. It smells delicious in here.

Jeff: What seems good on the menu?

Mike: I'm not sure what I want. I prefer spicy food.


Jeff: Japanese food isn't usually spicy unless it's something with wasabi.

Mike: What Japanese food do you like?

Jeff: I love the soy ramen. I dislike natto, though.

Mike: What does natto taste like?

Jeff: It has a very strong taste. It takes a long time to get used to the flavor.

Mike: Well, I'll take your word for it. I'll take the soy ramen too.

Vocabulary and Pronunciation:

Read the following vocabulary with your tutor. Which verbs are action verbs, and which verbs are non-action verbs? Boost: to improve something; to make something more successful Example: The new resort area has boosted tourism. Agree: to have the same opinion as someone else Example: Teenagers and their parents don't always agree Think: to believe that something is true Example: I think that you're being unfair. Smell: a quality of an object recognized by the nose Example: The Thanksgiving dinner smells delicious. Seem: to appear to be true; to appear to have a particular quality Example: Ann didn't seem very sure about her business decision. Want: to have a desire for something Example: Do you want me to carry that box for you? Prefer: to desire something over something else Example: She prefers her coffee black. Like: to enjoy something; to think that something is nice or good Example: I like classical music Dislike: to think that something or someone is unpleasant and not like them. Example: My son dislikes eating vegetables Taste: to have a particular flavor Example: This tastes good! Get used to: to become accustomed to something Example: I have to get used to my new busy work schedule. Take your word for it: to trust someone's opinion Example: If that's what you think, then I'll take your word for it.

10:05-10:15 Grammar Practice and Discussion (see online grammar presentation)

A stative verb is also called a “non-action verb.” It expresses a situation or state that exists, but not an action that is in progress. We cannot use the present progressive verb tense with a non-action verb. Choose the correct verb tense in the following sentences. 1. I (know/am knowing) my tutor outside of church.

2. We (think/are thinking) English conversation is easy.


3. She (is understanding/understand) advanced math.

4. I (remember/am remembering) my best friend's birthday.

5. You (are having/have) a car.

6. My family (owns/is owning) a house.

7. My brother (is belonging/belongs) to a hobby group.

Answer the following questions with your own answers:

• I (am wanting/want) __________.

• I (need/am needing) a new __________.

• I (prefer/am preferring) __________ instead of __________.

• I (am thinking/think) the weather is __________ today.

• It (is seeming/seems) the weather will be __________ tomorrow.

10:15-10:25 Grammar Practice

Answer the following questions using the non-action verb: prefer

Example: Person A: What do you like better: tea or coffee? Why? Person B: I prefer coffee because it wakes me up in the morning.

• What do you like better: tea or coffee? Why? • What do you like better: beef or chicken? Why? • What do you like better: noodles or rice? Why? • What do you like better: Pepsi or Coke? Why? • What do you like better: American or Asian food? Why?

Give your opinion on the following activities using the non-action verb: like or dislike Example: I dislike cooking for family gatherings because it’s too much work.

• Cooking for family gatherings. Why? • Watching cooking TV shows. Why? • Eating only healthy foods. Why? • Making my own meals. Why? • Shopping for groceries. Why?

There is a difference between something we want and something we really need. Which of the following do you want or need? Give your opinion.


Example: I need a bigger house because we have five children.

• A bigger house. Why? • A nice vacation. Why? • A better car. Why? • A higher salary. Why? • A faster computer. Why?

Say whether you agree or disagree with the following statements, and then state why. Example: I agree that it is best to include many colors of fruits and vegetables to

have a healthy meal.

• To have a healthy meal, it is best to include many colors of fruits and vegetables. • People enjoy the food from their own countries most of all. • Unhealthy food is more delicious than healthy food. • The benefits of organic food are worth the higher price you pay for them.

10:25 – 10:40 Discussion Questions

• About how many different color foods did you eat for dinner last night? • Do you think about color when you are preparing a meal? • Are there any foods that you wouldn't eat as a child that you eat now? • Are you a good cook? What’s your favorite food to cook? Can you cook well? • Are you a vegetarian? • Are you concerned about your daily calorie intake when choosing something to eat? • Do you always eat dinner with your family? • Do you eat rice every day? • Do you ever skip breakfast? If so, how often and why? • Do you know someone who struggles with an eating disorder? • Do you like deep fried food? • Do you like peas and carrots? How about spinach? • Do you like to eat at fast food restaurants? • Do you like to eat cake? • Do you like to eat junk food? If so, what kind? • Do you like to eat dessert after dinner? • Do you like to try new food and drinks? • Do you often eat out? • Do you prefer fish or meat? • Do you read the nutritional information on the foods you buy? • What is your opinion of Chinese food? American food? British food? Indian food? Greek



10:40-11:00 Bible Study: Zacchaeus Meets Jesus - Luke 19:1-10

19 1-2 As Jesus was passing through Jericho, a man named Zacchaeus, one of the most influential Jews in the Roman tax-collecting business (and, of course, a very rich man),3 tried to get a look at Jesus, but he was too short to see over the crowds. 4 So he ran ahead and climbed into a sycamore tree beside the road, to watch from there. 5 When Jesus came by, he looked up at Zacchaeus and called him by name! “Zacchaeus!” he said. “Quick! Come down! For I am going to be a guest in your home today!” 6 Zacchaeus hurriedly climbed down and took Jesus to his house in great excitement and joy. 7 But the crowds were displeased. “He has gone to be the guest of a notorious sinner,” they grumbled. 8 Meanwhile, Zacchaeus stood before the Lord and said, “Sir, from now on I will give half my wealth to the poor, and if I find I have overcharged anyone on his taxes, I will penalize myself by giving him back four times as much!” 9-10 Jesus told him, “This shows that salvation has come to this home today. This man was one of the lost sons of Abraham, and I, the Messiah, have come to search for and to save such souls as his.”

Words you may not know:

Jericho = a city near the Jordan River and the Dead Sea; tax collector = a greedy Jew who collects taxes for the Roman government, hated by the people; crowd = a large number of people gathered together; sycamore tree = a tree of the fig and mulberry family that bears an edible fruit; displeased = not pleased / not welcome; notorious = known for something bad; sinner = one who does wrong actions and has wrong thoughts toward God; grumble = to complain; penalize = to give a penalty or to punish; salvation – God saves us from our sin’s penalty and gives us eternal life. Believe in Jesus and you will be saved; Abraham – Father and ancestor of the Hebrew nation

Questions from Luke 19:1-10

1. Who is the most famous person you have ever seen close up? Share with others, what happened?

2. What would be your reaction if Christ stopped you and said, “I will dine with you tonight” like he did for Zacchaeus?

3. Why did Zacchaeus accept Christ as his savior? 4. What changed Zacchaeus from greedy to generous? 5. Do you think that Christ can change your heart like he did for Zacchaeus? Which part of

you would be transformed? 6. Would Christ welcome you like He did for Zacchaeus?

ザアカイ、イエスに出会う - ルカの福音書19章1-10節 12それからイエスはエリコに入り、町をお通りなりました。 この町には、ローマに収める税金を取り立ての仕事をしているザアカイという男がいました。取税人の中でもとりわけ


権力をふるっていた大金持ちでした。 3このザアカイも、ひと目イエスを見ようと思いましたが、背が低かったので、いくら背伸びをしても、人垣のうしろからは何も見えません。 4そこで、ずっと先のほうに走って行き、道ばたにあったいちじく桑の木によじ登って、見下ろしていました。5 やがて、そこへ差しかかったイエスは、ザアカイを見上げると、「ザアカイ早く降りてきなさい。 今晩はあなたの家に泊めてもらうつもりでいますから」と言われました。6 ザアカイびっくりして、急いで降りると、大喜びでイエスを家に迎えました。

7 これを見ていた人々の心中は、おだやかではありません。「なにも、あの札つきの悪党の家の客にならなくても……」と、つぶやきました。8 しかし、ザアカイは主の前で、こう告白しました。 「先生。 今からは、財産の半分を貧しい人たちに分けてあげます。 税金を取りすぎた人たちには、四倍にして払い戻します。」910イエスは言われました。 「その告白こそ、今日この家に救いが来たことのあかしです。 この人も迷い出たアブラハムの子供の一人なのだから。 メシヤ(救い主)のわたしは、このような人を捜し出して救うために来たのです。」


エリコ= ヨルダン川と死海の近くの町 取税人=ローマ政府のために税金を取り立てる人、彼らは、そのどん欲さで、人々に嫌われていました。救い=罪からの救い、永遠の滅びの判決から免れ救われること アブラハム= ヘブル人の祖先 メシヤ(救い主)= 救い主イエスキリスト


1. 今まで実際に見た中で一番の有名人は誰ですか?他の人と話してみましょう。そのときどんなことが起こりましたか?

2. もしキリストがザアカイに言ったように、「今晩あなたの家で食事をします。」と呼び止めたとしたら、あなたはどうしますか?

3. なぜザアカイは、キリストを救い主として受け入れましたか? 4. 何がザアカイを貪欲な者から寛大な者に変えたのでしょうか? 5. ザアカイにしたようにイエスは、あなたの心を変えることができますか?あなたのどこが変えられると思いますか?

6. キリストは、ザアカイにしたように、あなたを受け入れてくれると思いますか?