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Gamers Inc > 1716> Gamers Inc Looking closely at the youth and sensing his dark inner nature, Hitler decided to take up the challenge and recruited Schmidt.

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Gamers Inc > 1716 > Gamers Inc



Millions of years ago, the Celestials performed gene-tic experiments on the reptilian ancestors of the Skrulls, resulting in three branches of Skrulls that even-tually warred with one another. The Deviant branch — possessing the innate ability to shapeshift — were triumphant, and afterward wiped out all members of the other two races until only two were left: the Skrull Eternal, Kly’bn and Prime Skrull of the original Skrull race. Kly’bn implored them to spare his life, as killing him would kill part of their heritage. The Deviants’ leader, Sl’gur’t, fell in love with him, with the two even-tually becoming the gods of the Skrull pantheon. As Kly’bn couldn’t change, Sl’gurt vowed to never keep the same shape for too long.[1] Prime Skrull escaped to Earth in the 20th Century and later became a member of the Underground Legion.

After slaying the King of the Frost giants Laufey in battle, Odin found a small Asgardian-sized child hidden within the primary stronghold of the Frost Giants. The child was Loki, and Laufey kept him hidden from his people due to his shame over his son’s small size. Odin took the boy because he showed strength when Odin slew his father in combat and raised him as his son alongside his biological son Thor.

As with many supervillains, Johann Schmidt had a trau-matic childhood that warped his mind, paving the way for villainy in his adult life. Johann Schmidt was born in a village in Germany to Hermann and Martha Schmidt. Schmidt’s mother died in childbirth and his father blamed Johann for it and tried to murder him, only to be stopped by the attending doctor. The father later committed suicide and Johann was orphaned. He grew up on the streets as a beggar and a thief struggling to survive and his hatred of humanity grew with each day. A key episode was when he fell for a local Jewish girl, but when she spurned his clumsy advances, he murdered her, finding a release for his frustrations. With that, his depravity grew even more.

Schmidt worked as a menial laborer and in his late teens, during the rise of the Third Reich, Schmidt got his most prosperous job; a bellhop in a major hotel. While there, he served the rooms of Adolf Hitler himself. By chance, Schmidt was present when the Führer was furiously scolding an officer, during which Hitler pled-ged that he could create a better National Socialist out of the bellhop.

Looking closely at the youth and sensing his dark inner nature, Hitler decided to take up the challenge and recruited Schmidt.

Dissatisfied with the standard drill instruction his subordinates used to train Schmidt, Hitler took over personally, and trained Schmidt as his right-hand man. Upon completion, Hitler gave Schmidt a unique uniform with a grotesque red skull mask, and he emerged as the Red Skull for the first time. His role was the embodiment of Nazi intimidation, while Hitler could remain the popular leader of Germany. To that end, The Red Skull was appointed head of Nazi terro-rist activities with an additional large role in external espionage and sabotage. He succeeded, wreaking havoc throughout Europe in the early stages of World War II. Thepropaganda effect was so great that the United States government decided to counter it by creating their own equivalent using the one recipient of the lost Project Rebirth, Steve Rogers, as Captain America