15 Jun 2

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Transcript of 15 Jun 2




Title In Focus: “The Mehrabs Of Alhamra Palace” overlooking

Spain: A testimony of the glorious rise of the Muslim conquerors with

all its splendor.




1. The historical words of Tariq Bin Ziayad to his soldiers when he was informed of the

approach of the enemy at the conquest of Spain:

والصب الصدق إال والله لكم وليس أمامكم، والعدو� ورائكم، من البحر المفر؟ أين الناس، �ها أي

"Oh my warriors, whither would you flee? Behind you is the sea, before you, the

enemy: So by God, you have only sincerity and patience, and no minister but your


“And then he torched his ships; which burned to ashes in the Mediterranean. Never

again history was to witness a Conqueror like Tariq bin Zaiyad who made a bid for

the victory with such grandeur”

2. Such majestically was Spain conquered by the valiant Ziayad and even more supreme

was the Muslim reign which achieved its zenith and glory and took the Kingdom; the

dynasty and Spain to soaring heights.

3. The book under review “The Muslim Conquest Of Spain” is the fourth book of the

writer in continuation of Muslim history exploration. The writer after completing the research

on Spain realized that the Muslim history of Spain is full of military actions, wars and

campaigns. Taking this consideration, the research ended in the shape of “The Muslim

Conquest Of Spain”. The book gives an insight to the Muslim history of Spain, painted on a

vast canvas, with the brightest of colours and the most striking of images. It’s not an

account of the tarnished history, as presented in the Christian chronicles where Islam rules

in Spain by force and sword. Infact, its a history of the grand Muslim reign which achieved

its magnificence and glory and what a glory it was!

4. The book very gradually unfolds various events of campaign, starting from Tariq Bin

Zayad to Musa Bin Nusar, the series of campaigns within the country and with the

external enemies.



5. The writer Lt Gen A.I. Akram has put in a lot of effort to bring forward the true history of

Muslim Spain after a comprehensive research which is done both physically and by

consulting various Muslim and western authors.


6. The details about the book are as follows :

a. Written by : Lt Gen A.I. Akram

b. Published by : Army Education Press GHQ, Rwp

c. Third Edition : 2001

d. Printed by : The Army Press(Regd) 40-A, Rawalpindi

e. Number of pages : 247

f. Cover : Hard Bound



7. The quality of paper is fine with comfortable reading font. The cover of the book is

shimmering grey with bold title of the book. The book includes few black and white maps of

different parts of Spain, Islamic calendar and a detailed description of Arabic names. At the

closure of the book are given the bibliography, including Muslim and western historical

sources; a list of Spanish and Arabic names of places and an index. In addition, for easy

comprehension of the reader the writer of the book narrates conduct and location of the

various battles with help of sketches/maps (Attached at the end). The book is available in

all the army libraries and local market both.


8. Agha Ibrahim Akram was born in

Ludhiana (India)in 1923. His father was a

senior Indian police officer. He graduated from

government college Lahore in 1942 and joined

the British Indian Army. His military career

spanned thirty six years of war and peace, and

he retired from Pakistan army as Lieutenant

General in 1978. This was followed by two and

half years as Pakistan’s ambassador to Spain.

In 1982 he founded the institute of regional

studies at Islamabad and remained its founder

president till his death in 1989.

9. While teaching military history at staff college Quetta in 1964, he felt actually the lack

of detailed, clear and objective literature on Muslim military history, with its great military

achievements and glorious feats of arms. He took up the challenge of filling up this void.

His first book, “The Sword of Allah”, on the life and campaigns of Khalid bin Al Waleed,

was published in 1970 after a five years effort including visits to battle fields in The

Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. He decided to write ten volumes,

the first covering the Muslim conquest in711 AD, and the last dealing with the fall of

Granada in1942 AD – The sunset of Muslim rule in Spain.




10. “Muslim Conquest of Spain” by Lt Gen A.I. Akram is a sequel to the authors three

earlier work, The Sword of Allah, The Muslim Conquest of Persia and The Muslim

Conquest of Egypt and North Africa. Apart from its being a work of painstaking study,

research and on the spot exploration involving meticulous combining of available

resources, one of its most striking feature is the fairness with which the author, like a true

scholar and un biased historian has dealt with that unique event in the history of Islam.


11. The book is dedicated to the son of the author, Masood (a serving officer at a rank of

Major General), who sustained him in his work, as said by the author. The book opens after

the preface followed by a detailed prologue which explains the conquest of Spain, from the

arrival of Khalid Bin Waleed till the spread of Islam in Spain. The book comprises of

twenty chapters, each describing the campaign of each Umayyad ruler. After the chapters

appendixes have been included which describe, the Bibliography - Muslim and western

sources, Islamic calendar, Spanish and Arabic places names, and at the end the index is

included for reference.



12. The first part of the book gives an insight to the Muslim reign in the region of Africa

with different campaign made in the area which halted at Ceuta. Musa one of the great

Genarel of the time who never lost any battle less the siege of Ceuta. Ceuta was then

governed by count Julian. It also cover the life of Tariq Bin Zayad his military carrier and his

life time urge to enter into Europe.

13. It then gives a brief account about the Count Julian and his daughter “ Florinda ”

whom she send to Royal families for better education where she was ravished by Gothic

King Roderick. In retaliation he brought her daughter back though silently and sworn “I shall

undermine this throne and destroy this kingdom”. In sequence he went Tariq Bin Zayad

who referred him to Musa Bin Nusar and invited them to invade Spain.



14. It also covers the Geography and culture of Spain briefly. Brief account for the

crossing the peninsula by the reconnaissance troops first and then fallowed by the main

body along Tariq.



15. It starts with the main campaign of Roderick against the invaders from the south

where he himself was engaged in North near Pyrenees against internal skirmishes among

the inhabitants. As a leading element he sent sizeable cavalry led by Benico who later lost

his life while fighting. This group heavily failed while fighting against the Berber Arabs and

paid heavy dividends to them in form of horses and men which they were lacking. Then

comes the series of small campaigns each one of which is full of the marked intelligence of

the warriors different in term of the concepts and principal. It started with the Battle of River

Barbate led by King Roderick from Gothic sides and Tariq Bin Zayad from the other. Finally

it ended in the killing of Roderick King and fleeing of Gothic army in all directions.

16. It led to series of small battles fought all

over with few under the command of Tariq’s

envoys and rest by him. In background writer

give the account on happiness by the winning

stories reaching to Berbers back home and

they started joining the war and use any

means to reach Spain. Back home on hearing

splendid achievements Musa wrote a harsh

letter to Tariq to halt and avoid any future

advance this writer accounts to Musa lust for

his own personal fame to become the

Conquest of Spain. In reaction Tariq consulted

the counsel of his Generals who unanimously decided to continue the advance because it

was the most appropriate time as enemy was off balanced and off centered both. This part

ended with the Fall of Toledo.






17. The most important part in the book is the history of the Spain is Jews and the

Christianity in the region. Christianity in the Spain starts in first century during apostolic

period. It was brought by Saint Paul in 63 to 67.

18. The main Christianity practiced in 2nd and 3rd century was of Roman Catholic version.

After 6th century the arrival of Gothic who were Arians and were not united under the flag of

Christianity as other does. They got involved them into Monophysite Controversy. Till 587

AD Christianity sat very lightly on Spain as they changed from roman to catholic as there

King Reccard accepted so.

19. Jews arrived in the region in 10th century BC. They settled in Spain and were known

as land shepherds. They lived peaceful and grew richer. They never involved them in any

religious differences. Few events solely against Jews were,

a. First short was fired in 506 AD when it was forbidden to marry and work with


b. In 7th century it was made that Jew cannot keep christen slave and forcefully

they have to free them further added if any christen converted to Jew will be

killed and property be confiscated

c. 616 AD compulsorily all Jews to come for baptism or face 100 lashes, leave

the state and property confiscated.

d. In 616 90,000 Jews accepted baptism which mostly just paid the lip service.

e. At the end they were ripped from there property, their children’s taken away

from them as they reach 7,all to be slaved and cannot preach Jewisam.

f. This was the very reason that the Jews went all out to take on Gothic’s and

help Muslims in there invasion. And that’s why Jews were blamed for the

Gothic fall. Most of them later went to Turkey were they were guaranteed

freedom and was given; even now we can still find few Jews over there who

speak there own native Spanish accent.



20. By 1st June 712 Musa crossed the peninsula with 18,000 troops more mobile then

Tariq. He adopted the route other then of Tariq, he went west and North West. He initially

cleared the coastal zone finally to reach Mareda which was finally captured on 30 June


21. In city of Seville there was massacre done by the Spaniards killing 80 Muslims

caught completely unaware. In return Musa’s son Aziz not to be deterred, invaded again

but this time no mercy and more ruthless who undoubtedly succeeded. The other victories

were Orehuela, Levant, Lisbon and finally Cadiz to achieve their objectives.

22. In last half writer wrote about the issues between Musa and Tariq. Musa was of the

opinion that he sent Tariq to make an ofray, further he ordered him not to advance him any

further after the battle of Ecija. But Tariq only argument was that he pursued the enemy

who was off balanced and decentralized that to with the consent of his cabinet.


23. The book “The Muslim Conquest Of Spain” is truly a justice done to the glorious

history of conquest of Spain. It is an insight to the Muslim campaign from the historical

landing of Tariq bin Zayad on the rock of Gibraltar; series of numerous victories which led

to glorious reign of Umayyad dynasty.

24. While reading the book, one relives the magnificent era and goes into the realms of

imagination, into the Muslim Spain, can experience the inspirational statures of the Muslim

Conquest of Spain. One can imagine the valor of seasoned Generals. It’s a walk through

the history, a walk through the by gone glory.

The fragrance of Yemen is still in its air,

The color of Hejaz is still in its sights

Extract On Spain From The Poem: Mosque Of Cordoba (Bal-e-Jabreel)

Dr. Allama Iqbal

“The Muslim Conquest Of Spain” is no doubt a meticulously written book which is a

huge service done to the Muslim military history.




25. Linked to this book are the other books by the writer which are also suggested for

reading in order to have a precise and comprehensive knowledge of the Muslim conquest

and histories. These books are as follows;

a. The Sword Of Allah

b. The Muslim Conquest of Persia

c. The Muslim Conquest Of Egypt & North Africa

d. Rise of Cordoba

e. The Falcon Of The Quraish

26. Personally I would like to recommend a further reading on the great Muslim General

“Tariq Bin Zaiyad”. He torched his ships to ashes in the Mediterranean. Never again

history was to witness a Conqueror like Tariq bin Zaiyad who made a bid for the victory with

such grandeur”.


27. This book is highly recommended and specially a must read for every soldier who

wants to have knowledge and experience the bygone glory of the Muslim conquerors and

rulers. Most interestingly it is not a forgotten history of the mythological ages, but the

Muslim history of the yester centuries which reigned supreme till late fifteenth century that

too in the alien land of Europe.