15 A/B testing mistakes I see all the damn time (and what to do about it) by Peep Laja, ConversionXL...

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Transcript of 15 A/B testing mistakes I see all the damn time (and what to do about it) by Peep Laja, ConversionXL...

15 A/B testing mistakes I see all the damn time (and what to do about it)

by Peep Laja, ConversionXL Call to Action Conference 2014

“You should test that!”

“Dude wtf?”


Typical scenario: A company runs 100 tests /

year. After 12 months their

conversion rate is still the same.


Testing mistake #1:Precious time

wasted on stupid tests


Testing mistake #2:

You don’t have a data-driven,

learning-oriented hypothesis


Testing mistake #3:You think you

know what will work


Testing mistake #4:You run tests

when you have no traffic


Testing mistake #5:

Your absolute conversions are

way too low


You need *at least* 250-400 conversions PER


Way more if you want to segment the data


Our "thumb rule" is: 3000-4000 conversions per variation and 3-4 week test duration. That is enough traffic so we can even talk about valid data if we drill down into segments.

Testing "sin" nr.1: search in segments for uplifts although you have no statistical validity, e.g. 85 versus 97 conversions. That’s bullshit.


Testing mistake #6:

Your tests don’t run long enough


Testing mistake #7:

You don’t test full weeks at a time


Testing mistake #8:

Test data is not sent to third-party



Pro tip: If you have over 500,000

pageviews / mo, you don’t (necessarily) need to spend

$100,000 on GA Premium. Get unsampled data with Analytics



Testing mistake #9:

You give up after your first test for

a hypothesis fails.

Full case study: http://conversionxl.com/case-study-how-we-improved-landing-page-conversion/

79.3% uplift in conversions


Testing mistake #11:

You’re not aware of validity threats


History effectInstrumentation effect

Selection effect


Testing mistake #12:

You’re ignoring small gains


5% monthly increase in your conversion rate will result in

80% uplift for the year. That’s how math works.


Testing mistake #13:

You don’t know html/css/jquery -

and thus only test the simple stuff


Testing mistake #14:

You’re not running tests at all times


Testing mistake #15:

You’re late for your lunch break!

Follow me @peeplaja


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Thank you