14th May 2015 - peaseswest.durham.sch.uk

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Transcript of 14th May 2015 - peaseswest.durham.sch.uk

Headteacher: Alison Johnson Deputy Headteacher: Jane Brook Tel: 01388 762380 Fax 01388 768675 email: peaseswest@durhamlearning.net www.peaseswest.durham.sch.uk

14th May 2015

Peases West Primary School Billy Row Crook County Durham DL15 9SZ

Staffing update

Following consultation with staff and governors, we would like to share the staffing structure for September 2015 with you.

Mrs Lauder will continue in her role as Learning Mentor, providing support and advice to children and families across school. Mr Elms has completed his Sports Activity Leadership Apprenticeship, and will continue to work in school as he is studying for a degree in Sports and Coaching. As you will see, we are welcoming a new member of staff to school, Mrs Wellstood. Mrs Wellstood is known to children, having completed successful teaching placements here throughout the school year. Miss Blewitt will begin her maternity leave in the Summer, and we look forward to welcoming her back in the school year. During her maternity leave, Mrs Brook, who is retiring from full time education and the Deputy Headteacher post, will work on a part time basis in Class 3. As part of our transition , and to provide continuity and support for all children, Mrs Hird will move with the Reception children at the end of the year. Miss Ellis will make the transition to Class 3 with the current Year 2 children. Our ‘moving up’ day will be Thursday 9th July. Should you have any questions about staffing, please do not hesitate to contact school.

Class: Teacher/s Support Staff

Early Years Foundation Stage: Nursery

Mrs Nodding Mrs Weatherall

Mrs Britton Mrs Knotts Miss Mould Mrs Sully Mrs Croft

Reception/Class 1 Miss Hall

Class 2 (Years 1 and 2) Mrs Morton (Deputy Headteacher) Mrs Hird/Miss Patton

Class 3 (Years 3 and 4) Mrs Wellstood Mrs Brook

Miss Ellis/Mrs Patterson

Class 4 (Years 5 and 6) Mrs Rafferty Mrs Patterson

Peases West Primary School is offering from, September 2015, 'free play and learn' for 2 year olds. This means, if you are eligible, your 2 year old can have 15 hours a week (mornings for 2.5 hours) in Foundation Stage. To check if you are eligible see the criteria below, or call into the school office for a flyer. If you qualify, your child could take up their sessions, the term after their 2nd birthday. To apply come into school and ask for an application form - we will help with further details and any questions you may have!

Peases West v St Chad’s

29th April 2015

This was a challenging match where only 2 goals separated the teams. Both teams played with passion and desire, however St Chads won the game 2-0. Callum played out of his skin, which is why he was awarded man of the match, and was unlucky not to set Connor up for a goal.

End of Year Celebration Assemblies

We would like to invite Parents/Carers to our end of year celebration assemblies, which will be held during the last week of term.

Monday 13th July: Class 3 (Mrs Rafferty - Years 3 and 4) at 2pm Tuesday 14th July: Class 1 (Miss Hall - Reception/Year 1) at 2pm

Wednesday 15th July: Nursery at 9am Wednesday 15th July: Class 2 (Miss Blewitt and Mrs Morton - Years 1 and 2) at 2pm Thursday 16th July: Class 4 (Mrs Brook - Year 5 and 6) at 2pm (to include a farewell

to Year 6)

These assemblies will be an opportunity to celebrate your child’s learning and achievements over the school year. We look forward to seeing you there!

Ford Castle Residential Trip Meeting

A meeting will take place on Wednesday 3rd June at 5.30pm for

Parents/Carers/children to attend. This will be a short meeting to discuss itinerary, kit list and any other

issues. Please let us know if you are unable to attend,

Many Thanks, Mrs. Brook, Mrs. Morton, Mrs. Horner,

Mr. Elms.

Year 6

We would like to thank our Year 6 children for their amazing attitudes towards their SAT assessment tests this week. You have all worked incredibly hard, and we know that your

families will be as proud of you as we are!

Year 6 will experience a Forest School Day, off site, as an end of SATs celebration. Next term sees many exciting transition activities and events for Year 6.

Year 5 Multi skills visit to Parkside - 16th June

Our Year 5 children will visit Parkside to take part in a multi skills day on 16th June. Lunch and transport is provided.

PE and Sport Week - 29th June to 3rd July

We have many exciting events planned during PE and Sport week, with whole school Sports morning being held on Wednesday 1st July, and Nursery’s Sports morning will be held on Thursday 2nd July.

Further information to follow.

Plans for the Summer Fair are being finalised. We are still looking for donations for the tombola and bottle stalls. Please note - we are collecting all different kinds of bottles (washing up liquid, fizzy pop, shampoo, bubble bath, ketchup, sun cream, water, wines and spirits etc). Any donations can be handed in

to the box in the entrance, or your child’s class teacher. Cakes can be handed in on the day before the fair. If you can help in

any other way, please let us know. We are always looking for volunteers! Thank you!

Class 2 and Class 3 Attendance rewards.

Congratulations to Class 2 and Class 3 who reached the end of our ‘attendance drive’ in

Spring Term!

Class 2 were entertained by ‘Crazy Colin’, and Class 3 selected a water themed party afternoon!

Well done to both classes! We’ve had a fantastic start to Summer Term, with ALL classes

reaching the target of 95.5% in the first week - which means a new staff challenge...

Billy Row and District Community Association ROAD SAFETY COMPETITION

We are very proud to sponsor a new road safety campaign in our area. Speeding, dangerous parking and child safety have been of huge concern to local people for many years, and we feel it is time to highlight this and do something about it as a community. We are inviting local children, groups and individuals to design posters, banners and road safety scarecrows. There will be prizes for the winners and the list of winners ( and their entries) will be published in local newspapers!! The entries will be displayed at school events and winning designs, and scarecrows, will be displayed in appropriate areas of our villages.

We are looking for Catchy slogans Bold designs Lots of imagination!!! Themes of speeding, parking and child safety

DEADLINE FOR POSTER / BANNER ENTRIES IS JUNE 30th 2015 Entries on A3 or A4 paper, please, with name and age on reverse. Entries may be submitted to

school or youth club organisers. The final judging and announcement of winners will take place at our summer community event…the Billy Row Big Summer Bash!



Praise, Positives & Progress ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Things to develop ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Suggestions for improvement ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Thank you. Name: ………………………………………………………………….. (optional) Date:…………………………………………..

We value and welcome your comments on all aspects of school life. These can be shared by completing and returning the slip below. Thank you!

School uniform

School uniform can be ordered online at www.stparent.co.uk. Orders are collated, so please order by 3rd of the month for same month delivery.


School closes for half term on Thursday 21st May. We reopen on Monday 1st June.

School closes for Summer break on Thursday 16th July and

reopens on Wednesday 2nd September 2015. (Apologies for previous newsletter error)

For your information, a 2015/2016 school year calendar is

included in this newsletter. This calendar shows holidays and teacher training days.