1452nd Newsletter

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Page 16-18 features the NCNG's 1452nd in Kuwait.

Transcript of 1452nd Newsletter

821st Transportation Battalion

1452nd TC

“Rough Riders”

548th TC DET

LSV 8 411th TC DET


481st TC DET

LCU 2018

651st THOD 233D TC 129th TC



The Rolling Review


824th TC DET

LCU 2002

A Patriotic Message Straight From The Heart.

The families of the 821st Soldiers really poured their

heart into this project. On the wall inside the new Resil-

iency Center the flag of the United States is hanging for

all to see. This flag, however, is no ordinary flag. It is

made up of the heart-shaped valentines sent by the fami-

lies and friends of the 821st TCBN. Dawnita Crump,

wife of HHD 1ST SGT, was the brains behind the flag

project. She contacted the family members to give them

There are red hearts and blue

hearts with white stars that

present a loving graphic rep-

resentation of the American

flag. As with the true flag of

the United States, this flag

shows all who see it where

our Soldier’s hearts reside. a heads up. “On New Years eve Erica Bushard (SSG Bushard’s wife) and I spent the

night bringing in the new year together. We skyped our men and started cutting out the

hearts.” Mrs Crump then sent all of the hearts to the families, with instructions not to tell

their soldiers , but to fill out a heart and send them back. She ended up setting a deadline

of the 4th of Febuary to have them returned, then spent the 5th putting them on a banner.

After a few phone calls 42 of the 52 came back on time, the rest were made as over the

phone, messages written by her, Erica and Rachel Williams (SGT Stewart Williams’

wife). “My goal was to make sure that EVERY soldier knew they were loved, missed

and, in the most American way, appreciated for their love of country, family and duty.”

Dawn told me via email. The 8 on top represent the "Elite Eight", a reference to the eight

soldiers that were forward deployed to Afghanistan. Dawn said, “We wanted to show

that they are in our prayers and show that time and location won’t separate the love from

all of us to them.” The project was given an official title as Operation Top Secret. It was

difficult to complete in such a short time with so many family members being spread out

so far from each other, but the end result shows the pride and love that all of our families

have for us. The size of this valentine and the placement of the banner in the Chaplain’s

center allows for a high visibility and is appreciated by our Soldiers and also the those

from the down trace as strong a reminder that there is love waiting for them at home.

Story and Photos by

CW4 Kenneth M Wash Jr

821st Local Reconnaissance: Afghanistan: When you know you’ve made it.

So, there we were, in our magical Arifjan Kingdom of Never

Never land, settled in for the long haul, fairly content and rolling along

when, low and behold, the good idea fairy came along and said “Hey. You

have been selected for a magical trip to the other Never Never

land!” (code word for Afghanistan.) We were told to assemble the ‘A’

team of our choosing (with no mention of rules, restrictions or guidelines,

of course) and get ready to standby to leave when told that it’s time to go!”

“Roger, good idea fairy.” I said, and moved out quickly to

assemble our A Team, or what I called, our “Eight is Great Team.” A

short time later we were given the green light to head out, of course,

sooner than we thought, and had to jump through hoops to get all of the

items prepared… Malaria pills, shots, gear, and all of it had to fit into

one rucksack and a duffle bag. All of the fun items we wanted to bring

like a guitar, a PS3 and bazillion disk DVD collection are sadly sitting

in time out in a 20 foot container at the old location like discarded toys

from Santa’s workshop.

After the hurry-up-and-wait to get to the flight line, the flight

was cancelled due to the snow storm that blew into the other Never

Never land, again we waited. They crammed us like sardines into a

small tent on Ali Aselem for the night. The next day we loaded up on a

bus and headed out. Then, another crowded seating arrangement on the

flight over, but at least we had each other’s shoulders to lean on for the

three hour trip.

The temporary, transitional living arrangements, affectionately

called “Shawshank Mansion” at the halfway point was yet another over-

crowded and lively place. You had your assortment of trash, gear and

sleeping wanderers. One pair of overzealous wrestling privates tipped over

a bunk, slamming into our fearless leaders rack one morning at 0600.

Their silly reindeer games kept us quite entertained.

Our tour guide interrupted our fun when he recommended that

we go to the Boardwalk. We all wondered what he could possibly be talk-

ing about. Sure, New Jersey has a boardwalk, San Jose, California has a

boardwalk, even the game Monopoly has a boardwalk. But Never Never

Land? He continued to explain that the boardwalk, basically a continuous

wooden platform, had all the things that you could imagine for your eating

and shopping delight. The 2x4 walkway was elevated just enough to stay

out of the water and surrounded by mud and flooding streets, but hey, the

hot dogs were gourmet and they were buy one get one free! By far we

decided it was the best meal of the trip so far.

We said goodbye to the “Shawshank Mansion” and hopped on

board one last crowded flight filled with bumps and dips and dives enough

to remind us all of an amusement park rid. We finally arrived at our final

destination. The visions we had did not prepare us for this reality. Every-

thing in this place was spread far and away. We could not all see eye to

eye on the positives of our new location but we did all agree on one thing.

Man, is it cold here.

There is a major change in altitude here. It wasn’t long before the

creeping green crud started moving through our ranks and soon got half of

the team sick. Self medication and home remedies are not an option here

as the PX is not one of the large overstocked tents that we are accustom to.

You simply cannot fit very much stuff into a 20 foot by 40 foot “Store”.

Also the doctors and medics at the TMC are not very sympathetic, gruffly

rendering their prognosis with, “No quarters for you.” If you get the snif-

fles the medic will tell you, “ Suck it up and drive on, Cupcake,” or “ No

Ranger Candy for you, Joe, you’re in our land now!” MSG Ray walked

away sulking and sniffling determined to do just that.

MAJ Eldon Dettmer is at the helm of our small office. We all

jammed together inside like clowns in a tiny car. SSG Andrew Suddock is

idea generator of the group and works with SSG Benjamin Bushard and

SGT Bradley Gyhra, constantly prodding them for ideas. Collectively we

are a well oiled machine with good momentum. Though we are a little like

odd balls in our Army Combat Uniforms or ACUs. The only others wear-

ing the light green design are the Navy and the Interpreters. Other units are

wearing regional Multi Cam Uniforms. Even the Air Force has them.

Tired of being looked at as if we have the plague, we brainstormed and

conjured up a plan that would have the supply folks in the north will send

us the stylish duds we need to better assimilate. Now it is just some more

hurry-up-and-wait for all of the gear to be delivered.

We all settled into CHUs (Containerized Housing Units) for the

long haul. Good

thing that no one on

the teams melts, as it

has been raining cats

and dogs here. The CHUs tend to

leak in various places in the middle

of the night and droplets and

streams of water like to pour on your head. It is the greatest feeling to get a

cold water drip on your head at 0300 in the morning. As for the rain, the

season is almost over and the cold and drizzly weather will be a welcomed


Now that we are established as the D/ROPs team, we can work

on getting our MWR gear out of time out and sent to join us. All in all, it

has been exciting so far. This place is definitely not like Camp Arifjan in

Kuwait and it definitely is nothing like Kansas. Well, except for the con-

stantly changing weather. The team is settled in once again and is ready to

support whatever may come our way. More than likely another mad rush to

help other Soldiers as they transition from one Never Never land to an-


Story and Photos by

MSG Brandon L Ray

Above: The “road” leading to the

bus stop . Right: MSG Brandon

Ray on the flight to Never Never-


Above: SSG Benjamin Bushard, SSG Andrew Suddock,

SGT Adam Linck and SGT Thomas King on the bus to

Kandahar Air Field.

Wow! A lot has happened over the last several weeks. We have literally picked up and moved everything to accommodate all the changes that have been going on around us. The HHD, Safety and S4 (Supply) folks moved in with Maintenance in the BMO tent. The HHD tent has become a new classroom. The S1 (personnel section) moved to what was the S6 and S2 building moving in closer proximity to the Commander and the CSM and brought with them in the move the XO’s office as well as the Executive Officer. The S6 (Commo section) and the S2 (security section) moved to where the 1452nd, 233rd, 129th Compa-nies and the White-het offices were, as they were moved back to their respective companies after the drawdown. We even downsized the 233rd company area to make room to move the Chaplains Coffee Shop/resiliency center from the lower north forty to the middle of all the action in the busy Motor pool 23. Lastly we managed to finally get rid of the antiquated wooden guard shack at the Arms Room compound, replacing it with a steel version with updated electrical and air conditioning. The move kept the S6 Section’s Commo crew busy cleaning up the birds nests of wiring that once made up the information network for the building. Then, of course, all the information systems, both classified and un-classified as well as phone systems and network cabling, printers, scanners and the like had to be set up and routed to those who needed them in all three offices and the Chaplain’s center. Busy, busy, busy. All in all everything went well, all systems are on line and the hub of activity remains exactly that, active.

Local Reconnaissance: “There Goes The Neighborhood...Literally”

From left to right top to bottom: The new SIPR Café, SIPR Café document station, S6/PAO office,

The new Resiliency Center, S6 Workshop and Help Center, S3 Main Office,

PV2 Sonny Guild and SFC Howard Arndt disassembling old guard shack, New guard shack, CW2 Bradley McMeekan operating the

forklift to maneuver the new guard shack in place.

Story and Photos by

CW4 Kenneth M Wash Jr

Local Reconnaissance

“Iron Wheel Challenge” Story and Photos by SPC Leticia Samuels

On Saturday 18 FEB 2012, the Iron Wheel Challenge was held in the 821

st motor pool

commencing in the second gruel-ing round of rigorous physical training. In this round the female team consisting of SPC Brittney Buturlia, SPC Leticia Samuels, SGT Natasha Rice and SFC Tammy Miller or “double stuffed”, cadre from the 821

st, competed

against the females of the 129th

, the cherry blossoms, with Pfc Georgianna Beaudette, Spc Brit-ney Dahlkoetter, Sgt Michelle Denish, and Sgt Tammi Welton. Double stuffed took second place in the event, engaging a five sta-tion circuit consisting of the Tire Flip (300 pd tire), the truck push, push-ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups (one event), weapons assembly/disassembly, and the aid and lit-ter carry (150 pds). The teams also had to run a mile in between each circuit carrying a 30 pd or more ruck sack. Even though “double stuffed” didn’t win 1


place they remained highly moti-vated, even cheering on other teams as they would pass by showing good sportsmanship.

Top left picture from left to right: Sgt Natasha Rice, Sgt 1st Class Tammy Miller, CSM Alma Ocasio, Spc Brittney Buturlia, and Spc Leticia Samuels all pose together as team Duble stuff shows off awards Top right picture from left to right: Sgt Natasha Rice and Spc Brittney Buturlia flip the 300 pd tire during the competition Bottom picture: Team “double stuffed” carrying the 150 pd aid and litter during the IWC

Team “Cherry Blossoms” accept first prize Army Achievement Medals and pose with CSM Alma Ocasio to show off their awards.

Members of the cherry blossoms hold up the peace sign as a sign of victory as they complete their last station and cross the finish line.

Sgt Timothy Stanhope, Sgt Herbert Wells, SSG Joshua Martin and Capt. Maurice Williams made up the team “the four Horseman” and came from brigade and competed winning first place in the male category accepting their award from CSM Ocasio.

Local Reconnaissance

“364th TSC Run”

The 364th ESC run kicked off with a bang! General Ive’s prepared us with a motivational

speech that inspired all Soldiers to complete the grueling 2.5 mile run. During the run many mo-tivated Soldiers took it upon themselves to call cadences, run with the guide-on, and encourage their fellow comrades. Captain Carter of the 821

st Transportation Battalion expressed his feel-

ings about the run, “it was a good fun run, it’s always great to see Soldiers up early in the morn-ing doing physical fitness.” 1Lt Moffet also commented “it was great to see the amount of Sol-diers and support we have from our higher headquarters.” The 821

st Transportation

Battalion Commander Ltc Sell, set the example by stepping up towards the end of the run and circling the formation with the guide-on which gave the Soldiers the motivation to finish with a thunderous roar.

Service Members of the 821st Transportation Corps. Battalion at the 364th TSC run boosting their morale

Story and Photos by SPC Prentes Potts

Riding The AJ Short Bus

Personal Observations from Around Camp Arifjan And Beyond

The other day I was walking from the mess hall, thinking about any one of a million things when I nearly ran head-on into a guy who had just stepped from behind a barrier wall. “Excuse me,” I said as I corrected my stride and resumed my gait. “Hey, Chief, What’s the matter, CW4s don’t have to salute officers anymore?” I turned to face the man with whom I had nearly collided and did that thing we all do, that quick look across the chest of ACU’s for the rank tab, but it was not visible due to the bright yellow reflective safety sash draped across his chest. My gaze moved upward to his cap. It had been modified, smashed-over to create what best could be described as the Civil War Look. The rank on his cap was there, no doubt, but it was not visible due to the cap’s reshaping. “It’s customary to salute a senior officer.” The man, who I was then giving the benefit of the doubt outranked me, said. I stood there as I contemplated my next words. I’m not easily riled, but at that moment I was feeling as though I had been wrong-fully accused of a crime that I didn’t commit. Knowing that I wasn’t going to apologize, I ran my words through my mouth filter, then I spoke. “Sir, If you are an officer I couldn’t tell. Your yellow safety belt is covering your rank and your hat is so mishapen that the rank is not recognizable.” He removed his hat causing it to unfold, exposing the rank so it could be seen. He was a Colonel. Not one that I had seen be-fore. He straightened it, placed it back on his noggin and proceeded to smash it back down again, all the while, telling me how I needed to lead by example. I could have argued my point, but I know when to quit. I rendered a quick albeit proper salute and simply said, “Roger.” That altercation got me thinking. I began to ponder military courtesies in an age where cell phone conversations end abruptly and texting has diminished our grammatical requirements to the equiva-lent of a texting version of hooked on phonics. Where emails are sent to people who work literally only yards away and the social scene has taken on a new meaning for many as social networking. Basically we have become unintentionally rude to one another for the sake of al-ways being available. I thought about my military “upbringing.” Was the Army a good parent? Didn’t they teach me better than that? Of course they did. That’s why I do say hello and goodbye, I don’t abbreviate texts and I render salutes to anyone CW5 and above. And oh, by the way, that would include all Second Lieutenants, and if I see them on time and figure out what is heading my direction quickly enough, maybe even any cadet who crosses my path. Think about it. We are the smallest percentage of our population, yet our group, our military brothers and sisters go out of our way to recognize and respect each other I would argue, more than any other group of people in the world, all day and every day. I still recall the day as a private when I learned about military courtesies. My Drill Sergeant, SFC Brothers was teaching the class. For an hour I sat cross legged looking up from the first row at this towering evil man who was teaching me how to greet an officer and how to salute correctly, bringing his hand upward across the middle of his torso creating a perfect forty five degree angle with a precise crisp movement to the rim of his D.I. hat. Awesome, simply awesome. He taught us through repetition and practice how to walk and salute at the same time. “When you see an officer and the officer is within six paces you will render the perfect military salute and offer the officer the time of day.” And then it happened. He called on me to be a demonstrator. “Wash get up here and walk toward me. Pretend that you are an officer and I will pretend to be you, a worthless scum-bag private.” I was so excited at the prospect. I walked toward him and within the six paces he calmly sa-luted me and said “Good Morning, Sir.” I saluted him back and re-turned the time of day, “Good morning, Private.” I said smugly. At

which point he screamed at me because I called him private, and cause I was smiling, and cause I saluted all stupid and well, because I was me and I was always in trouble. But for a minute, and for the first time ever as a Soldier, I had rendered a salute to another Soldier. Something that I would do over and over again for the next thirty-plus years of my life. And just because it isn’t as magical as the first time, becoming fairly routine, it is always special. Being on the receiving end is cool too, but as with presents, it is still better to render than to return...er..,give than to re-ceive. We wrapped up our customs and courtesies class in the usual manner with the instructor asking if there were any questions. There were plenty as I recall but one question in particular is most memorable as it was one of the funniest things I have ever heard asked by anyone. We had pretty much gone through every possible question about how to properly render a salute. The DI ,you could tell, was getting tired of all the what if’s and closed the class with one more demonstration, pretty much yelling at us throughout. “Look dirt bags it’s simple, I’m walking this way, I see an officer, I get close, I salute the officer and offer the time of day. Good morning Sir, Good afternoon, Sir, Etcetera. Simple! What is there not to understand?” We sat perfectly still having just been yelled at when a hand shot up from the crowd. A low groan filled the room from those who were expecting the worse. SFC Brothers looked in amazement at the lone outstretched waving hand. “What Private, What, What, What?” He asked sarcastically, “What question could you possibly have about rendering a proper salute?” He glared at her as if a stare down would cause her to drop her hand and abandon her question, but no, steadfast she reached higher and then stood to ask, “You said that when we salute we should offer the time of day.” And then she said it, “What If we aren’t wearing a watch?“ I probably laughed the loudest at her flub and immediately paid the price. I don’t think I ever laughed so hard while in the front leaning rest position. It’s hard to do push-ups when you are cracking up. So, remember all those things our Army parents taught us. Be respectful and courteous. Wash your hands before every meal. And, if someone unintentionally bumps into you and they say excuse me after doing so, just except it and walk away.

C is for Courtesy by CW4 Kenneth M Wash Jr

He’s gonna be there awhile if he’s expecting a return


PAO Adventures: MLK Day 5 K Run/Walk In Remembrance of Martin Luther King Jr. PAO Adventures: Soldier Spotlight from the 821st HHD

SPC Buturlia has been a member of the US Army since January 2006. Her Military Occu-pational Specialty (MOS) is 92Y which is the unit supply clerk. She also does additional duties as the 821

st Armorer.

When she isn’t deployed she is a Produc-tion Control Clerk for the Equipment Concentra-tion Site (ECS) 33 in Fort Riley Kansas. This is SPC Buturlia’s first deployment and her best memory up until now is being promoted to Spe-cialist. In SPC Buturlia’s spare time she likes to engage in arts and crafts, listen to music, and play sports. The words that SPC Buturlia lives by are “ Sing like no one can hear, dance like no one is watching, and love like you never been hurt before.” When SPC Buturlia returns home her plans are to purchase her first home, and to place herself in a position of higher responsibility in both her military and civilian careers.

821st Soldier Spotlight

SPC Morgan Buturlia Story By SPC Prentes Potts

PAO Adventures: MLK Day 5 K Run/Walk In Remembrance of Martin Luther King Jr. PAO Adventures: Soldier Spotlight from the 821st HHD

SGT Campbell joined the Army in May 2006 and was recently promoted to SGT in De-cember. SGT Campbell’s job in the Army is a Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic or 91B. During the height of the drawdown when missions were most frequent SGT Campbell performed as a member of the QAQC, Quality Assurance/Quality Control team for the battalion. Some of SGT Campbell’s hobbies include; upgrading and installing car audio systems, watching mov-ies, and playing card games like spades. SGT Campbell’s civilian occupation is that of a professional painter. As a painter his duties consist of sandblasting, painting, and any additional labor to ensure a quality job. SGT Campbell enjoys his downtime when he has days off. He is strong believer in “treat others the way you want to be treated.” His plans for the future are to start a family and become mil-lionaire with his new fiancée.

821st Soldier Spotlight

SGT Michael Campbell Story By SPC Prentes Potts

129th Transportation Company

1SG Michael Brown, This month, the 129

th Transportation Company had plenty of activities to keep us busy. We

promoted many well deserving Soldiers to their next rank. Congratulations to PFC Reiss, PFC Reusch, SPC Wendt, SPC Burkert, SGT Talmage, SGT Willing, and 1LT Hill. With rank comes more responsibility and accountability, so to all our newly promoted: Stay motivated, and keep challenging yourself. We would also like to give a big HOOAH! to our Soldiers that endured cold, windy, sand storm like conditions while competing in the Camp Buehring marathon this month. SGT Andrews, SPC Beaudette, SSG Hogue, SFC Jones, SSG Newman, SSG Sanford, SPC Weir, SGT Welton, and SPC Wendt all took that challenge; showing how ARMY STRONG the 129

th Soldiers can be.

For the 2nd

month in a row, the 129th has rose to the occasion and showed that we can be a fierce

and unstoppable force when we put our minds to it. Our female team that entered the “Iron Wheel Challenge” this month took 1

st place in the all female category. SGT Welton, SGT Denish, SPC

Dahlkoetter, and SPC Beaudette did an OUTSTANDING job in this competition. They brought their “A” game to this competition. As we approach our redeployment date, I want all the 129

th Soldiers to remember that our

mission is not over until we get home safely to our families and our loved ones, so continue to prac-tice safety in all aspects of your day to day activities, chose the harder right over the easier wrong, and watch out for you battle buddies.

“Knights of the Road”

Staff Sergeant Kenya Rice was born in Kansas City, Missouri. SSG Rice

serves as 129th Transportation Company supply sergeant during this current de-

ployment. SSG Rice along with her soldiers have worked diligently in keeping up with all the equipment and supplies used during Operation New Dawn. SSG Rice has been and is a key part in everyday functions of the 129

th Transporta-

tion Company; everything from a simple physical training belt, to soldier’s uni-form replacements, to helping platoon sergeants turn in trucks.

SSG Rice has been a proud member of the United States Army for a little over 12 years. She is currently on her second tour. SSG Rice takes tremendous pride in her job and for her efforts she received the Department of the Army “Supply Excellence Award” in 2005. She was flown to Washington D.C. to re-ceive the award and was coined by Command Sergeant Major of the Army. SSG Rice is currently Active Guard Reserve (AGR) and has been since 2004.

When not fulfilling her military duties SSG Rice spends her time doing her heart’s biggest passion, raising her twin boys De Mario and Carmelo. She credits her boys for giving her energy and wanting to strive for more to better their lives. However, when she does take a break from the boys, SSG Rice en-joys working out in the gym, shopping (both in malls and online!) and gaining Starbucks Coffee award points. Upon returning home from her current tour she plans on returning to school to get her degree in Criminal Justice.

Overall the men and women of the 129th TC owe SSG Rice and her sol-

diers a great deal of gratitude for the tireless work they performed in keeping this operation moving. For her efforts and professionalism the 129

th shines the

spotlight on SSG Kenya Rice.

129th Soldier Spotlight

SSG Kenya Rice Story By SGT Luther Hall

233D Transportation Company

Capt. Jonathan K. Neal It has been a very busy month for the 233rd Transportation Company. As

our numbers dwindle down we still press forward turning in equipment and pre-

paring for whatever challenges lay ahead. It has also been a time of tremen-

dous change. Our motor pool has all but disappeared and the unit is preparing

to say farewell to Capt. Jonathan K. Neal, who has been the 233rd commander

for the last two and half years. His hard work and dedication to the Soldiers and

the unit have always served as a beacon to follow. Capt. Robin Wharton will be

assuming command of the unit after the Change of Command Ceremony Feb-

ruary 28; we look forward to a continuing tradition of professionalism and dedi-

cation. I also want to thank the Soldiers who have been busting their butts turn-

ing in the company’s equipment; their continuing perseverance despite our

dwindling numbers is truly amazing. Sgt. Andrade, our supply sergeant, has

done an amazing job spearheading the turn-in. She serves as a paragon for all

Non-Commissioned Officers in the military.

1SG Kerstin Montoya

I do not know where to begin with the sequence of events this month.

So much has happened in such little time, but despite everything, the Soldiers

are in good spirit and continue making things happen regardless of the task. I

receive no less than great praise on all accomplishments from the higher eche-

lons in the Operation Enduring Freedom area of operations in regards to work

performance and mission accomplishment of our Soldiers. Even though the

unit has been divided into several teams, performing a variety of tasks to in-

clude but not limited to Movement Control Team duties, distributing and reor-

ganizing military equipment in Redistribution Property Assistance Team yards

and Mobile Redistribution Property Assistance Teams, the Soldiers are adapt-

ing and accomplishing the mission without fail. All rolling stock equipment that

remained here in Arifjan has successfully been inventoried and turned in by the

few Soldiers that were left behind under the direct supervision of 1LT Chang

and SFC Turner. SGT Andrade and her supply team have done an exceptional

job in regards to all necessary preparation for the upcoming change of com-

mand on February 28, 2012. I cannot express in words how proud I’m of the Soldiers of the “Heavy Truck” team

in regards of mission accomplishment and despite of all, their drive to success and their team spirit with one an-




233D Transportation Company

Members of the 233rd gathered on a bright morning to bring the command of CPT Jonathan Neil to a close

and usher in the new Commander, CPT Robin Wharton. Captain Neil reflected on his past 29 months as the

233rd Commander noting “I do not want to say the words mission accomplished, as we have Soldiers forward de-

ployed and the mission is still ongoing.” He mentioned that under his command the 233rd had been deployed to

three countries, Kuwait, Iraq and now Afghanistan. Earlier, at the previous Friday’s waffles with the Chaplain, CPT

Neil said that he was taking some time to finish some classes and spend what he described as long overdue time

with his children, two daughters, Lauren and Logan.

The 233rd Soldiers in attendance represented the larger company that has many more soldiers already in

place in many locations performing the new missions that will be commanded by CPT Wharton. Going forward

with them is the current 1st SGT, Kerstin Montoya. Describing her as a “great Battle” (buddy) CPT Neil told the

incoming Commander that she was indeed in good hands as 1st SGT Montoya did a great job looking after him

and he said jokingly, “keeping me out of jail.” referring to the way a First Sergeant will always make sure that the

Commander is informed on all issues concerning Soldiers and unit property.

The ceremony ended with the playing of Army Strong and the singing of the Army Song. Immediately fol-

lowing the music, 1st SGT Montoya presented CPT Neil with framed memorabilia representing his Command in-

cluding the company guide-on, a company photo, the unit crest, patch and a Battalion coin.


Change of Command


233D Transportation Company

Heavy Wheeled Vehicle Driver/Supply Clerk, 233D Transportation Company

Pfc. Monique Johnson is from Waukegan, Illinois. She is married to Xavier Thomas, who is a fulltime student studying cosmetology. When not doing awesome supply stuff or driving big trucks PFC Johnson likes to talk with the family and bother her favorite Non-Commissioned Officer in the Com-pany, SGT Andrade. She frequently supports the 233D TC basketball team, feverishly screaming words of encouragement like “ARE YOU KIDDING ME REF!?” Her favorite restaurant is Panda Ex-press - located in Zone 2 - where her favorite dish is the mixed rice, a savory mix of shrimp, beef, chicken and other assorted exotic spices and flavors. While Johnson is Puerto Rican she does not speak any Spanish, but is determined to learn her native tongue with the loving encouragement of her mother’s words, “I can’t do this anymore; your accent is terrible.” When not supporting the war fighter in Operation New Dawn, Pfc. Johnson likes to go shop-ping, specifically for shoes and bags. Her favorite store is Finish Line where she spends exorbitant amounts of money and time looking for the perfect “Jordan’s” to go with her outfits. She claims to not have any hobbies, but she says that she is very interested in fishing even though she has never gone. Her husband, an avid fisherman, really captured her attention in the sport and has drawn her to it. She says “it seems really peaceful, and it is also weird because he is the only person from our hometown who fishes.” While she is unsure of her future plans in the military she aspires to eventually be a pro-fessor of mathematics at a highly esteemed institution, her emphasis will be in business mathematics with a special emphasis on statistics. Her Non-Commissioned Officers have nothing but praise for the young Soldier. Sgt. Andrade says “She get on my nerves. She has fallen into doing supply very well even though she is an 88M wannabe. Supply is where her real talents lie” “She has too much energy sometimes.” Johnson usually replies with “Motivated energy.” Sgt. 1

st Class Turner says “she is loud, country and whiney but a motivated young soldier, eager to


233D Soldier Spotlight

PFC Monique Johnson Story By 1Lt Sean Chang


233D Transportation Company

PAC Clerk, 233D Transportation Company Pfc. Gonzalez, aka G-Money, Little G, GG, G Man, P. Giddy, Gonzo or G, is from Carolina, Puerto Rico. He is happily married to Chariamy and the father of two beautiful daughters, Iriny and Yariamy. During his free time Gonzalez likes to Skype with his family and watch movies. Currently his favorite is Old School, a harrowing tale of aging men starting their own fraternity in order to rediscover themselves. Back stateside Pfc. Gonzalez plays multiple sports and goes sightseeing with his family. His next destination is El Yunque, Puerto Rico, a gorgeous rain forest that is as exotic as its name is hard to pronounce. Gonzalez draws inspiration from his father, a Warrant Officer currently deployed to Afghanistan. “The reason I joined the Army was because of my father.” Says Gonzalez. Pfc. Gonzalez currently serves as the 233

rd’s Personnel Administrative Clerk, a job typically reserved

for the rank of Sgt. and above. Fortunately Gonzalez is a fast learner and has quickly proven to be more than competent. Through 1

st Sgt. Montoya’s inhuman patience and mentoring, (“Where is the

little guy? I am going to bury him in the sand.”) Gonzalez has been able to constantly progress and learn his craft. While he enjoys his job and the opportunity to learn, Pfc. Gonzalez has higher aspirations. De-spite pursing a bachelors degree in marketing, Gonzalez hopes to become a Medical Officer through the Reserve Officer Training Program.

No, the blue fluffy guy is not part of

the family.

233D Soldier Spotlight

PFC Pedro Gonzales-Rivera Story By 1Lt Sean Chang


1452nd Transportation Company

Major Teonnie Dotson As the missions have come to an almost screeching halt since the drawdown of forces in Iraq, the concern now is what will be the next mission for the 1452

nd Transportation Company. The company continues to run local

missions on a daily basis in and around Kuwait. The main focus is on Theater Provided Equipment turn-in which will be successfully completed by March. The leadership worked hard to dig in and planned according to my intent to make this happen. We continue to move forward to train the Combat En-hancement Trained platoon in the event they are moved forward to Afghani-stan. No matter what the task, the 1452

nd is capable and ready to serve.

Safety is still critical during this phase of the deployment. Soldiers are working hard and sometimes forget about attention to detail. As leaders we have to continue to emphasize the importance of safety, as Soldiers are eager to get the job done and work at a steady pace often forgetting about the simple things such as the three points of contact or hydration for that matter. Sports injuries have also been on the rise. It is important that Soldiers have activities to help build morale, but we have to remember that we are here to do a job and that job is not sports. Mission comes first and Soldiers must remember when participating in sports to do their best to pre-vent injury from occurring. The 1452

nd continues to plan MWR trips as well as company parties to keep the Soldiers en-

gaged. Morale continues to be an important focus during the remainder of the deployment.

Master Sgt Michael Speed

As the acting 1st Sgt I would like to say, that I am proud to be rep-resenting the 1452

nd. The company has done a great job with the mission

that was tasked to them. Two weeks ago I was the Senior Truck Master. My job was to track missions and to know where all my trucks were lo-cated. Today my job has gotten a little harder. Instead of taking care of two Soldiers, now I have a whole company to take care of. I am learning a lot about my Soldiers, each Soldier is different. In 1st Sgt School they teach you about what a 1st Sgt’s Job is, and how to deal with Soldiers. Since I have been acting as 1st Sgt, I am truly learning what my job is. What is making my job easy, is the PLT Sergeants. I want to thank each of them for their support. Without my PLT Sergeants I could not do my job which is taking care of my Soldiers. I want to wish 1st Sgt Crisco a speedy recovery. My mission now is to get my soldiers back home safely.

1452nd Transportation Company

Camp Arifjan Kuwait - Soldiers of the 1452nd Combat HET Transportation Company never stop. If it’s not do-ing local missions, they are con-stantly working on inventorying their equipment and throughout all that they still manage to look for ways to self-improve physically and mentally.

With the encourage-ment from the Com-pany Com-m a n d e r , First Ser-geant, and

Platoons, Soldiers have started sign-ing up and participating in a lot more events. Last month we had 4 Sol-diers from 3rd Platoon participated in the Iron Wheel Challenge and re-ceived a respectable 3rd place even with the short time they had to train as a team.

While others worked really hard physically there were those who pushed themselves mentally to bring success upon themselves. One of example of that spirit were

the Soldiers who participated in the Soldier of the Month and NCO of the Month board. There were 8 Sol-diers who were originally selected to go to the SOM and NCOOM board, but before these Soldiers went to the Battalion Board they spent countless hours studying while still completing their everyday duties on a span of a month. After given enough time to study, these 8 Soldiers went through our Company board, and then through a rigorous selection phase, at which point only 4 Soldiers were selected to attend the Battalion Board. Of those, one came out tri-umphant and was awarded Soldier of the Month… Specialist Daniel Lunsford. SPC Lunsford distin-guished himself and rose to the chal-lenge making his family and Com-pany really proud.

Then you had those others who were not necessarily looking for accolades, but for the Self-improvement and satisfaction it gave them. Soldiers like SSG Gwendolyn Pendergrass who is managing her duties and working to complete her Ph.D while on deployment. Then there are many of us who have cho-sen to take courses that are avail-able through the Education Center to better ourselves. as Soldiers, we constantly look to better ourselves while still focusing on our mission. Take the Supply department for ex-

ample with our Commander at the forefront, tirelessly working to make sure every single piece of equipment is accounted for at all times. They go through each Platoon’s equip-ment roster and very meticulously made sure that each individual piece of equipment is readily available for inspection, accounted for, or turned in. At this point in the game Supply is working more on the latter and making sure that all equipment is turned in. It is not an easy job to say the least, a lot of responsibility is put on these Soldiers’ shoulders to make sure that the millions of dollars worth of equipment is where it’s sup-pose to be. With the team they have in place they have succeeded thus far, and will continue to do so with our Commander overseeing the turn-ins. We also cannot forget about

Soldiers who have earned their pro-

motions through hard work and the

time they have dedicated to their

company and their mission. So a


goes to: SFC Usen Eshiet, SSG

Scott Boak, SSG Alan Dubois,

SSG Jedediah Grafton, SSG Tyler

Isenhour, SPC Jordan Miller, and

PV2 Randall Cox.

“Movin’ on up” Story By Sgt Odaliska Almonte

SPC Joshua Patterson is a Motor Transport Op-erator from the 1452

nd Transportation Company. Born

in Durham N.C. on November 5th 1981, SPC Patter-

son has now served two years and counting with the U.S. Army. He has also obtained a few service med-als in his short time in service to include: National De-fense Service Medal, and the Army Service Ribbon. Patterson is also a member of the New Fire Worship Center and the National Rifle Association. On the ci-vilian side of his life, SPC Patterson has obtained his certification for the Department of Transportation from N.C. State and now holds the position of Superinten-dent of Transportation at the Fred Smith Company in Raleigh N.C. SPC Patterson is married and also en-joys hunting, fishing, four wheeling, and shooting at the firing range.

1452nd Soldier Spotlight

SPC Joshua Patterson Story by SGT Odaliska Almonte

CW4 Charlene Winter

A great deal has taken place since my last addition to the newslet-ter prior to going on leave. When I returned, all of the previous vessel crews had departed for home and new crews were in place. In addition, the drawdown in Iraq had been completed and equipment was on the move to different locations. The many truck convoys that were essential to the supply line to and from Iraq are no longer running, leaving only a few local missions remaining. Now, the brunt of the cargo transportation has fallen to the vessels as we move cargo for all branches of the military. The drawdown has also resulted in some re-structuring of units and realignment of military bases. The process is a difficult one and we are all currently doing our part in contributing to the planning involved with the re-structuring and realignment. Hopefully, concrete plans will soon be in place so we will all know what our future in theater holds in store.

Lone Star Regulators - Getting the job done!! Sail Army!!!


651ST THOD Watercraft

Sgt 1st Class Darrell Bell

It’s February 2012 and March is just on the outskirts of the port, ready to pull in. Currently, at the THOD, the Soldiers are focusing on supporting the vessels and training. Our VSO (Vessel Support Office) has been steadily tak-ing care of the vessels’ needs with maintenance requests/issues. While un-derway our VSO coordinates picking up equipment for the vessels, following up with contracts, and making sure the vessel’s SAMS-E Boxes are up to date. Throughout our mobilization process we had no idea how large an im-pact our maintenance section would have. Our VSO has been, and continues to be, a vital part of our mission and a key support for the vessels. The per-sonnel in charge of the VSO are CW3 Michael Crawford and SSG Todd Dish-man. On a final note, we take great pride in our watercraft field and want eve-

ryone to know that the Harbormaster Detachment is here to support the vessels. Our watercrafts are here to take care of business, transporting cargo within the ports in theater and completing the mission as directed. Acronyms of the month are LCU for Landing Craft Utility and LSV for Logistical Support Vessel. From the Harbormaster and Vessels at KNB….


Over the Edge Stories From The High Seas

Soldier of the Month Story and photos by SPC Rolando Foster

411th Soldier Spotlight

Derrick McElroy Story by SPC Rolando Foster

SPC Derrick McElroy is an Active Duty Soldier from Anchorage, AK, where he enjoyed fishing,

mountain biking, snowboarding, and snorkeling. SPC McElroy started his military career in June 2008

after spending ten years in the bush of Alaska managing a guide service and working for Wells Fargo.

After graduating basic training from Ft. Knox, KY, he went to Ft. Eustis, VA for 88K school (Watercraft

Operator). SPC McElroy was then assigned to the 492nd

Harbor Master Unit for two years. While as-

signed to 492nd he spent a 50 day deployment in support of Operation Unified Response in Haiti. He

was then transferred to 335th Transportation Detachment, as a crewmember of the USAV MG Frank

S. Benson Jr. (LSV 1) where he conducted training mission in support of the US Transportation

School. Currently SPC McElroy is serving in Kuwait as part of the 411th Trans Det, USAV MG

Charles P. Gross (LSV 5). SPC McElroy’s short-term goals are to license as a 20 level operator, at-

tend as many military schools as possible and get promoted to SGT. Eventually he wants to finish his

Master’s degree in Business and retire from Active Duty as a Warrant Officer. SPC McElroy is sched-

uled to return to the states in February, 2013.

Over the Edge Stories From The High Seas

481st Soldier Spotlight

Daisy Mondragon Story By SPC Leticia Samuels


Daisy Mondragon is a Mom from Fairfield, CA that joined the military with intent to make her

own way in life without any hold ups. Her Military Occupational Specialty or job in the Army is a

Unit Administrator. This job mainly consists of filling out and updating all personnel, financial and

medical information for all soldiers in her unit. She has served as a unit administrator for 9 years

now and decided one day that she wanted to do something a little different for the army but some-

thing she knew a little about. When the 481st transportation detachment was in their mobilization

process she decided to shadow the ships cook to observe the new skills he learned in his Ad-

vanced Individual Training course and to also help fine tune his kitchen skills with the “Mom In-

stincts” she has that they don’t teach in military school. In addition to being an assistant to the pri-

mary cook on board the Landing Craft Utility series number 2018, SPC Mondragon also acts as

the S-1 or personnel section, and the S-4 or supply sections keeping up with all personal issues of

her crew and resupplying the ship and its mates with anything they may need from equipment to

food. When SPC Mondragon isn’t helping Soldiers, she enjoys fishing (yes, fishing) and spending

time with her daughter Allyson and her husband Dayvid. “Fishing was a big thing in our family be-

cause of my dad, so it carried over to me and I hooked my husband and daughter onto it and now

you can’t get either one of them off the water” Mondragon replied. She also enjoys works from

Arturo Perez-Reverte and likes to listen to R + B, Country, and Bachata.

SPC Mondragon cooks chili for the 2018 crew and poses with her husband and daughter on a family trip

Over the Edge Stories From The High Seas

481st Soldier Spotlight

Christopher Karbo Story By SPC Leticia Samuels


The chef, avid outdoorsman/hunter, Christopher Lee Karbo is also from Vallejo, CA and is also

a member of the 481st transportation detachment who recently celebrated his 21

st birthday. His par-

ents are Julie and Robert Karbo and he also married to Catherine with an 18 month old son Austin Ri-

ley. He keeps his ears open to whatever sound good and takes Herbert G. Wells as his favorite au-

thor. He is a Specialist in the army with three years of service. His army job or MOS is an 88K, which

is a watercraft operator. One of his duties that he has to perform is Underway Watch. On this four

hour shift, he has to use the vessels radar to plot their course on a map, and he has to be up to speed

with the “international rules of the road” that’s like a universal guide on how to avoid collisions. His

additional duty on the Landing Craft Utility, series number 2018, is a firefighter. Whenever the skip-

per, Chief Warrant five, Brett Radford, deems it necessary to run a drill, SPC Karbo has to use lighting

speed to gear up into his firefighter’s uniform. He and other crewman then have to find where the fire

is (normally in the engine compartment of the vessel) and simulate fighting and extinguishing a fire.

Living by the quote “even sometimes it rains, we just have to make the best of it”, SPC Karbo says “I

joined the army to experience something different. It really was something to try, there is not a day I

don’t learn something new and since everyone in my family is in the Navy it sounded cool to do the

Army thing.”

SPC Karbo and Spc Nyvansomo are in the engine room performing a fire drill on the ship during a training exercise

Story By SPC Leticia Samuels

Carter G. Woodson realized at an early age that the significance of the black man was more than just slav-ery and thus began his lifelong accomplishments earning him the name “The Father of Black History.” Carter was born on December 19, 1875 in New Canton, VA and was parented by freed slaves, James and Elizae Riddle Woodson. Coming from a large poor family that often helped Soldiers in the Civil War, Woodson found that he had an enormous appetite for knowledge but little time or money to go to school. For the majority of his youth Carter relied on himself to learn the major fundamentals of regular school. He wanted to further his education so he moved to Fayette County working as a miner, but also devoting any spare time to his schooling. By age 22, he earned his diploma from Douglas High, then taught as a teacher at the same school and was later elected to princi-pal the High School he graduated from. By 1903, Carter had earned his Bachelor of Literature from Berea College and furthered his school administration skills in the Philippines for the next few years. Carter took his education very seriously over the next decade by attending the University of Chicago being the second black man to earn his doctorate degree (W.E.B. Dubois being the first) from Harvard in 1912 and also earning membership into the first Black Fraternity, Sigma Pi Phi. He was also a member of the Kappa Psi chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. He was awarded a Master of Arts (A.M.) and Bachelor of Arts (A.B.) academic degree, became a professor and later became the Dean of the College of Arts and Science at Howard University. He also became the Dean of West Virginia Collegiate Institute. After his extensive education experience, Dr. Woodson became engulfed with Black history. The origin of “Black History Month” stemmed from having Dr. Woodson write a letter to the chairman of the NAACP, Mr. Archi-bald Grimke, concerning unsatisfactory feelings about the activities being done by the organization. With Grimke not seeing eye to eye on some of the aggressive ideas of Dr. Woodson, He wrote Grimke back quoting “I am not afraid of being sued by the white businessman. In fact, I should welcome such a lawsuit. It would do the cause much good. Let us banish fear. We have been in this mental state for three centuries. I am a radical. I am ready to act, if I can find brave men to help me.” After being neglected the support he sought, he dedicated every waking moment to historical research of African Americans and all their contributions. Dr. Woodson charged the brothers of the Kappa Psi chapter of Omega Psi Phi with the task of coming up with an event that would glorify and recog-nize significant African Americans and events in our history, thus “Negro Achievement Week” was born in 1924. Dr. Woodson thought it would be a good idea to celebrate this week in the month of February to acknowledge the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass in 1926. After this great idea was put into play, Dr. Woodson wanted to make more of an impact on society so in order to guarantee that Dr. Woodson’s legacy would carry on he founded the Association for the study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH) in 1916 which distribute facts of Afri-can American History that would educate black people and in 1937 established the Negro History Bulletin to also help spread his vision. As his audience in the black community grew, so did the proclamations for the Negro His-tory Week and National Brotherhood Week among the progressive white community. In times to come, this move-ment became a great deal spreading across the country like wildfire and over the next 40 years Dr. Woodson along with the ASNLH would screen applicants to speak publicly and be the face of Dr. Woodson’s vision by educating all that would listen. The ASNLH would also move to start incorporating Black History into the school curriculum to be included with American History teachings. In 1976, it was made official to turn Negro Achievement Week into a holiday that would be celebrated all month long and was also renamed Black History Month. It is said that, If Dr. Woodson was alive today he would smile at the efforts of making black history a serious study and a public cele-bration. A few of Dr. Woodson’s other great works are “The Mis-education of the Negro”, “The Negro in our His-tory”, which sold over 90,000 copies, “The Journal of Negro History”, “The Education of the Negro Prior to 1861” and “The History of the Negro Church.” He also worked on an incomplete six volume Encyclopedia Africana through his life and was the founder of the Association of the Study of Negro Life and History’s subsidiary, Associ-ated Publishers, which was a leading black owned press for many years in the U. S. making him not only a great mentor and author, but a great editor as well.

Carter G Woodson

Father of Black History

Major General Robert Smalls By SPC Leticia Samuels

“My race needs no special defense, for the past history of them in this country proves them to be the equal of any people anywhere. All they need is an equal chance in the battle of life.” Robert Smalls Born on April 5, 1839 on 511 Prince Street in Beaufort South Carolina (National Historic Landmark), Robert was known as a Low country Gullah which is an African American who lived on the agriculturally wealthy coast of South Caro-lina, which included historic cities and communities, natural beauty, and a unique cultural heritage. Robert was experienced in numerous job professions while under the enslavement of John McKee, such as a lamplighter for the city and a hotel waiter. The object that captivated his attention was a love for water which later he incorporated into his work. He then be-came a stevedore or dockworker, rigger, sail maker and lastly a wheelman, which was the name used for African Americans as the equivalent of a pilot.

He later married a hotel maid named Hannah Jones on Christmas Eve of 1856. He had two children, one named Elizabeth and the other, Robert Jr. whom later died from smallpox as a toddler in 1863.

In 1861, Smalls stole the CSS Planter, a cotton steamer, and sailed it toward the Federal Fleet which at the time made the Union blockade. Smalls maneuvered this daring escape by boarding the CSS Planter at around 3 a.m. while the officers of the vessel took unauthorized leave ashore. He dressed up in the Captain’s uniform and a similar straw hat that the Captain wore. He backed the vessel out of the Charleston harbor with eight other enslaved crewmen and began sail. He stopped at a nearby wharf to pick up his wife, child, and a few other slaves then began sail with valuable weapons al-ready mounted to the ship, artillery pieces, and a code book that revealed Confederate secret signals and placement of mines and torpedoes in the Charleston Harbor. While in route toward the Federal Fleet, Smalls knew he’d have to fool Con-federate forts, including Fort Sumter, into letting him pass without being fired upon. He did this by blowing the correct whis-tle signals from the vessel that he had learned over the years along with the correct challenge and password. After leaving the lining of the harbor safely, Smalls headed toward the Union Blockade hailing a white sheet as a flag signifying surrender. He did this until the Planter was boarded by Lieutenant J. Frederick Nickels, Captain of the USS Onward, a ship of the Fed-eral Fleet or Union Blockade. Smalls turned over the ship, its cargo, and all the confederate secrets to the United States Navy. After this courageous and successful attempt at freedom, Smalls was awarded a sum of $1,500 dollars for the cap-ture of “The Planter” by President Abraham Lincoln himself. Smalls was also an enormous help to the Navy for several years for his knowledge of the shipyards and Confederate Defenses.

Smalls later had a strong intellectual impact on Abraham Lincoln, convincing him to integrate African Americans in the Union Forces. Smalls became a pilot for the Union Navy providing assistance to The Planter he had stolen from the confederates. Two days after his birthday in 1863, he piloted an attempt on Fort Sumter which resulted in the sinking of the USS Keokuk along with 17 other successful engagements during the course of his career. For fear of mistreatment and the death of his black crewmen, Smalls took command of The Planter for the third time steering it away from the face of danger, after the original Captain Nickerson decided to cower under the vessels’ deck in the midst of the firefight. For his courage and valor, he was bestowed the rank of Captain and could officially pilot the vessel he had taken command over so many times. He was also the first African American to pilot a vessel and before retiring made it to the rank of Major General.

After Major General Smalls adventures out at sea with the military, he began his new journey with the Republican Party after hearing Abraham Lincoln describe this group as “The party of Lincoln which unshackled the necks of four million human beings” and took his first step into politics.

From 1865 to 1911, MG Smalls held numerous political roles: 1865-70 - South Carolina House of Representatives 1871-74 - South Carolina Senate 1875-79 – United States House of Representatives 1882-83 – South Carolina 5

th Congressional District

1884-87 – South Carolina 7th Congressional District

1895 – Delegate to the Constitution Convention 1889-1911 – United States Collector of Customs

Perhaps the most honorable of events took place in 2004, the Logistics Support Vessel series number eight of the United States Army was the first ship to be named after an African American. Christened the MG Robert Smalls, this vessel sailed from Baltimore, Maryland and is now part of the 821

st Transportation Battalion Fleet. This

314 foot, 5,412 ton vessel is manned by the 548th Transportation Detachment out of Hawaii.

The Funnies

MWR Contact Info Zn 1 Pool 430-1300 / Open Swim 1000-1800 Fitness Ctr. 430-1302 / Open 24 Hrs Fitness Tent 430-4607 / Open 24 Hrs Library 430-1200 / 1000-2200 Comm. Ctr. 430-1205 / Open 24Hrs Zn 6 Fitness Ctr. 430-7475 / Open 24 Hrs Comm. Ctr. 430-7482 / Open 24 Hrs Internet Café Trailers 1 & 2 430-7482 / Open 24 Hrs

Open 0600/2000 Come enjoy a cup of coffee and have

some snacks while you watch Sports-

center or a movie. Located right in the

middle of Motorpool 23.

Serving waffles every first and third



Zone 1 Events 1 MAR Bataan Memorial Death March-Fitness Ctr. 0600 2 MAR Arifjan has talent Gong Show-Comm. Ctr. 1900 4 MAR Slam Dunk Shootout-B-Ball Ct. 1300 11 MAR Women’s History Month 5K-Fitness Ctr. 0600 17 MAR St. Patrick’s Day 5K-Fitness Ctr. 0600 21 MAR John Mayer Performance-Zn 6 MWR Stage 1900

Zone 6 events

10 MAR Women’s History Wheel of Fortune-Comm. Ctr. 1500 17 MAR Hit the Greens St. Patrick’s Day Mini Golf Tournament-Comm. Ctr. 1600 21 MAR John Mayer Performance-Zn 6 MWR Stage 1900