14-Y' - National Food Security Mission, Government of...

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Transcript of 14-Y' - National Food Security Mission, Government of...



No: 2-1/2014-CU-IV __Government of India

Ministry of AgricultureDepartment of Agriculture & Cooperation

Krishi Bhawan, New DelhDated: 29th May, 201;!

Subject: Implementation of Centrally Sponsored Scheme on NFSM-Commercial crop!during 2014-15 - Approval of Annual Action Plan of Cotton -regarding.


I am directed to convey the approval of Competent Authority for implementation of NFS~(CC) - Cotton with an allocation of Rs. 1200. lakh during 2014-15 of which Rs. 850.00 lakh iallocated to fourteen State Department of Agriculture and Rs. 350.00 lakh to three Centreagencies. The state wise /agencies wise and component wise physical and financial allocatiounder NFSM (CC) - Cotton is enclosed.

-This is for kind perusal and information.

Encl: As above.Yours faithfully,

~uj>(Anupam Bank)

Additional Commissioner (Crop

BIL-Copy to-

1. PPS to Agricultural Commissioner2. PPS to Joint Secretary ( CC)3. PPS to Joint Secretary (Crops) and Mission Director, NFSM4. Under Secretary, Crop Unit -V

Annual Action Plan of NFSM - Commercial CropsCotton (2014-15)


The NFSM +Commercial crops (Cotton) programme will be implemented in 14 states namelyHaryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra,· Andhra Pradesh, Orissa,Kamataka, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Tripura, Assam and Tamil Nadu. Besides ·ICARinstitutions,SAUs, KVKs, are associated with some of the central sector programme.

Cotton is the second largest Kharif crop of the country after Rice contributing 6-7% of the netsown area. Cotton area in the country was 76.70 lakh hectares and reached an all time high of 121.78lakh ha in 2011-12. Presently, the area has slightly decreased to 117.00 lakh ha in 2013':'14.Cottonproduction in India has increased 3.5 times in a span of a decade and reached a peak of 365.00 lakhbales during 2013-14.as compared to 86.241akh bales in 2002-03.

The average (2009-13) production of cotton in India is 325.00 lakh bales. During 2014-15, it hasbeen targeted to produce 371.00 lakh bales of cotton without much change in area coverage. It ismention that India is cultivating more than 90% of cotton area under Bt-hybrid. The average cottonproduction & target for 2014-15 is given below:

States Average production Target 2014-15(Lakh bales) Estimated area Expected Production(2009-13) (Lakh ha) (Lakh bales)

Andhra Pradesh 55.83 22.5 72Guiarat 100.17 27 112Haryana 22.75 5.5 25Kamataka 11.85 5.5 14.5Madhya Pradesh 17.00 6.2 18Maharashtra 75.33 38.5 85Orissa 3.00 1.4 4Punjab 21.31 5.3 22Rajasthan 11.04 3.5 13Tamil Nadu 4.25 1.4 5Others (U.P, W.B, 2.47 0.2 0.5Tripura)All India 325.00 117 371

The component wise / State wise /Agency wise Annual Action Plan under NFSM commercial crops(Cotton) during 2014-15 are given below:

1. Through State Department of Agriculture

As per the guidelines four types of FLDs namely FLDs on Integrated Cro~ Manage~ent (IC~1'FLDs on Desi and ELS cotton / ELS Cotton Seed Production, FLDs on intercroppmg and tnals on HigDensity Planting System (HDPS) are proposed for implementation. through States Department (

··~riculture. A total of 10975 ha will be covered under these FLDs though State Department ofAgriculture,

1.1FLD on Integrated Crop Management (leM)

The state authority/implementing agency have to indentify the location specific productioninterventions for the different type of FLDs. CICR; Nagpur has suggested the following technologieswhich can also be demonstrated under FLDs where ever required.

• Refugee management of Bt cotton• Preparation of ridges and furrow for in-situ moisture conservation.• Adoption of alternate furrow irrigation.• Adoption of drip system of irrigation with use of ferti-gation system.• Maintaining of plant population by separately growing 2 to 5% seed in polythene bags during

sowing and placing these seedling wherever plant in field not germinated;• De-topping Control of Excess vertical growth by nipping 10th - 1th buds' .• Sowing of Border/trap (Bhendi) crop to reduce the pest load on main crop and conservation of

eco-friendly insects.• Seed treatment with Bio-fertilizers, Azatobacter, Trichoderma viride.• Application of FYM/Organic Manure/Green Manure, Azospirilum, PSB, Azatobacter in soil.• Foliar application of 2% urea or DAP + 1% MOP+ 1% MgS04 at 80 &100DAS, spray of

planofix @0.2Smi/lit at 70 &90 DAS and spray of2% potassium nitrate (13:0:45).• Use of Pheromone traps, light trap, Yellow sticky trap, Use of birds perches.• Application of Bio pesticides likes neem oil, NSKE Trichoderma, etc.• Stem application of pesticide nionocrotophos / imidacloprid for controlling aphid/Jassids.• Application of Weedicides - Pre emergent herbicides - 1. Diuron (80%) - 1.25 kglh, 2.

Pendimethalin (35 Ec) - 5 ltr. /h, 3. Alachlor (50 Ec - 4 ltrs/ha), after 30 - 45 days - 1.Glyphosate (3 ltrs./ha). . .

The assistance available for FLDs on ICM is Rs. 7000.00/ ha of which Rs. 6000/- for inputs andRs. 1000/- for contingencies. The implementing agencies are suggested to identify the inputs of FLDs inconsultation with SAUs. A total of 3741 ha.will be covered under FLDs on ICM by various states withan allocation of Rs. 261.87 lakh. The state wise physical and financial allocation for FLDs on ICM isgiven in table I.

1.2FLDs on Intercropping

The common traditional practice adopted in cultivation of cotton in central and south India isstrip cropping i.e. 1 or 2 rows of pigeon pea, 3-5 rows of finger millet.tragi) or after every 8-10 rows ofcotton. There is vast scope of cultivation of various crops as inter crop with cotton due to its slow initialgrowth and long duration. An amount of Rs. 7000/- per ha will be provided under the FLDs towards thecost of seed of intercrop, micronutrients, intercultural operations, pest management etc. During 2014-15,an area of 2622 ha will be covered under FLDs on intercropping with an allocation of Rs. 184.54 lakh.The states wise physical & financial allocation for FLDs on intercropping is given in Table I.

('!, tfr FLD on Desi and ELS (Extra Long staple) cotton

Due to higher adoption of Bt-hybrids (more than.90%), the area under Desi & ELS Cottonreduced drastically and to encourage the same FLD on Desi & ELS will be undertaken through the StateDepartment of Agriculture. An amount of Rs. 8000.00 per ha. will be provided under the FLDs towardsthe cost of seed and other input component approved by ICAR/SAU as per local need of ELS and Desicotton. During 2014-15, an area of 1143 ha will be covered' under FLDs on Desi and ELS cotton withan allocation of Rs. 91.36 lakh. The state wise physical and financial allocation of FLDs on Desi andELS cotton is given in Table I.

1.4 Trials on High Density Planting System (HDPS)

Cotton is cultivated under rain-fed conditions in more than 60.0% area in India. Productivity ofcotton in these regions is low. Protective and supplemental irrigations are rarely available in rainfedconditions. Soils with very low moisture retention capacity have been found 1(> produce low yields inlong duration cotton varietieslhybrids. On such soils, High Density Planting System with short durationvarieties is an approach for improving productivity in rainfed region.

Early maturing compact plant types with shorter sympodia have been identified such as Suraj,Supriya, PKV-081, NH-615, AKA07 and HD 123. By increasing plant population to 150 to 220thousand plantslha (45x10, 60x 10 em, 90x10 em), it is possible to obtain yields of 18-20 qlha inmarginal soils under rainfed conditions, as established by CICR, Nagpur in experimental farms andfarinerfields during 2012-13 & 2013-14. The project aims to validate and demonstrate productiontechnologies for rain-fed agro-eco regions often cotton growing states using HDPS concept.

During 2014-15 HDPS trials will be conducted by State Department of Agriculture. CICR,Nagpur has suggested the following input list per acre for HDPS.

Input Quantity

Seed cost of variety 4-5 Kg/acreUrea + SSP+ Zn sulfate 50 Kg+100 Kg+5 kgUrea 25 KgFlonicamid -50 WG (at ETL) 80 gl acreClorantraniliprole -18.5 SC(at ETL) 60 ml/ acreFlubendiamide -480 SC (at ETL) 50 mIl acreIndoxacarb -14.5 SC 100 ml/ acre (at ETL) orSpinosad --45% SC50 mll acre (at ETL)Potassium nitrate, 2.0 kg per 200 litres foliarsprayFenvalerate -20 EC (at PBW ETL) 160 mIl acre

An amount of Rs.9000/- ha will be provided for trials on HDPS to the implementing agencies.During 2014-15, HDPS trials will be conducted over an area of 3469 ha by State agency with anallocation of Rs. 312.23 lakh as per table I. '

" 2. Through Central Agencies:

The following various components will be implemented under Annual action plan 2014-15to NFSM for commercial crops (cotton) by the different central agencies as given below:

2.1 Trials on HDPS (High Density Planting System)CICR, Nagpur is association with SADs, KVKs, Cooperatives, NGOs, (state recommendation)

will conduct HDPS trials in various states during 2014-15. CICR, Nagpur will organize HDPS trialson areas of722 ha. with an allocation of 65.00 lakh.

Table I: State wise and central agencies wise physical and financial targets of different types FLDsunder NFSM (CC) Cotton during 2014-15.

SI. A. HDPS Trials ICM ELS I Inter Crop Total AllocationNo. States

Phy. Fin. Phy. Fin. Phy. Fin. Phy. fin. Phy. Allo.(ha.) (Rs. Lakh)

1 Andhra 660 59.40 300 21.00 25 2 252 17.64 1237 100.04Pradesh

2 Gujarat 100 9.00 1228 85.96 400 32 400 28 2128 154.963 Haryana 200 18.00 200 14.00 100 8 0 0 500 404 Karnataka 180 16.20 380 26.60 75 6 160 11.2 795 605 Madhya 200 18.00 229 16.03 100 8 400 28 929 70.03

Pradesh6 Maharashtra 1200 108.00 0 0.00 75 6 800 56 2075 1707 Odisha 80 7.20 358 25.06 23 1.80 370 25.9 831 59.968 Punjab 300 27.00 100 7.00 75 6 0 0 475 40

9 Rajasthan 20 1.80 546 38.22 0 0 0 0 566 40.02

10 Tamil Nadu 170 15.30 100 7.00 70 5.56 30 2.1 370 29.96

11 Uttar Pradesh 109 9.81 . 100 7.00 100 8 60 4.2 369 29.0112 West Bengal 150 13.50 100 7.00 0 0 50 3.5 300 2413 Tripura 50.11 4.51 50 3.5 50 4.0 50 4.0 200.11 16.01

14 Assam 50.11 4.51 50 3.5 50 4.0 50 4.0 200.11 16.01

Total 3469 312.23 3741 261.87 1143 91.36 2622 184.54 10975 850B. Central Agency ,

1 FLDs by 0.0 0.0 210 14.70 160 12.80 160 12.5 530 40AICCIP

2 HDPS by CICR 722 65 - - - - - - 722 65

3 IRM byCICR 112.5

4 OPMS by 112.5NCIPM

5 Contingency 20for DOCD

Grand Total (A+B) 4191 377.23 3951 276.57 1303 104.16 2782 197.04 12227 1200

" 2.1 FLDs on ICM, Intercropping, Desi and ELS cotton

FLDs on ICM, Intercropping, Desi and ELS cotton will be organize under AICCIP (All Indiacoordinated Cotton Improvement Project) centers on area of 530 ha. with an allocation of 40.00 lakh asper table 1. .

2.2 Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM)

IRM module of Bt-cotton hybrids will be implemented by CICR, Nagpur through participatingcenters of SAUs, ICAR and recognized agriculture organization in collaboration with SDA to maintainthe resistance management. The IRM strategies will be disseminated in 20 villages in each district withthe help of unemployed youth having Agriculture Diploma / B.Sc. (Agriculture)IM.Sc. (Agriculture),skilled helpers and field workers. Funds will be provided in each district for remunerationlhonorarium ofmanpower (one project officer, one helper and twenty field workers for six months), monitoring, trainingof field workers, conveyance / travel allowance and other contingencies. CICR, Nagpur will circulateguidelines and modules for each activity with financial ceiling to the participating centers.

As per the programme a total of 29 districts will be under IRM covering 290 villages and 10860 ha.CICR, Nagpur will engage 22 SRF & 43 village workers on contract as per the guidelines & ICARremuneration The IRM schedule to be followed by the centers are given Annexure 1. An amount of Rs.112.50 lakh has been allocated to CICR Nagpur as per the details given in table 2.

Table 2: Annual action Plan ofIRM by CICR during 2014-15

States No. of District Noof IRM Technical manpower AllocationVillages coverage SRF Village (Rs. In

(ha.) worker LakhAndhra Adilabad, Guntur, Kumool, 40 2400 3 4 12.02Pradesh WaranzleGuiarat Baruch 10 600 1 I 3.58Harvana Sirsa ,- 10 600 1 2 4.86Kamataka Dharwad, Raichur 20 120 2 2 7.16Maharastra Nagpur, Chadrapur, Wardha,

Yoetmal, Akola, Amravati,23 40.94Buldana, Wasim, Nanded, 100 6000 5

ParbhaniMadhya Khandwa, Khargoan 20 120 1 2 4.86PradeshOrissa Kalahandi, Raygara 20 120 2 2 4.86Puniab Faridkot 10 600 1 1 3.58Rajasthan Banswara 10 600 1 1 3.58Tamil Nadu Pa1amburur, Viruddunagar

9.72Salem, Coimbatore 40 240 2 4West Bengal 24 Parganas (South) 10 60 1 1 3.58ANGRAU 1 3.70CICR, 2 10.06Nagpur

Total 29 290 10860 22 43 112.50

,,n Line Pest Monitoring and Advisory Services (OPMAS) by NCIPM.

OPMAS will provide web based pest monitoring and advisory services about the emerging pests,diseases and any other significant problem with cotton crop and will be implemented by NCIPM, NewDelhi. The programme will be implemented in 26 districts of 9 states covering 21,000 farmers through16 centers of SAU, rCAR and KVKs. NcrPM will engage 17 scientific staff, 78 field assistance and 15data entry operator on contractual basis to implementation the programme as per ICAR remuneration.

Table 3: Annual action Plan of OPMAS by NCIPM during 2014-15 . (Rs. In Lakh)

A. State Participating Centre District No. of R.A.lS.R. Field Data Totalfarmer F. Assistance entry

operatorNew Delhi NCIPM, New Delhi 2 (R.A.)' 2 16.04Specialized CRIDA, Hyderabad 1 (R.A.) 3.99centre IARI, New Delhi 1 2.9Haryana CICR, Sirsa Sirsa 750 1 6 1 7.52

Fatehabad 750Panjab KVK, Faridkot Faridkot 1000 1 6 1 6.77

ShriMuktsar 1000Saheb

Rajasthan ARS, Banaswara Banaswara 750 1 6 1 6.77Pratapgarh 750


Gujarat AAU, Anand Varodara 750 1 6 1 7.04

Chhota Udaipur 750Madhya Cotton Res. Station, Khandawa 1000 1 6 1 6.77Pradesh Khandwa

Khargone 1000

Maharashtra Cotton Section, Akola 1000 1 6 1 6.77Akola Buldana 1000KVK, Kharpudi, Jalna '11)00 1 6 1 7.04Jalna Parbhani 1000KVK, Ahmednagar, Ahmendnagar 1000 1 6 1 6.77

Aurangabad 1000

Andhra .KVK, Jamnikunta, Karimnagar 625 ) 6 1 6.77Pradesh Karimnagar Warangal 625

Regional Agril. Res. Guntur 625 6.77Station, Guntur Prakasam 625 I 6 1

Kamataka KVK, Tukaratti, Belgaum 625 1 6 1 6.77Belgaum Dharwad 625

KVK, Mysore Mysore 625 1 6 1 6.77

Chamarajanagar 625

( 41,I"

'([mil Nadu KVK, Perambalur Perambalur 750 6 1 7.04Salem 750

1'· Total 16 26 21000. 17 78 15 112.5

The on-line pest monitoring for Bt-cotton involve selection of 20 cotton growing villages in eachdistrict across the country, thus selecting 580 villages in 9 districts. Two fixed fields of most popular Bt-cotton hybrids with proper plant population and two random fields in each village were selected fornoting the GPS points on the website to implement GIS mapping system in viewing the pest population.The observations were taken repeatedly at weekly intervals in fixed fields and the data collected on insectpests, diseases and natural enemies is uploadedto NCIPM website by the respective centres. Resistance ismonitoring in pink bollworm population, validation and demonstration of grey mildew and leaf reddeningmanagement strategies, dissemination of IPM strategies, popularization the safe use of light traps etc willbe main activities of OPMAS. Assistance Rs. 112.50 will be provided. NCIPM, New Delhi as per table2. NCIPM will circulate guidelines and modules for each activity with. fmancial ceiling to theparticipating centers.

4. Contingencies

DOCD has proposed a plan of utilizing Rs.17.00 lakh for organizing one TOF of 100 days long at IDATC, Dharwad during the current Kharif season. Trading of Facilitator is an ongoing programme ofMM II ofTMC since 2002-2013. Individual state organized ToF and FFS in Cotton to train their Cottonextension workers and farmers. Participants from various states will be trained under the programme andwill be run by the 5 well trained Tof experts. Considering the best use of the contingencies amount,DOCD proposed to organize a National Level ToF during 2014-15. The balance Rs. 3.00 lakh will beprovision for miscellaneous expenditure at the Directorate level.

Item wise detailed breakup of Expenditure for ToF

Item Amount(Rs.)

Honorarium for technical coordinator (@300x1x100) 30000Honorarium for 6 facilitators «(a}275x6x100) 165000Packet allowance for trainees (100x30xlOO) 300000Payment for supporting staff @100x2x100 20000Hostel charges @ 120x30xlOO 360000Field charges-2ha.@}15000x2 30000Food arrangement (a}150x40x100 600000Pol, hiring and minor repairing charges 60000Training materials 35000Honorarium to guest for special topics @) 500x20 10000Field Orientation Programme (a}20000x2 40000Study tour for trainees 30000Miscellaneous expenditure 20000Total 1700000


n Summary of Annual action plan under NFSM (CC) cotton

As per provision an amount of Rs. 1200.00 lakh has been earmarked for cotton based cropping.system of which Rs. 850.00 lakh to various states and Rs.350.00 lakh to central agencies. An allocationofRs. 276.57 lakh will be provide for FLDs on ICM (3951 ha), Rs. 104.16 lakh for FLDs on Desi &ELS (1303 ha), Rs. 157.041akh for FLDs on inter cropping (2782 ha) and Rs 377.231akh for HDPSTrials (4191 ha).

As per the annual action plan, AICCIP centers, CICR and NCIPM will organize FLDs, HDPS,with an allocation of Rs. 105.00 Lakh . CICR, Nagpur and NCIPM will implement IRM & OPMAS forwhich Rs. 112.50 lakh will be allocated to each of the Institution.

DOCD, Mumbai has been allocated Rs.20.00 lakh as contingencies of which Rs. 17.00 lajkh fororganizing on ToF and balance Rs. 3.00 lakh will be provision for miscellaneous expenditure at theDirectorate level

Summary of allocation under NFSM (CC) Cotton during 2014-15

Components Assistance Total physical Total financial(ha.) (Rs. In lakh)

A. StateHDPS trials Rs. 9000/- per ha. 3469 312.23ICM - Rs. 7000/- per ha. 3741 261.87ELS Rs. 8000/-per ha. 1143 . 91.36Intercropping Rs. 70001- per ha. 2622 184.54

B. Central AzenciesFLDs by AICCIP Rs. 7000/ -ha, for 530 40.00

ICM, Rs. 80001Ha.for ELS, Rs. 7000per ha. forintercropping .

HDPS trials by CICR Rs. 9000 per ha. 722 65.00IRMby CICR 112.5OPMAS by NCIPM 112.5DOCD 20.00

Total (A+B) 1200.00



Annexure-lIRM strategies

Early sucking pests: NO FOLIAR SPRAY up to 60 DAS

1. Cultivation of sucking pest tolerant genotypes (Bt-cotton or non-Bt) to help in delaying the firstspray, thereby conserving the initial build-up of natural enemies. There are several Bt-cottonhybrids, which are highly tolerant to jassids, aphids and other sucking pests.

2. Inter-cropping with cowpea, soybean and black gram to encourage predators of sucking pests inthe cotton eco-system.

3. Avoidance of chloronicotinyl and organosphosphate sprays for sucking pest control. Allcommercial hybrid seeds available in the market are treated with Gaucho or its equivalent. At thetime of introduction, Gaucho seed treatment was found to confer protection against jassids andother sucking pests up to at least 40-45 days after sowing (DAS). Experimental data indicate thatnow the protections last for 20-25 DAS. Therefore, it is important to avoid the use of Confidor ~and related chloronicotinyls as foliar sprays so as to prevent further additional selection pressure. 3Avoid foliar sprays of broad spectrum organophosphates such as Monocrotophos, Methyl IIdemeton, Phosphomidon, Acephate etc. especially as early season sprays as these strongly ndisrupt the natural enemy populations. .

4. Stern application or soil application (near the root zone) of dimethoate or acephate at 30-40 DASand 50-60 DAS for effective eco-friendly control of thrips, mirid bugs, mealy bugs and othersucking pests.

5. Neem oil 2.5 litlha mixed with 0.1% Nirma washing soap powder can be used for themanagement of jassids or whitefly or aphids.

6. Verticillium lecanii can be used for sucking pest control wherever good formulations areavailable from reliable manufacturers. )S

7. Do not spray against minor lepidopteran insects such as the cotton leaf folder, Syleptaderogataand cotton semilooper, Anomisjlava. The larvae cause negligible damage to cotton but serve ashosts for parasitoids such as Trichogramma spp., Apantelesspp and Sysiropaformosa, that attackH armigera.

8. Trichogramma, if available, can be used on non-Bt genotypes at 70-80 DAS. AvoidTrichogramma egg parasitoid releases on Bt-cotton since maximum neonates get killed on Bt-cotton and with Trichogramma application becoming superfluous .

.9. Do not spray Bt-formulations on Bt cotton to avoid further selection pressure.

10. Use Spinosad or Emamectin benzoate on only non-Bt-cotton at ETLs of 50% infested plants(plants having flared squares with entry hole). Avoid these insecticides on Bt-cotton so that theefficacy of these insecticides can be preserved for bollworm control in non-Bt cotton. Excessive





-:/\ use of these expensive insecticides both on Bt-and non-Bt cotton can hasten the development ofbollworm resistance to the chemicals. Spinosad, Emamectin benzoate and Indoxacarb are highlyeffective on pyrethroid resistant H armigera. Apart-from their toxicity to H armigera, Spinosadand Emamectin benzoate are also effective on E. vittella and jassids and hence are preferred firstover indoxacarb. Both insecticides have a high selective toxicity towards the target pests whilebeing less toxic to many beneficial insects in the cotton ecosystem. These insecticides are ideallysuited in eco-sustainable insecticide resistance management programmes.

Window2: 90-120 DAS: Peak bollworm infestation

11.Use Indoxacarb once only on non-Bt cotton for bollworm control at ETLs of 90-100 % plantsshowing flared up squares: Thus far there is no evidence of any resistance against Spinosad,Emamectin benzoate or Indoxacarb. However, if the molecules are overused, there is every likelychance that resistance will render the molecules less useful. The three insecticides are expensive.Emamectin costs about Rs 1900/ha, Indoxacarb at Rs 1650/ha and Spinosad at Rs 1200/ha.Therefore care must be taken to ensure that these recommendations are made only in high inputsystems (generally irrigated), wherein the yields are high and these pesticides are affordable.



12.Use organophosphates or carbamates only once either on Bt or non-Bt cotton as effectivelarvicides for bollworm control at ETLs of 90-100 % plants showing flared up squares.Resistance levels against certain organophosphate group of insecticides (Quinalphos,Chlorpyriphos & Profenophos) and carbamates (Thiodicarb and methomyl) have been found tobe low in most populations tested. These insecticides are very effective for bollworm control buthave low ecological selectivity and can be harmful to beneficial insects. The populations ofbeneficial insects in cotton ecosystem are generally low in later part of this window and hencethe application of organophosphates and carbamates is rational.



Window 3: Pink bollworm: >120 DAS: Pyrethroids

13. ETL based spray: Eight pink bollworm moths per trap per night for 3 consecutive nights. Theapplication of pyrethroids as late season sprays would be effective for pink bollwormmanagement. Pyrethroid resistance in H armigera is generally high, but pyrethroids are veryeffective against pink and spotted bollworms and are ideally suited for the late season window.

