138. Adelphi House: LSE (London School of Economics); Melanie Phillips and Islam

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  • 8/14/2019 138. Adelphi House: LSE (London School of Economics); Melanie Phillips and Islam



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    SUNDAY 17 JANUARY 2010



    Im prescribing thisparticular drug because

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    The LSE caves in to terror

    First the Netherlands prosecutes Geert

    Wilders for speaking against Islamic terror;

    now the London School of Economics has

    caved in to the threat of Islamist violence.

    Douglas Murray, the director of the Centre for

    Social Cohesion, has been banned from

    chairing a debate on Islam at the LondonSchool of Economics today between Dr Alan

    Sked, a senior lecturer in international

    history, and Hamza Andreas Tzortzis, a

    Muslim writer and lecturer, because the LSE fears his views will provoke

    violence. Those views are outspoken opposition to the Islamisation of the west

    and staunch support for Israel. The LSE, where some Jewish students report a

    poisonous and frightening atmosphere at present, has just seen a week-long

    anti-Israel protest over Gaza. The Evening Standard reports:

    The LSE asked Mr Murray not to attend in the interest of public

    safety as his presence could provoke further unrest. A spokesman

    added: He has spoken at LSE in the past and will be welcome to

    do so again in the future.

    Another victory for the forces of darkness, thanks to the pusillanimity of the LSE

    which, finding itself on the battlefield of the war to defend civilisation, has run upthe white flag.

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    ray douglasJanuary 23rd, 2009 1:35pm

    i remember Douglas Alexander once as a panel

    member on BBC Question time. He was

    absolutely brilliant in exposing the terrorist

    Islamic agenda ! I am not surprised though. that

    the L.S.E has banned him. There is a weird form

    of denial and appeasement going on in our

    academic and media circles. I watched channel

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  • 8/14/2019 138. Adelphi House: LSE (London School of Economics); Melanie Phillips and Islam


    four news last night. Peter snow could not stand

    that he was losing the argument to the Israeli

    government spokes man Mark Regev, that he

    cut him off and closed the conversation !Channel

    four news does not even try to hide its liberal-left

    agenda on Israel and America.

    Anna KelatskyaJanuary 23rd, 2009 1:37pm

    LSE, London School of Economics, some weird

    students who is extremely brain washed are

    attending there, oh boy I will be careful that

    place, I wonder if a school like LSE is like this

    how the other ones will be?

    stanley JerusalemJanuary 23rd, 2009 1:43pm

    They were chicken in the 60's on rag days too.

    Even Mick Jagger bailed.

    stanley JerusalemJanuary 23rd, 2009 1:44pm

    Oh Gawd! Lese majeste.

    SIR Mick Jagger.

    GruntsonJanuary 23rd, 2009 1:58pm

    Pathetic. More dhimmitude.

    The adminstrators should have the word

    'dhimmitude' tattoed on their foreheads.

    stanley JerusalemJanuary 23rd, 2009 2:02pm

    Gruntson - They would were there sufficient

    room 'tween eyebrows and hairline......

    [Knuckle scraping]


    January 23rd, 2009 2:09pm

    Could they not have excluded

    troublemakers ?,or are we accepting the way of

    the brownshirts from hitlers time .The LSEshould be ashamed of themselves if this is the

    way they teach young people to disagree .

    Vision AforethoughtJanuary 23rd, 2009 2:19pm

    OK, let's look on the bright side: Britain is cold,

    wet, windy, generally depressing (except on a

    sunny August afternoon and new year's eve at

    about 11:59PM) The country whilst pretty in

    places is losing all that makes living here

    worthwhile: Pubs, privacy and pragmatism.

    So, let 'them' have it! And let those of us who

    wish to enjoy life and not take things too

    seriously - while working for an honest income,

    depart to sunnier more friendly climes.

    Where, we can leave to the imagination.

    Original TonyJanuary 23rd, 2009 3:07pm

    I have e-mailed my disgust to the LSE today

    and may I encourage all of us who contribute to

    this blog to go further than chatting about our

    disgust and actually DOING something, even if it

    is a simple protest e-mail.

    The academic lefters need to know there is a

    mounting opposition out there, so come on, do

    your bit!

    PennyJanuary 23rd, 2009 3:08pm

    Excellent point, Phil.

    Even at contentious public meetings in Town

    halls around the country, there are those who

    violently disagree with the matter underdiscussion (I'm speaking of local issues rather

    than Israel/Gaza). Police are occasionally

    drafted in and remain quietly in the background -

    just in case.

    If troublemakers cannot be excluded at the entry

    point, they can be removed if and when they

    become disruptive.

    I am hugely surprised that an institution such as

    the LSE would behave in this way.....unless, of

    course, the 'Risk Assessment' chapter of the

    'Health and Safety' guidelines are the barrier.

    Even advertisement banners strung across theroad, telling of a local event are now deemed

    dangerous in case they fall on someone's head.

    The fact that they never have fallen before isn't

    the point - according to Risk

    Assessment/Health & Safety.

    pm317January 23rd, 2009 3:17pm

    wow, I did not know things were this bad in

    Europe, especially UK and the Netherlands (but

    I am being educated since I started visiting this

    blog). If you succumb to radical Islamists' threat

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  • 8/14/2019 138. Adelphi House: LSE (London School of Economics); Melanie Phillips and Islam


    GilJanuary 23rd, 2009 7:40pm

    This is an absolute disgrace. I am a

    postgraduate of the University of London and I

    ashamed, not only of my old University but of

    this country. Douglas Murray only poses a

    threat to those who have their evil agenda,

    allowing radical Islam to call the shots in this

    country. I despise the LSE for this.

    martinJanuary 23rd, 2009 8:06pm

    this story is just not true, murray himself offered

    to withdraw from chairing the event when he was

    told about the atmosphere on the lse campus

    following the occupation of a room by some

    students protesting about the situation in gaza

    for a week, which has strained relations between

    israeli and muslim students. murray was never

    told he had to stand down.

    murray has spoken at lse twice in the past 6

    months, so to say he is banned is just madness

    and not true.

    when lse became aware today that murray was

    saying he did not want to stand down as chair

    the academic organiser tried to contact him, but

    funnily enough he was unavailable all afternoon

    (despite telling some friends in the right wing

    press he was still free). murray responded late

    in the day saying he needed more notice, which

    was a handy way to get out of it, having got the

    publicity he wanted!

    seems to me he used this situation to get some

    publicity, and he has certainly been successful.

    also amazing to me how people in the press

    dont check the facts before publishing stories!

    MJEJanuary 23rd, 2009 8:32pm

    Similar things are happening where I study,

    Warwick University. There is a sit-in in one of

    the lecture theatres and they refuse to leave

    unless their 'demands' are met. These are:

    1. Warwick University should suspend all

    relations with companies which supply the

    Palestinian-Israeli conflict. This includes BAE

    Systems, MBDA, QinetiQ and Rolls Royce.

    2. That the University donate old computerequipment and textbooks to universities in

    Palestine, specifically those that were partially

    destroyed in Gaza during the current Israeli

    military operation.

    3.That the University fund and provide logistical

    support for a series of talks on the Israeli-

    Palestinian conflict.




    It is also happening in SOAS, Exeter,

    Birmingham, Sussex, Leeds, Oxford, Essex andKings, there is a Facebook group uniting all of

    them together:



    Annoyingly, the room they are currently

    occupying is where I have my history lectures.

    I'd quite like it back.

    Michael AlldisJanuary 23rd, 2009 8:40pm

    Come to UCL instead!!!

    Sergei ZubatovJanuary 23rd, 2009 8:45pm

    MJE, this is real threat, I hope you get your

    room back

    An AmericanJanuary 23rd, 2009 9:54pm


    Come on.. Universities in the US are just as

    liberal and out of control.

    Conservative speakers are no longer invited to

    give their viewpoints. Instead, they invite people

    like Iran's head henchman to speak.

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    Conservatives or anyone from the right politically

    can't give their side without being shouted down,

    pies thrown, students taking over the

    stage...college presidents just stand by and let

    all these liberal commie brats terrorize and shut

    up the opposition.

    The US is just a few years behind the UK.

    Liberal socialism is destroying Britain and it will

    eventually destroy us unless the American

    public wakes up and acts to stop it.

    hadrianJanuary 23rd, 2009 9:58pm

    Isn't LSE a known purulent leftist cesspool

    anyway? So hardly surprising its take on

    'freedom of speech' is that it exists only forsome. Bet if they were hosting something

    intensely offensive to Jews or Christians they

    wouldn't bat an eyelid about it and assume the

    moral high ground for doing so! Such

    pusillanimity on the part of a supposedly even-

    handed secular institution of learning how far we

    are down the road to dhimmitude indeed. Truly


    Winnie McCrannJanuary 23rd, 2009 10:05pm

    Isn't the LSE a child of the Fabian Society?

    martinJanuary 23rd, 2009 10:21pm

    Ms Philips actually highlights in her comments

    the reason that LSE was surely right to have

    concerns over Douglas Murray chairing theevent. She says that his views are "outspoken

    opposition to the Islamisation of the west and

    staunch support for Israel". This would suggest

    he would not be a suitable person to chair an

    event on the subject of Islam or Liberalism:

    Which is the Way Forward? when generally the

    chair of an event should be someone who is

    seen as neutral and not strongly favouring one

    side of the debate.

    It is also perhaps a bit of a dramtisation on the

    part of Ms Philips to say that Mr Murray not

    chairing an event is in anyway a victory to the

    "forces of darkness".

    Alex SingletonJanuary 23rd, 2009 11:08pm

    Martin's statement is not correct. I have theemail sent to Douglas Murray from the LSE that

    says: "I have been asked by the Pro-Director,

    Prof. Janet Hartley, to request that you stand

    down as chairman of the debate on Friday

    evening. Part of the School has been occupied

    by student protesters on account of events in

    Gaza and there is official concern that on this

    account your presence might provoke further


    I had difficulty getting through to Douglas Murray

    on the telephone post-5:30pm, but I experienced

    no difficulty getting straight through to him

    during office hours.

    I was phoned at about 5:30pm by the LSE press

    office to say that they were willing to reinvite

    him, and this was followed up at 5:35pm with an

    emailed statement to that effect. I am amazed

    that they left it so late.

    hadrianJanuary 24th, 2009 12:29am

    Martin- no one is 'neutral' when push comes to

    shove; if every debate were to be pulled because

    a chairman could not be seen to be 'neutral'

    enough there'd be precious few debates at all.

    Great excuse, though!

    Adam B.January 24th, 2009 12:52am

    Carl, Jews have been beaten up in the street,

    not that you would care. Jews are feeling

    increasingly uncomfortable in an openly hostile

    environment. By the way, still thinking about

    whether you would condemn the Hamas charter,

    which call for the extermination of all the Jews?

    Last I looked, you were refusing to condemn it.

    Is it hard for you to get your head around? Poor


    PennyJanuary 24th, 2009 12:52am

    Thanks for your posts, Alex!

    I believe I read that the Oxford University's 'sit-in'

    involved about 90 students who were offering up

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    a watered-down-from-the-original set of

    demands. At least the other 21,910 students at

    Oxford had the sense to be more annoyed about

    the potenial disruption to their studies!

    Adam B.January 24th, 2009 1:04am

    I went to a London College, part of the University

    of London. Whilst there, the Jewish Society

    routinely had its noticeboard trashed and

    daubed in hate graffiti, including Holocaust

    denial, propaganda videos against Israel were

    shown in the JCR, Hizb ut Tahrir campaigned

    with their hatred at the College gates. Then a

    couple years later, an alumnus of my College

    and his colleague walked into a bar on the Tel

    Aviv beachfront and murdered three people with

    a suicide belt, and injured dozens. This is really

    happening, and the appeasement of the LSE

    isn't new, it is part of a reality that has been

    going on for years. Of course, when the next

    terror outrage explodes on the streets of

    London, the media will wring its hands and say,

    how did this happen? It's happening because

    young Islamic radicals are being fed a diet of

    hatred and the authorities and those in positions

    of influence, like the LSE, are too gutless to

    confront it.

    Martin GarthwaiteJanuary 24th, 2009 1:07am

    So there are not many graduates of the LSE

    here? Well I am and I tell you one thing the LSE

    does not teach, and that is how to think, oh you

    thought the LSE is a technical college, OK.

    If I have one complaint about the LSE it is that

    it's not true to it's founding principles, until

    recently most undergrads wanted to be

    merchant wankers, leftist, yeah right!!

    John MontgomeryJanuary 24th, 2009 1:57am

    Our Unversities and those in the USA have

    become a joke. INstead of reason and objectivity

    - surely the basis of scholarship - we have bias

    and ideology. It has gotten to the stage where I

    no longer believe anything an 'academic' says.

    This is very sad, but is a consequence of post-

    modernism and the leftards seizing control of

    higher education.

    The next time we have a Conservative

    government, they really must take the CultureWars seriously, especailly in the media,

    academe, the judiciary and our cultural

    institutions and popular culture. Otherwise the

    left will be back again and worse than ever.

    Stuart RoseJanuary 24th, 2009 2:17am

    Is the LSE incapable of requesting or procuring

    some extra security for the event?

    One would have hoped that the faculty(I guess

    I'm in fantasy land here) would have urged the

    school not to alter its lineup, not to compromise

    its commitment to free speech and open debate.

    JSJanuary 24th, 2009 7:30am

    I can virtually see another India-Pakistan

    situation developing in EU.. an absolute repeat

    of history..because in 1947 Hindu liberals

    downright squashed the conservatives regardingpolicies of Muslim appeasement, we Indians of

    today are reaping a bitter bitter harvest of Jehad

    and communal riots in our own land. Today

    Hindus of India have become a totally besieged

    and oppressed majority akin to where the EU is

    heading to..Today Indian politics is virtually

    hijacked and held to ransom by Jehadi-

    sympathizers and apologists and Hindus have

    absolutely no voice in their own land....History is

    indeed repeating itself in EU..what a tragic


    FelicitasJanuary 24th, 2009 9:29am

    Remember one of their alumni at the LSE is that

    Pakistani Jihadist who murdered the poor

    innocent Journalist who was working for the Wall

    Street Journal, Daniel Pearl, please read prayersfor him that he rests on peace let's honour,

    and let us say: Amen

    CarlJanuary 24th, 2009 9:31am

    AdamB - stop trying to make out that a wave of

    anti-Semitism is engulfing the UK. There is

    nothing of the sort, despite your hysterical

    bleating. Justly deserved criticism is just that.

    Crying anti-Semitism is merely an attempt to

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    close the discussion down.

    Anwar k TaalJanuary 24th, 2009 10:33am

    Extremism is just like a disease, wich is going

    to spread out, if you don't fight with it and you

    are too soft, like the western Europeans are

    doing, things will only get worst but not better,

    and at the end they will regret

    philJanuary 24th, 2009 11:12am

    martin "" murray himself offered to withdraw from

    chairing the event when he was told about the

    atmosphere on the lse campus""






    Ian MillerJanuary 24th, 2009 11:17am

    "Douglas Murray ... has been banned from

    chairing a debate"

    So? Murray is not by any stretch of the

    imagination neutral on the subject. It would have

    been entirely inappropriate to have him in the

    chair, where he would either be unable to

    contribute properly (if he maintained his

    impartiality) or would have destroyed the

    debate's credibility if he did not, or both if he

    maintained his impartiality but was accused of

    not doing so. This is just plain bad for the quality

    of the debate.

    Accordingly his being removed from the chair

    seems entirely reasonable and sensible.

    Clearly it is difficult in such a contentious issue

    to find a truly neutral chairman. However that is

    no excuse for giving the role to someone with

    such a clear compaigning role on the subject.

    Murray was just about the worst possible

    choice. (Okay, George Galloway would have

    been worse.)

    The real question that needs asking is why he

    was invited to chair it in the first place.

    philJanuary 24th, 2009 11:18am

    Martin Garthwaite- They have certainly not

    taught you how to be a merchant,but the second

    part you have passed with honours .fancy

    attaching your name to a claim like that !says a

    lot for your college .

    philJanuary 24th, 2009 12:06pm

    Carl you should answer Adam B,s oft asked

    question before you pontificate on anti -semitism

    -do you condemn the hamas charter-will we ever

    hear from you .until we do you will find it very

    hard to gain any respect here .

    philJanuary 24th, 2009 12:09pm

    Ian Miller-you make some valid points ,but he

    was invited and was stopped through the threat

    of violence -perhaps the debate should have

    been cancelled altogether .The point here is the

    threat of violence prevailed to the eternal shameof LSE

    Oliwagino Alefaua

    YihiriJanuary 24th, 2009 12:17pm

    Stinky College, I am glad I did not go there

    CarlJanuary 24th, 2009 2:19pm

    phil, why on earth would you think that I would

    be interested in respect from the extremists that

    post here?

    John ThomasJanuary 24th, 2009 3:29pm

    JS, I'm sure you're right about Jihadism in India -

    no doubt it's the ill-treatment they receive, from

    Islamists, that makes the Hindhus take it out on

    the Christians, perhaps that's why they murder

    so many.

    TiberiusJanuary 24th, 2009 4:33pm

    Ian Miller: should you find yourself sitting in a

    tube train with an Islamist suicide bomber next

    to you, I'd guess even you might struggle to be

    neutral on the subject.

    Adam B.January 24th, 2009 5:13pm

    Carl, (who refuses to condemn the hamas

    charter which calls for the extermination of every

    Jew) - this full title shall be your name from now

    on. To get to your "complaint", perhaps you can

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  • 8/14/2019 138. Adelphi House: LSE (London School of Economics); Melanie Phillips and Islam


    similar to those which Mr Murray would put

    forward, so the allegation there was some threat

    to free speech is totally false. Its also worth

    noting that Mr Murray has spoken at LSE twice

    in the past 6 months, including at an event

    hosted by the Israeli Society that I attended

    where I very much agreed with much of what he


    I also spoke to people after the event and heard

    that as far the School authories were aware Mr

    Murray had offered to stand down as chair of the

    event. When they became aware yesterday

    morning via the papers that he was not happy

    with standing down the organiser tried to contact

    Mr Murray in the afternoon and make it clear hecould chair the event. I understand that Murray

    appeared to make himself unavailable all

    afternoon to approaches from LSE till shortly

    before the event when he said he did not have


    The whole affair seems to have been a bit

    messy, but from what I was told and have seen

    it seems LSE was acting with the best of

    intentions, rather than trying to crack down to

    free speech or cave into pressure from Islamic

    fanatics. A lot of the speakers who come to LSE

    are left wing, and pro palestinian, but there have

    been a good number in recent months who take

    a very pro Israeli stance and who may described

    as neo cons such as Rick Santorum, USAttorney General Michael Mukasey, Homeland

    Secretary Chertoff and John Bolton to name a

    handful. I think this clearly demonstrates the

    claims made on this blog that in some way LSE

    does not try to uphold the principle of free

    speech are clearly false.

    hadrianJanuary 24th, 2009 11:05pm

    Carl, then let me as another 'extremist' ask you

    simply: do you share the Hamas charter's

    agenda that every Jew be exterminated? Simple

    enough. I have many Jewish friends, mostly

    secular, some Reform, some converted to

    Christianity. You owe these individuals, none of

    whom is an Israeli nor a zionist an answer, if not

    us 'extremists'.

    Dave MJanuary 24th, 2009 11:22pm

    "You cannot accept that many, many people are

    disgusted by Israel's recent atrocities."

    The Israelis have a solid argument to counter

    this. They know too well how many

    Chechnyans, how many Iraqis and how many

    Afghans have been killed in wars that haven't

    directly concerned Israel. For example, I know

    when the Russians went into Chechnya they

    eventually declared any male Chechnyan over

    18 years old a terrorist - period. Grozniy was

    flattened. In Iraq thousands have died. In

    Afghanistan many innocents have been killed

    (usually by mistake). Then I hear Russia and

    China have discussed the use of the use of

    vacuum bombs against Muslim separatists ifthey cause instability either in China or Russia's

    spheres of influence. Therefore, who is in a

    position to lecture Israel? Put it another way:

    How would India react if Pakistan fired 1000

    rockets into its borders? I dare say the whole

    thing would spiral towards nuclear war. All Israel

    has done is its level best to stop fanatics

    carrying out suicide bombings and rocket

    attacks into its borders. Palestinian civilians

    were warned by the IDF to flee the fighting but

    perhaps many were not allowed to leave by

    Hamas. Isn't it time there was some genuine

    criticism and analysis of how Hamas has been

    exploiting these people as human shields?

    philJanuary 25th, 2009 12:02am

    CarlJanuary 24th, 2009 2:19pm thats the first truthful

    thing I have seen you post ,but do not worry -

    you have none

    Adam B.January 25th, 2009 12:17am

    Carl, here's a question for you then (as you

    seem rendered speechless by my previous post

    and have nothing to say about the pressures

    Jewish students face) - do you condemn the

    Hamas charter, which calls for the extermination

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    of every Jew? By the way, I don't condone

    brutality against civilians, but fully support

    Israel's self defensive measures against a

    genocidal terrorist group, which has embedded

    itself amongst, and manipulates for its own evil

    ends, civilians. Pity you can't see that. Pity you

    also are blind to the rampant anti-semitism

    which is increasingly creeping into the

    mainstream of British life. You see Carl, I

    answer your "points", but you refuse to answer

    mine. it's called debate, not slogan shouting.

    Adam B.January 25th, 2009 12:20am

    By the way Carl, any comment about the lies of

    1,300 dead in Gaza - according to Corriere della

    Sera, a Palestinian doctor has said there are

    empty hospital beds available and that the figure

    was between 500-600, overwhelmingly men who

    were involved in combat. Is he lying?

    Adam B.January 25th, 2009 12:25am

    Patrick, the report in the Evening Stnadard

    states that Murray's invitation was withdrawn

    because of the fear of "unrest", not because of

    his suitability as chair. Is the Standard simply

    wrong about this?

    JerryJanuary 25th, 2009 5:42am

    How absolutely quaint! To American ears a

    debate on "Islam vs Liberalism - which is the

    best way forward", makes no sense. It is like

    asking whether Fascism or Communism is the

    best way forward. Of course, it is the way of

    humans to have to answer the same questions

    multiple times over successive generationsbefore the answers really take hold. What

    century did you say we were in?

    CarlJanuary 25th, 2009 3:46pm

    AdamB- I see that you attempt to draw comfort

    from a claim that the IDF did not slaughter as

    many Palestinians as had been estimated. A

    rather perverse stand in most civilised people's

    view. Can we therefore say that it is OK that

    Hamas launches a lot of rockets as they are not

    at all effective?

    PatrickJanuary 25th, 2009 5:44pm

    Adam, from what I understand Mr Murray had

    told the organiser who I think was Alan Sked

    that he was willing to withdraw from chairing

    when told about the issues on campus, and

    expressed no problems with this. It seems theSchool only heard he had a problem when

    reports appeared in the press. To be it would a

    more mature approach of Mr Murray to make

    clear his unhappiness to LSE, rather than try to

    generate publicity for himself.

    I was told there were concerns that should there

    be any issues or problems at the debate then

    Murray would not be suitable to be an effective

    chairperson, as he would not be seen as in any

    way as neutral on the topic being discussed,

    and his chairmanship could inflame any

    potential situation.

    To me it seems Murray was a stupid choice as

    the chair as I said before. I presume the choiceof him was down to Alan Sked.

    When some students complained about Murray

    speaking at LSE last year, the School defended

    his right to speak on campus, and ensured his

    talk went ahead.

    Ian MillerJanuary 25th, 2009 7:02pm

    Tiberius wrote "Ian Miller: should you find

    yourself sitting in a tube train with an Islamist

    suicide bomber next to you, I'd guess even you

    might struggle to be neutral on the subject."

    I don't actually see that this has to do with the

    point under discussion. Nevertheless finding

    myself the subject of a terrorist attack would notcause me to lose my neutrality on any subject

    upon which I try to be neutral.

    I am a pacifist and as such opposed to all use of

    violence, and that obviously includes suicide

    bombers, so to that extent I never have been


    In my view, it is a cardinal mistake to allow

    violence or threats of violence to change your

  • 8/14/2019 138. Adelphi House: LSE (London School of Economics); Melanie Phillips and Islam


  • 8/14/2019 138. Adelphi House: LSE (London School of Economics); Melanie Phillips and Islam


    Angeles Times and contributing editor to

    National Review. A USA Today contributor and

    former columnist for The Times in London, he

    has also written for the New Yorker,

    Commentary, the Wall Street Journal, and many

    other publications. His latest book is Liberal


    This event is free and open to all with no ticket

    required. Entry is on a first come, first served

    basis. For more information, email


    CarlJanuary 26th, 2009 10:02am

    @Leslie - was the IDF soldier who gunned down

    two children in front of their father going out of

    his way to protect non combatants? You cannotdefend the indefensible, no matter how hard you

    try. Like it or not, and you clearly don't, Israel

    will have to treat with Hamas. The Neo Cons are


    philJanuary 26th, 2009 11:41am

    Leslie you wrote --"carl wrote" --.well he writes a

    lot and most of it utter nonsense and the more

    we respond to him the more he will do it , The

    truth seems unimportant to him so long as he

    can say something vile about Israelis,so in spite

    of me now following Adam B,s good advice to

    always respond to lies ,I think in this case we

    totally waste our time as I do not think he is

    believed anyway. He continues to ignore

    Adam,s legitimate question so I think we should

    now ignore him .as it has proved a pointlessexercise to engage with him .We cannot and

    should not attempt to stop him writing ,but we

    are under no compulsion to answer him either .

    Leslie(the original)January 26th, 2009 1:06pm

    For a minute, I thought I must have posted that

    message in my sleep(6:21am)

    Sounds like me,but I wouldn't engage with


    Other than that,I agree with "Leslie"

    philJanuary 26th, 2009 4:22pm

    well both Leslies the late riser and the early

    bird :)

    philJanuary 26th, 2009 4:57pm

    ES sometimes one reacts with emotion too

    quickly ,so I would be interested to know whathappened at the debate ,do you know?-I did

    write to them asking why they conceded to

    scare tactics, but did not receive a response. If I

    had no respect for that institution I would not

    have bothered ,that was what upset me the

    most .

    Leslie(the original)January 26th, 2009 5:11pm

    I'm on E.Standard time Phil :)

    I hope you all signed the petition for Geert




    CarlJanuary 26th, 2009 5:12pm

    Phil ,I don,t mind if you don,t want to

    respond .Feel free

    Adam B.January 26th, 2009 11:04pm

    Carl, yet another groundless allegation from you.

    And your source is?

    Do you condemn the Nazi Hamas charter Carl?

    Adam B.January 26th, 2009 11:07pm

    phil you're right of course, Carl is an

    indoctrinated fanatic who never engages with

    anything one writes, but spews pre-

    manufactured slogans he's picked up from other

    haters. I just enjoy taunting him to be honest!


    January 27th, 2009 5:40am

    John THomas:

    What happened to some Christians in India atthe hands of some ignorant elements is highly

    condemnable and regrettable. The Christian

    community in India is a patriotic community and

    they unlike the Jehadis do not put their religion

    above national interests. The biggest threat to

    India today is from Jehadis (Ps see that I make

    a distinction between Jehadis and Muslims)

    both external and home-grown. And just like the

    EU, they pose a serious threat of annihilating

    the native Hindu culture.

  • 8/14/2019 138. Adelphi House: LSE (London School of Economics); Melanie Phillips and Islam


    CarlJanuary 27th, 2009 8:11am

    AdamB - her you are, just for you, one of many

    links about the murder of these children by the



    Do you condemn this murder and IDF brutality?

    philJanuary 27th, 2009 8:29pm

    Adam B so did I but I can,t be bothered with him

    any more ,he is just a waste of space .



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