12th February 2019: 10.00 to 11. 15 - … · Web viewWay forward on distribution of sanitary pads...

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Transcript of 12th February 2019: 10.00 to 11. 15 - … · Web viewWay forward on distribution of sanitary pads...

Hygiene Promotion Technical Working Group(HPTWG)CRS Conference Hall

12th February 2019: 10.00 to 11. 15

MEETING AGENDAS/N Subject Facilitator Output/Outcome

(Information Sharing or Decision)

Time Allocated

1 Welcome and introduction Lead

Information 05 mins

2 Review of minutesLead

Information 05 mins

3 MHM Way forward on distribution

of sanitary pads (Re-usable/Disposable

Sale of MHM kits (Reusable sanitary pad)

Lead and Co- Lead

Information and decision making

30 mins

4 Gaps in Hygiene promotion – Identify areas for capacity building

All Information and decision making

20 mins

5 Frequency of HPTWG All Decision making 10 Minutes

4 AOB All Information sharing

05 mins