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  • 8/20/2019 124912934-Timing-of-marriage-children.pdf



    The Vimsotri and Yogni dasha has been used for analysing the events. Following topics are being discussed in this article :

    Birth of younger brother/sister.

    Timing of marriage.

    Birth of children.

    Birth of Younger Brother/Sister

    Operative Dasha


    Dasha of IIIrd lord.

    Dasha of Vth lord.

    Dasha of Lagna Lord of D-3.

    Dasha of planets posted in IIIrd house, aspecting IIIrd house.

    Dasha of dispositer of IIIrd lord.

    Dasha of Mars.

    Dasha of IIIrd lord from Mars.

    Planet posted in IIIrd house from Mars.

    Transit of Planets


    1. SATURN and JUPITER will influence two conditions out of four mentioed below:

    IIIrd House

    IIIrd Lord

    Vth House

    Vth Lord

    The Sun may indicate month of birth of younger brother or sister by influencingone of four conditions mentioed above by posting or aspect.

    The Moon may indicate date of birth of younger brother or sister by influencingone of the conditions mentioned above by posting or aspect.

    Case Study-I

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    Date of Birth : 10.12.1984 Time of Birth : 12.55 AM

    Place of Birth : Delhi

    C H A R T

    Dasha operative at the time of birth of younger sister of Case Study-I

    Vimshotri : Rahu/Moon

    Yognie Dasa: Ul 


    Date of Birth of younger sister : 31.8.1986

    Time of Birth : 04.15 AM

    Place of Birth : Delhi

    Transit of birth of younger sister

    C H A R T


    The birth of younger sister has ta 

     en place in the dasha or RAHU posted in IIIrd house, anterdasha operating was of MOON which is lord of Vth house hence operating dasha and anterdasha are covered under parameter 1 and 4 of dasha parameter. 

    Yogni Dasha

    The yogni dasha operating was ULKA/SIDDHA, ULKA is equilant of SATURN which is dispositer of IIIrd Lord VENUS. The anterdasha was of SIDDHA equilant to VENUS which is lord of IIIrd house hence operating dasha and anterdasha are covered under parameter 5 and 1 of dasha parameter.


    At the time of birth of younger sister Jupiter was transinting in Aquraius fromwhere it was apecting Vth Lord Moon, Saturn was transiting SCORPIO and was aspecting venus the IIIrd lord hence paraments set in transit conditions are fulfilled. The sun was in LEO it has just passed through Vth house. The Moon was transiting Zemini it was conjucted with Vth lord Moon.


    Date of Birth : 31.08.1986 Time of Birth : 04.15 AM

    Place of Birth : Delhi

    Dasha operative at the time of birth of younger brother

    Vimshotri : Jupiter/Mercury 14.05.1987 to 18.02.1990

    Yognie : Dhanya/Bhadri 

     a 24.10.1988 to 25.03.1989

    Date of Birth of younger brother : 30.11.1988

    Time of Birth : 04.15 AM Place of Birth : Delhi

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    Dasha Vimshotri

    the dasha operative at the time of birth of younger brother was of Jupiter which is aspecting IIIrd lord of Mercury, it is also lord of D-3. The anterdasha operating was of Mercury which is IIIrd Lord. Hence operating dasha and anterdasha are covered under parameter 3,4 and 1 of dasha parameter.

    Yogni Dasha

    The dasha operating was of Dhanya which is equilent to Jupiter and anterdasha was of Bhadri


     a which is equivalent to Mercury. The position under Vimshotri dasha hence operating dasha and anterdashas are covered under parameter 1,3 and 4 ofdasha parameter.


    At the time of birth of younger brother the Saturn was transiting in Saggitarius it was posted with Vth lord Mars and was aspectng IIIrd house with Xth aspect.Jupiter was transiting is Taurus it was aspecting IIIrd house and Vth house. Hence parameters set in transit conditions are fulfilled. The Sun was in Scorpio i.e. in Vth house, the Moon was is cancer li


     ely to enter in Leo where IIIrd lordMercury is posted.

    Timing of Marriage Operative Dasha


    Dasha of VIIth Lord.

    Dasha of Lagna Lord.

    Lagna Lord of D-9.

    Dasha of RAHU/VENUS natural significator.

    Dasha of VIIth lord from VENUS.

    Planet position VIIth from Venus.

    Dasha of planet posted in VIIth house, aspecting VIIth house or Lord.

    Dispositer of VIIth Lord.

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    Transit of Planets


    Saturn and Jupiter will influence two conditions out of four mentioned below :

    VIIth house

    VIIth Lord


    Lagna Lord

    The Sun may indicate month of marriage by influincing one of four conditions mentioned above by posting or aspect.

    The Moon may indicate date of marriage by influincing one of four conditions mentioed above by posting or aspect.


    Date of Birth : 19.10.1952 Time of Birth : 15.15 PM

    Place of Birth : Najibabad

    Date of Marriage : 26.12.1983

    Dasha operative at the time of marriage

    Vimshotri : Jup/Rahu 09.05.1982 to 02.10.1984

    Yognie : Samhta/Bhadri 



    Dasha oerating at the time of marriage was of Jupiter which is aspecting VIIth house and VIIth lord. Anterdasha operating was of RAHU which is natural significator of marriage. Hence operating Dasha and Anterdasha are covered under parameter 1 and 4 of Dasha parameter.

    Yogni Dasha

    Yogni dasha operatinf at the time of marrige was of SANKTA which is equivalent to RAHU the natural significator of marriage. The anterdasha operating was Bhadri


    a equivalent to Mercury which is posted with VIIth lord Sun. Hence dasha and anterdasha operating at the time of marriage are covered under parameter 4 and 5 of Dasha parameter.


    At the time of marriage Saturn was transmitting in Libra where VIIth Lord Sun is posted. The Jupiter was transiting in Sagitarius from where it is aspecting VIIth house. Hence paramaters set in transit conditions are fulfilled. The Sun wastransiting in Sagitarius it has just passed through Libra where VIIth lord Sun was posted. The moon at the day of marriage was in Cancer li


     ely to enter Leo which is VIIth house.

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    Date of Birth : 08.11.1955 Time of Birth : 14.33 PM

    Place of Birth : Delhi

    Date of Marriage : 07.02.1977

    Dasha operative at the time of marriage

    Vimshotri : VENUS/KETU 31.03.1976 to 31.05. 1977

    Yognie : SANKATA/SIDDHA 30.05.1976 to 19.12.1977

    Dasha Vimshotri

    Dasha operating at the time of marriage was Venus the natural significator of marriage and anterdasha was of Ketu which is posted in VIIth house from Venus in the sign of Venus which is natural significator of marriage. Hence operating dasha and anterdasha are covered under parameter 4 and 5 of dasha parameter.

    Yogni Dasha

    Dasha operating at the time of marriage was of San 

     ta which is equivalent of Rahu, i.e., natural significator of marriage. The anterdasha was of Siddha which is equivalent to Venus. The Venus is the natural significator of marriage and is lord of VIIth from Venus hence operating dasha and anterdasha are covered under parameter 4 and 5 of dasha parameter.


    Saturn was transiting in Cancer on date of marriage and was aspecting VIIth house since Saturn was (R). The Jupiter was transiting in Aries from where it was aspecting VIIth house and VIIth lord Sun. The Sun was in Capricorn li


     ely to enter in Aquarius, i.e., in Lagna. The Moon was in Virgo it has just passed through Leo which is VIIth house.

    Birth of Children Operative Dasha


    Dasha of Vth Lord.

    Dasha of IXth Lord.

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    Lagna lord of D-7.

    Dasha of Jupiter.

    Dasha of Dispositer of Vth Lord.

    6. Dasha of Planet posted in Vth house or aspecting Vth house or Vth Lord.



    Saturn and Jupiter will influence two conditions out of four mentioed below:

    i. Vth House

    ii. Vth Lord

    iii. IXth House

    iV. IXth Lord.

    The Sun may indicate month of birth by children by influencing one of four conditions mentioed above by posting or aspect.

    The Moon may indicate date of birth of children by influncing one of the four conditions mentioed above.

    The above principals/parameters have been analysed with the help of horoscope of father and his three children.


    Date of Birth : 19.10.1952 Time of Birth : 15.15 Hrs.

    Place of Birth : Najibabad

    First Child:

    D.O.B. : 10.12.1984

    Time of Birth : 12.55 AM

    Place of Birth : Delhi

    Dasa Vimshotri: SAT/SAT Yogini : SANKTA/ULKA

    Second Child :

    D.O.B. 31.08.1986

    Time of Birth : 04.15 AM

    Place of Birth : Delhi Dasa Vimsottari: SAT/SAT Yogini : SANKTA/SIDDHA

    Third Child

    D.O.B.: 30.11.1988

    T.O.B.: 04.15 A.M.

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    Place of Birth : Delhi

    Dasa Vimsottari: SAT/MER

    Yogini PINGLA/ULKA

    Dasha (First Child) Vimshotri

    Dasha at the time of birth of first child operating was of Saturn and antardasha operating was also Saturn which is aspecting Vth house by 10th aspect. Hence operating dasha and antardasha are covered under parameter six of dasha.


    Dasha operating was of SANKTA equivalent to Rahu which is in sign of Saturn is apecting Vth house by Xth aspect. Antardasha operating was of ULKA equivalent toSaturn which is aspecting Vth house. Hence operating dasha and antardasha are covered under parameter 2 and 6 of dasha.

    Dasha (Second Child) Vimshotri

    Dasha operating was Saturn and antardasha operating was also Saturn which is aspecting Vth house by its Xth aspect. Hence operating dasha and antardasha are cov

    ered under parameter 6 of dasha.


    Dasha operating was of San 

     ta which is in sign of Saturn and is aspecting Vth house by its Xth aspect and Antardasha was of Sidha equivalent to Venus which is Lord of 9th house, i.e., Vth from vth house and alternative house of children. Hence Dasha and Antardasha operating are covered under parameter 2 and 6 of Dasha. 

    Dasha (Third Child) Vimshotri

    Dasha operating was Saturn which is aspecting vth house by its xth aspect and an

    tardasha was of Mercury which is Vth let. Hence operating dasha and antardasha are covered under parameter 1 and 6 of dasha.


    Dasha operating was Pingla equivalent to Sun posted in Vth Lord Mercury and antardasha of ULKA which is equivalent to Vth house.

    First Child : At the time of birth, the first child, i.e., 10.12.84. Saturn wastransiting in Libra. It was conjucted with Vth Lord Mercury. Jupiter was transiting in Sagatarius from where it was aspecting Vth house. The Sun was in Scorpioand it has just passed through Libra where Vth Lord Mercury was posted. The moon was in Sagitarius and it was aspecting Vth house. Hence parameters set in trans

    it conditions are fulfilled.

    Second Child : Saturn was transiting in Scorpio. It was conjucted with 9th lordVenus. Jupiter was in Aquarius from where it was aspecting Vth house, Vth Lord and IXth house. The Sun was in Leo with Mercury Vth lord of birth chart. Moon was in Gemini, i.e., Vth house of birth chart. Hence, parameter set in transit conditions are fulfilled.

    Third Child : Transit - Saturn was transiting in Sagitarius from where it was aspecting Vth house. The Jupiter (R) was in Taurus where it was aspecting Mercury

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    the Vth Lord. The Sun was in Scorpio it has just passed through Libra where Vthlord Mercury is posted in birth chart. The moon was in Cancer it has just passed the Gemini which is Vth house of birth chart. hence parameter set in transit conditions are fulfilled.

    It is seen that the parameter set under dasha and transit have been found accurate in case of birth of all the three children of a native.