123Signup - Profile Configuration for Event Manager

Post on 25-Jan-2015

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Transcript of 123Signup - Profile Configuration for Event Manager

Profile Configuration Event Manager version

Profile Configuration

The profile configuration section allows you to control the fields that your registrants fill out the first time they register for an event.

Profile information is kept on file, so registrants will not be asked to enter it again if they use the same email address to register for a future event.

Profile information requires a password to update.

Event-specific questions, such as workshop selections, meal selections, or special accommodation requests, or information that can change from event to event, should not be included on the profile

Profile Configuration – Main Page

To edit the profile, click the “Profile Configuration” link under Service Configuration

Profile Configuration - Options

Field Label – The label displayed to your registrants when filling out the formType – Defines the type of field displayedRequired – Shows if the field is required or optional for registrantsEdit – Allows you to change the settings for a specific fieldInsert – Allows you to add a new field to the list, directly beneath the “Insert” link clickedActions – The red X box deletes a field. The blue arrows allow you to move a field up or down a page

Profile Configuration – Edit a Field

The Edit Screen will allow you to change the Field Label and “Required” drop-down for each field. Click OK after making any changes.

Profile Configuration – Inserting a New Field

Use the radio buttons across the top of the screen to select the type of field you’d like to add to the profile

Profile Configuration – Inserting a New FieldThe different types of fields that can be added are:

System Defined – Fields that the system uses for reports in the Reports tab

Custom Text – Text fields that contain information unique to your organization. Custom fields can be set up as a single line text box, a multi-line text box, or a numeric text box.

Drop Down List – Displays on the profile as a drop-down menu. Drop-downs are good for questions that require one standardized answer.

Checkbox Set (Multiple Choice) – Displays on the profile as a group of check boxes. Checkbox sets are good for questions that can have multiple, standardized answers, and can be used for filtering bulk mailings sent through the Mailings tab

Bar Separator – Displays a thick blue line, and allows you to set text within the bar. Bar Separators are a good way to define sets of fields by topic.

Line Separator – Displays a line break on the page

Instructional Text – Allows you to add text to the page

Profile Configuration – Custom Fields

To add a custom field:- Select the Field Type from the drop-down (Text Box, Multi-Line Text

Box, Numeric Text Box) - Type the label in the “Field Label” box- Select if the field is required (“Yes”), optional (“No”), or only visible to

administrators (“Admin Only”)- Click OK

Profile Configuration – Drop Down List

Label the field and indicate if the field is required or optional. Use the fields under the “List Options” section to list each response for the drop-down. The blue arrows will move the field up or down. The red X will delete it from the list.

Profile Configuration – Checkbox Set

Label the field and indicate if the field is required or optional. Use the fields under the “List Options” section to list each response for the set. The blue arrows will move the field up or down. The red X will delete it from the list.

Profile Configuration – Bar Separator

The Bar Separator is added as a thick blue line. Enter text in the “Separator Text” box if you’d like the bar to function as a header for a set of profile fields.

Profile Configuration – Line Separator

The Line Separator is added to as a thin gray line. The line separator works well if you’d like to create extra space between fields.

Profile Configuration – Instructional Text

The Instructional Text section can be used to give registrants extra information about how to fill out specific fields. Select “Yes” to display it on the profile your registrants see.

Profile Configuration - Preview

The Preview button will show you what the profile will look like after you have made your edits.

Profile Configuration – Save Your Changes

Be sure to click the “Save” button after making your changes. The “OK” button on the individual field pages only add the field to the main profile list, and the changes will be lost if you don’t save the entire profile.