12 Types of Kaalasarp Doshalu

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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kaalasarp doshalu

Transcript of 12 Types of Kaalasarp Doshalu


1. Anant Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in Lagna, Ketu in seventh house: The person is prone to be target of conspiracies hatched by people supposedly close to him. The person is likely to lose out on court cases. Married life would be marred by differences between husband and wife.(Not necessary if other positive conditions are present)

2. Kulika Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in second house, Ketu in eighth: This combination is not good for the person’s health. Expenses would be more then the income and the financial situation would remain fairly mediocre. He has to struggle a lot in life to achieve something. There some very conflicting results of this Yog.

3. Vasuki Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in third house, Ketu in ninth: The person would have trouble dealing with his brothers and friends.Travel to foreign countries would create problems. The person having this combination in his chart should take precautions in deals by paying extra attention towards legal work.

4. Shankapal Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in fourth house, Ketu in tenth: The person with this combination would never be satisfied with his financial situation and would always strive for more. The person is prone to troubles relating to immovable property – e.g. land, houses and modes of conveyance – e.g. cars.

5. Padma Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in fifth house, Ketu in eleventh: The person would have trouble with children. The person should never try his luck in lottery, share markets, and anything where speculation is involved.

6. Mahapadma Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in sixth house, Ketu in twelfth: The person would not do well in relationships and would have a very pessimistic view of life.

7. Takshak Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in seventh house, Ketu in first: There is a need for the person to be extra careful in matter relating to married life and business partnerships.

8. Karkotik Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in eighth house, Ketu in second: The person does not benefit from any paternal property. (Other combinations do exist to counter this effect) There would be a lot of trust issues between the person and his friends. This combination is not good for health and Rahu being in eighth house is usually not considered good as it indicates a sudden and violent death.

9.Shankhnaad Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in ninth house, Ketu in third: This combination indicates problems from higher authorities, government of the day and local administration in the field of business and commerce.

10. Paatak(Ghaatak) Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in tenth house, Ketu in fourth: Rahu being in tenth house indicates problem in employment and with higher authorities whom the person would report to during his/her job.

11. Vishakt Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in eleventh house, Ketu in fifth: This combination indicates a lot of problems between the person and his elder brother. The person would also remain away from his native place throughout his life. The person would be prone to problems like heart trouble, insomnia etc.

12. Sheshnag Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in twelfth house, Ketu in sixth: The person would be prone to problems from people whom he does not know – mysterious enemies.

Remedies to reduce the effect of kaal Sarp Yog:Establish Kaal Sarp Faults Removal Yantra in your home and worship it regularly.

Recite Nav Nag Stotra daily for one year.

Recite Hanuman Chalisa daily.

Worship a snake made of silver on Nag Panchami, remember your ancestors (pitra) and give this snake to flowing water (such as a river) or sea with a devoted mind.

Feed birds for 1¼ month by barley.

Fix a swastik made of silver at an auspicious time on your main door and on its both sides fix snake figures made of metal.

Observe fast on 16 Mondays.

Wear Nagpaash Yantra at an auspicious time after recitation of mantras.

Boil pine, mustard and loban in water and take bath with in such water daily for 1¼ month.

Worship a pair of snakes made of metal properly at Sangam of Alahabad and offer it to river along with milk and also do tarpan shradh once at Sangam.

Procedure for fast for Rahu and Ketu:

This fast should be started on first Saturday of bright half of month. Total fasts-18. Wear black cloth and recite 18×108 or 3×108 times the basic mantra of planet. Then take water, doob (grass), and Kush (grass) in a small vessel and give it at the root of peepal. Take in your meals sweet choorma, sweet bread, and according to time revri, bhugga, sweets made of til(sesame) and donate the same things. In night light an earthen lamp and keep under the root of peepal.

Alms for Rahu:

Donate agate, GOLD , lead, til (sesame) mustard, blue clothes etc. sword, blankets, horse etc from time to time.

Donate especially at the time of eclipse agate, GOLD , lead, til (sesame), mustard, blue clothes etc.

On every Pushya nakshatra do Rudra abhishek of Mahadev and offer milk and water.

Do abhishek (bathe the deity) of Mahadev for 30 days during the month of Shravana.

Worship of Kaal Sarp Yog is done only by wooden sandal. Don’t use sindoor, roli(red lead) etc.

Kaal sarp yogas and their remedies

Anant Kalsarp Yoga:  This type of kaal sarp dosha is formed when rahu is in Ascendant (Lagna) or 1 st house and ketu is placed in seventh house. This yoga have ill imacts on the personality of the person. It makes him a short-tempered and treacherous person. He will not have much inclination towards cleanliness and will have bad habits. He will be devoid of good health and respect in the society. It will have adverse impacts on the marriage and person will not have much satisfaction in marital relation. He will not have support from his partners in business and colleagues in profession

Remedy: Remedy for Anant kaal sarp dosh give you relief in case of health and provide you the respect in society. This will also bring the harmony in marital and love relationship. Support from colleagues and partners in business will be highly increased.

Remedy involves Jaapa of mahamritunjaya mantra for one lakh twenty five thousand (125000) times. The remedy will be completed with kaal sarp maha pooja of Lord shiva.

During this pooja, 11 silver naag- naagin  pairs will be offered to Lord Shiva along-with milk, dahi, sugar, dhatura, bhasam, chandan, rice, ganga jal, Bel Patra, 21 Flower of white Akora, 21 Flower of lotus and fruits will be offered to Lord Shiva.

The remedy will be performed through our various centers where the Jyotir-lingas and other important Shiva-lingas of Lord Shiva are present like Varanasi (Bananas) , Delhi, Ujjain and Jaipur. The remedy will be performed by our team of highly knowledgeable Brahmins and Vedic Astrologers. The sankalpa  will be taken on phone and prasad and bhabut will be sent by courier.

Kulik Kaalsarp Dosha :  This type of kaal sarp dosha is formed when rahu is in Second house or house of money or dhan bhava and ketu is placed in eighth house. This yoga will give ill impacts in earning and saving the money. He will have bad communication skills and will have no control on his tongue and in the process will hurt many persons and make them his enemies.

He will be prone to accidents and surgery. He can have unnatural death from poison, accident, snake-bite or suicide

Remedy: Remedy for Kulik kaal sarp dosh give you relief in case of ill impacts in earning and saving the money and and saving the money. This will also bring the good communication skills and will have support from relatives. Convincing skills will become better. You will get rid of chances of accidents and injuries. You will be saved from unnatural death from poison, accident, snake-bite or suicide

Remedy involves Jaapa of mahamritunjaya mantra for fifty one thousand (81000) times. The remedy will be completed with kaal sarp maha pooja of Lord shiva.

During this pooja, 18 silver naag- naagin  pairs will be offered to Lord Shiva along-with milk, dahi, sugar, dhatura, bhasam, chandan, rice, ganga jal, Bel Patra, 51 Flower of white Akora, 51 Flower of lotus and fruits will be offered to Lord Shiva.

The remedy will be performed through our various centers where the Jyotir-lingas and other important Shiva-lingas of Lord Shiva are present like Varanasi (Bananas) , Delhi, Ujjain and Jaipur. The remedy will be performed by our team of highly knowledgeable Brahmins and Vedic Astrologers. The sankalpa  will be taken on phone and prasad and bhabut will be sent by courier.

Vasuki Kaalsarp Yoga: This type of kaal sarp dosha is formed when rahu is in third house or house of  courage, younger siblings and effort and ketu is placed in ninth house or house of luck and dharma. This yoga will make the person timid and person will not have much courage and valor. He will have bad relations with younger siblings and they will not support him even in the hour of need. He will have lesser influential friend who will be cheats.

The person will have less support of luck. He will face hurdles and breaks in many important events of his life. He will be a follower of religion of foreigners and will leave or will have less interest his own dharma.

Remedy: Remedy for vasuki kaal sarp dosh give you relief in case of ill impacts in earning and saving the money and and saving the money. This will also bring the good level of courage and will have support of luck. The problems in case of relations with siblings will be removed. Support of friends will be there.

Remedy involves Jaapa of mahamritunjaya mantra for one lakh thirty five thousand (135000) times. The remedy will be completed with kaal sarp maha pooja of Lord shiva.

During this pooja, 11 silver naag- naagin  pairs will be offered to Lord Shiva along-with milk, chandan, rice, ganga jal, Bel Patra, dahi, sugar, dhatura, bhasam, 11 Flower of white Akora, 11 Flower of lotus and fruits will be offered to Lord Shiva.

The remedy will be performed through our various centers where the Jyotir-lingas and other important Shiva-lingas of Lord Shiva are present like Varanasi (Bananas) , Delhi, Ujjain and Jaipur. The remedy will be performed by our team of highly knowledgeable Brahmins and Vedic Astrologers. The sankalpa  will be taken on phone and prasad and bhabut will be sent by courier.


Shankpal Kaalsarp Yoga: This type of kaal sarp dosha is formed  when rahu is in fourth house or house of sukh or happiness or sukh bhava and ketu is placed in 10 th house or karm bhava or house of profession. This yoga will give ill impacts in the relation with mother and person will be separated from his mother. He will have lesser mental peace and will be prone to anger. His driving skills will not be good .He will be having vastu dosha in his house. He will be prone to diseases related to heart, chest and lungs.

He will be having problems with the higher authorities in the workplace and will not be popular in his office or workplace. He will be suffered many conspiracies from his colleagues and in spite of doing hard work will not be able to achieve higher position in his profession. He will be unpopular in the society.

Remedy: Remedy for shankpal kaal sarp dosh give you relief in case of ill impacts in case of mental peace and happiness. This will also relation with mother to lessen the anger. This remedy will remove the diseases related to heart, chest and lungs. The problems in case of good relations with the higher authorities in the workplace and will not be popular in his office or workplace and to achieve higher position in his profession. He will be popular.

Remedy involves Jaapa of mahamritunjaya mantra for one lakh five thousand (105000) times. The remedy will be completed with kaal sarp maha pooja of Lord shiva.

During this pooja, 21 silver naag- naagin  pairs will be offered to Lord Shiva along-with milk, chandan, rice, ganga jal, Bel Patra, dahi, sugar, dhatura, bhasam, 21 Flower of white Akora, 21 Flower of lotus and fruits will be offered to Lord Shiva.

The remedy will be performed through our various centers where the Jyotir-lingas and other important Shiva-lingas of Lord Shiva are present like Varanasi (Bananas) , Delhi, Ujjain and Jaipur. The remedy will be performed by our team of highly knowledgeable Brahmins and Vedic Astrologers. The sankalpa  will be taken on phone and prasad and bhabut will be sent by courier.

Padam Kaalsarp Yoga: This type of kaal sarp dosha is formed when rahu is in fifth house or house of education and children and ketu is placed in 11 th house or aaya bhava or house of income. This yoga will give breaks and hurdles in case of getting education. The person will be weak in studies and will have less intellectual power as well. He will not have much interest in arts. His analytical skills will be less and will have no luck in share market, gambling or sudden gain of money through speculations or betting. He will have problems in love relations.

The person will have problems in child birth and if the person is female, she will have many problems in child birth. Child birth will happen after a long time after marriage. His children will not respect him and leave him.

Remedy: Remedy for padam kaal sarp dosh give you relief in case of problems in education and intellectual power. This will make you good in sports and arts. By this remedy, your weakness in case of education will be solved. This will also give gains from share market, gambling, lottery and betting. Problems in case of love relations will be solved. Problems in case of Child birth will be solved. Breaks in case of earnings will be solved

Remedy involves Jaapa of mahamritunjaya mantra for one lakh five thousand (115000) times. The remedy will be completed with kaal sarp maha pooja of Lord shiva.

During this pooja, 11 silver naag- naagin  pairs will be offered to Lord Shiva along-with milk, chandan, rice, ganga jal, Bel Patra, dahi, sugar, dhatura, bhasam, 11 Flower of white Akora, 11 Flower of lotus and fruits will be offered to Lord Shiva.

The remedy will be performed through our various centers where the Jyotir-lingas and other important Shiva-lingas of Lord Shiva are present like Varanasi (Bananas) , Delhi, Ujjain and Jaipur. The remedy will be performed by our team of highly knowledgeable Brahmins and Vedic Astrologers. The sankalpa  will be taken on phone and prasad and bhabut will be sent by courier.

MahaPadam Kaalsarp Yoga: This type of kaal sarp dosha is formed  when rahu is in sixth house or house of enemies and diseases and ketu is placed in 12 th house. This yoga will give problems from the side of enemies and person will have many powerful enemies. The enemies of this person will not confront him openly and work against him secretly and will give him much damage. He will be prone to diseases and will not live a healthy life.

The person will have much expenditure in wasteful things and will have very less savings. He will be unpopular with his in-laws. In case of female, she will always get bad behavior from her in-laws. He could be imprisoned also and will have punishment in the hand of government.

Remedy: Remedy for mahapadam kaal sarp dosh give you relief in case of problems from enemies. This will increase your defense against diseases and remove life-threatening diseases. By performing this remedy, you will be able to have good health. You will be able to save the expenditure on wasteful things. This will save the imprisonment and punishment in the hand of government on false charges..

Remedy involves Jaapa of mahamritunjaya mantra for one lakh twenty five thousand (125000) times. The remedy will be completed with kaal sarp maha pooja of Lord shiva.

During this pooja, 14 silver naag- naagin  pairs will be offered to Lord Shiva along-with milk, chandan, rice, ganga jal, Bel Patra, dahi, sugar, dhatura, bhasam, 14Flower of white Akora, 14 Flower of lotus and fruits will be offered to Lord Shiva.

The remedy will be performed through our various centers where the Jyotir-lingas and other important Shiva-lingas of Lord Shiva are present like Varanasi (Bananas) , Delhi, Ujjain and Jaipur. The remedy will be performed by our team of highly knowledgeable Brahmins and Vedic Astrologers. The sankalpa  will be taken on phone and prasad and bhabut will be sent by courier.

Takshak Kaalsarp Yoga: This type of kaal sarp dosha is formed  when rahu is in seventh house or house of marriage and ketu is placed in first house or lagna. This yoga will give problems from the wife and person will not have support from wife. There will be excessive delay in the marriage and the wife of person will be of bad nature and there will be lesser harmony in the family. If the lord of house of marriage is also in the fall then marital life will not last long and wife of the person will give him divorce.

The person will be suffered from headache and high BP. He will be cruel and devoid of good qualities.

Remedy: Remedy for Takshak kaal sarp dosh give you relief in case of excessive delay in the marriage. This remedy will increase the  harmony in the family. By this remedy , you will be able to remove the quarrels and disputes in family and will be able to prevent the divorce. The health problems will be solved.

Remedy involves Jaapa of mahamritunjaya mantra for one lakh five thousand (105000) times. The remedy will be completed with kaal sarp maha pooja of Lord shiva.

During this pooja, 11 silver naag- naagin  pairs will be offered to Lord Shiva along-with milk, chandan, rice, ganga jal, Bel Patra, dahi, sugar, dhatura, bhasam, 11 Flower of white Akora, 11 Flower of lotus and fruits will be offered to Lord Shiva.

The remedy will be performed through our various centers where the Jyotir-lingas and other important Shiva-lingas of Lord Shiva are present like Varanasi (Bananas) , Delhi, Ujjain and Jaipur. The remedy will be performed by our team of highly knowledgeable Brahmins and Vedic Astrologers. The sankalpa  will be taken on phone and prasad and bhabut will be sent by courier.

Karkotak Kaalsarp Yoga: This type of kaal sarp dosha is formed  when rahu is in eighth house and ketu is placed in second house or . This yoga will severe problems in case of health. The person will be prone to accidents and surgery. The person will be suffered from his enemies and the enemies will try to damage him with the use of black magic.

The person will suffer in case of savings and will have lesser savings in spite of his high end earnings. He will have defect in his eyes. He will not have much support from his relatives. He will have problems in getting the gains through inheritance.

Remedy: Remedy for Karkotak kaal sarp dosh give you relief in case of problems in case of health. This remedy will save you from accidents and surgery. By this remedy , you will be saved  from enemies and from the black magic.. The problems in savings will be solved. Support of relatives will be there. Problems in case of gains from inheritance will be solved

Remedy involves Jaapa of mahamritunjaya mantra for one lakh Thirty five thousand (135000) times. The remedy will be completed with kaal sarp maha pooja of Lord shiva.

During this pooja, 11 silver naag- naagin  pairs will be offered to Lord Shiva along-with milk, chandan, rice, ganga jal, Bel Patra, dahi, sugar, dhatura, bhasam, 11 Flower of white Akora, 11 Flower of lotus and fruits will be offered to Lord Shiva.

The remedy will be performed through our various centers where the Jyotir-lingas and other important Shiva-lingas of Lord Shiva are present like Varanasi (Bananas) , Delhi, Ujjain and Jaipur. The remedy will be performed by our team of highly knowledgeable Brahmins and Vedic Astrologers. The sankalpa  will be taken on phone and prasad and bhabut will be sent by courier

Shankchood Kaalsarp Yoga: This type of kaal sarp dosha is formed  when rahu is in ninth house and ketu is placed in third house. The person suffering from this yoga will lose his money in gambling. He will be devoid(విహీనమైన, దూ�రమైన, లేని) of interest in ritual and good deeds. He will be a miser(లోభి, పిశినారిబం�క, లు�బం�� డు�). He will not give any donations and he will be unlucky.

He will have bad family relations and will have lesser harmony(సమతాళమ�, ఏకతాళమ�, మాధు�ర�త,  శ్రా! వ్య�త) in his home. The person will have many ups and downs in the life and luck will be not favoring him.

Remedy: Remedy for Shankchood kaal sarp dosh give you relief in case of problems in case of less or no support of luck. This remedy will save you from losses of money through gambling. By this remedy , you will be saved  from quarrels and disputes on home front. He will have support of luck in his deeds

Remedy involves Jaapa of mahamritunjaya mantra for one lakh five thousand (105000) times. The remedy will be completed with kaal sarp maha pooja of Lord shiva.

During this pooja, 11 silver naag- naagin  pairs will be offered to Lord Shiva along-with milk, chandan, rice, ganga jal, Bel Patra, dahi, sugar, dhatura, bhasam, 14 Flower of white Akora, 14 Flower of lotus and fruits will be offered to Lord Shiva.

The remedy will be performed through our various centers where the Jyotir-lingas and other important Shiva-lingas of Lord Shiva are present like Varanasi (Bananas) , Delhi, Ujjain and Jaipur. The remedy will be performed by our team of highly knowledgeable Brahmins and Vedic Astrologers. The sankalpa  will be taken on phone and prasad and bhabut will be sent by courier.

Ghatak Kaalsarp Yoga: This type of kaal sarp dosha is formed when rahu is in tenth house and ketu is placed in fourth house. The person suffering from this yoga will have no permanent thoughts. He will be confused and will not be a good decision taker and lacks the decision making capability and good leadership skills. He will have many problem in profession and with authorities. He will not have permanent job. In business, he will have many breaks

He will have less mental peace and will not have pleasure of good vehicles. His servant will be thieves. He will be prone to depression. Punishment by law is also possible.

Remedy: Remedy for Ghatak kaal sarp dosh give you relief in case of problems in case of  in profession and with authorities. This remedy will save you from problems in decision making. By this remedy , you will be saved  from problems in job or business.. The problems in mental peace will be solved. The long -running depression will be ended

Remedy involves Jaapa of mahamritunjaya mantra for one lakh Thirty five thousand (105000) times. The remedy will be completed with kaal sarp maha pooja of Lord shiva.

During this pooja, 18 silver naag- naagin  pairs will be offered to Lord Shiva along-with milk, chandan, rice, ganga jal, Bel Patra, dahi, sugar, dhatura, bhasam, 18 Flower of white Akora, 18 Flower of lotus and fruits will be offered to Lord Shiva.

The remedy will be performed through our various centers where the Jyotir-lingas and other important Shiva-lingas of Lord Shiva are present like Varanasi (Bananas) , Delhi, Ujjain and Jaipur. The remedy will be performed by our team of highly knowledgeable Brahmins and Vedic Astrologers. The sankalpa  will be taken on phone and prasad and bhabut will be sent by courier.

Vishdhar Kaalsarp Yoga: This type of kaal sarp dosha is formed when rahu is eleventh house and ketu is placed in fifth house. The  person travels  frequently and is  never fixed at place. The person will have many problems in earning money and will have lesser power of brain. He will not have support form friends.

His elder sibling will always treat him as enemy and will try to damage him. Problems also arise from children. However these natives get peace in the latter half of their life. He will face problems in education, sports, arts, creativity and intellect.

Remedy: Remedy for Vishdhar kaal sarp dosh give you relief in case of problems in case earning money. This remedy will save you from problems in support from friends and lesser power of brain. By this remedy , you will be saved  from problems from siblings. The problems in education, sports, arts, creativity and intellect will be solved.

Remedy involves Jaapa of mahamritunjaya mantra for ninety five thousand (95000) times. The remedy will be completed with kaal sarp maha pooja of Lord shiva.

During this pooja, 10 silver naag- naagin  pairs will be offered to Lord Shiva along-with milk, chandan, rice, ganga jal, Bel Patra, dahi, sugar, dhatura, bhasam, 15 Flower of white Akora, 15 Flower of lotus and fruits will be offered to Lord Shiva.

The remedy will be performed through our various centers where the Jyotir-lingas and other important Shiva-lingas of Lord Shiva are present like Varanasi (Bananas) , Delhi, Ujjain and Jaipur. The remedy will be performed by our team of highly knowledgeable Brahmins and Vedic Astrologers. The sankalpa  will be taken on phone and prasad and bhabut will be sent by courier.

Sheshnag Kaalsarp Yoga: This type of kaal sarp dosha is formed when rahu is twelfth house and ketu is placed in sixth house. The  person will have habits of taking loans and spending more than his income. He will suffer from excessive expenditure and debts. He will be an unpopular person and his inlaws will always conspire against him.

He will not have sound health and from time to time, he will suffer from diseases. His enemies will give him damage. His elder sibling will always treat him as enemy and will try to damage him. Problems also arise from children. However these natives get peace in the latter half of their life.