12 - Proposal for the EMWGMS (Cantisani-Badre)...Proposed activities (6) •Consultation with data...

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Transcript of 12 - Proposal for the EMWGMS (Cantisani-Badre)...Proposed activities (6) •Consultation with data...

This project is funded by the European Union This project is implemented by:

First Meeting of the Euro-Mediterranean Working Group on Migration Statistics (EMWGMS)

Hotel Mercure Brussels Center Louise21-22 November 2013

Proposal for the implementationof the EMWGMS

Giambattista Cantisani (MEDSTAT III Key Expert) & Lara Badre (MEDSTAT III NCO, CAS-Lebanon)


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Presentation outline

• Structure of the “post-MEDSTAT III”• Methodology of the EMWGMS• General framework: objectives, scope and expected outcomes• Proposed activities of the EMWGMS• Organisation of the EMWGMS• Tasks of the meeting


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Structure of the “post-MEDSTAT III”

Forum of Euro-Mediterranean Statisticians

EUROSTAT Support Cell

Working groups in priority sectors


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Main inputsThe conclusions of the recent MEDSTAT Principal National Coordinators and DC Forum meetings

The outcomes of discussions of MEDSTAT III Migration regional Workshops held in October 2012 and July 2013

The documents and consultations had for other working groups such as Energy Statistics, Transport Statistics and Labour Statistics.


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General framework (1)


1. Consolidating the dialogue, coordination and cooperation2. Increasing the national awareness on statistics and improving the

dialogue between data producers and data users;3. Strengthening the capabilities of the NSSs of MPCs to produce

migration statistics using administrative sources and statistical operations;

4. Supporting and following-up the completion and consolidation of the model tools and the coordinated national survey projects under the MED-HIMS Programme;

5. Defining new measurement tools and procedures and initiating regular data collection systems for dissemination of statistics useful for policy making and other users.


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Scope• MED-HIMS: entire data cycle (further definition and extension of

instruments, collection of data, elaboration, analysis and dissemination of results).

• Review of the WG mandate taking into account the available resources and synergies.

• Synergies with other initiatives and ptrogrammes (e.g.: Migration Profile national processes supported under the EUROMED MigrationIII).

General framework (2)



The MED-HIMS Programme (high priority)•Documentation and sharing of national experiences and lessons.•Follow-up the implementation of national surveys.•Follow-up the analysis of the national survey results and findings according to agreed guidelines and its dissemination.•Updating and extension of methodologies and tools.

Other work components (low priority in general)•Documentation /sharing of experiences and practices (high priority, dep, on other frameworks.•Improvement of capabilities towards comprehensive migration information systems.• Production, analysis, documentation and dissemination of more migration statistics.• Improved awareness on migration statistics and dialogue with users.• Consolidation and extension of synergies with other initiatives.

Expected outcomes

General framework (3)


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Proposed activities (1)

Mandate (type of activities)

1. Exchange on technical issues and practices, programming and follow-up

2. Methodological development and quality improvement (in high priority for MED-HIMS)

3. Collection, analysis, documentation and dissemination of data

4. Regional and international coordination with other WGs, projects or initiatives


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Proposed activities (2)

Exchange on technical practices, programming and 


•Documentation exchange of techniques and best practices

•Awareness on the usefulness of migration statistics.

•Definition of capacity building measures and methodological improvements.

•Assessment of previous year activities and programming for next year.

•Organisation of events

Regional and international coordination

•Liaison with the other “Post‐MEDSTAT III”entities and MED‐HIMS Coordination.

•Coordination with other international and regional initiatives, first of the EUROMED Migration Programme.

Methodological development and quality improvement

•Review and development of MED‐HIMS model manuals and tools.

•Adaptation and development of other data collection instruments.

•Definition of indicators for harmonised lists

•Definition of common indicators for the Migration Profiles Processes(MPPs).

•Data quality exercises.

Collection, analysis, documentation

and disseminationof data

•Communication, documentation and dissemin. x MED‐HIMS.

•Documentation of national systems. 

•Supporting  the development of national information systems 

•Initiating a regular data collection.

•Repository of statistics

•Inventory of initiatives on diaspora.

•Supporting the national MPPs.


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Proposed activities (3)

•Presentation and assessment of annual activities.•Documentation, development and circulation of information on technical issues and best practices.•Improvement of awareness on migration statistics.•Definition of capacity building measures and methodological improvements.•Setting and follow-up of the regional work program.•Organisation of meetings and identification/activation of resources/funding.

1. Exchange on technical issues practices, programming and follow-up


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Proposed activities (4)

•Consultation with data users.•Review and development of existing MED-HIMS model manuals and tools.•Development of new model manuals and tools (e.g.: model questionnaire on immigration or guidelines on how to organise and disseminate results and micro-data).

2. Methodological development and quality improvementMED-HIMS (priority component)


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Proposed activities (5)

•Consultation with data users.•Adaptation of census and general survey questionnaires.•Definition of questionnaires for yearly data collection on flowsand stocks of international migrants.•Definition of indicators for the harmonised list and/or the Migration Profiles Processes.•Data quality exercises in selected countries and/or between pairs/groups of countries.

2. Methodological development and quality improvement Other components (low priority in general)


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Proposed activities (6)

•Consultation with data users.•Communication and documentation of activities at international and national level (e.g., preparation/updating of the newsletter, websites).•Dissemination of results at international and national level to different users through seminars, publications, micro-data for more in-depth analysis.

3. Collection, analysis, documentation and dissemination of data MED-HIMS (priority component)


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Proposed activities (7)

•Consultation with data users.•Documentation of national systems relevant for migration statistics (priority sub-component).•Setting of comprehensive national migration information systems.•Starting regular production and dissemination of improved, reliable and harmonised migration statistics based on administrative and statistical sources.•Creation of a repository of migration statistics and metadata for the region.•Inventory of initiatives for measuring and profiling the ENP-South migrants residing abroad.•Supporting the national Migration Profiles Processes.

3. Collection, analysis, documentation and dissemination of dataOther components


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Proposed activities (8)

•Liaison with the Forum and other working groups of the “post-MEDSTAT III” regional cooperation and the MED-HIMS Coordination•Coordination with the other international working groups, meetings and projects;•Coordination with other international and regional initiatives arising in particular from the EU (e.g. EUROMED Migration III);•The NSIs and research centres of the EU and other regions.•The UN regional commissions, UN agencies, the World Bank, and other international and regional actors.

4. Regional and international coordination


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Organisation (1)

Membership, institutional arrangement and management

• Members: the MPCs, EC, EU MS and possibly other international organisations.

• Coordination by CAS acting as Management and Monitoring Cell (MMC)

• Facilitating the mutual exchange of experiences, information, tools and technical expertise

• Organising the annual WG meeting and other events• Coordinating the provision of TA• Interacting with partner organisations, international experts

working groups and projects• Support from the Support Cell, the NSIs of other MPCs and EU MS

and the international organisations and experts (in particular for MED-HIMS).

• Global assessment and orientation of work program by the Forum.


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Organisation (2)


• The MMC will responsible for the preparation of the WG and othermeetings, assisted by the Support Cell, partner countries and/orinternational organisations.

• One to two representatives from each country using a configuration similar to that of MEDSTAT.


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Organisation (3)

Proposed means (per year)

WG coordination work

WG meeting of 2 working days duration

Regional workshop of 4 working days duration

Another international, regional or sub-regional event of 4 working days (e.g. the Joint UNECE / Eurostat Work Session on Migration Statistics) or a combination of events equivalent in cost

A maximum of about 4 man/months of international and South-to-South technical cooperation (desk work and missions)


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Organisation (4)

Main activity/mean Estimated costs in EUR

Source offunding

1 - WG coordination In-kind contribution


2 - WG meeting 44 156 EUROSTAT3 - Regional workshop 65 732 ENPI and/or OIDP

4 - Other international, regional or sub-regional event (1/year)

46 772 ENPI and/or OIDP

5 - International and South-to-South Technical Assistance (up to max 15 man/weeks)

74 250 ENPI, OIDP and/or MPCs

TOTAL 235 230

Proposed budget (per year)


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Organisation (5)


•The financing of means is potentially expected under the ENPI but not already granted, however complementary inputs for the maximisation of resources will be welcome and feasible.

•The yearly cost may vary considerably, depending on the following:The direct contribution of participating MPCs by the organisation of

some meetings and provision of technical assistanceThe possible synergies with other initiatives and institutionsThe availability of international funding under other frameworks


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Tasks of the meeting

Review of priorities and specific developments in the region;

Validation of the WG objectives, scope, mandate, expected results, membership and functioning;

Scrutiny and approval of a feasible work programme for 2014-2015 and its associated budget according to the available or possiblycommitted resources; and

Agreement on a fund raising strategy for a complete implementation of the work programme and for the years ahead.


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Thank you

شكرا Merci