11 things you should stop doing on social media

Post on 07-Jan-2017

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Transcript of 11 things you should stop doing on social media

11 Things You Should Stop Doing on Social Media

After you’ve been blogging a while, you’ve surely come across things other people do on social that drive you nuts.As someone who’s been in marketing communications for years and years, I have extra spiddy senses when it comes to the way people communicate (which makes me not only hyperaware but also HYPER-PICKY).

11 Things You Should Stop Doing on Social Media


1. Auto-posting Facebook Posts to Twitter


•Auto-posting basically posts EVERYTHING you share on Facebook to Twitter

•As a follower, often have to go to Facebook to THEN go to the final destination

1. Auto-posting Facebook Posts to Twitter


• If share an image on Facebook without any accompanying text, it just tweets out like “fb.me/ccjiotw” which looks spammy

•Or if write something longer on Facebook, it gets cut off

•Plus, people who are on Twitter are on Twitter. They don’t want to be on Facebook at the moment

1. Auto-posting Facebook Posts to Twitter


•So they’d rather see the content ON Twitter versus being driven to Facebook

2. Overusing Hashtags


•Too many hashtags just looks desperate

•No matter what the platform

•But well-balanced hashtag use isn’t a “one size fits all platforms” kind of thing

2. Overusing Hashtags


•Don’t even use Pinterest•What to do instead: Keep hashtag usage in check

3. Posting Too Much Content at Once


•Posting too much content at once on a consistent basis can turn audience off

•So cut it out

• If have a lot of stuff to pin, consider if it makes more sense to put on a secret board instead of sending it through feed

3. Posting Too Much Content at Once


• If pinning stuff your followers would love, then try a scheduling tool like Tailwind Plus (affiliate)

•For other platforms, just be mindful on how many times posting in a row

4. Starting Tweets with @ When You’re Trying to Share with Your Followers


•The scenario goes like this: someone trying to tell followers how awesome trip to Disney World was so tweet “@waltdisneyworld was such a blast, you guys!”

•That doesn’t go to all your followers

•Any tweet that starts with @ is considered a reply

4. Starting Tweets with @ When You’re Trying to Share with Your Followers


•Only people who follow BOTH you and @waltdisneyworld will actually see it

•Since they follow both, they can see replies since Twitter feed is public

5. Asking People to Follow You Back (on ANY Platform)


• If there’s one that thing that’s sure to get me NOT to follow, it’s for to follow • It’s pretty much the equivalent of comment vomit

5. Asking People to Follow You Back (on ANY Platform)


• Until you get entrenched in the blogging world a little more, it’s hard to wrap head around exactly HOW to get new followers

• So this tactic sounds innocent enough

• Respond when they ask a question or leave a comment on a post

6. Posting Too Many Quotes


•Quotes WORK. Good quotes inspire, motivate, and even just cause a good laugh

•But just because quotes work doesn’t mean 90% of social media stream should be quotes

• If someone’s trying to decide to follow/friend/like you, they don’t want to see back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back tweets of quotes

6. Posting Too Many Quotes


• Just don’t let them overtake social universe•Someone CAN have too much of a good thing

7. Using Fake Names on LinkedIn


• LinkedIn is a place to put work experience, highlight awesomeness, and be visible to brands looking for bloggers

•On Twitter you can get away with a cute or clever Twitter handle

•What to do instead: Use an actual name, or stay away from LinkedIn until ready to be a real person

8. Keeping Your Social Media Accounts Private


• if someone is a blogger just on social to chat with friends and post pictures to friends

•Make it as easy as possible to follow - a private account is an extra hassle most people won’t bother with

•What to do instead: If someone want to keep some accounts private,do NOT link to them from blog.

8. Keeping Your Social Media Accounts Private


•Otherwise, make those profiles public and instantly notice grow following faster


9. Pitching Brands Publicly• Leave a comment on a company’s Instagram post

that sounds like this: “How can I get free products to review? I’m a popular blogger!”

•Social media is a great place to start in getting a good contact, but not like that

•Plus, while you should keep pitches brief, can’t say all that much in 140 characters


9. Pitching Brands Publicly•What to do instead: Ask the brand who you should

reach out to about opportunities for bloggers

•That way you’re taking the actual pitch out of the public space

•Or post a private message on a brand’s Facebook page.


•What to do instead: Remember that search is king on Pinterest now, not collaborative boards

•Use keywords in your pin descriptions, but still make it sound conversational

• In Pinning Perfect, one thing we teach is to severely limit the number of collaborative boards on

•Show how to write effective descriptions

10. Relying Too Much on Collaborative Boards on Pinterest


•Different platforms call for different approaches

•On Twitter, keep it short. On Google +, you can go longer, making your post keyword-rich

•On Instagram, maybe you share a behind-the-scenes image from the craft

11. Posting the Exact Same Message Everywhere


•What to do instead: No, don’t need to completely rewrite every single thing

•And sometimes it’s short and sweet enough for more than one platform

•But for the majority of content, adjust and tweak it a little to cater to each audience and platform

11. Posting the Exact Same Message Everywhere

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