11 Habits to Nurture Self-Confidence

Post on 09-Jan-2017

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Transcript of 11 Habits to Nurture Self-Confidence

HABITS to Nurture




Some people just have it.

You can see it in their walk, in the way they greet people,

in the way they handle themselves at parties and in meetings.

And others pay attention to them, because they just seem to exude a “presence.”

SELF-CONFIDENCE: The trust in oneself – in one’s

skills and abilities and talents –a trust that makes a person

assertive and proactive.

If you want to improve your self-confidence, here’s 11 habits that you can begin to work on right now.

1 People who have confidence

have no problem with not knowing everything.

Confident People Ask for Help When They Need It

To the confident person, asking for and getting help means the chance to learn something.

2People with confidence do not see mistakes as “black marks”

on themselves.

Confident People Are Not Afraid to Be Wrong

They admit the mistake, “own” it, learn from it, and move on.

3Confident people can praise

themselves and can find joy in what they accomplish privately.

Confident People Find Their Happiness Within Themselves

It doesn’t matter to them what others think, because they know their worth and they are pleased with themselves.

4Confident people don’t need the

attention. They know who they are and that they are worthwhile.

Confident People Don’t Have to Be the Center of Attention

Interestingly, their lack of attention-seeking usually means that more people do pay attention to them.

5“If I don’t take this risk, will I

regret it later?” The answer is almost always a “yes.”

Confident People Take Risks

The confident person knows that the worst that will happen is a failure, and they know they learn from their failures.

6When you know who you are and

like who you are, it’s easy to praise others who achieve something great.

Confident People Celebrate the Successes of Others

It doesn’t take away from your worth, nor does it diminish your successes and achievements in any way.

7Confident people choose

their own lifestyles and allow others theirs.

Confident People Don’t Judge Others

“When you judge others, it doesn’t define them; it only defines you as someone who needs to judge.” -Wayne Dyer

8As you change your

vocabulary, your own confidence improves.

Confident People Speak with Confidence

Instead of “I’m not sure” or “I think maybe we should try, use “I’ll find out and get back to you,”or “We should do this.”

9Never saying “no” means others are

in control of you, and there will never be a growth of self-confidence.

Confident People Can Say “No”

The next time someone asks you if you will help them out, and if you don’t really want to, muster up the courage and let that “no” word come out of your mouth.


If you fail to meet your own challenges, it’s no big deal – you

just try again until you do.

Confident People Compete with Themselves

There are no winners and losers when you compete against yourself, so you never lose.


Confident people have nothing to prove to


Confident People Listen

They don’t have to bolster themselves by butting in and controlling the conversation.

About the Author

Daniela McVicker is an independent blogger and writer who doesn’t believe in the word impossible. Passionate about traveling, love and self-culture.

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