11 essential foods for hair growth

Post on 25-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 11 essential foods for hair growth


11 Essential Foods for Hair Growth


Pollution, food, chlorinated hard water, unhealthy fruits and vegetables, sedentary lifestyle, and name it all – this generation has got it! It’s all about our lifestyle and environment that is taking a toll on our health, hair and skin.

The first complaint always happens to be hair fall, hair loss, dandruff, split ends and so on. Though our fruits and vegetables are not organic anymore, some of them can impart their good qualities for our hair’s health.

This slide share is aimed at giving you a hint of 11 essential foods in your daily regimen which can give your hair the health it requires to glow and shine.

Make sure you indulge in these 11 foods to take care of your luxurious strands – because, your hair adds to your beauty majorly!


Food 1Essential fatty acids

Remember, omega 3 fatty acids otherwise called essential fatty acids are a factor that you have to provide your body.

Your body is capable of producing every other nutrient, except for essential fatty acids. They will add to your health overall and impart health to your hair and skin as well.

Walnuts, flaxseeds, fish and avocado are natural sources of essential fatty acids.

You can snack on walnuts and flaxseeds and introduce fish to your lunch or dinner if you are a non-vegan.Eating tips

You can also add flaxseeds and walnuts to your favorite smoothies and fruit salads!


Food 2


Biotin is a form of vitamin that is available in selected green vegetables and fruits. Biotin contains Vitamin B complex that’s most necessary for your hair and scalp. Biotin boosts hair growth and also protects your scalp from infections. It will also keep your hair healthy and shiny.

Nuts, brown rice and oats are thebest sources of biotin.

Eating tips

Whenever you are hungry, snack on nuts. Brown rice is a good option for lunch, while oats is the best option for both breakfast and dinner as it is light on your tummy and satiating too.


Food 3

KeratinMany of us know that keratin is a form of protein that’s most essential to keep every strand of your hair hale and healthy. Every strand of your hair is made of molecules of keratin, and when this protein goes down, your hair lacks health and moisture. The presence of keratin in your hair strengthens your shaft too.

Leafy vegetables like Swiss chard, cabbage, lettuce and watercress and the pigmented asparagus and beetroot are best sources of keratin.

Eating tipsYou can keep a checklist of these vegetables whenever you go vegetable shopping. Even if you include one of these vegetables in your daily lunch or breakfast, your hair health will be generously taken care of.


Food 4

Iron content

Many people ignore the fact that they are anemic and keep complaining of hair loss and hair thinning. When you have an iron deficiency in your body, you will be driven to many health problems, out of which hair loss and shunned hair growth are major side effects. For your health and hair to absorb enough of iron, you need to supplement your iron intake with Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps absorb iron better.

Blackstrap molasses, green leafy vegetables, leeks, cashews, dried fruits, figs, and berries are the best sources of iron content.

Eating tips

While you can snack on figs, dried fruits and berries; you can include the other foods in your diet. The more you eat them, the more healthy your hair will be!


Food 5

Vitamin EVitamin E is another major nutrient your hair needs. Vitamin E has the capacity to strengthen your hair from the root and give it a shiny and healthy body. Vitamin E also has antioxidant and antibiotic properties and will keep scalp infections at bay. It prevents your hair from breakage and does a lot of goodness to your hair’s health.

Sunflower seeds, almonds, pine nuts, dried apricots, cooked spinach and olives are richest sources of Vitamin E. If you have a severe hair loss, you can also consider taking in 400 IU of Vitamin E as a daily supplement. You can also prefer to use Vitamin E oil as one of your hair massage oils.

Eating tipsSince Vitamin E is easily available in the above mentioned nuts, you can always keep these nuts handy to snack on.


Food 6FishRiver fishes are the richest in omega 3 content. If you give attention to detail to the parts of the country that live on fishes; especially the river ones, you will notice that people will have a healthy hair and beautiful skin. This is a scientific proof to tell you that you will be a lot benefitted by adding fish to your diet.

If you are a vegetarian and you still want to take in the benefits of fish, then go in for the sea cod liver oil capsules and you will imparting all the good benefits of this fish oil to your body. This supplement taken on a regular basis will act like an Ayurvedic oil for hair growth. Try it out!

Eating tips

If you a non-vegan, include fish in your dinner and lunch. If you are a vegan, you can go in for the supplements as mentioned above.


Food 7

MilkIt is a wrong perception by many dieters that avoiding all white products including milk will help them lose weight at east. Avoiding white products is the right thing to do; but this does not apply to your glass of milk. Milk contains a mix of iron and Vitamin C. As you now already know, Vitamin C is most essential to absorb iron content in any food. When a food naturally gives you both these content, why would you avoid it!

If you are too conscious about the fat content in milk, you could prefer taking the skimmed form of milk.

Drinking tips

If you don’t like milk in its plain form, include it in your smoothies or brew a cup of low-caffeinated coffee!


Food 8

Citrus fruitsCitrus fruits are rich sources of Vitamin C. Vitamin C not only helps absorb proteins better, but also act as antioxidants to your body and scalp, keeping infections at bay.

All citrus fruits like lemons, oranges and melons contain Vitamin C abundantly.

Eating tips

It is best to eat citrus fruits in their own form than taking them in the form of juice or milkshake. Add a few peels of orange to your fruit salad to make it taste yummy! Having these citrus fruits for your breakfast has been reported to bring more benefits to hair.


Food 9

WaterYou may be shocked to find water listed as one of the foods. But it is true that you will have to drink water like you are eating a full course of meal that is satiating! Keep sipping on large glasses of water as and when you can. Water hydrates your hair follicles and keeps them moisturized.

It will prevent dry hair and scalp conditions and aid in extremely healthy hair growth.

Drinking tips

Keep a reminder on your phone to gulp down a large glass of water once in an hour at least. It has also been proven that drinking a large glass of water just before your meals, helps you reduce your food intake and you can lose weight like a miracle! Now, isn’t that an added bonanza while you are looking to grow hydrated and rich moisturized hair?


Food 10


Soybeans is a rich source of proteins. For those of you who don’t or can’t eat chicken, soybeans are the best replacements. Protein molecules build up your shaft and you are born with some proteins in your hair naturally. When you take in soybeans, you are providing that extra boost to your hair proteins. This will enable a good hair growth, and your hair will be healthy too!

Eating tips

You can prefer to add soybeans to your salad or make a variety of curries with soybeans.

Soy chunks will also come handy. Roasted soybeans are the best snacks too!


Food 11

The mineral boost

Apart from the mentioned fruits, veggies and other forms of foods, you must include a combination of simple and complex minerals to your food. Minerals help in maintaining your hair’s health and prevents your scalp from infectious conditions.

Minerals are abundantly present in cucumber, mango, green leafs, beans, celery, asparagus. Pumpkin seeds, fresh oysters, brazil nuts, eggs, pecans also contain a load of minerals that can strengthen your hair. These are also notably prescribed as Ayurvedic medicines for hair growth.

Eating tipsInclude these mineral rich foods along with the other specific foods mentioned. These minerals will make your strands shine with health!