10738608 745250628889111 1077971868_n

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Transcript of 10738608 745250628889111 1077971868_n

The non-specific response of the body to any demand made on it

Stress is used to describe negative feelings of a person experiences in a potentially threatening situation

What is Stress???

Stress is basically a response of any event or thought that may caused by an external/internal factor called stressors

A stressor is anything that causes stress. It may includes people, objects, places, events etc

Causes of Stress

Stressors are categorized as follows

1. Biological: physiological factors like illness, physical disabilities or injuries

2. Environmental: poverty, pollution, crowding3. Cataclysmic events: sudden events or

situations such as plane crash, terrorist attack4. Personal stressors: major life events such

as death of parents, loss of job5. Background stressors: daily annoying

events such as being stuck in traffic, a long wait in queue of banks

Causes of Stress

When you perceive a situation or event to be a threat, your body begins a stress response

There are three stages

Alarm and mobilization:Body and mind go on high alert. “Fight or flight response” either defend itself or flee.

Resistance:Body adapts to the rush created by alarm and reacts to stressor. Body is

able to perform at a higher level of endurance.

Fatigue/Exhaustion:Tired feelings takes over. Physical, psychological, pathological.

The General Adaptation Syndrome Model

Direct physiological effects:• Elevated blood pressure• Increased hormonal activity Harmful behaviors:• Increased smoking,alcohol use• Decreased nutrition• Decreased sleep Indirect health-related behaviors:• Decreased compliance with medical advice• Increase in delays in seeking medical advice

Major consequences result from stress

There are three types of stress

1. Acute stress2. Episodic acute stress3. Chronic stress

Types of stress

Comes from the demand and pressure of recent past and anticipated demands and pressure of near future

Thrilling and exciting in small dose but highly exhaustive

Short term in nature but not too much destructive

There most common symptoms are1. Emotional distress

2. Muscular problems (headache, backpain)

Acute stress

Include those people who suffered with acute stress frequently

Lives become disordered, always in rush but always late

Have no control on self inflicted demands and pressures

Episodic acute stress

Occurs when a person never sees a way out of miserable condition

Stress of unrelenting demands and pressures

Arises from early childhood experiences etc

Worst aspect is that people get used to it

Chronic stress

Ways to manage stress You can manage stress by changing the way

you perceive or react to the stressor Plan ahead Get adequate sleep Regular physical activity Eat nutritious food limit “comfort”

foods,caffeine Avoid tobacco,alcohol,and other drugs

Cognitive anxiety=“thoughts” “psychological”

Thoughts,nervousness,apprehension or worry that a performer has about their lack of ability to complete a task.

Somatic anxiety =“physiological”Physiological responses to a situation where

the performer feels they may not cope-increased hr,sweaty palms,muscle tension.

Components of anxiety

Competition can cause athletes to react both physically somatic and mentally cognitive in a manner which can negatively affect their abilities.

Form of anxiety is specific to sport Threats include:• Not playing well• Letting team down• Meeting training demands before the event• Personal relationships• injury

Competitive Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are a category of mental disorders characterized by feelings of anxiety and fear.

Where,anxiety is a worry about future events and fear is a reaction to current events.

Anxiety disorder

Panic disorder Social anxiety disorder Specific phobias Generalized anxiety disorder

Types of anxiety disorder

Peoples with this condition suffer from brief attacks of intense terror and apprehension,often marked by trembling,shaking confusio,dizziness,nausea difficulty breathing.

Panic disorder

It involoves overwhelming worry and self-consciousness about everyday social situations.

The worry often centers on a fear of being judged by others,or behaving in a way that might cause embarrassment or lead to ridicule.

Social anxiety disorder

A specific phobia is an intense fear of a specific object or situation such as:

Sakes,heights,or flyings.

Specific phobias

Involoves excessive,unrealistic worry and tension,even if there is little or nothing to provoke the anxiety.

Generalized anxiety disorder

General symptoms are:• Feelings of panic,fear,and uneasiness• Problems sleeping• Cold or sweaty hands/feet• Shortness of breath• Dry mouth• Muscle tension

Symptoms of anxiety

Causes of anxiety/how reduce anxiety

Cognitive techniques for controlling anxiety and stress Imagery: by method of relaxing by creating

mental images to escape the immediate effects of stress.The principle is to recreate an environment that is very relaxing.

Visualisation/mental practice or rehearsal:

The process of creating a metal image of what you want to happen or feel,locking into the perfect performance.This diverts attention away from the cause of anxiety.

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