1037 Elements

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Transcript of 1037 Elements

  • 7/24/2019 1037 Elements



    1. A material, such as emery and generally in powder form,

    used for grinding .... abradant / abrasive

    2. The wearing or rubbing away of a surface . abrasion

    3. A test by means of scratch on a smooth surface of the material abrasion test

    4. An auxiliary ibratory system, for modifying the ibrationcharacteristics of the system, either damped or undamped absorber

    !. The rate of change of elocity or the aerage increase of elocity ina unit of time, usually expressed in feet per second . acceleration

    ". #n a motor ehicle, it acts on the throttle ale and thus controlsthe power and speed of the engine. A pedal which controls thefuel in$ection into an oil engine .. accelerator

    %. A standard American screw thread, with the flan&s haing an inclined

    angle of 2', which is used extensiely for feed screws. #t has the

    same depth as the s(uare thread but is stronger as the bottom ofthe thread is wider than the s(uare thread. .. acme thread

    ). An accessory appliance so the of difference si*e can be interchangedsuch as on a spindle or other fittings. adapter

    '. A type of control in which an original programmed motion is modifiedin response to the information proided by a sensor system. .. adaptive control

    1+. The radial distance between the pitch circle and addendum circle addendm

    11. The difference between the tip angle and the pitch angle ofa beel gear addendm an!le

    12. The circle that bounds the outer ends of the teeth. The diameter ofthis circle is called the outside diameter of the gear. . addendm circle

    13. A propeller, the pitch of whose blades can be altered on theground but not in flight . ad"stable pitch propeller

    14. A rod with an ad$ustable clamp for attaching to a fuse or barrelarbor and proided with sliding weighs for balancing the pullexerted by the main spring and thus testing its pull ad"stin! rod

    1!. A screw, usually with a ery fine thread, in an instrument or toolby which one part is moed relatie to another, to giead$ustment in focus, leel, tension, etc. .. ad"stin! scre#

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    1". etal strips for the accurate ad$ustment of the exact bearing loadson sliding surfaces . ad"stment strips

    1%. The instant in the wor&ing cycle of an internal-combustion or steam

    engine when the inlet ale allows entry of the wor&ing fluidinto the cylinder . admission

    1). The corner of the indicator diagram which correspond with the entryof the wor&ing fluid into a cylinder . admission corner

    1'. The side of the indicator diagram which shows the actual conditionwhile steam is entering an engine cylinder .. admission line

    2+. The passage by which steam or the combustible fluid enters anentering cylinder .. admission port

    21. Altering the time of ignition of an internal combustion engine tocause the spar& of the cylinder to pass at earlier point . advance

    22. The power unit of an aircraft, including both piston engine andgas turbine types .. aero en!ine

    23. ccurs in some metals, notably certain stainless steel, aluminum,and copper alloys, at ambient temperature . a!e hardenin!

    24. #s a change in a metal by which its structure recoers from anunstable or metastable condition that has been produced by(uenching or cold wor&ing. The change in structure, which

    proceeds as a function of time and temperature, consists inprecipitation often submicroscopic. The result is a change ofmechanical and physical properties, a process that may beaccelerated by using a temperature slightly higher than roomtemperature. .. a!in!

    2!. echanical stirrers on reerberator for setting concrete, sorting coalor sand, or for mixing molten metals or for roc&ing fluid a!itators

    2". A shaft bearing maintained wholly by compressed air with no contactbetween fixed and moing surfaces . air bearin!

    2%. A mechanical bra&e on a railway train or road ehicle which isoperated by air pressure acting on a piston. An absorptiondynamometer in which power is dissipated by driing a fanor propeller. .. air bra$e

    2). A pneumatically operated chuc& for gripping machine tools with amechanical safety deice against the failure of the air pressure

    . air chc$

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    2'. A spring in which compression of air within a cylinder or rubberbellows proides a progressie resisting force air sprin!

    3+. American institute of steel construction .. %IS

    31. American iron and steel institute . %ISI

    32. American leather belting association . %L'%

    33. The part of any aircraft which support it on land or water and absorbsthe shoc& of landing, but excluding the hull of a flying boat. #tincludes all under carriage units of land-plane and the main andwing-tip floats of seaplanes. ali!htin! !ear

    34. A setting in line of seeral points such as the centers of a lathe, thecenters of the bearings of an engine cran&shafts and the axial

    continuity of shafting and shaft-bearings ali!nment

    3!. An /-shaped bar of hexagonal cross-section used to tighten upallen-screws and other types of screw haing an internallyrecessed hexagonal portion to permit tightening .. allen $e(

    3". A screw with recessed head allen scre#

    3%. A prescribed difference in dimensions in order to allow some(uality of fit between two pieces when mated together such asa hole and mating shaft. #t is positie fir a clearance fit or atransition fit ... allo#ance

    3). #s a substance with metallic properties, composed of two or moreelements of which at least one is metal .. allo(

    3'. #n steel are usually considered to be metallic elements added forthe purpose of modifying the properties . allo(in! elements

    4+. #s steel that contains significant (uantities of recogni*ed alloyingmetals, the most common being aluminum, chromium0cobalt,copper, manganese, molybdenum, nic&el, phosphorus, silicon,titanium, tungsten, and anadium allo( steel

    41. A structural member, of wrought iron or mild steel bar rolled orextruded, haing a cross-section li&e the letter /. . an!le

    42. Angle through which the gear turns from the time a particular pair ofteeth come into contact, until they go out of contact. Arc of actionsubtends the angle of action at the pitch point .. an!le o) action

    43. Angle through which the gear turns from the time a particularpair of teeth come into contact until they are in contact at the

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    pitch point . an!le o) approach

    44. A shaft-bearing in which the $oint between the base and the capis set at an angle, and thus not perpendicular to the direction ofthe load .. an!le o) bearin!

    4!. The angles between the surfaces of the materials being cut and thecutting faces of the tools. The ship thic&ness aries with theapproach angle of the tool. .. an!le o) cttin! tools

    4". An arrangement of beel gearing to drie a shaft, at other than aright angle with the driing shaft, by the inter-position of a thirdmiter wheel .... an!le !ear

    4%. Angle through which the turns from the time a gien pair of teeth arein contact at the pitch point until they pass out of mesh. Angle ofapproach plus angle of recess is e(ual to angel of action. . an!le o) recess

    4). #s the rate of increase of rotational elocity, usually expressedin radians per second an!lar acceleration

    4'. A ball-bearing designed so that the inner and out races transmitboth radial and axial loads through balls which are located at theopposing corners of the two mating races. They are used in pairsto permit both up and down axial restraint. . an!lar contact bearin!

    !+. The product of the moment of inertia and the angular elocity of abody. The sum of all moment remains unaltered in any onemechanical system. .. an!lar moment

    !1. The rate of change of angular displacement, usually expressed inradians per seconds or reolutions per minute an!lar velocit(

    !2. #s the characteristic of exhibiting different properties when testedin different directions .. anisotrop(

    !3. A comprehensie term, is a heating and slow cooling of a solid metal,usually done to soften it . annealin!

    !4. An annular ring with gear-teeth cut on it annlar !ear

    !!. A ring-shaped seating for a ale as found in pumps .. annlar seatin!

    !". A ale consisting of a circular disc seating on a concentric hole . annlar valve

    !%. A cog-wheel with the teeth fixed to its internal diameter .. annlar #heel

    !). A method of coating ob$ects made of aluminum with a protectieoxide film, by ma&ing them the anode in an electrolytic bathcontaining an oxidi*ing electrolyte #t is also used to produce

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    decoratie finished. anodi*in!

    !'. American ational tandards #nstitute %NSI

    "+. /ie rollers which sustain the pressure of a rotating spindle or shaft . anti+)riction rollers

    "1. utting bac& a flat bearing face to receie the washers and nuts ofattachment bolts by means of a broad-facedy cutter wedgedtransersely on an arbor .. arborin!

    "2. The arc on the pitch circle of a gear wheel oer which two teeth arein contact and approaching the pitch point arc o) approach

    "3. The arc on the pitch circle of a gear wheel oer which two teethare in contact . arc o) contact

    "4. The arc on the pitch circle of a gear wheel oer which two teeth arein contact while receding from the pitch point . arc o) recess

    "!. The difference between the chordal addendum measured alongthe gear-tooth center line arc thic$ness

    "". A hollow inclined screw, or a pipe forming a helix around an inclinedaxis, with its lower end in water. 5hen it is rotated the wateris lifted to a higher leel . %rchimedean scre#

    "%. American ociety of echanical 6ngineers . %SME

    "). A drawing limited to an indiidual assembly . assembl( dra#in!

    "'. American ociety for Testing and aterials . %STM

    %+. #s a process of pre-stressing or oerstressing a hollow cylindricalmember beyond the elastic range by hydraulic pressure ato )retta!e

    %1. A dimension gien solely for information or conenienceof reference .. a,iliar( or re)erence dimension

    %2. #s the distance measured axially, from a point on one thread to thecorresponding point on an ad$acent thread a,ial pitch

    %3. The distance measured along a line parallel to axis between the

    traces of gear-tooth, that is, the distance measured acrossthe reference cylinder of a helical, spur or worm gear wheel ina direction parallel to the axis . a,ial thic$ness

    %4. #s a stationary member carrying rotating wheels, pulleys .. a,le

    %!. The process of lining bearings with 7abbitt8s metal or withwhite metal babbitin!

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    %". A pointed spindle on the loose headstoc& of a lathe for supportingend of the wor& remote from the chuc& .. bac$ center

    %%. The brac&et on the bac& plate of a cloc& from which the pendulumis suspended bac$ coc$

    %). The cone whose generator is perpendicular to the pitch conegenerator at the pitch circle of a beel gear bac$ cone

    %'. The angle between the axis and the pitch angle .. bac$ cone an!le

    )+. A train of gear wheels fitted to the headstoc& of a lathe or othermachine tool for the reduction of the speed of the mandrel belowthat of the cone pullet, thus increasing the power of the machine

    .... bac$ !ear

    )1. Tooth space minus the circular thic&ness when bac&lash existsbetween two gears, one gear can be burned through a small

    angle while the mating gear is held stationary. 7ac&lash isnecessary to care for errors and maccuracies in the spacing andin the form of the tooth, to proide a space between the teeth forlubricant, and to allow for thermal expansion of the teething. bac$lash

    )2. The shaft which runs along the whole length of the rear of aself-acting lathe and through which motion is transmitted fromthe headstoc& to the slide .. bac$ sha)t

    )3. The relatie arrangement of eccentrics, etc., in steam engine wherebythe engine will, on the admission of a steam, run bac&wards bac$#ard !ear

    )4. A machine for scouring, drying and opening out carded sliers inworsted manufacture bac$ #asher

    )!. A winding pattern, or lay-up, in filament reinforces composites thatis designed to achiee e(ual stresses in all filaments balance desi!n

    )". A pulley in balance both statically and dynamically .. balance plle(

    )%. The shaft which runs along the whole length of the rear of self-actinglathe and through which motion is transmitted from the headstoc&to the slide rest for sliding and surfacing only it is capable ofreersal for traersing the saddle . balance sha)t

    )). A ery fine metal ribbon in the form of a flat spiral or cylinder, or of ahelical spring, fixed around the balance staff or cylinder, of awatch or small cloc&, any balance springs are made of iarox,a non-magnetic alloy of iron and nic&el with small (uantity ofberyllium. #t is rustless and has a controllable elasticity. balance sprin!

    )'. A machine for testing static balancing and determining the weightand position of the masses to be added to obtain balance balancin! machine

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    '+. A $oint in which a spherical end is placed within a soc&et that has beenrecessed to fit it, thus permitting free motion within a gien coneor cut-out in the soc&et. #t is the same as 9ball $oint.: ball+and+soc$et "oints

    '1. A bearing on a shaft composed of a number of hardened-steel

    balls rolling between an inner race forced on the shaft and anouter race carried in a housing. The balls are e(ually spacedby a light metal cage and run in shallow grooes calledball-trac&s. The cage or ball retainer is crimped or rieted intoplace after the balls hae been inserted. An alternatie methodutili*es a filing slot in the races which allows assembly with agreater number of balls but reduces the thrust load sphericalhousing which enables the inner and outer races to be at anangle to each other. ball+bearin!

    '2. An outer cylindrical sleee running on balls along a shaft, each rowof balls ta&ing the load in turn and then recirculating ball bsh

    '3. A spring-controlled ball pro$ecting through a smaller hole, whichengages with a hole in a stri&ing plate, as for a door fastening . ball catch

    '4. A self-regulating ale which through a lin&age system, turns theflow of water ;or li(uid< on and off by the falling and the risingof a partly submerged sphere, usually a hollow ball .... ballcoc$

    '!. A spherical cutting tool or a cutter with a rounded edge ... ball ctter

    '". A fine grinder or one crusher which is a slightly inclined or hori*ontalrotating cylinder containing ball, usually ceramic or steel, to grind

    the material to the necessary fineness by the rubbing and impactof the tumbling balls. 5et ball-milling is usually a batch process,but dry ball-milling may be continuous with the 9fines: remoesby an air current .... ball mill

    '%. A nut haing a semi-circular helical grooe on the inside which fitsoer a shaft with a mating grooe. The load is transmitted by ballsrunning in the grooes and returning through a non-load-carryingsection .... ball nt

    '). A steel ring forming part of the ball-trac& of a ball-bearing.A complete ball-bearing ball race

    ''. A sphere with a fixed center, two degrees of rotational freedom andtwo output rollers in the e(uatorial plane with their axes at rightangles to each other. The driing-roller axis is in a plane parallelto the e(uatorial plane and its pro$ection on the e(uatorial plane

    ma&es an angle with the cosine output roller. =or a rotation

    of the driing-roller, the output rollers rotate through angles

    e(ual to cos and sin . . ball - spherical. resolver

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    1++. The production of spherical ob$ects by means of special rest moedby worm gears in a circular path or by means of special curedtools, the tool post swinging through a circular arc ball trnin!

    1+1. A non-return ale consisting of a globe or ball wor&ing on a

    cup-shaped seat, usually within a suitable cage . ball valve

    1+2. A flexible band, with one end anchored and a force applied to theother, which is wrapped partially round the periphery of a wheelor drum and pulled tight to slow the wheel band bra$e

    1+3. A fabric-lined steel band which is contracted on the periphery of thedriing member by means of engaging gear band cltch

    1+4. A cylindrical cam with a trac& for the can follower on its end or its

    circumference ... barrel cam

    1+!. A cylindrical nut with a head similar to a conentional screw or bolt,but with a shan& that is smooth on the outside and threadedinternally to mate with a screw or bolt of smaller diameter . barrel nt

    1+". Any transerse section of the base cylinder. The circle used insetting out the profiles of a gear wheel teeth are of inolute form

    .. base circle

    1+%. The distance between similar flan&s of two ad$acent teeth of gearmeasured along a common normal base pitch -normal.

    1+). The distance between similar profiles of two ad$acent teeth of aninolute helicoid gear measured in a transerse plane along acommon normal .. base pitch -transverse.

    1+'. The angle si*e on which the design si*e of a gear, thread, etc.,is based .. basic an!le

    11+. That form of a surface or profile on which the design forms arebased . basic form

    111. That form on which the design forms for both the external and

    internal threads are based .. basic )orm o) scre# thread

    112. A mating part whose design is e(ual to the basic si*e .... basic member

    113. The si*e of dimension, or part, on which both the limits of si*eand the design si*es are based ... basic si*e

    114. The reinforced inner edge of a tire which seats onto the rim of ametal wheel .. bead

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    11!. A girder supported at its end and loaded transersely. A flangedroller or steel tube carrying the warp threads in the 1++ m whenthey are in position .... beam

    11". These lubricants are usually petroleum oils or greases made from

    these oils, egetables oils, air or inert gases .... bearin! lbricants

    11%. 7ron*e, white metal, 7abbitt8s metal, copper, nylon and similarmaterials, polyurethane, metals impregnated with >T=6;polytrafluoroethylene< .. bearin! materials

    11). The portion of a rotating shaft in contact with a bearing bearin! nec$

    11'. The part of a lathe bed oer which the cross-side slides .. bearin! plate

    12+. The pressure of a rotating shaft on its bearing, usually measuredin &>a ;or lb0in2< of pro$ected area . bearin! pressre

    121. A porous surface metal bearing impregnated with lubricant. ?elatiemoement of the bearing gradually releases the lubricant

    .. bearin! sel)+lbricated

    122. The spring which carries the weight of a ehicle and lessens theeffect of $ars and shoc&s bearin! sprin!

    123. The area of the surface upon which a shaft rotates. #n machinery,the surfaces of bearing parts in mutual contact . bearin! sr)ace

    124. The supports for holding a reoling shaft in its correct position .. bearin!s

    12!. crews used to ad$ust the relatie position of the crutch andpendulum so that the escapement can be brought into beat beat scre#s

    12". A reoling shaft with blades which brea& up and loosen mattedlumps of cotton during the cotton-spinning processes of openingand beating beater

    12%. An endless band of leather or other flexible material for transmittingpower from one shaft to another by running oer flat, conex or

    grooed rim pulleys . belt -beltin!: drivin! band.

    12). An air-compressor drien by a belt and pulleys from an independentengine or from shafting belt compressor

    12'. The union of the ends of a belt .. belt coplin!

    13+. A method of power transmission from one shaft to another by meansof an endless belt passing around a pulley on each shaft .. belt drive

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    131. A connecting piece that $oins together the ends of a belt belt )astener

    132. A bar or rest placed along side a belt pulley on which to rest the beltwhen unshipped for repairs .. belt perch

    133. A polishing machine consisting of a belt coered with abrasie orpolishing material and passing around pulleys . belt polisher

    134. A cutting tool shaped li&e pliers with an annular edge used forcutting holes in leather or similar material ... belt pnch

    13!. A machine in which a belt coered with abrasie material is moedrapidly by rotating pulley to form a fast to a loose to finish itssurface belt sander

    13". A for&ed deice used for shifting a belt from one pulley to anad$acent pulley or from a fast to a loose pulley and ice ersa.

    Also called 9belt stri&er:. belt shi)ter -belt )or$.

    13%. The pacing of a belt on its pulley or moing it from one pulleyto another belt shippin!

    13). The slipping of a driing belt when there is insufficient frictionalgrip between the pulley and the belt .. belt slip

    13'. A pair of cone pulleys carrying a belt which is moed to alter therate of motion e.g., some spinning machines ary the rate ofrotation of the spool as the cap increase in si*e belt speeder --S.

    14+. A contriance for pulling the ends of belt together for coupling up belt ti!htened

    141. A contriance for tilting sideways, at a conenient point, either abelt or apron coneyor belt tripper

    142. A curature of a beam about its axis under load . bendin!

    143. The sum of all moments of a force acting at a point in a body .. bendin! moment

    144. A helically grooed shaft carrying a pinion. udden rotationalacceleration of the shaft can cause the pinion to traerseaxially and engage and transmit power to a gear wheel . bendi, scre#

    14!. An arrangement of beel wheels for the transmission of motion fromone shaft to another on intersecting axes bevel !ears -bevel !earin!.

    14". A machine tool for shaping beel wheels .... bevel !ear shaper -planer.

    14%. ne of a pair of beel wheels which has been fitted within insertedwooden teeth to secure a silent drie bevel mortise #heel

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    14). Toothed wheels is shaped li&e the frustum of a cone, which areused in paired to transmit motion between two shafts whose axesintersect at an angle to each other .. bevel #heels

    14'. An inolute gear with tapered tooth thic&ness, root and outsidediameter . beveloid !earin!

    1!+. 7rinell @ardness umber . '0N

    1!1. A hanging loop of a chain or rope which is held by its end, such asthe operating chain of manually wor&ed pulleys in lifting tac&le... bi!ht

    1!2. An ad$ustable pulley which tightens a belt or cord on its driing anddrien pulleys to its correct tension binder plle(

    1!3. A screw head which is undercut around the stem so that when itis screwed down tight the peripheral material beds into a matingpart .. bindin! head scre#

    1!4. A set screw used for clamping two parts together .. bindin! scre#

    1!!. A pair of shaped plates with teeth which engages so that the inputand output shafts of the plates hae a arying elocity ratio .. bipolar cam

    1!". A riet which can be inserted and made secure without access tothe far side of the assembly. The complete rieting operation isperformed from the side of the riet head usually by pulling acentral stem blind rivet

    1!%. The housing holding the sheaes or pulleys oer which a rope

    or chain passes, as in lifting tac&le. The term commonlyincludes the sheaes. A bloc& has a hoo& eye or strap forattaching it to an ob$ect and it can used for chaining the directionof a running rope ... bloc$

    1!). A ehicle bra&e in which a bloc& of metal or hardened material isforced against the rim of a reoling wheel by hand power or amechanism . bloc$ bra$e

    1!'. A chain consisting of bloc&s connected together by lin&s and pinsand used for comparatiely low speeds . bloc$ chain

    1"+. =riction shoes forced inward into the grooed rim of the driingmember or expanded into contact with the internal surface ofa drum ... bloc$ cltch

    1"1. Thermal treatment of watch springs to obtain the desired elasticproperties as indicated by the color blsin!

    1"2. The condition resulting from the remoal of the partial thread at the

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    end of a screwed member to facilitate the entry of the threadswithout damage, when repeatedly assembled . blnt start

    1"3. Any piece of material used to connect parts together which has athread on one end and a head on the other .. bolt

    1"4. A machine for cutting the heads of bolts bolt ctter

    1"!. A machine for forging bolts for forming a head on a round bar bolt+ma$in! machine-bolt machine.

    1"". A cylindrical coupling, split longitudinally, for uniting two lengthsof coupling or connecting two shafts, the hales being boltedtogether and &eyed to the shafts .. bo, coplin! -m)) coplin!.

    1"%. A deice or mechanism for applying frictional resistance to themotion of a body and thereby absorbing mechanical energy bytransferring it into heat bra$e

    1"). The strap of band encircling a bra&e drum . bra$e band

    1"'. 7loc&s of material for applying a frictional force in a bra&e bra$e bloc$

    1%+. A drum or pulley attached to a wheel, to which is applied anexternal band or internal bra&e shoes . bra$e drm

    1%1. The horsepower deeloped by an engine as measured by a bra&eor dynamometer applied to the driing shaft bra$e horsepo#er

    1%2. Asbestos-based fabric rieted or bonded to the shoes of internal

    expanding bra&es to increase the friction between them and thedrum and at the same time, to proide a renewable surface . bra$e linin!

    1%3. The part of the indicated mean effectie pressure which would giean output e(ual to the bra&e horsepower of an engine or enginecylinder, the products of the imep. And the mechanical efficiency

    . bra$e mean e))ective pressre -bmep.

    1%4. The renewable friction linings in a disc bra&e assembly .. bra$e pad

    1%!. The friction resistance deeloped by a bra&e bra$e po#er

    1%". The internal expanding members in a ra&e drum on which therenewable friction linings are mounted bra$e shoes

    1%%. The encircling band to which the bra&e bloc&s are screwed in thefriction bra&e of a crane or dynamometer bra$e strap

    1%). The ratio of the heat e(uialent of the dynamometer bra&e output tothe heat supplied to the engine in the fuel or stream . bra$e thermal e))icienc(

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    1%'. A wheel which receies the friction pressure of a bra&e strap orbra&e bloc&s . bra$e #heel

    1)+. #t is a pitch setting to gie negatie thrust, including reerse pitch.=eathering gies the minimum drag when the engine is stopped

    . bra$in! pitch

    1)1. The bearings for the $ournal of a shafting, a half bearing termed abrass, the two bearings a pair of brasses and the bearing withtheir seating a plummer bloc& . brass

    1)2. The process of $oining two pieces of metal by fusing a layer ofspelter or of a brass alloy between the ad$oining surfaces withoutmelting the parent metal of either piece bra*in!

    1)3. The measurement of the hardness of a material by the area of theindentation, after e(uilibrium has been reached ;about 2+ sec.

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    1'!. The angle of inclination of an automobile wheel out of the erticaldue to inclining the spindle downward out of the hori*ontal camber an!le

    1'". A flexible cone of wire put on the end of a cable to enable the cableto be pulled into a duct as tension tightens the cone on the cable

    . cam pro)ile

    1'%. A shaft operating a ale of piston engines by means of the camform integrally with the shaft camsha)t

    1'). A steering gear in motor ehicles in which the steering columncarries a pair of opposed olute cams which engage with a pegor roller carried by the drop arm . cam+t(pe steerin! !ear

    1''. A laminated spring anchored to the axle of a motor ehicle at itsmid-point, and to shac&le on the frame at its two ends cantilever sprin!

    2++. Any nut with a blind hole threaded to engage with the tip of a bolt or

    screw which it coers up to gie it an attractie appearance orto &eep it clean cap nt

    2+1. sed to cap threaded rod ends cap or acorn nt

    2+2. A screw-bolt with a hexagon head used without a nut, being attachedto a threaded hole in the ad$acent part of the assembly .. cap scre#

    2+3. A nut loosely held or permanently fixed to a part in readinessfor assembly captive nt

    2+4. #s a process of case, hardening steel by the simultaneous absorption

    of carbon and nitrogen from a surrounding hot gaseous atmospherefollowed by either (uenching or slow cooling . carbonitridin!

    2+!. #s a process of adding carbon to the surface of steel by exposingit to carbonaceous solids, li(uids, or gases aboe thetransformation temperature .. carbri*in!

    2+". #s distinguished by a short portion of the shan& underneath the headbeing s(uare or finned or ribbed .. carria!e bolt

    2+%. This is low carbon steel which has had its carbon content at thesurface enriched by heating at about '++ in a carbon-rich

    enironment .. case+hardened steel

    2+). #s a process of surface hardening whereby the surface or case issubstantially harder than the core or inside metal ... case hardenin! -iron base allo(s.

    2+'. sed in con$unction with a cotter pin to preent a nut fromunthreading castellated nt

    21+. The pouring of molten metal or other heated li(uids into a mold and

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    allowing it to solidify into the shape of the mold castin!

    211. A hexagonal nut with six radial slots, any two of which can lie upwith a hole drilled in the bolt or screw for the insertion of a splitpin to preent loosening .. castle nt

    212. 5hen the line of action bisects the arc of the bearing . centrall( loaded bearin!

    213. A thin metal gauge with ee-shaped notches, haing an includedangle of !! degree, around its perimeter, used as a template forturning the cone points of lathes, grinding the angles ofscrew-cutting tools and setting these tools in the tool-post

    . center !a!e -scre#+ctter1s !a!e.

    214. An automatic bra&e actuated by reoling bra&e shoes forced outby centrifugal force into contact with a fixed bra&e drum centri)!al bra$e

    21!. A clutch in which friction surface engage with the driing member

    at a definite speed and remain engaged due to the centrifugalforce exerted by weight leers . centri)!al cltch

    21". etal lin&s of oblong or circular shape interconnected to form aflexible cable to be used for hoisting or for power transmission ... chain

    21%. A cylindrical barrel, sometimes grooed, on which surplus chainis wound .. chain barrel

    21). A coneyor with endless chains supporting slats, buc&ets, etc.,as distinct from the use of a single band .. chain conve(or

    21'. Ad$acent sproc&ets on two independent shafts are connected by aduplex chain allowing the transmission of tor(ue between them

    .. chain coplin!

    22+. A cutter composed of the lin&s of an endless chain, made of specialtool steel and ground with a hoo& of 2! degree on the outside ofthe lin&s .. chain ctter

    221. A series of pairs of lin&s interconnected at their $oints by parallel rods,often surrounded by hardened steel rollers, which engage with teethon sproc&et wheels to transmit power between two parallel shafts

    . chain drive

    222. An endless chain led around sheae wheels for feeding bal&sof timber . chain )eed

    223. A gearing using chain and wheels in which pro$ections on the wheelfit into caities in the chain or ice-ersa .. chain !earin!

    224. The hoo& at either end of a fusee chain for hoo&ing t to the fusee

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    and to the barrel chain hoo$

    22!. An endless belt proided with buc&ets which dip into a li(uid, life a(uantity and discharge it through a spout while turning oer atthe top pulley chain pmp

    22". A power-drien endless chain with saw-li&e teeth on its lin&s ... chain sa#

    22%. #s one in which a specimen, supported at both ends as a simplebeam, is bro&en by the impact of a falling pendulum. The energyabsorbed in brea&ing the specimen is a measure of the impactstrength or the metal. ... charp( test

    22). A gauge used for chec&ing the accuracy of other gauges, normallyfor the erifications of indiidual dimensions . chec$ !a!e

    22'. Tooth width measured along the chord at the pitch circle chordal thic$ness

    23+. The circle of intersection of the reference cylinder of a helical orspur a traerse plane circle re)erence

    231. The pitch of wheel teeth measured along the circumference ofthe pitch circle, upon which one wheel comes into contact withits mate . circlar pitch

    232. The width of a tooth measured along the pitch circle .. circlar thic$ness

    233. A shaft coupling for instant connection or disconnection in whichflanges carried by each shaft engage through teeth incorresponding recesses in their opposing faces, one flange being

    slidable axially for disengagement cla# cltch

    234. ?adial distance between the wor&ing depth circle and the root circle.6(ual to the dedendum minus the mating addendum . clearance

    23!. The diameter of the bearing is larger than the diameter ofthe $ournal .. clearance bearin!

    23". A fit in which the limits for the mating parts always allow assemblyof the parts . clearance )it

    23%. An open lin& chain with the length of lin&s not greater than fie timesthe diameter and with a width of three and a half diameter not tobe confused with 9circular lin& chain:. close lin$ chain

    23). A diametrically split nut that can be closed to engage with a threadedshaft, sometimes used as a clutch between a lathe lead screwand the saddle .. clasp nt

    23'. The coupling of two parts, for example two shafts, in such a way as

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    to permit connection or disconnection at will without the necessityof bringing both parts to rest, and when connected to transmit there(uired amount of power without slip cltch

    24+. A faulty condition in which the clutch does not receie the tor(uesmoothly on engagement, probably due to oil on the friction

    surface or distorted plates cltch "dder

    241. A bolt used to fasten metal parts to wood. #t usually has a s(uarenec& under a plain domed head, is made of low carbon steel andsecured with a s(uare nut . coach bolt

    242. A large angle of pitch for high-speed flight . coarse pitch

    243. #s recommended for general use, where $ar and ibration are notimportant factors, where disassembly of parts is fre(uent, andwhere tapped holes are in metals other than steel . coarse+thread series

    244. The ratio of the limiting friction to the normal reaction between thesliding surfaces, the ratio is constant for a gien pair of surfacesunder normal conditions . coe))icient o) )riction

    24!. A chain consisting of oblong lin&s of circular section usually ofwelded wrought-iron or steel. The lin&s may be plain or haea stud acrossthe center, the studs tend to preent stretching and&in&ing ... coil chain

    24". A friction clutch using a coil of steel around a drum coil cltch

    24%. #s brittleness of metals at low temperatures . cold shortness

    24). #s the process of determining a metal plastically at a temperaturebelow the recrystalli*ation temperature and at a rate to producestrain hardening. old-drawn steel is fre(uently used becauseit increases strength and machinability, and improes surfacefinish. #t reduces ductility. ommercial amounts of cold wor&ingof steel are of the order of 1+-2+B. .. cold #or$in!

    24'. A bearing proided with seeral collars o ta&e the thrust of a shaft,or to proide ade(uate surface for lubrication of a ertical shaft

    . collar bearin!

    2!+. A screw in which the head has an integral collar to stop any fluidlea&age past the threads collar+headed scre#

    2!1. The total shortening in length produced in a test specimen duringa compressie test, usually expressed as a percentage of theoriginal length of the specimen .. compression

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    2!2. A coupling connecting two smooth shafts of the same diameter withan external longitudinally split double conical sleee .. compression coplin!

    2!3. The ratio of the olume of the mixture in the cylinder of a piston enginebefore compression to the olume when compressed . compression ratio

    2!4. A helical spring with separated coils .. compression sprin!

    2!!. The test of a specimen under increasing force, often until it fails,and the recording of the stress-strain relationship .. compressive test

    2!". A solid generated by a straight line, one end of which remains fixedwhile the other end moes around a closed cure cone

    2!%. A conical $ournal running in a correspondingly tapered bush, thusacting as a combined $ournal and thrust bearing and used forsome lathe spindles cone bearin!

    2!). A friction clutch in which the internally coned member can bemoed axially in or out of the externally coned member forengaging or disengaging the drie cone cltch

    2!'. The distance from the apex of a beel gear to the pitch circle .. cone distance

    2"+. A belt drie between two similar coned pulleys which by lateralmoement proide speed ratio cone !ear

    2"1. A small bearing bolted to a lathe bed and carrying a circular plateor disc perforated with a series of tapered holes and fed forwardn the spindle shaft .. cone plate

    2"2. A dimension which defined a positional or angular relationshipbetween two or more features, or form of a surface includinga profile .. constrctional dimension

    2"3. The ratio of the angle of rotation of a gear between the beginningand ending of contact of a tooth to the angle gien by thefraction 3"+ degrees contact ratio

    2"4. A tapered wedge, rod or pin passing through a slotted hole in onemember and bearing against the end of a second encirclingmember whose axial position is to be fixed or ad$ustable .. cotter

    2"!. A split-pin inserted in a hole, as in a cotter, to preent looseningunder ibration cotter+pin

    2"". An instrument for recording the number of operations performed bya machine or the number of rotations of a shaft conter

    2"%. An intermediate shaft in a line of shafting placed between a driingand a drien shaft to obtain a greater speed-ratio or where direct

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    connection is difficult . contersha)t

    2"). A deice for connecting together two or more parts of a mechanism coplin!

    2"'. #s finished all oer, usually haing coarse threads .. coplin! bolt

    2%+. A connecting rod $oining two cran&s so that they wor& togetheras one . coplin! rod

    2%1. An arm attached to a shaft carrying at its outer end pin parallelto the shaft . cran$

    2%2. The main shaft of a reciprocating engine, or other machine, carryinga cran&, or cran&s for the attachment of connecting rods by thecran&pin and conerting the reciprocating motion to proide arotational force cran$sha)t

    2%3. Cue to the difference in tensions on the two sides . creep

    2%4. @as the same meaning as transformation range critical ran!e

    2%!. That rotational speed of a shaft which coincides with the fundamentalnature fre(uency o the shaft and any attached masses . critical speed

    2%". @elical gears which mesh together on non-parallel axes crossed helical !ear

    2%%. A beel gear with a pitch angle '+ degrees .. cro#n !ear

    2%). A sheae-wheel whose rim is recessed for indiidual chain lin&s cp drm

    2%'. ?esidual internal stress produced during the curing of acomposite structure . cre stress

    2)+. Any fluid used for lubricating a cutting tool and washing away chips.. cttin! )lid

    2)1. The speed of the outting tools relatie to the wor&piece usuallydefined as m0s or ft0min cttin! speed

    2)2. Accomplished by immersing the part in a hot li(uid salt bath,sodium cyanide being a common medium in both processes . c(anidin!

    2)3. Dear with cycloidal teeth. 5hen in mesh the faces of the teeth inone are epicycloids and the flan&s of the teeth of the other arehypocycloids, both cures being generated by the same rollingcircle .. c(cloidal !ears

    2)4. A gauge usually with a centrali*ing shoe to gie accurate locationon each side of the gauging point, and by this means, to gie atrue bore measurement, using a transmission system to record

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    on a circular dial c(linder bore !a!e

    2)!. A deices for dissipating energy in mechanical system by thesuppression of ibrations of unfaorable non-linear characteristic

    .. damper

    2)". #s the ability of a material to absorb or damp ibrations, which is aprocess of absorbing &inetic energy of ibration owing to hysteresis.The absorbed energy is eentually dissipated to the surroundingsas heat. At a particular stress leel, cast iron is much betterdamping material than steel. dampin! capacit(

    2)%. A deice restricting lateral thrash of a belt or chain especially atiming chain dampin! slipper

    2)). A dimension which fixes the position of a datum plan, line or point .. datm dimension

    2)'. An axle which does not rotate with the wheels carried by it .. dead a,le

    2'+. #s a loss of carbon from the surface of steel, occurring during hotrolling, forging, and heat treating when the surrounding mediumreacts with the carbon .. decarbri*ation

    2'1. The radial distance between the pitch circle and the dedendumcircle .. dedendm

    2'2. The circle that bounds the bottoms of the teeth . dedendm circle

    2'3. A linear measurement of the amount of moement of a structuresub$ected to a bending moment, a shear force or a couple . de)lection

    2'4. The amount by which the teeth of two mating wheels intersect depth

    2'!. A gauge or tool for measuring the depths of the holes by the useof narrow rule or cylindrical rod wor&ing within and at rightangles to crossbar ... depth !a!e

    2'". A method of changing the gear ratio of chain-drie sproc&et wheels.This is achieed by guiding the chain form a sproc&et wheel ofone si*e to one of different si*e, while maintaining some tensionwith a tensioner and permitting uninterrupted power transmission

    .. derailler !ear

    2'%. 5ith easily detachable and replaced lin&s, being used for low-speedand light-load power transmission and for coneyors and eleatorsof moderate capacity and length . detachable lin$ chain

    2'). A drawing giing manufacturing re(uirement for a specificdetail or details .. detail dra#in!

    2''. The number diided by the normal pitches in inches . diametral normal pitch

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    3++. The number diided by the spacing of ad$acent teeth in inches diametral pitch

    3+1. An internally threaded steel bloc&, with cutting edges for producingscrew threads . die

    3+2. An arrangement of cams with different outlines in the ale-gearing

    of gas engines, the cams sliding upon a shaft under the controlof a goernor to come in to contact, in turn, with the roller andthus to ary the admission to suit the load . di))erential cam

    3+3. An assembly of beel or spur gear wheels with two co-axial shaftsand a third co-axial member with a rotational proportional to thesum or difference of the amounts of rotation of the other two . di))erential !ear

    3+4. A rigid lin& carrying three piots, the third of which has a displacementdependent on the input displacement of the other two di))erential lever

    3+!. A screwed spindle wor&ing within a nut and which is also threaded

    externally for the reception of another fixed screw of the samehand but of slightly finer pitch . di))erential scre#

    3+". An element whose si*e is specified in a design such as length oran angle, and the word 9element: may also refer to weighs,capacities, areas .. dimension

    3+%. Eero or near *ero dimensional change with changes in theenironment .. dimensional stabilit(

    3+). The closing component on which the disc face is formed or to

    which the disc facing ring is secured . disc

    3+'. The area of the maximum circle described by the tips of the bladesof a propeller or a helicopter rotor disc area

    31+. A bra&e in which friction is obtained from pads acting upon a discon a ehicle8s wheel or on the landing wheel of an aircraft8sundercarriage or similarly for bra&ing machinery . disc bra$e

    311. A friction clutch in which both the driing and the drien memberhae flat circular or annular surfaces that are brought intocontact and consists of one or more discs running either dry

    or lubricated, being called, respectiely, single-plate clutchor 9multiple-disc clutch:. disc cltch

    312. A long tapered used for loosening straight pins, taper pins,riets and other small being dismantled dri)) pnch

    313. sed to set in place or remoe straight and some types of smallparts re(uiring a drie fit .. drive pin pnch

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    314. A process by which a hot plastic metal is made to flow into diesby the application of sudden blows to the material . drop )or!in!

    31!. A process by which the length of a wor&piece is increased byreducing the cross-sectional .. dra#in! ot

    31". A clamp which is use for perfect ground connection .. earthin! clamp

    31%. #ts angle is "+and is used for dotting after mar&ing the lines on

    general wor& . dot pnch

    31). The length of wire rope that can be spooled onto a drum or reel.. drm or reel capacit(

    31'. A file tooth arrangement formed by two series of cuts, namely theoercut followed at an angle by the upcut . doble ct

    32+. A heat treatment used to reduce the brittleness in hardened steel

    and to remoe the internal strains caused by the sudden coolingin the (uenching bath dra#in! or temperin!

    321. The diameter oer the margins of the drill measured at the point ..... drill diameter

    322. 7ranch of mechanism which deals with bodies not in e(uilibrium ...... d(namics

    323. tress used in determining the si*e of a member ........................... desi!n stress

    324. sed either to retain parts in a fix position or to presere alignment ..... do#el pins

    32!. A machine tool which is used mainly to produce holes in metal partsby the use of rotating drill bit which acts on a securely held piece

    ........ drill piece

    32". An operation of producing round holes using drill bit ......... drillin!

    32%. sed as a chuc& when turning wor& that are mounted betweentwo centers ... drive plate or )ace plate

    32). sed to hold drills, reamer, countersin&er and other necessaryparts in the wor& held in the lathe .... drill chc$

    32'. >roperty that permits permanent deformation before fracture intension .... dctilit(

    33+. #s also called nodular cast iron, has the castability, machinabilityand wearability of gray iron, but higher strength and ductility ....... dctile iron

    331. ot self-aligning and similar to single-row ball bearings, except thateach ring has two grooes ............ doble+ro# ball bearin!

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    332. The process of remoing moisture in arying amounts from solidor semi-fluid materials ................ dr(in!

    333. A hammer in which the force of the blow is deeloped entirelyby graity ...... drop hammer

    334. A simple drum hoist haing two independent hoisting drums .......... doble drm hoist

    33!. A passage way made of sheet metal or other suitable materialnot necessarily lea& tight, used for coneying air or other gasesat low pressure ............. dct

    33". A type of stand pipe system in which the pipes are not normallyfilled with water ..... dr( stand pipe

    33%. The ertical difference between the pumping water leel and thestatic water leel ......... dra#+do#n

    33). Age-hardenable alloy which has good spring and low-spar&lingproperties and is slightly magnetic after heat treatment ........ dranic$el

    33'. A system which while being functionally integrated, consists ofsubsystems which may be physically separate and remoelocated from one another .. distribted control s(stem

    34+. A deice actuated by the displacement of the counterweight at anypoint on the hoistway to proide a signal that he counterweighthas moe from its normal plane of trael or h as left its guide rails

    .............. displacement s#itch

    341. The pressure head plus the elocity head ............ d(namic head

    342. The fractional part of a sample of a wet apor that is true apor ...... dr(ness )actor

    343. Cifference of pressure re(uired to moe air through the fuel bedand to produce a flow of the gaseous products of combustionout of the furnace, then through the boiler, economi*er, etc. ....... dra)t

    344. The sum of the indiidual maximum demands of the subdiision ofa system ta&en as they may occur during the daily cycle, diidedby the maximum simultaneous demand of the system ......... diversit( )actor

    34!. onsist of series of circular saws that can be moed in an axialdirection on their arbor which is used to remoe rough or manyedges from slabs to from a single plan&, or to saw a wide slabinto narrow plan&s ........ doble ed!ers

    34". #nstrument used to measure power ....... d(namometer

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    34%. =orce which acting on a mass of one gram that produce a elocityof one centimeter per second in one second .......... d(ne

    34). onsist of small spring-mass system attached to the machine;/arge spring F mass system< and tuned to the disturbingfre(uency ........... d(namic vibration absorber

    34'. A chain with attachable beaing bloc& between the lin&s ...... dd!e chain

    3!+. A headless, cylindrical pin which is sun& into corresponding holesin ad$oining parts, to locate relatie to each other or to putthem together ............ do#el

    3!1. A dowel with threads at both ends ............. do#el scre#

    3!2. An industrial eleator which carries small ob$ect but is not permittedto carry people .............. dmb#aiter

    3!3. >art of a cam that followers to remain at maximum lift for a periodof time ...... d#ell

    3!4. A creep resulting from fluctuation in a load or temperature ........... d(namic creep

    3!!. A mechanism which usually do the indexing in a machine tool ........ dividin! head

    3!". A lathe in which two cutting tools are used one on each side to wor&,either to aoid it springing or to increase the rate of wor&ing ........ dple, lathe

    3!%. Type of fracture in any material where substantial deformation hasoccurred away from fracture surfaces, usually associated with

    yielding in materials ........... dctile )ractre

    3!). A material tool for drilling holes consisting generally of a erticalstandard, carrying a table for supporting the wor& and an armproided with bearings for the drilling spindle ........... drillin! machine

    3!'. A member that is diided into a criterion of strength in order toobtain a design criterion, also called factor of safety .......... desi!n )actor

    3"+. Attached to t he tailstoc& spindle to support one end of the materialto be turned ............ dead center

    3"1. tress used in determining the si*e of a member ......... desi!n stress

    3"2. A process in which molten metal is forced by pressure into a metalmold &nown as a disc ............ die castin!

    3"3. se for transferring dimension scribing circle, and doing groundlay-out wor& ....... divider

    3"4. A lathe that reproduces a number of parts from either a mastered

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    from or a sample of the wor&piece ........ dplicatin! lathe

    3"!. The ability of a material to be deformed and to returned to theoriginal shape ........... elasticit(

    3"". #ncludes the complete thread, and those portions of the

    incomplete thread ......... e))ective thread

    3"%. 5hen the ector passes to one side of t he center ......... eccentricall( loaded

    3"). The eccentricity diided by the radial clearance ............. eccentricit( ratio3"'. A $oint made along the edges of two or more parallel or nearly

    parallel plates .......... ed!e "oint

    3%+. That portion of the face width that actually comes into contact withmating gear teeth, as occasionally one member of a pair of gearmay hae a greater face width that the other .......... e))ective )ace #idth

    3%1. The actual tor(ue ratio of a gear set diided by its gear ratio ....... e))icienc(

    3%2. A deice or group of deices which sere to regulate the operationof an eleator or group of eleator in a predetermined mannerduring or after an earth(ua&e ........... earth2a$e protective devices

    3%3. Dage that determines the si*e of a wore e(uals to its cross-sectionalarea in circular mills diided by 1+++ ............... edison #ire !a!e

    3%4. An included plane cured edgewise and rotating in a plane parallelto its base ............. ed!e#ise cam

    3%!. onsists of dis& reoling n a magnetic field .......... edd( crrent bra$e

    3%". The distance of the geometric center of a reoling body from theaxis of rotation ............ eccentricit(

    3%%. A collision in which the sum of genetic energies of translation ofthe participating system is the same after the collision as before

    ................ elastic collision

    3%). The cure or slope of the normally straight, flexural axis when abeam is bent by loads which do not cause the stresses in thematerial to exceed the elastic limit . elastic crve

    3%'. ?eersible alteration of the form or dimensions of a solid bodyunder stress or strain ........... elastic de)ormation

    3)+. =ailure of a body to recoer its original si*e ad shape after a stressis remoed ............. elastic )ailre

    3)1. The maximum stress a solid can sustain which undergoingpermanent deformation ............... elastic limit

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    3)2. The ratio of the elastic limit to the ultimate strength of a material . elastic ratio

    3)3. The fully reersible, single-alued, stress ersus strain relationshipwhere loading and unloading follow the same path exactly, andalthough it may be nonlinear there shall be no hysteresis or

    residual strain . elastic relation

    3)4. Toothed wheels which are elliptical in form, each rotating about ashaft located at a focus of the ellipse. The rotary motion ariesfrom point to point during the rotation of the wheels. They areused occasionally for producing a (uic& return motion on machinetools so as to gie a slow cutting and a (uic& return stro&e .. elliptical !ears

    3)!. A spring formed by two leaf springs connected bac& to bac&by shac&les elliptical sprin!

    3)". #noles the loss of ductility because of a physical or chemical

    change of the material .. embrittlement

    3)%. The capacity of a body for doing wor& ener!(

    3)). The radial distance by which the thread forms of two matingthreads oerlap each other . en!a!ement o) scre# thread -depth.

    3)'. The axial distance oer which two mating threads are designed toma&e contact en!a!ement o) scre# thread -len!th.

    3'+. A system of gears with one or more wheels traeling around theoutside of another wheel whose axis is fixed .. epic(clic !earin!

    3'1. The state of a body when the resultant of the forces acting on it is*ero, when the body is at rest and when the body is moing withuniform elocity .. e2ilibrim

    3'2. The difference between the correct alue and unaoidable defectsin the measuring instrument or in inaccuracy of obseration,9accidental errors: may be of either sign and 9systematic errors:are always positie or always negatie . error

    3'3. A friction clutch which engages by forcing shoes radially againstthe inner rim of a disc, cone or drum by the interposition of a

    toggle $oint .. e,pandin! cltch

    3'4. A form of coupling in which two thin steel sheets with circumferentialcorrugations are interposed between two flanged coupling faceswhich they connect and thus allow a certain amount of end play

    . e,pansion coplin!

    3'!. That part of the ale-gear of steam engine through which thedegree of expansion can be aried e,pansion !ear

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    3'". A pulley wheel, for use with ee-belts which by axial moements ofthe two hales of the ee, can create different wor&ing diameter.They are used in pairs to gie ariable-speed drie without theuse of a clutch and gearbox. e,pansion plle(

    3'%. An auxiliary ale, wor&ing on the bac& of t he main slide ale ofsome steam engines, to proide an independent control of thepoint of cut-off. A regulation ale in refrigeration machines tocontrol the escape of the refrigerant from a li(uid state underpressure to a gaseous state. .. e,pansion valve

    3'). #s the distance through which a propeller adances along its axisduring one, when giing no thrust .. e,perimental mean pitch

    3''. A riet with the tail end hollowed out to ta&e a small explosiecharge. After fitting, the explosion expands the end of theshan& to complete the $oint .. e,plosive rivet

    4++. A screw thread cut on the outside of a cylindrical bar . e,ternal scre# thread

    4+1. A tool adapted for cutting external screw threads .. e,ternal threads

    4+2. is particularly useful in aeronautical e(uipment, suitable wherethin-walled material is to be threaded, where fine ad$ustment arere(uired, and where $ar and ibrations are excessie ... e,tra+)ine+thread series

    4+3. sed to proide hoisting ring in certain piece of e(uipment . e(e bolts

    4+4. A milling cutter with the teeth radially disposed upon the surface

    of the dis&, either solid with the teeth or inserted in grooes. . .. )ace ctter

    4+!. urface of the tooth between the face cylinder and the addendumcylinder )ace o) tooth

    4+". /ength of teeth in an axial direction )ace #idth

    4+%. Turning a flat face on a piece of wor& in a lathe. .. )acin!

    4+). #s the number that is diided into criterion of strength in order toobtain a design criterion. . )actor o) sa)et(

    4+'. A permanent coupling of two shaft consisting of flanges formedintegral with the shaft. )ast coplin!

    41+. The process leading to the failure of metals under the repeatedaction of a cycle stress. The failure depends on the mean stress,the range of stress and the number of cycles. 5ith a decreasedamount of stress a material can withstand a greatly increasednumber of repetition before failure, or failure may not occur

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    after millions of stress cycles )ati!e

    411. A machine for applying rapidly alternating of fluctuating stress totest-piece to determine its fatigue limit )ati!e testin! machine

    412. That portion of a wor&piece especially prepared to fit a mating part

    .. )a(in! )ace

    413. A machine which opens and mixes wollen material, preparatoryto carding .. )earno!ht

    414. A parallel &ey partially into a recess in its shaft to permit a wheelto slide axially but not to rotate ... )eather

    41!. The rate at which a cutting tool of machine is adanced )eed

    41". n preoptie and automatic lathes the feed box is mounted on thebed below he headstoc& to proide a range of feeds to both the

    saddle and slide. The feeds are independent and reersible )eed bo,

    41%. A rod used with a collet to feed the raw bar forward in a capstan lathe.. )eed )in!er

    41). The mechanism which controls the moement of the carbons ofan arc lamp at such a speed as to &eep the are length constantwhile the carbons burn away .. )eed mechanism

    41'. A force pump for supplying water for steam boilers .. )eed pmp

    42+. A test on a sample of material or on a complete piece of

    assembled e(uipment. The test is sub$ected to repetitie loading,usually to erify a safe fatigue test )ati!e test

    421. A screw used for controlling the motion of the feed mechanismof a machining tool . )eed scre#

    422. A riet which is put when the wor&piece is on site )ield rivet

    423. A straight portion of the cutting edge intended to produce a smoothmachined surface ......... )lat

    424. A tool steel is forged roughly and shaped in one end of the bar and

    the hardened and ground to re(uire shape ......... )or!e tool

    42!. ?emoing the excess material into the re(uired dimension gienin the plan by the use if a finishing tool ......... )inish trnin!

    42". The process of remoing excess material by the use of a file .......... )ilin!

    42%. A hardened steel cutting edges, or teeth in its surface ........... )iles

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    42). Drooes in the body of the drill which proide lips and permit theremoe of chips and allow cutting fluid to reach the lips ............. )ltes

    42'. That surface on a drill point which extends behind the lip to thefollowing flute ......... )lan$

    43+. imply push or pull the push or pull may result from the force ofcontact between bodies or from a forge, such as magnetics orgraitation in which no direct contact ta&es place .......... )orce

    431. Cetermine the effect o forces on the motion of body it is necessarilyto resort .......... )ree bod( dia!ram

    432. sed when the loads are not too great ............. )iber

    433. A machine member used to e(uali*e the energy exerted and thewor& done and thereby preent excessie or sudden changesin speed ................ )l(#heel

    434. Angles between the indiidual flan&s and the perpendicular axisof the thread ............ )lan$ an!les

    43!. The resistance to motion which ta&es place when one body ismoed upon another ............ )riction

    43". A clutch which transmit motion from the driing to the drienmember but he friction between the engaging surfaces ............ )riction cltch

    43%. Applied when the hub of an assembly is re(uired to slide oer the&ey when in use ............ )ree )it

    43). >art of the carbon content of steel or iron that is in the form ofgraphite or tempra carbon ........... )ree carbon

    43'. A process of heating the surface of an iron-base alloy, which ispreferably annealed or normali*ed and then (uenching it .......... )lame hardenin!

    44+. An area where metal is melted to form them into a bloom,billet cast, etc. .................. )ondr( area

    441. Attached to the saddle of t he lathe to support wor&pieces that areliable to spring away from the cutting tools ............. )ollo#er rest

    442. A phenomenon when two touching surfaces hae a high contactpressure and when these surfaces hae minute relatie motion

    ................ )rettin!

    443. The length of a coil spring under no load ............ )ree len!th

    444. A constant-force ;nearly< compression spring which is basically atightly coiled helical spring loaded but an eccentric load that

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    bends it ........... )le,iator

    44!. ?ectangular in section with the smaller dimension placed in a radialdirection and may or may not be tapered ............. )lat $e(s

    44". A rigid coupling which each half is &eyed to a shaft the faces arefinished normal to the axis, sued when the shaft are irtually

    collinear and should remain in a fixed angular relation withrespect to each other ............... )lan!ed coplin!

    44%. ouplings that care for small amounts of angularity, end play, andaxis displacement ............. )le,ible coplin!s

    44). The change of phase from solid to li(uid ............. )sion

    44'. tructure which supports the moing parts and regulates the pathor &ind f motion of some of the parts ............... )rame

    4!+. Temperature at which the fuel must be heated to gie off sufficient

    apor to for a inflammable mixture with air ................ )lash point

    4!1. achines actuated by foot or hand power only admitted with ramsor dies for purposes of blan&ing, trimming, drawing, punching,stamping, forming, or assembling materials .............. )oot and hand press

    4!2. The measured time in hours or fractions thereof that a material orconstruction will withstand fire exposure as determined by firetest conducted in conformity to recogni*e standards ............ )ire resistive ratin!

    4!3. A process of welding metals in a molten or molten and arious state,without the application of mechanical pressure or blows ....... )sion #eldin!

    4!4. A deice haing a predetermined temperature fusible member forthe relief of pressure ............ )sible pl!

    4!!. A wall designed to preent the spread of fire haing a fire resistancerating of no less than four hours and haing sufficient structuralstability under fire conditions to allows collapse of construction oneither is used without collapse of wall ............... )ire #all

    4!". The concae portion of the tooth profile where it $oins the bottomof the tooth space ............. )iller crve

    4!%. That surface which is between the pitch circle and the bottomland................ )lan$ o) tooth

    4!). The particle si*e determined by passing the particles or powderthrough standard siee or by microscopic measurement ............ )ineness

    4!'. That characteristic of a powder which permit to flow rapidly andconform the mold caity #t can be described as the rate of flowthrough a fixed orifice .............. )lo#abilit(

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    4"+. A purely mechanical welding techni(ue in which one componentremains stationary while the other is rotated against it underpressure ............ )riction #eldin!

    4"1. Two metal parts to be welded are connected to a low oltagehigh current source .......... )lash #eldin!

    4"2. The deice that directly controls the alue of the manipulatedariable of a control loop ........... )inal control element

    4"3. A steel bar rod with cutting teeth on its surface used as asmoothing or forming tool ............... )ile

    4"4. A blac&smith tools consist of a surge body and fit surface bottom,fitted with a handle used to finish or leel a flat surface afterany forging operation ............... )latter

    4"!. A blac&smith tool used for ma&ing nec& by reducing thecross-section of the $ob and also for drawing out ............. )llers

    4"". A process which the parts to be forge welded are heated in a forge

    to a white heat ;about 13++< and forged together by hand or

    power hammering ......... )or!e #eldin!

    4"%. prings often used to oercome operating space limitations inarious products such as electric switches and relays ............ )lat sprin!s

    4"). Type of wire rope which is made up f a number of four .............. )lat #ire rope

    4"'. lass of steels intended for those uses where easy machining isprimarily re(uirement ........... )ree cttin! steel

    4%+. ?apid cooling in a mist ............. )o! 2enchin!

    4%1. Term used to signify the range of tightness that may result fromthe application of specific combination of allowances and totolerance in the design of mating parts ........... )it

    4%2. =orms of powders, pastes or solutions, gases or apors, and ascoatings on the rods used mainly to preent formation o oxides

    and to remoe any oxide on the base and filler metals .......... )l,es

    4%3. A screw which has a flat top surface and a conical bearing surface

    with a head angle approximately )2 or 1++. ..... )lat contersn$ head scre#

    4%4. A screw which has a rounded top surface cylindrical sides andflat bearing surface .............. )illister head scre#

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    4%!. Tinned carbon steel used or small cords !alvani*ed iron steel

    4%". #ron coated with *inc .. !alvani*ed iron

    4%%. used to turn the same material of many pieces and loc& materialsof different forms and si*es and turn these at the same time . !an! mandrel

    4%). A crane similar to an oerhead traeling crane, except that thebridge for carrying the trolley is rigidly supported on two or moremoable legs running on fixed rails or other railway !antr( crane

    4%'. A &ind of steel pipe coated with *inc to resist corrosion !alvani*ed pipe

    4)+. A deice used to determine whether the part has been made tothe tolerance re(uired and does not indicate a specific dimension

    . !a!es

    4)1. A process by which *inc coating is applied to a wide ariety of

    steel product to proide protection against corrosion !alvani*in!

    4)2. The introduction of carbon into the surface layers of mild steel byheating in a reducing atmosphere of gas high in carbon, usuallyhydrocarbons or carbon monoxide . !as carbri*in!

    4)3. Cefined as a refined petroleum naphtha which by its compositionis suitable for uses as a carburetant in internal combustion engines

    !asoline4)4. A process of adding carbon to the surface of steel by exposing to

    hot carbonaceous gases such as methane, ethane, propane andcarbon monoxide .......... !as carbri*in!

    4)!. A static seal used where there is no relatie motion between$oined parts .. !as$ets

    4)". The helical coil is wrapped into a circle forming an annular ringused in tension to hold oil seals of leather, teflon, etc., tightagainst a surface . !arter sprin!

    4)%. crew threads fine pitch standardi*ed for the wrought-iron tubesused in commercial and domestic gas supplies, which ensurethat the $oints are gaslight. Also &nown as 7ritish tandard >ipecrew Thread. !as thread

    4)). Any mechanical system for transmitting motion. The transmission

    of rotation by gear wheels. A gear ratio as in transport ehicles,such as first gear, etc. The positions of the ale mechanism ina steam engine such as astern gear, etc. !ear

    4)'. A set of gearwheels integral with, or permanently to a shaft suchas the lay shafts in the gearbox of an automobile. . !ear clster

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    4'+. #nolute gear-teeth cut on flanges &eyed to the ends of twocoaxially aligned shafts mate with internal teeth at the two endsof a surrounding sleee. . !ear coplin!

    4'1. illing cutters, hobs, etc., with the correct tooth form for cuttingteeth on gear wheels. . !ear+ctters

    4'2. A machine for grinding a gear to remoe slight distortion afterheat-treatment, which users either a formed. !ear !rindin! machine

    4'3. A system of gear wheels transmitting power. . !earin!

    4'4. A speed reduction from the driing wheel to the drien wheel !earin!+do#n

    4'!. A leer used to moe gear wheels into or out of engagement probably ia sliding pinions. !ear lever4'". A milling machine for cutting gear-teeth with a milling cutter

    of the correct shape. .. !ear miller

    4'%. A small used for lubricating systems and the li&e which deliersfluid through the tooth spaces of a pair of gearwheels in meshand enclosed in a box. ... !ear pmp

    4'). #s the number teeth in the gear diided by the number of teethin the pinion. !ear ratio

    4''. =or different types of gears see under beel gear beel wheelsdifferential gear, etc. !ears

    !++. A series of interconnected gears. !eartrain

    !+1. A drawing of a complete finished product showing thecomponents which ma&e up the final assembly and themeans of identification with other drawings. . !eneral arran!ement

    !+2. #s the distance which an element of a propeller wouldadance one reolution when moing along a helix to whichthe line defining the blade angle of that element is tangential. !eometrical pitch

    !+3. A &ey with a head formed at right angles to its length forsecuring a wheel, etc., to a shaft. . !o+headed he(

    !+4. A deice to preent lea&age at a point where a shaftemerges from a essel containing fluid under pressureof from a acuum. !land

    !+!. A screw-down ale with the casing or body of a sphericalshape. The axis of the stem is at right angles to the body

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    ends, which are in line with each other. ... . !lobe valve

    !+". A can of cylindrical is not of constant diameter. #t was agloboid profile, being of smaller diameter at the center. . !loboidal cam

    !+%. The goernor-controlled ale-gear, which regulates the opening

    and the closing of the induction, ale in an automatic expansion. !overnor valve+!ear

    !+). And annealing process, causes the combined carbon totransform wholly or in part into graphitic or free carbon, itis applied to cast iron, sometimes to high-carbon steel.. !raphiti*in!

    !+'. A wheel, composed of an abrasie powder such ascarborundum or emery, cemented with a binding agent, andfused for cutting and finishing metal. !rindin! #heel

    !1+. The traelling wheels of a portable crane. .. !rond #heels

    !11. #n general a screw with no load head but with a slot across thetop end of the insertion of a screwdrier. . !rb scre#

    !12. A washer made hae spun yarn or tar twine, etc, used to ma&ea watertight $oint under the head of s(uare-shouldered bolt. .. !rmmet #asher

    !13. A die-stoc& in which the dies are diided into three portions,

    one being the guide and the other two actual cutters which

    are placed in radial slots. ....guide screw


    !14. A shearing machine with the shear parallel with the plane of themachine framewor&, which is used for the cutting up of puddlebars and slabs. .. !illotine shear

    !1!. A radial gear in which an eccentric opposite the cran& operatesa lin& whose other end slides along an inclined guide, the alerod being pioted to a point on the lin&. hac$#orth valve+!ear

    !1". 7elting which dries between two pulleys with axes at right anglesto each other and can be run only in one direction. .. hal)+crossed beltin!

    !1%. the connection of two co-axial shafts by a half-lap $oint, the twoshaft being either together or enclosed in a &eyed-on sleee. hal)+lap coplin!

    !1). A shaft through which power is finally transmitted to a driingwheel of a ehicle, usually operating in pairs ia a ehicledifferential. hal) sha)t

    !1'. The camshaft of a piston engine which runs at half speed of the cran&shaft. . hal)+speed sha)t

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    !2+. #n cloc&s, a wheel geared into the loc&ing wheel speed of thecran&shaft. The pins lift and drop the hammer, which stri&es a belt,or gong. hammer #heel

    !21. Any wheel turned by the hand to operate machinery ormechanisms. @and wheel

    !22. #s a temper produced in a wire, rod, or tube by cold drawing . hard dra#n

    !23. #s the capacity of steel to through harden when cooled from aboeits transformation range .. hardenabilit(

    !24. #s the heating or certain steels aboe the transformation rangeand then (uenching, for the purpose of increasing the hardnessof a metal. hardenin!

    !2!. #s a measure of its resistance to indentation, and is one of the mostsignificant properties because, properly interpreted, it says much

    about the conditions of the metal. .. hardness

    !2". An arbitrary scale of numbers determined by arious hardness test... hardness nmber

    !2%. Tests determined either the ability of one solid to scratch another,or the area of indentation formed in a gien test. hardness tests

    !2). A sinusoidal component of a periodic (uality with a fre(uency thatis an integral multiple of the fundamental fre(uency. harmonic

    !2'. A new and noel power-transmitting deice, does not fit into any

    of the traditional classifications. harmonic drive

    !3+. Are said to heat when their temperatures get so hot that the frictionis greatly increased, or the axles or the cran&shafts stic& fast. . heatin! o) bearin!

    !31. #s defined as the controlled heating and subse(uent cooling of ametal or alloy. #t is employed to obtain properties that are desiredand appropriate for a particular application heat treatment

    !32. A cylindrical spur gear in which the paths traced by the teethare helices. .. helical !ear

    !33. That portions of a helical gear which is bounded by the root andtip cylinders and by the two helicoid surfaces. .. helical !ear+tooth

    !34. A spring formed by winding wire into a helix along the surface ofa cylinder. #t is most fre(uently used to generate tension orcompression forces in an axial direction but is sometimes usedto produce a tor(ue around the axis when it may be describedas a helical torsion spring. . helical sprin!

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    !3!. A cure traced on a cylindrical or conical surface in such a way thatany tangent to the cure ma&es a constant angle with the intersectingcylinder or cone generator. A cure li&es a screw thread. . heli,

    !3". #s the angle between a tangent to the pitch helix and an intersectingaxial element of the pitch cylinder. heli, an!le

    !3%. An extra long plain, slotted, or castles nut which cal also includea counterbore at the bottom. .. hi!h nt

    !3). @ae the same structure at all points. .. homo!eneos material!3'. train is proportional to stress in an elastic material below the

    elastic limit. . 0oo$e1s la#

    !4+. The engineering unit for power e(ual to a rate of wor&ing of 33,+++foot-pounds per minute, 23.!" @ per minute, 42.42 7tu perminute or %4!,%++ watts. .. horsepo#er

    !41. @ubs of gears are proportional empirically. The bore of the hubdepends on the shaft diameter. . hbs

    !42. An epicyclic train of wheels for the speed reduction of a machineryshaft. .. hmpa!e1s !ear

    !43. An undesired ariation from the stable running condition of amechanism due to feedbac& in the control. ometimescalled 9cycling: hntin!

    !44. An extra tooth on a gear wheel so that number of its teeth shallnot be an integral multiple of those in the pinion. hntin! tooth

    !4!. An endless belt of porous material drien at high speed with itslower end running under water, which acts li&e a chain pump. . h(dralic belt

    !4". A motor ehicle bra&e in which power is supplied by hydraulic oilpressure ia small pistons to expand the bra&e shoes, the pressurebeing supplied by a pedal-operated master cylinder and piston h(dralic bra$e

    !4%. The cylinder of a hydraulic press, the pressure of the fluid in whichlifts the enclosed piston. . h(dralic c(linder

    !4). A disc bra&e in which the pressure is applied by hydraulic pistons.

    . h(dralicall( operated dis$ bra$e

    !4'. A ale mechanism that &eeps a body, li&e a torpedo, at a driendepth in a fluid. .. h(drostatic valve

    !!+. A drie shaft terminating in a hypoid beel gear. . h(poid a,le

    !!1. A beel gear with the axes of the driing and drien shaft angles,but not in the same plane which causes some sliding action

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    between the teeth. . h(poid bevel !ear

    !!2. rossed helical gear designed to operate on non-intersectingas well as non-parallel axes, that is, the axis of the pinion isaboe or below that of the gear and is not parallel to the axisof the wheel. . h(poid !ear

    !!3. A lay shaft or countershaft. . idlin! sha)t

    !!4. The sudden application or fall of a load upon a specimen,structure, etc. impact

    !!!. A waterwheel drien by the impact force of water acting at rightangles to the pro$ecting anes on the periphery. Turbines areimpact wheels impact #heel

    !!". The constant-speed drie sproc&et, which feeds the cine film foreach exposure. . impedance #heel

    !!%. The angle between the flan&s of a screw thread measured in axialplane. . inclded an!le

    !!). A screw is said to be of increasing pitch when the distance betweeneach successie turn of the helix increases in amount, or the pitchmay increase in the direction of the length of the blade from thecenter to the circumferences. . increasin! pitch

    !!'. The estimation of the hardness by the permanent deformation in amaterial by an indenter, the hardness being expressed in termsof the load and the area of the indentation formed. indentation hardness

    !"+. onsists of heating a thin surface layer, preferably of annealed ornormali*ed steel, aboe the transformation range by electricalinduction and then cooling, as re(uired, in water, oil, or gas indction hardenin!

    !"1. echanisms and engines are said to be 9in gear: when connectedready to be operated, or operating. in !ear

    !"2. #s the force on the spring when the coils are on the point of separation.The amount of the initial tension can be regulated to some extentand it aries from manufacturer to manufacturer, but reasonablemaximum alue of the corresponding stress. initial tension

    !"3. Dears with the teeth of the wheels so designed that order gearwheels of the same diametral pitch, but with any number of teeth,will mesh together correctly. interchan!eable !ears

    !"4. A fit in which the limits for the mating parts are such thatinterference always occurs when a pair of parts is broughttogether for assembly. inter)erence )it

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    !"!. A wheel connecting two other toothed wheels in a cloc& or watchso that the latter need not be made larger and alter the relatiedirection of rotation of the followers. . intermediate #heel

    !"". @as teeth cut on the inside of the rim instead of an the outside. internal or annlar !ear

    !"%. A spur wheel with teeth on the inside of the periphery.. internal spr !ear

    !"). Are called female threads. internal threads

    !"'. A metric system in which the pitch of the thread is related to thediameter, the thread haing a rounded root and a flat crest.

    international scre# thread

    !%+. The store of energy possessed by a material system. hanges inthis energy depend solely upon the initial and final conditions. intrinsic ener!(

    !%1. 5heel teeth whose flan& profile is the locus of the end of stringuncoiled from a base circle. involte !ear teeth

    !%2. #s the most important representation of an alloy system the designerwill encounter. #t proides a complete picture of phase relations,microstructure, and temperature for the &nowledge for the&nowledgeable heat treatment of steel. iron+carbon e2ilibrim dia!ram

    !%3. aterial hae the same properties in all directions. .. isotropic

    !%4. A material whose physical properties do not ary with direction.. isotropic material

    !%!. #s a test in which a specimen, supported at one end as a cantileerbeam, is bro&en by the impact of a falling pendulum. The energyabsorbed in brea&ing the specimen is a measure of the impactstrength. #mpact alues in the tables should be considered more(ualities than (uantitatie because the actual ariation of samplesfrom the same unierse is (uite wide. i*od test

    !%". An outer casing of a boiler, pipe or cylinder containing a li(uid toheat or cool the internally enclosed ob$ect. Alternatiely the

    casing may hold an insulating material to &eep the content atan een temperature. .. "ac$et

    !%%. A small shaft within a machine for transmitting small amount ofpower or the phase relationship of the rain shaft. "ac$sha)t

    !%). The loc&ing of pair of nuts by tightening them against each other ona threaded rod, screw or bolt. #n an assembly of two components,the thinner loc&nut should preferably be between the main nut

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    and the component. "am nts

    !%'. The part of machine, which grips hold of then wor&piece. .. "a#

    !)+. A mathematical ector that specifies the time rate of change ofacceleration. #t is the third deriatie of displacement with

    respect to time. "er$

    !)1. A condenser in which steam is condensed by a water spray. .. "et condenser

    !)2. A collo(uial term for any type of engine, which produces thrustby means of a $et of hot combustion, gases. .. "et en!ine

    !)3. A precision drilling and boring machine used in the tool room forma&ing master $igs and prototype precision wor&. "i! borer

    !)4. The accurate location of the wor&piece by $igs and the subse(uentgrinding of a hole to finished si*e by a suitable grinding head

    and wheel. .. "i! !rindin!

    !)!. A hydraulic lift operated by a short-stro&e hydraulic ram througha system of ropes and pulleys which increase the trael. "i!!er

    !)". A thin narrow-bladed saw with a reciprocating ertical motionimparted by a cran& and leers, now mainly replaced by theband saw. "i!!er sa#

    !)%. @olding wor& in $igs during machining and assembly, thusfacilitating interchange of components. .. "i!!in!

    !)). A swieling tool-head cutting during each stro&e of the stro&e ofthe table of a planing machine. . "im+cro#

    !)'. A small pulley wheel, which weighted so that it &eeps a drie beltor chain. "oc$e( plle(

    !'+. A small pro$ection on one piece of metal, which it8s into acorresponding recess on another piece to preent relatiemoement. "o!!le

    !'1. That part of a shaft supported by a bearing and in contact with it. "ornal

    !'2. A support consisting of a box-form casting split hori*ontally andsurroundings a shaft $ournal. . "ornal bearin!

    !'3. A spring attached to a $umper for holding a star wheel in place "mper sprin!

    !'4. A &ey is a rigid connector between a shaft and the hub of anothercomponents such as a pulley, gear, or cam. #ts purpose is topreent relatie rotation between the two parts. #f a &ey is to beused, a &ey seat must be proided in this shaft and a &ey way inthe hub at the other part. A &ey seat wea&ens the shafts thus the

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    design stress for the shaft has to be reduced. . $e(s

    !'!. A $aw chuc& with $aws ad$ustable by screws turned by a &ey spanner. $e( chc$

    !'". A shallow longitudinal slot cut in shaft or a hub receiing a &ey $e(#a(

    !'%. #s steel that has been deoxidi*ed with a strong deoxidi*ing agent,such as silicon or aluminum, in order to eliminate a reactionbetween the carbon and oxygen during solidification. #ngots of&illed steel are sounder, containing fewer gas holes, and morehomogeneous than non-&illed or rimmed steel these are desirablecharacteristics for forging and heay rolled sections.. $illed steel

    !'). #s the absolute iscosity of the fluid diided by its density, eachexpressed in the same system of units. $inematic viscosit(

    !''. The energy of a body by irtue of its motion. A body mass moing

    with elocity has a &inetic energy of G m2, or rotating withangular elocity H and moment of inertia I, has a rotational&inetic energy of G # H2. . $inetic ener!(

    "++. The alue of the limiting friction after slipping has occurred, beingslightly less than the static friction. $inetic )riction

    "+1. @ardened-steel bearing edge wor&ing on a hori*ontal surface orthe inner circumference of a ring permitting fine balance of thead$acent part. $ni)e+ed!es

    "+2. A gearing which has teeth with a cross-sectional profile consisting

    of semi-circles aboe and below the pitch circle. $nc$le !earin!

    "+3. A hinged $oint between two rods, a pin connecting the eye on onewith a for&ed end on the other. . $nc$le "oint

    "+4. A washer designed to preent loosening of a nut or a bolt head. lac$ #asher

    "+!. ?esemble bolts on the head end and wood sc