101 Haikus

Post on 17-Mar-2016

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poetry about life

Transcript of 101 Haikus


Kindergarten year.

Nap time, coloring, and fun. Learned the alphabet.

First grade - it all changed. Counted up to one hundred.

This was a big feat!

Days of second grade.

Learning how to solve fractions. I just turned seven!

Third grade was a ball. Will I ever use cursive?

Math is getting hard.

Almost done - fourth grade!

Double digit division... Off to middle school!

Fifth grade: meet new friends. Binders and new scheduling.

We still had recess!

Sixth grade, so much fun.

Health class is really scary... I am scarred for life.

Seventh grade was odd. Mr. Waters loved Pink Floyd.

Mummified chicken!

The woes of eighth grade: Four years at the middle school.

Are we finished yet?

Freshman year. YOLO!

I love block scheduling. Everyone hates us.

Springfield school district. We have gone here all our lives.

We’ll always be here.


Slow laptops - the worst.

They are all we have in school. There are no track pads!

Remember good old

AIM? We thought we were so cool

when we chatted online.

We all have iPods!

Beats by Dr. Dre - Really?


Records and cassettes

are completely obsolete.

How totally sad.

No one likes PCs.

Apple corporation is

the most popular.

iPhones are very

fashionable. Everyone

seems to have their own.

Voice recognition

It’s in cars, phones, everything. What if you mumble?

I hate Facebook games. Farmville is the dumbest one.

Thank God that’s over.

Instagram worth a

billion dollars? Not even

The New York Times is.

Do you want to know

the weather? the time? the news?

There’s an app for that.

Everyone is

leaving Facebook for Twitter.

Tweeters are upset.

What would we all do

if there was no internet?

I think I would die.

Googledocs saves me

from having to use flash drives.

I love this so much!

Tumblr: blog platform.

Post and reblog what you want. A revolution!

Facebook connects you

with people you love and hate.

Is it good or bad?

Express yourself in

One hundred forty letters

Twitter is crazy.

YouTube’s slogan is

Broadcast yourself, but never

Peruse the comments.

Gmail: free email!

Convenient for all students. Google, you’re the best.

Sparknotes, our savior. Helps students everywhere.

“No fear Shakespeare” rocks!


Chocolate ice cream - yay!

Hershey’s syrup pouring down

Chocolate chips galore!

Spaghetti, meatballs

Red tomato sauce on top

Twirl it on your fork.

Macaroni! Cheese!

Kraft, Velveeta, it’s all good. Soft cheesy delight.

McDonald’s: fast food

Salads worse than their burgers

What a paradox.

The classic sandwich:

Peanut butter and jelly

So very simple.

Oreo cookies

Everyone knows milk loves them

Dip them as you please

Funnel cake is good.

Sprinkled with powdered sugar. Not good for your health.

Waffles for breakfast. Whipped cream, syrup, blueberries

So many toppings!

Had a cheeseburger

for my lunch the other day. It was delicious.

I could never be

a vegan. No animals?

It’s not possible.

Chinese takeout is

my favorite takeout food.

Noodles and rice. Yay!

Pizza and french fries.

Cheese and tomato sauce are

the best things ever.

Middle of the day

is snack time - Doritos, chips.

Salty foods are best.

We eat breakfast, lunch,

and dinner. They are all good

but breakfast is best.

Chewing gum is great. Bubblegum or minty gum.

Equally awesome.

Pepsi vs. Coke.

It’s the eternal debate. Everyone calm down!

Music / Movies / Books / TV

I hate Nickelback.

“But why?” said no one...ever. They are terrible.

Boy bands are in style. I thought that was done for good.

Over in a year.

I’m way too hardcore.

No one shares my music taste. Country is awful.

Country is awful. Mostly about religion.


On the radio

a popular station is

Q102. Ugh.

Katniss Everdeen. Boy with bread - Peeta Mellark.

Amazing movie.

The Avengers smash

the records - Harry Potter?

Can’t wait till the next!

Sparkling vampires

Birth scene - unrealistic.

Bella drank blood, ew.

Game of Thrones - complex.

Overly violent and gross. Still want to read it.

Philip Philips wins

American Idol, the

worst season ever.

Revenge is awesome. Twists and turns in every show.

Can’t wait till next year!

Twenty-twelve London

Olympics. Michael Phelps is

back. America!

The Woman in Black. Terrifying, but so weird.

I think I cried some.


Eighty-six one day,

Fifty-four and rain the next. I don’t get seasons.

Summer’s almost here. Very quickly approaching.

I can’t wait for it.

Melting in the sun

Laying on the beach tanning. Let’s go for a swim.

Leaves are falling now. They already changed colors.

They’re done for the year.

Brisk, cold gust of wind

Rolls through your hair, don’t worry

Your jacket is warm.

Autumn involves change. Summer’s done, trees lose their leaves

You’ll change yourself, too.

Blue and grey and white

What do these remind you of?

I can surely tell.

Ice and snow plague us

We shove it aside like trash.

It is not our place.

Shivering always

Winter ups the heating bill That is the worst part.

Spring is fresh and free. Nature is yearly renewed.

Gardens start to grow.

Come alive once more

One more season of springtime.

Before summer hits.

Green is everywhere

Flourishing, thriving, growing

Feeling so alive.


Romney hates women.

Has dislike for birth control What is going on?

The war on women

It’s not the fifties, people.

Don’t go back in time.

A controversy

over Obama’s birth place. Seriously, guys?

Oh Mitt, we hate you

But Santorum is much worse

In fact, they both suck.

And we can’t forget

Newt Gingrich, sounds like a

lizard-like creature.

Mitt Romney again

His father was born in a

Mormon colony.

Far-right extremists

crazy, in my opinion. They hate everyone.

Politics, the art

or science of government.

But complicated.

“The Office”

Kevin is hungry.

This is pretty much the norm, but it’s endearing.

Dwight Schrute: Phillip’s dad. Battlestar Galactica!

Hating Jim all day.

Pam, receptionist.

Married to Jim. Has two kids. Lovable and kind.

Michael Scott: he’s the boss. Hardcore parkour is his life.

Threat Level: Midnight.

Kelly loves gossip.

Causing drama with Ryan. Are they still dating?

Creed: old crazy guy. Likes to go on the rooftop.

Pay no mind to him.

Jim is pranking Dwight.

Makes faces at the camera. Will always love Pam.

Andy Bernard: Nard dog. He needs anger management.

Office manager.

Nellie’s terrible.

Where did she get her accent?

No one even knows.

Angela Martin

Married to the senator.

But he prefers men.

Stanley Hudson rules. He has a convertible.

Overweight and old.

Phyllis is in the

Party Planning Committee. Happily married.

Oscar Martinez

Thinks the senator is gay.

He is a winner.

“South Park”

Cartman: bigoted.

Fat, racist, and prejudiced. What did you expect?

Kenny McCormick

Dies in every episode

A superhero

Kyle Broflovski

The voice of reason each time

Big brother to Ike.

Stan Marsh, their best friend

Red puff ball on his blue hat.

Very cynical.

Chef makes the boys food

During school, he’s amusing. Awkward to sing with.

Mr. Mackey, mkay?

The school guidance counselor

Troubled childhood.

Mr. Garrison

Light green sweater-vest always. Mrs. Garrison?

Butters Stoch is blond. Always being blamed for things.

A famous author.