10/09/2003 - North Dallas Gazette

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Transcript of 10/09/2003 - North Dallas Gazette

Michael Williams Steps Down as Chairman - Fa^e 3

Rushs Faux Pas A

Royal Flush

Page 3

3 Brad Keller ^m^m ^^PP^d To

Helm Filtncor Productions A KiUer Within

Page 7

Runaway Jury

Page 7

Visit Our Website At bullwwvjMONTheGazettecom

^AltRW|k^Rpportumty Newsj Inc i^H i H ^H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

o l u m c XII N u m b e r XXX V


O n t h e H o m e f r o n t

Friday October 10 at the Piano Convention Centre 2000 E Spring Creek Parkway Jupiter Rd - 2003 NPC Heart of Texas Bodybuilding and FitnessFigure Championships and Martial Arts Festival and Health Fair Extravaganza Health care professionals food court and lots of entertainment including IFBB Bodybuilding Pro Vickie Gates Call 9722471539 or visit wwwoptimumfitnesscom

St Philips School and Community Center hosts its 16rh annual celebrity- tribute and auction honoring Earvin Magic Johnson Friday October 10 630 pm at the Hyatt Regency Hotel 300 Reunion Blvd Dallas Call 2144215221 ext 119

Success Seminar to Get Back On Track a fundraiser to help the Boys and Girls Club of Collin County featuring motivational trainerspeaker Robert E Criner - Mr Enthusiasm At The Piano Centre Tuesday October 14 700pm-9 15pm (networking begins 7pm) Recharge your batteries think outside the box and try some new techniques for success S20 in advance S25 at the door For more information contact Kelvin Smith 9724241942 or visit wwwmrenthusiasmcom

Piano Repertory Theatre presents Chicago October 16 through November 9 at the ArtCenire Theatre downtown Piano Call 9724227460 for tickets and information

October 17 - 19 Third Monday Trade Days-Largest Flea Market In North Texas Located on Hwy 380 two miles west of HWT 75 at 4550 W University Drive Over 700 outdoor vendors and 250 covered vendor booths Indoor climate-controlled mall with shops and cafe

concessionaires offer food and drink S3 parking Saturdav and Sunday 900 am - 500 pm For more information 9725625466 or wwwtmtdcom

Lupus Foundation of American Inc North Texas Chapter is hosting a Lupus Educational Symposium Saturday October 18 1 pm -5 pm at l l i e Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children Dallas Program will include educational seminars from area physicians free

educational information on lupus free sample products and exhibitor tables Free Please register as space is limited 9723454824

IINSIDI Home I^BI I bull

Cnmmunity Calendw

Truth CHnifl bulllaquobull

C C U C D amp T W U A B W - laquo bull -

Community SpoUiBhi bull bull bull laquo

Art k lintlaquor(tilmnent 6

Claquor9raquor OppftTiuniiy

Kilterl^rpley Column

Ghunfh Huppenlng bull bull

Fifth Annual Fall Fest Commemorating Family Independence Success

Helen Macey Executive Director Piano Housing Authority Brenda McDonald

By Cathy Johnson

Piano Housing Authoritgts (PHA) Fall Fest provided an afternoon of fun and food at Bob Woodruff Park in Piano Saturday October 4 2003

The fest celebrated PHAs Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS) and honored five of its graduates with plenty of BBQ old fashion cake walks

dance contests pie- eating sack racing face painting and a graduation ceremony

FSS is a program designed to help lower income families reach arious degrees of independence gaining employment with adequate income and getting off public assistance programs The five women honored on Saturday for graduating from the program

have purchased homes through homeownership program with FSS The program also helps with job skills educational and technical support and financial plarming

JoAnn Rios Resident Initiatives Director said they were thankful and delighted this year for all the sponsors of the fest She said that Junior League of Piano sponsored all the childrens events and minority owned Telecom Electric Supply (Fred Moses) was this years biggest sponsor Other sponsors included Legacy Bank Milkes Realty Valuation and Eitza

Solutions City of Piano Mayor Pro tern

Steve Stovall opened the ceremony encouraging and praising the graduates Barbara Money Collin County Community College Dean of Students said Challenges are often faced when we are taken out of our comfort zones but tliey create more responsibility

Once you accept those challenges you create an opportunity You must learn to listen for opportutiities because sometimes they knock very softly

Helen Macey PHAs Executive Director presented the graduates with Certificates of Achievement endorsed by Senator Shapiro

You watch them achieve a little goal at a time My heart is so full This makes everyday worthwhile Macey said

Brandy Nelson also enrolled in the FSS program was recognized for her completion of her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University- ofTexas at Dallas

T h e FSS program is underwrit ten by a board of commissioners led by Chairperson Linda Hester and FSS Commit tee Chairperson Gwendolyn G Jones T h e program was born out of a need recognized by PHA for help in many areas not just housing Consequently applicants for housing assistance in the City of Piano were polled regarding their further needs and desires

for life-skills FSS committee member

Brenda McDonald said the program was a long-time coming and she now enjoys the opportunity to give to others and to see a total makeshyover in their lives McDonald said she is affiliated with the program through a partnership grant with the Boys and Girls Club

One of Saturdays graduates Yvonne Ford transferred into the program from Amarillo Texas

T h e program and the people were very supportive during a very try-ing time in my life They helped me set goals and find realistic ways by which to obtain them Ford said

Ford a mother of four will receive her certificate for medical coding in December She recently purchased a home with the escrow money she earned while in the program

Under the FSS program eligible candidates are

PHAs Annual Fall Fest Page 4

Women of Vision International to Discuss Women in Corporate America

Women of Vision International meeting is Thursday October 16 2003 at 530 PM at the Holiday Inn Select 1655 N Central Expressway Richardson TX Trudy Bourgeois Author Business Coach and Professional Speaker will present - Her Corner Office Women Finding Mary Boyd First Iice lesident

Hfam^M ofVision International

their Voice and Place in Corporate America Women of Vision International enhancing the lives of women through mentoring education and leadership RSVP via httpwwwwomenofvisio ninternationalorg or contact Mary Boyd at (972) 578-1406

SBAs minor i ty development p r o g r a m s a re in tended to help

minor i ty owned small businesses

become successful for the future

Teen Writing Seminar A Big Success (Dallas) - S t u d e n t s f rom

F i r s t B a p t i s t A c a d e m y

D u n c a n v i i l e C e d a r Hi l l

M e s q u i t e O w e n s B r y a n

A d a m s T h e W i n d s o r a n d

o t h e r a rea h igh s ch o o l s

enjoyed a fun-filled

i n t e rac t ive day at

P u t t i n g It O n Paper

A T e e n W r i t i n g

Semina r

H e l d S e p t e m b e r 2 7 2 0 0 3 a t t h e C e n t e r for

C o m m u n i t y C o o p e r a t i o n t e e n s l e a r n e d h o w to perfect thei r wri t ing fo rm for t h o s e d r e a d e d col lege

e n t r a n c e essays a n d l ea rned h o w to craft a fiction s tory a n d a f ic t ion a r t i c l e

wr i t ing style a n d p e r fo rmed

before thei r p e e r s p a r e n t s

a n d vo lun tee rs a sho r t script

they wro te a n d d i rec ted in

the session

B r a n d o n Jay 16 said I

Center front Ashley King2nd How (L to R) Courtney Evans Ami Wilson Philip Garner 3rd Row (L to R)

Phillip Washington Heath McGee and John Walton Not Pictured Candace Rodgers and Brandon Jay

n o n -


d i scussed d u r i n g the o n e -

day s e m i n a r was t h e

d e v e l o p m e n t of p o e t r y

songs a n d scr ipts

At the end of t he day

s t uden t s received valuable

feedback o n the i r u n i q u e

t h ink the wr i t ing s e m i n a r is a

very informat ive a n d effective

way to b e t t e r t eens wr i t ing

skil ls I w^ould s t rong ly

r e c o m m e n d peop le to this


T h e P u t t i n g It O n P a p e r

w r i t i n g s e m i n a r was very

i n f o r m a t i v e a n d p e r s o n a l

T h e r e were t imes w h e n we

were l augh ing so h a r d w e

forgot w h a t subject we were

on It was grea t said 18 -

year-old Ashley K i n g

S u p p o r t s w h o h e l p e d

m a k e the even t a

s u c c e s s i n c l u d e d

D a l l a s B lack

C h a m b e r of

C o m m e r c e D r

P e p p e r 7 U p

Rol l ing O u t U r b a n

S ty le Weekly

R e g i n a l d G a t e s

T o n y J o n e s W a l -

M a r t Sonia Jo rdan

a n d C h r i s t y

T i m b e r l a k e

W r i t e r s

E d u c a t i o n a l

Serv ices a n d T e e n

Graffiti M a g a z i n e p lan to

p r e sen t P u t t i n g It O n P a p e r

in 2 0 0 4 Please visit the i r

websi tes per iodical ly to stay

abreas t of u p c o m i n g da tes

w w w w r i i e r s e d c o m a n d

wwwteengraff i t i com o r call

9 7 2 - 2 2 3 - 3 0 7 4 o r 9 7 2 - 4 9 6 -

9 4 5 7

T h e Small Business

Administrat ion established

by Congre s s in 1953

provides small business loans

and financial assistance to

help minorities start run and

grow their small businesses

SBAs minority development

p r o g r a m s are i n t ended to

help minorit owned small

businesses become successful

for the future T h e mos t

c o m m o n question- H o w d o I

get a small business loan

Documen ta t ion requirements

may vary contact your lender

for in format ion you m u s t

supply C o m m o n

r equ i r emen t s inc lude

purpose of the loan histor

of the bus iness financial

s ta tements for three years

(existing bus inesses)

schedu le of t e rm deb t s

(existing businesses) aging

of accounts receivable and

payable (existing

bus inesses) projec ted

opening-day balance sheet

(new bus inesses ) lease

detai ls a m o u n t of

investment in the business by

the owner(s) projections of

i n c o m e expenses a n d

cashflow s igned personal

SBAa tninority development Page 4

Mayor BobDay Promotes Brest Cancer Awareness

Month Garland Mayor Promotes Breast Cancer Awareness

Gariand Texas - October is National Breast Cancer

Awareness Month a national event promoted by mayors across the nation througji the United States Conference of Aiayors Garland Mayor Bob Day and his fellow mayors recognize that breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed non-skin cancer among women in America

The mayors are urging women to take responsibilitgt for their breast health and are promoting Oaober 17 as National Mammography Day Timely mammography screening among women aged 40 years or older could preent approximateh 16 percent of all deaths from breast cancer For women over 50 one-third of deaths from this disease could be reduced jlammography is the best available method to detea breast cancer in its earliest most treatable stage an average of one to three years before a woman can feel a lump

The statistics support the mayors concern Nationally more than

200000 women will learn they have the disease in 2003 and close to 40000 women will lose their lives to it Statistics show African American women are disproportionately affected by breast cancer deattis

Breast cancer is not just a womans disease Mayor Day noted because men and children and entire families are devastated when breast cancer takes a loved one

During the October 7 2003 Garland City Council meeting Mayor Day will issued a proclamation recognizing National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and urged women to seek proper health care

Tliere is no better time than October during National Breast Cancer Awareness ^o^lh for Garland women to talk with their health care providers about maintaining their breast health and seeking mammography says Mayor Day Remember early detection can sae lies

Minority Opportunity News -The Gazette 6100 Ave K Suite 105 (^Spring Creek Parkway) Piano Texas 75074 I

Around The Town

Collin County emergency preparedness hotline 9725484114 You can also visit wwwcocollintxus

The Stephanie Ward Gallery will host a series of seminars through November Topics include understanding cubism An appreciation 101 Collecting iOl Framing and preserving your art work The scoop on art appraisal The philosophy of modern art and other topics Call for more details 214 7525588 2546 Elm St Dallas T X 75226 Sponsorship opportunities available

Interactive Dallas Childrens Museum at Valley View Center - a hospital fantasyland by Presbyterian Healthcare a Kroger Foods miniature grocery store a farm a Jungle Impressions exhibit complete with rain forest arts and crafts Mon-Fri 9 am - 6 pm Saturdays 11 am - 6 pm and Sundays noon - 6 pm Children 2-10 years S4Adults $3 Call 9723866555

Sistuh Sistuh Sistiplusmn a non profit organization will provide life skills workshops Saturdays through December 13 2003 from 1000-1130 with the goal of empowering women with informational sessions on topics such as self-esteem finances computer literacy obtaining employment and goal setting At St Phillips School and Community Center 1600 Pennsylvania

Ave Dallas Texas 75215 2144215221 ext122

Interurban Railway Station Musuem 901 E 15th Street Piano Historic Downtown From 1908 to 1948 this was a station on the Texas Electric Railroads Interurban Line Monday -Friday 10 am - 2 pm Saturday 1 pm - 5 pm You can also arrange for special tours 9729412117

Heritage Farmstead 1028 15th Street Piano 9724247874 Dedicated to preserving the early 1900s way of life this unique four-acre museum features a beautiful Victorian home and 12 outbuildings that were part of a 360-acre farm operated by Ammie Wilson a colorful local resident Guided tours available

SPCA is hosting National Adopt a Shelter Dog Month - S50 adoption fee for all dogs Includes s p a y n e u t e r s h o t s d e -wormingleashcarrier and microchip Visit any of 3 locations Dallas - 362 S Industrial Blvd McKinney - 8411 FM720 The Colony - 4720 E Lake Highlands Or visit wwwspcaorgcalendar

Register by October 15 for the Hollywood Connection in Dallas This benefits dance communities across the US and helps experienced dancers get their break into the industry Get an inside look at the entertainment industry compete for scholarship and specialty awards including auditions to be a LA Laker Girl or a 6-month contract for a major

cruise lines Held in Dallas November 8 and 9 a the Sheraton Park Central To register and for more information visit wwwhcdancecom

Teen Graffiti magazine is recruiting members for all three Teen Advisory Councils South Dallas GarlandRichardson and Grand Prairie Ages grades 7 -12 diverse backgrounds Interested teens must submit an application available at middle high school and high school librarians and online at wwwteengraffiticom Or call Sharon Jones-Scaife at 972-496-9457

The ArtCentre of Piano will feature works by contemporarj Iranian artists in A Breeze from the Gardens of Persia through October 18 Includes approximately 90 works by Iranian artists including more than 20 women Works were chosen in collaboration with Iranian curators from the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art and Tehran Arts University Downtown Piano at the corner of 15th Street and Avenue K Tuesday-Saturday 10 am to 6 pm Free For more information 9724237809

Oetlaquotber U Mesquite City Animal Shelter

will sponsor a remote pet adoption at Petco 1500 Town East Blvd from 1200 pm to 400 pm For information call 9722166283

The 8th annual Diiuaer Under the Cedars benefiting the

restoration of Opal Lawrence Historical Park 4 pm to 830 pm 701 E Kearney St Tickets S30 ages 12 to 54825 for ages 55 and upS20 for children 3 to 11 Meal provided by Johnny Carinos tours of house auctions live entertainment by Reason Call 9722166468 for tickets or more information Tickets must be purchased in advance

Attend a fi-ee reception to meet other gardening enthusiasts living with rheumatoid arthritis and learn how to design your own arthritis-friendly garden A rheumatologist will discuss the latest treatment advance and an occupational therapist will talk about the physical and psychological benefits of gardening At the Dallas Arboretum 8617 Garland Road 6 pm - 730 pm Free RSVP to 18779922636

Black Cinematheque Dallas and the Dallas NAACP presents a film program about voter fraud and the attack on democracy in America particularly as it relates to the history of Black voting rights in Florida At the South Dallas Cultural Center 3400 S Fitzhugh Street Dallas 5500 Call 2144261683 for more information

O c t o b e r 18 - 19 BBQ Cooking Competition in

Downtown McKinney For more information contact the Downtown McKinney Association at 9725626880

Octoblaquor 32

Humor amp Healing Aging with Laughter hosted by The Senior Source at Temple Emanu-el Tobian Hall 8500 Hillcrest Rd a Northwest Hwy S7 reser-ations required Presented by Liz Carpenter author ofStart With a Laugh Carpenter is a former spokeswoman in the Johnson Administration Call 2148235700 or infoi^theseniorsource org

Octeher 2 Primerica Financial Serices

will condua a FREE Seminar For Prospective Home Buyers from 300-430pm on at the Douglass Community Center located at 111 Avenue H Piano TX To RSVP and for more information contact Angela King at 877 265-5030

Healing Matters Grief Support Group meets the fourth Monday of even month at 730 pm at Medical Center of Piano classrooms This is a pregnancy loss support group for anyone who has lost a baby to miscarriage ectopic pregnancy stillbirth newborn death or SIDS There is also a share group for those pregnant again following a loss For information call 972-519-1588

Overeaters Anom-mous meets at 7 pm Mondays and Thursdays and 9 am Saturdays at Pitman Creek Church of Christ Room El 12 1815 W 15th St Call Rita at 972-423-3620

Asthma Network of Piano meets at 7 pm the second Tuesday of the month at Medical

Center of Piano 3901 W 15th St Call 9725191475

DivorceCare meets at 7 pm each Tuesday at Fellowship Bible Church North 850 Lexington Piano Call Bob Hornstein at 972-783-8800

The Institute for Womens Health at Texas Womans University seeks female volunteers ages 18-60 for an ongoing womens health research study You will receive free testing including blood work EKG cardiac stress test pulmonary function and bone density testing Texas Womans University 8194 Walnut Hill Lane Dallas 75231 Call 214 706-2319

The Piano Animal Shelter need volunteers over 16 years old to wash and walk the animals help with clerical services and customer service 9725787510 And heres a friendly reminder that there are thousands of pets at shelters needing homes or consider being a foster parent while permanent homes are found for animals Contact your local animal shelter for details

W h o Are the Women of God Why i j MON-The Gozerte Honoring Them On Mothers

Day Weekend 2004 Whar Can You Do To Be A Part Of

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At 9 7 2 - 6 0 6 - 3 8 7 8 v o i laquo mai(

SpOMSOr^il Bl^

aae (3 Proud To Be An Active

Partner In The Community bullMi--^

nm-Tinw Hoimbuyttfs Program from Bank of Anwrtva ttraquo raquoiwraquoylaquo bfflaquon your clrlaquolaquom to owgt bull home Vou raquohoutdnt htvo to worry or lohicvo it fttont Whic i bull why wo hvlaquo plaquotiKirilaquo( moriAMt bull (MMTS to wiiK (irMume ftomebuyort through laquovlaquofy illaquop of tht mortglaquogt prootM Thvy craquon introchiot you to bull vthtty of moniigt programi wnh Ittttt to no tfowri plaquoymlaquort and fltribfo crMh fulMnot Stop by or vltil ulaquo laquot banMimorlolaquooom1oftrgtraquo Or elaquotl ulaquo at lSOO9000000 M wlaquo can hlaquofp turn your drtam into bull raillty

Bankof Anierfclaquo^^Higher Standards

mfmm raquo www mtumt mmm mtm mraquotimM iwraquo raquogtigt bull 11laquolaquolaquo gt mtvn w ^ raquo raquoi WW ctinwMi

Page 2 bull October 09 - October ISy 2003 bull Minority Opportunity Nexoa - The Gazette I itl 0 ( i i Mthsitt 1 iviiivMl t I hititi-illii nut


Rushs Faux Pas A Royal Flush Well here we go again Add

another name to the long list of sport s race dunces T h e uproar over a racist remark uttered by ultra right wing conservative Rush Limbaugh dur ing a recent stint on E S P N s N F L Sunday C o u n t d o w n makes one wonder why anyone is surprised Rush has been doing this for years And all the hot air simply embellishes his fame

L imbaugh s controversial s ta tement concern ing

Donovan M c N a b b quar te rback for the Philadelphia Eagles proposed that McNabb s success was orchestrated by the liberal media intent on pushing black quar te rbacks and coaches M c N a b b was given credit for team performance that he did not deserve

Rush has been spewing his conservative racial diatribes as a nat ional supers ta r since 1988 on radio TV in columns books and public appearances He appeals to a largely young whi te male audience of closet racists captivated by his attacks on the liberal es tabl i shment blacks Jews the N A A C P and societgts downtrodden Rush feeds them vitriolic doses of character izat ions such as feminazis environmental wackos and hustlers for the homeless

L imbaugh is Mr Conservat ive radio H e recently renewed his radio contract for a reported record setting S250-3O0 million over eight years H e is heard on over 650 stat ions across America In addition to his three-hour radio show he had a one -hou r syndicated teleision program His book T h e Way Things O^g^gTo Be was a bestseller

But if anyone should be

pilloried it is the E S P N network They certainly knew what Rush was and what he represented when they hired him What were they looking for T h a t unique Limbaugh provocative commentary that builds ratings and brings in the dollars It was reported that Limbaugh increased the overall ratings for Sunday Countdown by 10 percent and 26 percent among the l8- to-34 males Is it any wonder that E S P N initially supported him

Decisions about who appears regularly on national pr ime t ime T V are not m a d e capriciously M a r k Shapiro E S P N s executive vice pres ident for p rog ramming gave this assessment of Limbaugh Rush is a great communicator and a fans fan His acute sense of whats on the minds of his listeners combined with his ability- to enter ta in and serve as a l ightning rod for lively discussion makes h im the perfect fit for this new role We brought Rush in for no-holds-barred opinions

Has this b rouhaha got ten more a t tent ion than it deserves Yes but because he is the und i spu ted voice of conservat ism he is a ready target for the victims he has lambasted through ou t his career Limbaugh gave this perspective For those of you who are saying Rush what were you thinking I thought about this the night before I weighed it I balanced it but you know what I decided Look they [ESPN] brought me in to be who I am This is what I think

F o r m e r Dallas Cowboys receiver Michael Irvin was on the E S P N show with Limbaugh as a studio analyst and has been criticized for not immediate ly challenging the racist comments Mr Irvin

responded by saying he did not speak up because this was not his area of expertise What message does this send to young Blacks when a high profile middle aged college educated Black man who grew up in the south during the Civil rights era feels so intimidated by an overbearing white man that he does not feel qualified or capable of simply saying that racist remarks will not be tolerated Maybe if Mr Irvin and those of his ilk spent a little less time flashing styling and grinning they would be more aware of the Black struggle and recognize racism when it stares them in the face

But Rush Limbaugh is used to not being challenged T h e lack of facts has never stopped his mouth H e has created a unique political base through the regular use of half-truth and distortion His ability to redefine reahty is well d o c u m e n t e d by the g roup Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) H e rarely corrects anything hes said no matter how wrong it may have been

T h e bot tom line is all the indignation by the poliiicos and civil rights leaders over Rush Limbaughs racist remarks will blow over like a pimple in a winds torm When the dust settles Rush L imbaugh will remain strongly en t renched a m o n g his hard-core racist cons t i tuents and the media moguls will be straining at the bit to throw money at him For Limbaugh there is no such th ing as bad publicity Controversy m a d e h im a superstar and he knows how to use controversy to keep the spotlight on him

James W Breedlove C o m m e c f s ^ r ui^inii-uis riiay

be rf^^otne wri ter at wwtru thcliniccom

Michael L


Michael Williams Steps Down as Chairman Railroad

Commission of Texas It has been my distinct honor

and privilege to serve as chairman of the Railroad Commission of Texas Since 19991 have worked tirelessly to Keep Texas Energy First During the past four years we have accomplished much Texas continues to lead the nation in crude oil natural gas and propane production We are the 5th largest coal producing state in the country Environmental protection has risen to the forefront of the Commissions agenda The Commission is now considered a friend of small and minority and female entrepreneurs

Under my leadership the Commission

bull Adopted regulatory changes that reduce operating costs by an estimated S7 million per year funds that increase production and go back into the pockets of

Texas oil and gas producers their employees communities and school children

bull Supported efforts to extend state severance tax incentives and pass the Kadonal Energy bill

bull Beefed up the Oilfield Cleanup Fund plugged 5851 wells and remediated 1143 producnon sites

bull Stepped up enforcement of Commission rules issued close to S10 million in fines for the violation of Commission rules including the largest fines in Commission histor

bull Increased the number of bonded oil and gas operators by more than 4500 operators or 750

bull More than doubled business with women and minority-owned companies from 51559009 in 1999 to 33192260 without the use of quotas or set-asides In the first half of FY 2003 the

Commissions HUB pardcipation was 267 TTie Commission is regularly recognized as one of the stales Top 10 Agencies in HUB participation

There remains much more work to be done i am committed to our agenda of energgt the environment and inclusion and look forward to meeting the challenges and seizing the opportunities of the future

I was pleased to nominate Victor Carrillo Monday September 22 as our new-Commission chairman Victor has distinguished himself in the nine short months he has been on the Commission I anxiously await his leadership If you have not already met Victor I strongly urge you to do so You will be as impressed with him as I am


officials from Collin County Community College District (CCCCD) and Texas Womans University (TWU) signed an agreement allowing students dual admission to both institutions

Dr Ann Stuart chancellor of TVCOJ joined CCCCD President Cary Israel and Sam Roach chair of CCCCDs board of trustees in signing the agreement The ceremony took place at 3 pm at the Spring Creek Campus conference center at Collin County Community College District

This agreementmdashnicknamed TWU Boundmdashallows students to complete the first two years of their degrees at the community college and have automatic admission to finish at the university College officials say the agreement will clear the path for students who are working toward bachelors degrees

It is important to pronde an affordable way for students to earn the baccalaureate degree and to reduce the time it takes to graduate This agreement will accomplish

both goals said Israel TWUs strong health science and education

piB|lgtdt9gt4in great complements to CCCCDs unique offerings This agreement stands to have a major

impact by creating more teachers and healthcare professionals to meet the high demands in theses fields

Texas Womans University is always pleased to cultivate stronger relationships with the community colleges said Dr Stuart The TWU Bound Program offers CoUin County Community College students the opportunity to map their course to a bachelors degree and further their prospects in life

According to Chairman Roach Higher education has never been more important than it is today Our trustees are committed to making education accessible and affordable for our students Innovative programs like concurrent admission are valuable because they help remove the obstacles in transferring and give students a direct link to a prestigious university

The details of the agreement state that CCCCD students who meet TWUs admission requirements or complete an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree will receive automatic admission to TWU The university will designate scholarships to qualified TWU Bound students upon transfer to TWU The agreement also provides participating students with special benefits on campus at TVCU

including the following bull TVCOJ Bound student ID card bull Access to the university- library bull Complimentary visits to the

wellness center bull Discounted rates of the golf

course bull Complimentary admission to

sporting events bull Free use of the Cyber Lounge

and computer lab in the TWU Student Center

bull Student or reduced guest room rate at TVCTJ resident halls

bull Free transportation on the Denton Link

Discounted student ticket rates to an and entertainment activities

CCCCD broke ground in 2000 when it signed the first concurrei^ admission agreement in T e x a ^ That agreement was with the University- of North Texas and the University of Texas at Dallas and Southern Methodist University followed shortly thereafter The program is popular with students and more than 170 CCCCD students are participating in the program in fall 2003

For more information call Lisa Vasquez at 9727583894 or 4699649132

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Local Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Chapter Announces New Mentoring Program

i ^The Gaze-t-te ^1 IJHlf bull bull i t v i i l siHViMartAMO HAH AS nicHAmimiN iAH Ann AHIN MCIHHNI r AHU MI saint t

Foe Eacf^tem In Joumaawn

6100 Avenue K Suite 105 bull Piano Texas 75074

Qiafrmttn Fmerinii

Jim Bochum


Tkurman R Jotus

Janice Deam


Roben Booker

Vice President NatJonal

Miihael T Caesar

Shirio Demus TarpUy

Intyrgratcd (^fnHmunicyinnlaquo Manafgr

Brandy Jones

Assignment F j ^ ]|bull Jacqiidine ATrgtgt - Williams


Monica TTwTBwn

Cheryi Jackson

Ldkeesha Joe B^iruia AUxander


Shauna Betwil Fratik Loa

EplusmnoardDevxiyne Preacher BeyGibsonJr Patrick bullbullPJJogtinson


Advisory Board WiilicWaillcy

Coty Rodriguez-Anderson

BJAXillianis Denisc Upchurch

Barbara Simpkins

Advisorgt- Board Commit tees

Pihlic Rdariom

John Dudley John Highto-j-er

Mynk Highiotivr Fred Moses

Annie Dicksoti Cecil Storks Ben Thomas

Pianning and Implementaiion

Cecil Starks CRyRptjtso

Business Gnmth Refmai

John Dudley CH-MRptRstis

Qualiry Assurance Mmie Hi^tiwer

CnyRftRsox Cotgt- Rodriguez

Ben Thomas

Program Micy Davhpmeni Annie Dickum


Program Creaiiou and Hanning

Goals Comminee

M0N-Th9 fiaerte assurnes no responsibility tor unsolicited matenal and reserves the right to edit and make appropriate revisions A

Is the sky clearest on the day it is most blue While you ponder thai thought we would like to announce that Minority Opportunity News Inc formerly a Dallas based renaissance community tabloid founded in 1991 has relocated to Piano Texas and changed our name to MON-Tbc Gazette In addition to mov- ^ ^ ing our offices to Piano our editorial coverage has also shifted to ^ S _ -=bull encompass Dallas Northern Corridor The Northern Corridor is cIcaHy the fastest growing region in Texas if not in America

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc a public service sorority Denton County Alumnae Chapter will launch the Delta Academy for the 2003-2004 year The parentprotege orientation meeting is 230 pm Sunday October 19 at Lewisville Public Library 1197 West Main Street LcwisvillejTX

Delta Academy is a national mentoring program designed for girls ages 11-14 The focus of the

program is to provide enrichment in science math and technologgt The girls will also receive some training and instruction in other areas such as History Social Graces and Etiquette

Currendy they are seeking young ladies who attend schools in Denton ISD Lewisille ISD Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Sanger ISD Pilot Point ISD Gainesville ISD Frisco ISD and McKinnev ISD Interested

students should attend the orientation Those at the orientation intending to become a protege will receive an information packet

For additional information about Delta Academy please isit www deltasigmathetaorg or wwwdentoncountgtdcltasorg You may also c o n t a a Val Morgan Chapter President at 940-383-4295

Editors Note I n t h e O c t o b e r 2 2 0 0 3 a r t i c l e t h a t T h o m a s t e a c h e r M r W a r r e n is a

E d i t i o n o f M O N - T h e W a r r e n G i d d e n s w a s a G a r l a n d I n d e p e n d e n t

G a z e t t e w e s t a t e d in D a l l a s I n d e p e n d e n t S c h o o l D i s t r i c t ( G I S D )

t h e B e l l a i r e C o m m u n i t y S c h o o l D i s t r i c t ( D I S D ) t e a c h e r

6GAs LOOK 3erramp Hc^ po You Feei^ -f^is

MON-The Gazette believes that Ihc engine to continue this =^g growth is the airport expansion in McKinney which is the largest ^ g and most visible of many area oppoitunities As always and tme to tradition MON-The Gazette will be there carving a world of opportunity for those seeking to provide quality services Should you dare to expand your quest for economic parody outside the southern region or just want to know what is going on up north-

Think of MON-The Gazette as your paper of opportunity MOW-TTW GlaquoMttlaquo fomwV Minofrty Opportunity News was lounded July 1991 by Jim Bochum and Ttiurman R Jones

Visit (hn Uhsih-if iviviv^Ugt 1 u(uiZilUiigtni

W h o Arc the Women of God - W h y is MON-The GoieHe Honoring Them On M o t h e r Day Weekend 2004

bull What Can You Do To Be A Part Of The Momen tou i Occasion

G o To w w w m o n t h e g a i e t f e c o m (Ctick on Women O f GodJ

or Contact Sister Tarptey Al 972-606-3878 voice mail

Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette bull October 09 - October IS 2003 bull Page 3

PHA s Annual Fall Fest Page 1

l^jbull lMll l l l | | l l^ fHbullbull l l lL l l l i Who Are ihe Women of God bull Why is MON-The Cazefte Honoring Them On

Mothers Day Weekend 2004 What Con You Do To Be A Pari Of The Momentoui Occasion

Go To wwwmonlhegazerretom (Click on Women OF GoiJJ or Conhjrt Sister Torplry Al 972-606-3878 voice mall

Clint Brady committee volunteer Committee Chairperson

(rwendolyn G Jones

required to sign a minimum of a five-year contract which outlines specific goals client commitment statements and time-line goals of achievement During the five years participants are made ready to become independent of any governmental assistance

Another graduate Olivia Rudd said she had many physical emotional and social hurdles to overcome when she entered the program including coping with Graves disease She said through the support of the FSS program she has made great strides in her life and she is now employed with PHA

JuAni iiius Itesidenl Initiatives Director Piano Housing Authorityj

FSS Program Graduates Yvonne Ford Sabrina Frenchie ernetta

Lockridge Olivia Rudd and Executive Director Helen Macey

When I took ill with Graves disease I was determined to still live on my own and take care of my child PHA and the FSS program have allowed me to still be a parent and be a vital part of my daughters life said Rudd Sometimes you have to Reshydirect your dreams but the key is to not let go of them

Rudd has also been promoted from Wait-List Coordinator to Real Estate Services Specialist

Clint Brady committee volunteer said he signed up to help because The program empowers them and dismisses

Children enjoy a potato sack race during the annual Piano Housing

Authoritys Fall Feat

Proud FSS graduates Yvonne Ford Sabrina Frenchie Vernetta

Lockridge Olivia Rudd Destin Wltite (not pictured)

liuiiiiie JuL-obs a metnber of the Family Self-Sufficiency Program

and mother ancy

the old Stereotype that all Section 8 recipients are lazy and looking for hand-outs

This years festiities honored these graduates Yvonne Ford Sabrina Frenchie Vernetta Lockridge Olivia Rudd and Destin White

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Each Office is Independently Owned And Operated t s J Park One Realtors

Start developing your Plan for Life today

Yvonne Ford one of the honored graduates and children Kenyia 12

Rainey 15 Sheldon 13 Keith 12

SBAs minority development Page 1

financial statements and personal resume(s) You should take the information including your loan proposal and submit it to a local lender If the lender is unable to approve your loan you may ask if the lender can consider your request under the SBA loan guaranty program Under this program the SBA can guaranty up to 85 of a small business loan however the lender must agree to loaning the money with the SBA guarantee The lender will then forward your loan application and a credit analysis to the nearest SBA District Office After receiving all documentation the SBA analyzes the entire

application then makes its decision The process may take u p to 10 days to complete If the lender needs SBA applications andor guidance it may contact the nearest SBA District OflSce by going to http www sba govregionsst ateshtml Upon SBA approval the lending institution closes the loan and disburses the ftmds

With a portfolio of direct and guaranteed small business loans worth more than $45000000000 ($45 billion) the Small Business Administration is Americas largest financial provider for minority owned small businesses

Minority-owned businesses have received 269 small business loans under the Minority Pre-qualification Loan Program since its inception in April 1995 and have obtained $26000000 (826 million) in small business loans representing an average loan of $98840 under the Minority Pre-qualification Loan Program

The Minority Pre-qualification Loan program helps minoritgt-owned small businesses secure capital for start-up or expansion of their small businesses This small business loan program uses private sector organizations to assist in the loan application process

A prospective borrower works with an intermediargt to develop a viable business loan application The loan application is then submitted directly to the SBA for consideration of a small business loan pre-qualification On approval the intermediary also can assist the applicant in locating a competitive lender

Small Businesses that are at least 51 owned and

managed by minority person(s) are eligible The maximum loan amount under the Minority Pre-qualification Loan Program is $250000

For more information about small business loans for

minoriry-owned businesses visit wwwsbagov Also while visiting the State Fair ofTexas you can check out the SBA booth in the Grand Place and pick up a general information packet SBA loan seminars are

held each Thursday except holidays at attend 1402 Corinth St Room 1534 DallasTexasThe seminars are fi-ee to attend For additional information call (214) 860-5865

Shirley A Oranam -jcnt M44N Planw Rd Suite 260 Richardson IX 750laquol-466

9727549610 Cell Email gmhamshn a auLcum

Live the life you ve imagined

b-och of us has certain linancial glials vc vMil lo jiThJo e in life mdash a tomtortable ing for oar family btKiK ownership adiancod cJucnlion for our children and finaiKial independence when we retire

Mtgtst people hoicvcr never aitain llieir financial ofcjeciie^ because thegt fail in dcxclop a reasonable plan lo ichieve them And because everyones tlnancial objectives arc unique each individuals plan must be distinctively dincrcni-

Americw General Career Distribulion Gnx^ offers an cAciiin^ ncM system lo help people delerniine ihcir famdyN tlnancial objcciics and dcelop a plan lo realize them Its called A Plan for Life and its a tree sericlaquo with no cost or obligjatiun

To develop your familys Plan for Life call loitay


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Plage 4 bull October 09 - October IS 2003 bull Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette I isii Our Wchsitc At ivivivMOXlhciiiizvtliconi



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IVVV OiifWcbsiicli ivww yi()Ifu(iitzt-tvcom Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette bull October 09 - October 152003 Page 5

Theres Plenty to Taste amp See at 2003 State Fair An abundance of thin^ to discover

avvaiis visitors to the 2003 State Fair of Texas Sept 26 Oct 19 Vfhether its the very best in exhibits entertainment livestock events contests or rides guests will not leave disappointed

Ever wonder just what is the number (ine aitraction at the nations largest annual exposition That would be food VChether on a stick on the hoof jcHied-in-a-jar hot cold spio powdered or plain food surrounds visitors when they arrive

Food is pngtminenl ai the Taste amp See l^avilion The adjacent conservatory houses exotic plants that provide nectar for thousands of brilhantly-hued butierflies stars ofTake Fli^t in Texas lgtiscovery Gardens Inside celebrity chefe work their magic in a special denionsiration kitchen Outside a

spacious tent is home to wine tastings and ^wine education a sunken garden bistro J will sell wine and cheese Humongous

pumpkin-carving demos and theatritai-type face painting will be ongoing in the tent- Visitors are encouraged to explore the surrounding seven acres including

something thats impossible to miss the Texas Garden Railway a miniature train running throu^ a host of state landmarks and small gorges tiny creeks and verdant countryside

Meanwhile Spirit of the Dance kicks up its heels in a foot-stomping celebration of Irish dance in the Coliseum Its Christmas at the Texas Hall of State where Holidays ai the White House comes to life in a 20 x 60 replica of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Chevrolets Main Stage presents Sandi Pattgt- Jo Dee Messina Lisa Marie Preslegt Jeruiifer Pena Tracy LawTence Mark Chesnutt and Joe DifEe Blues Traveler and mon in no-additional-charge concerts

The Youth Livestock Auction of Champions took the spotlight Oct 3 alterriating shows and sales feature cattle sheep swine goats poultrgt and pigeons Ijnle Hands on the Farm allows kiddos to play farmer (ending to their gardens from inception lo harvest The biggest new car show in the Southwest displays premium nameplates as well as 2004 models concept cars pickups SUVs arul collectibles in the Classic Corral

Very Important Football is pan of State Fair history The Cotton Bowl b the site of two definitive match-ups each year - the State Fair Classic pitting the Panthers of Prairie View AampM against the Grambling State Tigers (Oa 4) and the Red RK-er Shootout where bragging rights dangle

between unKersitgt rivals Oklahoma and Texas (Oct 11) A nighdy parade and laser show museum exhibits canine acrubais jams jellies and quilts thrill rides free-Qi^t birdf multiple music stages and more make tfie 2003 State Fair of Texas a noi-to-miss event

bull W h o Are rhe Women of God bull Why i i MON-Tho Go ie t i c Honor ing Them On Mother s Day Weekend 2004 bull W h o l Car You Do To Be A

Port Oi The Momentous Occoi ion Go To wwtvmonthegaleHecom (Click on Woman Of GodJ

or Contact Sister TorpJey At 972-606-3878 voice moil

ride D M in October bullraquogt-

Friendship Baptist Church to Host Life-Saving Cancer Awareness Celebration THE COLONV x Friendship Baptist

Church (FBC) will host a Pink-n-Blue Day to promote screening and earlgt deteaion of breast pnwtate and other cancers The celebration will be held on Sanirdai- October 18 2003 from 1000 am to 200 pm at 4396 Main Street The Colony TX

This program provides a platform for health educators advocacgt groups the meilia public officials physicians and concerned citizens to focus their efforts tollectively in the battle against cancer It features cancer education and prevention a panel of guest speakers including cancer survivors and free prostate cancer screenit^ Emphasis is placed on the importance of incorporating simple preventive and positive health behaviors into everyday life

One out of evergt two men and one of every three women are at risk of having cancer in their lifetime According to the (mcrican C ancer Society appniximately i 3 million Americans will be diagnosed vvitli invasive cancer African American men have a 20 i hi^er incidence rate and 40gtu higher death rate from all cancers combined than white men About 132700 new cancers will be diagnosed among African Americans in 2003 When cervical and colon cancers are found at early stages the five-year iuivival rate is better than 90 percent

Breast cancer is the most conramin cancer and is the second leading cause of death among African American women ll women are encouraged to receive an

annual mammigtgram beginning at age 40 By combining monthly breast-self examination with regular mammography and clinical exams women have the besi chance of finding breast cancer early-whcn it is most treatable VCTien breast cancer is deteaed early and treated at a local stage the five-year survival rate is 97 percent

The second leading cause of cancer death in American men yet the most commonly diagnosed among African American men prostate cancer is expeaed to claim 30000 lives in 2003 In addition at least 184000 new cases of the disease will be diagnosed this year alone Althou^ screening guidelines may vary most physicians agree men over age 50 or men age 38 and over who are African American or hive a family historv of the disease should be screened for prostate cancer annually The good news is that with an increase in awareness and screening for prostate cancer the survival rate has increased to more than 90 peitent

The FrieiKlship Baptist Church Health Ministry is a consortium of phgt-sicians health educators scientists and patient advocates dedicated to promoting health and wellness education FBC urges individuals to contaa their health care provider or local health department for more information Or call 1 -800-4CANCER and 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit the websites wwwncigov and vvwwcancerorg Because we want to spend as mangt- dav-s as i e can with our loved ones lets talk more about cancer prevention Remember the best protection is early detection


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Mesquite3730 Townc Crossing (972) 686-4270 Piano2380 N Central Expwy (972) 516^988

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You con took ond ni and i f oN fHIV

Thlaquo Uttimato Onl ine MorketpkKe Experionce

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Experietce tite rtchMSs of H b p a n k cuKurv on the big sown at the Stb Aaiuai Vstas Filn fastrval Oct 9-12 Ride DART Rail to tW festival sites Aiyelib FSn Ceiter at Modiifbird Station

aid lit DaKas Misenmltrf Art tear St Paal Station Call 214S265560 or visit vistasfilmfestivabrg f

^fr a t d tiw Red River Rivaliy at TexasOil Weekend i i ttie

West Eld Friday St Sailrday Oct 10-11 I I am to 9 pm Take DART Rail to Wett End Sution

CaD21474171SSorvisitdaIbswestei(iort Q)

1 Afj Jou tlu Race for the Cure aid ma or walk to iijiit breast caiar

SatiRJay OctIS Re^Btratioi bejins at S30 am eveats start at 74S am Take DART Rail to Park U i e Station and board the

Honkfid Cetter Sbttle Get event info at 2147507223 or komeiKlaliasiirg

Get S2 off admission to tke State Fair of Texas wkei yoi ride DARTs State Fair Skittle Satvrdays aid Stndays tkroijk Oct 19 Siiirttles depart CitypUce Statioaseasteitraioe for

Fair Park every 10 miiites from 930 am to 11 pm last ietiniiasect skittle leaves tke fairgroiids at 1130 pm

S2TwindtripVisrtDARTofj Of Q I I 2149791111


Skare tlte spirit of family f rieadskip and community at tke 29tk Harambee Festival Satarday Oct 25 10 am

to 7 pm Take DART bts Roites 122i 44 409 and 44S to tke Martifl LatkerKiij Jr Commnnity Ceiter

2922 MIX ir 8 W Call 214670i3S5 for details

Stars aid Mavs fan Q I jlide between tke DART Rail West Eld Statioi aid Anet ia i Airfiies Ceiter M free skittle bises every 10 minutes Board tke skittle at

UnarSt t Pacific Ave or Record St t Ross Ave Comiij to tke janw from west of dowitowi Take tke

Triiity Railway Expiest flRE) to Victory Statioi Get DART iafoat 2149791111 or DARTorj TRE itfo

at 817JlSitOO or triiityraitwayexpressorj Please Note There is no TRE service on Sundays

W-DART Oi-Call is expandiij Startiij Oct i tke

popilar oirb-to-ciffa van service will be offered i i East Pbio Farmers Braickaid Nortk Dallas


DARTS roQiisect oit ckaifes n bis aid rail services October ( For details a l l 2149791111 or visit DARTorf


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Page 6 bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette Iisil Our Mt7gtvlaquo 1 ivivictOlnltitiZtlltctim

Brad Keller Tapped To Helm Filmcor Productions A Killer Within Dallas TXDallas filmmaker

Brad Keller will direct Filmcor Produaions first indie feature A Killer Within starring C

Thomas Howell (The Hitchcr The Outsiders and Gods and Gene ra l s ) and Sean Young (No Way Out A Kiss B e f o r e Dying and 1st to D i e ) Filmcor is still in n e g a t i o n bullbull with Esai M o r a l e s ( L a Bamba and N Y P D B l u e ) K e i n D i l l o n ( P la toon and The Doors) and Latin multi-platinum artist Cheyerme The project has been in research and development for the past six months and is set to begin production on November 17th The film will be shot entirety in the DallasFt Worth area and is scheduled to wxap on December 2oth

A Killer Within centers around the character ADDISON TERRILL (Howell) a Dallas attorney who comes home one night to find his wife brutally murdered with the words Now were even scrawled across the bedroom wall The cops suspect he killed her and now ADDISON must race through the underside of Dallas to find the only other suspect His ally is a grudging ex-cop (Morales or Cheyenne) who knows what it takes to deliver justice If they can overcome their differences theyll be able to solve the case before anyone else gets hiu-t But sometimes the problem with crime is the deeper you dig the darker the secrets you unfold-and together they might just discover tKat thereisa1EiUer within us all

From the beginning of his filmmaking career Keller has remained true to his desire to keep it local from the majority of the cast to the crew Im really excited about being able to direct a film of this magnitude right here in Dallas says Keller It has been such a long time since weve had a really big feature film project with star power behind it like this one in the city There are another twenty-five roles yet to be cast in the film and Im looking forward to being able to pull actors from the local talent pool

Local casting on the project will begin October Isi Cast and crew resumes can be sent to MPS Studios 139 Regal Row

Dallas TX 75247 The production office phone number is 2149059908

ABOUT THE FILMMAKER Brad Keller was born in

R c d o n d o t California in I DD He moved lo North Texas m 1985 to attend film school at North Texas State U n i v e r s i t y W^ile there he made two short films

His film Professor at the t i m e r e c o m m e n d e d that Brad be hired to work on the film Born On The Fourth Of July for which he worked under director Oliver Stone In

1990 Brad graduated from the University with a Bachelors degree in Radio amp Telension Film Arts Shortly after his graduation Brad was asked back to work on JFK

In 1991 Brad wrote produced and directed a short film hoping to get into the American Film Institute for Directors In 1992 Brad was accepted into the program ^Tiile there he directed the film Next Three Exits The film was produced by Phillip TTiomas currendy one of Goldie Hawns producers The films actors have landed extended teleision roles Christa Miller worked as a regular on the Drew Carey Show Rodney Rowland was regular on Pensacola Wings of Gold and Pat Brown played as the secretary in Coach and was a star in Sister Act

In 1993 Brad went back to Texas to work as a Director on a

TGI Fridays commercial for a friend After working on several commercials such as Shell Miller Genuine Draft and Six Flags Brad decided to move back to Dallas While steadily working on commercials and industrials Brad wrote his first screenplay Shadowed Love In 1995 Brad produced and directed his first feature film Shadowed Love The filpi was distributed by MC3 Entertainment

Later that year Brad wrote and directed the short film Criminal He worked with Michael Off Director of Photography of Its In The Water and Children Of The Com In 1996 Brad met John

Steakley author of Vampires and Armor who had just finished writing his first screenplay and was looking for a producer and director After viewing Brads body of work Mr Steakley hired Brad to produce and to direct the feature film Scar Texas Movie That same year MC3 Entertainment gave Brad the financing to produce the feature film Six Dollars A Minute

In 1997 Brad produced the comedy Social Ladder directed by Lenny Britton w ho was the screenwriter of the feature film Precious Find In 1998 Brad wrote produced and directed the feature comedy Loofa It is now

being distributed by Salt City Home Video In 1999 Brad wrote produced and directed the feature thriller Placing Dead which went on to sell over 80000 copies worldwide His latest project Jacked is currently in post production

Brad has won two awards One for Producing on the comedy film Thunderpussies and the other for Directing Software Corporate video Brad teaches as a professor of Film and Digital Processing at Dallas colleges on his spare time

Runaway Jury A man (John Cusack) on a

jury in a landmark lawsuit against a gun manufacturer conspires with a woman (Rachel Weisz) to swing the verdict Because its such a high-profile lawsuit and there are millions at stake he finds himself in conflict with a jury consultant (Gene Hackman)

and a lawyer (Dusiin Hoffman) who will do anything to get the verdict he wants starts October 172003

The House of the Dead Several college students on

spring break in Seattle make plans to hit a rave on a remote island just outside the city But when they arrive late mdash having missed the main boat mdash they discover the island deserted and no revelers in sight Finally they

meet two trembling students who say the rest of the kids were attacked and eaten by zombies Starts October lo 2003

STARTS FRIDAY OCTOBER 10 lpound7]4laquono


If- - i

bullKMIBMniitC MlaquoTNtATWraquo



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Pepe Aguilar -10-11 - NextSta^

Nickclback -10-16 - NeitStsgc

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AH American Rejects -10-21



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Tlie Strokes-11-06 bullNcxtStife


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]iii Our Websiteit ivivwMOS IheiMUzettecnm

W^ Stephanie Ward Gallery 2546 Elm St Dallas Texas 75226

C u s t o m F raming Sale 30 oflall frames and - 50 off all in suKk frames AH framesi art is 40ii off (Beautiful rqinxluctions and originals

included in tlus sale) Sale ends Sqit 272003

Come visit the gallery He have a hoat ofneiu original artwork by local artista - huge contemporary abstracts figurative and cubist styles

We will be hosting a series of seminars on collecting and appreciating art now through November If you are interested please

send us your e-mail and mailing addres Topics will include understanding cubism Art appreciation 101 Collecting 101

Framing and preserving you art workjllic scoop on art appraisal The philosophy of modern art History of folk and figurative art

Understanding the secondary market and other topics First Seminar is scheduled for Sept 20 2003 Basic Art

Undcrsatanding Call for more details 2147525588

Sponsorship opportunities available for seminars

Home Is Where The Art Is StcphaiiicK jmllery b hwkUng a contest culled Homf U Where The Ai-t IB

Show us how jou displaji-d gtour a n purchased from the gallery and win up to $500 in custom framinK- Stnd a ph(itigt(traph of the art hatiftuiK lo your home If

it a p p e o n un our website we wiU e-mail you a certificate

2 1 4 7 5 2 5 5 8 8

Excttlnq now attractions

STiTET ICelobrity 1 KitchMif

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14S659raquoai bull wwwbitf


nt1raquotetfl f i Vt(M

bull(bullin fo i i i ^ i i bull

bullgti() VOi - (bullii ^omcast

Minority Opportunity Netys - The Gazette bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Page 7


Black Cinematheque Dallas and the Dallas NAACP to Host Film Black CuiL-nijilitjqaL Dalla^ will parincr

with the Dallas Branch nf ihc NAACP lo htisi a film pngtgram atviui wiiiT fraud and ihe aiiack on dinnocrjLV in Amerita iTiJay October 17 2003 800 IM at [he South Dallas Cultural Center i40lt) S Fiizhug^ Street DallasTexai Tickets are $5(X) and tan be piinhascd at the doiirnie public shiaikl Kill 21 M26-lgtlaquo3 tor informality

Filml Oeoee Lxigaty of the FJeciion Day Massacre by Bianca While amp Sandra Kiasa 26 min 2002 Orbanworld Film Festival - WiniKT Beit Short Documentary in the early twentieth century Ocoee was hltimc to one of Fliraquo-idas most prosperous African American CMnmunitics In I920on eleclitgtn day when Blacks tried to vote they were haraswrd bullied beaten and murdered One igtf Central Floridas most notorious incident of raciaJ viokaice the Ocoee Massaere began after iViose Norman a Black fanner who migrated to Central Florida friMn South Carolina in a mule-drawn wagon tried tii vole in the 1120 eleaion Xh (s descended on Ocoee and found Norman ai the home of a friend July Perry In the ensuing shinitout Nttrman escaped but Perry was I Tiched and -iirung up with a bulliign that read This is what we do to niggers that vote Two dozen htiuse^ twn churchegt and a lodge were burned and according to an NAACP (^server migtre than 60 Blacks killed

Film ftl Unprecedented The 2000 Iresideniial Electiim by Ricliard Ray Perez fit Joan Sekler 50 mm is a riveting dixoimentary about the battle tor the Presidency in Florida anil the undcrminint of democracy in America

Filmmakers Richard Ray Perez and Joai Sekler exaimne modern Americas most conmAersial pobtical contest the EJeaion of (leorgi- VC Bush What emerges is a disturbing picture of an ekciion maned by suspiciougtp irreguUiritiei electoral injustices and sinister voter piirget m a state governed by the winning candidates brother (ieorge W Bush stole the presidency- itf the United Stale mdash and got away with It Dallas historian Mr Donald Peyion and repa-senuiivegt of the Dallas NACI will lead the figtll(Av up discnis^ion atter the screening erf the two tilnis

African AnKricans first obiaineti ilie ri^t to vote in 1870 via the 15ih Amendment to the Cnnsutution which slated diat the r ^ t to voie shall not be denied or abndged on the bavis of race color or previous tondiuon of senitude In the decaile after the Ciil War Blacks voted in for greater numbers in the St)uth than Whnes But that ijuickly charged With the withdrawal of federal troops and the collapse of Reconstruction White Siiuthemers led bgt-terrorist groups such as the Ku Klux KJan let loose a r e ^ of terror to drive Blacks luim the voting booth In addition many states insiituied literacy tests poD taxes informal voting cigtdes grandfather clauses vouchers oi good character and dis^jualificatiun for cTimes of moral turpitude were utilised to disenfranchise Black voters TactKs such as the all White primary and gerrymandering of elcciiim districts further reduce Black voting strength anti alniigtst elintinaied the number of Black elected officials By IKK) iJlacts had v-inuallgt diraquoappcare^l from Southern voting rrfls

Most African Americans passionately believed voters in Florida wen baiiiboozkd at the votmg booths during the 2000 electionlo believe otherwise would be to ignore the sordid hislorj of the Souths century-long efftm to disenfranchise Black voters states Mangt-n Clark Founder Curator for Black Cinematheque Sc ari pleised to jwn with the Dallas Branch of the NA-CP in presenting these two imponani films and to discuss cniical issues of empowering people of color Ccdumnist Junious Ricardo Stanton in his piece Wliy We Should Be Better Informed About turreni Events wntes I haw no vendetta against (icurgeW Bush

My uppositioii to him is because he and his

Program on Voter Fraud in Florida administraticm were put into oBice by fraud and widespread ivter disenfranchisement in Florida If you have a loved one in the military they may be sent to a Iar aw ay land to die for Bushs oil and glot^hegemony ^enda What will you get out of it other then a llag draped casket What if they return uraiinded or maimed Are you aware Bush sponsored legislaiiltraquoi to cut veteran benefits

reduce hazardous duty pay and family separation allowances Have you noticed the media rarely shows any funerals for the fallen soldiers and Bush never attends Whats up with that h the war on terrorism wtirih the bdlkms of laxpas-er dollars being spent or the iiuvKcni lives being lost What about all the opium and heron flowing into AmeriKKKa now that the Taliban has been


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Lesal Notices Cigtntact Ms Janice Deans to advertise in our career Dppo

F-ax (ir Mmait copy for quote I-ax 072-500-0058 l-mail opporiunity (imonthejiazcttecom



Scaled proposals for highway improvement contracts will be received by the Texas Department ofTransportaiitm (TxDOT) until the date(amp) shtgtwn below

and then publicly read


Coniraa 6103-62-001 for CHAIN MXK FENCE in DALLAS County will be opened on November 1 3 3003 ar 1030 am at the

District Office for an estimate of 527400000 Contract 6104-27-001 for POTHOLE REPAIR in DALL^S Counrj

will be opened on November I 3 2003 at 1030 am at the District Office for an estimate of 829535000

Contract 6104-76-001 for STORM SEIXER AND INLET CLEANING in DALi^S County wjll be opened on November 13 2003 at 1030 am

at [he District Office for an estimate of $27894000

Plans and specifications are available for inspection along with bidding proposals and applications for the TxDOT Prcqualificd Contraciors list at

the applicable State andor DisLDiv OHiccs listed below Bidders must submit prequalification information to TxDOT at least 10 days prior to the bid date m be eligible to bid on a project Prequalification materials may

be requested from the State Office listed below Plans for the above contraa(s) are available froniTxDOTs website at wwwdotstatetxus and

from reproduction companies at the expense of the contractor NPO 11133

Stale OfHce ConslrMaint Division

200 E Riwrside Dr AustinTexas 78704

Phone512-416-2540 DisLDiv Officc(s)

Dallas District District Engineer 4777 E Hwy 80

MesquiteTexas 75150-6643 Phone214-320-6100

Minimum wage rates are set out in bidding documents and the rates will be part of the contract TXDOT ensures that bidders will not be discriminated

against on the grounds of race color sex or national origin


EAGLE CONTRACTING LP an Equal Opportunity Employer is soliciting Minority Owned and

Women Owned Business Enterprises for

Supply and Materia Supply Bids for the following project

City of Dallas Water Utilities

Southside WWTP Peak Flow Basin and Site


Bid Date October 06 2003

at 130 pm

Contact Charles Howard at

Metro 817-379-1897 Fax Metro 817-379-0610

Mail to Eagle Contracting LP

PO Box 1600 Keiler Texas 76244

depose J m Alghanistan How will these detdoptiwiUv impact our aimmunities Robert bull-Mien editor of The Black Scholar states Of course it wjs first and ia^i about race this stolen election - nd then Giire didnt wunt to tourfi it because Gore dulnt w^nt to break with White supran3cgtmdasheen though that meant hed lose the election Thats biw much VSTiite raquoupreinacgt means to him Can j-ou imagine Hed rather lose the Presidcnc than stand wiih Black folks



To iiKfcdsc prtlaquoipdion aftd opportuniiir avdiiabitity to HUB

Bireinesses GTECH has extefuJea the so^citatJon deadhne preroosfy

put)gtisheij in this paper Inteiested HUB busmeaes s kould f o r v ^ ir^rmatwn ^4kx mquines lO

(TECH Claquofplaquoitilaquoii HUB OpCfdIOt

8200 Cameron Road Su-teE-l20

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Career ODDortunities Contact Ms Janice Deans to advertise in our career opportunity scctum y72-6l()-715t ix or Imail copy for quote

Fax OT^oC-JO^R Hmait opptgtrtunny ((monthegaeiieconi

ROUTE PERSONS Needed For GarlandVlesquite

Piano Richardson N Dalla-s FarmersviUe Wylic

VicKinney Uen Frisco Leuisvillc Deniun Dallas Areas

Sularv Segotiablt

Qj(972) 606-3261 Please leave a message

M O N - T h e G a z e t t e is looking for community writers and reporters

Pay on a contract basis or by the hour Email your resume to editori^ monthegazettecom

or fax to 972-516-4197 Leave a message at 972-881-1646

Little Flock Bapt is t C h u r c h

905 E Aimee -PO Box 903

Forney Texas 75126 is currently looking for

a pianistorganist

Please call Pastor Laurent at


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stablished Art gallery looking for exceptional salesperson to

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Fage 8 bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Minority Opportunity Netvs - The Gazette Iisit (hir Website At tLiiivM()rhv(iazitlvinifi


Over the years I have received things that helped me on my lifes journey This is another one that I believe you will like and perhaps put it to use

A r e Your P r i o r i t J e S t r a i g h t Author Unknown

One day an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and to drive home a point used an illustration those student will never forget

As he stood in front of the group of high-powered overachievers he said Okay time for a quiz the expert pulled out a one-gallon mason jar and set it on the table in front of him He also produced about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them one at a time into the jar When the jar could hold no more rocks he asked Is this jar full Everyone in the class yelled Yes The time management expert replied Really

He reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel He dumped some gravel in and shook the jar causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the spaces between the fist-

sized rocks He then asked the students once more Is the jar full By this time the class was on to him Probably not one of them answered Good he replied He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all of the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel

Once more he asked the question Is this jar full No the class shouted Once again he said Good Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the brim

He looked at the class and asked What is the point of this illustration One eager beaver raised his hand and said The point is no matter how full your schedule is if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in it No thats not the point the expert replied The truth that this illustration teaches us is If you dont put the big rocks in first youll never get them in at all

What are the big rocks in your lifemdashtime with your loved ones your faith your education your dreams a worthy cause teaching or mentoring others

Remember to put the BIG

Feel Better Now


- ^ A M

Uplifting Inspirational Music i rn- t -- t t^ ltlt^t w p

New Mt Zion Baptist Church of Dallas S u n d a y S e r v i c e Morning Worship

730 a m amp 1030 am 900 am Sunday School

W e d n e s d a y S e r v i c e Prayer Meeting 700 pm

Brotherhood 700 pm Missions 700 pm

Singles Group 700 pm Bible Study 745 pm Pastor Robert E Price

A Praying Church Family Watchmen on the Walls

214-341-6459 (Phone) bull 214-342-8403 (Fax) 9550 Shepard Road

Dal las TX 75243

wwwnmzborg (Website) bull newmzbcra aolcom (Email)

Friendship Baptist Church iDr C Paul McBride Pastor

Schedule of Services Sunday

Early Morning Worship 800 am

Sunday School Classes 930 am

Morning Worship 1100 am

Evening Worship (1st Sunday) 600 pm

Tuesday Early Bird Bible Study 600 pm

Wednesday Morning Bible Study 930 am Prayer Meeting and 730 pm

Evening Bible Study

4396 Main Street The Colony Texas 75056

(972) 625-8186 website wwwfbc-oniinenet

The Church wi th a V i s ion

bullhilgt H n a t l ( gt V i r i i ( bull niti

ROCKS in first or youll never get them in at all So when you are reflecting on this short story ask yourself this question What are the big rocks in my life Then put those in your jar first

KXY PXOPLX Xvxn though my kxyboard is

an old modxl it works quitx wxU xxcxpt for onx of thx kxs It is trux that all thx othxr kxys work wxll xnough but just this onx kxy not working makxs a diffxrxncx

Somxtimxs it sxxms likx a txam is somxwhat likx my old kxyboardmdashnot all thx kxy pxoplx arx working

You may say to yoursxlf wxll I am only onx pxrson I wont makx or brxak a txam xffort But IT DOXS makx a diffxrxncx bxcausx a txam xffort to bx xffxctivx nxxds thx activx participation of xveryonx

So thx nxxt timx you think that your xfforts will not bx missxd rxmxmbxr my old kxyboard You are important

Email starpley(flwtnet Pager 214-833-1639

Voice Mail 972-606-3878 Fax 972-516-4197

Let MOS-The Gazette help your church accomplish the Priiyer ofjiiiv Utilargc imr UTTtuny to cxpiiid opportimilics ihtii may impaci iraquo tuch a vxty thai vx towh more Invs for (Jods glory IM US do more for Him

Church Happenings ALL NATIONS IJWTEP M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H

Thnu^ tht Last Sumiaj im Otutbrr 845 tm- 9i4 am

The Prayer of Jabez Bible Study ledby Dr Clara M Reed

October 19-During Morning Worship Service

Annual Mens Day For more information call 972-


All Nations United Methodist Church Dr Clara M Reed Pastor 3415 liast H t h Street Piano TX 75074 972-424-8500


October 11 CiOOpm

First Alrican American Health Summit - Hosted by Robert Ashley and Ester Davis

Panel led by Jewel Pookrum M D PhD FounderDirecior of the Civilized Medicine Institute Free to the public (Limited Seating)

For more information or to register contact Wessie Huckaby 214-376-6170

Ilethcl Temple Pentecostal Church Bishop James Mitchell 4014 S Lancaster Road Da l las TX 75216 214-374-1992


0e$9itr IS lOiOOam - 200 fm Cancer Awareness amp Prevention

Celebration bullFree Prostate Cancer Screening bullCancer Survivors and Testimonials bullSignificance of Spirituality and

Cancer-Fighting Foods bullHealth Promotion Giveawagt-s For more information call 972-625-


Friendship Baptist Church Dr C Paul McBride Pastor 4396 Main Street The ColonyTX 75056 972-625-818b


iriSamday ^Eatk MmtA Free blood pressure screening in the

Who Are the Women of God Why is MON-The Gazette Honoring Them On Mothers Day Weekend 2004 What Can You Do To Be A Part Of The Momentous Occasion

Go To kvw^vmontfiegazetfecom QtV on Women 0 Cod) or ConlacI Sister Xarpiey

Al 972-606-3878 voice moi l

Church Directory

Saint Mark Missionary Baptist Cliurch m 1308 Wilcox Street McKinney Tx

Pastor Charles S Wattley

Sunday Education Ministries 930 am Worship Celebration 1100 am - Nursery Facilities Available -

Wednesday Family Ministries 700 pm

Friendly Fellowship with A Family Focus For More Information Call

9725426178 wwwsaintmarkbccom


ShJIoh lAissionary Baptist Church 920 E 14th Street Piano TX

Monday 7PM Youth Brotherhood Mission

amp Young Adult Ministr ies

Tuesday 7PM Bible Study amp Mens Choir

Wednesday 7PM Mid-Week Service

Thursday 7PM Mass Choir

Z z z Q H X m


m 03

O c 2

I For more information call (972) 423-6695


gym after evening services For more information on times amp

room call 972-644-2335 Smu^fja gtfi(r f p n n q Srrmro

at ArAMpoundt0nmm Achievers are Successful

Tutoring Program the TAKS test and how lo become a TUTOR Tutoring for grades K-12

For more information call 972-644-2335

Greenville Avenue Church of Christ Minister Sheitun Gibbs III Pastor 1013 S Greenville Avenue Richardson TX 75081 972-644-2335

Church Happenings Page 10

School Dlsfrta

To View our upcoming bids ( ease go to

the Piano ISD Purchasing Department web

Go to wwwpisdedu dick on web site lnlaquo

dex then choose the letter P and follow

the links to the Purchasing Department

J^ y^w i((hffSf (iifru 1701 W Icffcrson St Grand Prairie Texas 7 J 0 J 1

2B0J Market Loop Suite ]00 Soufhiake Texas 7fgt092

Dennv H Dais Seranl

7fla M 900 AM IfWW AVlt and 1 AM

Mt Olive Church of Piano 740 Avenue F Suite 303

Piano TX 75074

A Non-denominational Church for all Nations

Pastor Sam Fenceroy Pastor Gloria Fenceroy Schedule of Serv ices

Sunday School 930 am Morning Worship 1045 am M e n ampWomen Ministrgt- 1st amp 3rd Mondays 730 p m I-eadership Meeting 2nd Mondays 730 p m Singles Ministrj- 4 th Mondays 730 pm Youth Bible Study Wednesdays 730 p m

Mid-Wcck Serice Wednesdays 715 p m M o t h e r s D a y O u t T u e s d a y amp T h u r s d a y 900 a m - 200 p m

Servicios En Espanol Domingos Noche 630 pni

Jueves Noche 730 pm

Phone 972-633-5511 Fax 972-633-3728

Email mocop740i^ Verizonnet P a s t o r s P e d r o a n d

D i a n a S a n t i l l a n

K i i d i n Hr tKu l i i s ( S t a l i n n KMO A M - K ( i ( i H M - l H I S a m - l ( l U raquo a m

Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Page 9


Back Page Elite News Religious Hall of

Fame Celebrate Grand Opening Dallas TX- The Elite

News Religious Hall of Fame founded by William Bill Blair held its grand opening celebration recently in Dallas Guests brought rehgious contributions to enhance the growth of this one of a kind

historical facility The Religious Hall of Fame Museum opened during the latter part of the summer with a ribbon-cutting ceremony The 15-room venue was designed to acknowledge and honor ministers and selected leaders that positively

influenced their community and nation by improving the quality of life for others The Hall of Fame is located at 5554 South Hampton Road Dallas TX For more information contact Debra Blair-Abron or Jordon Blair at 214-372-6500

Charity Golf Tournament to Benefit Local Organization T h e 5lh Annual Westside Bapnsi

Church Charity Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday October 18th 1100 am at Indian Creek Municipal Golf Course Cairoll ton Texas Registration for the W B C Charitgt- Golf Tournament benefiting Big Brothers and Big SistersDallas is ofBciallgt open for sign up T h e mission of the charit e^ent is to raise the communitys awareness for the need of mentors for the hundreds of children on the ^-altlng list to be matched T h e cost is S8000 (includes green fees can prizes and food)


wwwwestsidebaptistchurchcom for more infonnation or to complete a registration form Your completed

Church Happenings Page 9


L N S T I T U T l - f G M O R - D F W ^

Moniiajri amp Thumiayi ^bull00 pm- 845 pm

N o w taking registrat ions for Bachelor of ITieologv Bachelor of Biblical Studies and Bachelor of Counseling Classes Dr Kenneth W Johnson Executive Director

Gospe l M i n i s t r y O u t r e a c h Theologica l I n s t i t u t e (G MOR -D F W )

( Ins ide S h e k i n a h Glo ry C o m m u n i t y C h u r c h ) B i shop R o b e r t B th r idge P a s t o r 515 West C e n t e r S t r e e t D u n c a n v U l c T X 75138 1-800-923-9149


Oclraquohrr2S lOeOOtm bull 20Qpm Annual Health Fair - Free Includes screenings testing gtve-

a-ways food and more For more information call 972-

235-4633 Ul

H a m i l t o n P a r k Un i t ed M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h Rev D e r r i c k Wr igh t P a s t o r 11881 S c h r o c d e r R o a d D a U a s T X 75243



75th C h u r c h Anniversary Musical- 630 p m


Oitober 19 Homecoming Service 330 p m Rev Roy Rocke - Guest Speaker For more information call 214-823-


Hopewel l M i s s i o n a r y B a p t i s t C h u r c h Rev Michae l H u b b a r d S e n i o r P a s t o r 5144 Dolph in R o a d D a l l a s T X 75223 214-823-1018


OnobtrlI9rOOMm Mens Prayer Breakfast

Ottobrr 17-18 Marriage Enr ichment Conference Building Your Marriage to Last Sidney amp Carol Bcal Conference

Speakers Cost S3500 per couple

Ocnbtr26 Annual Mens Day Celebration T h e m e Men running the race with

passion purpose and power Morning Speaker Rev Stuart Bailey For more information call 972-998-


Keller S p r i n g s Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev L a r r y S a n d e r s P a s t o r 3227 Keller S p r i n g s R o a d C a r r o l l t o n T X 75006


2MI amp 4tb SunJdyi Blood pressure screenings available

after 1100 am service

M e s q u i t e F r i e n d s h i p Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev Te r ry AL T u r n e r P a s t o r 2232 Frank l in Dr ive M e s q u i t e T X 75150



Tomorrow Lttt night October JO 700 pm Annual Fall Revival For more information call 940-320-


M o r s e S t r e e t Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev A R S tokes P a s t o r 921 M o r s e S t r e e t D e n t o n T X 76205 940-320-5364


TmeuiMyt amp ThtntUyi 9O0Mm~2tO0fM

Mothers Day Out Program for ages 2 months to 4 years of age Phonics numbers colors shapes amp other early childhood skills will be offered

For enro l lment package amp registration fees contact Sister Seretha Dawkins at 9 7 2 - 6 3 3 - 5 5 1 1 be tween 900 am and 200 pm

0(nhltr29~3l Vision Summit 2003 Conference For more information call 972-633-


M t Olive C h u r c h of P i a n o Rev S a m Fenceroy P a s t o r 740 Avenue F P i a n o T X 75075 972-633-5511



OcuAtr 25 liOOpm - SiOOpm Womens Ministry Conference TTieme Hearing the Hear t of a

Godly Man A panel of Godly men will be addressing the issues of both the married and single woman

For more information call Barbara

Miller at 972-235-2882

N o r t h Dal las C o m m u n i t y Bible Fel lowship Rev I^eslie W S m i t h P a s t o r

302 C e n t e n n i a l Blvd R i c h a r d s o n T X 75081-5057 972-437-3493


Octobtr 15-17 -^iiOpm Youth Revival New Bethel Baptist

C h u r c h 101 Elm Flat Road in Kerens Texas

Otnher I9j-00pm Worship Exper ience at Harvey

Avenue Baptist Church 1257 East Har ey in Ft WorthTexas

OcMitr2i 7iMgtpm Greater Renfro Memoria l C O G I C

700 East Park Avenue in Corsicana Texas

Octahtr 26 1200 Na^n Salem Baptist C h u r c h 3400

Mitchell Blvd in Ft WorthTexas Oetwitr 26 JM pm

M l Olive Baptist Church 2105 East Jones Avenue in Corsicana Texas

S ix th venue Bap t i s t C h u r c h S e r v a n t KD Davis Sr P a s t o r amp O v e r s e e r C o r s i c a n a T X 7 5 U 0

Siid vu i i r c h i i r v h ai i iKui iKct i icnis m e d i u i r i i nit inth^U i t l lcciMn n r lax to raquo r -S l ( - 41 raquo - Wi t hu i - ch M i i p p c n i n j s D e a d l i n e s a r e l r i i l a gt v txrtitre p u b l t c a i i o i i i lau- ( M t gt N - I h c G a c t t i - is pub l iNht t l c a t l i Thurs t l av )

Christian Meltwdist Episcopal Chirch 1113 I Avlaquo P b i i H x T X 7 5 0 7 4 ( 0 7 2 ) 4 2 5 - 4 0 0 0

Rlaquov J a i t t M E L a r r y P a v l o r

Sunday School 930 AM Sunday Worship Serviclaquo 1100 AM Wednftsday NIght- 730 PM Community Bibia Claaa

DavStar IHilv^rangc Ministries

Our Services S u n d a y

uIHLlgt School 1000 a j a Midday Smicc ll-OOun

TuelaquoIagt Pragter senke 700 pJii-

Senkt TJO pjo

Sponsored bgt The Touch Ministn bull Women in Transition (WIT)

Website wwwthetouchministrvcom bull Phone 972-769-laquog26

l l ( t - ^ H raquo 1 i l bull I M I O N t i sNH lgt bull I h u K i I

Sttns Chapel Baptist Church The Fellowship of Love

(Sharing Love Saving Souls and Changing Lives)

Sunday Services Early Morning Hiirship S00 atn

Sunday School tOJO am Mid-Morning Worahip 1130 am

Bible Study Wtdnlaquoaday Sight Live a 730 ptrt

^tUrun III Senior Potior

317 Parker Drive bull Garland TX 75040

Phone 972-276-0014 bull Fax 972-276-2444

Website wtvwSintsChapelorg

Gospel Ministry Outreach Theological Institute

GMOR - DFW Since 1982

Halpiiif M raquo laquo bull raquo the CTBcrtty of Spiriiual lUltcrocy in ChriMlaa Ihrooffa thcot^ckal bullnidin

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CorropondcoEC course Wt abo offer (be Vlailer and DoclorMc dcf rec program a wcU

CaU for rcftenvtioa and more informattoni l-WO-923-9149 today

Igtr Kvniu-lh J i thnMrn IXOiv lxecutive O i r c v t o r

A- Hamilton Park United S Methodist Church

Rev Derrick Wright S e n i o r P a s t o r

S u n d a y S c h o o l

830 am

Morning Praise 945 am

Sunday Worship 1000 am

Wednesday Service 630 pm

(Childcare Available Each Sunday)

A Christian Community of Faith Called by God to Make

Disciples for Jesus Christ

11881 Schroeder Road

Dallas TX 75243-3656

Phone 972-235-4633 bull Fax 972-235-5713

Email hparkumaolcom

Website wwwhparkumcorg

Little Flock Baptist Church

P a s t o r Louis E L a u r e n t

Internet Broadcast wwwkrgmcom

(Mon - Fr i (sect 12 Noon)

A Place Where a Taste of die Word is Guaranteed

Sunday School 930 am

Sunday Morning Worship 1045 am

Tuesday Night Brotherhood 700 pm

Wednesday Prayer MeetingBiUe Study 7KXgtpm

bullraquolaquolt II Ainun- SirccI bull IUgt Iliw Wt bull Iwncy Itxiis bull If IMituie i4-35- 02l

New Life Fellowship of Hamilton Park

8219 Bunche Drive bull Dallas TX 75243 972-671-1096

R e v e r e n d M i l l e r E J o h n s o n J r S e n i o r P a s t o r

I U ^ i n n i n K raquo - bull bull II bull u i m h i n n ^ i

Sunday Morning Bible School 91S ain MornlnK Worship Service 10)0 ain Evening Worship (Agape Hour) F l n l Sunday 600 pm

Wcdneulay Nifiht Prayer Meeting and Evening Bible Study ^l S pm

registration form can be mailed directly to W B C and or given to a Tournament Commit tee Member For additional

questions please contact Dennis Edwards at (972) 906-3434 or dennisedrardslticomcastnet

W h o Are the Women of God bull Why ij MONThe GoieHe Honoring Them On Mothers

Dtty Weekend 2 0 0 4 bull WhltA Con You Do To Be A Port Of The Momentoui Occasion

Go To wwwmonffiegoietteeom (Clkk on Women Of Goltf)

or Contact Siiler Torpley At 972-606-3878 voice moif

Join us at one of our fun relaxed and inspiring services

mi SrnMW ^tlAv- bull Terrv HomhttckU

2 3 5 0 E M a y f t t k l K O M I AHinncmi T e u u 7 6 0 1 4

(817) 557-MM or wwwuilaquoapect un

M M POMERheuM br KiM FMhMv 0laquonMSUMlClaquotraquo

Loving ft Fmndhr AfnMpfwnt


Keller Springs Baptist Church (Purstihif The Pcfson^ The Presence

and The Ttnver of Ciod)

S u n d a y M o r n i n g U i b l e S t u d i e s 900 a m

Sundagt- M o r n i n g W o r s h i p 1045 a m

M o n d a y N i ^ t D i s c i p l e s h i p 700 p m

^ d n e s d a gt - N i g h t P r a y e r amp P r a i s e 700 p m

( C l h i l d c a r e A aUab le E a c h S e r v i c e )

S r Ia-lor

3227 Keller Springs Road bull Carrollton TX 75006-12(tO Phone 972-735-S077 bull l-ax 972-73S-S0S7

liniail Infci ltf kcllerspringsorg Website wwwkellcrspringsorg

All Nations United ^ Methodist Church vt

DrU^gt^ M iJ

Senior Iulor

Dr Btrt 4ffJeck

Hispanic Minislriea

Christian by Faith Diverse by Design

Sunday S 43afi Lsconay 60e S^JCJ

Sifdsf 845m SjidayScfca SiHay 84Sam EsbdoBttcoEnEspand Stnday IftflOm VfcnNpSenice Tuesday TdCpm PrayefMeetrc

3415 E 14th St Piano TX bull 75074

972-424-8500 wwwallnationsumcorg

(Free itrsery Provided For Ages 4 and Under)

Other ministries include English As A Second Language

and Spanish As A Second Language Classes

Tempie ofTaitfi

Christian Cfiapef CMJE Cfiiircfi

Where Jesus is the Main Attraction

Sunday Worship Experience 800 am amp 1045 am

Wednesday Bii)le Study 1200 Noon amp 700 pm

D r J e r o m e E

M c N e i l J r P a s t o r

14120 Noel Road

Dallas TX 75254

72-2gt 9 120 (OfHce) bull 972-239-5^25 (FH) teinpleofraith_cmesbcglobalnet (Email)

llciillli) l(t^iuitiiis ( liilil l)ifl()|Mninl ( tnlci

bull)72 404 141

Minority Opportunity ews -The Gazette 6100 Ave AT Suite 105 ((iiSpring Creek l^irkway) Plano^ Texas 75074 Phone 9725162992 Fax 9725099058 Email Editor^moPtthegazettecofn i

m Page 10 bull October 09 - October IS 2003 bull Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette

I i j lt ) i gt U gt gt i ( I i i U i 4 I ( gt ( i i - j i t laquo m u

Around The Town

Collin County emergency preparedness hotline 9725484114 You can also visit wwwcocollintxus

The Stephanie Ward Gallery will host a series of seminars through November Topics include understanding cubism An appreciation 101 Collecting iOl Framing and preserving your art work The scoop on art appraisal The philosophy of modern art and other topics Call for more details 214 7525588 2546 Elm St Dallas T X 75226 Sponsorship opportunities available

Interactive Dallas Childrens Museum at Valley View Center - a hospital fantasyland by Presbyterian Healthcare a Kroger Foods miniature grocery store a farm a Jungle Impressions exhibit complete with rain forest arts and crafts Mon-Fri 9 am - 6 pm Saturdays 11 am - 6 pm and Sundays noon - 6 pm Children 2-10 years S4Adults $3 Call 9723866555

Sistuh Sistuh Sistiplusmn a non profit organization will provide life skills workshops Saturdays through December 13 2003 from 1000-1130 with the goal of empowering women with informational sessions on topics such as self-esteem finances computer literacy obtaining employment and goal setting At St Phillips School and Community Center 1600 Pennsylvania

Ave Dallas Texas 75215 2144215221 ext122

Interurban Railway Station Musuem 901 E 15th Street Piano Historic Downtown From 1908 to 1948 this was a station on the Texas Electric Railroads Interurban Line Monday -Friday 10 am - 2 pm Saturday 1 pm - 5 pm You can also arrange for special tours 9729412117

Heritage Farmstead 1028 15th Street Piano 9724247874 Dedicated to preserving the early 1900s way of life this unique four-acre museum features a beautiful Victorian home and 12 outbuildings that were part of a 360-acre farm operated by Ammie Wilson a colorful local resident Guided tours available

SPCA is hosting National Adopt a Shelter Dog Month - S50 adoption fee for all dogs Includes s p a y n e u t e r s h o t s d e -wormingleashcarrier and microchip Visit any of 3 locations Dallas - 362 S Industrial Blvd McKinney - 8411 FM720 The Colony - 4720 E Lake Highlands Or visit wwwspcaorgcalendar

Register by October 15 for the Hollywood Connection in Dallas This benefits dance communities across the US and helps experienced dancers get their break into the industry Get an inside look at the entertainment industry compete for scholarship and specialty awards including auditions to be a LA Laker Girl or a 6-month contract for a major

cruise lines Held in Dallas November 8 and 9 a the Sheraton Park Central To register and for more information visit wwwhcdancecom

Teen Graffiti magazine is recruiting members for all three Teen Advisory Councils South Dallas GarlandRichardson and Grand Prairie Ages grades 7 -12 diverse backgrounds Interested teens must submit an application available at middle high school and high school librarians and online at wwwteengraffiticom Or call Sharon Jones-Scaife at 972-496-9457

The ArtCentre of Piano will feature works by contemporarj Iranian artists in A Breeze from the Gardens of Persia through October 18 Includes approximately 90 works by Iranian artists including more than 20 women Works were chosen in collaboration with Iranian curators from the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art and Tehran Arts University Downtown Piano at the corner of 15th Street and Avenue K Tuesday-Saturday 10 am to 6 pm Free For more information 9724237809

Oetlaquotber U Mesquite City Animal Shelter

will sponsor a remote pet adoption at Petco 1500 Town East Blvd from 1200 pm to 400 pm For information call 9722166283

The 8th annual Diiuaer Under the Cedars benefiting the

restoration of Opal Lawrence Historical Park 4 pm to 830 pm 701 E Kearney St Tickets S30 ages 12 to 54825 for ages 55 and upS20 for children 3 to 11 Meal provided by Johnny Carinos tours of house auctions live entertainment by Reason Call 9722166468 for tickets or more information Tickets must be purchased in advance

Attend a fi-ee reception to meet other gardening enthusiasts living with rheumatoid arthritis and learn how to design your own arthritis-friendly garden A rheumatologist will discuss the latest treatment advance and an occupational therapist will talk about the physical and psychological benefits of gardening At the Dallas Arboretum 8617 Garland Road 6 pm - 730 pm Free RSVP to 18779922636

Black Cinematheque Dallas and the Dallas NAACP presents a film program about voter fraud and the attack on democracy in America particularly as it relates to the history of Black voting rights in Florida At the South Dallas Cultural Center 3400 S Fitzhugh Street Dallas 5500 Call 2144261683 for more information

O c t o b e r 18 - 19 BBQ Cooking Competition in

Downtown McKinney For more information contact the Downtown McKinney Association at 9725626880

Octoblaquor 32

Humor amp Healing Aging with Laughter hosted by The Senior Source at Temple Emanu-el Tobian Hall 8500 Hillcrest Rd a Northwest Hwy S7 reser-ations required Presented by Liz Carpenter author ofStart With a Laugh Carpenter is a former spokeswoman in the Johnson Administration Call 2148235700 or infoi^theseniorsource org

Octeher 2 Primerica Financial Serices

will condua a FREE Seminar For Prospective Home Buyers from 300-430pm on at the Douglass Community Center located at 111 Avenue H Piano TX To RSVP and for more information contact Angela King at 877 265-5030

Healing Matters Grief Support Group meets the fourth Monday of even month at 730 pm at Medical Center of Piano classrooms This is a pregnancy loss support group for anyone who has lost a baby to miscarriage ectopic pregnancy stillbirth newborn death or SIDS There is also a share group for those pregnant again following a loss For information call 972-519-1588

Overeaters Anom-mous meets at 7 pm Mondays and Thursdays and 9 am Saturdays at Pitman Creek Church of Christ Room El 12 1815 W 15th St Call Rita at 972-423-3620

Asthma Network of Piano meets at 7 pm the second Tuesday of the month at Medical

Center of Piano 3901 W 15th St Call 9725191475

DivorceCare meets at 7 pm each Tuesday at Fellowship Bible Church North 850 Lexington Piano Call Bob Hornstein at 972-783-8800

The Institute for Womens Health at Texas Womans University seeks female volunteers ages 18-60 for an ongoing womens health research study You will receive free testing including blood work EKG cardiac stress test pulmonary function and bone density testing Texas Womans University 8194 Walnut Hill Lane Dallas 75231 Call 214 706-2319

The Piano Animal Shelter need volunteers over 16 years old to wash and walk the animals help with clerical services and customer service 9725787510 And heres a friendly reminder that there are thousands of pets at shelters needing homes or consider being a foster parent while permanent homes are found for animals Contact your local animal shelter for details

W h o Are the Women of God Why i j MON-The Gozerte Honoring Them On Mothers

Day Weekend 2004 Whar Can You Do To Be A Part Of

The Momentous Occasion

Go To wtw^rnonthegoietlccani

Okk on Women Oi God)

or ConFacI Sister Torpley

At 9 7 2 - 6 0 6 - 3 8 7 8 v o i laquo mai(

SpOMSOr^il Bl^

aae (3 Proud To Be An Active

Partner In The Community bullMi--^

nm-Tinw Hoimbuyttfs Program from Bank of Anwrtva ttraquo raquoiwraquoylaquo bfflaquon your clrlaquolaquom to owgt bull home Vou raquohoutdnt htvo to worry or lohicvo it fttont Whic i bull why wo hvlaquo plaquotiKirilaquo( moriAMt bull (MMTS to wiiK (irMume ftomebuyort through laquovlaquofy illaquop of tht mortglaquogt prootM Thvy craquon introchiot you to bull vthtty of moniigt programi wnh Ittttt to no tfowri plaquoymlaquort and fltribfo crMh fulMnot Stop by or vltil ulaquo laquot banMimorlolaquooom1oftrgtraquo Or elaquotl ulaquo at lSOO9000000 M wlaquo can hlaquofp turn your drtam into bull raillty

Bankof Anierfclaquo^^Higher Standards

mfmm raquo www mtumt mmm mtm mraquotimM iwraquo raquogtigt bull 11laquolaquolaquo gt mtvn w ^ raquo raquoi WW ctinwMi

Page 2 bull October 09 - October ISy 2003 bull Minority Opportunity Nexoa - The Gazette I itl 0 ( i i Mthsitt 1 iviiivMl t I hititi-illii nut


Rushs Faux Pas A Royal Flush Well here we go again Add

another name to the long list of sport s race dunces T h e uproar over a racist remark uttered by ultra right wing conservative Rush Limbaugh dur ing a recent stint on E S P N s N F L Sunday C o u n t d o w n makes one wonder why anyone is surprised Rush has been doing this for years And all the hot air simply embellishes his fame

L imbaugh s controversial s ta tement concern ing

Donovan M c N a b b quar te rback for the Philadelphia Eagles proposed that McNabb s success was orchestrated by the liberal media intent on pushing black quar te rbacks and coaches M c N a b b was given credit for team performance that he did not deserve

Rush has been spewing his conservative racial diatribes as a nat ional supers ta r since 1988 on radio TV in columns books and public appearances He appeals to a largely young whi te male audience of closet racists captivated by his attacks on the liberal es tabl i shment blacks Jews the N A A C P and societgts downtrodden Rush feeds them vitriolic doses of character izat ions such as feminazis environmental wackos and hustlers for the homeless

L imbaugh is Mr Conservat ive radio H e recently renewed his radio contract for a reported record setting S250-3O0 million over eight years H e is heard on over 650 stat ions across America In addition to his three-hour radio show he had a one -hou r syndicated teleision program His book T h e Way Things O^g^gTo Be was a bestseller

But if anyone should be

pilloried it is the E S P N network They certainly knew what Rush was and what he represented when they hired him What were they looking for T h a t unique Limbaugh provocative commentary that builds ratings and brings in the dollars It was reported that Limbaugh increased the overall ratings for Sunday Countdown by 10 percent and 26 percent among the l8- to-34 males Is it any wonder that E S P N initially supported him

Decisions about who appears regularly on national pr ime t ime T V are not m a d e capriciously M a r k Shapiro E S P N s executive vice pres ident for p rog ramming gave this assessment of Limbaugh Rush is a great communicator and a fans fan His acute sense of whats on the minds of his listeners combined with his ability- to enter ta in and serve as a l ightning rod for lively discussion makes h im the perfect fit for this new role We brought Rush in for no-holds-barred opinions

Has this b rouhaha got ten more a t tent ion than it deserves Yes but because he is the und i spu ted voice of conservat ism he is a ready target for the victims he has lambasted through ou t his career Limbaugh gave this perspective For those of you who are saying Rush what were you thinking I thought about this the night before I weighed it I balanced it but you know what I decided Look they [ESPN] brought me in to be who I am This is what I think

F o r m e r Dallas Cowboys receiver Michael Irvin was on the E S P N show with Limbaugh as a studio analyst and has been criticized for not immediate ly challenging the racist comments Mr Irvin

responded by saying he did not speak up because this was not his area of expertise What message does this send to young Blacks when a high profile middle aged college educated Black man who grew up in the south during the Civil rights era feels so intimidated by an overbearing white man that he does not feel qualified or capable of simply saying that racist remarks will not be tolerated Maybe if Mr Irvin and those of his ilk spent a little less time flashing styling and grinning they would be more aware of the Black struggle and recognize racism when it stares them in the face

But Rush Limbaugh is used to not being challenged T h e lack of facts has never stopped his mouth H e has created a unique political base through the regular use of half-truth and distortion His ability to redefine reahty is well d o c u m e n t e d by the g roup Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) H e rarely corrects anything hes said no matter how wrong it may have been

T h e bot tom line is all the indignation by the poliiicos and civil rights leaders over Rush Limbaughs racist remarks will blow over like a pimple in a winds torm When the dust settles Rush L imbaugh will remain strongly en t renched a m o n g his hard-core racist cons t i tuents and the media moguls will be straining at the bit to throw money at him For Limbaugh there is no such th ing as bad publicity Controversy m a d e h im a superstar and he knows how to use controversy to keep the spotlight on him

James W Breedlove C o m m e c f s ^ r ui^inii-uis riiay

be rf^^otne wri ter at wwtru thcliniccom

Michael L


Michael Williams Steps Down as Chairman Railroad

Commission of Texas It has been my distinct honor

and privilege to serve as chairman of the Railroad Commission of Texas Since 19991 have worked tirelessly to Keep Texas Energy First During the past four years we have accomplished much Texas continues to lead the nation in crude oil natural gas and propane production We are the 5th largest coal producing state in the country Environmental protection has risen to the forefront of the Commissions agenda The Commission is now considered a friend of small and minority and female entrepreneurs

Under my leadership the Commission

bull Adopted regulatory changes that reduce operating costs by an estimated S7 million per year funds that increase production and go back into the pockets of

Texas oil and gas producers their employees communities and school children

bull Supported efforts to extend state severance tax incentives and pass the Kadonal Energy bill

bull Beefed up the Oilfield Cleanup Fund plugged 5851 wells and remediated 1143 producnon sites

bull Stepped up enforcement of Commission rules issued close to S10 million in fines for the violation of Commission rules including the largest fines in Commission histor

bull Increased the number of bonded oil and gas operators by more than 4500 operators or 750

bull More than doubled business with women and minority-owned companies from 51559009 in 1999 to 33192260 without the use of quotas or set-asides In the first half of FY 2003 the

Commissions HUB pardcipation was 267 TTie Commission is regularly recognized as one of the stales Top 10 Agencies in HUB participation

There remains much more work to be done i am committed to our agenda of energgt the environment and inclusion and look forward to meeting the challenges and seizing the opportunities of the future

I was pleased to nominate Victor Carrillo Monday September 22 as our new-Commission chairman Victor has distinguished himself in the nine short months he has been on the Commission I anxiously await his leadership If you have not already met Victor I strongly urge you to do so You will be as impressed with him as I am


officials from Collin County Community College District (CCCCD) and Texas Womans University (TWU) signed an agreement allowing students dual admission to both institutions

Dr Ann Stuart chancellor of TVCOJ joined CCCCD President Cary Israel and Sam Roach chair of CCCCDs board of trustees in signing the agreement The ceremony took place at 3 pm at the Spring Creek Campus conference center at Collin County Community College District

This agreementmdashnicknamed TWU Boundmdashallows students to complete the first two years of their degrees at the community college and have automatic admission to finish at the university College officials say the agreement will clear the path for students who are working toward bachelors degrees

It is important to pronde an affordable way for students to earn the baccalaureate degree and to reduce the time it takes to graduate This agreement will accomplish

both goals said Israel TWUs strong health science and education

piB|lgtdt9gt4in great complements to CCCCDs unique offerings This agreement stands to have a major

impact by creating more teachers and healthcare professionals to meet the high demands in theses fields

Texas Womans University is always pleased to cultivate stronger relationships with the community colleges said Dr Stuart The TWU Bound Program offers CoUin County Community College students the opportunity to map their course to a bachelors degree and further their prospects in life

According to Chairman Roach Higher education has never been more important than it is today Our trustees are committed to making education accessible and affordable for our students Innovative programs like concurrent admission are valuable because they help remove the obstacles in transferring and give students a direct link to a prestigious university

The details of the agreement state that CCCCD students who meet TWUs admission requirements or complete an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree will receive automatic admission to TWU The university will designate scholarships to qualified TWU Bound students upon transfer to TWU The agreement also provides participating students with special benefits on campus at TVCU

including the following bull TVCOJ Bound student ID card bull Access to the university- library bull Complimentary visits to the

wellness center bull Discounted rates of the golf

course bull Complimentary admission to

sporting events bull Free use of the Cyber Lounge

and computer lab in the TWU Student Center

bull Student or reduced guest room rate at TVCTJ resident halls

bull Free transportation on the Denton Link

Discounted student ticket rates to an and entertainment activities

CCCCD broke ground in 2000 when it signed the first concurrei^ admission agreement in T e x a ^ That agreement was with the University- of North Texas and the University of Texas at Dallas and Southern Methodist University followed shortly thereafter The program is popular with students and more than 170 CCCCD students are participating in the program in fall 2003

For more information call Lisa Vasquez at 9727583894 or 4699649132

W h e r e D o You W a n t To Go Today Publishers Office


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Local Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Chapter Announces New Mentoring Program

i ^The Gaze-t-te ^1 IJHlf bull bull i t v i i l siHViMartAMO HAH AS nicHAmimiN iAH Ann AHIN MCIHHNI r AHU MI saint t

Foe Eacf^tem In Joumaawn

6100 Avenue K Suite 105 bull Piano Texas 75074

Qiafrmttn Fmerinii

Jim Bochum


Tkurman R Jotus

Janice Deam


Roben Booker

Vice President NatJonal

Miihael T Caesar

Shirio Demus TarpUy

Intyrgratcd (^fnHmunicyinnlaquo Manafgr

Brandy Jones

Assignment F j ^ ]|bull Jacqiidine ATrgtgt - Williams


Monica TTwTBwn

Cheryi Jackson

Ldkeesha Joe B^iruia AUxander


Shauna Betwil Fratik Loa

EplusmnoardDevxiyne Preacher BeyGibsonJr Patrick bullbullPJJogtinson


Advisory Board WiilicWaillcy

Coty Rodriguez-Anderson

BJAXillianis Denisc Upchurch

Barbara Simpkins

Advisorgt- Board Commit tees

Pihlic Rdariom

John Dudley John Highto-j-er

Mynk Highiotivr Fred Moses

Annie Dicksoti Cecil Storks Ben Thomas

Pianning and Implementaiion

Cecil Starks CRyRptjtso

Business Gnmth Refmai

John Dudley CH-MRptRstis

Qualiry Assurance Mmie Hi^tiwer

CnyRftRsox Cotgt- Rodriguez

Ben Thomas

Program Micy Davhpmeni Annie Dickum


Program Creaiiou and Hanning

Goals Comminee

M0N-Th9 fiaerte assurnes no responsibility tor unsolicited matenal and reserves the right to edit and make appropriate revisions A

Is the sky clearest on the day it is most blue While you ponder thai thought we would like to announce that Minority Opportunity News Inc formerly a Dallas based renaissance community tabloid founded in 1991 has relocated to Piano Texas and changed our name to MON-Tbc Gazette In addition to mov- ^ ^ ing our offices to Piano our editorial coverage has also shifted to ^ S _ -=bull encompass Dallas Northern Corridor The Northern Corridor is cIcaHy the fastest growing region in Texas if not in America

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc a public service sorority Denton County Alumnae Chapter will launch the Delta Academy for the 2003-2004 year The parentprotege orientation meeting is 230 pm Sunday October 19 at Lewisville Public Library 1197 West Main Street LcwisvillejTX

Delta Academy is a national mentoring program designed for girls ages 11-14 The focus of the

program is to provide enrichment in science math and technologgt The girls will also receive some training and instruction in other areas such as History Social Graces and Etiquette

Currendy they are seeking young ladies who attend schools in Denton ISD Lewisille ISD Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Sanger ISD Pilot Point ISD Gainesville ISD Frisco ISD and McKinnev ISD Interested

students should attend the orientation Those at the orientation intending to become a protege will receive an information packet

For additional information about Delta Academy please isit www deltasigmathetaorg or wwwdentoncountgtdcltasorg You may also c o n t a a Val Morgan Chapter President at 940-383-4295

Editors Note I n t h e O c t o b e r 2 2 0 0 3 a r t i c l e t h a t T h o m a s t e a c h e r M r W a r r e n is a

E d i t i o n o f M O N - T h e W a r r e n G i d d e n s w a s a G a r l a n d I n d e p e n d e n t

G a z e t t e w e s t a t e d in D a l l a s I n d e p e n d e n t S c h o o l D i s t r i c t ( G I S D )

t h e B e l l a i r e C o m m u n i t y S c h o o l D i s t r i c t ( D I S D ) t e a c h e r

6GAs LOOK 3erramp Hc^ po You Feei^ -f^is

MON-The Gazette believes that Ihc engine to continue this =^g growth is the airport expansion in McKinney which is the largest ^ g and most visible of many area oppoitunities As always and tme to tradition MON-The Gazette will be there carving a world of opportunity for those seeking to provide quality services Should you dare to expand your quest for economic parody outside the southern region or just want to know what is going on up north-

Think of MON-The Gazette as your paper of opportunity MOW-TTW GlaquoMttlaquo fomwV Minofrty Opportunity News was lounded July 1991 by Jim Bochum and Ttiurman R Jones

Visit (hn Uhsih-if iviviv^Ugt 1 u(uiZilUiigtni

W h o Arc the Women of God - W h y is MON-The GoieHe Honoring Them On M o t h e r Day Weekend 2004

bull What Can You Do To Be A Part Of The Momen tou i Occasion

G o To w w w m o n t h e g a i e t f e c o m (Ctick on Women O f GodJ

or Contact Sister Tarptey Al 972-606-3878 voice mail

Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette bull October 09 - October IS 2003 bull Page 3

PHA s Annual Fall Fest Page 1

l^jbull lMll l l l | | l l^ fHbullbull l l lL l l l i Who Are ihe Women of God bull Why is MON-The Cazefte Honoring Them On

Mothers Day Weekend 2004 What Con You Do To Be A Pari Of The Momentoui Occasion

Go To wwwmonlhegazerretom (Click on Women OF GoiJJ or Conhjrt Sister Torplry Al 972-606-3878 voice mall

Clint Brady committee volunteer Committee Chairperson

(rwendolyn G Jones

required to sign a minimum of a five-year contract which outlines specific goals client commitment statements and time-line goals of achievement During the five years participants are made ready to become independent of any governmental assistance

Another graduate Olivia Rudd said she had many physical emotional and social hurdles to overcome when she entered the program including coping with Graves disease She said through the support of the FSS program she has made great strides in her life and she is now employed with PHA

JuAni iiius Itesidenl Initiatives Director Piano Housing Authorityj

FSS Program Graduates Yvonne Ford Sabrina Frenchie ernetta

Lockridge Olivia Rudd and Executive Director Helen Macey

When I took ill with Graves disease I was determined to still live on my own and take care of my child PHA and the FSS program have allowed me to still be a parent and be a vital part of my daughters life said Rudd Sometimes you have to Reshydirect your dreams but the key is to not let go of them

Rudd has also been promoted from Wait-List Coordinator to Real Estate Services Specialist

Clint Brady committee volunteer said he signed up to help because The program empowers them and dismisses

Children enjoy a potato sack race during the annual Piano Housing

Authoritys Fall Feat

Proud FSS graduates Yvonne Ford Sabrina Frenchie Vernetta

Lockridge Olivia Rudd Destin Wltite (not pictured)

liuiiiiie JuL-obs a metnber of the Family Self-Sufficiency Program

and mother ancy

the old Stereotype that all Section 8 recipients are lazy and looking for hand-outs

This years festiities honored these graduates Yvonne Ford Sabrina Frenchie Vernetta Lockridge Olivia Rudd and Destin White

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Each Office is Independently Owned And Operated t s J Park One Realtors

Start developing your Plan for Life today

Yvonne Ford one of the honored graduates and children Kenyia 12

Rainey 15 Sheldon 13 Keith 12

SBAs minority development Page 1

financial statements and personal resume(s) You should take the information including your loan proposal and submit it to a local lender If the lender is unable to approve your loan you may ask if the lender can consider your request under the SBA loan guaranty program Under this program the SBA can guaranty up to 85 of a small business loan however the lender must agree to loaning the money with the SBA guarantee The lender will then forward your loan application and a credit analysis to the nearest SBA District Office After receiving all documentation the SBA analyzes the entire

application then makes its decision The process may take u p to 10 days to complete If the lender needs SBA applications andor guidance it may contact the nearest SBA District OflSce by going to http www sba govregionsst ateshtml Upon SBA approval the lending institution closes the loan and disburses the ftmds

With a portfolio of direct and guaranteed small business loans worth more than $45000000000 ($45 billion) the Small Business Administration is Americas largest financial provider for minority owned small businesses

Minority-owned businesses have received 269 small business loans under the Minority Pre-qualification Loan Program since its inception in April 1995 and have obtained $26000000 (826 million) in small business loans representing an average loan of $98840 under the Minority Pre-qualification Loan Program

The Minority Pre-qualification Loan program helps minoritgt-owned small businesses secure capital for start-up or expansion of their small businesses This small business loan program uses private sector organizations to assist in the loan application process

A prospective borrower works with an intermediargt to develop a viable business loan application The loan application is then submitted directly to the SBA for consideration of a small business loan pre-qualification On approval the intermediary also can assist the applicant in locating a competitive lender

Small Businesses that are at least 51 owned and

managed by minority person(s) are eligible The maximum loan amount under the Minority Pre-qualification Loan Program is $250000

For more information about small business loans for

minoriry-owned businesses visit wwwsbagov Also while visiting the State Fair ofTexas you can check out the SBA booth in the Grand Place and pick up a general information packet SBA loan seminars are

held each Thursday except holidays at attend 1402 Corinth St Room 1534 DallasTexasThe seminars are fi-ee to attend For additional information call (214) 860-5865

Shirley A Oranam -jcnt M44N Planw Rd Suite 260 Richardson IX 750laquol-466

9727549610 Cell Email gmhamshn a auLcum

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Plage 4 bull October 09 - October IS 2003 bull Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette I isii Our Wchsitc At ivivivMOXlhciiiizvtliconi



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IVVV OiifWcbsiicli ivww yi()Ifu(iitzt-tvcom Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette bull October 09 - October 152003 Page 5

Theres Plenty to Taste amp See at 2003 State Fair An abundance of thin^ to discover

avvaiis visitors to the 2003 State Fair of Texas Sept 26 Oct 19 Vfhether its the very best in exhibits entertainment livestock events contests or rides guests will not leave disappointed

Ever wonder just what is the number (ine aitraction at the nations largest annual exposition That would be food VChether on a stick on the hoof jcHied-in-a-jar hot cold spio powdered or plain food surrounds visitors when they arrive

Food is pngtminenl ai the Taste amp See l^avilion The adjacent conservatory houses exotic plants that provide nectar for thousands of brilhantly-hued butierflies stars ofTake Fli^t in Texas lgtiscovery Gardens Inside celebrity chefe work their magic in a special denionsiration kitchen Outside a

spacious tent is home to wine tastings and ^wine education a sunken garden bistro J will sell wine and cheese Humongous

pumpkin-carving demos and theatritai-type face painting will be ongoing in the tent- Visitors are encouraged to explore the surrounding seven acres including

something thats impossible to miss the Texas Garden Railway a miniature train running throu^ a host of state landmarks and small gorges tiny creeks and verdant countryside

Meanwhile Spirit of the Dance kicks up its heels in a foot-stomping celebration of Irish dance in the Coliseum Its Christmas at the Texas Hall of State where Holidays ai the White House comes to life in a 20 x 60 replica of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Chevrolets Main Stage presents Sandi Pattgt- Jo Dee Messina Lisa Marie Preslegt Jeruiifer Pena Tracy LawTence Mark Chesnutt and Joe DifEe Blues Traveler and mon in no-additional-charge concerts

The Youth Livestock Auction of Champions took the spotlight Oct 3 alterriating shows and sales feature cattle sheep swine goats poultrgt and pigeons Ijnle Hands on the Farm allows kiddos to play farmer (ending to their gardens from inception lo harvest The biggest new car show in the Southwest displays premium nameplates as well as 2004 models concept cars pickups SUVs arul collectibles in the Classic Corral

Very Important Football is pan of State Fair history The Cotton Bowl b the site of two definitive match-ups each year - the State Fair Classic pitting the Panthers of Prairie View AampM against the Grambling State Tigers (Oa 4) and the Red RK-er Shootout where bragging rights dangle

between unKersitgt rivals Oklahoma and Texas (Oct 11) A nighdy parade and laser show museum exhibits canine acrubais jams jellies and quilts thrill rides free-Qi^t birdf multiple music stages and more make tfie 2003 State Fair of Texas a noi-to-miss event

bull W h o Are rhe Women of God bull Why i i MON-Tho Go ie t i c Honor ing Them On Mother s Day Weekend 2004 bull W h o l Car You Do To Be A

Port Oi The Momentous Occoi ion Go To wwtvmonthegaleHecom (Click on Woman Of GodJ

or Contact Sister TorpJey At 972-606-3878 voice moil

ride D M in October bullraquogt-

Friendship Baptist Church to Host Life-Saving Cancer Awareness Celebration THE COLONV x Friendship Baptist

Church (FBC) will host a Pink-n-Blue Day to promote screening and earlgt deteaion of breast pnwtate and other cancers The celebration will be held on Sanirdai- October 18 2003 from 1000 am to 200 pm at 4396 Main Street The Colony TX

This program provides a platform for health educators advocacgt groups the meilia public officials physicians and concerned citizens to focus their efforts tollectively in the battle against cancer It features cancer education and prevention a panel of guest speakers including cancer survivors and free prostate cancer screenit^ Emphasis is placed on the importance of incorporating simple preventive and positive health behaviors into everyday life

One out of evergt two men and one of every three women are at risk of having cancer in their lifetime According to the (mcrican C ancer Society appniximately i 3 million Americans will be diagnosed vvitli invasive cancer African American men have a 20 i hi^er incidence rate and 40gtu higher death rate from all cancers combined than white men About 132700 new cancers will be diagnosed among African Americans in 2003 When cervical and colon cancers are found at early stages the five-year iuivival rate is better than 90 percent

Breast cancer is the most conramin cancer and is the second leading cause of death among African American women ll women are encouraged to receive an

annual mammigtgram beginning at age 40 By combining monthly breast-self examination with regular mammography and clinical exams women have the besi chance of finding breast cancer early-whcn it is most treatable VCTien breast cancer is deteaed early and treated at a local stage the five-year survival rate is 97 percent

The second leading cause of cancer death in American men yet the most commonly diagnosed among African American men prostate cancer is expeaed to claim 30000 lives in 2003 In addition at least 184000 new cases of the disease will be diagnosed this year alone Althou^ screening guidelines may vary most physicians agree men over age 50 or men age 38 and over who are African American or hive a family historv of the disease should be screened for prostate cancer annually The good news is that with an increase in awareness and screening for prostate cancer the survival rate has increased to more than 90 peitent

The FrieiKlship Baptist Church Health Ministry is a consortium of phgt-sicians health educators scientists and patient advocates dedicated to promoting health and wellness education FBC urges individuals to contaa their health care provider or local health department for more information Or call 1 -800-4CANCER and 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit the websites wwwncigov and vvwwcancerorg Because we want to spend as mangt- dav-s as i e can with our loved ones lets talk more about cancer prevention Remember the best protection is early detection


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Experietce tite rtchMSs of H b p a n k cuKurv on the big sown at the Stb Aaiuai Vstas Filn fastrval Oct 9-12 Ride DART Rail to tW festival sites Aiyelib FSn Ceiter at Modiifbird Station

aid lit DaKas Misenmltrf Art tear St Paal Station Call 214S265560 or visit vistasfilmfestivabrg f

^fr a t d tiw Red River Rivaliy at TexasOil Weekend i i ttie

West Eld Friday St Sailrday Oct 10-11 I I am to 9 pm Take DART Rail to Wett End Sution

CaD21474171SSorvisitdaIbswestei(iort Q)

1 Afj Jou tlu Race for the Cure aid ma or walk to iijiit breast caiar

SatiRJay OctIS Re^Btratioi bejins at S30 am eveats start at 74S am Take DART Rail to Park U i e Station and board the

Honkfid Cetter Sbttle Get event info at 2147507223 or komeiKlaliasiirg

Get S2 off admission to tke State Fair of Texas wkei yoi ride DARTs State Fair Skittle Satvrdays aid Stndays tkroijk Oct 19 Siiirttles depart CitypUce Statioaseasteitraioe for

Fair Park every 10 miiites from 930 am to 11 pm last ietiniiasect skittle leaves tke fairgroiids at 1130 pm

S2TwindtripVisrtDARTofj Of Q I I 2149791111


Skare tlte spirit of family f rieadskip and community at tke 29tk Harambee Festival Satarday Oct 25 10 am

to 7 pm Take DART bts Roites 122i 44 409 and 44S to tke Martifl LatkerKiij Jr Commnnity Ceiter

2922 MIX ir 8 W Call 214670i3S5 for details

Stars aid Mavs fan Q I jlide between tke DART Rail West Eld Statioi aid Anet ia i Airfiies Ceiter M free skittle bises every 10 minutes Board tke skittle at

UnarSt t Pacific Ave or Record St t Ross Ave Comiij to tke janw from west of dowitowi Take tke

Triiity Railway Expiest flRE) to Victory Statioi Get DART iafoat 2149791111 or DARTorj TRE itfo

at 817JlSitOO or triiityraitwayexpressorj Please Note There is no TRE service on Sundays

W-DART Oi-Call is expandiij Startiij Oct i tke

popilar oirb-to-ciffa van service will be offered i i East Pbio Farmers Braickaid Nortk Dallas


DARTS roQiisect oit ckaifes n bis aid rail services October ( For details a l l 2149791111 or visit DARTorf


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Page 6 bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette Iisil Our Mt7gtvlaquo 1 ivivictOlnltitiZtlltctim

Brad Keller Tapped To Helm Filmcor Productions A Killer Within Dallas TXDallas filmmaker

Brad Keller will direct Filmcor Produaions first indie feature A Killer Within starring C

Thomas Howell (The Hitchcr The Outsiders and Gods and Gene ra l s ) and Sean Young (No Way Out A Kiss B e f o r e Dying and 1st to D i e ) Filmcor is still in n e g a t i o n bullbull with Esai M o r a l e s ( L a Bamba and N Y P D B l u e ) K e i n D i l l o n ( P la toon and The Doors) and Latin multi-platinum artist Cheyerme The project has been in research and development for the past six months and is set to begin production on November 17th The film will be shot entirety in the DallasFt Worth area and is scheduled to wxap on December 2oth

A Killer Within centers around the character ADDISON TERRILL (Howell) a Dallas attorney who comes home one night to find his wife brutally murdered with the words Now were even scrawled across the bedroom wall The cops suspect he killed her and now ADDISON must race through the underside of Dallas to find the only other suspect His ally is a grudging ex-cop (Morales or Cheyenne) who knows what it takes to deliver justice If they can overcome their differences theyll be able to solve the case before anyone else gets hiu-t But sometimes the problem with crime is the deeper you dig the darker the secrets you unfold-and together they might just discover tKat thereisa1EiUer within us all

From the beginning of his filmmaking career Keller has remained true to his desire to keep it local from the majority of the cast to the crew Im really excited about being able to direct a film of this magnitude right here in Dallas says Keller It has been such a long time since weve had a really big feature film project with star power behind it like this one in the city There are another twenty-five roles yet to be cast in the film and Im looking forward to being able to pull actors from the local talent pool

Local casting on the project will begin October Isi Cast and crew resumes can be sent to MPS Studios 139 Regal Row

Dallas TX 75247 The production office phone number is 2149059908

ABOUT THE FILMMAKER Brad Keller was born in

R c d o n d o t California in I DD He moved lo North Texas m 1985 to attend film school at North Texas State U n i v e r s i t y W^ile there he made two short films

His film Professor at the t i m e r e c o m m e n d e d that Brad be hired to work on the film Born On The Fourth Of July for which he worked under director Oliver Stone In

1990 Brad graduated from the University with a Bachelors degree in Radio amp Telension Film Arts Shortly after his graduation Brad was asked back to work on JFK

In 1991 Brad wrote produced and directed a short film hoping to get into the American Film Institute for Directors In 1992 Brad was accepted into the program ^Tiile there he directed the film Next Three Exits The film was produced by Phillip TTiomas currendy one of Goldie Hawns producers The films actors have landed extended teleision roles Christa Miller worked as a regular on the Drew Carey Show Rodney Rowland was regular on Pensacola Wings of Gold and Pat Brown played as the secretary in Coach and was a star in Sister Act

In 1993 Brad went back to Texas to work as a Director on a

TGI Fridays commercial for a friend After working on several commercials such as Shell Miller Genuine Draft and Six Flags Brad decided to move back to Dallas While steadily working on commercials and industrials Brad wrote his first screenplay Shadowed Love In 1995 Brad produced and directed his first feature film Shadowed Love The filpi was distributed by MC3 Entertainment

Later that year Brad wrote and directed the short film Criminal He worked with Michael Off Director of Photography of Its In The Water and Children Of The Com In 1996 Brad met John

Steakley author of Vampires and Armor who had just finished writing his first screenplay and was looking for a producer and director After viewing Brads body of work Mr Steakley hired Brad to produce and to direct the feature film Scar Texas Movie That same year MC3 Entertainment gave Brad the financing to produce the feature film Six Dollars A Minute

In 1997 Brad produced the comedy Social Ladder directed by Lenny Britton w ho was the screenwriter of the feature film Precious Find In 1998 Brad wrote produced and directed the feature comedy Loofa It is now

being distributed by Salt City Home Video In 1999 Brad wrote produced and directed the feature thriller Placing Dead which went on to sell over 80000 copies worldwide His latest project Jacked is currently in post production

Brad has won two awards One for Producing on the comedy film Thunderpussies and the other for Directing Software Corporate video Brad teaches as a professor of Film and Digital Processing at Dallas colleges on his spare time

Runaway Jury A man (John Cusack) on a

jury in a landmark lawsuit against a gun manufacturer conspires with a woman (Rachel Weisz) to swing the verdict Because its such a high-profile lawsuit and there are millions at stake he finds himself in conflict with a jury consultant (Gene Hackman)

and a lawyer (Dusiin Hoffman) who will do anything to get the verdict he wants starts October 172003

The House of the Dead Several college students on

spring break in Seattle make plans to hit a rave on a remote island just outside the city But when they arrive late mdash having missed the main boat mdash they discover the island deserted and no revelers in sight Finally they

meet two trembling students who say the rest of the kids were attacked and eaten by zombies Starts October lo 2003

STARTS FRIDAY OCTOBER 10 lpound7]4laquono


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W^ Stephanie Ward Gallery 2546 Elm St Dallas Texas 75226

C u s t o m F raming Sale 30 oflall frames and - 50 off all in suKk frames AH framesi art is 40ii off (Beautiful rqinxluctions and originals

included in tlus sale) Sale ends Sqit 272003

Come visit the gallery He have a hoat ofneiu original artwork by local artista - huge contemporary abstracts figurative and cubist styles

We will be hosting a series of seminars on collecting and appreciating art now through November If you are interested please

send us your e-mail and mailing addres Topics will include understanding cubism Art appreciation 101 Collecting 101

Framing and preserving you art workjllic scoop on art appraisal The philosophy of modern art History of folk and figurative art

Understanding the secondary market and other topics First Seminar is scheduled for Sept 20 2003 Basic Art

Undcrsatanding Call for more details 2147525588

Sponsorship opportunities available for seminars

Home Is Where The Art Is StcphaiiicK jmllery b hwkUng a contest culled Homf U Where The Ai-t IB

Show us how jou displaji-d gtour a n purchased from the gallery and win up to $500 in custom framinK- Stnd a ph(itigt(traph of the art hatiftuiK lo your home If

it a p p e o n un our website we wiU e-mail you a certificate

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Excttlnq now attractions

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bullgti() VOi - (bullii ^omcast

Minority Opportunity Netys - The Gazette bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Page 7


Black Cinematheque Dallas and the Dallas NAACP to Host Film Black CuiL-nijilitjqaL Dalla^ will parincr

with the Dallas Branch nf ihc NAACP lo htisi a film pngtgram atviui wiiiT fraud and ihe aiiack on dinnocrjLV in Amerita iTiJay October 17 2003 800 IM at [he South Dallas Cultural Center i40lt) S Fiizhug^ Street DallasTexai Tickets are $5(X) and tan be piinhascd at the doiirnie public shiaikl Kill 21 M26-lgtlaquo3 tor informality

Filml Oeoee Lxigaty of the FJeciion Day Massacre by Bianca While amp Sandra Kiasa 26 min 2002 Orbanworld Film Festival - WiniKT Beit Short Documentary in the early twentieth century Ocoee was hltimc to one of Fliraquo-idas most prosperous African American CMnmunitics In I920on eleclitgtn day when Blacks tried to vote they were haraswrd bullied beaten and murdered One igtf Central Floridas most notorious incident of raciaJ viokaice the Ocoee Massaere began after iViose Norman a Black fanner who migrated to Central Florida friMn South Carolina in a mule-drawn wagon tried tii vole in the 1120 eleaion Xh (s descended on Ocoee and found Norman ai the home of a friend July Perry In the ensuing shinitout Nttrman escaped but Perry was I Tiched and -iirung up with a bulliign that read This is what we do to niggers that vote Two dozen htiuse^ twn churchegt and a lodge were burned and according to an NAACP (^server migtre than 60 Blacks killed

Film ftl Unprecedented The 2000 Iresideniial Electiim by Ricliard Ray Perez fit Joan Sekler 50 mm is a riveting dixoimentary about the battle tor the Presidency in Florida anil the undcrminint of democracy in America

Filmmakers Richard Ray Perez and Joai Sekler exaimne modern Americas most conmAersial pobtical contest the EJeaion of (leorgi- VC Bush What emerges is a disturbing picture of an ekciion maned by suspiciougtp irreguUiritiei electoral injustices and sinister voter piirget m a state governed by the winning candidates brother (ieorge W Bush stole the presidency- itf the United Stale mdash and got away with It Dallas historian Mr Donald Peyion and repa-senuiivegt of the Dallas NACI will lead the figtll(Av up discnis^ion atter the screening erf the two tilnis

African AnKricans first obiaineti ilie ri^t to vote in 1870 via the 15ih Amendment to the Cnnsutution which slated diat the r ^ t to voie shall not be denied or abndged on the bavis of race color or previous tondiuon of senitude In the decaile after the Ciil War Blacks voted in for greater numbers in the St)uth than Whnes But that ijuickly charged With the withdrawal of federal troops and the collapse of Reconstruction White Siiuthemers led bgt-terrorist groups such as the Ku Klux KJan let loose a r e ^ of terror to drive Blacks luim the voting booth In addition many states insiituied literacy tests poD taxes informal voting cigtdes grandfather clauses vouchers oi good character and dis^jualificatiun for cTimes of moral turpitude were utilised to disenfranchise Black voters TactKs such as the all White primary and gerrymandering of elcciiim districts further reduce Black voting strength anti alniigtst elintinaied the number of Black elected officials By IKK) iJlacts had v-inuallgt diraquoappcare^l from Southern voting rrfls

Most African Americans passionately believed voters in Florida wen baiiiboozkd at the votmg booths during the 2000 electionlo believe otherwise would be to ignore the sordid hislorj of the Souths century-long efftm to disenfranchise Black voters states Mangt-n Clark Founder Curator for Black Cinematheque Sc ari pleised to jwn with the Dallas Branch of the NA-CP in presenting these two imponani films and to discuss cniical issues of empowering people of color Ccdumnist Junious Ricardo Stanton in his piece Wliy We Should Be Better Informed About turreni Events wntes I haw no vendetta against (icurgeW Bush

My uppositioii to him is because he and his

Program on Voter Fraud in Florida administraticm were put into oBice by fraud and widespread ivter disenfranchisement in Florida If you have a loved one in the military they may be sent to a Iar aw ay land to die for Bushs oil and glot^hegemony ^enda What will you get out of it other then a llag draped casket What if they return uraiinded or maimed Are you aware Bush sponsored legislaiiltraquoi to cut veteran benefits

reduce hazardous duty pay and family separation allowances Have you noticed the media rarely shows any funerals for the fallen soldiers and Bush never attends Whats up with that h the war on terrorism wtirih the bdlkms of laxpas-er dollars being spent or the iiuvKcni lives being lost What about all the opium and heron flowing into AmeriKKKa now that the Taliban has been


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Scaled proposals for highway improvement contracts will be received by the Texas Department ofTransportaiitm (TxDOT) until the date(amp) shtgtwn below

and then publicly read


Coniraa 6103-62-001 for CHAIN MXK FENCE in DALLAS County will be opened on November 1 3 3003 ar 1030 am at the

District Office for an estimate of 527400000 Contract 6104-27-001 for POTHOLE REPAIR in DALL^S Counrj

will be opened on November I 3 2003 at 1030 am at the District Office for an estimate of 829535000

Contract 6104-76-001 for STORM SEIXER AND INLET CLEANING in DALi^S County wjll be opened on November 13 2003 at 1030 am

at [he District Office for an estimate of $27894000

Plans and specifications are available for inspection along with bidding proposals and applications for the TxDOT Prcqualificd Contraciors list at

the applicable State andor DisLDiv OHiccs listed below Bidders must submit prequalification information to TxDOT at least 10 days prior to the bid date m be eligible to bid on a project Prequalification materials may

be requested from the State Office listed below Plans for the above contraa(s) are available froniTxDOTs website at wwwdotstatetxus and

from reproduction companies at the expense of the contractor NPO 11133

Stale OfHce ConslrMaint Division

200 E Riwrside Dr AustinTexas 78704

Phone512-416-2540 DisLDiv Officc(s)

Dallas District District Engineer 4777 E Hwy 80

MesquiteTexas 75150-6643 Phone214-320-6100

Minimum wage rates are set out in bidding documents and the rates will be part of the contract TXDOT ensures that bidders will not be discriminated

against on the grounds of race color sex or national origin


EAGLE CONTRACTING LP an Equal Opportunity Employer is soliciting Minority Owned and

Women Owned Business Enterprises for

Supply and Materia Supply Bids for the following project

City of Dallas Water Utilities

Southside WWTP Peak Flow Basin and Site


Bid Date October 06 2003

at 130 pm

Contact Charles Howard at

Metro 817-379-1897 Fax Metro 817-379-0610

Mail to Eagle Contracting LP

PO Box 1600 Keiler Texas 76244

depose J m Alghanistan How will these detdoptiwiUv impact our aimmunities Robert bull-Mien editor of The Black Scholar states Of course it wjs first and ia^i about race this stolen election - nd then Giire didnt wunt to tourfi it because Gore dulnt w^nt to break with White supran3cgtmdasheen though that meant hed lose the election Thats biw much VSTiite raquoupreinacgt means to him Can j-ou imagine Hed rather lose the Presidcnc than stand wiih Black folks



To iiKfcdsc prtlaquoipdion aftd opportuniiir avdiiabitity to HUB

Bireinesses GTECH has extefuJea the so^citatJon deadhne preroosfy

put)gtisheij in this paper Inteiested HUB busmeaes s kould f o r v ^ ir^rmatwn ^4kx mquines lO

(TECH Claquofplaquoitilaquoii HUB OpCfdIOt

8200 Cameron Road Su-teE-l20

Ausun TX 7S754 PhOiW 51290a420C

FaK 5123390405 Email niib_opfc2tMlaquoEtachcom

Middlekauff Ford 4400 W Piano Pkwy bull Piano TX 75093


len Hewitt The1

Sales amp Leasing Consultant For 5 Consecutive Years

New Car Sales amp Leasing

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Career ODDortunities Contact Ms Janice Deans to advertise in our career opportunity scctum y72-6l()-715t ix or Imail copy for quote

Fax OT^oC-JO^R Hmait opptgtrtunny ((monthegaeiieconi

ROUTE PERSONS Needed For GarlandVlesquite

Piano Richardson N Dalla-s FarmersviUe Wylic

VicKinney Uen Frisco Leuisvillc Deniun Dallas Areas

Sularv Segotiablt

Qj(972) 606-3261 Please leave a message

M O N - T h e G a z e t t e is looking for community writers and reporters

Pay on a contract basis or by the hour Email your resume to editori^ monthegazettecom

or fax to 972-516-4197 Leave a message at 972-881-1646

Little Flock Bapt is t C h u r c h

905 E Aimee -PO Box 903

Forney Texas 75126 is currently looking for

a pianistorganist

Please call Pastor Laurent at


- S j ^


stablished Art gallery looking for exceptional salesperson to

leadlcreate sales forces and to sell art in corporate environment Fax

your resume to 2147525589 or e-mail it to stephaniegallerycotn

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S m a l l C o m p a n y Needs

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bull Day Hours bull Must be Organized

bull Must be Self-Starter 972-606-3891

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C I T Y O F P L A N O T E X A S Piano

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Cheapest Fare to the Fair ide the M] State fair Shuttle from (ityplace Station Z round-trip

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ovwladlaquo X

Fage 8 bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Minority Opportunity Netvs - The Gazette Iisit (hir Website At tLiiivM()rhv(iazitlvinifi


Over the years I have received things that helped me on my lifes journey This is another one that I believe you will like and perhaps put it to use

A r e Your P r i o r i t J e S t r a i g h t Author Unknown

One day an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and to drive home a point used an illustration those student will never forget

As he stood in front of the group of high-powered overachievers he said Okay time for a quiz the expert pulled out a one-gallon mason jar and set it on the table in front of him He also produced about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them one at a time into the jar When the jar could hold no more rocks he asked Is this jar full Everyone in the class yelled Yes The time management expert replied Really

He reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel He dumped some gravel in and shook the jar causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the spaces between the fist-

sized rocks He then asked the students once more Is the jar full By this time the class was on to him Probably not one of them answered Good he replied He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all of the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel

Once more he asked the question Is this jar full No the class shouted Once again he said Good Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the brim

He looked at the class and asked What is the point of this illustration One eager beaver raised his hand and said The point is no matter how full your schedule is if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in it No thats not the point the expert replied The truth that this illustration teaches us is If you dont put the big rocks in first youll never get them in at all

What are the big rocks in your lifemdashtime with your loved ones your faith your education your dreams a worthy cause teaching or mentoring others

Remember to put the BIG

Feel Better Now


- ^ A M

Uplifting Inspirational Music i rn- t -- t t^ ltlt^t w p

New Mt Zion Baptist Church of Dallas S u n d a y S e r v i c e Morning Worship

730 a m amp 1030 am 900 am Sunday School

W e d n e s d a y S e r v i c e Prayer Meeting 700 pm

Brotherhood 700 pm Missions 700 pm

Singles Group 700 pm Bible Study 745 pm Pastor Robert E Price

A Praying Church Family Watchmen on the Walls

214-341-6459 (Phone) bull 214-342-8403 (Fax) 9550 Shepard Road

Dal las TX 75243

wwwnmzborg (Website) bull newmzbcra aolcom (Email)

Friendship Baptist Church iDr C Paul McBride Pastor

Schedule of Services Sunday

Early Morning Worship 800 am

Sunday School Classes 930 am

Morning Worship 1100 am

Evening Worship (1st Sunday) 600 pm

Tuesday Early Bird Bible Study 600 pm

Wednesday Morning Bible Study 930 am Prayer Meeting and 730 pm

Evening Bible Study

4396 Main Street The Colony Texas 75056

(972) 625-8186 website wwwfbc-oniinenet

The Church wi th a V i s ion

bullhilgt H n a t l ( gt V i r i i ( bull niti

ROCKS in first or youll never get them in at all So when you are reflecting on this short story ask yourself this question What are the big rocks in my life Then put those in your jar first

KXY PXOPLX Xvxn though my kxyboard is

an old modxl it works quitx wxU xxcxpt for onx of thx kxs It is trux that all thx othxr kxys work wxll xnough but just this onx kxy not working makxs a diffxrxncx

Somxtimxs it sxxms likx a txam is somxwhat likx my old kxyboardmdashnot all thx kxy pxoplx arx working

You may say to yoursxlf wxll I am only onx pxrson I wont makx or brxak a txam xffort But IT DOXS makx a diffxrxncx bxcausx a txam xffort to bx xffxctivx nxxds thx activx participation of xveryonx

So thx nxxt timx you think that your xfforts will not bx missxd rxmxmbxr my old kxyboard You are important

Email starpley(flwtnet Pager 214-833-1639

Voice Mail 972-606-3878 Fax 972-516-4197

Let MOS-The Gazette help your church accomplish the Priiyer ofjiiiv Utilargc imr UTTtuny to cxpiiid opportimilics ihtii may impaci iraquo tuch a vxty thai vx towh more Invs for (Jods glory IM US do more for Him

Church Happenings ALL NATIONS IJWTEP M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H

Thnu^ tht Last Sumiaj im Otutbrr 845 tm- 9i4 am

The Prayer of Jabez Bible Study ledby Dr Clara M Reed

October 19-During Morning Worship Service

Annual Mens Day For more information call 972-


All Nations United Methodist Church Dr Clara M Reed Pastor 3415 liast H t h Street Piano TX 75074 972-424-8500


October 11 CiOOpm

First Alrican American Health Summit - Hosted by Robert Ashley and Ester Davis

Panel led by Jewel Pookrum M D PhD FounderDirecior of the Civilized Medicine Institute Free to the public (Limited Seating)

For more information or to register contact Wessie Huckaby 214-376-6170

Ilethcl Temple Pentecostal Church Bishop James Mitchell 4014 S Lancaster Road Da l las TX 75216 214-374-1992


0e$9itr IS lOiOOam - 200 fm Cancer Awareness amp Prevention

Celebration bullFree Prostate Cancer Screening bullCancer Survivors and Testimonials bullSignificance of Spirituality and

Cancer-Fighting Foods bullHealth Promotion Giveawagt-s For more information call 972-625-


Friendship Baptist Church Dr C Paul McBride Pastor 4396 Main Street The ColonyTX 75056 972-625-818b


iriSamday ^Eatk MmtA Free blood pressure screening in the

Who Are the Women of God Why is MON-The Gazette Honoring Them On Mothers Day Weekend 2004 What Can You Do To Be A Part Of The Momentous Occasion

Go To kvw^vmontfiegazetfecom QtV on Women 0 Cod) or ConlacI Sister Xarpiey

Al 972-606-3878 voice moi l

Church Directory

Saint Mark Missionary Baptist Cliurch m 1308 Wilcox Street McKinney Tx

Pastor Charles S Wattley

Sunday Education Ministries 930 am Worship Celebration 1100 am - Nursery Facilities Available -

Wednesday Family Ministries 700 pm

Friendly Fellowship with A Family Focus For More Information Call

9725426178 wwwsaintmarkbccom


ShJIoh lAissionary Baptist Church 920 E 14th Street Piano TX

Monday 7PM Youth Brotherhood Mission

amp Young Adult Ministr ies

Tuesday 7PM Bible Study amp Mens Choir

Wednesday 7PM Mid-Week Service

Thursday 7PM Mass Choir

Z z z Q H X m


m 03

O c 2

I For more information call (972) 423-6695


gym after evening services For more information on times amp

room call 972-644-2335 Smu^fja gtfi(r f p n n q Srrmro

at ArAMpoundt0nmm Achievers are Successful

Tutoring Program the TAKS test and how lo become a TUTOR Tutoring for grades K-12

For more information call 972-644-2335

Greenville Avenue Church of Christ Minister Sheitun Gibbs III Pastor 1013 S Greenville Avenue Richardson TX 75081 972-644-2335

Church Happenings Page 10

School Dlsfrta

To View our upcoming bids ( ease go to

the Piano ISD Purchasing Department web

Go to wwwpisdedu dick on web site lnlaquo

dex then choose the letter P and follow

the links to the Purchasing Department

J^ y^w i((hffSf (iifru 1701 W Icffcrson St Grand Prairie Texas 7 J 0 J 1

2B0J Market Loop Suite ]00 Soufhiake Texas 7fgt092

Dennv H Dais Seranl

7fla M 900 AM IfWW AVlt and 1 AM

Mt Olive Church of Piano 740 Avenue F Suite 303

Piano TX 75074

A Non-denominational Church for all Nations

Pastor Sam Fenceroy Pastor Gloria Fenceroy Schedule of Serv ices

Sunday School 930 am Morning Worship 1045 am M e n ampWomen Ministrgt- 1st amp 3rd Mondays 730 p m I-eadership Meeting 2nd Mondays 730 p m Singles Ministrj- 4 th Mondays 730 pm Youth Bible Study Wednesdays 730 p m

Mid-Wcck Serice Wednesdays 715 p m M o t h e r s D a y O u t T u e s d a y amp T h u r s d a y 900 a m - 200 p m

Servicios En Espanol Domingos Noche 630 pni

Jueves Noche 730 pm

Phone 972-633-5511 Fax 972-633-3728

Email mocop740i^ Verizonnet P a s t o r s P e d r o a n d

D i a n a S a n t i l l a n

K i i d i n Hr tKu l i i s ( S t a l i n n KMO A M - K ( i ( i H M - l H I S a m - l ( l U raquo a m

Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Page 9


Back Page Elite News Religious Hall of

Fame Celebrate Grand Opening Dallas TX- The Elite

News Religious Hall of Fame founded by William Bill Blair held its grand opening celebration recently in Dallas Guests brought rehgious contributions to enhance the growth of this one of a kind

historical facility The Religious Hall of Fame Museum opened during the latter part of the summer with a ribbon-cutting ceremony The 15-room venue was designed to acknowledge and honor ministers and selected leaders that positively

influenced their community and nation by improving the quality of life for others The Hall of Fame is located at 5554 South Hampton Road Dallas TX For more information contact Debra Blair-Abron or Jordon Blair at 214-372-6500

Charity Golf Tournament to Benefit Local Organization T h e 5lh Annual Westside Bapnsi

Church Charity Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday October 18th 1100 am at Indian Creek Municipal Golf Course Cairoll ton Texas Registration for the W B C Charitgt- Golf Tournament benefiting Big Brothers and Big SistersDallas is ofBciallgt open for sign up T h e mission of the charit e^ent is to raise the communitys awareness for the need of mentors for the hundreds of children on the ^-altlng list to be matched T h e cost is S8000 (includes green fees can prizes and food)


wwwwestsidebaptistchurchcom for more infonnation or to complete a registration form Your completed

Church Happenings Page 9


L N S T I T U T l - f G M O R - D F W ^

Moniiajri amp Thumiayi ^bull00 pm- 845 pm

N o w taking registrat ions for Bachelor of ITieologv Bachelor of Biblical Studies and Bachelor of Counseling Classes Dr Kenneth W Johnson Executive Director

Gospe l M i n i s t r y O u t r e a c h Theologica l I n s t i t u t e (G MOR -D F W )

( Ins ide S h e k i n a h Glo ry C o m m u n i t y C h u r c h ) B i shop R o b e r t B th r idge P a s t o r 515 West C e n t e r S t r e e t D u n c a n v U l c T X 75138 1-800-923-9149


Oclraquohrr2S lOeOOtm bull 20Qpm Annual Health Fair - Free Includes screenings testing gtve-

a-ways food and more For more information call 972-

235-4633 Ul

H a m i l t o n P a r k Un i t ed M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h Rev D e r r i c k Wr igh t P a s t o r 11881 S c h r o c d e r R o a d D a U a s T X 75243



75th C h u r c h Anniversary Musical- 630 p m


Oitober 19 Homecoming Service 330 p m Rev Roy Rocke - Guest Speaker For more information call 214-823-


Hopewel l M i s s i o n a r y B a p t i s t C h u r c h Rev Michae l H u b b a r d S e n i o r P a s t o r 5144 Dolph in R o a d D a l l a s T X 75223 214-823-1018


OnobtrlI9rOOMm Mens Prayer Breakfast

Ottobrr 17-18 Marriage Enr ichment Conference Building Your Marriage to Last Sidney amp Carol Bcal Conference

Speakers Cost S3500 per couple

Ocnbtr26 Annual Mens Day Celebration T h e m e Men running the race with

passion purpose and power Morning Speaker Rev Stuart Bailey For more information call 972-998-


Keller S p r i n g s Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev L a r r y S a n d e r s P a s t o r 3227 Keller S p r i n g s R o a d C a r r o l l t o n T X 75006


2MI amp 4tb SunJdyi Blood pressure screenings available

after 1100 am service

M e s q u i t e F r i e n d s h i p Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev Te r ry AL T u r n e r P a s t o r 2232 Frank l in Dr ive M e s q u i t e T X 75150



Tomorrow Lttt night October JO 700 pm Annual Fall Revival For more information call 940-320-


M o r s e S t r e e t Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev A R S tokes P a s t o r 921 M o r s e S t r e e t D e n t o n T X 76205 940-320-5364


TmeuiMyt amp ThtntUyi 9O0Mm~2tO0fM

Mothers Day Out Program for ages 2 months to 4 years of age Phonics numbers colors shapes amp other early childhood skills will be offered

For enro l lment package amp registration fees contact Sister Seretha Dawkins at 9 7 2 - 6 3 3 - 5 5 1 1 be tween 900 am and 200 pm

0(nhltr29~3l Vision Summit 2003 Conference For more information call 972-633-


M t Olive C h u r c h of P i a n o Rev S a m Fenceroy P a s t o r 740 Avenue F P i a n o T X 75075 972-633-5511



OcuAtr 25 liOOpm - SiOOpm Womens Ministry Conference TTieme Hearing the Hear t of a

Godly Man A panel of Godly men will be addressing the issues of both the married and single woman

For more information call Barbara

Miller at 972-235-2882

N o r t h Dal las C o m m u n i t y Bible Fel lowship Rev I^eslie W S m i t h P a s t o r

302 C e n t e n n i a l Blvd R i c h a r d s o n T X 75081-5057 972-437-3493


Octobtr 15-17 -^iiOpm Youth Revival New Bethel Baptist

C h u r c h 101 Elm Flat Road in Kerens Texas

Otnher I9j-00pm Worship Exper ience at Harvey

Avenue Baptist Church 1257 East Har ey in Ft WorthTexas

OcMitr2i 7iMgtpm Greater Renfro Memoria l C O G I C

700 East Park Avenue in Corsicana Texas

Octahtr 26 1200 Na^n Salem Baptist C h u r c h 3400

Mitchell Blvd in Ft WorthTexas Oetwitr 26 JM pm

M l Olive Baptist Church 2105 East Jones Avenue in Corsicana Texas

S ix th venue Bap t i s t C h u r c h S e r v a n t KD Davis Sr P a s t o r amp O v e r s e e r C o r s i c a n a T X 7 5 U 0

Siid vu i i r c h i i r v h ai i iKui iKct i icnis m e d i u i r i i nit inth^U i t l lcciMn n r lax to raquo r -S l ( - 41 raquo - Wi t hu i - ch M i i p p c n i n j s D e a d l i n e s a r e l r i i l a gt v txrtitre p u b l t c a i i o i i i lau- ( M t gt N - I h c G a c t t i - is pub l iNht t l c a t l i Thurs t l av )

Christian Meltwdist Episcopal Chirch 1113 I Avlaquo P b i i H x T X 7 5 0 7 4 ( 0 7 2 ) 4 2 5 - 4 0 0 0

Rlaquov J a i t t M E L a r r y P a v l o r

Sunday School 930 AM Sunday Worship Serviclaquo 1100 AM Wednftsday NIght- 730 PM Community Bibia Claaa

DavStar IHilv^rangc Ministries

Our Services S u n d a y

uIHLlgt School 1000 a j a Midday Smicc ll-OOun

TuelaquoIagt Pragter senke 700 pJii-

Senkt TJO pjo

Sponsored bgt The Touch Ministn bull Women in Transition (WIT)

Website wwwthetouchministrvcom bull Phone 972-769-laquog26

l l ( t - ^ H raquo 1 i l bull I M I O N t i sNH lgt bull I h u K i I

Sttns Chapel Baptist Church The Fellowship of Love

(Sharing Love Saving Souls and Changing Lives)

Sunday Services Early Morning Hiirship S00 atn

Sunday School tOJO am Mid-Morning Worahip 1130 am

Bible Study Wtdnlaquoaday Sight Live a 730 ptrt

^tUrun III Senior Potior

317 Parker Drive bull Garland TX 75040

Phone 972-276-0014 bull Fax 972-276-2444

Website wtvwSintsChapelorg

Gospel Ministry Outreach Theological Institute

GMOR - DFW Since 1982

Halpiiif M raquo laquo bull raquo the CTBcrtty of Spiriiual lUltcrocy in ChriMlaa Ihrooffa thcot^ckal bullnidin

Bachelor of BlbUcai S iud io BMbelw ol BibUul CountftUat And Bachelor ofThcology in Claai-rootn or

CorropondcoEC course Wt abo offer (be Vlailer and DoclorMc dcf rec program a wcU

CaU for rcftenvtioa and more informattoni l-WO-923-9149 today

Igtr Kvniu-lh J i thnMrn IXOiv lxecutive O i r c v t o r

A- Hamilton Park United S Methodist Church

Rev Derrick Wright S e n i o r P a s t o r

S u n d a y S c h o o l

830 am

Morning Praise 945 am

Sunday Worship 1000 am

Wednesday Service 630 pm

(Childcare Available Each Sunday)

A Christian Community of Faith Called by God to Make

Disciples for Jesus Christ

11881 Schroeder Road

Dallas TX 75243-3656

Phone 972-235-4633 bull Fax 972-235-5713

Email hparkumaolcom

Website wwwhparkumcorg

Little Flock Baptist Church

P a s t o r Louis E L a u r e n t

Internet Broadcast wwwkrgmcom

(Mon - Fr i (sect 12 Noon)

A Place Where a Taste of die Word is Guaranteed

Sunday School 930 am

Sunday Morning Worship 1045 am

Tuesday Night Brotherhood 700 pm

Wednesday Prayer MeetingBiUe Study 7KXgtpm

bullraquolaquolt II Ainun- SirccI bull IUgt Iliw Wt bull Iwncy Itxiis bull If IMituie i4-35- 02l

New Life Fellowship of Hamilton Park

8219 Bunche Drive bull Dallas TX 75243 972-671-1096

R e v e r e n d M i l l e r E J o h n s o n J r S e n i o r P a s t o r

I U ^ i n n i n K raquo - bull bull II bull u i m h i n n ^ i

Sunday Morning Bible School 91S ain MornlnK Worship Service 10)0 ain Evening Worship (Agape Hour) F l n l Sunday 600 pm

Wcdneulay Nifiht Prayer Meeting and Evening Bible Study ^l S pm

registration form can be mailed directly to W B C and or given to a Tournament Commit tee Member For additional

questions please contact Dennis Edwards at (972) 906-3434 or dennisedrardslticomcastnet

W h o Are the Women of God bull Why ij MONThe GoieHe Honoring Them On Mothers

Dtty Weekend 2 0 0 4 bull WhltA Con You Do To Be A Port Of The Momentoui Occasion

Go To wwwmonffiegoietteeom (Clkk on Women Of Goltf)

or Contact Siiler Torpley At 972-606-3878 voice moif

Join us at one of our fun relaxed and inspiring services

mi SrnMW ^tlAv- bull Terrv HomhttckU

2 3 5 0 E M a y f t t k l K O M I AHinncmi T e u u 7 6 0 1 4

(817) 557-MM or wwwuilaquoapect un

M M POMERheuM br KiM FMhMv 0laquonMSUMlClaquotraquo

Loving ft Fmndhr AfnMpfwnt


Keller Springs Baptist Church (Purstihif The Pcfson^ The Presence

and The Ttnver of Ciod)

S u n d a y M o r n i n g U i b l e S t u d i e s 900 a m

Sundagt- M o r n i n g W o r s h i p 1045 a m

M o n d a y N i ^ t D i s c i p l e s h i p 700 p m

^ d n e s d a gt - N i g h t P r a y e r amp P r a i s e 700 p m

( C l h i l d c a r e A aUab le E a c h S e r v i c e )

S r Ia-lor

3227 Keller Springs Road bull Carrollton TX 75006-12(tO Phone 972-735-S077 bull l-ax 972-73S-S0S7

liniail Infci ltf kcllerspringsorg Website wwwkellcrspringsorg

All Nations United ^ Methodist Church vt

DrU^gt^ M iJ

Senior Iulor

Dr Btrt 4ffJeck

Hispanic Minislriea

Christian by Faith Diverse by Design

Sunday S 43afi Lsconay 60e S^JCJ

Sifdsf 845m SjidayScfca SiHay 84Sam EsbdoBttcoEnEspand Stnday IftflOm VfcnNpSenice Tuesday TdCpm PrayefMeetrc

3415 E 14th St Piano TX bull 75074

972-424-8500 wwwallnationsumcorg

(Free itrsery Provided For Ages 4 and Under)

Other ministries include English As A Second Language

and Spanish As A Second Language Classes

Tempie ofTaitfi

Christian Cfiapef CMJE Cfiiircfi

Where Jesus is the Main Attraction

Sunday Worship Experience 800 am amp 1045 am

Wednesday Bii)le Study 1200 Noon amp 700 pm

D r J e r o m e E

M c N e i l J r P a s t o r

14120 Noel Road

Dallas TX 75254

72-2gt 9 120 (OfHce) bull 972-239-5^25 (FH) teinpleofraith_cmesbcglobalnet (Email)

llciillli) l(t^iuitiiis ( liilil l)ifl()|Mninl ( tnlci

bull)72 404 141

Minority Opportunity ews -The Gazette 6100 Ave AT Suite 105 ((iiSpring Creek l^irkway) Plano^ Texas 75074 Phone 9725162992 Fax 9725099058 Email Editor^moPtthegazettecofn i

m Page 10 bull October 09 - October IS 2003 bull Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette

I i j lt ) i gt U gt gt i ( I i i U i 4 I ( gt ( i i - j i t laquo m u


Rushs Faux Pas A Royal Flush Well here we go again Add

another name to the long list of sport s race dunces T h e uproar over a racist remark uttered by ultra right wing conservative Rush Limbaugh dur ing a recent stint on E S P N s N F L Sunday C o u n t d o w n makes one wonder why anyone is surprised Rush has been doing this for years And all the hot air simply embellishes his fame

L imbaugh s controversial s ta tement concern ing

Donovan M c N a b b quar te rback for the Philadelphia Eagles proposed that McNabb s success was orchestrated by the liberal media intent on pushing black quar te rbacks and coaches M c N a b b was given credit for team performance that he did not deserve

Rush has been spewing his conservative racial diatribes as a nat ional supers ta r since 1988 on radio TV in columns books and public appearances He appeals to a largely young whi te male audience of closet racists captivated by his attacks on the liberal es tabl i shment blacks Jews the N A A C P and societgts downtrodden Rush feeds them vitriolic doses of character izat ions such as feminazis environmental wackos and hustlers for the homeless

L imbaugh is Mr Conservat ive radio H e recently renewed his radio contract for a reported record setting S250-3O0 million over eight years H e is heard on over 650 stat ions across America In addition to his three-hour radio show he had a one -hou r syndicated teleision program His book T h e Way Things O^g^gTo Be was a bestseller

But if anyone should be

pilloried it is the E S P N network They certainly knew what Rush was and what he represented when they hired him What were they looking for T h a t unique Limbaugh provocative commentary that builds ratings and brings in the dollars It was reported that Limbaugh increased the overall ratings for Sunday Countdown by 10 percent and 26 percent among the l8- to-34 males Is it any wonder that E S P N initially supported him

Decisions about who appears regularly on national pr ime t ime T V are not m a d e capriciously M a r k Shapiro E S P N s executive vice pres ident for p rog ramming gave this assessment of Limbaugh Rush is a great communicator and a fans fan His acute sense of whats on the minds of his listeners combined with his ability- to enter ta in and serve as a l ightning rod for lively discussion makes h im the perfect fit for this new role We brought Rush in for no-holds-barred opinions

Has this b rouhaha got ten more a t tent ion than it deserves Yes but because he is the und i spu ted voice of conservat ism he is a ready target for the victims he has lambasted through ou t his career Limbaugh gave this perspective For those of you who are saying Rush what were you thinking I thought about this the night before I weighed it I balanced it but you know what I decided Look they [ESPN] brought me in to be who I am This is what I think

F o r m e r Dallas Cowboys receiver Michael Irvin was on the E S P N show with Limbaugh as a studio analyst and has been criticized for not immediate ly challenging the racist comments Mr Irvin

responded by saying he did not speak up because this was not his area of expertise What message does this send to young Blacks when a high profile middle aged college educated Black man who grew up in the south during the Civil rights era feels so intimidated by an overbearing white man that he does not feel qualified or capable of simply saying that racist remarks will not be tolerated Maybe if Mr Irvin and those of his ilk spent a little less time flashing styling and grinning they would be more aware of the Black struggle and recognize racism when it stares them in the face

But Rush Limbaugh is used to not being challenged T h e lack of facts has never stopped his mouth H e has created a unique political base through the regular use of half-truth and distortion His ability to redefine reahty is well d o c u m e n t e d by the g roup Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) H e rarely corrects anything hes said no matter how wrong it may have been

T h e bot tom line is all the indignation by the poliiicos and civil rights leaders over Rush Limbaughs racist remarks will blow over like a pimple in a winds torm When the dust settles Rush L imbaugh will remain strongly en t renched a m o n g his hard-core racist cons t i tuents and the media moguls will be straining at the bit to throw money at him For Limbaugh there is no such th ing as bad publicity Controversy m a d e h im a superstar and he knows how to use controversy to keep the spotlight on him

James W Breedlove C o m m e c f s ^ r ui^inii-uis riiay

be rf^^otne wri ter at wwtru thcliniccom

Michael L


Michael Williams Steps Down as Chairman Railroad

Commission of Texas It has been my distinct honor

and privilege to serve as chairman of the Railroad Commission of Texas Since 19991 have worked tirelessly to Keep Texas Energy First During the past four years we have accomplished much Texas continues to lead the nation in crude oil natural gas and propane production We are the 5th largest coal producing state in the country Environmental protection has risen to the forefront of the Commissions agenda The Commission is now considered a friend of small and minority and female entrepreneurs

Under my leadership the Commission

bull Adopted regulatory changes that reduce operating costs by an estimated S7 million per year funds that increase production and go back into the pockets of

Texas oil and gas producers their employees communities and school children

bull Supported efforts to extend state severance tax incentives and pass the Kadonal Energy bill

bull Beefed up the Oilfield Cleanup Fund plugged 5851 wells and remediated 1143 producnon sites

bull Stepped up enforcement of Commission rules issued close to S10 million in fines for the violation of Commission rules including the largest fines in Commission histor

bull Increased the number of bonded oil and gas operators by more than 4500 operators or 750

bull More than doubled business with women and minority-owned companies from 51559009 in 1999 to 33192260 without the use of quotas or set-asides In the first half of FY 2003 the

Commissions HUB pardcipation was 267 TTie Commission is regularly recognized as one of the stales Top 10 Agencies in HUB participation

There remains much more work to be done i am committed to our agenda of energgt the environment and inclusion and look forward to meeting the challenges and seizing the opportunities of the future

I was pleased to nominate Victor Carrillo Monday September 22 as our new-Commission chairman Victor has distinguished himself in the nine short months he has been on the Commission I anxiously await his leadership If you have not already met Victor I strongly urge you to do so You will be as impressed with him as I am


officials from Collin County Community College District (CCCCD) and Texas Womans University (TWU) signed an agreement allowing students dual admission to both institutions

Dr Ann Stuart chancellor of TVCOJ joined CCCCD President Cary Israel and Sam Roach chair of CCCCDs board of trustees in signing the agreement The ceremony took place at 3 pm at the Spring Creek Campus conference center at Collin County Community College District

This agreementmdashnicknamed TWU Boundmdashallows students to complete the first two years of their degrees at the community college and have automatic admission to finish at the university College officials say the agreement will clear the path for students who are working toward bachelors degrees

It is important to pronde an affordable way for students to earn the baccalaureate degree and to reduce the time it takes to graduate This agreement will accomplish

both goals said Israel TWUs strong health science and education

piB|lgtdt9gt4in great complements to CCCCDs unique offerings This agreement stands to have a major

impact by creating more teachers and healthcare professionals to meet the high demands in theses fields

Texas Womans University is always pleased to cultivate stronger relationships with the community colleges said Dr Stuart The TWU Bound Program offers CoUin County Community College students the opportunity to map their course to a bachelors degree and further their prospects in life

According to Chairman Roach Higher education has never been more important than it is today Our trustees are committed to making education accessible and affordable for our students Innovative programs like concurrent admission are valuable because they help remove the obstacles in transferring and give students a direct link to a prestigious university

The details of the agreement state that CCCCD students who meet TWUs admission requirements or complete an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree will receive automatic admission to TWU The university will designate scholarships to qualified TWU Bound students upon transfer to TWU The agreement also provides participating students with special benefits on campus at TVCU

including the following bull TVCOJ Bound student ID card bull Access to the university- library bull Complimentary visits to the

wellness center bull Discounted rates of the golf

course bull Complimentary admission to

sporting events bull Free use of the Cyber Lounge

and computer lab in the TWU Student Center

bull Student or reduced guest room rate at TVCTJ resident halls

bull Free transportation on the Denton Link

Discounted student ticket rates to an and entertainment activities

CCCCD broke ground in 2000 when it signed the first concurrei^ admission agreement in T e x a ^ That agreement was with the University- of North Texas and the University of Texas at Dallas and Southern Methodist University followed shortly thereafter The program is popular with students and more than 170 CCCCD students are participating in the program in fall 2003

For more information call Lisa Vasquez at 9727583894 or 4699649132

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Local Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Chapter Announces New Mentoring Program

i ^The Gaze-t-te ^1 IJHlf bull bull i t v i i l siHViMartAMO HAH AS nicHAmimiN iAH Ann AHIN MCIHHNI r AHU MI saint t

Foe Eacf^tem In Joumaawn

6100 Avenue K Suite 105 bull Piano Texas 75074

Qiafrmttn Fmerinii

Jim Bochum


Tkurman R Jotus

Janice Deam


Roben Booker

Vice President NatJonal

Miihael T Caesar

Shirio Demus TarpUy

Intyrgratcd (^fnHmunicyinnlaquo Manafgr

Brandy Jones

Assignment F j ^ ]|bull Jacqiidine ATrgtgt - Williams


Monica TTwTBwn

Cheryi Jackson

Ldkeesha Joe B^iruia AUxander


Shauna Betwil Fratik Loa

EplusmnoardDevxiyne Preacher BeyGibsonJr Patrick bullbullPJJogtinson


Advisory Board WiilicWaillcy

Coty Rodriguez-Anderson

BJAXillianis Denisc Upchurch

Barbara Simpkins

Advisorgt- Board Commit tees

Pihlic Rdariom

John Dudley John Highto-j-er

Mynk Highiotivr Fred Moses

Annie Dicksoti Cecil Storks Ben Thomas

Pianning and Implementaiion

Cecil Starks CRyRptjtso

Business Gnmth Refmai

John Dudley CH-MRptRstis

Qualiry Assurance Mmie Hi^tiwer

CnyRftRsox Cotgt- Rodriguez

Ben Thomas

Program Micy Davhpmeni Annie Dickum


Program Creaiiou and Hanning

Goals Comminee

M0N-Th9 fiaerte assurnes no responsibility tor unsolicited matenal and reserves the right to edit and make appropriate revisions A

Is the sky clearest on the day it is most blue While you ponder thai thought we would like to announce that Minority Opportunity News Inc formerly a Dallas based renaissance community tabloid founded in 1991 has relocated to Piano Texas and changed our name to MON-Tbc Gazette In addition to mov- ^ ^ ing our offices to Piano our editorial coverage has also shifted to ^ S _ -=bull encompass Dallas Northern Corridor The Northern Corridor is cIcaHy the fastest growing region in Texas if not in America

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc a public service sorority Denton County Alumnae Chapter will launch the Delta Academy for the 2003-2004 year The parentprotege orientation meeting is 230 pm Sunday October 19 at Lewisville Public Library 1197 West Main Street LcwisvillejTX

Delta Academy is a national mentoring program designed for girls ages 11-14 The focus of the

program is to provide enrichment in science math and technologgt The girls will also receive some training and instruction in other areas such as History Social Graces and Etiquette

Currendy they are seeking young ladies who attend schools in Denton ISD Lewisille ISD Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Sanger ISD Pilot Point ISD Gainesville ISD Frisco ISD and McKinnev ISD Interested

students should attend the orientation Those at the orientation intending to become a protege will receive an information packet

For additional information about Delta Academy please isit www deltasigmathetaorg or wwwdentoncountgtdcltasorg You may also c o n t a a Val Morgan Chapter President at 940-383-4295

Editors Note I n t h e O c t o b e r 2 2 0 0 3 a r t i c l e t h a t T h o m a s t e a c h e r M r W a r r e n is a

E d i t i o n o f M O N - T h e W a r r e n G i d d e n s w a s a G a r l a n d I n d e p e n d e n t

G a z e t t e w e s t a t e d in D a l l a s I n d e p e n d e n t S c h o o l D i s t r i c t ( G I S D )

t h e B e l l a i r e C o m m u n i t y S c h o o l D i s t r i c t ( D I S D ) t e a c h e r

6GAs LOOK 3erramp Hc^ po You Feei^ -f^is

MON-The Gazette believes that Ihc engine to continue this =^g growth is the airport expansion in McKinney which is the largest ^ g and most visible of many area oppoitunities As always and tme to tradition MON-The Gazette will be there carving a world of opportunity for those seeking to provide quality services Should you dare to expand your quest for economic parody outside the southern region or just want to know what is going on up north-

Think of MON-The Gazette as your paper of opportunity MOW-TTW GlaquoMttlaquo fomwV Minofrty Opportunity News was lounded July 1991 by Jim Bochum and Ttiurman R Jones

Visit (hn Uhsih-if iviviv^Ugt 1 u(uiZilUiigtni

W h o Arc the Women of God - W h y is MON-The GoieHe Honoring Them On M o t h e r Day Weekend 2004

bull What Can You Do To Be A Part Of The Momen tou i Occasion

G o To w w w m o n t h e g a i e t f e c o m (Ctick on Women O f GodJ

or Contact Sister Tarptey Al 972-606-3878 voice mail

Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette bull October 09 - October IS 2003 bull Page 3

PHA s Annual Fall Fest Page 1

l^jbull lMll l l l | | l l^ fHbullbull l l lL l l l i Who Are ihe Women of God bull Why is MON-The Cazefte Honoring Them On

Mothers Day Weekend 2004 What Con You Do To Be A Pari Of The Momentoui Occasion

Go To wwwmonlhegazerretom (Click on Women OF GoiJJ or Conhjrt Sister Torplry Al 972-606-3878 voice mall

Clint Brady committee volunteer Committee Chairperson

(rwendolyn G Jones

required to sign a minimum of a five-year contract which outlines specific goals client commitment statements and time-line goals of achievement During the five years participants are made ready to become independent of any governmental assistance

Another graduate Olivia Rudd said she had many physical emotional and social hurdles to overcome when she entered the program including coping with Graves disease She said through the support of the FSS program she has made great strides in her life and she is now employed with PHA

JuAni iiius Itesidenl Initiatives Director Piano Housing Authorityj

FSS Program Graduates Yvonne Ford Sabrina Frenchie ernetta

Lockridge Olivia Rudd and Executive Director Helen Macey

When I took ill with Graves disease I was determined to still live on my own and take care of my child PHA and the FSS program have allowed me to still be a parent and be a vital part of my daughters life said Rudd Sometimes you have to Reshydirect your dreams but the key is to not let go of them

Rudd has also been promoted from Wait-List Coordinator to Real Estate Services Specialist

Clint Brady committee volunteer said he signed up to help because The program empowers them and dismisses

Children enjoy a potato sack race during the annual Piano Housing

Authoritys Fall Feat

Proud FSS graduates Yvonne Ford Sabrina Frenchie Vernetta

Lockridge Olivia Rudd Destin Wltite (not pictured)

liuiiiiie JuL-obs a metnber of the Family Self-Sufficiency Program

and mother ancy

the old Stereotype that all Section 8 recipients are lazy and looking for hand-outs

This years festiities honored these graduates Yvonne Ford Sabrina Frenchie Vernetta Lockridge Olivia Rudd and Destin White

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Start developing your Plan for Life today

Yvonne Ford one of the honored graduates and children Kenyia 12

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SBAs minority development Page 1

financial statements and personal resume(s) You should take the information including your loan proposal and submit it to a local lender If the lender is unable to approve your loan you may ask if the lender can consider your request under the SBA loan guaranty program Under this program the SBA can guaranty up to 85 of a small business loan however the lender must agree to loaning the money with the SBA guarantee The lender will then forward your loan application and a credit analysis to the nearest SBA District Office After receiving all documentation the SBA analyzes the entire

application then makes its decision The process may take u p to 10 days to complete If the lender needs SBA applications andor guidance it may contact the nearest SBA District OflSce by going to http www sba govregionsst ateshtml Upon SBA approval the lending institution closes the loan and disburses the ftmds

With a portfolio of direct and guaranteed small business loans worth more than $45000000000 ($45 billion) the Small Business Administration is Americas largest financial provider for minority owned small businesses

Minority-owned businesses have received 269 small business loans under the Minority Pre-qualification Loan Program since its inception in April 1995 and have obtained $26000000 (826 million) in small business loans representing an average loan of $98840 under the Minority Pre-qualification Loan Program

The Minority Pre-qualification Loan program helps minoritgt-owned small businesses secure capital for start-up or expansion of their small businesses This small business loan program uses private sector organizations to assist in the loan application process

A prospective borrower works with an intermediargt to develop a viable business loan application The loan application is then submitted directly to the SBA for consideration of a small business loan pre-qualification On approval the intermediary also can assist the applicant in locating a competitive lender

Small Businesses that are at least 51 owned and

managed by minority person(s) are eligible The maximum loan amount under the Minority Pre-qualification Loan Program is $250000

For more information about small business loans for

minoriry-owned businesses visit wwwsbagov Also while visiting the State Fair ofTexas you can check out the SBA booth in the Grand Place and pick up a general information packet SBA loan seminars are

held each Thursday except holidays at attend 1402 Corinth St Room 1534 DallasTexasThe seminars are fi-ee to attend For additional information call (214) 860-5865

Shirley A Oranam -jcnt M44N Planw Rd Suite 260 Richardson IX 750laquol-466

9727549610 Cell Email gmhamshn a auLcum

Live the life you ve imagined

b-och of us has certain linancial glials vc vMil lo jiThJo e in life mdash a tomtortable ing for oar family btKiK ownership adiancod cJucnlion for our children and finaiKial independence when we retire

Mtgtst people hoicvcr never aitain llieir financial ofcjeciie^ because thegt fail in dcxclop a reasonable plan lo ichieve them And because everyones tlnancial objectives arc unique each individuals plan must be distinctively dincrcni-

Americw General Career Distribulion Gnx^ offers an cAciiin^ ncM system lo help people delerniine ihcir famdyN tlnancial objcciics and dcelop a plan lo realize them Its called A Plan for Life and its a tree sericlaquo with no cost or obligjatiun

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Plage 4 bull October 09 - October IS 2003 bull Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette I isii Our Wchsitc At ivivivMOXlhciiiizvtliconi



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Theres Plenty to Taste amp See at 2003 State Fair An abundance of thin^ to discover

avvaiis visitors to the 2003 State Fair of Texas Sept 26 Oct 19 Vfhether its the very best in exhibits entertainment livestock events contests or rides guests will not leave disappointed

Ever wonder just what is the number (ine aitraction at the nations largest annual exposition That would be food VChether on a stick on the hoof jcHied-in-a-jar hot cold spio powdered or plain food surrounds visitors when they arrive

Food is pngtminenl ai the Taste amp See l^avilion The adjacent conservatory houses exotic plants that provide nectar for thousands of brilhantly-hued butierflies stars ofTake Fli^t in Texas lgtiscovery Gardens Inside celebrity chefe work their magic in a special denionsiration kitchen Outside a

spacious tent is home to wine tastings and ^wine education a sunken garden bistro J will sell wine and cheese Humongous

pumpkin-carving demos and theatritai-type face painting will be ongoing in the tent- Visitors are encouraged to explore the surrounding seven acres including

something thats impossible to miss the Texas Garden Railway a miniature train running throu^ a host of state landmarks and small gorges tiny creeks and verdant countryside

Meanwhile Spirit of the Dance kicks up its heels in a foot-stomping celebration of Irish dance in the Coliseum Its Christmas at the Texas Hall of State where Holidays ai the White House comes to life in a 20 x 60 replica of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Chevrolets Main Stage presents Sandi Pattgt- Jo Dee Messina Lisa Marie Preslegt Jeruiifer Pena Tracy LawTence Mark Chesnutt and Joe DifEe Blues Traveler and mon in no-additional-charge concerts

The Youth Livestock Auction of Champions took the spotlight Oct 3 alterriating shows and sales feature cattle sheep swine goats poultrgt and pigeons Ijnle Hands on the Farm allows kiddos to play farmer (ending to their gardens from inception lo harvest The biggest new car show in the Southwest displays premium nameplates as well as 2004 models concept cars pickups SUVs arul collectibles in the Classic Corral

Very Important Football is pan of State Fair history The Cotton Bowl b the site of two definitive match-ups each year - the State Fair Classic pitting the Panthers of Prairie View AampM against the Grambling State Tigers (Oa 4) and the Red RK-er Shootout where bragging rights dangle

between unKersitgt rivals Oklahoma and Texas (Oct 11) A nighdy parade and laser show museum exhibits canine acrubais jams jellies and quilts thrill rides free-Qi^t birdf multiple music stages and more make tfie 2003 State Fair of Texas a noi-to-miss event

bull W h o Are rhe Women of God bull Why i i MON-Tho Go ie t i c Honor ing Them On Mother s Day Weekend 2004 bull W h o l Car You Do To Be A

Port Oi The Momentous Occoi ion Go To wwtvmonthegaleHecom (Click on Woman Of GodJ

or Contact Sister TorpJey At 972-606-3878 voice moil

ride D M in October bullraquogt-

Friendship Baptist Church to Host Life-Saving Cancer Awareness Celebration THE COLONV x Friendship Baptist

Church (FBC) will host a Pink-n-Blue Day to promote screening and earlgt deteaion of breast pnwtate and other cancers The celebration will be held on Sanirdai- October 18 2003 from 1000 am to 200 pm at 4396 Main Street The Colony TX

This program provides a platform for health educators advocacgt groups the meilia public officials physicians and concerned citizens to focus their efforts tollectively in the battle against cancer It features cancer education and prevention a panel of guest speakers including cancer survivors and free prostate cancer screenit^ Emphasis is placed on the importance of incorporating simple preventive and positive health behaviors into everyday life

One out of evergt two men and one of every three women are at risk of having cancer in their lifetime According to the (mcrican C ancer Society appniximately i 3 million Americans will be diagnosed vvitli invasive cancer African American men have a 20 i hi^er incidence rate and 40gtu higher death rate from all cancers combined than white men About 132700 new cancers will be diagnosed among African Americans in 2003 When cervical and colon cancers are found at early stages the five-year iuivival rate is better than 90 percent

Breast cancer is the most conramin cancer and is the second leading cause of death among African American women ll women are encouraged to receive an

annual mammigtgram beginning at age 40 By combining monthly breast-self examination with regular mammography and clinical exams women have the besi chance of finding breast cancer early-whcn it is most treatable VCTien breast cancer is deteaed early and treated at a local stage the five-year survival rate is 97 percent

The second leading cause of cancer death in American men yet the most commonly diagnosed among African American men prostate cancer is expeaed to claim 30000 lives in 2003 In addition at least 184000 new cases of the disease will be diagnosed this year alone Althou^ screening guidelines may vary most physicians agree men over age 50 or men age 38 and over who are African American or hive a family historv of the disease should be screened for prostate cancer annually The good news is that with an increase in awareness and screening for prostate cancer the survival rate has increased to more than 90 peitent

The FrieiKlship Baptist Church Health Ministry is a consortium of phgt-sicians health educators scientists and patient advocates dedicated to promoting health and wellness education FBC urges individuals to contaa their health care provider or local health department for more information Or call 1 -800-4CANCER and 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit the websites wwwncigov and vvwwcancerorg Because we want to spend as mangt- dav-s as i e can with our loved ones lets talk more about cancer prevention Remember the best protection is early detection


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Experietce tite rtchMSs of H b p a n k cuKurv on the big sown at the Stb Aaiuai Vstas Filn fastrval Oct 9-12 Ride DART Rail to tW festival sites Aiyelib FSn Ceiter at Modiifbird Station

aid lit DaKas Misenmltrf Art tear St Paal Station Call 214S265560 or visit vistasfilmfestivabrg f

^fr a t d tiw Red River Rivaliy at TexasOil Weekend i i ttie

West Eld Friday St Sailrday Oct 10-11 I I am to 9 pm Take DART Rail to Wett End Sution

CaD21474171SSorvisitdaIbswestei(iort Q)

1 Afj Jou tlu Race for the Cure aid ma or walk to iijiit breast caiar

SatiRJay OctIS Re^Btratioi bejins at S30 am eveats start at 74S am Take DART Rail to Park U i e Station and board the

Honkfid Cetter Sbttle Get event info at 2147507223 or komeiKlaliasiirg

Get S2 off admission to tke State Fair of Texas wkei yoi ride DARTs State Fair Skittle Satvrdays aid Stndays tkroijk Oct 19 Siiirttles depart CitypUce Statioaseasteitraioe for

Fair Park every 10 miiites from 930 am to 11 pm last ietiniiasect skittle leaves tke fairgroiids at 1130 pm

S2TwindtripVisrtDARTofj Of Q I I 2149791111


Skare tlte spirit of family f rieadskip and community at tke 29tk Harambee Festival Satarday Oct 25 10 am

to 7 pm Take DART bts Roites 122i 44 409 and 44S to tke Martifl LatkerKiij Jr Commnnity Ceiter

2922 MIX ir 8 W Call 214670i3S5 for details

Stars aid Mavs fan Q I jlide between tke DART Rail West Eld Statioi aid Anet ia i Airfiies Ceiter M free skittle bises every 10 minutes Board tke skittle at

UnarSt t Pacific Ave or Record St t Ross Ave Comiij to tke janw from west of dowitowi Take tke

Triiity Railway Expiest flRE) to Victory Statioi Get DART iafoat 2149791111 or DARTorj TRE itfo

at 817JlSitOO or triiityraitwayexpressorj Please Note There is no TRE service on Sundays

W-DART Oi-Call is expandiij Startiij Oct i tke

popilar oirb-to-ciffa van service will be offered i i East Pbio Farmers Braickaid Nortk Dallas


DARTS roQiisect oit ckaifes n bis aid rail services October ( For details a l l 2149791111 or visit DARTorf


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Page 6 bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette Iisil Our Mt7gtvlaquo 1 ivivictOlnltitiZtlltctim

Brad Keller Tapped To Helm Filmcor Productions A Killer Within Dallas TXDallas filmmaker

Brad Keller will direct Filmcor Produaions first indie feature A Killer Within starring C

Thomas Howell (The Hitchcr The Outsiders and Gods and Gene ra l s ) and Sean Young (No Way Out A Kiss B e f o r e Dying and 1st to D i e ) Filmcor is still in n e g a t i o n bullbull with Esai M o r a l e s ( L a Bamba and N Y P D B l u e ) K e i n D i l l o n ( P la toon and The Doors) and Latin multi-platinum artist Cheyerme The project has been in research and development for the past six months and is set to begin production on November 17th The film will be shot entirety in the DallasFt Worth area and is scheduled to wxap on December 2oth

A Killer Within centers around the character ADDISON TERRILL (Howell) a Dallas attorney who comes home one night to find his wife brutally murdered with the words Now were even scrawled across the bedroom wall The cops suspect he killed her and now ADDISON must race through the underside of Dallas to find the only other suspect His ally is a grudging ex-cop (Morales or Cheyenne) who knows what it takes to deliver justice If they can overcome their differences theyll be able to solve the case before anyone else gets hiu-t But sometimes the problem with crime is the deeper you dig the darker the secrets you unfold-and together they might just discover tKat thereisa1EiUer within us all

From the beginning of his filmmaking career Keller has remained true to his desire to keep it local from the majority of the cast to the crew Im really excited about being able to direct a film of this magnitude right here in Dallas says Keller It has been such a long time since weve had a really big feature film project with star power behind it like this one in the city There are another twenty-five roles yet to be cast in the film and Im looking forward to being able to pull actors from the local talent pool

Local casting on the project will begin October Isi Cast and crew resumes can be sent to MPS Studios 139 Regal Row

Dallas TX 75247 The production office phone number is 2149059908

ABOUT THE FILMMAKER Brad Keller was born in

R c d o n d o t California in I DD He moved lo North Texas m 1985 to attend film school at North Texas State U n i v e r s i t y W^ile there he made two short films

His film Professor at the t i m e r e c o m m e n d e d that Brad be hired to work on the film Born On The Fourth Of July for which he worked under director Oliver Stone In

1990 Brad graduated from the University with a Bachelors degree in Radio amp Telension Film Arts Shortly after his graduation Brad was asked back to work on JFK

In 1991 Brad wrote produced and directed a short film hoping to get into the American Film Institute for Directors In 1992 Brad was accepted into the program ^Tiile there he directed the film Next Three Exits The film was produced by Phillip TTiomas currendy one of Goldie Hawns producers The films actors have landed extended teleision roles Christa Miller worked as a regular on the Drew Carey Show Rodney Rowland was regular on Pensacola Wings of Gold and Pat Brown played as the secretary in Coach and was a star in Sister Act

In 1993 Brad went back to Texas to work as a Director on a

TGI Fridays commercial for a friend After working on several commercials such as Shell Miller Genuine Draft and Six Flags Brad decided to move back to Dallas While steadily working on commercials and industrials Brad wrote his first screenplay Shadowed Love In 1995 Brad produced and directed his first feature film Shadowed Love The filpi was distributed by MC3 Entertainment

Later that year Brad wrote and directed the short film Criminal He worked with Michael Off Director of Photography of Its In The Water and Children Of The Com In 1996 Brad met John

Steakley author of Vampires and Armor who had just finished writing his first screenplay and was looking for a producer and director After viewing Brads body of work Mr Steakley hired Brad to produce and to direct the feature film Scar Texas Movie That same year MC3 Entertainment gave Brad the financing to produce the feature film Six Dollars A Minute

In 1997 Brad produced the comedy Social Ladder directed by Lenny Britton w ho was the screenwriter of the feature film Precious Find In 1998 Brad wrote produced and directed the feature comedy Loofa It is now

being distributed by Salt City Home Video In 1999 Brad wrote produced and directed the feature thriller Placing Dead which went on to sell over 80000 copies worldwide His latest project Jacked is currently in post production

Brad has won two awards One for Producing on the comedy film Thunderpussies and the other for Directing Software Corporate video Brad teaches as a professor of Film and Digital Processing at Dallas colleges on his spare time

Runaway Jury A man (John Cusack) on a

jury in a landmark lawsuit against a gun manufacturer conspires with a woman (Rachel Weisz) to swing the verdict Because its such a high-profile lawsuit and there are millions at stake he finds himself in conflict with a jury consultant (Gene Hackman)

and a lawyer (Dusiin Hoffman) who will do anything to get the verdict he wants starts October 172003

The House of the Dead Several college students on

spring break in Seattle make plans to hit a rave on a remote island just outside the city But when they arrive late mdash having missed the main boat mdash they discover the island deserted and no revelers in sight Finally they

meet two trembling students who say the rest of the kids were attacked and eaten by zombies Starts October lo 2003

STARTS FRIDAY OCTOBER 10 lpound7]4laquono


If- - i

bullKMIBMniitC MlaquoTNtATWraquo



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]iii Our Websiteit ivivwMOS IheiMUzettecnm

W^ Stephanie Ward Gallery 2546 Elm St Dallas Texas 75226

C u s t o m F raming Sale 30 oflall frames and - 50 off all in suKk frames AH framesi art is 40ii off (Beautiful rqinxluctions and originals

included in tlus sale) Sale ends Sqit 272003

Come visit the gallery He have a hoat ofneiu original artwork by local artista - huge contemporary abstracts figurative and cubist styles

We will be hosting a series of seminars on collecting and appreciating art now through November If you are interested please

send us your e-mail and mailing addres Topics will include understanding cubism Art appreciation 101 Collecting 101

Framing and preserving you art workjllic scoop on art appraisal The philosophy of modern art History of folk and figurative art

Understanding the secondary market and other topics First Seminar is scheduled for Sept 20 2003 Basic Art

Undcrsatanding Call for more details 2147525588

Sponsorship opportunities available for seminars

Home Is Where The Art Is StcphaiiicK jmllery b hwkUng a contest culled Homf U Where The Ai-t IB

Show us how jou displaji-d gtour a n purchased from the gallery and win up to $500 in custom framinK- Stnd a ph(itigt(traph of the art hatiftuiK lo your home If

it a p p e o n un our website we wiU e-mail you a certificate

2 1 4 7 5 2 5 5 8 8

Excttlnq now attractions

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bullgti() VOi - (bullii ^omcast

Minority Opportunity Netys - The Gazette bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Page 7


Black Cinematheque Dallas and the Dallas NAACP to Host Film Black CuiL-nijilitjqaL Dalla^ will parincr

with the Dallas Branch nf ihc NAACP lo htisi a film pngtgram atviui wiiiT fraud and ihe aiiack on dinnocrjLV in Amerita iTiJay October 17 2003 800 IM at [he South Dallas Cultural Center i40lt) S Fiizhug^ Street DallasTexai Tickets are $5(X) and tan be piinhascd at the doiirnie public shiaikl Kill 21 M26-lgtlaquo3 tor informality

Filml Oeoee Lxigaty of the FJeciion Day Massacre by Bianca While amp Sandra Kiasa 26 min 2002 Orbanworld Film Festival - WiniKT Beit Short Documentary in the early twentieth century Ocoee was hltimc to one of Fliraquo-idas most prosperous African American CMnmunitics In I920on eleclitgtn day when Blacks tried to vote they were haraswrd bullied beaten and murdered One igtf Central Floridas most notorious incident of raciaJ viokaice the Ocoee Massaere began after iViose Norman a Black fanner who migrated to Central Florida friMn South Carolina in a mule-drawn wagon tried tii vole in the 1120 eleaion Xh (s descended on Ocoee and found Norman ai the home of a friend July Perry In the ensuing shinitout Nttrman escaped but Perry was I Tiched and -iirung up with a bulliign that read This is what we do to niggers that vote Two dozen htiuse^ twn churchegt and a lodge were burned and according to an NAACP (^server migtre than 60 Blacks killed

Film ftl Unprecedented The 2000 Iresideniial Electiim by Ricliard Ray Perez fit Joan Sekler 50 mm is a riveting dixoimentary about the battle tor the Presidency in Florida anil the undcrminint of democracy in America

Filmmakers Richard Ray Perez and Joai Sekler exaimne modern Americas most conmAersial pobtical contest the EJeaion of (leorgi- VC Bush What emerges is a disturbing picture of an ekciion maned by suspiciougtp irreguUiritiei electoral injustices and sinister voter piirget m a state governed by the winning candidates brother (ieorge W Bush stole the presidency- itf the United Stale mdash and got away with It Dallas historian Mr Donald Peyion and repa-senuiivegt of the Dallas NACI will lead the figtll(Av up discnis^ion atter the screening erf the two tilnis

African AnKricans first obiaineti ilie ri^t to vote in 1870 via the 15ih Amendment to the Cnnsutution which slated diat the r ^ t to voie shall not be denied or abndged on the bavis of race color or previous tondiuon of senitude In the decaile after the Ciil War Blacks voted in for greater numbers in the St)uth than Whnes But that ijuickly charged With the withdrawal of federal troops and the collapse of Reconstruction White Siiuthemers led bgt-terrorist groups such as the Ku Klux KJan let loose a r e ^ of terror to drive Blacks luim the voting booth In addition many states insiituied literacy tests poD taxes informal voting cigtdes grandfather clauses vouchers oi good character and dis^jualificatiun for cTimes of moral turpitude were utilised to disenfranchise Black voters TactKs such as the all White primary and gerrymandering of elcciiim districts further reduce Black voting strength anti alniigtst elintinaied the number of Black elected officials By IKK) iJlacts had v-inuallgt diraquoappcare^l from Southern voting rrfls

Most African Americans passionately believed voters in Florida wen baiiiboozkd at the votmg booths during the 2000 electionlo believe otherwise would be to ignore the sordid hislorj of the Souths century-long efftm to disenfranchise Black voters states Mangt-n Clark Founder Curator for Black Cinematheque Sc ari pleised to jwn with the Dallas Branch of the NA-CP in presenting these two imponani films and to discuss cniical issues of empowering people of color Ccdumnist Junious Ricardo Stanton in his piece Wliy We Should Be Better Informed About turreni Events wntes I haw no vendetta against (icurgeW Bush

My uppositioii to him is because he and his

Program on Voter Fraud in Florida administraticm were put into oBice by fraud and widespread ivter disenfranchisement in Florida If you have a loved one in the military they may be sent to a Iar aw ay land to die for Bushs oil and glot^hegemony ^enda What will you get out of it other then a llag draped casket What if they return uraiinded or maimed Are you aware Bush sponsored legislaiiltraquoi to cut veteran benefits

reduce hazardous duty pay and family separation allowances Have you noticed the media rarely shows any funerals for the fallen soldiers and Bush never attends Whats up with that h the war on terrorism wtirih the bdlkms of laxpas-er dollars being spent or the iiuvKcni lives being lost What about all the opium and heron flowing into AmeriKKKa now that the Taliban has been


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Lesal Notices Cigtntact Ms Janice Deans to advertise in our career Dppo

F-ax (ir Mmait copy for quote I-ax 072-500-0058 l-mail opporiunity (imonthejiazcttecom



Scaled proposals for highway improvement contracts will be received by the Texas Department ofTransportaiitm (TxDOT) until the date(amp) shtgtwn below

and then publicly read


Coniraa 6103-62-001 for CHAIN MXK FENCE in DALLAS County will be opened on November 1 3 3003 ar 1030 am at the

District Office for an estimate of 527400000 Contract 6104-27-001 for POTHOLE REPAIR in DALL^S Counrj

will be opened on November I 3 2003 at 1030 am at the District Office for an estimate of 829535000

Contract 6104-76-001 for STORM SEIXER AND INLET CLEANING in DALi^S County wjll be opened on November 13 2003 at 1030 am

at [he District Office for an estimate of $27894000

Plans and specifications are available for inspection along with bidding proposals and applications for the TxDOT Prcqualificd Contraciors list at

the applicable State andor DisLDiv OHiccs listed below Bidders must submit prequalification information to TxDOT at least 10 days prior to the bid date m be eligible to bid on a project Prequalification materials may

be requested from the State Office listed below Plans for the above contraa(s) are available froniTxDOTs website at wwwdotstatetxus and

from reproduction companies at the expense of the contractor NPO 11133

Stale OfHce ConslrMaint Division

200 E Riwrside Dr AustinTexas 78704

Phone512-416-2540 DisLDiv Officc(s)

Dallas District District Engineer 4777 E Hwy 80

MesquiteTexas 75150-6643 Phone214-320-6100

Minimum wage rates are set out in bidding documents and the rates will be part of the contract TXDOT ensures that bidders will not be discriminated

against on the grounds of race color sex or national origin


EAGLE CONTRACTING LP an Equal Opportunity Employer is soliciting Minority Owned and

Women Owned Business Enterprises for

Supply and Materia Supply Bids for the following project

City of Dallas Water Utilities

Southside WWTP Peak Flow Basin and Site


Bid Date October 06 2003

at 130 pm

Contact Charles Howard at

Metro 817-379-1897 Fax Metro 817-379-0610

Mail to Eagle Contracting LP

PO Box 1600 Keiler Texas 76244

depose J m Alghanistan How will these detdoptiwiUv impact our aimmunities Robert bull-Mien editor of The Black Scholar states Of course it wjs first and ia^i about race this stolen election - nd then Giire didnt wunt to tourfi it because Gore dulnt w^nt to break with White supran3cgtmdasheen though that meant hed lose the election Thats biw much VSTiite raquoupreinacgt means to him Can j-ou imagine Hed rather lose the Presidcnc than stand wiih Black folks



To iiKfcdsc prtlaquoipdion aftd opportuniiir avdiiabitity to HUB

Bireinesses GTECH has extefuJea the so^citatJon deadhne preroosfy

put)gtisheij in this paper Inteiested HUB busmeaes s kould f o r v ^ ir^rmatwn ^4kx mquines lO

(TECH Claquofplaquoitilaquoii HUB OpCfdIOt

8200 Cameron Road Su-teE-l20

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Career ODDortunities Contact Ms Janice Deans to advertise in our career opportunity scctum y72-6l()-715t ix or Imail copy for quote

Fax OT^oC-JO^R Hmait opptgtrtunny ((monthegaeiieconi

ROUTE PERSONS Needed For GarlandVlesquite

Piano Richardson N Dalla-s FarmersviUe Wylic

VicKinney Uen Frisco Leuisvillc Deniun Dallas Areas

Sularv Segotiablt

Qj(972) 606-3261 Please leave a message

M O N - T h e G a z e t t e is looking for community writers and reporters

Pay on a contract basis or by the hour Email your resume to editori^ monthegazettecom

or fax to 972-516-4197 Leave a message at 972-881-1646

Little Flock Bapt is t C h u r c h

905 E Aimee -PO Box 903

Forney Texas 75126 is currently looking for

a pianistorganist

Please call Pastor Laurent at


- S j ^


stablished Art gallery looking for exceptional salesperson to

leadlcreate sales forces and to sell art in corporate environment Fax

your resume to 2147525589 or e-mail it to stephaniegallerycotn

For more information call 2147525588

S m a l l C o m p a n y Needs

Administrative Assistant 16 to 20 Hours per week

St have JuQwIedge of Microsoft QuickBooks

Excel Software package

bull Day Hours bull Must be Organized

bull Must be Self-Starter 972-606-3891

Voice Mail leave message Fax Resume to 972-881-1646

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Fage 8 bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Minority Opportunity Netvs - The Gazette Iisit (hir Website At tLiiivM()rhv(iazitlvinifi


Over the years I have received things that helped me on my lifes journey This is another one that I believe you will like and perhaps put it to use

A r e Your P r i o r i t J e S t r a i g h t Author Unknown

One day an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and to drive home a point used an illustration those student will never forget

As he stood in front of the group of high-powered overachievers he said Okay time for a quiz the expert pulled out a one-gallon mason jar and set it on the table in front of him He also produced about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them one at a time into the jar When the jar could hold no more rocks he asked Is this jar full Everyone in the class yelled Yes The time management expert replied Really

He reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel He dumped some gravel in and shook the jar causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the spaces between the fist-

sized rocks He then asked the students once more Is the jar full By this time the class was on to him Probably not one of them answered Good he replied He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all of the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel

Once more he asked the question Is this jar full No the class shouted Once again he said Good Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the brim

He looked at the class and asked What is the point of this illustration One eager beaver raised his hand and said The point is no matter how full your schedule is if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in it No thats not the point the expert replied The truth that this illustration teaches us is If you dont put the big rocks in first youll never get them in at all

What are the big rocks in your lifemdashtime with your loved ones your faith your education your dreams a worthy cause teaching or mentoring others

Remember to put the BIG

Feel Better Now


- ^ A M

Uplifting Inspirational Music i rn- t -- t t^ ltlt^t w p

New Mt Zion Baptist Church of Dallas S u n d a y S e r v i c e Morning Worship

730 a m amp 1030 am 900 am Sunday School

W e d n e s d a y S e r v i c e Prayer Meeting 700 pm

Brotherhood 700 pm Missions 700 pm

Singles Group 700 pm Bible Study 745 pm Pastor Robert E Price

A Praying Church Family Watchmen on the Walls

214-341-6459 (Phone) bull 214-342-8403 (Fax) 9550 Shepard Road

Dal las TX 75243

wwwnmzborg (Website) bull newmzbcra aolcom (Email)

Friendship Baptist Church iDr C Paul McBride Pastor

Schedule of Services Sunday

Early Morning Worship 800 am

Sunday School Classes 930 am

Morning Worship 1100 am

Evening Worship (1st Sunday) 600 pm

Tuesday Early Bird Bible Study 600 pm

Wednesday Morning Bible Study 930 am Prayer Meeting and 730 pm

Evening Bible Study

4396 Main Street The Colony Texas 75056

(972) 625-8186 website wwwfbc-oniinenet

The Church wi th a V i s ion

bullhilgt H n a t l ( gt V i r i i ( bull niti

ROCKS in first or youll never get them in at all So when you are reflecting on this short story ask yourself this question What are the big rocks in my life Then put those in your jar first

KXY PXOPLX Xvxn though my kxyboard is

an old modxl it works quitx wxU xxcxpt for onx of thx kxs It is trux that all thx othxr kxys work wxll xnough but just this onx kxy not working makxs a diffxrxncx

Somxtimxs it sxxms likx a txam is somxwhat likx my old kxyboardmdashnot all thx kxy pxoplx arx working

You may say to yoursxlf wxll I am only onx pxrson I wont makx or brxak a txam xffort But IT DOXS makx a diffxrxncx bxcausx a txam xffort to bx xffxctivx nxxds thx activx participation of xveryonx

So thx nxxt timx you think that your xfforts will not bx missxd rxmxmbxr my old kxyboard You are important

Email starpley(flwtnet Pager 214-833-1639

Voice Mail 972-606-3878 Fax 972-516-4197

Let MOS-The Gazette help your church accomplish the Priiyer ofjiiiv Utilargc imr UTTtuny to cxpiiid opportimilics ihtii may impaci iraquo tuch a vxty thai vx towh more Invs for (Jods glory IM US do more for Him

Church Happenings ALL NATIONS IJWTEP M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H

Thnu^ tht Last Sumiaj im Otutbrr 845 tm- 9i4 am

The Prayer of Jabez Bible Study ledby Dr Clara M Reed

October 19-During Morning Worship Service

Annual Mens Day For more information call 972-


All Nations United Methodist Church Dr Clara M Reed Pastor 3415 liast H t h Street Piano TX 75074 972-424-8500


October 11 CiOOpm

First Alrican American Health Summit - Hosted by Robert Ashley and Ester Davis

Panel led by Jewel Pookrum M D PhD FounderDirecior of the Civilized Medicine Institute Free to the public (Limited Seating)

For more information or to register contact Wessie Huckaby 214-376-6170

Ilethcl Temple Pentecostal Church Bishop James Mitchell 4014 S Lancaster Road Da l las TX 75216 214-374-1992


0e$9itr IS lOiOOam - 200 fm Cancer Awareness amp Prevention

Celebration bullFree Prostate Cancer Screening bullCancer Survivors and Testimonials bullSignificance of Spirituality and

Cancer-Fighting Foods bullHealth Promotion Giveawagt-s For more information call 972-625-


Friendship Baptist Church Dr C Paul McBride Pastor 4396 Main Street The ColonyTX 75056 972-625-818b


iriSamday ^Eatk MmtA Free blood pressure screening in the

Who Are the Women of God Why is MON-The Gazette Honoring Them On Mothers Day Weekend 2004 What Can You Do To Be A Part Of The Momentous Occasion

Go To kvw^vmontfiegazetfecom QtV on Women 0 Cod) or ConlacI Sister Xarpiey

Al 972-606-3878 voice moi l

Church Directory

Saint Mark Missionary Baptist Cliurch m 1308 Wilcox Street McKinney Tx

Pastor Charles S Wattley

Sunday Education Ministries 930 am Worship Celebration 1100 am - Nursery Facilities Available -

Wednesday Family Ministries 700 pm

Friendly Fellowship with A Family Focus For More Information Call

9725426178 wwwsaintmarkbccom


ShJIoh lAissionary Baptist Church 920 E 14th Street Piano TX

Monday 7PM Youth Brotherhood Mission

amp Young Adult Ministr ies

Tuesday 7PM Bible Study amp Mens Choir

Wednesday 7PM Mid-Week Service

Thursday 7PM Mass Choir

Z z z Q H X m


m 03

O c 2

I For more information call (972) 423-6695


gym after evening services For more information on times amp

room call 972-644-2335 Smu^fja gtfi(r f p n n q Srrmro

at ArAMpoundt0nmm Achievers are Successful

Tutoring Program the TAKS test and how lo become a TUTOR Tutoring for grades K-12

For more information call 972-644-2335

Greenville Avenue Church of Christ Minister Sheitun Gibbs III Pastor 1013 S Greenville Avenue Richardson TX 75081 972-644-2335

Church Happenings Page 10

School Dlsfrta

To View our upcoming bids ( ease go to

the Piano ISD Purchasing Department web

Go to wwwpisdedu dick on web site lnlaquo

dex then choose the letter P and follow

the links to the Purchasing Department

J^ y^w i((hffSf (iifru 1701 W Icffcrson St Grand Prairie Texas 7 J 0 J 1

2B0J Market Loop Suite ]00 Soufhiake Texas 7fgt092

Dennv H Dais Seranl

7fla M 900 AM IfWW AVlt and 1 AM

Mt Olive Church of Piano 740 Avenue F Suite 303

Piano TX 75074

A Non-denominational Church for all Nations

Pastor Sam Fenceroy Pastor Gloria Fenceroy Schedule of Serv ices

Sunday School 930 am Morning Worship 1045 am M e n ampWomen Ministrgt- 1st amp 3rd Mondays 730 p m I-eadership Meeting 2nd Mondays 730 p m Singles Ministrj- 4 th Mondays 730 pm Youth Bible Study Wednesdays 730 p m

Mid-Wcck Serice Wednesdays 715 p m M o t h e r s D a y O u t T u e s d a y amp T h u r s d a y 900 a m - 200 p m

Servicios En Espanol Domingos Noche 630 pni

Jueves Noche 730 pm

Phone 972-633-5511 Fax 972-633-3728

Email mocop740i^ Verizonnet P a s t o r s P e d r o a n d

D i a n a S a n t i l l a n

K i i d i n Hr tKu l i i s ( S t a l i n n KMO A M - K ( i ( i H M - l H I S a m - l ( l U raquo a m

Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Page 9


Back Page Elite News Religious Hall of

Fame Celebrate Grand Opening Dallas TX- The Elite

News Religious Hall of Fame founded by William Bill Blair held its grand opening celebration recently in Dallas Guests brought rehgious contributions to enhance the growth of this one of a kind

historical facility The Religious Hall of Fame Museum opened during the latter part of the summer with a ribbon-cutting ceremony The 15-room venue was designed to acknowledge and honor ministers and selected leaders that positively

influenced their community and nation by improving the quality of life for others The Hall of Fame is located at 5554 South Hampton Road Dallas TX For more information contact Debra Blair-Abron or Jordon Blair at 214-372-6500

Charity Golf Tournament to Benefit Local Organization T h e 5lh Annual Westside Bapnsi

Church Charity Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday October 18th 1100 am at Indian Creek Municipal Golf Course Cairoll ton Texas Registration for the W B C Charitgt- Golf Tournament benefiting Big Brothers and Big SistersDallas is ofBciallgt open for sign up T h e mission of the charit e^ent is to raise the communitys awareness for the need of mentors for the hundreds of children on the ^-altlng list to be matched T h e cost is S8000 (includes green fees can prizes and food)


wwwwestsidebaptistchurchcom for more infonnation or to complete a registration form Your completed

Church Happenings Page 9


L N S T I T U T l - f G M O R - D F W ^

Moniiajri amp Thumiayi ^bull00 pm- 845 pm

N o w taking registrat ions for Bachelor of ITieologv Bachelor of Biblical Studies and Bachelor of Counseling Classes Dr Kenneth W Johnson Executive Director

Gospe l M i n i s t r y O u t r e a c h Theologica l I n s t i t u t e (G MOR -D F W )

( Ins ide S h e k i n a h Glo ry C o m m u n i t y C h u r c h ) B i shop R o b e r t B th r idge P a s t o r 515 West C e n t e r S t r e e t D u n c a n v U l c T X 75138 1-800-923-9149


Oclraquohrr2S lOeOOtm bull 20Qpm Annual Health Fair - Free Includes screenings testing gtve-

a-ways food and more For more information call 972-

235-4633 Ul

H a m i l t o n P a r k Un i t ed M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h Rev D e r r i c k Wr igh t P a s t o r 11881 S c h r o c d e r R o a d D a U a s T X 75243



75th C h u r c h Anniversary Musical- 630 p m


Oitober 19 Homecoming Service 330 p m Rev Roy Rocke - Guest Speaker For more information call 214-823-


Hopewel l M i s s i o n a r y B a p t i s t C h u r c h Rev Michae l H u b b a r d S e n i o r P a s t o r 5144 Dolph in R o a d D a l l a s T X 75223 214-823-1018


OnobtrlI9rOOMm Mens Prayer Breakfast

Ottobrr 17-18 Marriage Enr ichment Conference Building Your Marriage to Last Sidney amp Carol Bcal Conference

Speakers Cost S3500 per couple

Ocnbtr26 Annual Mens Day Celebration T h e m e Men running the race with

passion purpose and power Morning Speaker Rev Stuart Bailey For more information call 972-998-


Keller S p r i n g s Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev L a r r y S a n d e r s P a s t o r 3227 Keller S p r i n g s R o a d C a r r o l l t o n T X 75006


2MI amp 4tb SunJdyi Blood pressure screenings available

after 1100 am service

M e s q u i t e F r i e n d s h i p Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev Te r ry AL T u r n e r P a s t o r 2232 Frank l in Dr ive M e s q u i t e T X 75150



Tomorrow Lttt night October JO 700 pm Annual Fall Revival For more information call 940-320-


M o r s e S t r e e t Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev A R S tokes P a s t o r 921 M o r s e S t r e e t D e n t o n T X 76205 940-320-5364


TmeuiMyt amp ThtntUyi 9O0Mm~2tO0fM

Mothers Day Out Program for ages 2 months to 4 years of age Phonics numbers colors shapes amp other early childhood skills will be offered

For enro l lment package amp registration fees contact Sister Seretha Dawkins at 9 7 2 - 6 3 3 - 5 5 1 1 be tween 900 am and 200 pm

0(nhltr29~3l Vision Summit 2003 Conference For more information call 972-633-


M t Olive C h u r c h of P i a n o Rev S a m Fenceroy P a s t o r 740 Avenue F P i a n o T X 75075 972-633-5511



OcuAtr 25 liOOpm - SiOOpm Womens Ministry Conference TTieme Hearing the Hear t of a

Godly Man A panel of Godly men will be addressing the issues of both the married and single woman

For more information call Barbara

Miller at 972-235-2882

N o r t h Dal las C o m m u n i t y Bible Fel lowship Rev I^eslie W S m i t h P a s t o r

302 C e n t e n n i a l Blvd R i c h a r d s o n T X 75081-5057 972-437-3493


Octobtr 15-17 -^iiOpm Youth Revival New Bethel Baptist

C h u r c h 101 Elm Flat Road in Kerens Texas

Otnher I9j-00pm Worship Exper ience at Harvey

Avenue Baptist Church 1257 East Har ey in Ft WorthTexas

OcMitr2i 7iMgtpm Greater Renfro Memoria l C O G I C

700 East Park Avenue in Corsicana Texas

Octahtr 26 1200 Na^n Salem Baptist C h u r c h 3400

Mitchell Blvd in Ft WorthTexas Oetwitr 26 JM pm

M l Olive Baptist Church 2105 East Jones Avenue in Corsicana Texas

S ix th venue Bap t i s t C h u r c h S e r v a n t KD Davis Sr P a s t o r amp O v e r s e e r C o r s i c a n a T X 7 5 U 0

Siid vu i i r c h i i r v h ai i iKui iKct i icnis m e d i u i r i i nit inth^U i t l lcciMn n r lax to raquo r -S l ( - 41 raquo - Wi t hu i - ch M i i p p c n i n j s D e a d l i n e s a r e l r i i l a gt v txrtitre p u b l t c a i i o i i i lau- ( M t gt N - I h c G a c t t i - is pub l iNht t l c a t l i Thurs t l av )

Christian Meltwdist Episcopal Chirch 1113 I Avlaquo P b i i H x T X 7 5 0 7 4 ( 0 7 2 ) 4 2 5 - 4 0 0 0

Rlaquov J a i t t M E L a r r y P a v l o r

Sunday School 930 AM Sunday Worship Serviclaquo 1100 AM Wednftsday NIght- 730 PM Community Bibia Claaa

DavStar IHilv^rangc Ministries

Our Services S u n d a y

uIHLlgt School 1000 a j a Midday Smicc ll-OOun

TuelaquoIagt Pragter senke 700 pJii-

Senkt TJO pjo

Sponsored bgt The Touch Ministn bull Women in Transition (WIT)

Website wwwthetouchministrvcom bull Phone 972-769-laquog26

l l ( t - ^ H raquo 1 i l bull I M I O N t i sNH lgt bull I h u K i I

Sttns Chapel Baptist Church The Fellowship of Love

(Sharing Love Saving Souls and Changing Lives)

Sunday Services Early Morning Hiirship S00 atn

Sunday School tOJO am Mid-Morning Worahip 1130 am

Bible Study Wtdnlaquoaday Sight Live a 730 ptrt

^tUrun III Senior Potior

317 Parker Drive bull Garland TX 75040

Phone 972-276-0014 bull Fax 972-276-2444

Website wtvwSintsChapelorg

Gospel Ministry Outreach Theological Institute

GMOR - DFW Since 1982

Halpiiif M raquo laquo bull raquo the CTBcrtty of Spiriiual lUltcrocy in ChriMlaa Ihrooffa thcot^ckal bullnidin

Bachelor of BlbUcai S iud io BMbelw ol BibUul CountftUat And Bachelor ofThcology in Claai-rootn or

CorropondcoEC course Wt abo offer (be Vlailer and DoclorMc dcf rec program a wcU

CaU for rcftenvtioa and more informattoni l-WO-923-9149 today

Igtr Kvniu-lh J i thnMrn IXOiv lxecutive O i r c v t o r

A- Hamilton Park United S Methodist Church

Rev Derrick Wright S e n i o r P a s t o r

S u n d a y S c h o o l

830 am

Morning Praise 945 am

Sunday Worship 1000 am

Wednesday Service 630 pm

(Childcare Available Each Sunday)

A Christian Community of Faith Called by God to Make

Disciples for Jesus Christ

11881 Schroeder Road

Dallas TX 75243-3656

Phone 972-235-4633 bull Fax 972-235-5713

Email hparkumaolcom

Website wwwhparkumcorg

Little Flock Baptist Church

P a s t o r Louis E L a u r e n t

Internet Broadcast wwwkrgmcom

(Mon - Fr i (sect 12 Noon)

A Place Where a Taste of die Word is Guaranteed

Sunday School 930 am

Sunday Morning Worship 1045 am

Tuesday Night Brotherhood 700 pm

Wednesday Prayer MeetingBiUe Study 7KXgtpm

bullraquolaquolt II Ainun- SirccI bull IUgt Iliw Wt bull Iwncy Itxiis bull If IMituie i4-35- 02l

New Life Fellowship of Hamilton Park

8219 Bunche Drive bull Dallas TX 75243 972-671-1096

R e v e r e n d M i l l e r E J o h n s o n J r S e n i o r P a s t o r

I U ^ i n n i n K raquo - bull bull II bull u i m h i n n ^ i

Sunday Morning Bible School 91S ain MornlnK Worship Service 10)0 ain Evening Worship (Agape Hour) F l n l Sunday 600 pm

Wcdneulay Nifiht Prayer Meeting and Evening Bible Study ^l S pm

registration form can be mailed directly to W B C and or given to a Tournament Commit tee Member For additional

questions please contact Dennis Edwards at (972) 906-3434 or dennisedrardslticomcastnet

W h o Are the Women of God bull Why ij MONThe GoieHe Honoring Them On Mothers

Dtty Weekend 2 0 0 4 bull WhltA Con You Do To Be A Port Of The Momentoui Occasion

Go To wwwmonffiegoietteeom (Clkk on Women Of Goltf)

or Contact Siiler Torpley At 972-606-3878 voice moif

Join us at one of our fun relaxed and inspiring services

mi SrnMW ^tlAv- bull Terrv HomhttckU

2 3 5 0 E M a y f t t k l K O M I AHinncmi T e u u 7 6 0 1 4

(817) 557-MM or wwwuilaquoapect un

M M POMERheuM br KiM FMhMv 0laquonMSUMlClaquotraquo

Loving ft Fmndhr AfnMpfwnt


Keller Springs Baptist Church (Purstihif The Pcfson^ The Presence

and The Ttnver of Ciod)

S u n d a y M o r n i n g U i b l e S t u d i e s 900 a m

Sundagt- M o r n i n g W o r s h i p 1045 a m

M o n d a y N i ^ t D i s c i p l e s h i p 700 p m

^ d n e s d a gt - N i g h t P r a y e r amp P r a i s e 700 p m

( C l h i l d c a r e A aUab le E a c h S e r v i c e )

S r Ia-lor

3227 Keller Springs Road bull Carrollton TX 75006-12(tO Phone 972-735-S077 bull l-ax 972-73S-S0S7

liniail Infci ltf kcllerspringsorg Website wwwkellcrspringsorg

All Nations United ^ Methodist Church vt

DrU^gt^ M iJ

Senior Iulor

Dr Btrt 4ffJeck

Hispanic Minislriea

Christian by Faith Diverse by Design

Sunday S 43afi Lsconay 60e S^JCJ

Sifdsf 845m SjidayScfca SiHay 84Sam EsbdoBttcoEnEspand Stnday IftflOm VfcnNpSenice Tuesday TdCpm PrayefMeetrc

3415 E 14th St Piano TX bull 75074

972-424-8500 wwwallnationsumcorg

(Free itrsery Provided For Ages 4 and Under)

Other ministries include English As A Second Language

and Spanish As A Second Language Classes

Tempie ofTaitfi

Christian Cfiapef CMJE Cfiiircfi

Where Jesus is the Main Attraction

Sunday Worship Experience 800 am amp 1045 am

Wednesday Bii)le Study 1200 Noon amp 700 pm

D r J e r o m e E

M c N e i l J r P a s t o r

14120 Noel Road

Dallas TX 75254

72-2gt 9 120 (OfHce) bull 972-239-5^25 (FH) teinpleofraith_cmesbcglobalnet (Email)

llciillli) l(t^iuitiiis ( liilil l)ifl()|Mninl ( tnlci

bull)72 404 141

Minority Opportunity ews -The Gazette 6100 Ave AT Suite 105 ((iiSpring Creek l^irkway) Plano^ Texas 75074 Phone 9725162992 Fax 9725099058 Email Editor^moPtthegazettecofn i

m Page 10 bull October 09 - October IS 2003 bull Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette

I i j lt ) i gt U gt gt i ( I i i U i 4 I ( gt ( i i - j i t laquo m u

PHA s Annual Fall Fest Page 1

l^jbull lMll l l l | | l l^ fHbullbull l l lL l l l i Who Are ihe Women of God bull Why is MON-The Cazefte Honoring Them On

Mothers Day Weekend 2004 What Con You Do To Be A Pari Of The Momentoui Occasion

Go To wwwmonlhegazerretom (Click on Women OF GoiJJ or Conhjrt Sister Torplry Al 972-606-3878 voice mall

Clint Brady committee volunteer Committee Chairperson

(rwendolyn G Jones

required to sign a minimum of a five-year contract which outlines specific goals client commitment statements and time-line goals of achievement During the five years participants are made ready to become independent of any governmental assistance

Another graduate Olivia Rudd said she had many physical emotional and social hurdles to overcome when she entered the program including coping with Graves disease She said through the support of the FSS program she has made great strides in her life and she is now employed with PHA

JuAni iiius Itesidenl Initiatives Director Piano Housing Authorityj

FSS Program Graduates Yvonne Ford Sabrina Frenchie ernetta

Lockridge Olivia Rudd and Executive Director Helen Macey

When I took ill with Graves disease I was determined to still live on my own and take care of my child PHA and the FSS program have allowed me to still be a parent and be a vital part of my daughters life said Rudd Sometimes you have to Reshydirect your dreams but the key is to not let go of them

Rudd has also been promoted from Wait-List Coordinator to Real Estate Services Specialist

Clint Brady committee volunteer said he signed up to help because The program empowers them and dismisses

Children enjoy a potato sack race during the annual Piano Housing

Authoritys Fall Feat

Proud FSS graduates Yvonne Ford Sabrina Frenchie Vernetta

Lockridge Olivia Rudd Destin Wltite (not pictured)

liuiiiiie JuL-obs a metnber of the Family Self-Sufficiency Program

and mother ancy

the old Stereotype that all Section 8 recipients are lazy and looking for hand-outs

This years festiities honored these graduates Yvonne Ford Sabrina Frenchie Vernetta Lockridge Olivia Rudd and Destin White

FOR YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS n 3265 Preston Rd Ste C Frisco Texas 75034

Business (214) 618-4636 Fax (214) 618-4635 bull Direct Line (214) 435-4335

E-Mail GretaLoney51comcastnet

Greta Loney Qg^y REALTOR 21

Each Office is Independently Owned And Operated t s J Park One Realtors

Start developing your Plan for Life today

Yvonne Ford one of the honored graduates and children Kenyia 12

Rainey 15 Sheldon 13 Keith 12

SBAs minority development Page 1

financial statements and personal resume(s) You should take the information including your loan proposal and submit it to a local lender If the lender is unable to approve your loan you may ask if the lender can consider your request under the SBA loan guaranty program Under this program the SBA can guaranty up to 85 of a small business loan however the lender must agree to loaning the money with the SBA guarantee The lender will then forward your loan application and a credit analysis to the nearest SBA District Office After receiving all documentation the SBA analyzes the entire

application then makes its decision The process may take u p to 10 days to complete If the lender needs SBA applications andor guidance it may contact the nearest SBA District OflSce by going to http www sba govregionsst ateshtml Upon SBA approval the lending institution closes the loan and disburses the ftmds

With a portfolio of direct and guaranteed small business loans worth more than $45000000000 ($45 billion) the Small Business Administration is Americas largest financial provider for minority owned small businesses

Minority-owned businesses have received 269 small business loans under the Minority Pre-qualification Loan Program since its inception in April 1995 and have obtained $26000000 (826 million) in small business loans representing an average loan of $98840 under the Minority Pre-qualification Loan Program

The Minority Pre-qualification Loan program helps minoritgt-owned small businesses secure capital for start-up or expansion of their small businesses This small business loan program uses private sector organizations to assist in the loan application process

A prospective borrower works with an intermediargt to develop a viable business loan application The loan application is then submitted directly to the SBA for consideration of a small business loan pre-qualification On approval the intermediary also can assist the applicant in locating a competitive lender

Small Businesses that are at least 51 owned and

managed by minority person(s) are eligible The maximum loan amount under the Minority Pre-qualification Loan Program is $250000

For more information about small business loans for

minoriry-owned businesses visit wwwsbagov Also while visiting the State Fair ofTexas you can check out the SBA booth in the Grand Place and pick up a general information packet SBA loan seminars are

held each Thursday except holidays at attend 1402 Corinth St Room 1534 DallasTexasThe seminars are fi-ee to attend For additional information call (214) 860-5865

Shirley A Oranam -jcnt M44N Planw Rd Suite 260 Richardson IX 750laquol-466

9727549610 Cell Email gmhamshn a auLcum

Live the life you ve imagined

b-och of us has certain linancial glials vc vMil lo jiThJo e in life mdash a tomtortable ing for oar family btKiK ownership adiancod cJucnlion for our children and finaiKial independence when we retire

Mtgtst people hoicvcr never aitain llieir financial ofcjeciie^ because thegt fail in dcxclop a reasonable plan lo ichieve them And because everyones tlnancial objectives arc unique each individuals plan must be distinctively dincrcni-

Americw General Career Distribulion Gnx^ offers an cAciiin^ ncM system lo help people delerniine ihcir famdyN tlnancial objcciics and dcelop a plan lo realize them Its called A Plan for Life and its a tree sericlaquo with no cost or obligjatiun

To develop your familys Plan for Life call loitay


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Plage 4 bull October 09 - October IS 2003 bull Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette I isii Our Wchsitc At ivivivMOXlhciiiizvtliconi



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IVVV OiifWcbsiicli ivww yi()Ifu(iitzt-tvcom Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette bull October 09 - October 152003 Page 5

Theres Plenty to Taste amp See at 2003 State Fair An abundance of thin^ to discover

avvaiis visitors to the 2003 State Fair of Texas Sept 26 Oct 19 Vfhether its the very best in exhibits entertainment livestock events contests or rides guests will not leave disappointed

Ever wonder just what is the number (ine aitraction at the nations largest annual exposition That would be food VChether on a stick on the hoof jcHied-in-a-jar hot cold spio powdered or plain food surrounds visitors when they arrive

Food is pngtminenl ai the Taste amp See l^avilion The adjacent conservatory houses exotic plants that provide nectar for thousands of brilhantly-hued butierflies stars ofTake Fli^t in Texas lgtiscovery Gardens Inside celebrity chefe work their magic in a special denionsiration kitchen Outside a

spacious tent is home to wine tastings and ^wine education a sunken garden bistro J will sell wine and cheese Humongous

pumpkin-carving demos and theatritai-type face painting will be ongoing in the tent- Visitors are encouraged to explore the surrounding seven acres including

something thats impossible to miss the Texas Garden Railway a miniature train running throu^ a host of state landmarks and small gorges tiny creeks and verdant countryside

Meanwhile Spirit of the Dance kicks up its heels in a foot-stomping celebration of Irish dance in the Coliseum Its Christmas at the Texas Hall of State where Holidays ai the White House comes to life in a 20 x 60 replica of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Chevrolets Main Stage presents Sandi Pattgt- Jo Dee Messina Lisa Marie Preslegt Jeruiifer Pena Tracy LawTence Mark Chesnutt and Joe DifEe Blues Traveler and mon in no-additional-charge concerts

The Youth Livestock Auction of Champions took the spotlight Oct 3 alterriating shows and sales feature cattle sheep swine goats poultrgt and pigeons Ijnle Hands on the Farm allows kiddos to play farmer (ending to their gardens from inception lo harvest The biggest new car show in the Southwest displays premium nameplates as well as 2004 models concept cars pickups SUVs arul collectibles in the Classic Corral

Very Important Football is pan of State Fair history The Cotton Bowl b the site of two definitive match-ups each year - the State Fair Classic pitting the Panthers of Prairie View AampM against the Grambling State Tigers (Oa 4) and the Red RK-er Shootout where bragging rights dangle

between unKersitgt rivals Oklahoma and Texas (Oct 11) A nighdy parade and laser show museum exhibits canine acrubais jams jellies and quilts thrill rides free-Qi^t birdf multiple music stages and more make tfie 2003 State Fair of Texas a noi-to-miss event

bull W h o Are rhe Women of God bull Why i i MON-Tho Go ie t i c Honor ing Them On Mother s Day Weekend 2004 bull W h o l Car You Do To Be A

Port Oi The Momentous Occoi ion Go To wwtvmonthegaleHecom (Click on Woman Of GodJ

or Contact Sister TorpJey At 972-606-3878 voice moil

ride D M in October bullraquogt-

Friendship Baptist Church to Host Life-Saving Cancer Awareness Celebration THE COLONV x Friendship Baptist

Church (FBC) will host a Pink-n-Blue Day to promote screening and earlgt deteaion of breast pnwtate and other cancers The celebration will be held on Sanirdai- October 18 2003 from 1000 am to 200 pm at 4396 Main Street The Colony TX

This program provides a platform for health educators advocacgt groups the meilia public officials physicians and concerned citizens to focus their efforts tollectively in the battle against cancer It features cancer education and prevention a panel of guest speakers including cancer survivors and free prostate cancer screenit^ Emphasis is placed on the importance of incorporating simple preventive and positive health behaviors into everyday life

One out of evergt two men and one of every three women are at risk of having cancer in their lifetime According to the (mcrican C ancer Society appniximately i 3 million Americans will be diagnosed vvitli invasive cancer African American men have a 20 i hi^er incidence rate and 40gtu higher death rate from all cancers combined than white men About 132700 new cancers will be diagnosed among African Americans in 2003 When cervical and colon cancers are found at early stages the five-year iuivival rate is better than 90 percent

Breast cancer is the most conramin cancer and is the second leading cause of death among African American women ll women are encouraged to receive an

annual mammigtgram beginning at age 40 By combining monthly breast-self examination with regular mammography and clinical exams women have the besi chance of finding breast cancer early-whcn it is most treatable VCTien breast cancer is deteaed early and treated at a local stage the five-year survival rate is 97 percent

The second leading cause of cancer death in American men yet the most commonly diagnosed among African American men prostate cancer is expeaed to claim 30000 lives in 2003 In addition at least 184000 new cases of the disease will be diagnosed this year alone Althou^ screening guidelines may vary most physicians agree men over age 50 or men age 38 and over who are African American or hive a family historv of the disease should be screened for prostate cancer annually The good news is that with an increase in awareness and screening for prostate cancer the survival rate has increased to more than 90 peitent

The FrieiKlship Baptist Church Health Ministry is a consortium of phgt-sicians health educators scientists and patient advocates dedicated to promoting health and wellness education FBC urges individuals to contaa their health care provider or local health department for more information Or call 1 -800-4CANCER and 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit the websites wwwncigov and vvwwcancerorg Because we want to spend as mangt- dav-s as i e can with our loved ones lets talk more about cancer prevention Remember the best protection is early detection


$5 Off Of a $20 Dinner

Glaquoraquod only tittt 4pB Hot good with any other offcn oi ltiraquolaquouit ExpintioB Octchtt 31 2003

Mesquite3730 Townc Crossing (972) 686-4270 Piano2380 N Central Expwy (972) 516^988

Grapevine415 Highway 114 West (817) 424-3477 South Arlington 1075 West 1-20 (817) 467-9797

West End310 N Market St (214) 748-6959 Northwest Highwayi03iO Lombardy Ln (972) 902-0443


mdash - ^ ^ Jt 9gtlaquoi^3il

- laquo raquo

A I D )rou Morchtng (or o n at1ornlaquoy ot hoir dresuK

m your orlaquoa Wlaquo h o w whot yovni looking for

TgtW MatroplaxB prcmiae onl ins block b u t i f w u dtroctory

LitI fotfi bui)nlaquo$i9) todoy rti FRfpound4 Htof i why wlaquo havlaquo rhlaquo

m o i l comprlaquohlaquoniraquovo online direckM^ in ttraquoo DFW oroo

You con took ond ni and i f oN fHIV

Thlaquo Uttimato Onl ine MorketpkKe Experionce

Thlaquo OFW A h k o n Amorkon Bvunlaquois Ofredory

Experietce tite rtchMSs of H b p a n k cuKurv on the big sown at the Stb Aaiuai Vstas Filn fastrval Oct 9-12 Ride DART Rail to tW festival sites Aiyelib FSn Ceiter at Modiifbird Station

aid lit DaKas Misenmltrf Art tear St Paal Station Call 214S265560 or visit vistasfilmfestivabrg f

^fr a t d tiw Red River Rivaliy at TexasOil Weekend i i ttie

West Eld Friday St Sailrday Oct 10-11 I I am to 9 pm Take DART Rail to Wett End Sution

CaD21474171SSorvisitdaIbswestei(iort Q)

1 Afj Jou tlu Race for the Cure aid ma or walk to iijiit breast caiar

SatiRJay OctIS Re^Btratioi bejins at S30 am eveats start at 74S am Take DART Rail to Park U i e Station and board the

Honkfid Cetter Sbttle Get event info at 2147507223 or komeiKlaliasiirg

Get S2 off admission to tke State Fair of Texas wkei yoi ride DARTs State Fair Skittle Satvrdays aid Stndays tkroijk Oct 19 Siiirttles depart CitypUce Statioaseasteitraioe for

Fair Park every 10 miiites from 930 am to 11 pm last ietiniiasect skittle leaves tke fairgroiids at 1130 pm

S2TwindtripVisrtDARTofj Of Q I I 2149791111


Skare tlte spirit of family f rieadskip and community at tke 29tk Harambee Festival Satarday Oct 25 10 am

to 7 pm Take DART bts Roites 122i 44 409 and 44S to tke Martifl LatkerKiij Jr Commnnity Ceiter

2922 MIX ir 8 W Call 214670i3S5 for details

Stars aid Mavs fan Q I jlide between tke DART Rail West Eld Statioi aid Anet ia i Airfiies Ceiter M free skittle bises every 10 minutes Board tke skittle at

UnarSt t Pacific Ave or Record St t Ross Ave Comiij to tke janw from west of dowitowi Take tke

Triiity Railway Expiest flRE) to Victory Statioi Get DART iafoat 2149791111 or DARTorj TRE itfo

at 817JlSitOO or triiityraitwayexpressorj Please Note There is no TRE service on Sundays

W-DART Oi-Call is expandiij Startiij Oct i tke

popilar oirb-to-ciffa van service will be offered i i East Pbio Farmers Braickaid Nortk Dallas


DARTS roQiisect oit ckaifes n bis aid rail services October ( For details a l l 2149791111 or visit DARTorf


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Page 6 bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette Iisil Our Mt7gtvlaquo 1 ivivictOlnltitiZtlltctim

Brad Keller Tapped To Helm Filmcor Productions A Killer Within Dallas TXDallas filmmaker

Brad Keller will direct Filmcor Produaions first indie feature A Killer Within starring C

Thomas Howell (The Hitchcr The Outsiders and Gods and Gene ra l s ) and Sean Young (No Way Out A Kiss B e f o r e Dying and 1st to D i e ) Filmcor is still in n e g a t i o n bullbull with Esai M o r a l e s ( L a Bamba and N Y P D B l u e ) K e i n D i l l o n ( P la toon and The Doors) and Latin multi-platinum artist Cheyerme The project has been in research and development for the past six months and is set to begin production on November 17th The film will be shot entirety in the DallasFt Worth area and is scheduled to wxap on December 2oth

A Killer Within centers around the character ADDISON TERRILL (Howell) a Dallas attorney who comes home one night to find his wife brutally murdered with the words Now were even scrawled across the bedroom wall The cops suspect he killed her and now ADDISON must race through the underside of Dallas to find the only other suspect His ally is a grudging ex-cop (Morales or Cheyenne) who knows what it takes to deliver justice If they can overcome their differences theyll be able to solve the case before anyone else gets hiu-t But sometimes the problem with crime is the deeper you dig the darker the secrets you unfold-and together they might just discover tKat thereisa1EiUer within us all

From the beginning of his filmmaking career Keller has remained true to his desire to keep it local from the majority of the cast to the crew Im really excited about being able to direct a film of this magnitude right here in Dallas says Keller It has been such a long time since weve had a really big feature film project with star power behind it like this one in the city There are another twenty-five roles yet to be cast in the film and Im looking forward to being able to pull actors from the local talent pool

Local casting on the project will begin October Isi Cast and crew resumes can be sent to MPS Studios 139 Regal Row

Dallas TX 75247 The production office phone number is 2149059908

ABOUT THE FILMMAKER Brad Keller was born in

R c d o n d o t California in I DD He moved lo North Texas m 1985 to attend film school at North Texas State U n i v e r s i t y W^ile there he made two short films

His film Professor at the t i m e r e c o m m e n d e d that Brad be hired to work on the film Born On The Fourth Of July for which he worked under director Oliver Stone In

1990 Brad graduated from the University with a Bachelors degree in Radio amp Telension Film Arts Shortly after his graduation Brad was asked back to work on JFK

In 1991 Brad wrote produced and directed a short film hoping to get into the American Film Institute for Directors In 1992 Brad was accepted into the program ^Tiile there he directed the film Next Three Exits The film was produced by Phillip TTiomas currendy one of Goldie Hawns producers The films actors have landed extended teleision roles Christa Miller worked as a regular on the Drew Carey Show Rodney Rowland was regular on Pensacola Wings of Gold and Pat Brown played as the secretary in Coach and was a star in Sister Act

In 1993 Brad went back to Texas to work as a Director on a

TGI Fridays commercial for a friend After working on several commercials such as Shell Miller Genuine Draft and Six Flags Brad decided to move back to Dallas While steadily working on commercials and industrials Brad wrote his first screenplay Shadowed Love In 1995 Brad produced and directed his first feature film Shadowed Love The filpi was distributed by MC3 Entertainment

Later that year Brad wrote and directed the short film Criminal He worked with Michael Off Director of Photography of Its In The Water and Children Of The Com In 1996 Brad met John

Steakley author of Vampires and Armor who had just finished writing his first screenplay and was looking for a producer and director After viewing Brads body of work Mr Steakley hired Brad to produce and to direct the feature film Scar Texas Movie That same year MC3 Entertainment gave Brad the financing to produce the feature film Six Dollars A Minute

In 1997 Brad produced the comedy Social Ladder directed by Lenny Britton w ho was the screenwriter of the feature film Precious Find In 1998 Brad wrote produced and directed the feature comedy Loofa It is now

being distributed by Salt City Home Video In 1999 Brad wrote produced and directed the feature thriller Placing Dead which went on to sell over 80000 copies worldwide His latest project Jacked is currently in post production

Brad has won two awards One for Producing on the comedy film Thunderpussies and the other for Directing Software Corporate video Brad teaches as a professor of Film and Digital Processing at Dallas colleges on his spare time

Runaway Jury A man (John Cusack) on a

jury in a landmark lawsuit against a gun manufacturer conspires with a woman (Rachel Weisz) to swing the verdict Because its such a high-profile lawsuit and there are millions at stake he finds himself in conflict with a jury consultant (Gene Hackman)

and a lawyer (Dusiin Hoffman) who will do anything to get the verdict he wants starts October 172003

The House of the Dead Several college students on

spring break in Seattle make plans to hit a rave on a remote island just outside the city But when they arrive late mdash having missed the main boat mdash they discover the island deserted and no revelers in sight Finally they

meet two trembling students who say the rest of the kids were attacked and eaten by zombies Starts October lo 2003

STARTS FRIDAY OCTOBER 10 lpound7]4laquono


If- - i

bullKMIBMniitC MlaquoTNtATWraquo



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]iii Our Websiteit ivivwMOS IheiMUzettecnm

W^ Stephanie Ward Gallery 2546 Elm St Dallas Texas 75226

C u s t o m F raming Sale 30 oflall frames and - 50 off all in suKk frames AH framesi art is 40ii off (Beautiful rqinxluctions and originals

included in tlus sale) Sale ends Sqit 272003

Come visit the gallery He have a hoat ofneiu original artwork by local artista - huge contemporary abstracts figurative and cubist styles

We will be hosting a series of seminars on collecting and appreciating art now through November If you are interested please

send us your e-mail and mailing addres Topics will include understanding cubism Art appreciation 101 Collecting 101

Framing and preserving you art workjllic scoop on art appraisal The philosophy of modern art History of folk and figurative art

Understanding the secondary market and other topics First Seminar is scheduled for Sept 20 2003 Basic Art

Undcrsatanding Call for more details 2147525588

Sponsorship opportunities available for seminars

Home Is Where The Art Is StcphaiiicK jmllery b hwkUng a contest culled Homf U Where The Ai-t IB

Show us how jou displaji-d gtour a n purchased from the gallery and win up to $500 in custom framinK- Stnd a ph(itigt(traph of the art hatiftuiK lo your home If

it a p p e o n un our website we wiU e-mail you a certificate

2 1 4 7 5 2 5 5 8 8

Excttlnq now attractions

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bullgti() VOi - (bullii ^omcast

Minority Opportunity Netys - The Gazette bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Page 7


Black Cinematheque Dallas and the Dallas NAACP to Host Film Black CuiL-nijilitjqaL Dalla^ will parincr

with the Dallas Branch nf ihc NAACP lo htisi a film pngtgram atviui wiiiT fraud and ihe aiiack on dinnocrjLV in Amerita iTiJay October 17 2003 800 IM at [he South Dallas Cultural Center i40lt) S Fiizhug^ Street DallasTexai Tickets are $5(X) and tan be piinhascd at the doiirnie public shiaikl Kill 21 M26-lgtlaquo3 tor informality

Filml Oeoee Lxigaty of the FJeciion Day Massacre by Bianca While amp Sandra Kiasa 26 min 2002 Orbanworld Film Festival - WiniKT Beit Short Documentary in the early twentieth century Ocoee was hltimc to one of Fliraquo-idas most prosperous African American CMnmunitics In I920on eleclitgtn day when Blacks tried to vote they were haraswrd bullied beaten and murdered One igtf Central Floridas most notorious incident of raciaJ viokaice the Ocoee Massaere began after iViose Norman a Black fanner who migrated to Central Florida friMn South Carolina in a mule-drawn wagon tried tii vole in the 1120 eleaion Xh (s descended on Ocoee and found Norman ai the home of a friend July Perry In the ensuing shinitout Nttrman escaped but Perry was I Tiched and -iirung up with a bulliign that read This is what we do to niggers that vote Two dozen htiuse^ twn churchegt and a lodge were burned and according to an NAACP (^server migtre than 60 Blacks killed

Film ftl Unprecedented The 2000 Iresideniial Electiim by Ricliard Ray Perez fit Joan Sekler 50 mm is a riveting dixoimentary about the battle tor the Presidency in Florida anil the undcrminint of democracy in America

Filmmakers Richard Ray Perez and Joai Sekler exaimne modern Americas most conmAersial pobtical contest the EJeaion of (leorgi- VC Bush What emerges is a disturbing picture of an ekciion maned by suspiciougtp irreguUiritiei electoral injustices and sinister voter piirget m a state governed by the winning candidates brother (ieorge W Bush stole the presidency- itf the United Stale mdash and got away with It Dallas historian Mr Donald Peyion and repa-senuiivegt of the Dallas NACI will lead the figtll(Av up discnis^ion atter the screening erf the two tilnis

African AnKricans first obiaineti ilie ri^t to vote in 1870 via the 15ih Amendment to the Cnnsutution which slated diat the r ^ t to voie shall not be denied or abndged on the bavis of race color or previous tondiuon of senitude In the decaile after the Ciil War Blacks voted in for greater numbers in the St)uth than Whnes But that ijuickly charged With the withdrawal of federal troops and the collapse of Reconstruction White Siiuthemers led bgt-terrorist groups such as the Ku Klux KJan let loose a r e ^ of terror to drive Blacks luim the voting booth In addition many states insiituied literacy tests poD taxes informal voting cigtdes grandfather clauses vouchers oi good character and dis^jualificatiun for cTimes of moral turpitude were utilised to disenfranchise Black voters TactKs such as the all White primary and gerrymandering of elcciiim districts further reduce Black voting strength anti alniigtst elintinaied the number of Black elected officials By IKK) iJlacts had v-inuallgt diraquoappcare^l from Southern voting rrfls

Most African Americans passionately believed voters in Florida wen baiiiboozkd at the votmg booths during the 2000 electionlo believe otherwise would be to ignore the sordid hislorj of the Souths century-long efftm to disenfranchise Black voters states Mangt-n Clark Founder Curator for Black Cinematheque Sc ari pleised to jwn with the Dallas Branch of the NA-CP in presenting these two imponani films and to discuss cniical issues of empowering people of color Ccdumnist Junious Ricardo Stanton in his piece Wliy We Should Be Better Informed About turreni Events wntes I haw no vendetta against (icurgeW Bush

My uppositioii to him is because he and his

Program on Voter Fraud in Florida administraticm were put into oBice by fraud and widespread ivter disenfranchisement in Florida If you have a loved one in the military they may be sent to a Iar aw ay land to die for Bushs oil and glot^hegemony ^enda What will you get out of it other then a llag draped casket What if they return uraiinded or maimed Are you aware Bush sponsored legislaiiltraquoi to cut veteran benefits

reduce hazardous duty pay and family separation allowances Have you noticed the media rarely shows any funerals for the fallen soldiers and Bush never attends Whats up with that h the war on terrorism wtirih the bdlkms of laxpas-er dollars being spent or the iiuvKcni lives being lost What about all the opium and heron flowing into AmeriKKKa now that the Taliban has been


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F-ax (ir Mmait copy for quote I-ax 072-500-0058 l-mail opporiunity (imonthejiazcttecom



Scaled proposals for highway improvement contracts will be received by the Texas Department ofTransportaiitm (TxDOT) until the date(amp) shtgtwn below

and then publicly read


Coniraa 6103-62-001 for CHAIN MXK FENCE in DALLAS County will be opened on November 1 3 3003 ar 1030 am at the

District Office for an estimate of 527400000 Contract 6104-27-001 for POTHOLE REPAIR in DALL^S Counrj

will be opened on November I 3 2003 at 1030 am at the District Office for an estimate of 829535000

Contract 6104-76-001 for STORM SEIXER AND INLET CLEANING in DALi^S County wjll be opened on November 13 2003 at 1030 am

at [he District Office for an estimate of $27894000

Plans and specifications are available for inspection along with bidding proposals and applications for the TxDOT Prcqualificd Contraciors list at

the applicable State andor DisLDiv OHiccs listed below Bidders must submit prequalification information to TxDOT at least 10 days prior to the bid date m be eligible to bid on a project Prequalification materials may

be requested from the State Office listed below Plans for the above contraa(s) are available froniTxDOTs website at wwwdotstatetxus and

from reproduction companies at the expense of the contractor NPO 11133

Stale OfHce ConslrMaint Division

200 E Riwrside Dr AustinTexas 78704

Phone512-416-2540 DisLDiv Officc(s)

Dallas District District Engineer 4777 E Hwy 80

MesquiteTexas 75150-6643 Phone214-320-6100

Minimum wage rates are set out in bidding documents and the rates will be part of the contract TXDOT ensures that bidders will not be discriminated

against on the grounds of race color sex or national origin


EAGLE CONTRACTING LP an Equal Opportunity Employer is soliciting Minority Owned and

Women Owned Business Enterprises for

Supply and Materia Supply Bids for the following project

City of Dallas Water Utilities

Southside WWTP Peak Flow Basin and Site


Bid Date October 06 2003

at 130 pm

Contact Charles Howard at

Metro 817-379-1897 Fax Metro 817-379-0610

Mail to Eagle Contracting LP

PO Box 1600 Keiler Texas 76244

depose J m Alghanistan How will these detdoptiwiUv impact our aimmunities Robert bull-Mien editor of The Black Scholar states Of course it wjs first and ia^i about race this stolen election - nd then Giire didnt wunt to tourfi it because Gore dulnt w^nt to break with White supran3cgtmdasheen though that meant hed lose the election Thats biw much VSTiite raquoupreinacgt means to him Can j-ou imagine Hed rather lose the Presidcnc than stand wiih Black folks



To iiKfcdsc prtlaquoipdion aftd opportuniiir avdiiabitity to HUB

Bireinesses GTECH has extefuJea the so^citatJon deadhne preroosfy

put)gtisheij in this paper Inteiested HUB busmeaes s kould f o r v ^ ir^rmatwn ^4kx mquines lO

(TECH Claquofplaquoitilaquoii HUB OpCfdIOt

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Career ODDortunities Contact Ms Janice Deans to advertise in our career opportunity scctum y72-6l()-715t ix or Imail copy for quote

Fax OT^oC-JO^R Hmait opptgtrtunny ((monthegaeiieconi

ROUTE PERSONS Needed For GarlandVlesquite

Piano Richardson N Dalla-s FarmersviUe Wylic

VicKinney Uen Frisco Leuisvillc Deniun Dallas Areas

Sularv Segotiablt

Qj(972) 606-3261 Please leave a message

M O N - T h e G a z e t t e is looking for community writers and reporters

Pay on a contract basis or by the hour Email your resume to editori^ monthegazettecom

or fax to 972-516-4197 Leave a message at 972-881-1646

Little Flock Bapt is t C h u r c h

905 E Aimee -PO Box 903

Forney Texas 75126 is currently looking for

a pianistorganist

Please call Pastor Laurent at


- S j ^


stablished Art gallery looking for exceptional salesperson to

leadlcreate sales forces and to sell art in corporate environment Fax

your resume to 2147525589 or e-mail it to stephaniegallerycotn

For more information call 2147525588

S m a l l C o m p a n y Needs

Administrative Assistant 16 to 20 Hours per week

St have JuQwIedge of Microsoft QuickBooks

Excel Software package

bull Day Hours bull Must be Organized

bull Must be Self-Starter 972-606-3891

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Fage 8 bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Minority Opportunity Netvs - The Gazette Iisit (hir Website At tLiiivM()rhv(iazitlvinifi


Over the years I have received things that helped me on my lifes journey This is another one that I believe you will like and perhaps put it to use

A r e Your P r i o r i t J e S t r a i g h t Author Unknown

One day an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and to drive home a point used an illustration those student will never forget

As he stood in front of the group of high-powered overachievers he said Okay time for a quiz the expert pulled out a one-gallon mason jar and set it on the table in front of him He also produced about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them one at a time into the jar When the jar could hold no more rocks he asked Is this jar full Everyone in the class yelled Yes The time management expert replied Really

He reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel He dumped some gravel in and shook the jar causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the spaces between the fist-

sized rocks He then asked the students once more Is the jar full By this time the class was on to him Probably not one of them answered Good he replied He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all of the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel

Once more he asked the question Is this jar full No the class shouted Once again he said Good Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the brim

He looked at the class and asked What is the point of this illustration One eager beaver raised his hand and said The point is no matter how full your schedule is if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in it No thats not the point the expert replied The truth that this illustration teaches us is If you dont put the big rocks in first youll never get them in at all

What are the big rocks in your lifemdashtime with your loved ones your faith your education your dreams a worthy cause teaching or mentoring others

Remember to put the BIG

Feel Better Now


- ^ A M

Uplifting Inspirational Music i rn- t -- t t^ ltlt^t w p

New Mt Zion Baptist Church of Dallas S u n d a y S e r v i c e Morning Worship

730 a m amp 1030 am 900 am Sunday School

W e d n e s d a y S e r v i c e Prayer Meeting 700 pm

Brotherhood 700 pm Missions 700 pm

Singles Group 700 pm Bible Study 745 pm Pastor Robert E Price

A Praying Church Family Watchmen on the Walls

214-341-6459 (Phone) bull 214-342-8403 (Fax) 9550 Shepard Road

Dal las TX 75243

wwwnmzborg (Website) bull newmzbcra aolcom (Email)

Friendship Baptist Church iDr C Paul McBride Pastor

Schedule of Services Sunday

Early Morning Worship 800 am

Sunday School Classes 930 am

Morning Worship 1100 am

Evening Worship (1st Sunday) 600 pm

Tuesday Early Bird Bible Study 600 pm

Wednesday Morning Bible Study 930 am Prayer Meeting and 730 pm

Evening Bible Study

4396 Main Street The Colony Texas 75056

(972) 625-8186 website wwwfbc-oniinenet

The Church wi th a V i s ion

bullhilgt H n a t l ( gt V i r i i ( bull niti

ROCKS in first or youll never get them in at all So when you are reflecting on this short story ask yourself this question What are the big rocks in my life Then put those in your jar first

KXY PXOPLX Xvxn though my kxyboard is

an old modxl it works quitx wxU xxcxpt for onx of thx kxs It is trux that all thx othxr kxys work wxll xnough but just this onx kxy not working makxs a diffxrxncx

Somxtimxs it sxxms likx a txam is somxwhat likx my old kxyboardmdashnot all thx kxy pxoplx arx working

You may say to yoursxlf wxll I am only onx pxrson I wont makx or brxak a txam xffort But IT DOXS makx a diffxrxncx bxcausx a txam xffort to bx xffxctivx nxxds thx activx participation of xveryonx

So thx nxxt timx you think that your xfforts will not bx missxd rxmxmbxr my old kxyboard You are important

Email starpley(flwtnet Pager 214-833-1639

Voice Mail 972-606-3878 Fax 972-516-4197

Let MOS-The Gazette help your church accomplish the Priiyer ofjiiiv Utilargc imr UTTtuny to cxpiiid opportimilics ihtii may impaci iraquo tuch a vxty thai vx towh more Invs for (Jods glory IM US do more for Him

Church Happenings ALL NATIONS IJWTEP M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H

Thnu^ tht Last Sumiaj im Otutbrr 845 tm- 9i4 am

The Prayer of Jabez Bible Study ledby Dr Clara M Reed

October 19-During Morning Worship Service

Annual Mens Day For more information call 972-


All Nations United Methodist Church Dr Clara M Reed Pastor 3415 liast H t h Street Piano TX 75074 972-424-8500


October 11 CiOOpm

First Alrican American Health Summit - Hosted by Robert Ashley and Ester Davis

Panel led by Jewel Pookrum M D PhD FounderDirecior of the Civilized Medicine Institute Free to the public (Limited Seating)

For more information or to register contact Wessie Huckaby 214-376-6170

Ilethcl Temple Pentecostal Church Bishop James Mitchell 4014 S Lancaster Road Da l las TX 75216 214-374-1992


0e$9itr IS lOiOOam - 200 fm Cancer Awareness amp Prevention

Celebration bullFree Prostate Cancer Screening bullCancer Survivors and Testimonials bullSignificance of Spirituality and

Cancer-Fighting Foods bullHealth Promotion Giveawagt-s For more information call 972-625-


Friendship Baptist Church Dr C Paul McBride Pastor 4396 Main Street The ColonyTX 75056 972-625-818b


iriSamday ^Eatk MmtA Free blood pressure screening in the

Who Are the Women of God Why is MON-The Gazette Honoring Them On Mothers Day Weekend 2004 What Can You Do To Be A Part Of The Momentous Occasion

Go To kvw^vmontfiegazetfecom QtV on Women 0 Cod) or ConlacI Sister Xarpiey

Al 972-606-3878 voice moi l

Church Directory

Saint Mark Missionary Baptist Cliurch m 1308 Wilcox Street McKinney Tx

Pastor Charles S Wattley

Sunday Education Ministries 930 am Worship Celebration 1100 am - Nursery Facilities Available -

Wednesday Family Ministries 700 pm

Friendly Fellowship with A Family Focus For More Information Call

9725426178 wwwsaintmarkbccom


ShJIoh lAissionary Baptist Church 920 E 14th Street Piano TX

Monday 7PM Youth Brotherhood Mission

amp Young Adult Ministr ies

Tuesday 7PM Bible Study amp Mens Choir

Wednesday 7PM Mid-Week Service

Thursday 7PM Mass Choir

Z z z Q H X m


m 03

O c 2

I For more information call (972) 423-6695


gym after evening services For more information on times amp

room call 972-644-2335 Smu^fja gtfi(r f p n n q Srrmro

at ArAMpoundt0nmm Achievers are Successful

Tutoring Program the TAKS test and how lo become a TUTOR Tutoring for grades K-12

For more information call 972-644-2335

Greenville Avenue Church of Christ Minister Sheitun Gibbs III Pastor 1013 S Greenville Avenue Richardson TX 75081 972-644-2335

Church Happenings Page 10

School Dlsfrta

To View our upcoming bids ( ease go to

the Piano ISD Purchasing Department web

Go to wwwpisdedu dick on web site lnlaquo

dex then choose the letter P and follow

the links to the Purchasing Department

J^ y^w i((hffSf (iifru 1701 W Icffcrson St Grand Prairie Texas 7 J 0 J 1

2B0J Market Loop Suite ]00 Soufhiake Texas 7fgt092

Dennv H Dais Seranl

7fla M 900 AM IfWW AVlt and 1 AM

Mt Olive Church of Piano 740 Avenue F Suite 303

Piano TX 75074

A Non-denominational Church for all Nations

Pastor Sam Fenceroy Pastor Gloria Fenceroy Schedule of Serv ices

Sunday School 930 am Morning Worship 1045 am M e n ampWomen Ministrgt- 1st amp 3rd Mondays 730 p m I-eadership Meeting 2nd Mondays 730 p m Singles Ministrj- 4 th Mondays 730 pm Youth Bible Study Wednesdays 730 p m

Mid-Wcck Serice Wednesdays 715 p m M o t h e r s D a y O u t T u e s d a y amp T h u r s d a y 900 a m - 200 p m

Servicios En Espanol Domingos Noche 630 pni

Jueves Noche 730 pm

Phone 972-633-5511 Fax 972-633-3728

Email mocop740i^ Verizonnet P a s t o r s P e d r o a n d

D i a n a S a n t i l l a n

K i i d i n Hr tKu l i i s ( S t a l i n n KMO A M - K ( i ( i H M - l H I S a m - l ( l U raquo a m

Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Page 9


Back Page Elite News Religious Hall of

Fame Celebrate Grand Opening Dallas TX- The Elite

News Religious Hall of Fame founded by William Bill Blair held its grand opening celebration recently in Dallas Guests brought rehgious contributions to enhance the growth of this one of a kind

historical facility The Religious Hall of Fame Museum opened during the latter part of the summer with a ribbon-cutting ceremony The 15-room venue was designed to acknowledge and honor ministers and selected leaders that positively

influenced their community and nation by improving the quality of life for others The Hall of Fame is located at 5554 South Hampton Road Dallas TX For more information contact Debra Blair-Abron or Jordon Blair at 214-372-6500

Charity Golf Tournament to Benefit Local Organization T h e 5lh Annual Westside Bapnsi

Church Charity Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday October 18th 1100 am at Indian Creek Municipal Golf Course Cairoll ton Texas Registration for the W B C Charitgt- Golf Tournament benefiting Big Brothers and Big SistersDallas is ofBciallgt open for sign up T h e mission of the charit e^ent is to raise the communitys awareness for the need of mentors for the hundreds of children on the ^-altlng list to be matched T h e cost is S8000 (includes green fees can prizes and food)


wwwwestsidebaptistchurchcom for more infonnation or to complete a registration form Your completed

Church Happenings Page 9


L N S T I T U T l - f G M O R - D F W ^

Moniiajri amp Thumiayi ^bull00 pm- 845 pm

N o w taking registrat ions for Bachelor of ITieologv Bachelor of Biblical Studies and Bachelor of Counseling Classes Dr Kenneth W Johnson Executive Director

Gospe l M i n i s t r y O u t r e a c h Theologica l I n s t i t u t e (G MOR -D F W )

( Ins ide S h e k i n a h Glo ry C o m m u n i t y C h u r c h ) B i shop R o b e r t B th r idge P a s t o r 515 West C e n t e r S t r e e t D u n c a n v U l c T X 75138 1-800-923-9149


Oclraquohrr2S lOeOOtm bull 20Qpm Annual Health Fair - Free Includes screenings testing gtve-

a-ways food and more For more information call 972-

235-4633 Ul

H a m i l t o n P a r k Un i t ed M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h Rev D e r r i c k Wr igh t P a s t o r 11881 S c h r o c d e r R o a d D a U a s T X 75243



75th C h u r c h Anniversary Musical- 630 p m


Oitober 19 Homecoming Service 330 p m Rev Roy Rocke - Guest Speaker For more information call 214-823-


Hopewel l M i s s i o n a r y B a p t i s t C h u r c h Rev Michae l H u b b a r d S e n i o r P a s t o r 5144 Dolph in R o a d D a l l a s T X 75223 214-823-1018


OnobtrlI9rOOMm Mens Prayer Breakfast

Ottobrr 17-18 Marriage Enr ichment Conference Building Your Marriage to Last Sidney amp Carol Bcal Conference

Speakers Cost S3500 per couple

Ocnbtr26 Annual Mens Day Celebration T h e m e Men running the race with

passion purpose and power Morning Speaker Rev Stuart Bailey For more information call 972-998-


Keller S p r i n g s Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev L a r r y S a n d e r s P a s t o r 3227 Keller S p r i n g s R o a d C a r r o l l t o n T X 75006


2MI amp 4tb SunJdyi Blood pressure screenings available

after 1100 am service

M e s q u i t e F r i e n d s h i p Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev Te r ry AL T u r n e r P a s t o r 2232 Frank l in Dr ive M e s q u i t e T X 75150



Tomorrow Lttt night October JO 700 pm Annual Fall Revival For more information call 940-320-


M o r s e S t r e e t Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev A R S tokes P a s t o r 921 M o r s e S t r e e t D e n t o n T X 76205 940-320-5364


TmeuiMyt amp ThtntUyi 9O0Mm~2tO0fM

Mothers Day Out Program for ages 2 months to 4 years of age Phonics numbers colors shapes amp other early childhood skills will be offered

For enro l lment package amp registration fees contact Sister Seretha Dawkins at 9 7 2 - 6 3 3 - 5 5 1 1 be tween 900 am and 200 pm

0(nhltr29~3l Vision Summit 2003 Conference For more information call 972-633-


M t Olive C h u r c h of P i a n o Rev S a m Fenceroy P a s t o r 740 Avenue F P i a n o T X 75075 972-633-5511



OcuAtr 25 liOOpm - SiOOpm Womens Ministry Conference TTieme Hearing the Hear t of a

Godly Man A panel of Godly men will be addressing the issues of both the married and single woman

For more information call Barbara

Miller at 972-235-2882

N o r t h Dal las C o m m u n i t y Bible Fel lowship Rev I^eslie W S m i t h P a s t o r

302 C e n t e n n i a l Blvd R i c h a r d s o n T X 75081-5057 972-437-3493


Octobtr 15-17 -^iiOpm Youth Revival New Bethel Baptist

C h u r c h 101 Elm Flat Road in Kerens Texas

Otnher I9j-00pm Worship Exper ience at Harvey

Avenue Baptist Church 1257 East Har ey in Ft WorthTexas

OcMitr2i 7iMgtpm Greater Renfro Memoria l C O G I C

700 East Park Avenue in Corsicana Texas

Octahtr 26 1200 Na^n Salem Baptist C h u r c h 3400

Mitchell Blvd in Ft WorthTexas Oetwitr 26 JM pm

M l Olive Baptist Church 2105 East Jones Avenue in Corsicana Texas

S ix th venue Bap t i s t C h u r c h S e r v a n t KD Davis Sr P a s t o r amp O v e r s e e r C o r s i c a n a T X 7 5 U 0

Siid vu i i r c h i i r v h ai i iKui iKct i icnis m e d i u i r i i nit inth^U i t l lcciMn n r lax to raquo r -S l ( - 41 raquo - Wi t hu i - ch M i i p p c n i n j s D e a d l i n e s a r e l r i i l a gt v txrtitre p u b l t c a i i o i i i lau- ( M t gt N - I h c G a c t t i - is pub l iNht t l c a t l i Thurs t l av )

Christian Meltwdist Episcopal Chirch 1113 I Avlaquo P b i i H x T X 7 5 0 7 4 ( 0 7 2 ) 4 2 5 - 4 0 0 0

Rlaquov J a i t t M E L a r r y P a v l o r

Sunday School 930 AM Sunday Worship Serviclaquo 1100 AM Wednftsday NIght- 730 PM Community Bibia Claaa

DavStar IHilv^rangc Ministries

Our Services S u n d a y

uIHLlgt School 1000 a j a Midday Smicc ll-OOun

TuelaquoIagt Pragter senke 700 pJii-

Senkt TJO pjo

Sponsored bgt The Touch Ministn bull Women in Transition (WIT)

Website wwwthetouchministrvcom bull Phone 972-769-laquog26

l l ( t - ^ H raquo 1 i l bull I M I O N t i sNH lgt bull I h u K i I

Sttns Chapel Baptist Church The Fellowship of Love

(Sharing Love Saving Souls and Changing Lives)

Sunday Services Early Morning Hiirship S00 atn

Sunday School tOJO am Mid-Morning Worahip 1130 am

Bible Study Wtdnlaquoaday Sight Live a 730 ptrt

^tUrun III Senior Potior

317 Parker Drive bull Garland TX 75040

Phone 972-276-0014 bull Fax 972-276-2444

Website wtvwSintsChapelorg

Gospel Ministry Outreach Theological Institute

GMOR - DFW Since 1982

Halpiiif M raquo laquo bull raquo the CTBcrtty of Spiriiual lUltcrocy in ChriMlaa Ihrooffa thcot^ckal bullnidin

Bachelor of BlbUcai S iud io BMbelw ol BibUul CountftUat And Bachelor ofThcology in Claai-rootn or

CorropondcoEC course Wt abo offer (be Vlailer and DoclorMc dcf rec program a wcU

CaU for rcftenvtioa and more informattoni l-WO-923-9149 today

Igtr Kvniu-lh J i thnMrn IXOiv lxecutive O i r c v t o r

A- Hamilton Park United S Methodist Church

Rev Derrick Wright S e n i o r P a s t o r

S u n d a y S c h o o l

830 am

Morning Praise 945 am

Sunday Worship 1000 am

Wednesday Service 630 pm

(Childcare Available Each Sunday)

A Christian Community of Faith Called by God to Make

Disciples for Jesus Christ

11881 Schroeder Road

Dallas TX 75243-3656

Phone 972-235-4633 bull Fax 972-235-5713

Email hparkumaolcom

Website wwwhparkumcorg

Little Flock Baptist Church

P a s t o r Louis E L a u r e n t

Internet Broadcast wwwkrgmcom

(Mon - Fr i (sect 12 Noon)

A Place Where a Taste of die Word is Guaranteed

Sunday School 930 am

Sunday Morning Worship 1045 am

Tuesday Night Brotherhood 700 pm

Wednesday Prayer MeetingBiUe Study 7KXgtpm

bullraquolaquolt II Ainun- SirccI bull IUgt Iliw Wt bull Iwncy Itxiis bull If IMituie i4-35- 02l

New Life Fellowship of Hamilton Park

8219 Bunche Drive bull Dallas TX 75243 972-671-1096

R e v e r e n d M i l l e r E J o h n s o n J r S e n i o r P a s t o r

I U ^ i n n i n K raquo - bull bull II bull u i m h i n n ^ i

Sunday Morning Bible School 91S ain MornlnK Worship Service 10)0 ain Evening Worship (Agape Hour) F l n l Sunday 600 pm

Wcdneulay Nifiht Prayer Meeting and Evening Bible Study ^l S pm

registration form can be mailed directly to W B C and or given to a Tournament Commit tee Member For additional

questions please contact Dennis Edwards at (972) 906-3434 or dennisedrardslticomcastnet

W h o Are the Women of God bull Why ij MONThe GoieHe Honoring Them On Mothers

Dtty Weekend 2 0 0 4 bull WhltA Con You Do To Be A Port Of The Momentoui Occasion

Go To wwwmonffiegoietteeom (Clkk on Women Of Goltf)

or Contact Siiler Torpley At 972-606-3878 voice moif

Join us at one of our fun relaxed and inspiring services

mi SrnMW ^tlAv- bull Terrv HomhttckU

2 3 5 0 E M a y f t t k l K O M I AHinncmi T e u u 7 6 0 1 4

(817) 557-MM or wwwuilaquoapect un

M M POMERheuM br KiM FMhMv 0laquonMSUMlClaquotraquo

Loving ft Fmndhr AfnMpfwnt


Keller Springs Baptist Church (Purstihif The Pcfson^ The Presence

and The Ttnver of Ciod)

S u n d a y M o r n i n g U i b l e S t u d i e s 900 a m

Sundagt- M o r n i n g W o r s h i p 1045 a m

M o n d a y N i ^ t D i s c i p l e s h i p 700 p m

^ d n e s d a gt - N i g h t P r a y e r amp P r a i s e 700 p m

( C l h i l d c a r e A aUab le E a c h S e r v i c e )

S r Ia-lor

3227 Keller Springs Road bull Carrollton TX 75006-12(tO Phone 972-735-S077 bull l-ax 972-73S-S0S7

liniail Infci ltf kcllerspringsorg Website wwwkellcrspringsorg

All Nations United ^ Methodist Church vt

DrU^gt^ M iJ

Senior Iulor

Dr Btrt 4ffJeck

Hispanic Minislriea

Christian by Faith Diverse by Design

Sunday S 43afi Lsconay 60e S^JCJ

Sifdsf 845m SjidayScfca SiHay 84Sam EsbdoBttcoEnEspand Stnday IftflOm VfcnNpSenice Tuesday TdCpm PrayefMeetrc

3415 E 14th St Piano TX bull 75074

972-424-8500 wwwallnationsumcorg

(Free itrsery Provided For Ages 4 and Under)

Other ministries include English As A Second Language

and Spanish As A Second Language Classes

Tempie ofTaitfi

Christian Cfiapef CMJE Cfiiircfi

Where Jesus is the Main Attraction

Sunday Worship Experience 800 am amp 1045 am

Wednesday Bii)le Study 1200 Noon amp 700 pm

D r J e r o m e E

M c N e i l J r P a s t o r

14120 Noel Road

Dallas TX 75254

72-2gt 9 120 (OfHce) bull 972-239-5^25 (FH) teinpleofraith_cmesbcglobalnet (Email)

llciillli) l(t^iuitiiis ( liilil l)ifl()|Mninl ( tnlci

bull)72 404 141

Minority Opportunity ews -The Gazette 6100 Ave AT Suite 105 ((iiSpring Creek l^irkway) Plano^ Texas 75074 Phone 9725162992 Fax 9725099058 Email Editor^moPtthegazettecofn i

m Page 10 bull October 09 - October IS 2003 bull Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette

I i j lt ) i gt U gt gt i ( I i i U i 4 I ( gt ( i i - j i t laquo m u



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IVVV OiifWcbsiicli ivww yi()Ifu(iitzt-tvcom Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette bull October 09 - October 152003 Page 5

Theres Plenty to Taste amp See at 2003 State Fair An abundance of thin^ to discover

avvaiis visitors to the 2003 State Fair of Texas Sept 26 Oct 19 Vfhether its the very best in exhibits entertainment livestock events contests or rides guests will not leave disappointed

Ever wonder just what is the number (ine aitraction at the nations largest annual exposition That would be food VChether on a stick on the hoof jcHied-in-a-jar hot cold spio powdered or plain food surrounds visitors when they arrive

Food is pngtminenl ai the Taste amp See l^avilion The adjacent conservatory houses exotic plants that provide nectar for thousands of brilhantly-hued butierflies stars ofTake Fli^t in Texas lgtiscovery Gardens Inside celebrity chefe work their magic in a special denionsiration kitchen Outside a

spacious tent is home to wine tastings and ^wine education a sunken garden bistro J will sell wine and cheese Humongous

pumpkin-carving demos and theatritai-type face painting will be ongoing in the tent- Visitors are encouraged to explore the surrounding seven acres including

something thats impossible to miss the Texas Garden Railway a miniature train running throu^ a host of state landmarks and small gorges tiny creeks and verdant countryside

Meanwhile Spirit of the Dance kicks up its heels in a foot-stomping celebration of Irish dance in the Coliseum Its Christmas at the Texas Hall of State where Holidays ai the White House comes to life in a 20 x 60 replica of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Chevrolets Main Stage presents Sandi Pattgt- Jo Dee Messina Lisa Marie Preslegt Jeruiifer Pena Tracy LawTence Mark Chesnutt and Joe DifEe Blues Traveler and mon in no-additional-charge concerts

The Youth Livestock Auction of Champions took the spotlight Oct 3 alterriating shows and sales feature cattle sheep swine goats poultrgt and pigeons Ijnle Hands on the Farm allows kiddos to play farmer (ending to their gardens from inception lo harvest The biggest new car show in the Southwest displays premium nameplates as well as 2004 models concept cars pickups SUVs arul collectibles in the Classic Corral

Very Important Football is pan of State Fair history The Cotton Bowl b the site of two definitive match-ups each year - the State Fair Classic pitting the Panthers of Prairie View AampM against the Grambling State Tigers (Oa 4) and the Red RK-er Shootout where bragging rights dangle

between unKersitgt rivals Oklahoma and Texas (Oct 11) A nighdy parade and laser show museum exhibits canine acrubais jams jellies and quilts thrill rides free-Qi^t birdf multiple music stages and more make tfie 2003 State Fair of Texas a noi-to-miss event

bull W h o Are rhe Women of God bull Why i i MON-Tho Go ie t i c Honor ing Them On Mother s Day Weekend 2004 bull W h o l Car You Do To Be A

Port Oi The Momentous Occoi ion Go To wwtvmonthegaleHecom (Click on Woman Of GodJ

or Contact Sister TorpJey At 972-606-3878 voice moil

ride D M in October bullraquogt-

Friendship Baptist Church to Host Life-Saving Cancer Awareness Celebration THE COLONV x Friendship Baptist

Church (FBC) will host a Pink-n-Blue Day to promote screening and earlgt deteaion of breast pnwtate and other cancers The celebration will be held on Sanirdai- October 18 2003 from 1000 am to 200 pm at 4396 Main Street The Colony TX

This program provides a platform for health educators advocacgt groups the meilia public officials physicians and concerned citizens to focus their efforts tollectively in the battle against cancer It features cancer education and prevention a panel of guest speakers including cancer survivors and free prostate cancer screenit^ Emphasis is placed on the importance of incorporating simple preventive and positive health behaviors into everyday life

One out of evergt two men and one of every three women are at risk of having cancer in their lifetime According to the (mcrican C ancer Society appniximately i 3 million Americans will be diagnosed vvitli invasive cancer African American men have a 20 i hi^er incidence rate and 40gtu higher death rate from all cancers combined than white men About 132700 new cancers will be diagnosed among African Americans in 2003 When cervical and colon cancers are found at early stages the five-year iuivival rate is better than 90 percent

Breast cancer is the most conramin cancer and is the second leading cause of death among African American women ll women are encouraged to receive an

annual mammigtgram beginning at age 40 By combining monthly breast-self examination with regular mammography and clinical exams women have the besi chance of finding breast cancer early-whcn it is most treatable VCTien breast cancer is deteaed early and treated at a local stage the five-year survival rate is 97 percent

The second leading cause of cancer death in American men yet the most commonly diagnosed among African American men prostate cancer is expeaed to claim 30000 lives in 2003 In addition at least 184000 new cases of the disease will be diagnosed this year alone Althou^ screening guidelines may vary most physicians agree men over age 50 or men age 38 and over who are African American or hive a family historv of the disease should be screened for prostate cancer annually The good news is that with an increase in awareness and screening for prostate cancer the survival rate has increased to more than 90 peitent

The FrieiKlship Baptist Church Health Ministry is a consortium of phgt-sicians health educators scientists and patient advocates dedicated to promoting health and wellness education FBC urges individuals to contaa their health care provider or local health department for more information Or call 1 -800-4CANCER and 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit the websites wwwncigov and vvwwcancerorg Because we want to spend as mangt- dav-s as i e can with our loved ones lets talk more about cancer prevention Remember the best protection is early detection


$5 Off Of a $20 Dinner

Glaquoraquod only tittt 4pB Hot good with any other offcn oi ltiraquolaquouit ExpintioB Octchtt 31 2003

Mesquite3730 Townc Crossing (972) 686-4270 Piano2380 N Central Expwy (972) 516^988

Grapevine415 Highway 114 West (817) 424-3477 South Arlington 1075 West 1-20 (817) 467-9797

West End310 N Market St (214) 748-6959 Northwest Highwayi03iO Lombardy Ln (972) 902-0443


mdash - ^ ^ Jt 9gtlaquoi^3il

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A I D )rou Morchtng (or o n at1ornlaquoy ot hoir dresuK

m your orlaquoa Wlaquo h o w whot yovni looking for

TgtW MatroplaxB prcmiae onl ins block b u t i f w u dtroctory

LitI fotfi bui)nlaquo$i9) todoy rti FRfpound4 Htof i why wlaquo havlaquo rhlaquo

m o i l comprlaquohlaquoniraquovo online direckM^ in ttraquoo DFW oroo

You con took ond ni and i f oN fHIV

Thlaquo Uttimato Onl ine MorketpkKe Experionce

Thlaquo OFW A h k o n Amorkon Bvunlaquois Ofredory

Experietce tite rtchMSs of H b p a n k cuKurv on the big sown at the Stb Aaiuai Vstas Filn fastrval Oct 9-12 Ride DART Rail to tW festival sites Aiyelib FSn Ceiter at Modiifbird Station

aid lit DaKas Misenmltrf Art tear St Paal Station Call 214S265560 or visit vistasfilmfestivabrg f

^fr a t d tiw Red River Rivaliy at TexasOil Weekend i i ttie

West Eld Friday St Sailrday Oct 10-11 I I am to 9 pm Take DART Rail to Wett End Sution

CaD21474171SSorvisitdaIbswestei(iort Q)

1 Afj Jou tlu Race for the Cure aid ma or walk to iijiit breast caiar

SatiRJay OctIS Re^Btratioi bejins at S30 am eveats start at 74S am Take DART Rail to Park U i e Station and board the

Honkfid Cetter Sbttle Get event info at 2147507223 or komeiKlaliasiirg

Get S2 off admission to tke State Fair of Texas wkei yoi ride DARTs State Fair Skittle Satvrdays aid Stndays tkroijk Oct 19 Siiirttles depart CitypUce Statioaseasteitraioe for

Fair Park every 10 miiites from 930 am to 11 pm last ietiniiasect skittle leaves tke fairgroiids at 1130 pm

S2TwindtripVisrtDARTofj Of Q I I 2149791111


Skare tlte spirit of family f rieadskip and community at tke 29tk Harambee Festival Satarday Oct 25 10 am

to 7 pm Take DART bts Roites 122i 44 409 and 44S to tke Martifl LatkerKiij Jr Commnnity Ceiter

2922 MIX ir 8 W Call 214670i3S5 for details

Stars aid Mavs fan Q I jlide between tke DART Rail West Eld Statioi aid Anet ia i Airfiies Ceiter M free skittle bises every 10 minutes Board tke skittle at

UnarSt t Pacific Ave or Record St t Ross Ave Comiij to tke janw from west of dowitowi Take tke

Triiity Railway Expiest flRE) to Victory Statioi Get DART iafoat 2149791111 or DARTorj TRE itfo

at 817JlSitOO or triiityraitwayexpressorj Please Note There is no TRE service on Sundays

W-DART Oi-Call is expandiij Startiij Oct i tke

popilar oirb-to-ciffa van service will be offered i i East Pbio Farmers Braickaid Nortk Dallas


DARTS roQiisect oit ckaifes n bis aid rail services October ( For details a l l 2149791111 or visit DARTorf


wmaSk Kroger Moist amp Tenderreg

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Slid Wilde I I tke Bag

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fttmhm I I U Ilaquoi Kroger

Russet Potatoes

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Ragu Pasta Sauce

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THIS AD VALID WED OCTOBER 8 THRU TUES OCTOBER 14 2003 Copyright 2003 Kroger Texas LP

Page 6 bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette Iisil Our Mt7gtvlaquo 1 ivivictOlnltitiZtlltctim

Brad Keller Tapped To Helm Filmcor Productions A Killer Within Dallas TXDallas filmmaker

Brad Keller will direct Filmcor Produaions first indie feature A Killer Within starring C

Thomas Howell (The Hitchcr The Outsiders and Gods and Gene ra l s ) and Sean Young (No Way Out A Kiss B e f o r e Dying and 1st to D i e ) Filmcor is still in n e g a t i o n bullbull with Esai M o r a l e s ( L a Bamba and N Y P D B l u e ) K e i n D i l l o n ( P la toon and The Doors) and Latin multi-platinum artist Cheyerme The project has been in research and development for the past six months and is set to begin production on November 17th The film will be shot entirety in the DallasFt Worth area and is scheduled to wxap on December 2oth

A Killer Within centers around the character ADDISON TERRILL (Howell) a Dallas attorney who comes home one night to find his wife brutally murdered with the words Now were even scrawled across the bedroom wall The cops suspect he killed her and now ADDISON must race through the underside of Dallas to find the only other suspect His ally is a grudging ex-cop (Morales or Cheyenne) who knows what it takes to deliver justice If they can overcome their differences theyll be able to solve the case before anyone else gets hiu-t But sometimes the problem with crime is the deeper you dig the darker the secrets you unfold-and together they might just discover tKat thereisa1EiUer within us all

From the beginning of his filmmaking career Keller has remained true to his desire to keep it local from the majority of the cast to the crew Im really excited about being able to direct a film of this magnitude right here in Dallas says Keller It has been such a long time since weve had a really big feature film project with star power behind it like this one in the city There are another twenty-five roles yet to be cast in the film and Im looking forward to being able to pull actors from the local talent pool

Local casting on the project will begin October Isi Cast and crew resumes can be sent to MPS Studios 139 Regal Row

Dallas TX 75247 The production office phone number is 2149059908

ABOUT THE FILMMAKER Brad Keller was born in

R c d o n d o t California in I DD He moved lo North Texas m 1985 to attend film school at North Texas State U n i v e r s i t y W^ile there he made two short films

His film Professor at the t i m e r e c o m m e n d e d that Brad be hired to work on the film Born On The Fourth Of July for which he worked under director Oliver Stone In

1990 Brad graduated from the University with a Bachelors degree in Radio amp Telension Film Arts Shortly after his graduation Brad was asked back to work on JFK

In 1991 Brad wrote produced and directed a short film hoping to get into the American Film Institute for Directors In 1992 Brad was accepted into the program ^Tiile there he directed the film Next Three Exits The film was produced by Phillip TTiomas currendy one of Goldie Hawns producers The films actors have landed extended teleision roles Christa Miller worked as a regular on the Drew Carey Show Rodney Rowland was regular on Pensacola Wings of Gold and Pat Brown played as the secretary in Coach and was a star in Sister Act

In 1993 Brad went back to Texas to work as a Director on a

TGI Fridays commercial for a friend After working on several commercials such as Shell Miller Genuine Draft and Six Flags Brad decided to move back to Dallas While steadily working on commercials and industrials Brad wrote his first screenplay Shadowed Love In 1995 Brad produced and directed his first feature film Shadowed Love The filpi was distributed by MC3 Entertainment

Later that year Brad wrote and directed the short film Criminal He worked with Michael Off Director of Photography of Its In The Water and Children Of The Com In 1996 Brad met John

Steakley author of Vampires and Armor who had just finished writing his first screenplay and was looking for a producer and director After viewing Brads body of work Mr Steakley hired Brad to produce and to direct the feature film Scar Texas Movie That same year MC3 Entertainment gave Brad the financing to produce the feature film Six Dollars A Minute

In 1997 Brad produced the comedy Social Ladder directed by Lenny Britton w ho was the screenwriter of the feature film Precious Find In 1998 Brad wrote produced and directed the feature comedy Loofa It is now

being distributed by Salt City Home Video In 1999 Brad wrote produced and directed the feature thriller Placing Dead which went on to sell over 80000 copies worldwide His latest project Jacked is currently in post production

Brad has won two awards One for Producing on the comedy film Thunderpussies and the other for Directing Software Corporate video Brad teaches as a professor of Film and Digital Processing at Dallas colleges on his spare time

Runaway Jury A man (John Cusack) on a

jury in a landmark lawsuit against a gun manufacturer conspires with a woman (Rachel Weisz) to swing the verdict Because its such a high-profile lawsuit and there are millions at stake he finds himself in conflict with a jury consultant (Gene Hackman)

and a lawyer (Dusiin Hoffman) who will do anything to get the verdict he wants starts October 172003

The House of the Dead Several college students on

spring break in Seattle make plans to hit a rave on a remote island just outside the city But when they arrive late mdash having missed the main boat mdash they discover the island deserted and no revelers in sight Finally they

meet two trembling students who say the rest of the kids were attacked and eaten by zombies Starts October lo 2003

STARTS FRIDAY OCTOBER 10 lpound7]4laquono


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]iii Our Websiteit ivivwMOS IheiMUzettecnm

W^ Stephanie Ward Gallery 2546 Elm St Dallas Texas 75226

C u s t o m F raming Sale 30 oflall frames and - 50 off all in suKk frames AH framesi art is 40ii off (Beautiful rqinxluctions and originals

included in tlus sale) Sale ends Sqit 272003

Come visit the gallery He have a hoat ofneiu original artwork by local artista - huge contemporary abstracts figurative and cubist styles

We will be hosting a series of seminars on collecting and appreciating art now through November If you are interested please

send us your e-mail and mailing addres Topics will include understanding cubism Art appreciation 101 Collecting 101

Framing and preserving you art workjllic scoop on art appraisal The philosophy of modern art History of folk and figurative art

Understanding the secondary market and other topics First Seminar is scheduled for Sept 20 2003 Basic Art

Undcrsatanding Call for more details 2147525588

Sponsorship opportunities available for seminars

Home Is Where The Art Is StcphaiiicK jmllery b hwkUng a contest culled Homf U Where The Ai-t IB

Show us how jou displaji-d gtour a n purchased from the gallery and win up to $500 in custom framinK- Stnd a ph(itigt(traph of the art hatiftuiK lo your home If

it a p p e o n un our website we wiU e-mail you a certificate

2 1 4 7 5 2 5 5 8 8

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bullgti() VOi - (bullii ^omcast

Minority Opportunity Netys - The Gazette bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Page 7


Black Cinematheque Dallas and the Dallas NAACP to Host Film Black CuiL-nijilitjqaL Dalla^ will parincr

with the Dallas Branch nf ihc NAACP lo htisi a film pngtgram atviui wiiiT fraud and ihe aiiack on dinnocrjLV in Amerita iTiJay October 17 2003 800 IM at [he South Dallas Cultural Center i40lt) S Fiizhug^ Street DallasTexai Tickets are $5(X) and tan be piinhascd at the doiirnie public shiaikl Kill 21 M26-lgtlaquo3 tor informality

Filml Oeoee Lxigaty of the FJeciion Day Massacre by Bianca While amp Sandra Kiasa 26 min 2002 Orbanworld Film Festival - WiniKT Beit Short Documentary in the early twentieth century Ocoee was hltimc to one of Fliraquo-idas most prosperous African American CMnmunitics In I920on eleclitgtn day when Blacks tried to vote they were haraswrd bullied beaten and murdered One igtf Central Floridas most notorious incident of raciaJ viokaice the Ocoee Massaere began after iViose Norman a Black fanner who migrated to Central Florida friMn South Carolina in a mule-drawn wagon tried tii vole in the 1120 eleaion Xh (s descended on Ocoee and found Norman ai the home of a friend July Perry In the ensuing shinitout Nttrman escaped but Perry was I Tiched and -iirung up with a bulliign that read This is what we do to niggers that vote Two dozen htiuse^ twn churchegt and a lodge were burned and according to an NAACP (^server migtre than 60 Blacks killed

Film ftl Unprecedented The 2000 Iresideniial Electiim by Ricliard Ray Perez fit Joan Sekler 50 mm is a riveting dixoimentary about the battle tor the Presidency in Florida anil the undcrminint of democracy in America

Filmmakers Richard Ray Perez and Joai Sekler exaimne modern Americas most conmAersial pobtical contest the EJeaion of (leorgi- VC Bush What emerges is a disturbing picture of an ekciion maned by suspiciougtp irreguUiritiei electoral injustices and sinister voter piirget m a state governed by the winning candidates brother (ieorge W Bush stole the presidency- itf the United Stale mdash and got away with It Dallas historian Mr Donald Peyion and repa-senuiivegt of the Dallas NACI will lead the figtll(Av up discnis^ion atter the screening erf the two tilnis

African AnKricans first obiaineti ilie ri^t to vote in 1870 via the 15ih Amendment to the Cnnsutution which slated diat the r ^ t to voie shall not be denied or abndged on the bavis of race color or previous tondiuon of senitude In the decaile after the Ciil War Blacks voted in for greater numbers in the St)uth than Whnes But that ijuickly charged With the withdrawal of federal troops and the collapse of Reconstruction White Siiuthemers led bgt-terrorist groups such as the Ku Klux KJan let loose a r e ^ of terror to drive Blacks luim the voting booth In addition many states insiituied literacy tests poD taxes informal voting cigtdes grandfather clauses vouchers oi good character and dis^jualificatiun for cTimes of moral turpitude were utilised to disenfranchise Black voters TactKs such as the all White primary and gerrymandering of elcciiim districts further reduce Black voting strength anti alniigtst elintinaied the number of Black elected officials By IKK) iJlacts had v-inuallgt diraquoappcare^l from Southern voting rrfls

Most African Americans passionately believed voters in Florida wen baiiiboozkd at the votmg booths during the 2000 electionlo believe otherwise would be to ignore the sordid hislorj of the Souths century-long efftm to disenfranchise Black voters states Mangt-n Clark Founder Curator for Black Cinematheque Sc ari pleised to jwn with the Dallas Branch of the NA-CP in presenting these two imponani films and to discuss cniical issues of empowering people of color Ccdumnist Junious Ricardo Stanton in his piece Wliy We Should Be Better Informed About turreni Events wntes I haw no vendetta against (icurgeW Bush

My uppositioii to him is because he and his

Program on Voter Fraud in Florida administraticm were put into oBice by fraud and widespread ivter disenfranchisement in Florida If you have a loved one in the military they may be sent to a Iar aw ay land to die for Bushs oil and glot^hegemony ^enda What will you get out of it other then a llag draped casket What if they return uraiinded or maimed Are you aware Bush sponsored legislaiiltraquoi to cut veteran benefits

reduce hazardous duty pay and family separation allowances Have you noticed the media rarely shows any funerals for the fallen soldiers and Bush never attends Whats up with that h the war on terrorism wtirih the bdlkms of laxpas-er dollars being spent or the iiuvKcni lives being lost What about all the opium and heron flowing into AmeriKKKa now that the Taliban has been


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F-ax (ir Mmait copy for quote I-ax 072-500-0058 l-mail opporiunity (imonthejiazcttecom



Scaled proposals for highway improvement contracts will be received by the Texas Department ofTransportaiitm (TxDOT) until the date(amp) shtgtwn below

and then publicly read


Coniraa 6103-62-001 for CHAIN MXK FENCE in DALLAS County will be opened on November 1 3 3003 ar 1030 am at the

District Office for an estimate of 527400000 Contract 6104-27-001 for POTHOLE REPAIR in DALL^S Counrj

will be opened on November I 3 2003 at 1030 am at the District Office for an estimate of 829535000

Contract 6104-76-001 for STORM SEIXER AND INLET CLEANING in DALi^S County wjll be opened on November 13 2003 at 1030 am

at [he District Office for an estimate of $27894000

Plans and specifications are available for inspection along with bidding proposals and applications for the TxDOT Prcqualificd Contraciors list at

the applicable State andor DisLDiv OHiccs listed below Bidders must submit prequalification information to TxDOT at least 10 days prior to the bid date m be eligible to bid on a project Prequalification materials may

be requested from the State Office listed below Plans for the above contraa(s) are available froniTxDOTs website at wwwdotstatetxus and

from reproduction companies at the expense of the contractor NPO 11133

Stale OfHce ConslrMaint Division

200 E Riwrside Dr AustinTexas 78704

Phone512-416-2540 DisLDiv Officc(s)

Dallas District District Engineer 4777 E Hwy 80

MesquiteTexas 75150-6643 Phone214-320-6100

Minimum wage rates are set out in bidding documents and the rates will be part of the contract TXDOT ensures that bidders will not be discriminated

against on the grounds of race color sex or national origin


EAGLE CONTRACTING LP an Equal Opportunity Employer is soliciting Minority Owned and

Women Owned Business Enterprises for

Supply and Materia Supply Bids for the following project

City of Dallas Water Utilities

Southside WWTP Peak Flow Basin and Site


Bid Date October 06 2003

at 130 pm

Contact Charles Howard at

Metro 817-379-1897 Fax Metro 817-379-0610

Mail to Eagle Contracting LP

PO Box 1600 Keiler Texas 76244

depose J m Alghanistan How will these detdoptiwiUv impact our aimmunities Robert bull-Mien editor of The Black Scholar states Of course it wjs first and ia^i about race this stolen election - nd then Giire didnt wunt to tourfi it because Gore dulnt w^nt to break with White supran3cgtmdasheen though that meant hed lose the election Thats biw much VSTiite raquoupreinacgt means to him Can j-ou imagine Hed rather lose the Presidcnc than stand wiih Black folks



To iiKfcdsc prtlaquoipdion aftd opportuniiir avdiiabitity to HUB

Bireinesses GTECH has extefuJea the so^citatJon deadhne preroosfy

put)gtisheij in this paper Inteiested HUB busmeaes s kould f o r v ^ ir^rmatwn ^4kx mquines lO

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8200 Cameron Road Su-teE-l20

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Career ODDortunities Contact Ms Janice Deans to advertise in our career opportunity scctum y72-6l()-715t ix or Imail copy for quote

Fax OT^oC-JO^R Hmait opptgtrtunny ((monthegaeiieconi

ROUTE PERSONS Needed For GarlandVlesquite

Piano Richardson N Dalla-s FarmersviUe Wylic

VicKinney Uen Frisco Leuisvillc Deniun Dallas Areas

Sularv Segotiablt

Qj(972) 606-3261 Please leave a message

M O N - T h e G a z e t t e is looking for community writers and reporters

Pay on a contract basis or by the hour Email your resume to editori^ monthegazettecom

or fax to 972-516-4197 Leave a message at 972-881-1646

Little Flock Bapt is t C h u r c h

905 E Aimee -PO Box 903

Forney Texas 75126 is currently looking for

a pianistorganist

Please call Pastor Laurent at


- S j ^


stablished Art gallery looking for exceptional salesperson to

leadlcreate sales forces and to sell art in corporate environment Fax

your resume to 2147525589 or e-mail it to stephaniegallerycotn

For more information call 2147525588

S m a l l C o m p a n y Needs

Administrative Assistant 16 to 20 Hours per week

St have JuQwIedge of Microsoft QuickBooks

Excel Software package

bull Day Hours bull Must be Organized

bull Must be Self-Starter 972-606-3891

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Fage 8 bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Minority Opportunity Netvs - The Gazette Iisit (hir Website At tLiiivM()rhv(iazitlvinifi


Over the years I have received things that helped me on my lifes journey This is another one that I believe you will like and perhaps put it to use

A r e Your P r i o r i t J e S t r a i g h t Author Unknown

One day an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and to drive home a point used an illustration those student will never forget

As he stood in front of the group of high-powered overachievers he said Okay time for a quiz the expert pulled out a one-gallon mason jar and set it on the table in front of him He also produced about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them one at a time into the jar When the jar could hold no more rocks he asked Is this jar full Everyone in the class yelled Yes The time management expert replied Really

He reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel He dumped some gravel in and shook the jar causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the spaces between the fist-

sized rocks He then asked the students once more Is the jar full By this time the class was on to him Probably not one of them answered Good he replied He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all of the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel

Once more he asked the question Is this jar full No the class shouted Once again he said Good Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the brim

He looked at the class and asked What is the point of this illustration One eager beaver raised his hand and said The point is no matter how full your schedule is if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in it No thats not the point the expert replied The truth that this illustration teaches us is If you dont put the big rocks in first youll never get them in at all

What are the big rocks in your lifemdashtime with your loved ones your faith your education your dreams a worthy cause teaching or mentoring others

Remember to put the BIG

Feel Better Now


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Uplifting Inspirational Music i rn- t -- t t^ ltlt^t w p

New Mt Zion Baptist Church of Dallas S u n d a y S e r v i c e Morning Worship

730 a m amp 1030 am 900 am Sunday School

W e d n e s d a y S e r v i c e Prayer Meeting 700 pm

Brotherhood 700 pm Missions 700 pm

Singles Group 700 pm Bible Study 745 pm Pastor Robert E Price

A Praying Church Family Watchmen on the Walls

214-341-6459 (Phone) bull 214-342-8403 (Fax) 9550 Shepard Road

Dal las TX 75243

wwwnmzborg (Website) bull newmzbcra aolcom (Email)

Friendship Baptist Church iDr C Paul McBride Pastor

Schedule of Services Sunday

Early Morning Worship 800 am

Sunday School Classes 930 am

Morning Worship 1100 am

Evening Worship (1st Sunday) 600 pm

Tuesday Early Bird Bible Study 600 pm

Wednesday Morning Bible Study 930 am Prayer Meeting and 730 pm

Evening Bible Study

4396 Main Street The Colony Texas 75056

(972) 625-8186 website wwwfbc-oniinenet

The Church wi th a V i s ion

bullhilgt H n a t l ( gt V i r i i ( bull niti

ROCKS in first or youll never get them in at all So when you are reflecting on this short story ask yourself this question What are the big rocks in my life Then put those in your jar first

KXY PXOPLX Xvxn though my kxyboard is

an old modxl it works quitx wxU xxcxpt for onx of thx kxs It is trux that all thx othxr kxys work wxll xnough but just this onx kxy not working makxs a diffxrxncx

Somxtimxs it sxxms likx a txam is somxwhat likx my old kxyboardmdashnot all thx kxy pxoplx arx working

You may say to yoursxlf wxll I am only onx pxrson I wont makx or brxak a txam xffort But IT DOXS makx a diffxrxncx bxcausx a txam xffort to bx xffxctivx nxxds thx activx participation of xveryonx

So thx nxxt timx you think that your xfforts will not bx missxd rxmxmbxr my old kxyboard You are important

Email starpley(flwtnet Pager 214-833-1639

Voice Mail 972-606-3878 Fax 972-516-4197

Let MOS-The Gazette help your church accomplish the Priiyer ofjiiiv Utilargc imr UTTtuny to cxpiiid opportimilics ihtii may impaci iraquo tuch a vxty thai vx towh more Invs for (Jods glory IM US do more for Him

Church Happenings ALL NATIONS IJWTEP M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H

Thnu^ tht Last Sumiaj im Otutbrr 845 tm- 9i4 am

The Prayer of Jabez Bible Study ledby Dr Clara M Reed

October 19-During Morning Worship Service

Annual Mens Day For more information call 972-


All Nations United Methodist Church Dr Clara M Reed Pastor 3415 liast H t h Street Piano TX 75074 972-424-8500


October 11 CiOOpm

First Alrican American Health Summit - Hosted by Robert Ashley and Ester Davis

Panel led by Jewel Pookrum M D PhD FounderDirecior of the Civilized Medicine Institute Free to the public (Limited Seating)

For more information or to register contact Wessie Huckaby 214-376-6170

Ilethcl Temple Pentecostal Church Bishop James Mitchell 4014 S Lancaster Road Da l las TX 75216 214-374-1992


0e$9itr IS lOiOOam - 200 fm Cancer Awareness amp Prevention

Celebration bullFree Prostate Cancer Screening bullCancer Survivors and Testimonials bullSignificance of Spirituality and

Cancer-Fighting Foods bullHealth Promotion Giveawagt-s For more information call 972-625-


Friendship Baptist Church Dr C Paul McBride Pastor 4396 Main Street The ColonyTX 75056 972-625-818b


iriSamday ^Eatk MmtA Free blood pressure screening in the

Who Are the Women of God Why is MON-The Gazette Honoring Them On Mothers Day Weekend 2004 What Can You Do To Be A Part Of The Momentous Occasion

Go To kvw^vmontfiegazetfecom QtV on Women 0 Cod) or ConlacI Sister Xarpiey

Al 972-606-3878 voice moi l

Church Directory

Saint Mark Missionary Baptist Cliurch m 1308 Wilcox Street McKinney Tx

Pastor Charles S Wattley

Sunday Education Ministries 930 am Worship Celebration 1100 am - Nursery Facilities Available -

Wednesday Family Ministries 700 pm

Friendly Fellowship with A Family Focus For More Information Call

9725426178 wwwsaintmarkbccom


ShJIoh lAissionary Baptist Church 920 E 14th Street Piano TX

Monday 7PM Youth Brotherhood Mission

amp Young Adult Ministr ies

Tuesday 7PM Bible Study amp Mens Choir

Wednesday 7PM Mid-Week Service

Thursday 7PM Mass Choir

Z z z Q H X m


m 03

O c 2

I For more information call (972) 423-6695


gym after evening services For more information on times amp

room call 972-644-2335 Smu^fja gtfi(r f p n n q Srrmro

at ArAMpoundt0nmm Achievers are Successful

Tutoring Program the TAKS test and how lo become a TUTOR Tutoring for grades K-12

For more information call 972-644-2335

Greenville Avenue Church of Christ Minister Sheitun Gibbs III Pastor 1013 S Greenville Avenue Richardson TX 75081 972-644-2335

Church Happenings Page 10

School Dlsfrta

To View our upcoming bids ( ease go to

the Piano ISD Purchasing Department web

Go to wwwpisdedu dick on web site lnlaquo

dex then choose the letter P and follow

the links to the Purchasing Department

J^ y^w i((hffSf (iifru 1701 W Icffcrson St Grand Prairie Texas 7 J 0 J 1

2B0J Market Loop Suite ]00 Soufhiake Texas 7fgt092

Dennv H Dais Seranl

7fla M 900 AM IfWW AVlt and 1 AM

Mt Olive Church of Piano 740 Avenue F Suite 303

Piano TX 75074

A Non-denominational Church for all Nations

Pastor Sam Fenceroy Pastor Gloria Fenceroy Schedule of Serv ices

Sunday School 930 am Morning Worship 1045 am M e n ampWomen Ministrgt- 1st amp 3rd Mondays 730 p m I-eadership Meeting 2nd Mondays 730 p m Singles Ministrj- 4 th Mondays 730 pm Youth Bible Study Wednesdays 730 p m

Mid-Wcck Serice Wednesdays 715 p m M o t h e r s D a y O u t T u e s d a y amp T h u r s d a y 900 a m - 200 p m

Servicios En Espanol Domingos Noche 630 pni

Jueves Noche 730 pm

Phone 972-633-5511 Fax 972-633-3728

Email mocop740i^ Verizonnet P a s t o r s P e d r o a n d

D i a n a S a n t i l l a n

K i i d i n Hr tKu l i i s ( S t a l i n n KMO A M - K ( i ( i H M - l H I S a m - l ( l U raquo a m

Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Page 9


Back Page Elite News Religious Hall of

Fame Celebrate Grand Opening Dallas TX- The Elite

News Religious Hall of Fame founded by William Bill Blair held its grand opening celebration recently in Dallas Guests brought rehgious contributions to enhance the growth of this one of a kind

historical facility The Religious Hall of Fame Museum opened during the latter part of the summer with a ribbon-cutting ceremony The 15-room venue was designed to acknowledge and honor ministers and selected leaders that positively

influenced their community and nation by improving the quality of life for others The Hall of Fame is located at 5554 South Hampton Road Dallas TX For more information contact Debra Blair-Abron or Jordon Blair at 214-372-6500

Charity Golf Tournament to Benefit Local Organization T h e 5lh Annual Westside Bapnsi

Church Charity Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday October 18th 1100 am at Indian Creek Municipal Golf Course Cairoll ton Texas Registration for the W B C Charitgt- Golf Tournament benefiting Big Brothers and Big SistersDallas is ofBciallgt open for sign up T h e mission of the charit e^ent is to raise the communitys awareness for the need of mentors for the hundreds of children on the ^-altlng list to be matched T h e cost is S8000 (includes green fees can prizes and food)


wwwwestsidebaptistchurchcom for more infonnation or to complete a registration form Your completed

Church Happenings Page 9


L N S T I T U T l - f G M O R - D F W ^

Moniiajri amp Thumiayi ^bull00 pm- 845 pm

N o w taking registrat ions for Bachelor of ITieologv Bachelor of Biblical Studies and Bachelor of Counseling Classes Dr Kenneth W Johnson Executive Director

Gospe l M i n i s t r y O u t r e a c h Theologica l I n s t i t u t e (G MOR -D F W )

( Ins ide S h e k i n a h Glo ry C o m m u n i t y C h u r c h ) B i shop R o b e r t B th r idge P a s t o r 515 West C e n t e r S t r e e t D u n c a n v U l c T X 75138 1-800-923-9149


Oclraquohrr2S lOeOOtm bull 20Qpm Annual Health Fair - Free Includes screenings testing gtve-

a-ways food and more For more information call 972-

235-4633 Ul

H a m i l t o n P a r k Un i t ed M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h Rev D e r r i c k Wr igh t P a s t o r 11881 S c h r o c d e r R o a d D a U a s T X 75243



75th C h u r c h Anniversary Musical- 630 p m


Oitober 19 Homecoming Service 330 p m Rev Roy Rocke - Guest Speaker For more information call 214-823-


Hopewel l M i s s i o n a r y B a p t i s t C h u r c h Rev Michae l H u b b a r d S e n i o r P a s t o r 5144 Dolph in R o a d D a l l a s T X 75223 214-823-1018


OnobtrlI9rOOMm Mens Prayer Breakfast

Ottobrr 17-18 Marriage Enr ichment Conference Building Your Marriage to Last Sidney amp Carol Bcal Conference

Speakers Cost S3500 per couple

Ocnbtr26 Annual Mens Day Celebration T h e m e Men running the race with

passion purpose and power Morning Speaker Rev Stuart Bailey For more information call 972-998-


Keller S p r i n g s Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev L a r r y S a n d e r s P a s t o r 3227 Keller S p r i n g s R o a d C a r r o l l t o n T X 75006


2MI amp 4tb SunJdyi Blood pressure screenings available

after 1100 am service

M e s q u i t e F r i e n d s h i p Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev Te r ry AL T u r n e r P a s t o r 2232 Frank l in Dr ive M e s q u i t e T X 75150



Tomorrow Lttt night October JO 700 pm Annual Fall Revival For more information call 940-320-


M o r s e S t r e e t Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev A R S tokes P a s t o r 921 M o r s e S t r e e t D e n t o n T X 76205 940-320-5364


TmeuiMyt amp ThtntUyi 9O0Mm~2tO0fM

Mothers Day Out Program for ages 2 months to 4 years of age Phonics numbers colors shapes amp other early childhood skills will be offered

For enro l lment package amp registration fees contact Sister Seretha Dawkins at 9 7 2 - 6 3 3 - 5 5 1 1 be tween 900 am and 200 pm

0(nhltr29~3l Vision Summit 2003 Conference For more information call 972-633-


M t Olive C h u r c h of P i a n o Rev S a m Fenceroy P a s t o r 740 Avenue F P i a n o T X 75075 972-633-5511



OcuAtr 25 liOOpm - SiOOpm Womens Ministry Conference TTieme Hearing the Hear t of a

Godly Man A panel of Godly men will be addressing the issues of both the married and single woman

For more information call Barbara

Miller at 972-235-2882

N o r t h Dal las C o m m u n i t y Bible Fel lowship Rev I^eslie W S m i t h P a s t o r

302 C e n t e n n i a l Blvd R i c h a r d s o n T X 75081-5057 972-437-3493


Octobtr 15-17 -^iiOpm Youth Revival New Bethel Baptist

C h u r c h 101 Elm Flat Road in Kerens Texas

Otnher I9j-00pm Worship Exper ience at Harvey

Avenue Baptist Church 1257 East Har ey in Ft WorthTexas

OcMitr2i 7iMgtpm Greater Renfro Memoria l C O G I C

700 East Park Avenue in Corsicana Texas

Octahtr 26 1200 Na^n Salem Baptist C h u r c h 3400

Mitchell Blvd in Ft WorthTexas Oetwitr 26 JM pm

M l Olive Baptist Church 2105 East Jones Avenue in Corsicana Texas

S ix th venue Bap t i s t C h u r c h S e r v a n t KD Davis Sr P a s t o r amp O v e r s e e r C o r s i c a n a T X 7 5 U 0

Siid vu i i r c h i i r v h ai i iKui iKct i icnis m e d i u i r i i nit inth^U i t l lcciMn n r lax to raquo r -S l ( - 41 raquo - Wi t hu i - ch M i i p p c n i n j s D e a d l i n e s a r e l r i i l a gt v txrtitre p u b l t c a i i o i i i lau- ( M t gt N - I h c G a c t t i - is pub l iNht t l c a t l i Thurs t l av )

Christian Meltwdist Episcopal Chirch 1113 I Avlaquo P b i i H x T X 7 5 0 7 4 ( 0 7 2 ) 4 2 5 - 4 0 0 0

Rlaquov J a i t t M E L a r r y P a v l o r

Sunday School 930 AM Sunday Worship Serviclaquo 1100 AM Wednftsday NIght- 730 PM Community Bibia Claaa

DavStar IHilv^rangc Ministries

Our Services S u n d a y

uIHLlgt School 1000 a j a Midday Smicc ll-OOun

TuelaquoIagt Pragter senke 700 pJii-

Senkt TJO pjo

Sponsored bgt The Touch Ministn bull Women in Transition (WIT)

Website wwwthetouchministrvcom bull Phone 972-769-laquog26

l l ( t - ^ H raquo 1 i l bull I M I O N t i sNH lgt bull I h u K i I

Sttns Chapel Baptist Church The Fellowship of Love

(Sharing Love Saving Souls and Changing Lives)

Sunday Services Early Morning Hiirship S00 atn

Sunday School tOJO am Mid-Morning Worahip 1130 am

Bible Study Wtdnlaquoaday Sight Live a 730 ptrt

^tUrun III Senior Potior

317 Parker Drive bull Garland TX 75040

Phone 972-276-0014 bull Fax 972-276-2444

Website wtvwSintsChapelorg

Gospel Ministry Outreach Theological Institute

GMOR - DFW Since 1982

Halpiiif M raquo laquo bull raquo the CTBcrtty of Spiriiual lUltcrocy in ChriMlaa Ihrooffa thcot^ckal bullnidin

Bachelor of BlbUcai S iud io BMbelw ol BibUul CountftUat And Bachelor ofThcology in Claai-rootn or

CorropondcoEC course Wt abo offer (be Vlailer and DoclorMc dcf rec program a wcU

CaU for rcftenvtioa and more informattoni l-WO-923-9149 today

Igtr Kvniu-lh J i thnMrn IXOiv lxecutive O i r c v t o r

A- Hamilton Park United S Methodist Church

Rev Derrick Wright S e n i o r P a s t o r

S u n d a y S c h o o l

830 am

Morning Praise 945 am

Sunday Worship 1000 am

Wednesday Service 630 pm

(Childcare Available Each Sunday)

A Christian Community of Faith Called by God to Make

Disciples for Jesus Christ

11881 Schroeder Road

Dallas TX 75243-3656

Phone 972-235-4633 bull Fax 972-235-5713

Email hparkumaolcom

Website wwwhparkumcorg

Little Flock Baptist Church

P a s t o r Louis E L a u r e n t

Internet Broadcast wwwkrgmcom

(Mon - Fr i (sect 12 Noon)

A Place Where a Taste of die Word is Guaranteed

Sunday School 930 am

Sunday Morning Worship 1045 am

Tuesday Night Brotherhood 700 pm

Wednesday Prayer MeetingBiUe Study 7KXgtpm

bullraquolaquolt II Ainun- SirccI bull IUgt Iliw Wt bull Iwncy Itxiis bull If IMituie i4-35- 02l

New Life Fellowship of Hamilton Park

8219 Bunche Drive bull Dallas TX 75243 972-671-1096

R e v e r e n d M i l l e r E J o h n s o n J r S e n i o r P a s t o r

I U ^ i n n i n K raquo - bull bull II bull u i m h i n n ^ i

Sunday Morning Bible School 91S ain MornlnK Worship Service 10)0 ain Evening Worship (Agape Hour) F l n l Sunday 600 pm

Wcdneulay Nifiht Prayer Meeting and Evening Bible Study ^l S pm

registration form can be mailed directly to W B C and or given to a Tournament Commit tee Member For additional

questions please contact Dennis Edwards at (972) 906-3434 or dennisedrardslticomcastnet

W h o Are the Women of God bull Why ij MONThe GoieHe Honoring Them On Mothers

Dtty Weekend 2 0 0 4 bull WhltA Con You Do To Be A Port Of The Momentoui Occasion

Go To wwwmonffiegoietteeom (Clkk on Women Of Goltf)

or Contact Siiler Torpley At 972-606-3878 voice moif

Join us at one of our fun relaxed and inspiring services

mi SrnMW ^tlAv- bull Terrv HomhttckU

2 3 5 0 E M a y f t t k l K O M I AHinncmi T e u u 7 6 0 1 4

(817) 557-MM or wwwuilaquoapect un

M M POMERheuM br KiM FMhMv 0laquonMSUMlClaquotraquo

Loving ft Fmndhr AfnMpfwnt


Keller Springs Baptist Church (Purstihif The Pcfson^ The Presence

and The Ttnver of Ciod)

S u n d a y M o r n i n g U i b l e S t u d i e s 900 a m

Sundagt- M o r n i n g W o r s h i p 1045 a m

M o n d a y N i ^ t D i s c i p l e s h i p 700 p m

^ d n e s d a gt - N i g h t P r a y e r amp P r a i s e 700 p m

( C l h i l d c a r e A aUab le E a c h S e r v i c e )

S r Ia-lor

3227 Keller Springs Road bull Carrollton TX 75006-12(tO Phone 972-735-S077 bull l-ax 972-73S-S0S7

liniail Infci ltf kcllerspringsorg Website wwwkellcrspringsorg

All Nations United ^ Methodist Church vt

DrU^gt^ M iJ

Senior Iulor

Dr Btrt 4ffJeck

Hispanic Minislriea

Christian by Faith Diverse by Design

Sunday S 43afi Lsconay 60e S^JCJ

Sifdsf 845m SjidayScfca SiHay 84Sam EsbdoBttcoEnEspand Stnday IftflOm VfcnNpSenice Tuesday TdCpm PrayefMeetrc

3415 E 14th St Piano TX bull 75074

972-424-8500 wwwallnationsumcorg

(Free itrsery Provided For Ages 4 and Under)

Other ministries include English As A Second Language

and Spanish As A Second Language Classes

Tempie ofTaitfi

Christian Cfiapef CMJE Cfiiircfi

Where Jesus is the Main Attraction

Sunday Worship Experience 800 am amp 1045 am

Wednesday Bii)le Study 1200 Noon amp 700 pm

D r J e r o m e E

M c N e i l J r P a s t o r

14120 Noel Road

Dallas TX 75254

72-2gt 9 120 (OfHce) bull 972-239-5^25 (FH) teinpleofraith_cmesbcglobalnet (Email)

llciillli) l(t^iuitiiis ( liilil l)ifl()|Mninl ( tnlci

bull)72 404 141

Minority Opportunity ews -The Gazette 6100 Ave AT Suite 105 ((iiSpring Creek l^irkway) Plano^ Texas 75074 Phone 9725162992 Fax 9725099058 Email Editor^moPtthegazettecofn i

m Page 10 bull October 09 - October IS 2003 bull Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette

I i j lt ) i gt U gt gt i ( I i i U i 4 I ( gt ( i i - j i t laquo m u

Theres Plenty to Taste amp See at 2003 State Fair An abundance of thin^ to discover

avvaiis visitors to the 2003 State Fair of Texas Sept 26 Oct 19 Vfhether its the very best in exhibits entertainment livestock events contests or rides guests will not leave disappointed

Ever wonder just what is the number (ine aitraction at the nations largest annual exposition That would be food VChether on a stick on the hoof jcHied-in-a-jar hot cold spio powdered or plain food surrounds visitors when they arrive

Food is pngtminenl ai the Taste amp See l^avilion The adjacent conservatory houses exotic plants that provide nectar for thousands of brilhantly-hued butierflies stars ofTake Fli^t in Texas lgtiscovery Gardens Inside celebrity chefe work their magic in a special denionsiration kitchen Outside a

spacious tent is home to wine tastings and ^wine education a sunken garden bistro J will sell wine and cheese Humongous

pumpkin-carving demos and theatritai-type face painting will be ongoing in the tent- Visitors are encouraged to explore the surrounding seven acres including

something thats impossible to miss the Texas Garden Railway a miniature train running throu^ a host of state landmarks and small gorges tiny creeks and verdant countryside

Meanwhile Spirit of the Dance kicks up its heels in a foot-stomping celebration of Irish dance in the Coliseum Its Christmas at the Texas Hall of State where Holidays ai the White House comes to life in a 20 x 60 replica of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Chevrolets Main Stage presents Sandi Pattgt- Jo Dee Messina Lisa Marie Preslegt Jeruiifer Pena Tracy LawTence Mark Chesnutt and Joe DifEe Blues Traveler and mon in no-additional-charge concerts

The Youth Livestock Auction of Champions took the spotlight Oct 3 alterriating shows and sales feature cattle sheep swine goats poultrgt and pigeons Ijnle Hands on the Farm allows kiddos to play farmer (ending to their gardens from inception lo harvest The biggest new car show in the Southwest displays premium nameplates as well as 2004 models concept cars pickups SUVs arul collectibles in the Classic Corral

Very Important Football is pan of State Fair history The Cotton Bowl b the site of two definitive match-ups each year - the State Fair Classic pitting the Panthers of Prairie View AampM against the Grambling State Tigers (Oa 4) and the Red RK-er Shootout where bragging rights dangle

between unKersitgt rivals Oklahoma and Texas (Oct 11) A nighdy parade and laser show museum exhibits canine acrubais jams jellies and quilts thrill rides free-Qi^t birdf multiple music stages and more make tfie 2003 State Fair of Texas a noi-to-miss event

bull W h o Are rhe Women of God bull Why i i MON-Tho Go ie t i c Honor ing Them On Mother s Day Weekend 2004 bull W h o l Car You Do To Be A

Port Oi The Momentous Occoi ion Go To wwtvmonthegaleHecom (Click on Woman Of GodJ

or Contact Sister TorpJey At 972-606-3878 voice moil

ride D M in October bullraquogt-

Friendship Baptist Church to Host Life-Saving Cancer Awareness Celebration THE COLONV x Friendship Baptist

Church (FBC) will host a Pink-n-Blue Day to promote screening and earlgt deteaion of breast pnwtate and other cancers The celebration will be held on Sanirdai- October 18 2003 from 1000 am to 200 pm at 4396 Main Street The Colony TX

This program provides a platform for health educators advocacgt groups the meilia public officials physicians and concerned citizens to focus their efforts tollectively in the battle against cancer It features cancer education and prevention a panel of guest speakers including cancer survivors and free prostate cancer screenit^ Emphasis is placed on the importance of incorporating simple preventive and positive health behaviors into everyday life

One out of evergt two men and one of every three women are at risk of having cancer in their lifetime According to the (mcrican C ancer Society appniximately i 3 million Americans will be diagnosed vvitli invasive cancer African American men have a 20 i hi^er incidence rate and 40gtu higher death rate from all cancers combined than white men About 132700 new cancers will be diagnosed among African Americans in 2003 When cervical and colon cancers are found at early stages the five-year iuivival rate is better than 90 percent

Breast cancer is the most conramin cancer and is the second leading cause of death among African American women ll women are encouraged to receive an

annual mammigtgram beginning at age 40 By combining monthly breast-self examination with regular mammography and clinical exams women have the besi chance of finding breast cancer early-whcn it is most treatable VCTien breast cancer is deteaed early and treated at a local stage the five-year survival rate is 97 percent

The second leading cause of cancer death in American men yet the most commonly diagnosed among African American men prostate cancer is expeaed to claim 30000 lives in 2003 In addition at least 184000 new cases of the disease will be diagnosed this year alone Althou^ screening guidelines may vary most physicians agree men over age 50 or men age 38 and over who are African American or hive a family historv of the disease should be screened for prostate cancer annually The good news is that with an increase in awareness and screening for prostate cancer the survival rate has increased to more than 90 peitent

The FrieiKlship Baptist Church Health Ministry is a consortium of phgt-sicians health educators scientists and patient advocates dedicated to promoting health and wellness education FBC urges individuals to contaa their health care provider or local health department for more information Or call 1 -800-4CANCER and 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit the websites wwwncigov and vvwwcancerorg Because we want to spend as mangt- dav-s as i e can with our loved ones lets talk more about cancer prevention Remember the best protection is early detection


$5 Off Of a $20 Dinner

Glaquoraquod only tittt 4pB Hot good with any other offcn oi ltiraquolaquouit ExpintioB Octchtt 31 2003

Mesquite3730 Townc Crossing (972) 686-4270 Piano2380 N Central Expwy (972) 516^988

Grapevine415 Highway 114 West (817) 424-3477 South Arlington 1075 West 1-20 (817) 467-9797

West End310 N Market St (214) 748-6959 Northwest Highwayi03iO Lombardy Ln (972) 902-0443


mdash - ^ ^ Jt 9gtlaquoi^3il

- laquo raquo

A I D )rou Morchtng (or o n at1ornlaquoy ot hoir dresuK

m your orlaquoa Wlaquo h o w whot yovni looking for

TgtW MatroplaxB prcmiae onl ins block b u t i f w u dtroctory

LitI fotfi bui)nlaquo$i9) todoy rti FRfpound4 Htof i why wlaquo havlaquo rhlaquo

m o i l comprlaquohlaquoniraquovo online direckM^ in ttraquoo DFW oroo

You con took ond ni and i f oN fHIV

Thlaquo Uttimato Onl ine MorketpkKe Experionce

Thlaquo OFW A h k o n Amorkon Bvunlaquois Ofredory

Experietce tite rtchMSs of H b p a n k cuKurv on the big sown at the Stb Aaiuai Vstas Filn fastrval Oct 9-12 Ride DART Rail to tW festival sites Aiyelib FSn Ceiter at Modiifbird Station

aid lit DaKas Misenmltrf Art tear St Paal Station Call 214S265560 or visit vistasfilmfestivabrg f

^fr a t d tiw Red River Rivaliy at TexasOil Weekend i i ttie

West Eld Friday St Sailrday Oct 10-11 I I am to 9 pm Take DART Rail to Wett End Sution

CaD21474171SSorvisitdaIbswestei(iort Q)

1 Afj Jou tlu Race for the Cure aid ma or walk to iijiit breast caiar

SatiRJay OctIS Re^Btratioi bejins at S30 am eveats start at 74S am Take DART Rail to Park U i e Station and board the

Honkfid Cetter Sbttle Get event info at 2147507223 or komeiKlaliasiirg

Get S2 off admission to tke State Fair of Texas wkei yoi ride DARTs State Fair Skittle Satvrdays aid Stndays tkroijk Oct 19 Siiirttles depart CitypUce Statioaseasteitraioe for

Fair Park every 10 miiites from 930 am to 11 pm last ietiniiasect skittle leaves tke fairgroiids at 1130 pm

S2TwindtripVisrtDARTofj Of Q I I 2149791111


Skare tlte spirit of family f rieadskip and community at tke 29tk Harambee Festival Satarday Oct 25 10 am

to 7 pm Take DART bts Roites 122i 44 409 and 44S to tke Martifl LatkerKiij Jr Commnnity Ceiter

2922 MIX ir 8 W Call 214670i3S5 for details

Stars aid Mavs fan Q I jlide between tke DART Rail West Eld Statioi aid Anet ia i Airfiies Ceiter M free skittle bises every 10 minutes Board tke skittle at

UnarSt t Pacific Ave or Record St t Ross Ave Comiij to tke janw from west of dowitowi Take tke

Triiity Railway Expiest flRE) to Victory Statioi Get DART iafoat 2149791111 or DARTorj TRE itfo

at 817JlSitOO or triiityraitwayexpressorj Please Note There is no TRE service on Sundays

W-DART Oi-Call is expandiij Startiij Oct i tke

popilar oirb-to-ciffa van service will be offered i i East Pbio Farmers Braickaid Nortk Dallas


DARTS roQiisect oit ckaifes n bis aid rail services October ( For details a l l 2149791111 or visit DARTorf


wmaSk Kroger Moist amp Tenderreg

Family Pak

Assorted Pork Chops

bull o r -Ercat H i l t Grill If Ova Bakii

Slid Wilde I I tke Bag

igt r


swi vp ro $iHotB wrnf CARD I



^^ss Than

fttmhm I I U Ilaquoi Kroger

Russet Potatoes

VW SMH) M Wnit (ARl)


Ragu Pasta Sauce

99 vufsia)WiiH(gttKraquo I

Off Umimiimmmi9imhaanlta(fttMama

Kroger Vegetables

50 Kill I I niir I Pitastlia Sweet Dole




DOUBLE 50 UP TO a mciaome

SAVl Vit IB ^IIH CARD I wm roar

Kro0sectr Ffoo Csi^

THIS AD VALID WED OCTOBER 8 THRU TUES OCTOBER 14 2003 Copyright 2003 Kroger Texas LP

Page 6 bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette Iisil Our Mt7gtvlaquo 1 ivivictOlnltitiZtlltctim

Brad Keller Tapped To Helm Filmcor Productions A Killer Within Dallas TXDallas filmmaker

Brad Keller will direct Filmcor Produaions first indie feature A Killer Within starring C

Thomas Howell (The Hitchcr The Outsiders and Gods and Gene ra l s ) and Sean Young (No Way Out A Kiss B e f o r e Dying and 1st to D i e ) Filmcor is still in n e g a t i o n bullbull with Esai M o r a l e s ( L a Bamba and N Y P D B l u e ) K e i n D i l l o n ( P la toon and The Doors) and Latin multi-platinum artist Cheyerme The project has been in research and development for the past six months and is set to begin production on November 17th The film will be shot entirety in the DallasFt Worth area and is scheduled to wxap on December 2oth

A Killer Within centers around the character ADDISON TERRILL (Howell) a Dallas attorney who comes home one night to find his wife brutally murdered with the words Now were even scrawled across the bedroom wall The cops suspect he killed her and now ADDISON must race through the underside of Dallas to find the only other suspect His ally is a grudging ex-cop (Morales or Cheyenne) who knows what it takes to deliver justice If they can overcome their differences theyll be able to solve the case before anyone else gets hiu-t But sometimes the problem with crime is the deeper you dig the darker the secrets you unfold-and together they might just discover tKat thereisa1EiUer within us all

From the beginning of his filmmaking career Keller has remained true to his desire to keep it local from the majority of the cast to the crew Im really excited about being able to direct a film of this magnitude right here in Dallas says Keller It has been such a long time since weve had a really big feature film project with star power behind it like this one in the city There are another twenty-five roles yet to be cast in the film and Im looking forward to being able to pull actors from the local talent pool

Local casting on the project will begin October Isi Cast and crew resumes can be sent to MPS Studios 139 Regal Row

Dallas TX 75247 The production office phone number is 2149059908

ABOUT THE FILMMAKER Brad Keller was born in

R c d o n d o t California in I DD He moved lo North Texas m 1985 to attend film school at North Texas State U n i v e r s i t y W^ile there he made two short films

His film Professor at the t i m e r e c o m m e n d e d that Brad be hired to work on the film Born On The Fourth Of July for which he worked under director Oliver Stone In

1990 Brad graduated from the University with a Bachelors degree in Radio amp Telension Film Arts Shortly after his graduation Brad was asked back to work on JFK

In 1991 Brad wrote produced and directed a short film hoping to get into the American Film Institute for Directors In 1992 Brad was accepted into the program ^Tiile there he directed the film Next Three Exits The film was produced by Phillip TTiomas currendy one of Goldie Hawns producers The films actors have landed extended teleision roles Christa Miller worked as a regular on the Drew Carey Show Rodney Rowland was regular on Pensacola Wings of Gold and Pat Brown played as the secretary in Coach and was a star in Sister Act

In 1993 Brad went back to Texas to work as a Director on a

TGI Fridays commercial for a friend After working on several commercials such as Shell Miller Genuine Draft and Six Flags Brad decided to move back to Dallas While steadily working on commercials and industrials Brad wrote his first screenplay Shadowed Love In 1995 Brad produced and directed his first feature film Shadowed Love The filpi was distributed by MC3 Entertainment

Later that year Brad wrote and directed the short film Criminal He worked with Michael Off Director of Photography of Its In The Water and Children Of The Com In 1996 Brad met John

Steakley author of Vampires and Armor who had just finished writing his first screenplay and was looking for a producer and director After viewing Brads body of work Mr Steakley hired Brad to produce and to direct the feature film Scar Texas Movie That same year MC3 Entertainment gave Brad the financing to produce the feature film Six Dollars A Minute

In 1997 Brad produced the comedy Social Ladder directed by Lenny Britton w ho was the screenwriter of the feature film Precious Find In 1998 Brad wrote produced and directed the feature comedy Loofa It is now

being distributed by Salt City Home Video In 1999 Brad wrote produced and directed the feature thriller Placing Dead which went on to sell over 80000 copies worldwide His latest project Jacked is currently in post production

Brad has won two awards One for Producing on the comedy film Thunderpussies and the other for Directing Software Corporate video Brad teaches as a professor of Film and Digital Processing at Dallas colleges on his spare time

Runaway Jury A man (John Cusack) on a

jury in a landmark lawsuit against a gun manufacturer conspires with a woman (Rachel Weisz) to swing the verdict Because its such a high-profile lawsuit and there are millions at stake he finds himself in conflict with a jury consultant (Gene Hackman)

and a lawyer (Dusiin Hoffman) who will do anything to get the verdict he wants starts October 172003

The House of the Dead Several college students on

spring break in Seattle make plans to hit a rave on a remote island just outside the city But when they arrive late mdash having missed the main boat mdash they discover the island deserted and no revelers in sight Finally they

meet two trembling students who say the rest of the kids were attacked and eaten by zombies Starts October lo 2003

STARTS FRIDAY OCTOBER 10 lpound7]4laquono


If- - i

bullKMIBMniitC MlaquoTNtATWraquo



wcnuran CUHUM tlMBMOR

BLOCKBUSTER - H i t List These are the Top 10 Renting Video Titles al US BLO(JCBUSTER stores for

the week ending October 52003 VHS






i M bull a^ laquobull laquogt bullraquo ^

Oct-Nov 2003 Tickelmaster - 972-647-5700

1024 - Lynryd SkyngtTd

1025 - Alan Jackson

1031 - 971 Freakers Ball

1101 - Luis Miguel

Metroplex Live

Fuel - iO-10 - Gj-psy BaUroom

Pepe Aguilar -10-11 - NextSta^

Nickclback -10-16 - NeitStsgc

Joaay Uoy -10-17 - NextStagc

AH American Rejects -10-21



American iriincs Cealer


Tlie Strokes-11-06 bullNcxtStife


Good Charlotte-11-11-



]iii Our Websiteit ivivwMOS IheiMUzettecnm

W^ Stephanie Ward Gallery 2546 Elm St Dallas Texas 75226

C u s t o m F raming Sale 30 oflall frames and - 50 off all in suKk frames AH framesi art is 40ii off (Beautiful rqinxluctions and originals

included in tlus sale) Sale ends Sqit 272003

Come visit the gallery He have a hoat ofneiu original artwork by local artista - huge contemporary abstracts figurative and cubist styles

We will be hosting a series of seminars on collecting and appreciating art now through November If you are interested please

send us your e-mail and mailing addres Topics will include understanding cubism Art appreciation 101 Collecting 101

Framing and preserving you art workjllic scoop on art appraisal The philosophy of modern art History of folk and figurative art

Understanding the secondary market and other topics First Seminar is scheduled for Sept 20 2003 Basic Art

Undcrsatanding Call for more details 2147525588

Sponsorship opportunities available for seminars

Home Is Where The Art Is StcphaiiicK jmllery b hwkUng a contest culled Homf U Where The Ai-t IB

Show us how jou displaji-d gtour a n purchased from the gallery and win up to $500 in custom framinK- Stnd a ph(itigt(traph of the art hatiftuiK lo your home If

it a p p e o n un our website we wiU e-mail you a certificate

2 1 4 7 5 2 5 5 8 8

Excttlnq now attractions

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Minority Opportunity Netys - The Gazette bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Page 7


Black Cinematheque Dallas and the Dallas NAACP to Host Film Black CuiL-nijilitjqaL Dalla^ will parincr

with the Dallas Branch nf ihc NAACP lo htisi a film pngtgram atviui wiiiT fraud and ihe aiiack on dinnocrjLV in Amerita iTiJay October 17 2003 800 IM at [he South Dallas Cultural Center i40lt) S Fiizhug^ Street DallasTexai Tickets are $5(X) and tan be piinhascd at the doiirnie public shiaikl Kill 21 M26-lgtlaquo3 tor informality

Filml Oeoee Lxigaty of the FJeciion Day Massacre by Bianca While amp Sandra Kiasa 26 min 2002 Orbanworld Film Festival - WiniKT Beit Short Documentary in the early twentieth century Ocoee was hltimc to one of Fliraquo-idas most prosperous African American CMnmunitics In I920on eleclitgtn day when Blacks tried to vote they were haraswrd bullied beaten and murdered One igtf Central Floridas most notorious incident of raciaJ viokaice the Ocoee Massaere began after iViose Norman a Black fanner who migrated to Central Florida friMn South Carolina in a mule-drawn wagon tried tii vole in the 1120 eleaion Xh (s descended on Ocoee and found Norman ai the home of a friend July Perry In the ensuing shinitout Nttrman escaped but Perry was I Tiched and -iirung up with a bulliign that read This is what we do to niggers that vote Two dozen htiuse^ twn churchegt and a lodge were burned and according to an NAACP (^server migtre than 60 Blacks killed

Film ftl Unprecedented The 2000 Iresideniial Electiim by Ricliard Ray Perez fit Joan Sekler 50 mm is a riveting dixoimentary about the battle tor the Presidency in Florida anil the undcrminint of democracy in America

Filmmakers Richard Ray Perez and Joai Sekler exaimne modern Americas most conmAersial pobtical contest the EJeaion of (leorgi- VC Bush What emerges is a disturbing picture of an ekciion maned by suspiciougtp irreguUiritiei electoral injustices and sinister voter piirget m a state governed by the winning candidates brother (ieorge W Bush stole the presidency- itf the United Stale mdash and got away with It Dallas historian Mr Donald Peyion and repa-senuiivegt of the Dallas NACI will lead the figtll(Av up discnis^ion atter the screening erf the two tilnis

African AnKricans first obiaineti ilie ri^t to vote in 1870 via the 15ih Amendment to the Cnnsutution which slated diat the r ^ t to voie shall not be denied or abndged on the bavis of race color or previous tondiuon of senitude In the decaile after the Ciil War Blacks voted in for greater numbers in the St)uth than Whnes But that ijuickly charged With the withdrawal of federal troops and the collapse of Reconstruction White Siiuthemers led bgt-terrorist groups such as the Ku Klux KJan let loose a r e ^ of terror to drive Blacks luim the voting booth In addition many states insiituied literacy tests poD taxes informal voting cigtdes grandfather clauses vouchers oi good character and dis^jualificatiun for cTimes of moral turpitude were utilised to disenfranchise Black voters TactKs such as the all White primary and gerrymandering of elcciiim districts further reduce Black voting strength anti alniigtst elintinaied the number of Black elected officials By IKK) iJlacts had v-inuallgt diraquoappcare^l from Southern voting rrfls

Most African Americans passionately believed voters in Florida wen baiiiboozkd at the votmg booths during the 2000 electionlo believe otherwise would be to ignore the sordid hislorj of the Souths century-long efftm to disenfranchise Black voters states Mangt-n Clark Founder Curator for Black Cinematheque Sc ari pleised to jwn with the Dallas Branch of the NA-CP in presenting these two imponani films and to discuss cniical issues of empowering people of color Ccdumnist Junious Ricardo Stanton in his piece Wliy We Should Be Better Informed About turreni Events wntes I haw no vendetta against (icurgeW Bush

My uppositioii to him is because he and his

Program on Voter Fraud in Florida administraticm were put into oBice by fraud and widespread ivter disenfranchisement in Florida If you have a loved one in the military they may be sent to a Iar aw ay land to die for Bushs oil and glot^hegemony ^enda What will you get out of it other then a llag draped casket What if they return uraiinded or maimed Are you aware Bush sponsored legislaiiltraquoi to cut veteran benefits

reduce hazardous duty pay and family separation allowances Have you noticed the media rarely shows any funerals for the fallen soldiers and Bush never attends Whats up with that h the war on terrorism wtirih the bdlkms of laxpas-er dollars being spent or the iiuvKcni lives being lost What about all the opium and heron flowing into AmeriKKKa now that the Taliban has been


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F-ax (ir Mmait copy for quote I-ax 072-500-0058 l-mail opporiunity (imonthejiazcttecom



Scaled proposals for highway improvement contracts will be received by the Texas Department ofTransportaiitm (TxDOT) until the date(amp) shtgtwn below

and then publicly read


Coniraa 6103-62-001 for CHAIN MXK FENCE in DALLAS County will be opened on November 1 3 3003 ar 1030 am at the

District Office for an estimate of 527400000 Contract 6104-27-001 for POTHOLE REPAIR in DALL^S Counrj

will be opened on November I 3 2003 at 1030 am at the District Office for an estimate of 829535000

Contract 6104-76-001 for STORM SEIXER AND INLET CLEANING in DALi^S County wjll be opened on November 13 2003 at 1030 am

at [he District Office for an estimate of $27894000

Plans and specifications are available for inspection along with bidding proposals and applications for the TxDOT Prcqualificd Contraciors list at

the applicable State andor DisLDiv OHiccs listed below Bidders must submit prequalification information to TxDOT at least 10 days prior to the bid date m be eligible to bid on a project Prequalification materials may

be requested from the State Office listed below Plans for the above contraa(s) are available froniTxDOTs website at wwwdotstatetxus and

from reproduction companies at the expense of the contractor NPO 11133

Stale OfHce ConslrMaint Division

200 E Riwrside Dr AustinTexas 78704

Phone512-416-2540 DisLDiv Officc(s)

Dallas District District Engineer 4777 E Hwy 80

MesquiteTexas 75150-6643 Phone214-320-6100

Minimum wage rates are set out in bidding documents and the rates will be part of the contract TXDOT ensures that bidders will not be discriminated

against on the grounds of race color sex or national origin


EAGLE CONTRACTING LP an Equal Opportunity Employer is soliciting Minority Owned and

Women Owned Business Enterprises for

Supply and Materia Supply Bids for the following project

City of Dallas Water Utilities

Southside WWTP Peak Flow Basin and Site


Bid Date October 06 2003

at 130 pm

Contact Charles Howard at

Metro 817-379-1897 Fax Metro 817-379-0610

Mail to Eagle Contracting LP

PO Box 1600 Keiler Texas 76244

depose J m Alghanistan How will these detdoptiwiUv impact our aimmunities Robert bull-Mien editor of The Black Scholar states Of course it wjs first and ia^i about race this stolen election - nd then Giire didnt wunt to tourfi it because Gore dulnt w^nt to break with White supran3cgtmdasheen though that meant hed lose the election Thats biw much VSTiite raquoupreinacgt means to him Can j-ou imagine Hed rather lose the Presidcnc than stand wiih Black folks



To iiKfcdsc prtlaquoipdion aftd opportuniiir avdiiabitity to HUB

Bireinesses GTECH has extefuJea the so^citatJon deadhne preroosfy

put)gtisheij in this paper Inteiested HUB busmeaes s kould f o r v ^ ir^rmatwn ^4kx mquines lO

(TECH Claquofplaquoitilaquoii HUB OpCfdIOt

8200 Cameron Road Su-teE-l20

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Career ODDortunities Contact Ms Janice Deans to advertise in our career opportunity scctum y72-6l()-715t ix or Imail copy for quote

Fax OT^oC-JO^R Hmait opptgtrtunny ((monthegaeiieconi

ROUTE PERSONS Needed For GarlandVlesquite

Piano Richardson N Dalla-s FarmersviUe Wylic

VicKinney Uen Frisco Leuisvillc Deniun Dallas Areas

Sularv Segotiablt

Qj(972) 606-3261 Please leave a message

M O N - T h e G a z e t t e is looking for community writers and reporters

Pay on a contract basis or by the hour Email your resume to editori^ monthegazettecom

or fax to 972-516-4197 Leave a message at 972-881-1646

Little Flock Bapt is t C h u r c h

905 E Aimee -PO Box 903

Forney Texas 75126 is currently looking for

a pianistorganist

Please call Pastor Laurent at


- S j ^


stablished Art gallery looking for exceptional salesperson to

leadlcreate sales forces and to sell art in corporate environment Fax

your resume to 2147525589 or e-mail it to stephaniegallerycotn

For more information call 2147525588

S m a l l C o m p a n y Needs

Administrative Assistant 16 to 20 Hours per week

St have JuQwIedge of Microsoft QuickBooks

Excel Software package

bull Day Hours bull Must be Organized

bull Must be Self-Starter 972-606-3891

Voice Mail leave message Fax Resume to 972-881-1646

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Fage 8 bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Minority Opportunity Netvs - The Gazette Iisit (hir Website At tLiiivM()rhv(iazitlvinifi


Over the years I have received things that helped me on my lifes journey This is another one that I believe you will like and perhaps put it to use

A r e Your P r i o r i t J e S t r a i g h t Author Unknown

One day an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and to drive home a point used an illustration those student will never forget

As he stood in front of the group of high-powered overachievers he said Okay time for a quiz the expert pulled out a one-gallon mason jar and set it on the table in front of him He also produced about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them one at a time into the jar When the jar could hold no more rocks he asked Is this jar full Everyone in the class yelled Yes The time management expert replied Really

He reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel He dumped some gravel in and shook the jar causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the spaces between the fist-

sized rocks He then asked the students once more Is the jar full By this time the class was on to him Probably not one of them answered Good he replied He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all of the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel

Once more he asked the question Is this jar full No the class shouted Once again he said Good Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the brim

He looked at the class and asked What is the point of this illustration One eager beaver raised his hand and said The point is no matter how full your schedule is if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in it No thats not the point the expert replied The truth that this illustration teaches us is If you dont put the big rocks in first youll never get them in at all

What are the big rocks in your lifemdashtime with your loved ones your faith your education your dreams a worthy cause teaching or mentoring others

Remember to put the BIG

Feel Better Now


- ^ A M

Uplifting Inspirational Music i rn- t -- t t^ ltlt^t w p

New Mt Zion Baptist Church of Dallas S u n d a y S e r v i c e Morning Worship

730 a m amp 1030 am 900 am Sunday School

W e d n e s d a y S e r v i c e Prayer Meeting 700 pm

Brotherhood 700 pm Missions 700 pm

Singles Group 700 pm Bible Study 745 pm Pastor Robert E Price

A Praying Church Family Watchmen on the Walls

214-341-6459 (Phone) bull 214-342-8403 (Fax) 9550 Shepard Road

Dal las TX 75243

wwwnmzborg (Website) bull newmzbcra aolcom (Email)

Friendship Baptist Church iDr C Paul McBride Pastor

Schedule of Services Sunday

Early Morning Worship 800 am

Sunday School Classes 930 am

Morning Worship 1100 am

Evening Worship (1st Sunday) 600 pm

Tuesday Early Bird Bible Study 600 pm

Wednesday Morning Bible Study 930 am Prayer Meeting and 730 pm

Evening Bible Study

4396 Main Street The Colony Texas 75056

(972) 625-8186 website wwwfbc-oniinenet

The Church wi th a V i s ion

bullhilgt H n a t l ( gt V i r i i ( bull niti

ROCKS in first or youll never get them in at all So when you are reflecting on this short story ask yourself this question What are the big rocks in my life Then put those in your jar first

KXY PXOPLX Xvxn though my kxyboard is

an old modxl it works quitx wxU xxcxpt for onx of thx kxs It is trux that all thx othxr kxys work wxll xnough but just this onx kxy not working makxs a diffxrxncx

Somxtimxs it sxxms likx a txam is somxwhat likx my old kxyboardmdashnot all thx kxy pxoplx arx working

You may say to yoursxlf wxll I am only onx pxrson I wont makx or brxak a txam xffort But IT DOXS makx a diffxrxncx bxcausx a txam xffort to bx xffxctivx nxxds thx activx participation of xveryonx

So thx nxxt timx you think that your xfforts will not bx missxd rxmxmbxr my old kxyboard You are important

Email starpley(flwtnet Pager 214-833-1639

Voice Mail 972-606-3878 Fax 972-516-4197

Let MOS-The Gazette help your church accomplish the Priiyer ofjiiiv Utilargc imr UTTtuny to cxpiiid opportimilics ihtii may impaci iraquo tuch a vxty thai vx towh more Invs for (Jods glory IM US do more for Him

Church Happenings ALL NATIONS IJWTEP M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H

Thnu^ tht Last Sumiaj im Otutbrr 845 tm- 9i4 am

The Prayer of Jabez Bible Study ledby Dr Clara M Reed

October 19-During Morning Worship Service

Annual Mens Day For more information call 972-


All Nations United Methodist Church Dr Clara M Reed Pastor 3415 liast H t h Street Piano TX 75074 972-424-8500


October 11 CiOOpm

First Alrican American Health Summit - Hosted by Robert Ashley and Ester Davis

Panel led by Jewel Pookrum M D PhD FounderDirecior of the Civilized Medicine Institute Free to the public (Limited Seating)

For more information or to register contact Wessie Huckaby 214-376-6170

Ilethcl Temple Pentecostal Church Bishop James Mitchell 4014 S Lancaster Road Da l las TX 75216 214-374-1992


0e$9itr IS lOiOOam - 200 fm Cancer Awareness amp Prevention

Celebration bullFree Prostate Cancer Screening bullCancer Survivors and Testimonials bullSignificance of Spirituality and

Cancer-Fighting Foods bullHealth Promotion Giveawagt-s For more information call 972-625-


Friendship Baptist Church Dr C Paul McBride Pastor 4396 Main Street The ColonyTX 75056 972-625-818b


iriSamday ^Eatk MmtA Free blood pressure screening in the

Who Are the Women of God Why is MON-The Gazette Honoring Them On Mothers Day Weekend 2004 What Can You Do To Be A Part Of The Momentous Occasion

Go To kvw^vmontfiegazetfecom QtV on Women 0 Cod) or ConlacI Sister Xarpiey

Al 972-606-3878 voice moi l

Church Directory

Saint Mark Missionary Baptist Cliurch m 1308 Wilcox Street McKinney Tx

Pastor Charles S Wattley

Sunday Education Ministries 930 am Worship Celebration 1100 am - Nursery Facilities Available -

Wednesday Family Ministries 700 pm

Friendly Fellowship with A Family Focus For More Information Call

9725426178 wwwsaintmarkbccom


ShJIoh lAissionary Baptist Church 920 E 14th Street Piano TX

Monday 7PM Youth Brotherhood Mission

amp Young Adult Ministr ies

Tuesday 7PM Bible Study amp Mens Choir

Wednesday 7PM Mid-Week Service

Thursday 7PM Mass Choir

Z z z Q H X m


m 03

O c 2

I For more information call (972) 423-6695


gym after evening services For more information on times amp

room call 972-644-2335 Smu^fja gtfi(r f p n n q Srrmro

at ArAMpoundt0nmm Achievers are Successful

Tutoring Program the TAKS test and how lo become a TUTOR Tutoring for grades K-12

For more information call 972-644-2335

Greenville Avenue Church of Christ Minister Sheitun Gibbs III Pastor 1013 S Greenville Avenue Richardson TX 75081 972-644-2335

Church Happenings Page 10

School Dlsfrta

To View our upcoming bids ( ease go to

the Piano ISD Purchasing Department web

Go to wwwpisdedu dick on web site lnlaquo

dex then choose the letter P and follow

the links to the Purchasing Department

J^ y^w i((hffSf (iifru 1701 W Icffcrson St Grand Prairie Texas 7 J 0 J 1

2B0J Market Loop Suite ]00 Soufhiake Texas 7fgt092

Dennv H Dais Seranl

7fla M 900 AM IfWW AVlt and 1 AM

Mt Olive Church of Piano 740 Avenue F Suite 303

Piano TX 75074

A Non-denominational Church for all Nations

Pastor Sam Fenceroy Pastor Gloria Fenceroy Schedule of Serv ices

Sunday School 930 am Morning Worship 1045 am M e n ampWomen Ministrgt- 1st amp 3rd Mondays 730 p m I-eadership Meeting 2nd Mondays 730 p m Singles Ministrj- 4 th Mondays 730 pm Youth Bible Study Wednesdays 730 p m

Mid-Wcck Serice Wednesdays 715 p m M o t h e r s D a y O u t T u e s d a y amp T h u r s d a y 900 a m - 200 p m

Servicios En Espanol Domingos Noche 630 pni

Jueves Noche 730 pm

Phone 972-633-5511 Fax 972-633-3728

Email mocop740i^ Verizonnet P a s t o r s P e d r o a n d

D i a n a S a n t i l l a n

K i i d i n Hr tKu l i i s ( S t a l i n n KMO A M - K ( i ( i H M - l H I S a m - l ( l U raquo a m

Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Page 9


Back Page Elite News Religious Hall of

Fame Celebrate Grand Opening Dallas TX- The Elite

News Religious Hall of Fame founded by William Bill Blair held its grand opening celebration recently in Dallas Guests brought rehgious contributions to enhance the growth of this one of a kind

historical facility The Religious Hall of Fame Museum opened during the latter part of the summer with a ribbon-cutting ceremony The 15-room venue was designed to acknowledge and honor ministers and selected leaders that positively

influenced their community and nation by improving the quality of life for others The Hall of Fame is located at 5554 South Hampton Road Dallas TX For more information contact Debra Blair-Abron or Jordon Blair at 214-372-6500

Charity Golf Tournament to Benefit Local Organization T h e 5lh Annual Westside Bapnsi

Church Charity Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday October 18th 1100 am at Indian Creek Municipal Golf Course Cairoll ton Texas Registration for the W B C Charitgt- Golf Tournament benefiting Big Brothers and Big SistersDallas is ofBciallgt open for sign up T h e mission of the charit e^ent is to raise the communitys awareness for the need of mentors for the hundreds of children on the ^-altlng list to be matched T h e cost is S8000 (includes green fees can prizes and food)


wwwwestsidebaptistchurchcom for more infonnation or to complete a registration form Your completed

Church Happenings Page 9


L N S T I T U T l - f G M O R - D F W ^

Moniiajri amp Thumiayi ^bull00 pm- 845 pm

N o w taking registrat ions for Bachelor of ITieologv Bachelor of Biblical Studies and Bachelor of Counseling Classes Dr Kenneth W Johnson Executive Director

Gospe l M i n i s t r y O u t r e a c h Theologica l I n s t i t u t e (G MOR -D F W )

( Ins ide S h e k i n a h Glo ry C o m m u n i t y C h u r c h ) B i shop R o b e r t B th r idge P a s t o r 515 West C e n t e r S t r e e t D u n c a n v U l c T X 75138 1-800-923-9149


Oclraquohrr2S lOeOOtm bull 20Qpm Annual Health Fair - Free Includes screenings testing gtve-

a-ways food and more For more information call 972-

235-4633 Ul

H a m i l t o n P a r k Un i t ed M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h Rev D e r r i c k Wr igh t P a s t o r 11881 S c h r o c d e r R o a d D a U a s T X 75243



75th C h u r c h Anniversary Musical- 630 p m


Oitober 19 Homecoming Service 330 p m Rev Roy Rocke - Guest Speaker For more information call 214-823-


Hopewel l M i s s i o n a r y B a p t i s t C h u r c h Rev Michae l H u b b a r d S e n i o r P a s t o r 5144 Dolph in R o a d D a l l a s T X 75223 214-823-1018


OnobtrlI9rOOMm Mens Prayer Breakfast

Ottobrr 17-18 Marriage Enr ichment Conference Building Your Marriage to Last Sidney amp Carol Bcal Conference

Speakers Cost S3500 per couple

Ocnbtr26 Annual Mens Day Celebration T h e m e Men running the race with

passion purpose and power Morning Speaker Rev Stuart Bailey For more information call 972-998-


Keller S p r i n g s Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev L a r r y S a n d e r s P a s t o r 3227 Keller S p r i n g s R o a d C a r r o l l t o n T X 75006


2MI amp 4tb SunJdyi Blood pressure screenings available

after 1100 am service

M e s q u i t e F r i e n d s h i p Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev Te r ry AL T u r n e r P a s t o r 2232 Frank l in Dr ive M e s q u i t e T X 75150



Tomorrow Lttt night October JO 700 pm Annual Fall Revival For more information call 940-320-


M o r s e S t r e e t Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev A R S tokes P a s t o r 921 M o r s e S t r e e t D e n t o n T X 76205 940-320-5364


TmeuiMyt amp ThtntUyi 9O0Mm~2tO0fM

Mothers Day Out Program for ages 2 months to 4 years of age Phonics numbers colors shapes amp other early childhood skills will be offered

For enro l lment package amp registration fees contact Sister Seretha Dawkins at 9 7 2 - 6 3 3 - 5 5 1 1 be tween 900 am and 200 pm

0(nhltr29~3l Vision Summit 2003 Conference For more information call 972-633-


M t Olive C h u r c h of P i a n o Rev S a m Fenceroy P a s t o r 740 Avenue F P i a n o T X 75075 972-633-5511



OcuAtr 25 liOOpm - SiOOpm Womens Ministry Conference TTieme Hearing the Hear t of a

Godly Man A panel of Godly men will be addressing the issues of both the married and single woman

For more information call Barbara

Miller at 972-235-2882

N o r t h Dal las C o m m u n i t y Bible Fel lowship Rev I^eslie W S m i t h P a s t o r

302 C e n t e n n i a l Blvd R i c h a r d s o n T X 75081-5057 972-437-3493


Octobtr 15-17 -^iiOpm Youth Revival New Bethel Baptist

C h u r c h 101 Elm Flat Road in Kerens Texas

Otnher I9j-00pm Worship Exper ience at Harvey

Avenue Baptist Church 1257 East Har ey in Ft WorthTexas

OcMitr2i 7iMgtpm Greater Renfro Memoria l C O G I C

700 East Park Avenue in Corsicana Texas

Octahtr 26 1200 Na^n Salem Baptist C h u r c h 3400

Mitchell Blvd in Ft WorthTexas Oetwitr 26 JM pm

M l Olive Baptist Church 2105 East Jones Avenue in Corsicana Texas

S ix th venue Bap t i s t C h u r c h S e r v a n t KD Davis Sr P a s t o r amp O v e r s e e r C o r s i c a n a T X 7 5 U 0

Siid vu i i r c h i i r v h ai i iKui iKct i icnis m e d i u i r i i nit inth^U i t l lcciMn n r lax to raquo r -S l ( - 41 raquo - Wi t hu i - ch M i i p p c n i n j s D e a d l i n e s a r e l r i i l a gt v txrtitre p u b l t c a i i o i i i lau- ( M t gt N - I h c G a c t t i - is pub l iNht t l c a t l i Thurs t l av )

Christian Meltwdist Episcopal Chirch 1113 I Avlaquo P b i i H x T X 7 5 0 7 4 ( 0 7 2 ) 4 2 5 - 4 0 0 0

Rlaquov J a i t t M E L a r r y P a v l o r

Sunday School 930 AM Sunday Worship Serviclaquo 1100 AM Wednftsday NIght- 730 PM Community Bibia Claaa

DavStar IHilv^rangc Ministries

Our Services S u n d a y

uIHLlgt School 1000 a j a Midday Smicc ll-OOun

TuelaquoIagt Pragter senke 700 pJii-

Senkt TJO pjo

Sponsored bgt The Touch Ministn bull Women in Transition (WIT)

Website wwwthetouchministrvcom bull Phone 972-769-laquog26

l l ( t - ^ H raquo 1 i l bull I M I O N t i sNH lgt bull I h u K i I

Sttns Chapel Baptist Church The Fellowship of Love

(Sharing Love Saving Souls and Changing Lives)

Sunday Services Early Morning Hiirship S00 atn

Sunday School tOJO am Mid-Morning Worahip 1130 am

Bible Study Wtdnlaquoaday Sight Live a 730 ptrt

^tUrun III Senior Potior

317 Parker Drive bull Garland TX 75040

Phone 972-276-0014 bull Fax 972-276-2444

Website wtvwSintsChapelorg

Gospel Ministry Outreach Theological Institute

GMOR - DFW Since 1982

Halpiiif M raquo laquo bull raquo the CTBcrtty of Spiriiual lUltcrocy in ChriMlaa Ihrooffa thcot^ckal bullnidin

Bachelor of BlbUcai S iud io BMbelw ol BibUul CountftUat And Bachelor ofThcology in Claai-rootn or

CorropondcoEC course Wt abo offer (be Vlailer and DoclorMc dcf rec program a wcU

CaU for rcftenvtioa and more informattoni l-WO-923-9149 today

Igtr Kvniu-lh J i thnMrn IXOiv lxecutive O i r c v t o r

A- Hamilton Park United S Methodist Church

Rev Derrick Wright S e n i o r P a s t o r

S u n d a y S c h o o l

830 am

Morning Praise 945 am

Sunday Worship 1000 am

Wednesday Service 630 pm

(Childcare Available Each Sunday)

A Christian Community of Faith Called by God to Make

Disciples for Jesus Christ

11881 Schroeder Road

Dallas TX 75243-3656

Phone 972-235-4633 bull Fax 972-235-5713

Email hparkumaolcom

Website wwwhparkumcorg

Little Flock Baptist Church

P a s t o r Louis E L a u r e n t

Internet Broadcast wwwkrgmcom

(Mon - Fr i (sect 12 Noon)

A Place Where a Taste of die Word is Guaranteed

Sunday School 930 am

Sunday Morning Worship 1045 am

Tuesday Night Brotherhood 700 pm

Wednesday Prayer MeetingBiUe Study 7KXgtpm

bullraquolaquolt II Ainun- SirccI bull IUgt Iliw Wt bull Iwncy Itxiis bull If IMituie i4-35- 02l

New Life Fellowship of Hamilton Park

8219 Bunche Drive bull Dallas TX 75243 972-671-1096

R e v e r e n d M i l l e r E J o h n s o n J r S e n i o r P a s t o r

I U ^ i n n i n K raquo - bull bull II bull u i m h i n n ^ i

Sunday Morning Bible School 91S ain MornlnK Worship Service 10)0 ain Evening Worship (Agape Hour) F l n l Sunday 600 pm

Wcdneulay Nifiht Prayer Meeting and Evening Bible Study ^l S pm

registration form can be mailed directly to W B C and or given to a Tournament Commit tee Member For additional

questions please contact Dennis Edwards at (972) 906-3434 or dennisedrardslticomcastnet

W h o Are the Women of God bull Why ij MONThe GoieHe Honoring Them On Mothers

Dtty Weekend 2 0 0 4 bull WhltA Con You Do To Be A Port Of The Momentoui Occasion

Go To wwwmonffiegoietteeom (Clkk on Women Of Goltf)

or Contact Siiler Torpley At 972-606-3878 voice moif

Join us at one of our fun relaxed and inspiring services

mi SrnMW ^tlAv- bull Terrv HomhttckU

2 3 5 0 E M a y f t t k l K O M I AHinncmi T e u u 7 6 0 1 4

(817) 557-MM or wwwuilaquoapect un

M M POMERheuM br KiM FMhMv 0laquonMSUMlClaquotraquo

Loving ft Fmndhr AfnMpfwnt


Keller Springs Baptist Church (Purstihif The Pcfson^ The Presence

and The Ttnver of Ciod)

S u n d a y M o r n i n g U i b l e S t u d i e s 900 a m

Sundagt- M o r n i n g W o r s h i p 1045 a m

M o n d a y N i ^ t D i s c i p l e s h i p 700 p m

^ d n e s d a gt - N i g h t P r a y e r amp P r a i s e 700 p m

( C l h i l d c a r e A aUab le E a c h S e r v i c e )

S r Ia-lor

3227 Keller Springs Road bull Carrollton TX 75006-12(tO Phone 972-735-S077 bull l-ax 972-73S-S0S7

liniail Infci ltf kcllerspringsorg Website wwwkellcrspringsorg

All Nations United ^ Methodist Church vt

DrU^gt^ M iJ

Senior Iulor

Dr Btrt 4ffJeck

Hispanic Minislriea

Christian by Faith Diverse by Design

Sunday S 43afi Lsconay 60e S^JCJ

Sifdsf 845m SjidayScfca SiHay 84Sam EsbdoBttcoEnEspand Stnday IftflOm VfcnNpSenice Tuesday TdCpm PrayefMeetrc

3415 E 14th St Piano TX bull 75074

972-424-8500 wwwallnationsumcorg

(Free itrsery Provided For Ages 4 and Under)

Other ministries include English As A Second Language

and Spanish As A Second Language Classes

Tempie ofTaitfi

Christian Cfiapef CMJE Cfiiircfi

Where Jesus is the Main Attraction

Sunday Worship Experience 800 am amp 1045 am

Wednesday Bii)le Study 1200 Noon amp 700 pm

D r J e r o m e E

M c N e i l J r P a s t o r

14120 Noel Road

Dallas TX 75254

72-2gt 9 120 (OfHce) bull 972-239-5^25 (FH) teinpleofraith_cmesbcglobalnet (Email)

llciillli) l(t^iuitiiis ( liilil l)ifl()|Mninl ( tnlci

bull)72 404 141

Minority Opportunity ews -The Gazette 6100 Ave AT Suite 105 ((iiSpring Creek l^irkway) Plano^ Texas 75074 Phone 9725162992 Fax 9725099058 Email Editor^moPtthegazettecofn i

m Page 10 bull October 09 - October IS 2003 bull Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette

I i j lt ) i gt U gt gt i ( I i i U i 4 I ( gt ( i i - j i t laquo m u

Brad Keller Tapped To Helm Filmcor Productions A Killer Within Dallas TXDallas filmmaker

Brad Keller will direct Filmcor Produaions first indie feature A Killer Within starring C

Thomas Howell (The Hitchcr The Outsiders and Gods and Gene ra l s ) and Sean Young (No Way Out A Kiss B e f o r e Dying and 1st to D i e ) Filmcor is still in n e g a t i o n bullbull with Esai M o r a l e s ( L a Bamba and N Y P D B l u e ) K e i n D i l l o n ( P la toon and The Doors) and Latin multi-platinum artist Cheyerme The project has been in research and development for the past six months and is set to begin production on November 17th The film will be shot entirety in the DallasFt Worth area and is scheduled to wxap on December 2oth

A Killer Within centers around the character ADDISON TERRILL (Howell) a Dallas attorney who comes home one night to find his wife brutally murdered with the words Now were even scrawled across the bedroom wall The cops suspect he killed her and now ADDISON must race through the underside of Dallas to find the only other suspect His ally is a grudging ex-cop (Morales or Cheyenne) who knows what it takes to deliver justice If they can overcome their differences theyll be able to solve the case before anyone else gets hiu-t But sometimes the problem with crime is the deeper you dig the darker the secrets you unfold-and together they might just discover tKat thereisa1EiUer within us all

From the beginning of his filmmaking career Keller has remained true to his desire to keep it local from the majority of the cast to the crew Im really excited about being able to direct a film of this magnitude right here in Dallas says Keller It has been such a long time since weve had a really big feature film project with star power behind it like this one in the city There are another twenty-five roles yet to be cast in the film and Im looking forward to being able to pull actors from the local talent pool

Local casting on the project will begin October Isi Cast and crew resumes can be sent to MPS Studios 139 Regal Row

Dallas TX 75247 The production office phone number is 2149059908

ABOUT THE FILMMAKER Brad Keller was born in

R c d o n d o t California in I DD He moved lo North Texas m 1985 to attend film school at North Texas State U n i v e r s i t y W^ile there he made two short films

His film Professor at the t i m e r e c o m m e n d e d that Brad be hired to work on the film Born On The Fourth Of July for which he worked under director Oliver Stone In

1990 Brad graduated from the University with a Bachelors degree in Radio amp Telension Film Arts Shortly after his graduation Brad was asked back to work on JFK

In 1991 Brad wrote produced and directed a short film hoping to get into the American Film Institute for Directors In 1992 Brad was accepted into the program ^Tiile there he directed the film Next Three Exits The film was produced by Phillip TTiomas currendy one of Goldie Hawns producers The films actors have landed extended teleision roles Christa Miller worked as a regular on the Drew Carey Show Rodney Rowland was regular on Pensacola Wings of Gold and Pat Brown played as the secretary in Coach and was a star in Sister Act

In 1993 Brad went back to Texas to work as a Director on a

TGI Fridays commercial for a friend After working on several commercials such as Shell Miller Genuine Draft and Six Flags Brad decided to move back to Dallas While steadily working on commercials and industrials Brad wrote his first screenplay Shadowed Love In 1995 Brad produced and directed his first feature film Shadowed Love The filpi was distributed by MC3 Entertainment

Later that year Brad wrote and directed the short film Criminal He worked with Michael Off Director of Photography of Its In The Water and Children Of The Com In 1996 Brad met John

Steakley author of Vampires and Armor who had just finished writing his first screenplay and was looking for a producer and director After viewing Brads body of work Mr Steakley hired Brad to produce and to direct the feature film Scar Texas Movie That same year MC3 Entertainment gave Brad the financing to produce the feature film Six Dollars A Minute

In 1997 Brad produced the comedy Social Ladder directed by Lenny Britton w ho was the screenwriter of the feature film Precious Find In 1998 Brad wrote produced and directed the feature comedy Loofa It is now

being distributed by Salt City Home Video In 1999 Brad wrote produced and directed the feature thriller Placing Dead which went on to sell over 80000 copies worldwide His latest project Jacked is currently in post production

Brad has won two awards One for Producing on the comedy film Thunderpussies and the other for Directing Software Corporate video Brad teaches as a professor of Film and Digital Processing at Dallas colleges on his spare time

Runaway Jury A man (John Cusack) on a

jury in a landmark lawsuit against a gun manufacturer conspires with a woman (Rachel Weisz) to swing the verdict Because its such a high-profile lawsuit and there are millions at stake he finds himself in conflict with a jury consultant (Gene Hackman)

and a lawyer (Dusiin Hoffman) who will do anything to get the verdict he wants starts October 172003

The House of the Dead Several college students on

spring break in Seattle make plans to hit a rave on a remote island just outside the city But when they arrive late mdash having missed the main boat mdash they discover the island deserted and no revelers in sight Finally they

meet two trembling students who say the rest of the kids were attacked and eaten by zombies Starts October lo 2003

STARTS FRIDAY OCTOBER 10 lpound7]4laquono


If- - i

bullKMIBMniitC MlaquoTNtATWraquo



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Tlie Strokes-11-06 bullNcxtStife


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]iii Our Websiteit ivivwMOS IheiMUzettecnm

W^ Stephanie Ward Gallery 2546 Elm St Dallas Texas 75226

C u s t o m F raming Sale 30 oflall frames and - 50 off all in suKk frames AH framesi art is 40ii off (Beautiful rqinxluctions and originals

included in tlus sale) Sale ends Sqit 272003

Come visit the gallery He have a hoat ofneiu original artwork by local artista - huge contemporary abstracts figurative and cubist styles

We will be hosting a series of seminars on collecting and appreciating art now through November If you are interested please

send us your e-mail and mailing addres Topics will include understanding cubism Art appreciation 101 Collecting 101

Framing and preserving you art workjllic scoop on art appraisal The philosophy of modern art History of folk and figurative art

Understanding the secondary market and other topics First Seminar is scheduled for Sept 20 2003 Basic Art

Undcrsatanding Call for more details 2147525588

Sponsorship opportunities available for seminars

Home Is Where The Art Is StcphaiiicK jmllery b hwkUng a contest culled Homf U Where The Ai-t IB

Show us how jou displaji-d gtour a n purchased from the gallery and win up to $500 in custom framinK- Stnd a ph(itigt(traph of the art hatiftuiK lo your home If

it a p p e o n un our website we wiU e-mail you a certificate

2 1 4 7 5 2 5 5 8 8

Excttlnq now attractions

STiTET ICelobrity 1 KitchMif

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I Ueitcs m rw bullraquo bullbull bull

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Pumokin Carving

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14S659raquoai bull wwwbitf


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bull(bullin fo i i i ^ i i bull

bullgti() VOi - (bullii ^omcast

Minority Opportunity Netys - The Gazette bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Page 7


Black Cinematheque Dallas and the Dallas NAACP to Host Film Black CuiL-nijilitjqaL Dalla^ will parincr

with the Dallas Branch nf ihc NAACP lo htisi a film pngtgram atviui wiiiT fraud and ihe aiiack on dinnocrjLV in Amerita iTiJay October 17 2003 800 IM at [he South Dallas Cultural Center i40lt) S Fiizhug^ Street DallasTexai Tickets are $5(X) and tan be piinhascd at the doiirnie public shiaikl Kill 21 M26-lgtlaquo3 tor informality

Filml Oeoee Lxigaty of the FJeciion Day Massacre by Bianca While amp Sandra Kiasa 26 min 2002 Orbanworld Film Festival - WiniKT Beit Short Documentary in the early twentieth century Ocoee was hltimc to one of Fliraquo-idas most prosperous African American CMnmunitics In I920on eleclitgtn day when Blacks tried to vote they were haraswrd bullied beaten and murdered One igtf Central Floridas most notorious incident of raciaJ viokaice the Ocoee Massaere began after iViose Norman a Black fanner who migrated to Central Florida friMn South Carolina in a mule-drawn wagon tried tii vole in the 1120 eleaion Xh (s descended on Ocoee and found Norman ai the home of a friend July Perry In the ensuing shinitout Nttrman escaped but Perry was I Tiched and -iirung up with a bulliign that read This is what we do to niggers that vote Two dozen htiuse^ twn churchegt and a lodge were burned and according to an NAACP (^server migtre than 60 Blacks killed

Film ftl Unprecedented The 2000 Iresideniial Electiim by Ricliard Ray Perez fit Joan Sekler 50 mm is a riveting dixoimentary about the battle tor the Presidency in Florida anil the undcrminint of democracy in America

Filmmakers Richard Ray Perez and Joai Sekler exaimne modern Americas most conmAersial pobtical contest the EJeaion of (leorgi- VC Bush What emerges is a disturbing picture of an ekciion maned by suspiciougtp irreguUiritiei electoral injustices and sinister voter piirget m a state governed by the winning candidates brother (ieorge W Bush stole the presidency- itf the United Stale mdash and got away with It Dallas historian Mr Donald Peyion and repa-senuiivegt of the Dallas NACI will lead the figtll(Av up discnis^ion atter the screening erf the two tilnis

African AnKricans first obiaineti ilie ri^t to vote in 1870 via the 15ih Amendment to the Cnnsutution which slated diat the r ^ t to voie shall not be denied or abndged on the bavis of race color or previous tondiuon of senitude In the decaile after the Ciil War Blacks voted in for greater numbers in the St)uth than Whnes But that ijuickly charged With the withdrawal of federal troops and the collapse of Reconstruction White Siiuthemers led bgt-terrorist groups such as the Ku Klux KJan let loose a r e ^ of terror to drive Blacks luim the voting booth In addition many states insiituied literacy tests poD taxes informal voting cigtdes grandfather clauses vouchers oi good character and dis^jualificatiun for cTimes of moral turpitude were utilised to disenfranchise Black voters TactKs such as the all White primary and gerrymandering of elcciiim districts further reduce Black voting strength anti alniigtst elintinaied the number of Black elected officials By IKK) iJlacts had v-inuallgt diraquoappcare^l from Southern voting rrfls

Most African Americans passionately believed voters in Florida wen baiiiboozkd at the votmg booths during the 2000 electionlo believe otherwise would be to ignore the sordid hislorj of the Souths century-long efftm to disenfranchise Black voters states Mangt-n Clark Founder Curator for Black Cinematheque Sc ari pleised to jwn with the Dallas Branch of the NA-CP in presenting these two imponani films and to discuss cniical issues of empowering people of color Ccdumnist Junious Ricardo Stanton in his piece Wliy We Should Be Better Informed About turreni Events wntes I haw no vendetta against (icurgeW Bush

My uppositioii to him is because he and his

Program on Voter Fraud in Florida administraticm were put into oBice by fraud and widespread ivter disenfranchisement in Florida If you have a loved one in the military they may be sent to a Iar aw ay land to die for Bushs oil and glot^hegemony ^enda What will you get out of it other then a llag draped casket What if they return uraiinded or maimed Are you aware Bush sponsored legislaiiltraquoi to cut veteran benefits

reduce hazardous duty pay and family separation allowances Have you noticed the media rarely shows any funerals for the fallen soldiers and Bush never attends Whats up with that h the war on terrorism wtirih the bdlkms of laxpas-er dollars being spent or the iiuvKcni lives being lost What about all the opium and heron flowing into AmeriKKKa now that the Taliban has been


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Lesal Notices Cigtntact Ms Janice Deans to advertise in our career Dppo

F-ax (ir Mmait copy for quote I-ax 072-500-0058 l-mail opporiunity (imonthejiazcttecom



Scaled proposals for highway improvement contracts will be received by the Texas Department ofTransportaiitm (TxDOT) until the date(amp) shtgtwn below

and then publicly read


Coniraa 6103-62-001 for CHAIN MXK FENCE in DALLAS County will be opened on November 1 3 3003 ar 1030 am at the

District Office for an estimate of 527400000 Contract 6104-27-001 for POTHOLE REPAIR in DALL^S Counrj

will be opened on November I 3 2003 at 1030 am at the District Office for an estimate of 829535000

Contract 6104-76-001 for STORM SEIXER AND INLET CLEANING in DALi^S County wjll be opened on November 13 2003 at 1030 am

at [he District Office for an estimate of $27894000

Plans and specifications are available for inspection along with bidding proposals and applications for the TxDOT Prcqualificd Contraciors list at

the applicable State andor DisLDiv OHiccs listed below Bidders must submit prequalification information to TxDOT at least 10 days prior to the bid date m be eligible to bid on a project Prequalification materials may

be requested from the State Office listed below Plans for the above contraa(s) are available froniTxDOTs website at wwwdotstatetxus and

from reproduction companies at the expense of the contractor NPO 11133

Stale OfHce ConslrMaint Division

200 E Riwrside Dr AustinTexas 78704

Phone512-416-2540 DisLDiv Officc(s)

Dallas District District Engineer 4777 E Hwy 80

MesquiteTexas 75150-6643 Phone214-320-6100

Minimum wage rates are set out in bidding documents and the rates will be part of the contract TXDOT ensures that bidders will not be discriminated

against on the grounds of race color sex or national origin


EAGLE CONTRACTING LP an Equal Opportunity Employer is soliciting Minority Owned and

Women Owned Business Enterprises for

Supply and Materia Supply Bids for the following project

City of Dallas Water Utilities

Southside WWTP Peak Flow Basin and Site


Bid Date October 06 2003

at 130 pm

Contact Charles Howard at

Metro 817-379-1897 Fax Metro 817-379-0610

Mail to Eagle Contracting LP

PO Box 1600 Keiler Texas 76244

depose J m Alghanistan How will these detdoptiwiUv impact our aimmunities Robert bull-Mien editor of The Black Scholar states Of course it wjs first and ia^i about race this stolen election - nd then Giire didnt wunt to tourfi it because Gore dulnt w^nt to break with White supran3cgtmdasheen though that meant hed lose the election Thats biw much VSTiite raquoupreinacgt means to him Can j-ou imagine Hed rather lose the Presidcnc than stand wiih Black folks



To iiKfcdsc prtlaquoipdion aftd opportuniiir avdiiabitity to HUB

Bireinesses GTECH has extefuJea the so^citatJon deadhne preroosfy

put)gtisheij in this paper Inteiested HUB busmeaes s kould f o r v ^ ir^rmatwn ^4kx mquines lO

(TECH Claquofplaquoitilaquoii HUB OpCfdIOt

8200 Cameron Road Su-teE-l20

Ausun TX 7S754 PhOiW 51290a420C

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Career ODDortunities Contact Ms Janice Deans to advertise in our career opportunity scctum y72-6l()-715t ix or Imail copy for quote

Fax OT^oC-JO^R Hmait opptgtrtunny ((monthegaeiieconi

ROUTE PERSONS Needed For GarlandVlesquite

Piano Richardson N Dalla-s FarmersviUe Wylic

VicKinney Uen Frisco Leuisvillc Deniun Dallas Areas

Sularv Segotiablt

Qj(972) 606-3261 Please leave a message

M O N - T h e G a z e t t e is looking for community writers and reporters

Pay on a contract basis or by the hour Email your resume to editori^ monthegazettecom

or fax to 972-516-4197 Leave a message at 972-881-1646

Little Flock Bapt is t C h u r c h

905 E Aimee -PO Box 903

Forney Texas 75126 is currently looking for

a pianistorganist

Please call Pastor Laurent at


- S j ^


stablished Art gallery looking for exceptional salesperson to

leadlcreate sales forces and to sell art in corporate environment Fax

your resume to 2147525589 or e-mail it to stephaniegallerycotn

For more information call 2147525588

S m a l l C o m p a n y Needs

Administrative Assistant 16 to 20 Hours per week

St have JuQwIedge of Microsoft QuickBooks

Excel Software package

bull Day Hours bull Must be Organized

bull Must be Self-Starter 972-606-3891

Voice Mail leave message Fax Resume to 972-881-1646

C I T Y O F P L A N O T E X A S Piano

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Fage 8 bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Minority Opportunity Netvs - The Gazette Iisit (hir Website At tLiiivM()rhv(iazitlvinifi


Over the years I have received things that helped me on my lifes journey This is another one that I believe you will like and perhaps put it to use

A r e Your P r i o r i t J e S t r a i g h t Author Unknown

One day an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and to drive home a point used an illustration those student will never forget

As he stood in front of the group of high-powered overachievers he said Okay time for a quiz the expert pulled out a one-gallon mason jar and set it on the table in front of him He also produced about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them one at a time into the jar When the jar could hold no more rocks he asked Is this jar full Everyone in the class yelled Yes The time management expert replied Really

He reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel He dumped some gravel in and shook the jar causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the spaces between the fist-

sized rocks He then asked the students once more Is the jar full By this time the class was on to him Probably not one of them answered Good he replied He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all of the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel

Once more he asked the question Is this jar full No the class shouted Once again he said Good Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the brim

He looked at the class and asked What is the point of this illustration One eager beaver raised his hand and said The point is no matter how full your schedule is if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in it No thats not the point the expert replied The truth that this illustration teaches us is If you dont put the big rocks in first youll never get them in at all

What are the big rocks in your lifemdashtime with your loved ones your faith your education your dreams a worthy cause teaching or mentoring others

Remember to put the BIG

Feel Better Now


- ^ A M

Uplifting Inspirational Music i rn- t -- t t^ ltlt^t w p

New Mt Zion Baptist Church of Dallas S u n d a y S e r v i c e Morning Worship

730 a m amp 1030 am 900 am Sunday School

W e d n e s d a y S e r v i c e Prayer Meeting 700 pm

Brotherhood 700 pm Missions 700 pm

Singles Group 700 pm Bible Study 745 pm Pastor Robert E Price

A Praying Church Family Watchmen on the Walls

214-341-6459 (Phone) bull 214-342-8403 (Fax) 9550 Shepard Road

Dal las TX 75243

wwwnmzborg (Website) bull newmzbcra aolcom (Email)

Friendship Baptist Church iDr C Paul McBride Pastor

Schedule of Services Sunday

Early Morning Worship 800 am

Sunday School Classes 930 am

Morning Worship 1100 am

Evening Worship (1st Sunday) 600 pm

Tuesday Early Bird Bible Study 600 pm

Wednesday Morning Bible Study 930 am Prayer Meeting and 730 pm

Evening Bible Study

4396 Main Street The Colony Texas 75056

(972) 625-8186 website wwwfbc-oniinenet

The Church wi th a V i s ion

bullhilgt H n a t l ( gt V i r i i ( bull niti

ROCKS in first or youll never get them in at all So when you are reflecting on this short story ask yourself this question What are the big rocks in my life Then put those in your jar first

KXY PXOPLX Xvxn though my kxyboard is

an old modxl it works quitx wxU xxcxpt for onx of thx kxs It is trux that all thx othxr kxys work wxll xnough but just this onx kxy not working makxs a diffxrxncx

Somxtimxs it sxxms likx a txam is somxwhat likx my old kxyboardmdashnot all thx kxy pxoplx arx working

You may say to yoursxlf wxll I am only onx pxrson I wont makx or brxak a txam xffort But IT DOXS makx a diffxrxncx bxcausx a txam xffort to bx xffxctivx nxxds thx activx participation of xveryonx

So thx nxxt timx you think that your xfforts will not bx missxd rxmxmbxr my old kxyboard You are important

Email starpley(flwtnet Pager 214-833-1639

Voice Mail 972-606-3878 Fax 972-516-4197

Let MOS-The Gazette help your church accomplish the Priiyer ofjiiiv Utilargc imr UTTtuny to cxpiiid opportimilics ihtii may impaci iraquo tuch a vxty thai vx towh more Invs for (Jods glory IM US do more for Him

Church Happenings ALL NATIONS IJWTEP M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H

Thnu^ tht Last Sumiaj im Otutbrr 845 tm- 9i4 am

The Prayer of Jabez Bible Study ledby Dr Clara M Reed

October 19-During Morning Worship Service

Annual Mens Day For more information call 972-


All Nations United Methodist Church Dr Clara M Reed Pastor 3415 liast H t h Street Piano TX 75074 972-424-8500


October 11 CiOOpm

First Alrican American Health Summit - Hosted by Robert Ashley and Ester Davis

Panel led by Jewel Pookrum M D PhD FounderDirecior of the Civilized Medicine Institute Free to the public (Limited Seating)

For more information or to register contact Wessie Huckaby 214-376-6170

Ilethcl Temple Pentecostal Church Bishop James Mitchell 4014 S Lancaster Road Da l las TX 75216 214-374-1992


0e$9itr IS lOiOOam - 200 fm Cancer Awareness amp Prevention

Celebration bullFree Prostate Cancer Screening bullCancer Survivors and Testimonials bullSignificance of Spirituality and

Cancer-Fighting Foods bullHealth Promotion Giveawagt-s For more information call 972-625-


Friendship Baptist Church Dr C Paul McBride Pastor 4396 Main Street The ColonyTX 75056 972-625-818b


iriSamday ^Eatk MmtA Free blood pressure screening in the

Who Are the Women of God Why is MON-The Gazette Honoring Them On Mothers Day Weekend 2004 What Can You Do To Be A Part Of The Momentous Occasion

Go To kvw^vmontfiegazetfecom QtV on Women 0 Cod) or ConlacI Sister Xarpiey

Al 972-606-3878 voice moi l

Church Directory

Saint Mark Missionary Baptist Cliurch m 1308 Wilcox Street McKinney Tx

Pastor Charles S Wattley

Sunday Education Ministries 930 am Worship Celebration 1100 am - Nursery Facilities Available -

Wednesday Family Ministries 700 pm

Friendly Fellowship with A Family Focus For More Information Call

9725426178 wwwsaintmarkbccom


ShJIoh lAissionary Baptist Church 920 E 14th Street Piano TX

Monday 7PM Youth Brotherhood Mission

amp Young Adult Ministr ies

Tuesday 7PM Bible Study amp Mens Choir

Wednesday 7PM Mid-Week Service

Thursday 7PM Mass Choir

Z z z Q H X m


m 03

O c 2

I For more information call (972) 423-6695


gym after evening services For more information on times amp

room call 972-644-2335 Smu^fja gtfi(r f p n n q Srrmro

at ArAMpoundt0nmm Achievers are Successful

Tutoring Program the TAKS test and how lo become a TUTOR Tutoring for grades K-12

For more information call 972-644-2335

Greenville Avenue Church of Christ Minister Sheitun Gibbs III Pastor 1013 S Greenville Avenue Richardson TX 75081 972-644-2335

Church Happenings Page 10

School Dlsfrta

To View our upcoming bids ( ease go to

the Piano ISD Purchasing Department web

Go to wwwpisdedu dick on web site lnlaquo

dex then choose the letter P and follow

the links to the Purchasing Department

J^ y^w i((hffSf (iifru 1701 W Icffcrson St Grand Prairie Texas 7 J 0 J 1

2B0J Market Loop Suite ]00 Soufhiake Texas 7fgt092

Dennv H Dais Seranl

7fla M 900 AM IfWW AVlt and 1 AM

Mt Olive Church of Piano 740 Avenue F Suite 303

Piano TX 75074

A Non-denominational Church for all Nations

Pastor Sam Fenceroy Pastor Gloria Fenceroy Schedule of Serv ices

Sunday School 930 am Morning Worship 1045 am M e n ampWomen Ministrgt- 1st amp 3rd Mondays 730 p m I-eadership Meeting 2nd Mondays 730 p m Singles Ministrj- 4 th Mondays 730 pm Youth Bible Study Wednesdays 730 p m

Mid-Wcck Serice Wednesdays 715 p m M o t h e r s D a y O u t T u e s d a y amp T h u r s d a y 900 a m - 200 p m

Servicios En Espanol Domingos Noche 630 pni

Jueves Noche 730 pm

Phone 972-633-5511 Fax 972-633-3728

Email mocop740i^ Verizonnet P a s t o r s P e d r o a n d

D i a n a S a n t i l l a n

K i i d i n Hr tKu l i i s ( S t a l i n n KMO A M - K ( i ( i H M - l H I S a m - l ( l U raquo a m

Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Page 9


Back Page Elite News Religious Hall of

Fame Celebrate Grand Opening Dallas TX- The Elite

News Religious Hall of Fame founded by William Bill Blair held its grand opening celebration recently in Dallas Guests brought rehgious contributions to enhance the growth of this one of a kind

historical facility The Religious Hall of Fame Museum opened during the latter part of the summer with a ribbon-cutting ceremony The 15-room venue was designed to acknowledge and honor ministers and selected leaders that positively

influenced their community and nation by improving the quality of life for others The Hall of Fame is located at 5554 South Hampton Road Dallas TX For more information contact Debra Blair-Abron or Jordon Blair at 214-372-6500

Charity Golf Tournament to Benefit Local Organization T h e 5lh Annual Westside Bapnsi

Church Charity Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday October 18th 1100 am at Indian Creek Municipal Golf Course Cairoll ton Texas Registration for the W B C Charitgt- Golf Tournament benefiting Big Brothers and Big SistersDallas is ofBciallgt open for sign up T h e mission of the charit e^ent is to raise the communitys awareness for the need of mentors for the hundreds of children on the ^-altlng list to be matched T h e cost is S8000 (includes green fees can prizes and food)


wwwwestsidebaptistchurchcom for more infonnation or to complete a registration form Your completed

Church Happenings Page 9


L N S T I T U T l - f G M O R - D F W ^

Moniiajri amp Thumiayi ^bull00 pm- 845 pm

N o w taking registrat ions for Bachelor of ITieologv Bachelor of Biblical Studies and Bachelor of Counseling Classes Dr Kenneth W Johnson Executive Director

Gospe l M i n i s t r y O u t r e a c h Theologica l I n s t i t u t e (G MOR -D F W )

( Ins ide S h e k i n a h Glo ry C o m m u n i t y C h u r c h ) B i shop R o b e r t B th r idge P a s t o r 515 West C e n t e r S t r e e t D u n c a n v U l c T X 75138 1-800-923-9149


Oclraquohrr2S lOeOOtm bull 20Qpm Annual Health Fair - Free Includes screenings testing gtve-

a-ways food and more For more information call 972-

235-4633 Ul

H a m i l t o n P a r k Un i t ed M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h Rev D e r r i c k Wr igh t P a s t o r 11881 S c h r o c d e r R o a d D a U a s T X 75243



75th C h u r c h Anniversary Musical- 630 p m


Oitober 19 Homecoming Service 330 p m Rev Roy Rocke - Guest Speaker For more information call 214-823-


Hopewel l M i s s i o n a r y B a p t i s t C h u r c h Rev Michae l H u b b a r d S e n i o r P a s t o r 5144 Dolph in R o a d D a l l a s T X 75223 214-823-1018


OnobtrlI9rOOMm Mens Prayer Breakfast

Ottobrr 17-18 Marriage Enr ichment Conference Building Your Marriage to Last Sidney amp Carol Bcal Conference

Speakers Cost S3500 per couple

Ocnbtr26 Annual Mens Day Celebration T h e m e Men running the race with

passion purpose and power Morning Speaker Rev Stuart Bailey For more information call 972-998-


Keller S p r i n g s Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev L a r r y S a n d e r s P a s t o r 3227 Keller S p r i n g s R o a d C a r r o l l t o n T X 75006


2MI amp 4tb SunJdyi Blood pressure screenings available

after 1100 am service

M e s q u i t e F r i e n d s h i p Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev Te r ry AL T u r n e r P a s t o r 2232 Frank l in Dr ive M e s q u i t e T X 75150



Tomorrow Lttt night October JO 700 pm Annual Fall Revival For more information call 940-320-


M o r s e S t r e e t Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev A R S tokes P a s t o r 921 M o r s e S t r e e t D e n t o n T X 76205 940-320-5364


TmeuiMyt amp ThtntUyi 9O0Mm~2tO0fM

Mothers Day Out Program for ages 2 months to 4 years of age Phonics numbers colors shapes amp other early childhood skills will be offered

For enro l lment package amp registration fees contact Sister Seretha Dawkins at 9 7 2 - 6 3 3 - 5 5 1 1 be tween 900 am and 200 pm

0(nhltr29~3l Vision Summit 2003 Conference For more information call 972-633-


M t Olive C h u r c h of P i a n o Rev S a m Fenceroy P a s t o r 740 Avenue F P i a n o T X 75075 972-633-5511



OcuAtr 25 liOOpm - SiOOpm Womens Ministry Conference TTieme Hearing the Hear t of a

Godly Man A panel of Godly men will be addressing the issues of both the married and single woman

For more information call Barbara

Miller at 972-235-2882

N o r t h Dal las C o m m u n i t y Bible Fel lowship Rev I^eslie W S m i t h P a s t o r

302 C e n t e n n i a l Blvd R i c h a r d s o n T X 75081-5057 972-437-3493


Octobtr 15-17 -^iiOpm Youth Revival New Bethel Baptist

C h u r c h 101 Elm Flat Road in Kerens Texas

Otnher I9j-00pm Worship Exper ience at Harvey

Avenue Baptist Church 1257 East Har ey in Ft WorthTexas

OcMitr2i 7iMgtpm Greater Renfro Memoria l C O G I C

700 East Park Avenue in Corsicana Texas

Octahtr 26 1200 Na^n Salem Baptist C h u r c h 3400

Mitchell Blvd in Ft WorthTexas Oetwitr 26 JM pm

M l Olive Baptist Church 2105 East Jones Avenue in Corsicana Texas

S ix th venue Bap t i s t C h u r c h S e r v a n t KD Davis Sr P a s t o r amp O v e r s e e r C o r s i c a n a T X 7 5 U 0

Siid vu i i r c h i i r v h ai i iKui iKct i icnis m e d i u i r i i nit inth^U i t l lcciMn n r lax to raquo r -S l ( - 41 raquo - Wi t hu i - ch M i i p p c n i n j s D e a d l i n e s a r e l r i i l a gt v txrtitre p u b l t c a i i o i i i lau- ( M t gt N - I h c G a c t t i - is pub l iNht t l c a t l i Thurs t l av )

Christian Meltwdist Episcopal Chirch 1113 I Avlaquo P b i i H x T X 7 5 0 7 4 ( 0 7 2 ) 4 2 5 - 4 0 0 0

Rlaquov J a i t t M E L a r r y P a v l o r

Sunday School 930 AM Sunday Worship Serviclaquo 1100 AM Wednftsday NIght- 730 PM Community Bibia Claaa

DavStar IHilv^rangc Ministries

Our Services S u n d a y

uIHLlgt School 1000 a j a Midday Smicc ll-OOun

TuelaquoIagt Pragter senke 700 pJii-

Senkt TJO pjo

Sponsored bgt The Touch Ministn bull Women in Transition (WIT)

Website wwwthetouchministrvcom bull Phone 972-769-laquog26

l l ( t - ^ H raquo 1 i l bull I M I O N t i sNH lgt bull I h u K i I

Sttns Chapel Baptist Church The Fellowship of Love

(Sharing Love Saving Souls and Changing Lives)

Sunday Services Early Morning Hiirship S00 atn

Sunday School tOJO am Mid-Morning Worahip 1130 am

Bible Study Wtdnlaquoaday Sight Live a 730 ptrt

^tUrun III Senior Potior

317 Parker Drive bull Garland TX 75040

Phone 972-276-0014 bull Fax 972-276-2444

Website wtvwSintsChapelorg

Gospel Ministry Outreach Theological Institute

GMOR - DFW Since 1982

Halpiiif M raquo laquo bull raquo the CTBcrtty of Spiriiual lUltcrocy in ChriMlaa Ihrooffa thcot^ckal bullnidin

Bachelor of BlbUcai S iud io BMbelw ol BibUul CountftUat And Bachelor ofThcology in Claai-rootn or

CorropondcoEC course Wt abo offer (be Vlailer and DoclorMc dcf rec program a wcU

CaU for rcftenvtioa and more informattoni l-WO-923-9149 today

Igtr Kvniu-lh J i thnMrn IXOiv lxecutive O i r c v t o r

A- Hamilton Park United S Methodist Church

Rev Derrick Wright S e n i o r P a s t o r

S u n d a y S c h o o l

830 am

Morning Praise 945 am

Sunday Worship 1000 am

Wednesday Service 630 pm

(Childcare Available Each Sunday)

A Christian Community of Faith Called by God to Make

Disciples for Jesus Christ

11881 Schroeder Road

Dallas TX 75243-3656

Phone 972-235-4633 bull Fax 972-235-5713

Email hparkumaolcom

Website wwwhparkumcorg

Little Flock Baptist Church

P a s t o r Louis E L a u r e n t

Internet Broadcast wwwkrgmcom

(Mon - Fr i (sect 12 Noon)

A Place Where a Taste of die Word is Guaranteed

Sunday School 930 am

Sunday Morning Worship 1045 am

Tuesday Night Brotherhood 700 pm

Wednesday Prayer MeetingBiUe Study 7KXgtpm

bullraquolaquolt II Ainun- SirccI bull IUgt Iliw Wt bull Iwncy Itxiis bull If IMituie i4-35- 02l

New Life Fellowship of Hamilton Park

8219 Bunche Drive bull Dallas TX 75243 972-671-1096

R e v e r e n d M i l l e r E J o h n s o n J r S e n i o r P a s t o r

I U ^ i n n i n K raquo - bull bull II bull u i m h i n n ^ i

Sunday Morning Bible School 91S ain MornlnK Worship Service 10)0 ain Evening Worship (Agape Hour) F l n l Sunday 600 pm

Wcdneulay Nifiht Prayer Meeting and Evening Bible Study ^l S pm

registration form can be mailed directly to W B C and or given to a Tournament Commit tee Member For additional

questions please contact Dennis Edwards at (972) 906-3434 or dennisedrardslticomcastnet

W h o Are the Women of God bull Why ij MONThe GoieHe Honoring Them On Mothers

Dtty Weekend 2 0 0 4 bull WhltA Con You Do To Be A Port Of The Momentoui Occasion

Go To wwwmonffiegoietteeom (Clkk on Women Of Goltf)

or Contact Siiler Torpley At 972-606-3878 voice moif

Join us at one of our fun relaxed and inspiring services

mi SrnMW ^tlAv- bull Terrv HomhttckU

2 3 5 0 E M a y f t t k l K O M I AHinncmi T e u u 7 6 0 1 4

(817) 557-MM or wwwuilaquoapect un

M M POMERheuM br KiM FMhMv 0laquonMSUMlClaquotraquo

Loving ft Fmndhr AfnMpfwnt


Keller Springs Baptist Church (Purstihif The Pcfson^ The Presence

and The Ttnver of Ciod)

S u n d a y M o r n i n g U i b l e S t u d i e s 900 a m

Sundagt- M o r n i n g W o r s h i p 1045 a m

M o n d a y N i ^ t D i s c i p l e s h i p 700 p m

^ d n e s d a gt - N i g h t P r a y e r amp P r a i s e 700 p m

( C l h i l d c a r e A aUab le E a c h S e r v i c e )

S r Ia-lor

3227 Keller Springs Road bull Carrollton TX 75006-12(tO Phone 972-735-S077 bull l-ax 972-73S-S0S7

liniail Infci ltf kcllerspringsorg Website wwwkellcrspringsorg

All Nations United ^ Methodist Church vt

DrU^gt^ M iJ

Senior Iulor

Dr Btrt 4ffJeck

Hispanic Minislriea

Christian by Faith Diverse by Design

Sunday S 43afi Lsconay 60e S^JCJ

Sifdsf 845m SjidayScfca SiHay 84Sam EsbdoBttcoEnEspand Stnday IftflOm VfcnNpSenice Tuesday TdCpm PrayefMeetrc

3415 E 14th St Piano TX bull 75074

972-424-8500 wwwallnationsumcorg

(Free itrsery Provided For Ages 4 and Under)

Other ministries include English As A Second Language

and Spanish As A Second Language Classes

Tempie ofTaitfi

Christian Cfiapef CMJE Cfiiircfi

Where Jesus is the Main Attraction

Sunday Worship Experience 800 am amp 1045 am

Wednesday Bii)le Study 1200 Noon amp 700 pm

D r J e r o m e E

M c N e i l J r P a s t o r

14120 Noel Road

Dallas TX 75254

72-2gt 9 120 (OfHce) bull 972-239-5^25 (FH) teinpleofraith_cmesbcglobalnet (Email)

llciillli) l(t^iuitiiis ( liilil l)ifl()|Mninl ( tnlci

bull)72 404 141

Minority Opportunity ews -The Gazette 6100 Ave AT Suite 105 ((iiSpring Creek l^irkway) Plano^ Texas 75074 Phone 9725162992 Fax 9725099058 Email Editor^moPtthegazettecofn i

m Page 10 bull October 09 - October IS 2003 bull Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette

I i j lt ) i gt U gt gt i ( I i i U i 4 I ( gt ( i i - j i t laquo m u

Black Cinematheque Dallas and the Dallas NAACP to Host Film Black CuiL-nijilitjqaL Dalla^ will parincr

with the Dallas Branch nf ihc NAACP lo htisi a film pngtgram atviui wiiiT fraud and ihe aiiack on dinnocrjLV in Amerita iTiJay October 17 2003 800 IM at [he South Dallas Cultural Center i40lt) S Fiizhug^ Street DallasTexai Tickets are $5(X) and tan be piinhascd at the doiirnie public shiaikl Kill 21 M26-lgtlaquo3 tor informality

Filml Oeoee Lxigaty of the FJeciion Day Massacre by Bianca While amp Sandra Kiasa 26 min 2002 Orbanworld Film Festival - WiniKT Beit Short Documentary in the early twentieth century Ocoee was hltimc to one of Fliraquo-idas most prosperous African American CMnmunitics In I920on eleclitgtn day when Blacks tried to vote they were haraswrd bullied beaten and murdered One igtf Central Floridas most notorious incident of raciaJ viokaice the Ocoee Massaere began after iViose Norman a Black fanner who migrated to Central Florida friMn South Carolina in a mule-drawn wagon tried tii vole in the 1120 eleaion Xh (s descended on Ocoee and found Norman ai the home of a friend July Perry In the ensuing shinitout Nttrman escaped but Perry was I Tiched and -iirung up with a bulliign that read This is what we do to niggers that vote Two dozen htiuse^ twn churchegt and a lodge were burned and according to an NAACP (^server migtre than 60 Blacks killed

Film ftl Unprecedented The 2000 Iresideniial Electiim by Ricliard Ray Perez fit Joan Sekler 50 mm is a riveting dixoimentary about the battle tor the Presidency in Florida anil the undcrminint of democracy in America

Filmmakers Richard Ray Perez and Joai Sekler exaimne modern Americas most conmAersial pobtical contest the EJeaion of (leorgi- VC Bush What emerges is a disturbing picture of an ekciion maned by suspiciougtp irreguUiritiei electoral injustices and sinister voter piirget m a state governed by the winning candidates brother (ieorge W Bush stole the presidency- itf the United Stale mdash and got away with It Dallas historian Mr Donald Peyion and repa-senuiivegt of the Dallas NACI will lead the figtll(Av up discnis^ion atter the screening erf the two tilnis

African AnKricans first obiaineti ilie ri^t to vote in 1870 via the 15ih Amendment to the Cnnsutution which slated diat the r ^ t to voie shall not be denied or abndged on the bavis of race color or previous tondiuon of senitude In the decaile after the Ciil War Blacks voted in for greater numbers in the St)uth than Whnes But that ijuickly charged With the withdrawal of federal troops and the collapse of Reconstruction White Siiuthemers led bgt-terrorist groups such as the Ku Klux KJan let loose a r e ^ of terror to drive Blacks luim the voting booth In addition many states insiituied literacy tests poD taxes informal voting cigtdes grandfather clauses vouchers oi good character and dis^jualificatiun for cTimes of moral turpitude were utilised to disenfranchise Black voters TactKs such as the all White primary and gerrymandering of elcciiim districts further reduce Black voting strength anti alniigtst elintinaied the number of Black elected officials By IKK) iJlacts had v-inuallgt diraquoappcare^l from Southern voting rrfls

Most African Americans passionately believed voters in Florida wen baiiiboozkd at the votmg booths during the 2000 electionlo believe otherwise would be to ignore the sordid hislorj of the Souths century-long efftm to disenfranchise Black voters states Mangt-n Clark Founder Curator for Black Cinematheque Sc ari pleised to jwn with the Dallas Branch of the NA-CP in presenting these two imponani films and to discuss cniical issues of empowering people of color Ccdumnist Junious Ricardo Stanton in his piece Wliy We Should Be Better Informed About turreni Events wntes I haw no vendetta against (icurgeW Bush

My uppositioii to him is because he and his

Program on Voter Fraud in Florida administraticm were put into oBice by fraud and widespread ivter disenfranchisement in Florida If you have a loved one in the military they may be sent to a Iar aw ay land to die for Bushs oil and glot^hegemony ^enda What will you get out of it other then a llag draped casket What if they return uraiinded or maimed Are you aware Bush sponsored legislaiiltraquoi to cut veteran benefits

reduce hazardous duty pay and family separation allowances Have you noticed the media rarely shows any funerals for the fallen soldiers and Bush never attends Whats up with that h the war on terrorism wtirih the bdlkms of laxpas-er dollars being spent or the iiuvKcni lives being lost What about all the opium and heron flowing into AmeriKKKa now that the Taliban has been


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Scaled proposals for highway improvement contracts will be received by the Texas Department ofTransportaiitm (TxDOT) until the date(amp) shtgtwn below

and then publicly read


Coniraa 6103-62-001 for CHAIN MXK FENCE in DALLAS County will be opened on November 1 3 3003 ar 1030 am at the

District Office for an estimate of 527400000 Contract 6104-27-001 for POTHOLE REPAIR in DALL^S Counrj

will be opened on November I 3 2003 at 1030 am at the District Office for an estimate of 829535000

Contract 6104-76-001 for STORM SEIXER AND INLET CLEANING in DALi^S County wjll be opened on November 13 2003 at 1030 am

at [he District Office for an estimate of $27894000

Plans and specifications are available for inspection along with bidding proposals and applications for the TxDOT Prcqualificd Contraciors list at

the applicable State andor DisLDiv OHiccs listed below Bidders must submit prequalification information to TxDOT at least 10 days prior to the bid date m be eligible to bid on a project Prequalification materials may

be requested from the State Office listed below Plans for the above contraa(s) are available froniTxDOTs website at wwwdotstatetxus and

from reproduction companies at the expense of the contractor NPO 11133

Stale OfHce ConslrMaint Division

200 E Riwrside Dr AustinTexas 78704

Phone512-416-2540 DisLDiv Officc(s)

Dallas District District Engineer 4777 E Hwy 80

MesquiteTexas 75150-6643 Phone214-320-6100

Minimum wage rates are set out in bidding documents and the rates will be part of the contract TXDOT ensures that bidders will not be discriminated

against on the grounds of race color sex or national origin


EAGLE CONTRACTING LP an Equal Opportunity Employer is soliciting Minority Owned and

Women Owned Business Enterprises for

Supply and Materia Supply Bids for the following project

City of Dallas Water Utilities

Southside WWTP Peak Flow Basin and Site


Bid Date October 06 2003

at 130 pm

Contact Charles Howard at

Metro 817-379-1897 Fax Metro 817-379-0610

Mail to Eagle Contracting LP

PO Box 1600 Keiler Texas 76244

depose J m Alghanistan How will these detdoptiwiUv impact our aimmunities Robert bull-Mien editor of The Black Scholar states Of course it wjs first and ia^i about race this stolen election - nd then Giire didnt wunt to tourfi it because Gore dulnt w^nt to break with White supran3cgtmdasheen though that meant hed lose the election Thats biw much VSTiite raquoupreinacgt means to him Can j-ou imagine Hed rather lose the Presidcnc than stand wiih Black folks



To iiKfcdsc prtlaquoipdion aftd opportuniiir avdiiabitity to HUB

Bireinesses GTECH has extefuJea the so^citatJon deadhne preroosfy

put)gtisheij in this paper Inteiested HUB busmeaes s kould f o r v ^ ir^rmatwn ^4kx mquines lO

(TECH Claquofplaquoitilaquoii HUB OpCfdIOt

8200 Cameron Road Su-teE-l20

Ausun TX 7S754 PhOiW 51290a420C

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ROUTE PERSONS Needed For GarlandVlesquite

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Qj(972) 606-3261 Please leave a message

M O N - T h e G a z e t t e is looking for community writers and reporters

Pay on a contract basis or by the hour Email your resume to editori^ monthegazettecom

or fax to 972-516-4197 Leave a message at 972-881-1646

Little Flock Bapt is t C h u r c h

905 E Aimee -PO Box 903

Forney Texas 75126 is currently looking for

a pianistorganist

Please call Pastor Laurent at


- S j ^


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Fage 8 bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Minority Opportunity Netvs - The Gazette Iisit (hir Website At tLiiivM()rhv(iazitlvinifi


Over the years I have received things that helped me on my lifes journey This is another one that I believe you will like and perhaps put it to use

A r e Your P r i o r i t J e S t r a i g h t Author Unknown

One day an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and to drive home a point used an illustration those student will never forget

As he stood in front of the group of high-powered overachievers he said Okay time for a quiz the expert pulled out a one-gallon mason jar and set it on the table in front of him He also produced about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them one at a time into the jar When the jar could hold no more rocks he asked Is this jar full Everyone in the class yelled Yes The time management expert replied Really

He reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel He dumped some gravel in and shook the jar causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the spaces between the fist-

sized rocks He then asked the students once more Is the jar full By this time the class was on to him Probably not one of them answered Good he replied He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all of the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel

Once more he asked the question Is this jar full No the class shouted Once again he said Good Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the brim

He looked at the class and asked What is the point of this illustration One eager beaver raised his hand and said The point is no matter how full your schedule is if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in it No thats not the point the expert replied The truth that this illustration teaches us is If you dont put the big rocks in first youll never get them in at all

What are the big rocks in your lifemdashtime with your loved ones your faith your education your dreams a worthy cause teaching or mentoring others

Remember to put the BIG

Feel Better Now


- ^ A M

Uplifting Inspirational Music i rn- t -- t t^ ltlt^t w p

New Mt Zion Baptist Church of Dallas S u n d a y S e r v i c e Morning Worship

730 a m amp 1030 am 900 am Sunday School

W e d n e s d a y S e r v i c e Prayer Meeting 700 pm

Brotherhood 700 pm Missions 700 pm

Singles Group 700 pm Bible Study 745 pm Pastor Robert E Price

A Praying Church Family Watchmen on the Walls

214-341-6459 (Phone) bull 214-342-8403 (Fax) 9550 Shepard Road

Dal las TX 75243

wwwnmzborg (Website) bull newmzbcra aolcom (Email)

Friendship Baptist Church iDr C Paul McBride Pastor

Schedule of Services Sunday

Early Morning Worship 800 am

Sunday School Classes 930 am

Morning Worship 1100 am

Evening Worship (1st Sunday) 600 pm

Tuesday Early Bird Bible Study 600 pm

Wednesday Morning Bible Study 930 am Prayer Meeting and 730 pm

Evening Bible Study

4396 Main Street The Colony Texas 75056

(972) 625-8186 website wwwfbc-oniinenet

The Church wi th a V i s ion

bullhilgt H n a t l ( gt V i r i i ( bull niti

ROCKS in first or youll never get them in at all So when you are reflecting on this short story ask yourself this question What are the big rocks in my life Then put those in your jar first

KXY PXOPLX Xvxn though my kxyboard is

an old modxl it works quitx wxU xxcxpt for onx of thx kxs It is trux that all thx othxr kxys work wxll xnough but just this onx kxy not working makxs a diffxrxncx

Somxtimxs it sxxms likx a txam is somxwhat likx my old kxyboardmdashnot all thx kxy pxoplx arx working

You may say to yoursxlf wxll I am only onx pxrson I wont makx or brxak a txam xffort But IT DOXS makx a diffxrxncx bxcausx a txam xffort to bx xffxctivx nxxds thx activx participation of xveryonx

So thx nxxt timx you think that your xfforts will not bx missxd rxmxmbxr my old kxyboard You are important

Email starpley(flwtnet Pager 214-833-1639

Voice Mail 972-606-3878 Fax 972-516-4197

Let MOS-The Gazette help your church accomplish the Priiyer ofjiiiv Utilargc imr UTTtuny to cxpiiid opportimilics ihtii may impaci iraquo tuch a vxty thai vx towh more Invs for (Jods glory IM US do more for Him

Church Happenings ALL NATIONS IJWTEP M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H

Thnu^ tht Last Sumiaj im Otutbrr 845 tm- 9i4 am

The Prayer of Jabez Bible Study ledby Dr Clara M Reed

October 19-During Morning Worship Service

Annual Mens Day For more information call 972-


All Nations United Methodist Church Dr Clara M Reed Pastor 3415 liast H t h Street Piano TX 75074 972-424-8500


October 11 CiOOpm

First Alrican American Health Summit - Hosted by Robert Ashley and Ester Davis

Panel led by Jewel Pookrum M D PhD FounderDirecior of the Civilized Medicine Institute Free to the public (Limited Seating)

For more information or to register contact Wessie Huckaby 214-376-6170

Ilethcl Temple Pentecostal Church Bishop James Mitchell 4014 S Lancaster Road Da l las TX 75216 214-374-1992


0e$9itr IS lOiOOam - 200 fm Cancer Awareness amp Prevention

Celebration bullFree Prostate Cancer Screening bullCancer Survivors and Testimonials bullSignificance of Spirituality and

Cancer-Fighting Foods bullHealth Promotion Giveawagt-s For more information call 972-625-


Friendship Baptist Church Dr C Paul McBride Pastor 4396 Main Street The ColonyTX 75056 972-625-818b


iriSamday ^Eatk MmtA Free blood pressure screening in the

Who Are the Women of God Why is MON-The Gazette Honoring Them On Mothers Day Weekend 2004 What Can You Do To Be A Part Of The Momentous Occasion

Go To kvw^vmontfiegazetfecom QtV on Women 0 Cod) or ConlacI Sister Xarpiey

Al 972-606-3878 voice moi l

Church Directory

Saint Mark Missionary Baptist Cliurch m 1308 Wilcox Street McKinney Tx

Pastor Charles S Wattley

Sunday Education Ministries 930 am Worship Celebration 1100 am - Nursery Facilities Available -

Wednesday Family Ministries 700 pm

Friendly Fellowship with A Family Focus For More Information Call

9725426178 wwwsaintmarkbccom


ShJIoh lAissionary Baptist Church 920 E 14th Street Piano TX

Monday 7PM Youth Brotherhood Mission

amp Young Adult Ministr ies

Tuesday 7PM Bible Study amp Mens Choir

Wednesday 7PM Mid-Week Service

Thursday 7PM Mass Choir

Z z z Q H X m


m 03

O c 2

I For more information call (972) 423-6695


gym after evening services For more information on times amp

room call 972-644-2335 Smu^fja gtfi(r f p n n q Srrmro

at ArAMpoundt0nmm Achievers are Successful

Tutoring Program the TAKS test and how lo become a TUTOR Tutoring for grades K-12

For more information call 972-644-2335

Greenville Avenue Church of Christ Minister Sheitun Gibbs III Pastor 1013 S Greenville Avenue Richardson TX 75081 972-644-2335

Church Happenings Page 10

School Dlsfrta

To View our upcoming bids ( ease go to

the Piano ISD Purchasing Department web

Go to wwwpisdedu dick on web site lnlaquo

dex then choose the letter P and follow

the links to the Purchasing Department

J^ y^w i((hffSf (iifru 1701 W Icffcrson St Grand Prairie Texas 7 J 0 J 1

2B0J Market Loop Suite ]00 Soufhiake Texas 7fgt092

Dennv H Dais Seranl

7fla M 900 AM IfWW AVlt and 1 AM

Mt Olive Church of Piano 740 Avenue F Suite 303

Piano TX 75074

A Non-denominational Church for all Nations

Pastor Sam Fenceroy Pastor Gloria Fenceroy Schedule of Serv ices

Sunday School 930 am Morning Worship 1045 am M e n ampWomen Ministrgt- 1st amp 3rd Mondays 730 p m I-eadership Meeting 2nd Mondays 730 p m Singles Ministrj- 4 th Mondays 730 pm Youth Bible Study Wednesdays 730 p m

Mid-Wcck Serice Wednesdays 715 p m M o t h e r s D a y O u t T u e s d a y amp T h u r s d a y 900 a m - 200 p m

Servicios En Espanol Domingos Noche 630 pni

Jueves Noche 730 pm

Phone 972-633-5511 Fax 972-633-3728

Email mocop740i^ Verizonnet P a s t o r s P e d r o a n d

D i a n a S a n t i l l a n

K i i d i n Hr tKu l i i s ( S t a l i n n KMO A M - K ( i ( i H M - l H I S a m - l ( l U raquo a m

Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Page 9


Back Page Elite News Religious Hall of

Fame Celebrate Grand Opening Dallas TX- The Elite

News Religious Hall of Fame founded by William Bill Blair held its grand opening celebration recently in Dallas Guests brought rehgious contributions to enhance the growth of this one of a kind

historical facility The Religious Hall of Fame Museum opened during the latter part of the summer with a ribbon-cutting ceremony The 15-room venue was designed to acknowledge and honor ministers and selected leaders that positively

influenced their community and nation by improving the quality of life for others The Hall of Fame is located at 5554 South Hampton Road Dallas TX For more information contact Debra Blair-Abron or Jordon Blair at 214-372-6500

Charity Golf Tournament to Benefit Local Organization T h e 5lh Annual Westside Bapnsi

Church Charity Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday October 18th 1100 am at Indian Creek Municipal Golf Course Cairoll ton Texas Registration for the W B C Charitgt- Golf Tournament benefiting Big Brothers and Big SistersDallas is ofBciallgt open for sign up T h e mission of the charit e^ent is to raise the communitys awareness for the need of mentors for the hundreds of children on the ^-altlng list to be matched T h e cost is S8000 (includes green fees can prizes and food)


wwwwestsidebaptistchurchcom for more infonnation or to complete a registration form Your completed

Church Happenings Page 9


L N S T I T U T l - f G M O R - D F W ^

Moniiajri amp Thumiayi ^bull00 pm- 845 pm

N o w taking registrat ions for Bachelor of ITieologv Bachelor of Biblical Studies and Bachelor of Counseling Classes Dr Kenneth W Johnson Executive Director

Gospe l M i n i s t r y O u t r e a c h Theologica l I n s t i t u t e (G MOR -D F W )

( Ins ide S h e k i n a h Glo ry C o m m u n i t y C h u r c h ) B i shop R o b e r t B th r idge P a s t o r 515 West C e n t e r S t r e e t D u n c a n v U l c T X 75138 1-800-923-9149


Oclraquohrr2S lOeOOtm bull 20Qpm Annual Health Fair - Free Includes screenings testing gtve-

a-ways food and more For more information call 972-

235-4633 Ul

H a m i l t o n P a r k Un i t ed M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h Rev D e r r i c k Wr igh t P a s t o r 11881 S c h r o c d e r R o a d D a U a s T X 75243



75th C h u r c h Anniversary Musical- 630 p m


Oitober 19 Homecoming Service 330 p m Rev Roy Rocke - Guest Speaker For more information call 214-823-


Hopewel l M i s s i o n a r y B a p t i s t C h u r c h Rev Michae l H u b b a r d S e n i o r P a s t o r 5144 Dolph in R o a d D a l l a s T X 75223 214-823-1018


OnobtrlI9rOOMm Mens Prayer Breakfast

Ottobrr 17-18 Marriage Enr ichment Conference Building Your Marriage to Last Sidney amp Carol Bcal Conference

Speakers Cost S3500 per couple

Ocnbtr26 Annual Mens Day Celebration T h e m e Men running the race with

passion purpose and power Morning Speaker Rev Stuart Bailey For more information call 972-998-


Keller S p r i n g s Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev L a r r y S a n d e r s P a s t o r 3227 Keller S p r i n g s R o a d C a r r o l l t o n T X 75006


2MI amp 4tb SunJdyi Blood pressure screenings available

after 1100 am service

M e s q u i t e F r i e n d s h i p Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev Te r ry AL T u r n e r P a s t o r 2232 Frank l in Dr ive M e s q u i t e T X 75150



Tomorrow Lttt night October JO 700 pm Annual Fall Revival For more information call 940-320-


M o r s e S t r e e t Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev A R S tokes P a s t o r 921 M o r s e S t r e e t D e n t o n T X 76205 940-320-5364


TmeuiMyt amp ThtntUyi 9O0Mm~2tO0fM

Mothers Day Out Program for ages 2 months to 4 years of age Phonics numbers colors shapes amp other early childhood skills will be offered

For enro l lment package amp registration fees contact Sister Seretha Dawkins at 9 7 2 - 6 3 3 - 5 5 1 1 be tween 900 am and 200 pm

0(nhltr29~3l Vision Summit 2003 Conference For more information call 972-633-


M t Olive C h u r c h of P i a n o Rev S a m Fenceroy P a s t o r 740 Avenue F P i a n o T X 75075 972-633-5511



OcuAtr 25 liOOpm - SiOOpm Womens Ministry Conference TTieme Hearing the Hear t of a

Godly Man A panel of Godly men will be addressing the issues of both the married and single woman

For more information call Barbara

Miller at 972-235-2882

N o r t h Dal las C o m m u n i t y Bible Fel lowship Rev I^eslie W S m i t h P a s t o r

302 C e n t e n n i a l Blvd R i c h a r d s o n T X 75081-5057 972-437-3493


Octobtr 15-17 -^iiOpm Youth Revival New Bethel Baptist

C h u r c h 101 Elm Flat Road in Kerens Texas

Otnher I9j-00pm Worship Exper ience at Harvey

Avenue Baptist Church 1257 East Har ey in Ft WorthTexas

OcMitr2i 7iMgtpm Greater Renfro Memoria l C O G I C

700 East Park Avenue in Corsicana Texas

Octahtr 26 1200 Na^n Salem Baptist C h u r c h 3400

Mitchell Blvd in Ft WorthTexas Oetwitr 26 JM pm

M l Olive Baptist Church 2105 East Jones Avenue in Corsicana Texas

S ix th venue Bap t i s t C h u r c h S e r v a n t KD Davis Sr P a s t o r amp O v e r s e e r C o r s i c a n a T X 7 5 U 0

Siid vu i i r c h i i r v h ai i iKui iKct i icnis m e d i u i r i i nit inth^U i t l lcciMn n r lax to raquo r -S l ( - 41 raquo - Wi t hu i - ch M i i p p c n i n j s D e a d l i n e s a r e l r i i l a gt v txrtitre p u b l t c a i i o i i i lau- ( M t gt N - I h c G a c t t i - is pub l iNht t l c a t l i Thurs t l av )

Christian Meltwdist Episcopal Chirch 1113 I Avlaquo P b i i H x T X 7 5 0 7 4 ( 0 7 2 ) 4 2 5 - 4 0 0 0

Rlaquov J a i t t M E L a r r y P a v l o r

Sunday School 930 AM Sunday Worship Serviclaquo 1100 AM Wednftsday NIght- 730 PM Community Bibia Claaa

DavStar IHilv^rangc Ministries

Our Services S u n d a y

uIHLlgt School 1000 a j a Midday Smicc ll-OOun

TuelaquoIagt Pragter senke 700 pJii-

Senkt TJO pjo

Sponsored bgt The Touch Ministn bull Women in Transition (WIT)

Website wwwthetouchministrvcom bull Phone 972-769-laquog26

l l ( t - ^ H raquo 1 i l bull I M I O N t i sNH lgt bull I h u K i I

Sttns Chapel Baptist Church The Fellowship of Love

(Sharing Love Saving Souls and Changing Lives)

Sunday Services Early Morning Hiirship S00 atn

Sunday School tOJO am Mid-Morning Worahip 1130 am

Bible Study Wtdnlaquoaday Sight Live a 730 ptrt

^tUrun III Senior Potior

317 Parker Drive bull Garland TX 75040

Phone 972-276-0014 bull Fax 972-276-2444

Website wtvwSintsChapelorg

Gospel Ministry Outreach Theological Institute

GMOR - DFW Since 1982

Halpiiif M raquo laquo bull raquo the CTBcrtty of Spiriiual lUltcrocy in ChriMlaa Ihrooffa thcot^ckal bullnidin

Bachelor of BlbUcai S iud io BMbelw ol BibUul CountftUat And Bachelor ofThcology in Claai-rootn or

CorropondcoEC course Wt abo offer (be Vlailer and DoclorMc dcf rec program a wcU

CaU for rcftenvtioa and more informattoni l-WO-923-9149 today

Igtr Kvniu-lh J i thnMrn IXOiv lxecutive O i r c v t o r

A- Hamilton Park United S Methodist Church

Rev Derrick Wright S e n i o r P a s t o r

S u n d a y S c h o o l

830 am

Morning Praise 945 am

Sunday Worship 1000 am

Wednesday Service 630 pm

(Childcare Available Each Sunday)

A Christian Community of Faith Called by God to Make

Disciples for Jesus Christ

11881 Schroeder Road

Dallas TX 75243-3656

Phone 972-235-4633 bull Fax 972-235-5713

Email hparkumaolcom

Website wwwhparkumcorg

Little Flock Baptist Church

P a s t o r Louis E L a u r e n t

Internet Broadcast wwwkrgmcom

(Mon - Fr i (sect 12 Noon)

A Place Where a Taste of die Word is Guaranteed

Sunday School 930 am

Sunday Morning Worship 1045 am

Tuesday Night Brotherhood 700 pm

Wednesday Prayer MeetingBiUe Study 7KXgtpm

bullraquolaquolt II Ainun- SirccI bull IUgt Iliw Wt bull Iwncy Itxiis bull If IMituie i4-35- 02l

New Life Fellowship of Hamilton Park

8219 Bunche Drive bull Dallas TX 75243 972-671-1096

R e v e r e n d M i l l e r E J o h n s o n J r S e n i o r P a s t o r

I U ^ i n n i n K raquo - bull bull II bull u i m h i n n ^ i

Sunday Morning Bible School 91S ain MornlnK Worship Service 10)0 ain Evening Worship (Agape Hour) F l n l Sunday 600 pm

Wcdneulay Nifiht Prayer Meeting and Evening Bible Study ^l S pm

registration form can be mailed directly to W B C and or given to a Tournament Commit tee Member For additional

questions please contact Dennis Edwards at (972) 906-3434 or dennisedrardslticomcastnet

W h o Are the Women of God bull Why ij MONThe GoieHe Honoring Them On Mothers

Dtty Weekend 2 0 0 4 bull WhltA Con You Do To Be A Port Of The Momentoui Occasion

Go To wwwmonffiegoietteeom (Clkk on Women Of Goltf)

or Contact Siiler Torpley At 972-606-3878 voice moif

Join us at one of our fun relaxed and inspiring services

mi SrnMW ^tlAv- bull Terrv HomhttckU

2 3 5 0 E M a y f t t k l K O M I AHinncmi T e u u 7 6 0 1 4

(817) 557-MM or wwwuilaquoapect un

M M POMERheuM br KiM FMhMv 0laquonMSUMlClaquotraquo

Loving ft Fmndhr AfnMpfwnt


Keller Springs Baptist Church (Purstihif The Pcfson^ The Presence

and The Ttnver of Ciod)

S u n d a y M o r n i n g U i b l e S t u d i e s 900 a m

Sundagt- M o r n i n g W o r s h i p 1045 a m

M o n d a y N i ^ t D i s c i p l e s h i p 700 p m

^ d n e s d a gt - N i g h t P r a y e r amp P r a i s e 700 p m

( C l h i l d c a r e A aUab le E a c h S e r v i c e )

S r Ia-lor

3227 Keller Springs Road bull Carrollton TX 75006-12(tO Phone 972-735-S077 bull l-ax 972-73S-S0S7

liniail Infci ltf kcllerspringsorg Website wwwkellcrspringsorg

All Nations United ^ Methodist Church vt

DrU^gt^ M iJ

Senior Iulor

Dr Btrt 4ffJeck

Hispanic Minislriea

Christian by Faith Diverse by Design

Sunday S 43afi Lsconay 60e S^JCJ

Sifdsf 845m SjidayScfca SiHay 84Sam EsbdoBttcoEnEspand Stnday IftflOm VfcnNpSenice Tuesday TdCpm PrayefMeetrc

3415 E 14th St Piano TX bull 75074

972-424-8500 wwwallnationsumcorg

(Free itrsery Provided For Ages 4 and Under)

Other ministries include English As A Second Language

and Spanish As A Second Language Classes

Tempie ofTaitfi

Christian Cfiapef CMJE Cfiiircfi

Where Jesus is the Main Attraction

Sunday Worship Experience 800 am amp 1045 am

Wednesday Bii)le Study 1200 Noon amp 700 pm

D r J e r o m e E

M c N e i l J r P a s t o r

14120 Noel Road

Dallas TX 75254

72-2gt 9 120 (OfHce) bull 972-239-5^25 (FH) teinpleofraith_cmesbcglobalnet (Email)

llciillli) l(t^iuitiiis ( liilil l)ifl()|Mninl ( tnlci

bull)72 404 141

Minority Opportunity ews -The Gazette 6100 Ave AT Suite 105 ((iiSpring Creek l^irkway) Plano^ Texas 75074 Phone 9725162992 Fax 9725099058 Email Editor^moPtthegazettecofn i

m Page 10 bull October 09 - October IS 2003 bull Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette

I i j lt ) i gt U gt gt i ( I i i U i 4 I ( gt ( i i - j i t laquo m u


Over the years I have received things that helped me on my lifes journey This is another one that I believe you will like and perhaps put it to use

A r e Your P r i o r i t J e S t r a i g h t Author Unknown

One day an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and to drive home a point used an illustration those student will never forget

As he stood in front of the group of high-powered overachievers he said Okay time for a quiz the expert pulled out a one-gallon mason jar and set it on the table in front of him He also produced about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them one at a time into the jar When the jar could hold no more rocks he asked Is this jar full Everyone in the class yelled Yes The time management expert replied Really

He reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel He dumped some gravel in and shook the jar causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the spaces between the fist-

sized rocks He then asked the students once more Is the jar full By this time the class was on to him Probably not one of them answered Good he replied He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all of the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel

Once more he asked the question Is this jar full No the class shouted Once again he said Good Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the brim

He looked at the class and asked What is the point of this illustration One eager beaver raised his hand and said The point is no matter how full your schedule is if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in it No thats not the point the expert replied The truth that this illustration teaches us is If you dont put the big rocks in first youll never get them in at all

What are the big rocks in your lifemdashtime with your loved ones your faith your education your dreams a worthy cause teaching or mentoring others

Remember to put the BIG

Feel Better Now


- ^ A M

Uplifting Inspirational Music i rn- t -- t t^ ltlt^t w p

New Mt Zion Baptist Church of Dallas S u n d a y S e r v i c e Morning Worship

730 a m amp 1030 am 900 am Sunday School

W e d n e s d a y S e r v i c e Prayer Meeting 700 pm

Brotherhood 700 pm Missions 700 pm

Singles Group 700 pm Bible Study 745 pm Pastor Robert E Price

A Praying Church Family Watchmen on the Walls

214-341-6459 (Phone) bull 214-342-8403 (Fax) 9550 Shepard Road

Dal las TX 75243

wwwnmzborg (Website) bull newmzbcra aolcom (Email)

Friendship Baptist Church iDr C Paul McBride Pastor

Schedule of Services Sunday

Early Morning Worship 800 am

Sunday School Classes 930 am

Morning Worship 1100 am

Evening Worship (1st Sunday) 600 pm

Tuesday Early Bird Bible Study 600 pm

Wednesday Morning Bible Study 930 am Prayer Meeting and 730 pm

Evening Bible Study

4396 Main Street The Colony Texas 75056

(972) 625-8186 website wwwfbc-oniinenet

The Church wi th a V i s ion

bullhilgt H n a t l ( gt V i r i i ( bull niti

ROCKS in first or youll never get them in at all So when you are reflecting on this short story ask yourself this question What are the big rocks in my life Then put those in your jar first

KXY PXOPLX Xvxn though my kxyboard is

an old modxl it works quitx wxU xxcxpt for onx of thx kxs It is trux that all thx othxr kxys work wxll xnough but just this onx kxy not working makxs a diffxrxncx

Somxtimxs it sxxms likx a txam is somxwhat likx my old kxyboardmdashnot all thx kxy pxoplx arx working

You may say to yoursxlf wxll I am only onx pxrson I wont makx or brxak a txam xffort But IT DOXS makx a diffxrxncx bxcausx a txam xffort to bx xffxctivx nxxds thx activx participation of xveryonx

So thx nxxt timx you think that your xfforts will not bx missxd rxmxmbxr my old kxyboard You are important

Email starpley(flwtnet Pager 214-833-1639

Voice Mail 972-606-3878 Fax 972-516-4197

Let MOS-The Gazette help your church accomplish the Priiyer ofjiiiv Utilargc imr UTTtuny to cxpiiid opportimilics ihtii may impaci iraquo tuch a vxty thai vx towh more Invs for (Jods glory IM US do more for Him

Church Happenings ALL NATIONS IJWTEP M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H

Thnu^ tht Last Sumiaj im Otutbrr 845 tm- 9i4 am

The Prayer of Jabez Bible Study ledby Dr Clara M Reed

October 19-During Morning Worship Service

Annual Mens Day For more information call 972-


All Nations United Methodist Church Dr Clara M Reed Pastor 3415 liast H t h Street Piano TX 75074 972-424-8500


October 11 CiOOpm

First Alrican American Health Summit - Hosted by Robert Ashley and Ester Davis

Panel led by Jewel Pookrum M D PhD FounderDirecior of the Civilized Medicine Institute Free to the public (Limited Seating)

For more information or to register contact Wessie Huckaby 214-376-6170

Ilethcl Temple Pentecostal Church Bishop James Mitchell 4014 S Lancaster Road Da l las TX 75216 214-374-1992


0e$9itr IS lOiOOam - 200 fm Cancer Awareness amp Prevention

Celebration bullFree Prostate Cancer Screening bullCancer Survivors and Testimonials bullSignificance of Spirituality and

Cancer-Fighting Foods bullHealth Promotion Giveawagt-s For more information call 972-625-


Friendship Baptist Church Dr C Paul McBride Pastor 4396 Main Street The ColonyTX 75056 972-625-818b


iriSamday ^Eatk MmtA Free blood pressure screening in the

Who Are the Women of God Why is MON-The Gazette Honoring Them On Mothers Day Weekend 2004 What Can You Do To Be A Part Of The Momentous Occasion

Go To kvw^vmontfiegazetfecom QtV on Women 0 Cod) or ConlacI Sister Xarpiey

Al 972-606-3878 voice moi l

Church Directory

Saint Mark Missionary Baptist Cliurch m 1308 Wilcox Street McKinney Tx

Pastor Charles S Wattley

Sunday Education Ministries 930 am Worship Celebration 1100 am - Nursery Facilities Available -

Wednesday Family Ministries 700 pm

Friendly Fellowship with A Family Focus For More Information Call

9725426178 wwwsaintmarkbccom


ShJIoh lAissionary Baptist Church 920 E 14th Street Piano TX

Monday 7PM Youth Brotherhood Mission

amp Young Adult Ministr ies

Tuesday 7PM Bible Study amp Mens Choir

Wednesday 7PM Mid-Week Service

Thursday 7PM Mass Choir

Z z z Q H X m


m 03

O c 2

I For more information call (972) 423-6695


gym after evening services For more information on times amp

room call 972-644-2335 Smu^fja gtfi(r f p n n q Srrmro

at ArAMpoundt0nmm Achievers are Successful

Tutoring Program the TAKS test and how lo become a TUTOR Tutoring for grades K-12

For more information call 972-644-2335

Greenville Avenue Church of Christ Minister Sheitun Gibbs III Pastor 1013 S Greenville Avenue Richardson TX 75081 972-644-2335

Church Happenings Page 10

School Dlsfrta

To View our upcoming bids ( ease go to

the Piano ISD Purchasing Department web

Go to wwwpisdedu dick on web site lnlaquo

dex then choose the letter P and follow

the links to the Purchasing Department

J^ y^w i((hffSf (iifru 1701 W Icffcrson St Grand Prairie Texas 7 J 0 J 1

2B0J Market Loop Suite ]00 Soufhiake Texas 7fgt092

Dennv H Dais Seranl

7fla M 900 AM IfWW AVlt and 1 AM

Mt Olive Church of Piano 740 Avenue F Suite 303

Piano TX 75074

A Non-denominational Church for all Nations

Pastor Sam Fenceroy Pastor Gloria Fenceroy Schedule of Serv ices

Sunday School 930 am Morning Worship 1045 am M e n ampWomen Ministrgt- 1st amp 3rd Mondays 730 p m I-eadership Meeting 2nd Mondays 730 p m Singles Ministrj- 4 th Mondays 730 pm Youth Bible Study Wednesdays 730 p m

Mid-Wcck Serice Wednesdays 715 p m M o t h e r s D a y O u t T u e s d a y amp T h u r s d a y 900 a m - 200 p m

Servicios En Espanol Domingos Noche 630 pni

Jueves Noche 730 pm

Phone 972-633-5511 Fax 972-633-3728

Email mocop740i^ Verizonnet P a s t o r s P e d r o a n d

D i a n a S a n t i l l a n

K i i d i n Hr tKu l i i s ( S t a l i n n KMO A M - K ( i ( i H M - l H I S a m - l ( l U raquo a m

Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette bull October 09 - October 15 2003 bull Page 9


Back Page Elite News Religious Hall of

Fame Celebrate Grand Opening Dallas TX- The Elite

News Religious Hall of Fame founded by William Bill Blair held its grand opening celebration recently in Dallas Guests brought rehgious contributions to enhance the growth of this one of a kind

historical facility The Religious Hall of Fame Museum opened during the latter part of the summer with a ribbon-cutting ceremony The 15-room venue was designed to acknowledge and honor ministers and selected leaders that positively

influenced their community and nation by improving the quality of life for others The Hall of Fame is located at 5554 South Hampton Road Dallas TX For more information contact Debra Blair-Abron or Jordon Blair at 214-372-6500

Charity Golf Tournament to Benefit Local Organization T h e 5lh Annual Westside Bapnsi

Church Charity Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday October 18th 1100 am at Indian Creek Municipal Golf Course Cairoll ton Texas Registration for the W B C Charitgt- Golf Tournament benefiting Big Brothers and Big SistersDallas is ofBciallgt open for sign up T h e mission of the charit e^ent is to raise the communitys awareness for the need of mentors for the hundreds of children on the ^-altlng list to be matched T h e cost is S8000 (includes green fees can prizes and food)


wwwwestsidebaptistchurchcom for more infonnation or to complete a registration form Your completed

Church Happenings Page 9


L N S T I T U T l - f G M O R - D F W ^

Moniiajri amp Thumiayi ^bull00 pm- 845 pm

N o w taking registrat ions for Bachelor of ITieologv Bachelor of Biblical Studies and Bachelor of Counseling Classes Dr Kenneth W Johnson Executive Director

Gospe l M i n i s t r y O u t r e a c h Theologica l I n s t i t u t e (G MOR -D F W )

( Ins ide S h e k i n a h Glo ry C o m m u n i t y C h u r c h ) B i shop R o b e r t B th r idge P a s t o r 515 West C e n t e r S t r e e t D u n c a n v U l c T X 75138 1-800-923-9149


Oclraquohrr2S lOeOOtm bull 20Qpm Annual Health Fair - Free Includes screenings testing gtve-

a-ways food and more For more information call 972-

235-4633 Ul

H a m i l t o n P a r k Un i t ed M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h Rev D e r r i c k Wr igh t P a s t o r 11881 S c h r o c d e r R o a d D a U a s T X 75243



75th C h u r c h Anniversary Musical- 630 p m


Oitober 19 Homecoming Service 330 p m Rev Roy Rocke - Guest Speaker For more information call 214-823-


Hopewel l M i s s i o n a r y B a p t i s t C h u r c h Rev Michae l H u b b a r d S e n i o r P a s t o r 5144 Dolph in R o a d D a l l a s T X 75223 214-823-1018


OnobtrlI9rOOMm Mens Prayer Breakfast

Ottobrr 17-18 Marriage Enr ichment Conference Building Your Marriage to Last Sidney amp Carol Bcal Conference

Speakers Cost S3500 per couple

Ocnbtr26 Annual Mens Day Celebration T h e m e Men running the race with

passion purpose and power Morning Speaker Rev Stuart Bailey For more information call 972-998-


Keller S p r i n g s Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev L a r r y S a n d e r s P a s t o r 3227 Keller S p r i n g s R o a d C a r r o l l t o n T X 75006


2MI amp 4tb SunJdyi Blood pressure screenings available

after 1100 am service

M e s q u i t e F r i e n d s h i p Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev Te r ry AL T u r n e r P a s t o r 2232 Frank l in Dr ive M e s q u i t e T X 75150



Tomorrow Lttt night October JO 700 pm Annual Fall Revival For more information call 940-320-


M o r s e S t r e e t Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev A R S tokes P a s t o r 921 M o r s e S t r e e t D e n t o n T X 76205 940-320-5364


TmeuiMyt amp ThtntUyi 9O0Mm~2tO0fM

Mothers Day Out Program for ages 2 months to 4 years of age Phonics numbers colors shapes amp other early childhood skills will be offered

For enro l lment package amp registration fees contact Sister Seretha Dawkins at 9 7 2 - 6 3 3 - 5 5 1 1 be tween 900 am and 200 pm

0(nhltr29~3l Vision Summit 2003 Conference For more information call 972-633-


M t Olive C h u r c h of P i a n o Rev S a m Fenceroy P a s t o r 740 Avenue F P i a n o T X 75075 972-633-5511



OcuAtr 25 liOOpm - SiOOpm Womens Ministry Conference TTieme Hearing the Hear t of a

Godly Man A panel of Godly men will be addressing the issues of both the married and single woman

For more information call Barbara

Miller at 972-235-2882

N o r t h Dal las C o m m u n i t y Bible Fel lowship Rev I^eslie W S m i t h P a s t o r

302 C e n t e n n i a l Blvd R i c h a r d s o n T X 75081-5057 972-437-3493


Octobtr 15-17 -^iiOpm Youth Revival New Bethel Baptist

C h u r c h 101 Elm Flat Road in Kerens Texas

Otnher I9j-00pm Worship Exper ience at Harvey

Avenue Baptist Church 1257 East Har ey in Ft WorthTexas

OcMitr2i 7iMgtpm Greater Renfro Memoria l C O G I C

700 East Park Avenue in Corsicana Texas

Octahtr 26 1200 Na^n Salem Baptist C h u r c h 3400

Mitchell Blvd in Ft WorthTexas Oetwitr 26 JM pm

M l Olive Baptist Church 2105 East Jones Avenue in Corsicana Texas

S ix th venue Bap t i s t C h u r c h S e r v a n t KD Davis Sr P a s t o r amp O v e r s e e r C o r s i c a n a T X 7 5 U 0

Siid vu i i r c h i i r v h ai i iKui iKct i icnis m e d i u i r i i nit inth^U i t l lcciMn n r lax to raquo r -S l ( - 41 raquo - Wi t hu i - ch M i i p p c n i n j s D e a d l i n e s a r e l r i i l a gt v txrtitre p u b l t c a i i o i i i lau- ( M t gt N - I h c G a c t t i - is pub l iNht t l c a t l i Thurs t l av )

Christian Meltwdist Episcopal Chirch 1113 I Avlaquo P b i i H x T X 7 5 0 7 4 ( 0 7 2 ) 4 2 5 - 4 0 0 0

Rlaquov J a i t t M E L a r r y P a v l o r

Sunday School 930 AM Sunday Worship Serviclaquo 1100 AM Wednftsday NIght- 730 PM Community Bibia Claaa

DavStar IHilv^rangc Ministries

Our Services S u n d a y

uIHLlgt School 1000 a j a Midday Smicc ll-OOun

TuelaquoIagt Pragter senke 700 pJii-

Senkt TJO pjo

Sponsored bgt The Touch Ministn bull Women in Transition (WIT)

Website wwwthetouchministrvcom bull Phone 972-769-laquog26

l l ( t - ^ H raquo 1 i l bull I M I O N t i sNH lgt bull I h u K i I

Sttns Chapel Baptist Church The Fellowship of Love

(Sharing Love Saving Souls and Changing Lives)

Sunday Services Early Morning Hiirship S00 atn

Sunday School tOJO am Mid-Morning Worahip 1130 am

Bible Study Wtdnlaquoaday Sight Live a 730 ptrt

^tUrun III Senior Potior

317 Parker Drive bull Garland TX 75040

Phone 972-276-0014 bull Fax 972-276-2444

Website wtvwSintsChapelorg

Gospel Ministry Outreach Theological Institute

GMOR - DFW Since 1982

Halpiiif M raquo laquo bull raquo the CTBcrtty of Spiriiual lUltcrocy in ChriMlaa Ihrooffa thcot^ckal bullnidin

Bachelor of BlbUcai S iud io BMbelw ol BibUul CountftUat And Bachelor ofThcology in Claai-rootn or

CorropondcoEC course Wt abo offer (be Vlailer and DoclorMc dcf rec program a wcU

CaU for rcftenvtioa and more informattoni l-WO-923-9149 today

Igtr Kvniu-lh J i thnMrn IXOiv lxecutive O i r c v t o r

A- Hamilton Park United S Methodist Church

Rev Derrick Wright S e n i o r P a s t o r

S u n d a y S c h o o l

830 am

Morning Praise 945 am

Sunday Worship 1000 am

Wednesday Service 630 pm

(Childcare Available Each Sunday)

A Christian Community of Faith Called by God to Make

Disciples for Jesus Christ

11881 Schroeder Road

Dallas TX 75243-3656

Phone 972-235-4633 bull Fax 972-235-5713

Email hparkumaolcom

Website wwwhparkumcorg

Little Flock Baptist Church

P a s t o r Louis E L a u r e n t

Internet Broadcast wwwkrgmcom

(Mon - Fr i (sect 12 Noon)

A Place Where a Taste of die Word is Guaranteed

Sunday School 930 am

Sunday Morning Worship 1045 am

Tuesday Night Brotherhood 700 pm

Wednesday Prayer MeetingBiUe Study 7KXgtpm

bullraquolaquolt II Ainun- SirccI bull IUgt Iliw Wt bull Iwncy Itxiis bull If IMituie i4-35- 02l

New Life Fellowship of Hamilton Park

8219 Bunche Drive bull Dallas TX 75243 972-671-1096

R e v e r e n d M i l l e r E J o h n s o n J r S e n i o r P a s t o r

I U ^ i n n i n K raquo - bull bull II bull u i m h i n n ^ i

Sunday Morning Bible School 91S ain MornlnK Worship Service 10)0 ain Evening Worship (Agape Hour) F l n l Sunday 600 pm

Wcdneulay Nifiht Prayer Meeting and Evening Bible Study ^l S pm

registration form can be mailed directly to W B C and or given to a Tournament Commit tee Member For additional

questions please contact Dennis Edwards at (972) 906-3434 or dennisedrardslticomcastnet

W h o Are the Women of God bull Why ij MONThe GoieHe Honoring Them On Mothers

Dtty Weekend 2 0 0 4 bull WhltA Con You Do To Be A Port Of The Momentoui Occasion

Go To wwwmonffiegoietteeom (Clkk on Women Of Goltf)

or Contact Siiler Torpley At 972-606-3878 voice moif

Join us at one of our fun relaxed and inspiring services

mi SrnMW ^tlAv- bull Terrv HomhttckU

2 3 5 0 E M a y f t t k l K O M I AHinncmi T e u u 7 6 0 1 4

(817) 557-MM or wwwuilaquoapect un

M M POMERheuM br KiM FMhMv 0laquonMSUMlClaquotraquo

Loving ft Fmndhr AfnMpfwnt


Keller Springs Baptist Church (Purstihif The Pcfson^ The Presence

and The Ttnver of Ciod)

S u n d a y M o r n i n g U i b l e S t u d i e s 900 a m

Sundagt- M o r n i n g W o r s h i p 1045 a m

M o n d a y N i ^ t D i s c i p l e s h i p 700 p m

^ d n e s d a gt - N i g h t P r a y e r amp P r a i s e 700 p m

( C l h i l d c a r e A aUab le E a c h S e r v i c e )

S r Ia-lor

3227 Keller Springs Road bull Carrollton TX 75006-12(tO Phone 972-735-S077 bull l-ax 972-73S-S0S7

liniail Infci ltf kcllerspringsorg Website wwwkellcrspringsorg

All Nations United ^ Methodist Church vt

DrU^gt^ M iJ

Senior Iulor

Dr Btrt 4ffJeck

Hispanic Minislriea

Christian by Faith Diverse by Design

Sunday S 43afi Lsconay 60e S^JCJ

Sifdsf 845m SjidayScfca SiHay 84Sam EsbdoBttcoEnEspand Stnday IftflOm VfcnNpSenice Tuesday TdCpm PrayefMeetrc

3415 E 14th St Piano TX bull 75074

972-424-8500 wwwallnationsumcorg

(Free itrsery Provided For Ages 4 and Under)

Other ministries include English As A Second Language

and Spanish As A Second Language Classes

Tempie ofTaitfi

Christian Cfiapef CMJE Cfiiircfi

Where Jesus is the Main Attraction

Sunday Worship Experience 800 am amp 1045 am

Wednesday Bii)le Study 1200 Noon amp 700 pm

D r J e r o m e E

M c N e i l J r P a s t o r

14120 Noel Road

Dallas TX 75254

72-2gt 9 120 (OfHce) bull 972-239-5^25 (FH) teinpleofraith_cmesbcglobalnet (Email)

llciillli) l(t^iuitiiis ( liilil l)ifl()|Mninl ( tnlci

bull)72 404 141

Minority Opportunity ews -The Gazette 6100 Ave AT Suite 105 ((iiSpring Creek l^irkway) Plano^ Texas 75074 Phone 9725162992 Fax 9725099058 Email Editor^moPtthegazettecofn i

m Page 10 bull October 09 - October IS 2003 bull Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette

I i j lt ) i gt U gt gt i ( I i i U i 4 I ( gt ( i i - j i t laquo m u

Back Page Elite News Religious Hall of

Fame Celebrate Grand Opening Dallas TX- The Elite

News Religious Hall of Fame founded by William Bill Blair held its grand opening celebration recently in Dallas Guests brought rehgious contributions to enhance the growth of this one of a kind

historical facility The Religious Hall of Fame Museum opened during the latter part of the summer with a ribbon-cutting ceremony The 15-room venue was designed to acknowledge and honor ministers and selected leaders that positively

influenced their community and nation by improving the quality of life for others The Hall of Fame is located at 5554 South Hampton Road Dallas TX For more information contact Debra Blair-Abron or Jordon Blair at 214-372-6500

Charity Golf Tournament to Benefit Local Organization T h e 5lh Annual Westside Bapnsi

Church Charity Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday October 18th 1100 am at Indian Creek Municipal Golf Course Cairoll ton Texas Registration for the W B C Charitgt- Golf Tournament benefiting Big Brothers and Big SistersDallas is ofBciallgt open for sign up T h e mission of the charit e^ent is to raise the communitys awareness for the need of mentors for the hundreds of children on the ^-altlng list to be matched T h e cost is S8000 (includes green fees can prizes and food)


wwwwestsidebaptistchurchcom for more infonnation or to complete a registration form Your completed

Church Happenings Page 9


L N S T I T U T l - f G M O R - D F W ^

Moniiajri amp Thumiayi ^bull00 pm- 845 pm

N o w taking registrat ions for Bachelor of ITieologv Bachelor of Biblical Studies and Bachelor of Counseling Classes Dr Kenneth W Johnson Executive Director

Gospe l M i n i s t r y O u t r e a c h Theologica l I n s t i t u t e (G MOR -D F W )

( Ins ide S h e k i n a h Glo ry C o m m u n i t y C h u r c h ) B i shop R o b e r t B th r idge P a s t o r 515 West C e n t e r S t r e e t D u n c a n v U l c T X 75138 1-800-923-9149


Oclraquohrr2S lOeOOtm bull 20Qpm Annual Health Fair - Free Includes screenings testing gtve-

a-ways food and more For more information call 972-

235-4633 Ul

H a m i l t o n P a r k Un i t ed M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h Rev D e r r i c k Wr igh t P a s t o r 11881 S c h r o c d e r R o a d D a U a s T X 75243



75th C h u r c h Anniversary Musical- 630 p m


Oitober 19 Homecoming Service 330 p m Rev Roy Rocke - Guest Speaker For more information call 214-823-


Hopewel l M i s s i o n a r y B a p t i s t C h u r c h Rev Michae l H u b b a r d S e n i o r P a s t o r 5144 Dolph in R o a d D a l l a s T X 75223 214-823-1018


OnobtrlI9rOOMm Mens Prayer Breakfast

Ottobrr 17-18 Marriage Enr ichment Conference Building Your Marriage to Last Sidney amp Carol Bcal Conference

Speakers Cost S3500 per couple

Ocnbtr26 Annual Mens Day Celebration T h e m e Men running the race with

passion purpose and power Morning Speaker Rev Stuart Bailey For more information call 972-998-


Keller S p r i n g s Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev L a r r y S a n d e r s P a s t o r 3227 Keller S p r i n g s R o a d C a r r o l l t o n T X 75006


2MI amp 4tb SunJdyi Blood pressure screenings available

after 1100 am service

M e s q u i t e F r i e n d s h i p Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev Te r ry AL T u r n e r P a s t o r 2232 Frank l in Dr ive M e s q u i t e T X 75150



Tomorrow Lttt night October JO 700 pm Annual Fall Revival For more information call 940-320-


M o r s e S t r e e t Bap t i s t C h u r c h Rev A R S tokes P a s t o r 921 M o r s e S t r e e t D e n t o n T X 76205 940-320-5364


TmeuiMyt amp ThtntUyi 9O0Mm~2tO0fM

Mothers Day Out Program for ages 2 months to 4 years of age Phonics numbers colors shapes amp other early childhood skills will be offered

For enro l lment package amp registration fees contact Sister Seretha Dawkins at 9 7 2 - 6 3 3 - 5 5 1 1 be tween 900 am and 200 pm

0(nhltr29~3l Vision Summit 2003 Conference For more information call 972-633-


M t Olive C h u r c h of P i a n o Rev S a m Fenceroy P a s t o r 740 Avenue F P i a n o T X 75075 972-633-5511



OcuAtr 25 liOOpm - SiOOpm Womens Ministry Conference TTieme Hearing the Hear t of a

Godly Man A panel of Godly men will be addressing the issues of both the married and single woman

For more information call Barbara

Miller at 972-235-2882

N o r t h Dal las C o m m u n i t y Bible Fel lowship Rev I^eslie W S m i t h P a s t o r

302 C e n t e n n i a l Blvd R i c h a r d s o n T X 75081-5057 972-437-3493


Octobtr 15-17 -^iiOpm Youth Revival New Bethel Baptist

C h u r c h 101 Elm Flat Road in Kerens Texas

Otnher I9j-00pm Worship Exper ience at Harvey

Avenue Baptist Church 1257 East Har ey in Ft WorthTexas

OcMitr2i 7iMgtpm Greater Renfro Memoria l C O G I C

700 East Park Avenue in Corsicana Texas

Octahtr 26 1200 Na^n Salem Baptist C h u r c h 3400

Mitchell Blvd in Ft WorthTexas Oetwitr 26 JM pm

M l Olive Baptist Church 2105 East Jones Avenue in Corsicana Texas

S ix th venue Bap t i s t C h u r c h S e r v a n t KD Davis Sr P a s t o r amp O v e r s e e r C o r s i c a n a T X 7 5 U 0

Siid vu i i r c h i i r v h ai i iKui iKct i icnis m e d i u i r i i nit inth^U i t l lcciMn n r lax to raquo r -S l ( - 41 raquo - Wi t hu i - ch M i i p p c n i n j s D e a d l i n e s a r e l r i i l a gt v txrtitre p u b l t c a i i o i i i lau- ( M t gt N - I h c G a c t t i - is pub l iNht t l c a t l i Thurs t l av )

Christian Meltwdist Episcopal Chirch 1113 I Avlaquo P b i i H x T X 7 5 0 7 4 ( 0 7 2 ) 4 2 5 - 4 0 0 0

Rlaquov J a i t t M E L a r r y P a v l o r

Sunday School 930 AM Sunday Worship Serviclaquo 1100 AM Wednftsday NIght- 730 PM Community Bibia Claaa

DavStar IHilv^rangc Ministries

Our Services S u n d a y

uIHLlgt School 1000 a j a Midday Smicc ll-OOun

TuelaquoIagt Pragter senke 700 pJii-

Senkt TJO pjo

Sponsored bgt The Touch Ministn bull Women in Transition (WIT)

Website wwwthetouchministrvcom bull Phone 972-769-laquog26

l l ( t - ^ H raquo 1 i l bull I M I O N t i sNH lgt bull I h u K i I

Sttns Chapel Baptist Church The Fellowship of Love

(Sharing Love Saving Souls and Changing Lives)

Sunday Services Early Morning Hiirship S00 atn

Sunday School tOJO am Mid-Morning Worahip 1130 am

Bible Study Wtdnlaquoaday Sight Live a 730 ptrt

^tUrun III Senior Potior

317 Parker Drive bull Garland TX 75040

Phone 972-276-0014 bull Fax 972-276-2444

Website wtvwSintsChapelorg

Gospel Ministry Outreach Theological Institute

GMOR - DFW Since 1982

Halpiiif M raquo laquo bull raquo the CTBcrtty of Spiriiual lUltcrocy in ChriMlaa Ihrooffa thcot^ckal bullnidin

Bachelor of BlbUcai S iud io BMbelw ol BibUul CountftUat And Bachelor ofThcology in Claai-rootn or

CorropondcoEC course Wt abo offer (be Vlailer and DoclorMc dcf rec program a wcU

CaU for rcftenvtioa and more informattoni l-WO-923-9149 today

Igtr Kvniu-lh J i thnMrn IXOiv lxecutive O i r c v t o r

A- Hamilton Park United S Methodist Church

Rev Derrick Wright S e n i o r P a s t o r

S u n d a y S c h o o l

830 am

Morning Praise 945 am

Sunday Worship 1000 am

Wednesday Service 630 pm

(Childcare Available Each Sunday)

A Christian Community of Faith Called by God to Make

Disciples for Jesus Christ

11881 Schroeder Road

Dallas TX 75243-3656

Phone 972-235-4633 bull Fax 972-235-5713

Email hparkumaolcom

Website wwwhparkumcorg

Little Flock Baptist Church

P a s t o r Louis E L a u r e n t

Internet Broadcast wwwkrgmcom

(Mon - Fr i (sect 12 Noon)

A Place Where a Taste of die Word is Guaranteed

Sunday School 930 am

Sunday Morning Worship 1045 am

Tuesday Night Brotherhood 700 pm

Wednesday Prayer MeetingBiUe Study 7KXgtpm

bullraquolaquolt II Ainun- SirccI bull IUgt Iliw Wt bull Iwncy Itxiis bull If IMituie i4-35- 02l

New Life Fellowship of Hamilton Park

8219 Bunche Drive bull Dallas TX 75243 972-671-1096

R e v e r e n d M i l l e r E J o h n s o n J r S e n i o r P a s t o r

I U ^ i n n i n K raquo - bull bull II bull u i m h i n n ^ i

Sunday Morning Bible School 91S ain MornlnK Worship Service 10)0 ain Evening Worship (Agape Hour) F l n l Sunday 600 pm

Wcdneulay Nifiht Prayer Meeting and Evening Bible Study ^l S pm

registration form can be mailed directly to W B C and or given to a Tournament Commit tee Member For additional

questions please contact Dennis Edwards at (972) 906-3434 or dennisedrardslticomcastnet

W h o Are the Women of God bull Why ij MONThe GoieHe Honoring Them On Mothers

Dtty Weekend 2 0 0 4 bull WhltA Con You Do To Be A Port Of The Momentoui Occasion

Go To wwwmonffiegoietteeom (Clkk on Women Of Goltf)

or Contact Siiler Torpley At 972-606-3878 voice moif

Join us at one of our fun relaxed and inspiring services

mi SrnMW ^tlAv- bull Terrv HomhttckU

2 3 5 0 E M a y f t t k l K O M I AHinncmi T e u u 7 6 0 1 4

(817) 557-MM or wwwuilaquoapect un

M M POMERheuM br KiM FMhMv 0laquonMSUMlClaquotraquo

Loving ft Fmndhr AfnMpfwnt


Keller Springs Baptist Church (Purstihif The Pcfson^ The Presence

and The Ttnver of Ciod)

S u n d a y M o r n i n g U i b l e S t u d i e s 900 a m

Sundagt- M o r n i n g W o r s h i p 1045 a m

M o n d a y N i ^ t D i s c i p l e s h i p 700 p m

^ d n e s d a gt - N i g h t P r a y e r amp P r a i s e 700 p m

( C l h i l d c a r e A aUab le E a c h S e r v i c e )

S r Ia-lor

3227 Keller Springs Road bull Carrollton TX 75006-12(tO Phone 972-735-S077 bull l-ax 972-73S-S0S7

liniail Infci ltf kcllerspringsorg Website wwwkellcrspringsorg

All Nations United ^ Methodist Church vt

DrU^gt^ M iJ

Senior Iulor

Dr Btrt 4ffJeck

Hispanic Minislriea

Christian by Faith Diverse by Design

Sunday S 43afi Lsconay 60e S^JCJ

Sifdsf 845m SjidayScfca SiHay 84Sam EsbdoBttcoEnEspand Stnday IftflOm VfcnNpSenice Tuesday TdCpm PrayefMeetrc

3415 E 14th St Piano TX bull 75074

972-424-8500 wwwallnationsumcorg

(Free itrsery Provided For Ages 4 and Under)

Other ministries include English As A Second Language

and Spanish As A Second Language Classes

Tempie ofTaitfi

Christian Cfiapef CMJE Cfiiircfi

Where Jesus is the Main Attraction

Sunday Worship Experience 800 am amp 1045 am

Wednesday Bii)le Study 1200 Noon amp 700 pm

D r J e r o m e E

M c N e i l J r P a s t o r

14120 Noel Road

Dallas TX 75254

72-2gt 9 120 (OfHce) bull 972-239-5^25 (FH) teinpleofraith_cmesbcglobalnet (Email)

llciillli) l(t^iuitiiis ( liilil l)ifl()|Mninl ( tnlci

bull)72 404 141

Minority Opportunity ews -The Gazette 6100 Ave AT Suite 105 ((iiSpring Creek l^irkway) Plano^ Texas 75074 Phone 9725162992 Fax 9725099058 Email Editor^moPtthegazettecofn i

m Page 10 bull October 09 - October IS 2003 bull Minority Opportunity News - The Gazette

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