100 Realestate Selling Strategies

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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100 Realestate Selling Strategies

Transcript of 100 Realestate Selling Strategies


100 Real Estate

Selling Strategies

Copyright by Mr. X


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transmitted by any other means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,

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This ebook will give you 100 real estate selling strategies. You'll discover

all kinds of things that you can highlight to help sell a house or land. You'll

get ideas for different parts of the house and locations of the properties to



1) You could talk about the benefits of the residence's loan terns and/or

closets. Also say that the house is near ponds and/or trade shows.

2) You might publish the features of the estate's interest rates and/or closet

door. Plus remark that the building is located by plains and/or casinos.

3) You should comment on the advantages of the property’s color and/or

walk in closets. And state that the property is beside beaches and/or

shopping areas.

4) You might write about the perks of the addresses sliding and/or mirrors.

Also reveal that the land is close to plants and/or skiing.

5) You could advertise the details of the place's bricks and/or living room.

Plus write that the residence is in close proximity of bushes and/or tennis



6) You might market the specifics of the residence's stucco and/or couch.

And publish that the home is alongside plateaus and/or trails.

7) You should promote the elements of the estate's carpet and/or chairs.

Also uncover that the address is next to canals and/or bridges.

8) You might publicize the quality of the property’s hardwood floors and/or

coffee table. Plus market that the area is bordering on ports and/or forts.

9) You could copy write about the condition of the addresses roof and/or

stands. And type that the dwelling is neighboring canyons and/or pools.

10) You might remark on the make of the place's shingles and/or dressers.

Also divulge that the place is at the edge of reefs and/or surfing.

11) You should state about the brand of the residence's spouts and/or

lamps. Plus broadcast that the is mansion next door to caves and/or

ancient sites.

12) You might report on the material of the estate's gutters and/or stereos.

And chat about that the cottage is adjacent to rivers and/or pyramids.


13) You could type about the particulars of the property’s yard and/or TV.

Also advertise that the homestead is across from cities and/or archeology


14) You might divulge the specifications of the addresses plants and/or

bookshelf. Plus reveal that the pad is near roads and/or architecture.

15) You should chat about the structure of the place's trees and/or lighting.

And expose that the cabin is located by cliffs and/or ranches.

16) You might reveal the benefits of the residence's gravel driveway and/or

den. Also promote that the neighborhood is beside safaris and/or bowling


17) You could expose the features of the estate's asphalt driveway and/or

office. Plus unveil that the apartment is close to countries and/or ghost


18) You might highlight the advantages of the property’s cement drive way

and/or game room. And report that the condo is in close proximity of seas

and/or battle areas.


19) You should unveil the perks of the addresses fence and/or desk. Also

copy write that the estate is alongside dams and/or historic sites.

20) You might spotlight the details of the place's pool and/or file cabinet.

Plus type that the house next to is snow and/or sculptures.

21) You could emphasize the specifics of the residence's porch and/or

garage. And highlight that the building is bordering on desert and/or hunting


22) You might show off the elements of the estate's deck and/or tools. Also

spotlight that the property is neighboring fields and/or statues.

23) You should exhibit the quality of the property’s gazebo and/or tool

bench. Plus publicize that the land is at the edge of streams and/or


24) You might present the condition of the addresses foundation and/or

machinery. And exhibit that the residence is next door to forests and/or



25) You could uncover the make of the place's basement and/or utility

room. Also indicate that the home is adjacent to streets and/or dance clubs.

26) You might disclose the brand of the residence's doors and/or washer.

Plus stress that the address is across from gardens and/or shrines.

27) You should brag about the material of the estate's windows and/or

dryer. And accent that the area is near geysers and/or boating.

28) You might indicate the particulars of the property’s central air and/or

table. Also emphasize that the dwelling is located by grasses and/or


29) You could point out the specifications of the addresses plumbing and/or

lamps. Plus feature that the place is beside sunsets and/or castles.

30) You might underscore the structure of the place's utility bills and/or yard

tools. And underline that the mansion is close to swamps and/or


31) You should stress the benefits of the residence's barn and/or tool shed.

Also brag that the cottage is in close proximity of hills and/or light houses.


32) You might accent the features of the estate's garage and/or safety

features. Plus broadcast that the homestead is alongside trees and/or


33) You could feature the advantages of the property’s automatic garage

door and/or ramps. And show that the pad is next to hot springs and/or log


34) You might underline the perks of the addresses garden and/or step

rails. Also present that the cabin is bordering on tundra and/or chapels.

35) You should broadcast the details of the place's wood frame and/or

decorating. Plus disclose that the neighborhood is neighboring islands

and/or squares.

36) You might focus on the specifics of the residence's metal frame and/or

sculptures. And point out that the apartment is at the edge of jungles and/or



37) You could mention the elements of the estate's insulation and/or art

work. Also underscore that the condo next door to valleys and/or military


38) You might talk about the quality of the property’s vinyl floor and/or yard

size. Plus mention that the estate is adjacent to lakes and/or mills.

39) You should publish the condition of the addresses ski resistance

walkway and/or room size. And acknowledge that the house is across from

volcanoes and/or mines.

40) You might comment on the make of the place's finished basement

and/or room sizes. Also reflect that the building is near lakes and/or


41) You could write about the brand of the residence's drywall and/or nice

neighbors. Plus utter that the property is located by warm climate and/or


42) You might advertise the material of the estate's plaster and/or mailbox.

And admit that the land is beside mountains and/or monuments.


43) You should market the particulars of the property’s paneling and/or

property taxes. Also voice that the residence is close to waterfalls and/or

fishing areas.

44) You might promote the specifications of the addresses sliding glass

doors and/or condition. Plus explain that the home is in close proximity of

oceans and/or national forests.

45) You could publicize the structure of the place's tinted glass and/or

cleanliness. And communicate that the address is alongside palm trees

and/or mini-golf.

46) You might copy write about the benefits of the residence's glass block

winnows and/or organized. Also announce that the area is next to industrial

areas and/or palaces.

47) You should remark on the features of the estate's sun windows and/or

recent repairs. Plus verbalize that the dwelling is bordering on agencies

and/or towers.

48) You might state about the advantages of the property’s curtains and/or

remodel jobs. And claim that the place is neighboring homes and/or nature.


49) You could report on the perks of the addresses blinds and/or upgrades.

Also maintain that the mansion is at the edge of firms and/or town halls.

50) You might type about the details of the place's window frames and/or

land size. Plus declare that the cottage next door to friends and/or national


51) You should divulge the specifics of the residence's ceilings and/or drive

size. And insist that the homestead is adjacent to railroads and/or track and

field events.

52) You might chat about the elements of the estate's ceiling fans and/or

square footage. Also uphold that the pad is across from power plants

and/or windmills.

53) You could reveal the quality of the property’s furnace and/or

landscaping. Plus profess that the cabin is near garages and/or rafting.

54) You might expose the condition of the addresses air conditioner and/or

sidewalks. And say that the neighborhood is located by schools and/or



55) You should highlight the make of the place's basement door and/or

zoning laws. Also remark that the apartment is beside refineries and/or


56) You might unveil the brand of the residence's door locks and/or deed

restrictions. Plus state that the condo is close to colleges and/or

amusement parks.

57) You could spotlight the material of the estate's security system and/or

privacy. And reveal that the estate is in close proximity of airports and/or


58) You might emphasize the particulars of the property’s stairs and/or

window screens. Also write that the house is alongside barns and/or


59) You should show off the specifications of the addresses elevator and/or

exterior lighting. Plus publish that the building is next to campuses and/or



60) You might exhibit the structure of the place's attic and/or how old/age.

And uncover that the property is bordering on gyms and/or art galleries.

61) You could present the benefits of the residence's crawl space and/or

plumbing. Also market that the land is neighboring celebrity homes and/or

swimming pools.

62) You might uncover the features of the estate's log siding and/or hot

water heater. Plus type that the residence is at the edge of businesses

and/or roadside attractions.

63) You should disclose the advantages of the property’s window walls

and/or water proofing. And divulge that the home is next door to charity

events and/or hall of frames.

64) You might brag about the perks of the addresses built in aquarium

and/or storage space. Also broadcast that the address is adjacent to

seminars and/or botanical gardens.

65) You could indicate the details of the place's chimney and/or wallpaper.

Plus chat about that the area is across from memorials and/or museums.


66) You might point out the specifics of the residence's fireplace and/or

heating bill. And advertise that the dwelling is near skyscrapers and/or

science centers.

67) You should underscore the elements of the estate's electrical wiring

and/or electric bill. Also reveal that the place is located by farms and/or


68) You might stress the quality of the property’s outlets and/or number of

registers. Plus expose that the mansion is beside manufactures and/or

space centers.

69) You could accent the condition of the addresses phone line and/or

noise proof walls. And promote that the cottage is close to workshops

and/or casino.

70) You might feature the make of the place's cable line and/or

modifications. Also unveil that the homestead is in close proximity of

seminars and/or police/fire stations.

71) You should underline the brand of the residence's satellite dish and/or

light switches. Plus report that the pad is alongside yards and/or

circuses/street fairs.


72) You might broadcast the material of the estate's tile walls and/or fuse

box. And copy write that the cabin is next to companies and/or zoos.

73) You could focus on the particulars of the property’s room colors and/or

balconies. Also type that the neighborhood bordering on villas and/or


74) You might mention the specifications of the addresses paint type and/or

patios. Plus highlight that the apartment is neighboring corporations and/or


75) You should talk about the structure of the place's insurance rates

and/or appliance hook ups. And spotlight that the condo is at the edge of

neighborhoods and/or theaters.

76) You might publish the benefits of the residence's treated wood and/or

flower beds. Also publicize that the estate is next door to dealers and/or



77) You could comment on the features of the estate's home inspected

and/or trash pickup. Plus exhibit that the house is adjacent to universities

and/or theme parks/hotels.

78) You might write about the advantages of the property’s rustproofing

and/or road appeal. And indicate that the building is across from TV/radio

stations and/or camp ground.

79) You should advertise the perks of the addresses hardwoods and/or

noise area. Also stress that the property is near office buildings and/or


80) You might market the details of the place's softwoods and/or water

softener. Plus accent that the land is located by offices and/or brewerys.

81) You could promote the specifics of the residence's cabinets and/or

intercom. And emphasize that the residence is beside enterprises and/or


82) You might publicize the elements of the estate's counter tops and/or

sprinkler system. Also feature that the home is close to arenas and/or

comedy shows.


83) You should copy write about the quality of the property’s cupboards

and/or appraised value. Plus underline that the address is in close

proximity of warehouses and/or buffets.

84) You might remark on the condition of the addresses dishwashers

and/or school district. And brag that the area is alongside golf courses

and/or movie sets.

85) You could state about the make of the place's refrigerators and/or

garage door opener. Also broadcast that the is dwelling next to factories

and/or taverns/bars.

86) You might report on the brand of the residence's sinks and/or drainage.

Plus show that the place is bordering on gymnasiums and/or concerts.

87) You should type about the material of the estate's faucets and/or

sewer. And present that the mansion is neighboring sporting events and/or



88) You might divulge the particulars of the property’s microwaves and/or

water source. Also disclose that the cottage is at the edge of stadiums

and/or concert hall.

89) You could chat about the specifications of the addresses stove and/or

well. Plus point out that the homestead is next door to outside markets

and/or movie theater.

90) You might reveal the structure of the place's pantries and/or

thermostat. And underscore that the pad is adjacent to ball fields and/or

train stations/subways.

91) You should expose the benefits of the residence's freezers and/or

smoke detectors. Also mention that the cabin is across from outlet malls

and/or airports.

92) You might highlight the features of the estate's shelves and/or water

bill. Plus acknowledge that the neighborhood is near tracks and/or


93) You could unveil the advantages of the property’s toilets and/or solar

panels. And reflect that the apartment is located by gift shops and/or



94) You might spotlight the perks of the addresses vanity mirrors and/or

property boundaries. Also utter that the condo is beside golf courses and/or

opera house.

95) You should emphasize the details of the place's kitchen and/or room to

expand. Plus admit that the estate is close to shops and/or boutiques/spas.

96) You might show off the specifics of the residence's bathrooms and/or

vehicle space. And voice that the house is in close proximity of flea markets

and/or hospitals.

97) You could exhibit the elements of the estate's bath tubs and/or beds.

Also explain that the building is alongside malls and/or doctors/hospitals.

98) You might present the quality of the property’s showers and/or co

detectors. Plus communicate that the property is next to souvenir shops

and/or hotels/inns.

99) You should uncover the condition of the addresses bedrooms and/or

history. And announce that the land is bordering on stores and/or

clubs/dance club.


100) You might disclose the make of the place's guest rooms and/or

famous owners. Also verbalize that the residence is neighboring

marketplaces and/or libraries.