100 200 300 400 500 Dates Next Round Amendments 1800’sCold WarWWII.

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Transcript of 100 200 300 400 500 Dates Next Round Amendments 1800’sCold WarWWII.

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Amendments 1800’s Cold War WWII

The year that Reconstruction ended


The year the USS Maine sank in Havana harbor

The year the Spanish-American War began

Also considered to be the year that America became




1914 – 1918

The US entered the war in 1917

The year that the stock market crashed (referred to as Black


Considered the beginning of the Great Depression


The launching of the world’s first satellite, Sputnik, by the

USSR and the start of the Space Race


This amendment established the income tax


This amendment gave women the right to vote


This lowered the voting age to 18 years old


This amendment gave us the direct election of senators by

the people


This amendment prohibited the poll tax for national



Immigration during the latter 1800’s was mainly from these

two world regions

Southern Europe and Russia (Jews)

The Dawes Act of 1887 had this impact on Native-Americans

The Dawes Act was intended to make Indians into farmers but instead helped destroy Indian


His theories on the relationship between sea power and world commerce influenced foreign

policy development

Alfred Thayer Mahan

During the latter 1800’s, industrialists who gained

great wealth through corruption and unfair business practices

Robber Barons

A political movement of the late 1800’s representing

mainly farmers and which favored free coinage of silver

and government control of railroads and industry


The fear of communism in the 1950’s was inflamed even

more due to his senate investigations of communist influence in government and


Senator Joe McCarthy


The Cold War became hot when this war broke out in 1950

The war ended in 1953 with a cease-fire that is still in effect

Korean War

When the French were defeated in 1954, the US

continued the fight against the expansion of

communism here in a war that lasted well over a



He not only authorized the use of atomic bombs against

Japan, he also established the doctrine of containment

against communism

President Harry Truman

This 1964 law allowed President Johnson to vastly increase troop

strength in Vietnam

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

WWII for the United States began for this reason

Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

December 7th, 1941

The US was able to supply Great Britain and, later,

Russia, with war materiel due to this 1941 law passed

by Congress

Lend-Lease Act

The strategy used by the US against the Japanese in the



This battle is considered the turning point for the US

and its Allies in Europe


The invasion of Normandy, France

June 6, 1944

The victory attained by the US here is

considered the turning point in the war in the


Battle of Midway

Eras Court Cases

Politics WWI People

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This era directly followed the Civil War


This era was one of heightened tensions between the US and the communist states of the USSR

and China

The Cold War

This era saw the reform of government, business, labor,

and American society

The Progressive Era

This era was one of industrialization and

prosperity but also one of greed, excess, and


The Gilded Age

This era was marked by widespread unemployment, commercial failure, and the

Dust Bowl

The Great Depression


This case established the “separate but

equal” standard that allowed segregation

Plessy v. Ferguson

This Supreme Court case struck down a Wisconsin law requiring Amish children to

attend school beyond 8th grade

Wisconsin v. Yoder

This case required the state of Texas to come up with a new system of school financing to increase funding for poorer

school districts

Edgewood ISD v. Kirby

In this case, the Supreme Court ruled that manual recounts of presidential ballots in the 2000

election could not proceed because inconsistent standards

in different counties violated the equal protection clause

Bush v. Gore

This 1877 case upheld the right of a state to regulate businesses that affect the

public interest within a state

Munn v. Illinois

This act passed in 1973 requires the President to

inform Congress within two days of any use of US troops

in a foreign country and to withdraw those troops within 60 days if Congress does not


War Powers Act

A break-in of the Democratic Party headquarters here by operatives working for the

Nixon administration resulted in a scandal and the eventual

resignation of President Richard Nixon


The principle of government where power is shared within

a union between a national and state governments


A concept whereby one nation exercises political

and/or economic control over a weaker or smaller nation


The Democratic political machine that controlled New York City during the Gilded

Age. Its most infamous political boss was Boss


Tammany Hall

This treaty ended WWI

Treaty of Versailles

One of the reasons for the US entering WWI was Germany’s use of this

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

President Wilson wanted to negotiate the end of WWI based on his peace plan

known as this

The Fourteen Points

Besides unrestricted submarine warfare, these

were two other reasons the US entered the war

Monetary and materiel support for the Allies

Zimmerman Telegram

He was commander of the American Expeditionary

Force (AEF) in France during WWI

General Pershing

He changed America forever by mass producing and mass

marketing the automobile

Henry Ford

He commanded all Allied forces in Europe during WWII and later served as president from 1952 -


Dwight D. Eisenhower

He believed that black intellectual elites should lead

the push for civil rights. He also helped found the NAACP

(National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)

W. E. B. DuBois

A leader of unionization and labor unions, he was jailed

several times. He was also the Socialist candidate for

President in several elections

Eugene V. Debs

Amassing great wealth as owner of US Steel, he later used his wealth building libraries and aiding other

cultural endeavors

Andrew Carnegie

Court Cases

Amendments Mix






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Civil Rights


He was an African-American Methodist preacher and a leader

of the Civil Rights Movement who advocated the use of passive


Martin Luther King, JR

These mostly Southern laws or statutes enforced

segregation and restricted the rights of blacks

Jim Crow Laws

An African-American leader and educator, he believed blacks should gain an education and

raise themselves up rather than fight for civil rights

Booker T. Washington

This landmark law made it illegal to discriminate based

on race, sex, and religion and gave the government powers to enforce all civil

rights laws including desegregation

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

This 1954 Supreme Court case outlawed segregation

in public schools

Brown v. Board of Education

In 1944, Korematsu v. The United States

upheld this

The constitutionality of detaining Japanese-Americans in camps

during WWII Authorized by Executive Order 9066

In 1947, Mendez v. Westminster was the first

Supreme Court case to successfully challenge this

Segregation of children by race/ethnicity

The 1948 Supreme Court case, Delgado v. Bastrop ISD decided


Segregation of Mexican-American children was illegal in Texas

In 1950, the Supreme Court ruled in this case that UT law school’s separate facility for blacks failed to qualify as “separate but equal” and Herman Sweatt won the right

to attend UT Law school

Sweatt v. Painter

When you are arrested and the police advise you of

your rights they are complying with a Supreme Court decision in this case

Miranda v. Arizona

Factoid: After winning his case, Miranda was later stabbed in a bar parking lot. Ironically, as he lay bleeding to death, his assailant was handcuffed and read his “Miranda Rights”

The right to free speech, press, assembly, petition,

and religion

1st Amendment

The right to bear arms

2nd Amendment

You cannot be required to testify against yourself and

you cannot be tried twice for the same crime (double


5th Amendment

This banned the transportation, sale, and consumption of alcohol

18th Amendment

The 21st Amendment did this

Repealed the 18th Amendment

This pseudo-scientific* belief argued that the human race could be improved through breeding and

was used as an excuse for marriage restrictions, segregation

laws, and a push to lower immigration quotas from inferior


* Pseudo means false


This policy argues that government should interfere

as little as possible in business


This social reform movement

based on religious principles was dedicated to the

betterment of industrial society through the application of

charity and justice

Groups included the YMCA and the Salvation Army

Social-Gospel Movement

The theory that if one country fell to Communism then others nearby would

fall as well was used to help justify American

involvement in Vietnam

The Domino Theory

They were the dictators of Nazi Germany, Fascist

Italy, and Communist Russia during WWII

Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin

He wrote Grapes of Wrath which told the story of a family migrating from the Depression-era Dust Bowl

John Steinbeck

She was the first African-American woman to be

elected to the US Congress and the first

woman to run for president

Shirley Chisholm

One of the leading lawyers of his day, he represented the

defense in the Scopes “Monkey” Trial

Clarence Darrow

She was a leader in the American Women’s Suffrage


Susan B. Anthony

He made history when he flew solo non-stop from St.

Louis to Paris, France in 1927 in his plane, The Spirit

of St. Louis

Charles Lindbergh

Acronyms WWII The Great Depression

Presidents Mix






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North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Originally formed as an alliance to protect Western Europe from the Soviet Union


North American Free Trade Agreement

A free trade agreement between the US, Canada, and Mexico


National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NASA was formed in response to the USSR’s launching if the Sputnik satellite


General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

GATT was an international agreement on trade signed in 1947. In 1995, it was replaced

by the World Trade Organization (WTO)


House Un-American Activities Committee

This committee held hearings on communist influences in America beginning in 1938 and into

the 1970’s. Some government employees were accused as communist spies and many accused Hollywood writers, actors, and producers were


This American flying unit supported the Nationalist

Chinese Army during WWII

The Flying Tigers

This group was the first African-American fighter


Called the Red-Tails, they earned a reputation as

skilled pilots

The Tuskegee Airmen

Wind Talkers

Navajo Indians used as code talkers for the US Army

US radio operations in the Pacific during WWII could not be broken as the enemy could not

understand the Navajo language

When the Philippines were invaded and taken by the Japanese, US and Filipino

soldiers who had surrendered were forced to endure this brutal

march to prison camps

The Bataan Death March

Much of the cost of WWII for America was financed

by selling these to the American public

War Bonds

He was president when the Great Depression

first struck in 1929

Herbert Hoover

This was Franklin Roosevelt’s plan to end the Depression

The New Deal

Roosevelt calmed the American public through

these radio talks

Fireside Chats

This was established to guarantee the public’s

bank accounts in case of bank failure

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


Created by FDR to allow the old to live in dignity, this

Second New Deal program consumes a great deal of

today’s government budget

Social Security

He formed the Rough Riders to fight in the Spanish-American


He became President upon the assassination of President


He created many national parks

He pushed through the Pure Food and Drug Act

President Theodore Roosevelt

He became president upon the death of FDR

He authorized the use of atomic bombs on Japan

He desegregated the United States Army

He announced a doctrine to contain communism wherever it

may try to expand

President Harry S. Truman

He ended the Vietnam War through his policy of negotiation and


He visited Communist China and began a new relationship between

it and the US

He was the only president to resign

President Richard M. Nixon

He tried to end poverty in America through his “Great

Society” program

He greatly increased the numbers of US soldiers fighting

in Vietnam

He helped push through the Civil Rights Act 1964

President Lyndon Johnson

He was youngest president to be elected

He was the first Catholic president

He got the Soviet Union to remove its nuclear missiles from

Cuba The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis

He was assassinated in 1963

President John F. Kennedy

He was the segregationist, democratic governor of Alabama during the Civil

Rights Movement

He literally barred the door against blacks attempting to seek admission

to the University of Alabama

When he ran for president during the 1972 election an assassination attempt

left him paralyzed

George Wallace

Journalists who exposed corruption, abuse, and other social problems


A type of journalism that is biased, and often based on false information and sensationalism for the sake of attracting readers

Yellow Journalism

A preference for native-born citizens accompanied by

hostility towards immigrants during the 1800’s


Written by Upton Sinclair, this book exposed the horrible

sanitary conditions and procedures in the meat-

packing industry

The Jungle