10 Worst Things About World Of Warcraft (WoW)

Post on 23-Jan-2015

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10 worst things about World of Warcraft is a list from a longtime player about their ten most hated things in Blizzard's hit MMORPG, WoW. Check the full article on MMO Hub.org http://mmohub.org/news/10-things-i-hate-about-world-of-warcraft/431/

Transcript of 10 Worst Things About World Of Warcraft (WoW)

10 Worst Things About World of Warcraft �

1 "WoW places too much importance on gear, and too little on players �

You can be an awesome player, but �unless you have time to raid and get the �best gear, your skill won't mean a lot.

2 "WoW has bad graphics �

Its art style may be fresh, but WoW has �very dated graphics. Even when it came �out in 2004, its graphics were below �average. Now they're way below average.�

3   WoW has a limited end-game focus �

Everyone talks about how fun WoW's end-�game is, but all it is is endless farming for �'phat lewt,' lengthy raids, and PvP arenas.�

4   WoW's fishing sucks �

Every expansion Blizzard says they'll make �fishing better, but every expansion it still sucks. �It levels faster, but it's still boring. �

5   Questionable elements for a fantasy game �

The Draeni crash landing a spaceship that �blood elves built? If someone can build a �spaceship, why are we fighting with swords �and daggers?�

6   The lack of class balance �

There's always a “flavor of the month” class �that's overpowered. And every major patch, �that class gets nerfed to near uselessness, �and another class becomes the new �overpowered one.�

7 "The lack of customization �

Many free-to-play MMORPGs let you greatly �customize your character's appearance. In WoW, �you have very few options, and will often find �people who look just like you. �

8 "Once popular areas – and lower level areas – are ghost towns �

As the expansions continue and the level cap �increases, the beginning areas and areas that �were once hubs are becoming ghost towns, with �few players and activity.�

9   Blizzard caves in to player demands �

There's no scientific research, but it seems like �Blizzard is much quicker to change their own �design plan due to a few vocal players. A number �of “set-in-stone” features have been turned 180 �because of a vocal minority. �

10   The Horde�

If you're an Alliance player, you know what this �one means. If you're a Horde player... Replace �“The Horde” with “The Alliance,” and you'll �know what this one means. �

Read the full article 10 things I hate about �World of Warcraft on MMOHub.org �

Or go to :�http://mmohub.org/news/10-things-i-hate-about-world-of-warcraft/431/ �