10 Windows: How to schedule updates

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 10 Windows: How to schedule updates

Image and inspired by tech-recipes.com


How To Schedule Updates

Image and inspired by tech-recipes.com

Go to Start Menu and Click on Settings.

Then select “Update & security”.

Under windows Update Section

you have to choose Advanced


Click the dropdown menu indicated in the image. Change the settings from

Automatic to “Notify to Schedule Restart”. So when a news windows

update is pop up to your computer, you will be asked when you like to have the

update installed.

When an update is ready for windows you will get a notification. The notification will convey that a restart is needed. The notification is displayed on the bottom right corner of your desktop for a few seconds and then moves to the action center. You can access action center by pressing Winkey + A or

by clicking on the square speech bubble icon to the left of the time on the far right of taskbar.

Click on the restart required notification.

When you will click the notification it will take you to your windows Update Settings. Now

select a date and time for dropdown menus. There is no “set restart time” button or anything

like that. When you have entered Select a restart time and date and the time is entered in

the box you are done. Exit out of Settings.

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