10 ways to renovate your kitchen

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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Transcript of 10 ways to renovate your kitchen

  1. 1. Presentation prepared by Olde Town Brokers
  2. 2. Updating the color of your walls is a great (albeit fairly obvious) way to change the aesthetics of the kitchen space. There are great options available in both paint and wallpaper.
  3. 3. Changing the lighting in your kitchen can make all the difference. Hanging pendant light fixtures or simply changing the light bulbs can make your kitchen warm and inviting.
  4. 4. Consider choosing tile, marble, stone, wood, or even chalkboard paint. Depending on the look and feel you are going for, there is guaranteed to be a material that will fit your kitchen dcor. Now, there are even self-adhesive backsplash tiles, perfect for those who want to simplify their DIY project.
  5. 5. Old, rundown countertops can really detract from your design aesthetic. Replacing the countertops is a great option while renovating your kitchen. An added bonus: countertops can be found in a variety of materials.
  6. 6. Attractive looking appliances can really change the appearance and add appeal to your kitchen. Larger appliances such as the stove or refrigerator are the most obvious option to swap out for something new. If you want to save a little money, try starting with the small appliances.
  7. 7. If you are looking to change the storage situation in your kitchen, consider adding shelves. A current trend in kitchen renovations is open shelving. If you choose to go that route, just make sure you dont mind guests seeing all your dishes and other odds and ends.
  8. 8. There are a lot of options when it comes to your kitchen cabinets. You can paint them, add glass paneling to the doors, or even replace them all together.
  9. 9. Switching out the hardware around your kitchen can really change the feel of the room. From the cabinet handles to switchplates, replacing the hardware is a quick, easy, and not to mention wallet-friendly way to update your kitchen.
  10. 10. There are numerous sink styles and designs on the market. The process can be a little tricky if you want to DIY, so make sure you do your research prior to purchasing your new sink. The last thing you want is for it not to fit or to create plumbing problems.
  11. 11. Replacing the flooring in your home can be costly and time consuming. If youre not wanting to replace the flooring altogether, try hiring a professional cleaner to come in and give the floor a good scrub. Youd be surprised at what a good cleaning can do for a room.
  12. 12. And discuss additional ways you can add value to your home.