10 Skills of the PR Pro of Tomorrow

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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In this short presentation, Arik Hanson, principal of ACH Communications, discusses the 10 skills tomorrow's PR pro will need to succeed. Among the the must-have skills: advertising copywriting skills, analytics and video editing.

Transcript of 10 Skills of the PR Pro of Tomorrow

10 Skills of the PR Pro of Tomorrow

Arik C. Hanson

ACH Communications



Skill Example Tip Resource

Skill #1: Advertising Copywriting

Tip: Brevity. Powerful visuals. CTA.

Skill #2: Video Editing

Tip: Learn iMovie (take a class at the Apple store or teach yourself)

Skill #3: Mobile

Tip: Always keep the customer experience in mind

Skill #4: Content curation

Tools:• Storify• PearlTrees• Pinterest• Delicious• Paper.li• Diigo

Tip: Value/relevance>brand

Skill #5: Analytics

Other tools:• Facebook Insights• Tweetreach• Crimson Hexagon• Social Mention

Tip: Focus on the analysis, not the numbers

Skill #6: Optimizing for search

Tip: Optimize for usefulness, not keywords

Skill #7: Speed to information

Other tools:• Instapaper• Pocket• Cadmus

Skill #8: Programming

Tip: Don’t be a professor—be a translator

Skill #9: Art directing

Tip: Creative visuals win

Tools:• Instagram• PicMonkey• Pinstamatic

Skill #10: Blogger Outreach Skills

Other tools:• Blogdash• Grouphigh• Alltop

Tip: Research, personalize and set expectations

10 skills:• Copywriting• Video editing• Mobile

• Content curation• Analytics• Optimization• Programming

• Speed to information• Art directing

• Blogger outreach


