10 Signs We’re in for More Data Breaches

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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The ThreatTrack Security "10 Signs We’re in for More Data Breaches" slideshow offers a glimpse of what top executives and front-line cybersecurity professionals think of today’s threat landscape and the challenges they face – all of which underscores that the status quo will do nothing more than create a welcoming environment for even more data breaches.

Transcript of 10 Signs We’re in for More Data Breaches

  • 1. 10 Signs Were In For More Data Breaches

2. Under Constant Barrage Defending against data breaches has never been more challenging, and the stakes have never been higher. The ThreatTrack Security Labs processes more than 200,000 new malicious threats daily, underscoring the increasing velocity and staggering rate at which cybercriminals are creating new threats and unleashing new variants to evade detection. 200,000+ new malware threats are created every day 3. Executive Anxiety When ThreatTrack Security conducted a study of U.S. enterprise CEOs, CFOs, CIOs and CISOs, the results painted a picture of overwhelmed corporate leaders who lacked confidence in their cyber- security readiness, and expressed resignation when it came to their ability to defend against APTs and other advanced threats used in data breaches. ThreatTrack Security; Enterprise Executives Lack Confidence About Cybersecurity, 2013 Of top enterprise executives: 69% concerned they are vulnerable to advanced malware threats 66% unsure if they have been targeted by an APT 47% do not use advanced malware analysis in their cyber defense 4. S.O.S. From the Frontlines ThreatTrack Securitys research with security professionals within U.S. enterprises responsible for malware analysis revealed that this critical line of data breach defense is understaffed and outgunned in their daily battle against internal and external threats. ThreatTrack Security; Malware Analysts Have the Tools They Need, But Challenges Remain, 2013 Enterprise malware analysts ID biggest challenges 67% concerned about complexity of malware 67% struggle with volume of malware they face 40% do not have enough skilled staff 35% lack access to advanced malware analysis tools 5. Self-Inflicted Wounds Despite increased awareness and employee education, cybersecurity professionals within U.S. enterprises continue to struggle with senior leaderships risky online behavior, opening the door to stolen credentials and access to an organizations most sensitive data all of which is preventable. ThreatTrack Security; Malware Analysts Have the Tools They Need, But Challenges Remain, 2013 Cybersecurity pros report having to remove malware from senior executives PCs because: 56% Clicking on a malicious link in a phishing email 45% Allowing a family member to use a company-owned device 40% Visiting an infected pornographic website 6. Data Breaches Costlier and More Sophisticated When you consider the costs associated with loss of competitiveness, eroded customer trust, government fines and litigation, one breach may be all it takes to put many businesses out of business. * Verizon; 2013 Data Breach Investigations Report ** Ponemon Institute; 2013 Cost of Data Breach Study: Global Analysis 40% of data breaches involve malware* 92% of data breaches perpetrated by outsiders* $3.03 million is the average cost of lost business due to a data breach** 7. Data Breaches Go Undetected Time is not on your side, and breaches go too long without being detected. How are breaches discover? Only 10% of data breaches are discovered by accident. Most are discovered through the use of forensic investigative tools like a malware analysis sandbox, 28%; DLP solution, 19%; or through law enforcement notification, 15%.** *Verizon; 2013 Data Breach Investigations Report ** Ponemon Institute; The Post Breach Boom, 2013 66% of data breaches take months to be discovered* 8. Data Breaches Go Unreported Todays data breach headlines may only be scratching the surface, with too many data breaches going unreported. According to ThreatTrack Security research, the largest companies are even more likely to have had an unreported breach, with 66% of malware analysts with the largest enterprises reporting undisclosed data breaches. ThreatTrack Security; Malware Analysts Have the Tools They Need, But Challenges Remain, 2013 57% of enterprise malware analysts have investigated or addressed a data breach that was never disclosed 9. Cybersecurity Under Funded Research consistently shows that cybersecurity pros lack resources, and the numbers back that up. IT budgets are rising, but security remains only a small fraction despite growing awareness of data breaches and the long-term risk they pose to organizations of all sizes. PwC; Global State of Information Security Survey 2014 Information security remains at less than 4% of overall IT spending Security < 4% 10. Untrusting Consumers Months before Targets data breach was disclosed, consumers already lacked confidence in U.S. enterprises ability to keep their data secure. ThreatTrack Security research uncovered deep mistrust of enterprise cybersecurity and anxiety over the vulnerability of their personal data. ThreatTrack Security; Enterprise Executives Lack Confidence About Cybersecurity, 2013 Of consumers: 71% say companies that hold their data do not do enough to protect it 75% believe companies will be attacked and their data will be stolen 47% reported being notified their information had been compromised 11. Governments Role Unclear Many organizations rely on regulatory compliance standards for the foundation of their cybersecurity and data breach defense strategy. While some cybersecurity pros support government guidance, the public remains skeptical of its involvement. Meanwhile, others are conflicted about the most recent government security framework and guidance initiatives. * ThreatTrack Security; Despite Adequate Security Guidance From The Government, Defense Contractors Say They Remain Vulnerable To Cyber- Attack, 2014 ** ThreatTrack Security; Enterprise Executives Lack Confidence About Cybersecurity, 2013 88% of cybersecurity pros say the government provides strong guidance for securing sensitive information* 70% of consumers are skeptical of government mandating security standards to private companies** 12. Prevent Data Breaches with ThreatTrack Security ThreatTrack Security specializes in helping organizations identify and stop Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), targeted attacks and other sophisticated malware designed to evade the traditional cyber-defenses deployed by enterprises and government agencies around the world. The company develops advanced cybersecurity solutions that Expose, Analyze and Eliminate the worlds most sophisticated malware. Learn more at www.ThreatTrackSecurity.com.