10 - Saint George Greek Orthodox Church · ther Rick! Xronia Polla! Family Camp October 10-12, 2014...

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Transcript of 10 - Saint George Greek Orthodox Church · ther Rick! Xronia Polla! Family Camp October 10-12, 2014...

V O L U M E 2 0 , I S S U E 9 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 4

10.14 St. George Greek

Orthodox Church

St. Paul, Minnesota

in this issue

Regis try P.3

Par ish News P.4-5

Youth News P.6

September Photos P.7

To our beloved Orthodox Christian faithful throughout the United States of America:

[Let us] maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Eph. 4.3)

Beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord,

We, the members of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of Ameri-

ca, gathered in Dallas, Texas, for our fifth annual meeting on September 16, 2014, greet you with paternal

love, as we offer glory and thanks to our Triune God.

Thirty-eight bishops convened in the unity of our holy Orthodox faith, mindful of our responsibil-

ity to each other and to the whole Church as the Body of Christ. We opened our Assembly with the cele-

bration of the Divine Liturgy and the sharing of the Holy Eucharist at the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox

Church in Dallas Texas as guests of our host, Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver. Even as our Church honors

the holy and precious Cross, we celebrate the universal and definitive victory of God over evil, sin and


We express our deep gratitude to all those who labored for this fifth annual Assembly Meeting.

We recognize the new First Vice-Chairman of the Assembly, Metropolitan Joseph, Primate of the Antio-

chian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, recently elected to succeed Metropolitan Philip

of blessed memory. May our Lord Jesus Christ grant eternal repose to our brother and concelebrant Met-

ropolitan Philip. The Assembly also welcomes its Second Vice-Chairman, newly consecrated Bishop John

of Naro-Fominsk, Administrator of the Patriarchate of Moscow’s parishes in America, and expresses its

thanks to Archbishop Justinian, who has returned to Russia. Finally, we greet the latest member of our

Assembly, Bishop Saba, representing the parishes of the Patriarchate of Georgia in the USA.

In the opening session, our chairman Archbishop Demetrios underlined our responsibility as bish-

ops in witnessing to the Gospel and manifesting God’s love in our world. Therefore, in our conversations

carried out in a spirit of mutual trust and fraternity, we focused on issues related to the role of our Church

in society, such as the advancement of religious education and relations with other churches and religions.

We heard reports from the directors of the Assembly’s seven agencies, with an overview of their history

and current activities. The agencies include the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), Ortho-

dox Christian Mission Center (OCMC), Orthodox Christian Network (OCN), Orthodox Christian Fellow-

ship (OCF), Orthodox Christian Education Commission (OCEC), Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry

(OCPM), and Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting (EOCS).

In particular, we recognized our responsibility to address primarily domestic but also, by exten-

sion, global issues as the Orthodox Christian community of a nation that plays a decisive role in our world.

We are cognizant of the vocation and obligation, especially as we await the Holy and Great Synod of the

Orthodox Autocephalous Churches scheduled for the Spring of 2016 in Istanbul. Over the next months, we

shall have the opportunity to submit specific recommendations and proposals for consideration by the Syn-

od, through its special Pan-Orthodox Preparatory Committee, with a view to overcoming existing canoni-

cal anomalies in the United States. We reaffirm our commitment to the decisions of the Primates of the

Orthodox Autocephalous Churches and the Pan-Orthodox Preconciliar Conferences. In this regard, we

engaged in constructive deliberation on the vision of our Church in the United States in light of Orthodox

ecclesiology and canon law, but also in view of recent immigration developments and trends.

In declaring our common faith and professing our pastoral witness, we pray for the families of our

faithful, who face unprecedented and unfathomable challenges from diverse contemporary societal trends,

especially as a result of the increasing eclipse of the Christian family and its traditional values. Therefore,

we emphasize the primacy and priority of the family Christian life, remembering that the first man and

(Continued on page 2)

page 2

woman created in the image and likeness of God constituted a family, that the incarnate Word was born into a family, and that the crucified

Lord was concerned about His family on the precious and life-giving Cross.

Finally, we agreed on the following resolutions:

1) We unanimously agreed on our fervent support for the convocation of the Holy and Great Council in 2016 and entreat all those

responsible for its realization to work in a spirit of unity and harmony in order to bring the blessed occasion to fruition without any

delay or hindrance.

2) We deplore the ongoing violence and extreme bloodshed throughout the world. In the Middle East, hostility and brutality are oc-

curring among members of different religions, sometimes supposedly in the name of religion. We pray for peace and justice in this

region, for protection of Christian and other minorities in the ancient lands of Syria, Iraq and Palestine, as well as for the cessation

of racial discrimination, partisan extremism, and religious fanaticism. We especially decry the violence of the so-called Islamic

State, commending our brothers and sisters in the region to work as apostles of peace.

3) In Ukraine, we have watched for months with mounting dismay and grief the armed conflict and unjustifiable bloodshed among

our own brothers and sisters. We appeal to a humanitarian response to the innocent victims of this conflict. We call upon all par-

ties to deepen the present truce; may church and government leaders in the region be a force of restraint and reconciliation. We

pray for dialogue and understanding in this land, whose Christian roots date to over one thousand years ago. May God bring unity

and peace to the church and people in Ukraine.

4) We fervently appeal once again for the release of our brother bishops in Syria, the Greek Orthodox Metropolitan Paul Yazigi

(brother of the His Beatitude Patriarch John X of Antioch) and the Syrian Orthodox Archbishop John Ibrahim, as well as of all

kidnapped persons.

5) Moreover, we regret that our brother Archbishop Jova of Ohrid remains imprisoned in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedo-

nia, and we implore the authorities in FYROM for a prompt and fair resolution to this issue.

6) We are deeply concerned about the reported dramatic rise of those who label themselves as religiously indifferent, agnostic or

atheist. We commit ourselves to raising greater awareness and striving to more ardent preaching of the Christian gospel, while

calling upon our faithful to increase their vigilance and continue growing in their understanding of our Church’s teaching and tra-


In conclusion, we ask for the prayers of our precious and beloved Orthodox faithful, as we continue the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ,

who went about all Galilee, teaching in the synagogues, proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom, and healing every disease and every infir-

mity among the people (Mat. 4.23). May the abundant blessings of our merciful God be with you all.

(Continued from page 1)

Archbishop Demetrios, Chairman Archbishop Kyrill

Metropolitan Joseph, 1st Vice Chairman Bishop Peter

Bishop John, 2nd Vice Chairman Bishop Theodosy

Bishop Basil, Secretary Bishop Nicholas

Metropolitan Antony, Treasurer Bishop Longin

Metropolitan Iakovos Bishop Mitrophan

Metropolitan Isaiah Bishop Maxim

Metropolitan Alexios Archbishop Nicolae

Metropolitan Nikitas Bishop Saba

Metropolitan Nicholas Bishop Daniil

Metropolitan Savas Metropolitan Tikhon

Bishop Daniel Archbishop Nathaniel

Bishop Sevastianos Archbishop Nikon

Bishop Gregory Archbishop Benjamin

Bishop Thomas Archbishop Melchisedek

Bishop John Bishop Mark

Bishop Anthony Bishop Michael

Bishop Nicholas Bishop Alexander

Metropolitan Hilarion Bishop David



August 15

Mariano: Parents Dina & Eric Negron


August 31

August 17

Lucille Marinos (1 year)

Anna Theodorou (1 year)

Church Staff and Office Hours

Church Office Hours

M,W,Th, F 9:00 AM—2:00 PM

Tues. 12:00 —5:00 PM

Rev. Fr. Richard Demetrius Andrews, Presbyter

(651) 222-6220

Email: fatherick@stgeorgegoc.org

Administrative Assistant

(651) 222-6220

Email: office@stgeorgegoc.org

Jon Kennedy,

Parish Council President

(651) 653-9756

Email: jdkennedy@comcast.net

Lani Hattling,

Sunday School Director

(763) 551-4876

Email: lanihattling@gmail.com

Stella Hofrenning,

Greek School Director

(651) 917-2668

Email: hofrenni@augsburg.edu

Reva Adkins,

Philoptochos President

(651) 337-1118

Email: rradkins@comcast.net

Glad Tidings—Editor

Email: GladTidings @stgeorgegoc.org

Andrea Faches & Eric Chadwick,

Loaves and Fishes Coordinators

Email: afaches@msn.com

Submissions for upcoming issues

are due by the 11th of the preceding


page 3

St. Paul. MN

Please donate a Festal Icon (11" x 14") in memory of a loved one. The cost is $75.00 per icon.

The icons are displayed in the church nave and are put out for veneration on the Feast Day

of the Saint or event they represent. To donate an icon, fill out a form (found on the bulletin

board by the kitchen) and return it to the office.

Festal Icons Needed

Parable of Rich Man & Lazaros Jesus Heals Ten Lepers

A Beautiful Milestone Fr. Daniel & Presbytera Eileen Simon celebrated

their 50th Wedding Anniversary and Fr. Daniel's

48th year of ordination to the Holy Priesthood on

August 24th. We pray many of God’s rich bless-

ings upon them and wish many more years to

them. Xronia Polla and Axios!

page 4

Oct. 10 Happy 50th birthday, Fa-ther Rick! Xronia Polla!

Family Camp October 10-12, 2014 Join us this fall in a new camping site…

Camp Courage near Annandale, Minne-

sota. We are thrilled to announce that

our guest speaker is Mother Macrina

from the Dormition of the Mother of

God Monastery. She will talk to us

about what it means as an Orthodox

Christian to live the cycles of the

church. Beside the time with Mother

Macrina, family camp provides a chance

to step away from the busy world in

which we live to relax, experience God’s

beautiful nature, visit with other Ortho-

dox families, and get closer to

HIM! Registration is available

at www.stmaryscamp.com. There you

will find more information about the

weekend. It is a first come, first served

registration process. Don’t delay! This

is a weekend you will not want to

miss. Remember, couples without chil-

dren, singles, empty nesters, grandpar-

ents are all a part of our church fami-

ly! If you have any questions, feel free

to contact Cindy Karos

(ckaros@visi.com) or Doria Saros


PHILOPTOCHOS: FRESH Phyllo Holiday Orders are

this month! – Philoptochos ladies will

be taking orders in October for FRESH

phyllo. Get your orders in for the holi-

day baking season.

Orders taken Oct. 5, 12 and 19 or by

emailing janedono1@gmail.com.

Phyllo Pick-Up Days are Nov. 2 and 9

following liturgy.

Not only do your pastries turn out

pretty, but working with FRESH phyllo

is SO MUCH EASIER! Each pound is $4

for advance orders. Please see order

form in Gladtidings or at church to

place your order.

Sunday Social Hour Volunteers need-

ed for October 12 and all of December.

Please contact Naomi Tsantir at 612-781-


Intro to Orthodoxy If you're planning

to convert to Orthodox Christianity or

you would just like to brush up on your

knowledge, enroll in the Cooperative

Catechism program this Fall. Classes

will meet at St. George Church

on Tuesday evenings 7-9pm start-

ing September 9th through December 2nd.

Bring a friend or family member. Also,

it is helpful for parents and godparents

to prepare for upcoming baptisms. For

more info, go to www.meocca.org.

Want to Greek Dance? The Greek

Dancers of Minnesota are currently re-

cruiting new dancers for the upcoming

year. If you can sing or play a Greek

instrument (clarinet, santouri, lyra,

daouli-drum), you can participate that

way as well. We aim to represent the

whole village, so all ages are invited,

children through adults (ages 7 to 77,

some exceptions made for younger chil-

dren, so please ask). You do not have to

be Greek. There is no fee. Practices are

on Sunday evenings in the St. George

social hall. Contact Angela or Marisa

Mortari at 651-730-1652 or e-mail us

through our website


Sympathies & Condolence to Michael

Mihalides, whose twin brother, George,

fell asleep in the Lord. Funeral service

was September 5th at St. George GOC in

Sherville, Indiana. May his memory be


Ecclesiastical Divorce A spiritual

court hearing will be scheduled soon

this Fall to review petitions for ecclesi-

astical divorce. If you have a civil di-

vorce, you need a divorce through/from

the Church in order to return to sacra-

mental good standing. You also need

this to be married in the Church after a

divorce. Please keep in mind: those who

cohabitate, and those who have a civil

marriage without a Church marriage

are also not in sacramental good stand-

ing. This is also known as

“excommunicated.” To begin the pro-

cess of reconciliation to the Church, con-

tact Fr. Rick.

Find Us on Facebook for up to date

news and information, please visit our

parish Facebook page. Just type in the

parish name and you’ll notice a photo of

the front of the church. Facebook is a

powerful communication tool.

FOCUS MN Weekly Schedule: If you

would like to help there are plenty of

opportunities each week-

Wednesdays Food Shelf 11:30am -

4:30pm; Thursdays Workday 10:00am -

2:30pm (sorting, organizing, odd jobs

etc.); Friday Clothes Closet 10:30am -

2:30pm; Sunday serve meals from 4:00-

7:30pm. Contact director Mat. Vera Proc-

tor vsproctor@gmail.com for more info.

Women Pan-Orthodox Tea- St.

George Antiochian Orthodox Church

cordially invites all Orthodox women to

our Women Pan-Orthodox Tea

on Saturday, October 4, 2014 at 3:00pm.

Parish Parish


St. Paul. MN

page 5

Vespers to follow at 5:00pm, at 1250

Oakdale Avenue, West St. Paul, MN.

Featured speaker is Matushka Vera Proc-

tor, director of FOCUS MN, will discuss

the Myrrhbearing women and how we,

as Orthodox Women, can emulate their

example within our church, homes,

work and daily lives. The event is free

but please bring a dessert to share.

RSVP to Sue Perry, 651-895-

6291, suefperry@comcast.net or Chris-

tine Quam, 651-270-3829

or christinecquam@yahoo.com.

AHEPA District 14 Fall Confer-

ence in Minneapolis at St.

Mary's Greek Orthodox Church

on Saturday October 4th with meetings 1-

5 PM. Dinner/dance social event Satur-

day evening. Golf event (The Tiger

Open) Sunday afternoon. RSVP by Sep-

tember 27th. Both the Supreme and the

DOP Grand president will be in attend-

ance. For more info contact Don Vano-

ver District Governor.

Opportunities at St. George

Administrative Assistant This position

is 30 hours per week with same sched-

ule M-F. Main responsibilities include

answering phone and emails, data en-

try, printing, copying, mailings, filing,

inventory control, interaction with pa-

rishioners and vendors, light support

for volunteer groups. We need a highly

self-responsible person who can multi-

task with good interpersonal and organ-

izational skills. Send resume and cover

letter toinfo@stgeorgegoc.org.

Youth Minister The position is once

again open for any applicants. Please

contact Fr. Rick if interested.

Gladtidings Editor Must be able to

work in Microsoft Publisher.

St. George’s 75th Anniversary

St. George Diamond Jubilee Kick-Off Reception

Saturday, October 25, 6:30 pm – St. George Social Hall

The entire parish is invited for wine, appetizers & fellowship!

Come & see what we have been planning for this special milestone of our church.

We want you there for this fun evening!

OCF is starting up at the University of St. Thomas

New cross installed on top of Holy Gate

page 6

Cinema Night—Youth/Family Activity Saturday, October 4 @ 6:00PM Join your Church family and friends in the Social Hall

Saturday October 4th for Youth Cinema Night.

We will be screening some Pixar

shorts followed by our feature film,

Disney's Oz: The Great and Power-

ful starring James Franco, Mila Kunis,

Michelle Williams and Rachel Weisz.

A concession stand style dinner will

be served during the shorts with

snacks for the feature film and des-

sert during intermission. Yes, inter-

mission! We will also have a photo

booth and video booth set up to complement this red car-

pet event.

Dinner and shorts will start at 6 and the feature film will

start at 6:30.

Oz: The Great and Powerful is a prequel to L.

Frank Baums books about the land of Oz. The movie is

'live action' (not animated) and rated PG. There are

strong themes of responsibility and making good deci-

sions throughout the movie. If time permits, we will have

a discussion with the older children after the screening

to set these themes in a Christian perspective.

Family Camp October 10-13 Space is filling up! Join us this fall in a new camping site…Camp

Courage near Annandale, Minnesota. We are

thrilled to announce that our guest speaker

is Mother Macrina from the Dormition of

the Mother of God Monastery. She will talk to us about

what it means as an Orthodox Christian to live the cycles

of the church. Beside the time with Mother Macrina,

family camp provides a chance to step away from the

busy world in which we live to relax, experience God’s

beautiful nature, visit with other Orthodox families, and

get closer to HIM! Registration is available

at www.stmaryscamp.com. There you will find more infor-

mation about the weekend. It is a first come, first

served registration process. Don’t delay! This is a week-

end you will not want to miss. Remember, couples without

children, singles, empty nesters, grandparents are all a

part of our church family! If you have any questions, feel

free to contact Cindy Karos (ckaros@visi.com) or Doria

Saros (dsaros@stmarysgoc.org).

Sunday School Notes

Sunday School Service Sunday is coming up on Sunday,

October 5th. A few students will be participating in a

new Junior Ushering program. Sunday School families

will also be hosting the Social Hour on October

5th. Please show them our support.

Sunday School Registration is online, please register

your students if you have not already done so. Registra-

tion forms can be found on the St. George web-


Christmas Program Volunteers are needed to help with

Christmas Program this year. Please let Lani Hattling

know if you can help with costumes, rehearsal chaperones,

potluck for rehearsal Sundays, etc.

Oratorical Festival is going to be March 1, 2015. It

sounds far away, but the Archdiocese has already posted

suggested topics on their website. http://www.goarch.org/


Youth Minister Position Open: This part-time position

is 10-15 hours per week and the primary responsibilities

are developing working relationships with parent volun-

teers to organize and plan activities for our high school,

middle school and elementary age kids. Current salary is

$1000 per month. If interested, please contact Fr. Rick.

St. George St. George St. George


page 7

St. Paul. MN

Parishioner Address Changes

Vassilios Morellas & Venitia Laganis 5435 Archer , N Minneapolis, MN 55446-2708

Melina Anderson 4345 220th St W Apt 104 , Farmington, MN 55024-1279

Michael and Connie Tzenis 11285 172nd St W, Lakeville, MN 55044-7850

Steve Hatzis 781 Pedersen St, St Paul MN, 55119-3539

September in photos

Church Picnic in Highland Park on Sept. 21st

Family Pine Tree Apple Orchard Visit on Sept.

Brick work on the north exterior wall by the parking lot.

Sept 14 Elevation of the Cross


1111 Summit Avenue

St. Paul, Minnesota 55105

Phone 651.222.6220 Fax 651.225.9276



Non-Profit Organization

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Twin Cities, MN

Permit No. 177

Glad Tidings October 2014


Holy Confession: By Appointment

Vespers: (Sept. - May) Saturday 5:00 pm

Orthros: Sunday 8:15 am

Sunday School: (Sept. - May)

following Communion

Divine Liturgy: Sunday 9:30 am


Tuesday, Oct. 14 St. Paraskeve Petka of Romania

Liturgy 9:00 a.m.


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


1 Youth & Family Night

2 Patriarchate Sunday / Daylight Savings





26 Pan-Orthodox Liturgy

27 Thanksgiving Holiday





11:30am-4:30pm FOCUS MN - Food Shelf

6:30pm Website Cmte Mtg


10am-2:30pm FOCUS MN - Work Day (odd jobs)



10:30am-2:30pm FOCUS MN - Clothes Closet


3pm-5pm Orthodox Women's Tea at St. George Antiochian


6pm Family Night



8:15am ORTHROS

9:30am LITURGY

11am Church Music Sunday

12pm Youth Ministry Mtg.

4pm-7:30pm FOCUS MN - Serve a Meal



6:30pm Parish Council Mtg.


10:00am Philoptochos Meeting

7pm Catechism Class at St George Greek



11:30am-4:30pm FOCUS MN - Food Shelf



10am-2:30pm FOCUS MN - Work Day (odd jobs)

12pm MEOCCA Meeting at Holy Trinity OCA



FAMILY CAMP (Camp Courage)

10:30am-2:30pm FOCUS MN - Clothes Closet


FAMILY CAMP (Camp Courage)




FAMILY CAMP (Camp Courage)

8:15am ORTHROS

9:30am LITURGY

12pm Acolyte Training

4pm-7:30pm FOCUS MN - Serve a Meal


5pm-7pm Loaves & Fishes (Faith Lutheran Church)




12pm OCF at UST

7pm Catechism Class (St George Greek)



11:30am-4:30pm FOCUS MN - Food Shelf


10am-2:30pm FOCUS MN - Work Day (odd jobs)

7pm Ahepa Mtg



10:30am-2:30pm FOCUS MN - Clothes Closet






8:15am ORTHROS

9:30am LITURGY

4pm-7:30pm FOCUS MN - Serve a Meal (1600 E Lake St\, Minneapolis\, MN\, United States)




7pm Catechism Class (St George Greek)



11:30am-4:30pm FOCUS MN - Food Shelf



10am-2:30pm FOCUS MN - Work Day (odd jobs)

Metropolitan Iakovos’ Nameday Dinner (Chicago, IL)



10:30am-2:30pm FOCUS MN - Clothes Closet


9:30am Divine Liturgy (Eau Claire\, WI)


6:30pm 75th Anniversary Kick-off




8:15am ORTHROS

9:30am LITURGY

4pm-7:30pm FOCUS MN - Serve a Meal


4:30pm-8:30pm Lex-Ham Community Council Mtg.



12pm OCF at UST

7pm Catechism Class (St George Greek)



11:30am-4:30pm FOCUS MN - Food Shelf


10am-2:30pm FOCUS MN - Work Day (odd jobs)



10:30am-2:30pm FOCUS MN - Clothes Closet




The Metropolis of Chicago Clergy Syndesmos is hosting the annual Saint Iakovos Feast Day Dinner to honor our Spiritual Father, Metropolitan Iakovos of Chicago, on the occasion of his Name Day. This dinner

will benefit the Saint Iakovos Retreat Center & the Ministries of the Clergy Syndesmos.

The Chicago Clergy Syndesmos Invites You to the Annual

Celebrating His Eminence’s Vision for the Saint Iakovos Retreat Center