10 pages Updated 26th March 2020 Respiratory Viral infections...5 Several other authorities agreed...

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Transcript of 10 pages Updated 26th March 2020 Respiratory Viral infections...5 Several other authorities agreed...


10 pages Updated 26th March 2020

Respiratory Viral infections – Immunity for all ages written by Diana Hayes Homeopath.

COVID-19 is caused by the lung-targeting virus (SARS-COV-2). Antibiotics do not work on viruses because viruses are not alive. A bacterium is a living, reproducing life form. With a virus there is nothing to "kill," so antibiotics don't work on it.

Prevention Protocol 1,2,3,4

1. HAMPL RESPIRATORY Immune 331 50ml ( AN330-1) Use the Homeopathic “Homeoprophylaxis” Oral Nosode

Viral Immune health support for all and ages. FREQUENCY repeats: A dose, once per week, for 10 -14 weeks.

Then finished. Same for all ages.

2. Use Essential Oil – in a room diffuser, hand sanitizer spray bottle Add a couple of drops of the Bay Leaf essential oil (is specific for the SARS-group of corona viruses -- it has been

found to kill that group) and Raensara Essential Oil (most effective anti viral essential oil).

* We bought ours from PipingRock website.

Add several drops to your home or office diffuser, as well as a couple of drops to your face mask when you

go to shops. You could also put in a spray bottle with some water or fractioned coconut oil and spray on

hands and other areas that you are going touch… like bank teller machines, petrol bouser handles, public

toilet door and taps…

3. Take “Vitamin C” now


Plain Vitamin C powder (called sodium ascorbate crystals that are dissolvable in some liquid and easy to take, buy

on-line or from health food store, or pharmacy) * Dissolve 3 teaspoons in a cup of bone broth or warm water and take

10ml 6 x dialy. Reference: Vitamin C protects .. against all virus



Kakadu Plum herbal vitamin C … not as good as Liposomal Vitamin c but will help a lot. A POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT high in Vitamin C.



Some are taking herbal tincture * Isatis Tincture (is specific for the SARS-group of corona viruses)


~ Take 2 drops under the tongue REPEATING 2 to 5 times a day.


If Active infection (.. sore throat, coughing, headache , tight chest)

a) SORE THROAT – ticking in throat for 4 days.

Corona Virus before it reaches the lungs it remains in the throat for 4 days and at this time the person begins

to cough and have throat pains. If we drink lots of warm water and gargle salt and vinegar water eliminates

the virus. If you don’t have apple cider vinegar (or if you only have white vinegar use that). And spit it out

and repeat every hour. Drink hot teas and drinks as virus can be destroyed in hot weather or drinks. Some

people can go to near infrared sauna (red light saunas). Also in the sinus cavity, have a hair dryer and spray

bottle of water, spray nostrils then blast your nasal passage with air dryer when breathing in, then when

breathing out turn hair dryer away from face and then wet nose passage again and repeat with hair dryer, do

both sides of the nostrils. Repeat as often as needed to stop the virus spreading.

b) To stop or treat lungs (trouble breathing)

Use the “Liposomal Vitamin C” (is the most effective form of vitamin c for all acute respiratory conditions)

For example when a human has viral infection of ‘extreme’ respiratory condition – like late stage infections they take at

least 8-12 grams is optimal. But often is taken a lot more like…. 20mg (20,000mg) per day ( 20 satchels a day),

depending how unwell or sick they are. Give half the amount for pets.

For example below some different brand of the Liposomal Vitamin C

Using either - “Dr Mercola’s Liposomal Vit C” Capsules (one capsule = 500mg)

e.g. People simply take 12,000 mg a day 24 capsules. Suggest taking 8 capsules - 3 x daily as general

support or take 4 capsules, every 6 minutes for 10 repeats for treating "acute symptoms"

OR Using - “LivOn Liposomal Vit C” or California Gold - Satchels of gel (one satchel =


Take 12 satchels per day. 3 satchels in a glass of water or juice, rpt (4) four times a day for general health

or take 2 satchels of the gel in a shot gun of water every 6 minutes for 10 repeats for treating " acute


OR Using - “BioCeuticals Liposomal Vitamin C” Liquid (5ml or 1 metric teaspoon=1,000mg)

* from your local Pharmacy in Australia or www.vitalityandwellness.com.au or ebay

Take 2 teaspoons in a little juice or water, repeat every 5 minutes to 10 minutes taking

a dose of 10 repeats. Hold for 30-20 seconds between the cheek or the gum. * Usually it just takes one days dosing to see a huge improvement, can then reduce or continue dosing for a little

longer at the same amount and frequency.

** ORDER YOURS NOW from the links below from other suppliers who have more stock available.

Different Brands and types of “Liposomal Vitamin C” can order from supplier

~ Dr Mercola - Liposomal C Two capsules = 1,000mg vitamin C (ascorbic acid) GEL

Buy online from various web suppliers e.g www.iherb.com

~ LivOn Liposomal C One satchel = 1,000mg vitamin C (sodium ascorbate) GEL

Buy online from various web suppliers e.g www.iherb.com OR Ebay seller (30 Satchels in a box)

~ BioCeutical - Liposomal C One teaspoon = 1,000mg vitamin C (sodium ascorbate) LIQUID

Buy online from from ebay website seller.

~ California Gold Nutrition LiposomeUP™ One satchel = 1,000mg vitamin C (sodium ascorbate) GEL

Buy online from various web suppliers e.g www.iherb.com OR Ebay seller (30 Satchels in a box)

NOTE: for those who can't take "acidic" (stomach ulcers, or sensitive stomach) type vitamin C, then use the LivOn

Liposomal vitamin C gel or the Bioceutical liposomal vitamin C – liquid, California Gold LiposomeUP.


c) If tight chest Use a plug in “Air Humidifier” (we use the model no: CF-2530) ABLE ASTHMA.

Add water and a tablespoon or so of Eucalyptus oil. Have set up & in a room beside the bed for all species sizes and ages. This will help clear congestion and aid more oxygen for better breathing.

d) HAMPL Anti Viral Herbal CV2 50ml Contains herbal concentrate blend— Baikal Skullcap, Isatis, Kudzu root (pueraria lobata), Licorice root, Red Root , Olive Leaf, Pleurisy, Echinacea Aug

Extra Herbal Support Providing herbs that have Mucilaginous properties to sooth the mucous


e) HAMPL Mucous Membrane CV5 50ml Contains herbal extract: Echinacea, Marshmallow, Licorice root, Chamomile (to sooth nerves). ADD 10 drops to cup of warm honey water.

f) HAMPL RESPIRATORY Relief 50ml Homeopathic combination formula according to symptoms of this current virus. FREQUENCY - If unwell, take a dose in herbal formula or add a few drops to a glass of water, stir and then sip as one dose every 5 to 15 minutes, as needed take 4 - 6 x daily.


If an “active virus” Infection For all ages with ACTIVE infection

In one cup … add approx. 10 drops of the Mucous Membrane CV5 herbal mix in with approx

8 drops of the Anti Viral CV2 herbal mix, plus 1-2 teaspoon of Kakadu Plum vitamin C or sodium

ascorbate powder (or add 2-4 satchels of the gel of Liposomal Vitamin C) plus several drops of

the RESPIRATORY Relief 330-4 homeopathic drops in a little juice or water or

chicken broth or Boneset tea … and drink with some honey in it. ~ Make up and drink EVERY 15 mins to half hourly or hourly repeating at least three time a day . (if need to take it more often do so) Ask someone to do this for you if in bed at home or hospital. Fine to use drugs same time, but not necessary.


Why “needless” deaths from this threatening virus?

Because doctors, health authorities, hospital administrators and politicians have not read history. Not even the Chinese!

This week several members of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service (OMNS) were asked, “How would you treat the coronavirus?”

Here are opinions of experts who study the potential of nutrients to fight disease.

Dr. Andrew W. Saul, an international expert on vitamin therapy, says, “The coronavirus can be dramatically slowed or stopped completely with the immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C. Bowel tolerance levels of C taken in divided doses throughout the day, is a clinically proven antiviral, without equal.”

Saul adds, “Dr. Robert F. Cathcart, who had extensive experience treating viral diseases remarked, ’I have not seen any flu yet that was not cured or markedly ameliorated by massive doses of vitamin.”

Professor Victor Marcial-Vega of the Caribe School of Medicine responds, “Given the relatively high rate of success of intravenous vitamin C in viral diseases and my observation of clinical improvement within 2 to 3 hours of treatment, I strongly believe it would be my first recommendation in the management of the coronavirus.”

He adds, “I have also used intravenous vitamin C to treat patients with influenza, dengue fever, and chikungunya, for 24 years.”

Dr. Jeffery Allyn Ruterbusch, Associate Professor at Central Michigan University, says, “I believe all of us agree on the greatly increased benefits of vitamin C when people are placed under any stressful condition.”

Dr. Damien Downing, former editor of the Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, writes: “Swine flu, bird flu, and SARS, all developed in selenium-deficient China. When patients were given selenium, viral mutation rates dropped and immunity improved.”

Reference: https://www.mpnnow.com/news/20200128/dr-gifford-jones-people-are-dying-needlessly-of-coronavirus

Note from editor: raw brazil nuts has a good amount of natural selenium in it. Only a good thing to each a few or so a day.


Several other authorities agreed that … high and regular doses of Vitamin C, along with 3,000 IU of Vitamin D, ( buy the Cod Liver Oil capsules) and 20 milligrams of Zinc Picolinate capsules, was a good combination to help fight viral diseases. And Drs. Carolyn Dean and Thomas Levy, both world authorities on magnesium, stressed that the mineral is involved in 1,000 metabolic reactions and that maintaining adequate levels improves immunity. Another over-riding opinion was that few people know that high doses of C increase immunity and destroy viral diseases.

This information is not new. During the great polio epidemic of 1949-50 Dr. Frederick R. Klenner, a family physician in North Carolina, treated 60 polio patients with high doses of intravenous vitamin C. None developed paralysis. This discovery should have made headlines around the world but Dr. Klenner’s news fell on deaf ears.

Later, Klenner proved that high doses of C could also be effective as treatments for meningitis, pneumonia, measles, hepatitis and other viral and bacterial diseases. Even the bite of a rattlesnake. Again, only scorn from the medical profession.

What does this mean to North Americans?

Patients with a diagnosis of coronavirus should be given intravenous vitamin C, and it will save lives. The problem is that most doctors still refuse to believe IVC is effective.

I’m not your doctor. But my family and friends know to visit a health food store and stock up on Medi C Plus, a powdered form of vitamin C that I developed which allows for high doses to be easily consumed and which contains needed lysine and magnesium. Vitamin C pills will do, but you must swallow many of them. Start taking 2000 mg twice a day to build up immunity. If flu symptoms develop, take 2,000 mg every hour up to bowel tolerance, and see a doctor. Large doses of C cause loose stools. But better to sit on a toilet than under a gravestone.

Dr. Ken Walker (Gifford-Jones) is a graduate of the University of Toronto and The Harvard Medical School. He trained in general surgery at the Strong Memorial Hospital, University of Rochester, Montreal General Hospital, McGill University and in gynecology at Harvard. He has also been a general practitioner, ship’s surgeon and hotel doctor. Sign up for medical tips at docgiff.com, and take a look at the new web site.


Dr Andrew Saul

His personal story of recovery from pneumonia – in just 3 hours – is remarkable to say the least. Is seen on

Utube Interview. When struke down with acute “viral pneumonia”.

As antibiotic drugs can only treat bacterial infections, he new about vitamin C. So he took 2,000mg in a glass

of water every 6 mins. He timed it.

( Editor ... so that would mean he took 10 repeats with 2 satchels of the gel in a shot gun of water every 6


So he averaged taking 20,000 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C in one hour. Before long he forgot how sick he


Dr John Gray

… Says he took Liposomal C to help treat is Parkinson’s Disease. He no longer has this. See his Utube story

and website.

Dr Thomas Levy

… Says… Virtually all disease is caused by oxidized stress of low grade infections. (and commonly starts in the

mouth). Using Liposomal Vitamin C and Ozone therapy can eliminate or wipe out all infections. Oxidative-

Stress causes all diseases at a molecular level.

Dr. Levy has reviewed extensive amounts of literature on vitamin C and says viral pneumonia, diphtheria and

other diseases and toxins have all responded well to treatment with vitamin C. “You find me a toxin, I’ve got

the cure,” he says

Vitamin C recommendations: What the doctors have to say… Based on his experience, Dr. Klenner recommended adults take at least 10 grams of

ascorbic acid daily and children under 10 years of age take at least 1 gram for each year of life to maintain health. Dr.

Levy says sodium ascorbate or ascorbic acid can be used as a cost-effective, well-tolerated form of vitamin C for keeping

the gut mostly detoxified. But to achieve near-complete absorption, he suggests vitamin C products utilizing liposomal

encapsulation technology as an additional option.

In the case of acute infections and toxic states, Dr. Levy recommends intravenous sodium ascorbate, typically at doses

of 50 grams or more, over several hours for most individuals. At the same time, he recommends also administering the

liposome-encapsulated form of vitamin C orally.

In the absence of intravenous sodium ascorbate. Dr. Levy recommends sodium ascorbate or ascorbic acid at levels up to

bowel tolerance, and then the liposome-encapsulated form of vitamin C at the rate of several grams hourly. Subsequent

dosing should be guided by symptoms and clinical response.





April 11, 2014 by Dr. Thomas Levy

Then the flu hit me, as hard as I had ever been hit. I had recently closed my clinic, and I no longer had the

availability of the intravenous vitamin C upon which I had relied for so long.

So, I took vitamin C powder until the diarrhea was continuous. And then I remembered the “liposome vitamin

C” product. The only thing that stuck in my mind was that I was told it did not have the bowel / diarrhea

effect of high doses of regular vitamin C.

So, I figured that was going to be the only way to get more vitamin C "on board," which I knew was what I

needed. I took about five or six grams, all at once in some juice.

Within 45 minutes to an hour, I was having a difficult time remembering how sick I had felt, as I was starting

to feel so good.

My clinical opinion is that one gram of properly-produced and orally-ingested liposome-encapsulated vitamin

C is as or more effective than 5 to 10 grams of vitamin C given intravenously, for an acute viral syndrome.

When someone is ill, my advice is still to use as many forms of vitamin C as available, and dosed as highly as is


Liposomes predominately get taken up by the lymphatic system in the gut, not the portal circulation. There is

no significant "one-pass" liver metabolism that takes place with a quality liposome preparation.

On the other hand, the liposomes, especially in the case of those containing vitamin C, rapidly load up the

immune cells in the lymphatics of the gut, achieving high intracellular levels of this nutrient. Colloquially

speaking, one could say this "supercharges" the immune system cells. The amount of liposome-encapsulated

vitamin C that eventually reaches the bloodstream via the thoracic duct is already lessened in amount by this

immune cell loading, and what finally reaches the blood quickly gets taken up inside other cells throughout

the body. Relative to un-encapsulated, regular vitamin C in the blood, little encapsulated vitamin C gets

excreted via the urine. So, a blood level of one versus the other really gives little meaningful information in

comparing potential clinical impact, or in comparing how much vitamin C is actually reaching where it needs

to go.

When a liposome vitamin C "blood level" declines, it means it's leaving the blood and entering cells, not being

excreted by the body.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, Mar 22, 2020

Published Research and Articles on Vitamin C as a Consideration for Pneumonia, Lung Infections, and the Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19)

by Graham Player, PhD, Andrew W. Saul, Damien Downing, MBBS, MRSB and Gert Schuitemaker, PhD

(OMNS Mar 22, 2020) In 1936 Gander and Niederberger found that vitamin C lowered fever and reduced pain in pneumonia patients. Also in 1936, Hochwald independently reported similar results. In 1946 Slotkin further reported that "Vitamin C has been used routinely by the general surgeons in the Millard Fillmore Hospital, Buffalo, as a prophylactic against pneumonia, with complete disappearance of this complication."

It is one thing to be sick from a virus and another thing entirely to die from a viral-instigated disease. A 1994 randomised double-blind trial involving vitamin C/placebo supplementation was conducted on 57 elderly patients admitted to hospital with acute respiratory infections (bronchitis and bronchopneumonia). Using a clinical scoring system based on major symptoms of the respiratory condition, patients supplemented with the vitamin fared significantly better than those on placebo. This was particularly the case for those commencing the trial most severely ill, many of whom had very low plasma and white cell vitamin C concentrations on admission.

Vitamin C supports your immune system. Vitamin C helps to kill viruses and reduces the symptoms of infection. It's not a COVID-19 "cure," but nothing is. It might just save your life, though, and will definitely reduce the severity of the infection. If someone tells you it's not proven, consider two things:

Nothing is proven to work against COVID-19, because it is a new virus

Vitamin C has worked against every single virus including influenzas, pneumonia, and even poliomyelitis.

In the medical literature, there are more than 64,000 published articles and studies on Vitamin C available at The U.S. National Library of Medicine National Center for Biotechnology Information. Vitamin C is arguably one of the most researched substances in existence. Much of the research is very positive. Ignorance of the research, benefits and use of Vitamin C is not a valid excuse for it not to be used as a therapy, particularly when there are no other known medications available, and it is not likely to cause damage, and the published research is readily accessible for everybody.

Following is a brief selection of articles and research from the medical literature that are educational and helpful in considering the use of Vitamin C.

Article Title Link (All Links Accessed and Active March 19,2020)

Vitamin C may affect lung infections https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2099400/

Vitamin C for preventing and treating pneumonia https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23925826

Vitamin C and Infections https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5409678/

Vitamin C Can Shorten the Length of Stay in the ICU: A Meta-Analysis.


Combined vitamin C, hydrocortisone, and thiamine therapy for patients with severe pneumonia


Vitamin C and acute respiratory infections. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10488881

Vitamin C supplementation and respiratory infections: a systematic review.


Is Vitamin C Beneficial to Patients with CAP? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27363830

Vitamin C, the Miracle Cure: 60 MinutesLiving Proof https://youtu.be/xxWCNn1rIRo


Vitamin C, respiratory infections and the immune system


Vitamin C and Community-acquired Pneumonia https://www.atsjournals.org/doi/full/10.1164/ajrccm.184.5.621a

Vitamin C and pneumonia and other severe infections


Vitamin C and SARS coronavirus https://academic.oup.com/jac/article/52/6/1049/731701

Could Vitamin C be the Cure for Deadly Infections?


High-dose Intravenous Vitamin C as a Successful Treatment of Viral Infections


Mitochondria and the Coronavirus - The Vitamin C Connection


Chinese Medical Team Reports Successful Treatment of Coronavirus Patients with High-Dose Vitamin C


Intravenous vitamin C as adjunctive therapy for enterovirus/rhinovirus induced acute respiratory distress syndrome


Gander J, Niederberger W (1936) Vitamin C in der Pneumonia Behandlung [Vitamin C in the treatment of pneumonia]. Münch Med Wschr 83:2074-7

https://www.mv.helsinki.fi/home/hemila/T1.pdf or https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/7b37/490dfcdc7a98ba7e3bd744a15886873701db.pdf

Can Vitamin C Prevent and Treat Coronavirus? https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=228745

How to Use Vitamin C During Illness http://www.doctoryourself.com/cathcart_C_summary.html

Shanghai Government Officially Recommends Vitamin C for COVID-19


Vitamin C Infusion for the Treatment of Severe 2019-nCoV Infected Pneumonia


Vitamin C and COVID-19 Coronavirus http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n14.shtml

Three Intravenous Vitamin C Research Studies Approved for Treating COVID-19


Early Large Dose Intravenous Vitamin C is the Treatment of Choice for 2019-nCov Pneumonia


Vitamin C and its Application to the Treatment of nCoV Coronavirus


Hospital-based Intravenous Vitamin C Treatment for Coronavirus and Related Illnesses


Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n04.shtml

(Graham Player, PhD, is a member of the Royal Society of Medicine, UK and member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. He currently resides in Hong Kong. Andrew W. Saul is Editor-in-Chief of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service. He co-founded it in 2005 with Drs. Abram Hoffer and Hugh D. Riordan. Drs. Damien Downing and Gert Schuitemaker are both long-time members of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service Editorial Review Board.)


Nutritional Medicine is Orthomolecular Medicine

Orthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight illness. For more information: http://www.orthomolecular.org

Find a Doctor

To locate an orthomolecular physician near you: http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v06n09.shtml

The peer-reviewed Orthomolecular Medicine News Service is a non-profit and non-commercial informational resource.

Editorial Review Board:

Ilyès Baghli, M.D. (Algeria) Ian Brighthope, MBBS, FACNEM (Australia) Prof. Gilbert Henri Crussol (Spain) Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. (USA) Damien Downing, M.D. (United Kingdom) Michael Ellis, M.D. (Australia) Martin P. Gallagher, M.D., D.C. (USA) Michael J. Gonzalez, N.M.D., D.Sc., Ph.D. (Puerto Rico) William B. Grant, Ph.D. (USA) Tonya S. Heyman, M.D. (USA) Suzanne Humphries, M.D. (USA) Ron Hunninghake, M.D. (USA) Robert E. Jenkins, D.C. (USA) Bo H. Jonsson, M.D., Ph.D. (Sweden) Jeffrey J. Kotulski, D.O. (USA) Peter H. Lauda, M.D. (Austria) Thomas Levy, M.D., J.D. (USA) Homer Lim, M.D. (Philippines) Stuart Lindsey, Pharm.D. (USA) Victor A. Marcial-Vega, M.D. (Puerto Rico) Charles C. Mary, Jr., M.D. (USA) Mignonne Mary, M.D. (USA) Jun Matsuyama, M.D., Ph.D. (Japan) Joseph Mercola, D.O. (USA) Jorge R. Miranda-Massari, Pharm.D. (Puerto Rico) Karin Munsterhjelm-Ahumada, M.D. (Finland) Tahar Naili, M.D. (Algeria) W. Todd Penberthy, Ph.D. (USA) Dag Viljen Poleszynski, Ph.D. (Norway) Selvam Rengasamy, MBBS, FRCOG (Malaysia) Jeffrey A. Ruterbusch, D.O. (USA) Gert E. Schuitemaker, Ph.D. (Netherlands) Hyoungjoo Shin, M.D. (South Korea) Thomas L. Taxman, M.D. (USA) Jagan Nathan Vamanan, M.D. (India) Garry Vickar, MD (USA) Ken Walker, M.D. (Canada) Anne Zauderer, D.C. (USA)Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D. (USA), Editor-In-Chief Editor, Japanese Edition: Atsuo Yanagisawa, M.D., Ph.D. (Japan) Editor, Chinese Edition: Richard Cheng, M.D., Ph.D. (USA) Robert G. Smith, Ph.D. (USA), Associate Editor Helen Saul Case, M.S. (USA), Assistant Editor Michael S. Stewart, B.Sc.C.S. (USA), Technology Editor Jason M. Saul, JD (USA), Legal Consultant

Comments and media contact: drsaul@doctoryourself.com OMNS welcomes but is unable to respond to individual reader emails. Reader comments become the property of OMNS and may or may not be used for publication.