10 Insights for Success in a Dematerialized World — Robert Tercek

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 10 Insights for Success in a Dematerialized World — Robert Tercek

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This presentation consists of highlights from the interview with Moe Abdou,

founder & host of 33voices®.

Robert Tercek is one of the world’s most prolific creators of interactive content. He has created breakthrough entertainment experiences on

every digital platform, including satellite television, game consoles, broadband Internet, interactive television and mobile networks. His expertise spans television, telecommunications and software.ers in

new media.

Robert Tercek@Superplex

Digital Media Strategist

No business is immune to software disruption, still those who make it a priority to focus on serving their audience, first and foremost, are assured that the economics

will follow. Think Oprah.

Insight #1

Insight #2

What is Vaporization? It is what happens when tangible physical

products are replaced with invisible software that can be downloaded instantly over the

air to a digital device.

Insight #2

What is Vaporization? It is the neighborhood store that’s replaced with

a digital storefront that exists in no particular place at all but is available anywhere, at any

time, from your phone.

Insight #2

What is Vaporization? It is what happens when the global supply

chain for manufacturing, shipping, warehousing, and retailing consumer goods is decomposed

and reorganized by software systems and digital networks.

Insight #2

What is Vaporization? It is the process of replacing real things with

digital metaphors that can be replicated, updated, distributed, and deleted in seconds with the press of a button.

Insight #3

The single most vexing question facing leaders today is, “When is the right time

to put a bullet in the head of a stable business and switch to an unproven model

based on new technology?”

Insight #4

The essence of every successful vaporized business is a virtual switchboard that can scale

to connect millions of users simultaneously. Think of a marketplace that connects

buyers and sellers.

Insight #5

Modern Truth | The consumer is now in charge! They are the content creators and these are their value control points:

Insight #5

Modern Truth | The consumer is now in charge! They are the content creators and these are their value control points:

Primary content - Their writings, photos, reviews, lists, videos, chats, etc.

Insight #5

Modern Truth | The consumer is now in charge! They are the content creators and these are their value control points:

Ambient content/session data - Details of their visits: how long, how frequent, time on site, time on page, page velocity, shopping

cart, purchase history, etc.

Insight #5

Modern Truth | The consumer is now in charge! They are the content creators and these are their value control points:

Secondary content - Their likes, bookmarks, favorites, lists, shares, etc.

Insight #5

Modern Truth | The consumer is now in charge! They are the content creators and these are their value control points:

Tertiary content - Friends and their comments, their groups, their comments.

Insight #6

It is the content creator who makes it her highest priority to connect, collaborate,

and activate her audience who will command the greatest attention.

Insight #7

Big data is a catalyst to optimize your business performance, but only if you identify

and leverage your proprietary data asset.

Insight #8

If everything that can be connected will be connect, how do you protect yourself? Here’s

what Artificial Intelligence isn’t likely to do:

Insight #8

If everything that can be connected will be connect, how do you protect yourself? Here’s

what Artificial Intelligence isn’t likely to do:Make important, emotional


Insight #8

If everything that can be connected will be connect, how do you protect yourself? Here’s

what Artificial Intelligence isn’t likely to do:Work together towards a collective goal

Insight #8

If everything that can be connected will be connect, how do you protect yourself? Here’s

what Artificial Intelligence isn’t likely to do:Satisfy deep interpersonal human needs

Insight #8

If everything that can be connected will be connect, how do you protect yourself? Here’s

what Artificial Intelligence isn’t likely to do:Lead and be empathic towards others

Insight #9

Astute leaders cultivate a “what if?” intuition. Instead of saying ‘that will never happen’ or “that can’t happen,” they ask instead “how

might that happen?” or “what would happen if?”

Insight #10

Don’t waste time or energy arguing over what’s next - the only certainty is that no positive outcome can be achieved in any situation

unless someone first imagines it - Get busy!

Reflect: How does your business make connection?

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