10 indian things to try your hands on while volunteering in india

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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10 Indian Things To Try Your Hands On While Volunteering in India












India is a country with deep cultural roots and diverse

traditions. Someone who has visited India before still get

something new to intrigue their senses and learn in their next

trip, imagine the opportunities for a first time visitor.

Volunteering is, in fact, one of the most perfect ways to

understand and learn about the culture and, way of living and

executing things in India. Check out the list of 10 things you can

easily learn and adopt in your life while volunteering in India

Food in India, especially North India, is supposed to be high on spices. Even during

the British era, India was a key manufacturer and transporter of spices. Within a

month of your stay in India, while on a volunteer program, your digestion will

mould up to handle spicy bites.

1. We don’t eat without our ‘Masalas’!

2. Cooking One Of The Local

DelicaciesAnd not only your small

intestine, but the chef in

you can get accustomed to

Indian cuisine. During your

stay, you can try your hand

in preparing a local dish or

two. Now, how about

having that butter chicken

cooked by yourself!?

Arguably the most globally known dance form of India! You may have seen this Punjabi traditional dance style and I can bet that you couldn’t have restrained yourself from tapping your feet to the rhythm. While volunteering in India, you can always learn this frenzy dance style and show off among your friends back home, once you return.

3. Bhangra Form Of Dance

4. Experience the “Desi-life” with a

Local Family

It is known that India is a culture rich state, and they follow the millennial old traditions

with immense dedication. Joint family culture is one of the age old traditions that they

still follow in India, especially in rural parts or small cities. Volunteering India provides

accommodation for volunteers with host families for few selected programs.

5. Bargaining Techniques

Just admit it that no matter how cash

rich you may be, you always look for a

deal or sale when you go to a store;

people in India are no different. In

fact, they are so good at it that no

matter in which part of the world they

are; they’ll manage to strike a bargain.

Learn this beneficial technique of

manipulation till you are in India.

Ladies in India, especially, are a master

of this art.

6. Pulling A Cycle


One of the common modes of public transport on road is the cycle rickshaw. It may seem to be similar to riding a normal bicycle, but wait till you paddle it yourself. The handling, especially with some heavyweight pillions, can get really tough.

7. Let your day start with Surya Namaskar

Ok! So, I don’t think there is any sort of explanation required here. This recreational art of staying fit and healthy is a priceless gift to the world from India in the form of Yoga. Our projects in Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, offer fab opportunity to try your hands at yoga.

8. Wearing A TurbanThe head wear style is one of the prominent features that distinguish the cultural diversity in India. While Sikhs wear turban in a different style, it is not just limited to them. If you are in a rural part of Rajasthan, you will witness men wearing turbans of different shade and textures. Same can be seen in other parts of the country as well. Picture yourself in one of these stylish head gears… Suave!

9. Forget Spoons, Knives, or Fork

For any country in the world, let alone India, it is said that, “Do as the locals do”! Try eating your meal with your bare hands, just like people in India do. This is, literally, something you will have to try on with your hands!

10. The Great Indian


Just like its culture, the climatic conditions in India are immensely varied too. Monsoon is one of the best times to be alive and breathing in India. The rain washes the roads clean, suddenly the grasses look greener, and the peacocks and the birds don’t stop calling, it is just amazing.

Thank You

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