10 healthiest hangover cures ever

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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10 Healthiest Hangover Cures


Overcoming the Hangover

You plan to meet up with friends for a drink after work, and one drink turns into many more, which then turns into a rough next morning. There are a lot of myths about hangover cures. Essentially there is no cure other than consuming water and liquids like juice in the morning.

The reason? Hangover symptoms are a product of dehydration, hypoglycemia, and the poisonous side effects from toxins in our drinks. Water will not only help hydrate your muscles and organs, but will also aid in flushing out the toxins. 

With the help of a few good nutritionists, we’ve put together a list of foods and drinks that will help cure your hangover—in a healthy way.

1. Sleeping it off

Nothing is more holistic than doing nothing at all. Your body will eventually filter out all the bad stuff on its own. Either that or you’ll basically die a slow and painful death. So why be awake for it? Get up, drink a glass of water and get back in bed. Come 3 or 4pm your body will have fixed itself and you’ll wake up feeling right as rain and ready start drinking again.

This should be at the top, this is the golden rule. Many said it was too obvious to mention, but there are a lot of stupid people out there, so here is an explanation why you should drink water. (Not why people are stupid) Alcohol is super sugar. It just sucks all the water out of you. Ever hear someone tell you to drink a glass of water when you have a headache? Works the same here. Drink it all day. As you will see in the prevention section it is key to being a healthy, cool and hydrated boozehound.

2. Water

People swear by this stuff to cure a hangover, and for good reason. It's insanely hydrating, and one carton typically packs more potassium than a banana—which is the key nutrient for feeling better fast. An added bonus of coconut water is that it’s more flavorful than regular water, which is helpful for people who have a hard time getting H2O down when they’re hangover. And while there’s no advantage to those flavored with fruit, there's no harm, either.

3. Coconut Water

4. Oats

Take this superfood for a spin when you’re feeling less than stellar in the morning. A hot bowl of oatmeal has plenty of essential nutrients like B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, and iron. Oats can help neutralize acids in the body and raise blood sugar levels, giving you an instant energy boost.

5. Bananas

One fruit that deserves its own bullet point is the banana—especially if you've thrown up. It's the obvious choice to get potassium into your system fast, plus bananas are gentle on the stomach. What's more: they’ll provide necessarily electrolytes lost during heaving drinking.

Not feeling a salad first thing in the morning? Add some yogurt and blend these bad boys into a hangover-fighting smoothie.

6. Fruit Juice

For hangover fuel, skip the typical drunchies like chips and pizza, and grab a piece of fresh fruit or a glass of 100% fruit juice instead.

Pour a glass of apple or cranberry juice to kick start the recovery process. The fructose in sweet fruity drinks gives the body some instant energy, and may even help boost metabolism to get rid of those gnarly alcohol toxins. Juice also contains vitamins and plenty of water to get the body rehydrated.

7. Green tea

Green tea is packed with antioxidants, which keep your body’s cells—and therefore organs—healthy. This means a healthier liver, which will help you recover faster. If you’re feeling nauseous, add rosemary or lavender to your tea—they’ll calm your stomach fast.

It doesn’t work immediately and completely clear your system, but is a good replacement for coffee, if you can handle it. It settles your stomach and wakes you up.

8. Lovemaking

Why not? Hopefully your night was a success and you are waking up next to someone else. When you drink you stuff yourself with toxins. Sex is a wonderful for of cardio exercise and makes you feel good. Alcohol is also a depressant. Intercourse, more specifically, orgasm, releases all those little endorphins that make you feel good about yourself.

9. Chicken Soup

It might not be the most conventional hangover food, but a cup o noodles can restock sodium and water levels in the body. Chicken and some vegetables contain cysteine, which give the liver a much-needed boost.

This breakfast staple is an all-rounder for a reason. Besides being an easily digested food that’s gentle on your stomach, eggs are packed with protein. Plus, thanks to their large amounts of cysteine.

Eggs are chock full of hardworking amino acids like cysteine and taurine. Taurine boosts liver function and can help prevent against liver disease  . Cysteine breaks down acetaldehyde, the yucky headache-causing chemical that’s left over when the liver breaks down ethanol.

10. Eggs