10 Characteristics of a Spectacular Blog

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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Is your blog failing? Read through our checklist of ten blogging essentials and see how many you are missing.

Transcript of 10 Characteristics of a Spectacular Blog

10 Characteristics of a Spectacular Blog

by Stan SmithPushingSocial.com

Take a step back from your blog for five minutes. We are going to try our best to evaluate your blog and pinpoint a few areas you can improve. Specifically, we’ll race through 10 specific characteristics that define a spectacular blog.

A spectacular blog in my opinion, is a blog that achieves the publishers goals. Business blogs deliver customers. Hobby blogs are a trusted information and feedback resource. Whatever your goal might be, your blog should be working 24 hours a day to achieve it.

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#1 Defined AudienceThe most effective blogs zero in on a small and passionate slice of a larger audience. They know that smaller, well-defined audiences can be served with relevant posts that are customized to the reader’s needs.

Action Step: Describe your audience? Is it too broad?

The Reverse: Sometimes you can slice your audience into a barely

recognizable sliver. Your audience should be small enough to easily target

with highly relevant posts but large enough to accomplish your business and

personal goals.

#2 Consistent Creative Your readers will arrive at your blog with one question, “is reading this blog worth my time?” A poorly organized blog that is difficult to read and navigate will scare readers off - forever.

Action Step: Are you secretly embarrassed by your blog? Professional

WordPress themes are affordable and will give you a firm foundation to work


The Reverse: There isn’t a situation where an ugly blog design makes sense.


#3 Attention Grabbing HeadlinesHeadlines are the Welcome Mat for your blog.

They need to be relevant and interesting. Getting

your headlines right is a core discipline of

spectacular blogging.

Action Step: Become a student of great headlines. For the next month,

brainstorm at least 3 headlines for every post you write.

The Reverse: Bait and switch headlines that grab attention but deliver readers

to a post that sucks will kill your blog.

#4 Compelling Post LeadsThe first three sentences of your blog have the honor of

setting the stage for the rest of your post. Your post

leads should employ stories, questions, and

provocative statements to engage the reader.

Action Step: Read respected magazines like the New Yorker to see how the

master’s snare readers with amazing leads.

The Reverse: Like headlines, your post leads should maintain the integrity of

the post. They should seduce with truth. Avoid gimmicks that will annoy and

frustrate your reader.

#5 Sexy BodiesAfter the lead, readers move into the body of the post.

By this point they should be aching to see how you pay

off the promise in your headline and lead. Satisfy them

by concisely delivering your subject.

Action Step: Outline your posts before you start writing. Write the main

points/arguments/tips you will offer in the body.

The Reverse: Sometimes the subject demands a more thorough approach

than most readers will accept. Carefully consider if your “epic” post is better

served by being converted into an ebook or special report.

#6 Hard Working Calls to ActionHow easy is it for your readers to build a relationship

with you? Is it simple to share your posts? Your

readers WANT to help and support you, if you are

delivering helpful, relevant, and interesting information.

Action Step: Select the primary way for building a relationship with your reader.

It can be comments, newsletters, special reports, or anything that delivers value

in exchange for engagement. Now place that call-to-action front and center.

The Reverse: Be bold but tasteful. Twisting your reader’s arm won’t help.

Always offer your call to action after you delivered value.

#7 Lean and Mean SidebarsYou’ve heard me rail against sidebars that resemble

junk drawers. Avoid throwaway plugins, flashing ads,

and widgets. A cluttered sidebar destroys the

professionalism and focus of a blog.

Action Step: Pick 4 items to place in your sidebar. Disciplining yourself to four

items will force you carefully consider what is important for your reader.

The Reverse: I’ve seen blogs that only have one item in their sidebar. I

absolutely love the focus. In this case, the reverse, selecting one or two items

could be an effective strategy.

#8 The Personal TouchOne negative impact of professional themes is that

bloggers are relying on the graphics to communicate

personality. This is a mistake. Blogging is about

creating one-to-one connections.

Action Step: Look for ways to introduce yourself on your blog. You can create

a quick bio and pic for your sidebar or record a video about yourself.

The Reverse: Remember to be tasteful. Too much personality can distract

readers rather than complementing and enriching the experience.

#9 Know Your BusinessThis next point applies to soloprenuers, small and large

business owners. Your blog is a powerful marketing

asset, but you need a clear business model in order to

use your blog to create customers.

Action Step: Get clear about the role your blog plays in your marketing

strategy. Look at your editorial calendar and decide if your blog is helping your

business. If it isn’t, stop blogging until you’ve thought through your strategy.

The Reverse: There is no flip side to knowing your business. Winging it is one

the most efficient ways to end up in bankruptcy court.

#10 Promote Like a RockstarThe web is littered with failed blogs that shunned

promotion. Their publishers felt that somehow, the 10

people that visited their blog would magically turn into

100, 1000 or 10,000.

Action Step: Decide on a promotional strategy for your blog - today. Get help if

you need it. Once you have your plan, start implementing it with conviction and

focus. Learn from your mistakes, pivot, and try again.

The Reverse: Can you over promote a blog? No. You can use bad advertising

methods, be intrusive, or a jackass. Never do those things!