10 Best Use Cases for Employee Advocacy Platforms - Copy

Post on 09-Jan-2017

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Transcript of 10 Best Use Cases for Employee Advocacy Platforms - Copy








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The way we receive information is changing.

Consumers are now able to select what information they receive based on their personal preferences. Opting in or out of content is as simple as clicking a button. Social networks are increasingly based on relevancy to the user, so how can brands get through to the right network at the right time?

Employee advocacy platforms have the potential to transform how your team receives and shares information.

This guide will highlight the various use cases we’ve seen implemented with our platform, and supporting evidence of their success.

Corporate intranets have a tendency of becoming deserted. Even if employees are actively logging in, this doesn’t necessarily equate to engagement.

Internal comms is shifting away from top-down communications. Instead, we’re seeing a growing emphasis on employee involvement. Rather than telling employees what’s important, enterprises are allowing employees to consume all relevant content, and share it externally where and when they please.

Learn how SickKids Foundation uses PostBeyond for Internal Communications.

Brands using PostBeyond for Internal Communications include:

Internal Communications

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Equipping your sales team with the right content helps them speak with pros-pects, close deals, and shorten the sales cycle. Employee advocacy platforms can provide this content in a centralized and accessible way.

Brands using PostBeyond for Sales Enablement include:

Sales EnablementS

27% of high growth firms (over 20% revenue growth) reported that an employee advocacy

program shortened their sales cycle.

73% of Best-in-Class organizations have a centralized content library to help their team

sell in different situations.

Users of sales enablement content average 69% more revenue growth year-over-year

compared to their peers who do not use sales enabled content.

*SOURCESHinge MarketingAberdeen Group

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If your sales team is using social selling techniques, providing them with the right content is imperative to creating beneficial relationships. That way, when they’re engaging with a prospect on social media, they’ll have a selection of relevant material to offer the prospect. Additionally, employee advocacy platforms offer your sales team an opportunity to manage their personal brand online in a consistent and way.

Brands Using PostBeyond for Social Selling include:

Social Selling

72.6% of salespeople using social selling as part of their sales process outperformed their

sales peers and exceeded quota 23% more often.

Non-social media users missed their sales targets 15% more often than their sales peers

using social media.

Salespeople using social media surpass quota 23% more often.

*SOURCESAberdeen GroupSales for Life

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If you have affiliated teams (like partners or brand ambassadors), a centralized content library gives everyone on these teams access to the same content, and allows them to promote these pieces on their personal channels.

An example of this might be a nonprofit that’s holding a fundraising event. Key attendees who are passionate about the cause can be given access to the content library, where they can then share content to their personal networks and encourage action from their networks.

This strategy is particularly appealing for brands that are experiencing low organic reach on social and wish to complement their existing paid program.

Brands using PostBeyond for Cross-Promotion include:

Influencer Marketing

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Strategically managing your employer brand is a proven way to attract top talent to your enterprise.

If your employees love where they work, they’ll likely share their experience with their friends and family. An employee advocacy platform can place content about your culture and work employer brand in front of a wider audience.

Employer Branding

69% of applicants will not take a job with a company that has a bad reputation – even if

they’re currently unemployed.

94% of applicants are likely to apply for a job if the employer actively manages their

employer brand.

85% of the total new graduates or new workforce entrants surveyed said employee

treatment/welfare was more important than other factors when deciding which

company to work for.

Brands using PostBeyond for Employer Branding include:


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Employees who share your content is a great way to attract like-minded talent to your enterprise. Their network is made up of peers who have similar talents and interests to your employee, and when hired, have greater higher rates.

79% of job applicants are using social media for their job search. This increases to 86% for

applicants who are in the first 10 years of their career.

78% of job seekers say that ratings and reviews from those on the inside (employees) are

influential when deciding where to work.

Employee referrals have the highest applicant to hire conversion rate – only 7% apply but

this accounts for 40% of all hires.

Applicants hired from a referral begin their position quicker than applicants found via job

boards and career sites (after 29 days compared with 39 days via job boards and 55 via

career sites).

Referral hires have greater job satisfaction and stay longer at companies – 46% stay over

1 year, 45% over 2 years and 47% over 3 years.

Social Recruiting

Brands using PostBeyond for Social Recruiting include:

*SOURCESGlassdoorUndercover Recruiter

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Global enterprises may find it a bit of a challenge ensuring that their company content is relevant to all teams. Employee advocacy platforms can alleviate this by allowing segmentation of certain teams to suggest and create content that’s relevant specifically to them.

For example, if your enterprise has smaller business units across the globe (branches, franchises, etc.), then those teams would likely prefer to see and share content that’s relevant on a local level. Advocacy platforms empower these employees to suggest content that pertains exclusively to their team - like a local community event or team initiative.

Brands using PostBeyond for Localized and User-Generated Content include:

Localized and User-Generated Content

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Marketers are facing dwindling organic reach on social media, and employee advocacy platforms are quickly becoming a way for brands to increase organic reach and supplement a paid social media strategy.

Brands using PostBeyond for Brand Awareness include:

65% of firms surveyed reported increased brand recognition after implementing a formal employee advocacy program.

Employees have on average 10x more connections than brand channels do.

Messages shared by employees went 561% further than the same message shared on a brand owned channel.

Brand messages are re-shared an average of 24x when distributed by an employee vs. the brand.

Brand Awareness

*SOURCESHinge MarketingMSLGroup

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Marketers are facing dwindling organic reach on social media, and employee advocacy platforms are quickly becoming a way for brands to increase organic reach and supplement a paid social media strategy.

Brands using PostBeyond for Lead Generation include:

79% of firms surveyed reported more online visibility once implementing a formal employee advocacy program. Measurable benefits include: Increased web traffic (44.9%)

Better search engine ranking (32.4%)

Increased content downloads (24.6%)

Lead Generation

*SOURCESHinge Marketing

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Your executive committee has a vast professional network of peers and stakeholders. Employee advocacy can help C-Suite executives position themselves as thought leaders in their industry by enabling them to share content to their networks.

Executive involvement on social media has been steadily increasing over the past five years. As of 2015, 80% of CEO’s are now active on social media channels. The benefits of having a CEO on social media extends to the rest of leadership, and by extension, the company as a whole. Research suggests that executives with a social CEO feel inspired (52%), technologically advanced (46%), and proud (41%).

A centralized content hub provides an even simpler solution to executives who are looking to increase their online presence.

Brands using PostBeyond for Executive Thought Leadership include:

Executive Thought Leadership

*SOURCESWeber Shandwick

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A centralized content library can have multiple applications for your enterprise depending on what your specific needs are. These use cases highlight how our customers have used our platform to suit their business needs, and we think this is only the beginning.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, easy access to information and content is more important than ever before. Employee advocacy platforms have the power to give your most valuable resource, your employees, the information they need to be informed and take action.


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Website | PostBeyond.com



PostBeyond can modernize the way your enterprise communicates. Get in touch with us to learn how we can help you achieve your business goals.