1 year in toastmaster club

Post on 11-Nov-2014

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Transcript of 1 year in toastmaster club

THE PAST YEARJuly 7th 2010 – July 6th 2011

To be a real Toastmaster need more courage and persit.

To be a CHICer need more hard work.

Toastmasters Club is a place where we all "learn by doing“.

I believe the more we participate the more we will benefit….

-- July 29th 2010

“Learn by doing”

Not a good TT speaker but the most bravery one!

Take more roles and

participate the contest!

Toastmaster love prize & award!

I know listening and feedback is very important to speech and communication,

I’ll do good job in listening and give you my honest feedback in time.

-- “I minutes” Aug 11th 2010


Date : 2010 Aug 19 9:06AMTopic : Evaluation of the contest last night.

2.2 Lisa.Zhang( 张鹤桥 )'s strong points:" 器大者声必闳,志高者意必远。 ..... 是盖不容有意于作为,而其发越著见于声音言意之表者 ..." -- 范升《稼轩词序》。" Comprehend the meaning of the theme accurately, tell it all by heart and unaffectedly moving."

2.3 Ivy.Cheng( 程婉莹 )‘s strong points:“ 如行云流水,初无定质,但常行于所当行,常止于所不可不至 , 文理自然,恣态横生。” -- 苏轼 《答谢民师书》。”Choosing just the right word and way to express her idea, natural and interesting“.

Fill the promote wellSend E-mailsPublish weboMake a CallHave a dinnerGive some suggestions!

…if you can really benefit from the community. …We want to make sure that this is the best thing for you as well.

-- July 27th 2010


Not only mean love & care!

Not only mean happiness !

Not only mean friendship!

Dear Luca,Your courage and passion to improve CHIC should be continued by us. It's our member's duty to make our Club better and better,...

Hi Gale, I always see you as a very kind and always ready to help person in CHIC and EXCOM, especially for emergencies and works no one wants to do……. ---a hug (not kiss or Charlie will be jealous, ahah)

Date 2011 Jun 20Topic: Say Good bye to Luca.

It’s also mean duty!

Who I am?




hi, Gale: 收到信得时候好感动。真的。 … .     一直觉得你真的就是 club 里的…… 给每一个人最真诚的建议和鼓励……我想 Charlie 在收到这封信的时候一定也有一样的感受。--- Ivy 2011 年 4 月 8 日Hi, Gale 你进步的速度是惊人的 :)...... 这出乎我的意料,又在意料之中。希望我们一起努力,把自己慢慢打造成自己期待成为的样子。--- Vivian.Xu 2011 年 6 月 16 日

I know! @Gale_Wang has such a uniquely passionate personality…

To discover whoI really am!