1. Write 1 (specific) new fact you learn. 2. Write 1 ... · French & Indian War The governor of...

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Transcript of 1. Write 1 (specific) new fact you learn. 2. Write 1 ... · French & Indian War The governor of...

BELL WORK 9.21.16

Look over the Timeline Map on pages 138-139.

1. Write 1 (specific) new fact you learn.

2. Write 1 (specific) question you have.

Chapter 5: Road to Revolution

Section 1: Trouble on the Frontier

French & Indian War

French & Indians


British & Colonists

(Some Indians sided and fought with the British)

French & Indian War

FranceClaimed all the river tributaries of the


French came in small bands, lived among the Indians, and had trading



French & Indian War

BritainClaimed the Easter

seaboard (13 original colonies)

Over 1 million settlers lived in original colonies

British built towns/cities and took over land

French & Indian War

Here’s how it started…

1750s French start building forts to back up

their claim to land between Lake Erie &

Ohio River – known as the Ohio River Valley

French & Indian War


The Virginia Colony also claimed the Ohio River Valley.

There can’t be 2 owners!

French & Indian War

The governor of Virginia sent soldiers to order the French to leave.

21-year-old George Washington was chosen to lead the soldiers

Member of Virginia militia, civilians trained as soldiers but not part

of the regular army.

Washington’s army wasn’t able to force out French.

French & Indian War

A year later, Washington intercepted French troops and

their Indian allies at Fort Duquesne (du KANE) – attacking and defeating the French post.

War was ON!!!

Albany Plan of Union

During the war, Benjamin Franklin proposed to unite the

colonies under one government

• Representatives from each colony

• Could organize armies

• Could collect taxes

Albany Plan of Union


No colony wanted to give up their power to a central


French & Indian War

Britain sent troops and money to aid colonies in war.

Very expensive war! Cost Britain a lot of $$$

Why did Britain care about the Ohio River Valley?

Treaty of Paris 1763

France lost the war and all their land in North America.

Britain became the supreme world power.

Effects of the War


• Britain was in debt and needed to pay for the 10,000 troops stationed in the colonies to keep peace.

• King and Parliament felt the Colonies should have to help pay

• So, they imposed new taxes on the colonies.

Effects of the War


• Britain wanted to govern the colonies and have more control.

• So they imposed new laws and restrictions on the colonies.

• The colonists felt they were losing their freedom.

Think about it…

Why do you think the Indians sided (in large part) with the French over the colonists?

Write your response on the notecard provided and we will discuss responses at the beginning of lesson tomorrow.