1.) What are the four long term causes of WWI? -Militarism – arms build up, creates tension and...

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Transcript of 1.) What are the four long term causes of WWI? -Militarism – arms build up, creates tension and...

1.) What are the four long term causes of WWI?

-Militarism – arms build up, creates tension and competition-Alliance System – tangled alliances (one country declares war on another – they are all involved)-Imperialism – Competing over the acquisition of new colonies-Nationalism – competition created over who is the “best” – pride in your country

2.) What two alliances fight during WWI? What countries make up those alliances?

Allies – Great Britain, Russia, France, Italy and U.S.Central Powers – Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire

3.) What was the major incident that sparked WWI?

-Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

-Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, Russia declares war on Austria-Hungary, etc, etc

4.) What is the Schlieffen Plan?

-Germany would quickly conquer France and then turn to Russia

-Created a two front war (France on the west, Russia on the east)

5.) What was American foreign policy before joining WWI?

-Neutrality, Isolationism

6.) What factors increased American sympathies for the Allies during WWI?

-Poor treatment of Belgians by the Germans-German u-boats sinking passenger and merchant ships-Closer ties with Allies (more in common)

7.) What is the Selective Service Act? Why was it enacted?

-required men to register with the government in order to be randomly selected for military service.

-created because the U.S. only had 200,000 men in service and needed more troops

8.) Describe the US economy during WWI.

-all production shifted from consumer made goods to war-related items-food and gasoline rationed-more government control (War Industries Board, National War Labor Board, etc)

9.) Give an example of three different propaganda techniques.

Be able to give examples on the test.

10.) Give a brief explanation of the Schenck v. US and explain its significance.

-Discusses citizens’ rights during a time of war-upholds Schencks conviction under the Sedition Act-people’s 1st amendment rights can be limited in times of war

11.) How did the U.S. treat German immigrants in the United States? List several examples.

-changed the names of towns-use of violence-removed German books from libraries-stopped playing music composed by Germans

12.) What was the purpose of the Espionage and Sedition Acts?

-Espionage – spying-Sedition – any action promoting rebellion against a government

-Espionage and Sedition Acts – could be jailed or fined for going against the government

13.) What was the Great Migration?

- Large-scale movement of hundreds of thousands of Southern African Americans to cities in the North

14.) Why did African Americans move to the North during this time?

-Escape racial discrimination-Insect infestation killing crops – hard to make money from small crop production!-More job opportunities in the North

15.) Describe women’s role in WWI.

-jobs for women changed -women gained the right to vote after the war

16.) What was the 19th amendment?

-women’s suffrage-right to vote

17.) What was the War Industries Board?

-Encouraged companies to use mass-production techniques to increase efficiency-Encouraged companies to standardize products to eliminate waste-Set production quotas and allocated raw materials

18.) List two other government organizations of the time, similar to the War Industries Board.

-Food Administration, Fuel Administration, National War Labor Board, Railroad Administration

19.) What were the provisions of the treaty (what did it make Germany do)?

-Couldn’t maintain an army-Had to give land back to France-Pay reparations (war damages) - $33 billion to Allies

20.) What was the purpose of the League of Nations?

-Would provide a place for nations to discuss or settle their grievances without going to war

21.) Why did the Senate decide to NOT join the League of Nations?

-Believed the League threatened the policy of isolationism-Could force the U.S. to make its foreign policy decisions according to the League