1 Wednesday April 6th, 2011 BBL 077 Proton International 2011 Third informational meeting.

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Transcript of 1 Wednesday April 6th, 2011 BBL 077 Proton International 2011 Third informational meeting.


Wednesday April 6th, 2011 BBL 077

Proton International 2011Third informational meeting





Date (Provisional) programme

Sunday April 17

Departure to Barcelona

Monday April 18

Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO; Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB)

Tuesday April 19

Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC)


April 20

AkzoNobel Barcelona

Thursday April 21

City Tour

Friday April 22

Good Friday

Saturday April 23

Sant Jordi

Sunday April 24


Monday April 25

Visit to Montserrat

Tuesday April 26

Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona


April 27

Universitat de Barcelona

Thursday April 28

Universitat Rovira I Virgili (URV); Institut Catala d'Investigacio Quimica (ICIQ)

Friday April 29

DOW TarragonaDeparture to The Netherlands (from Barcelona)


Important points

• Departure: Sunday April 17th 2011Gather at Utrecht Central Station at

7.50 h(below the blue “departures” board)

• Return: Friday April 29th 2011Arrival at Rotterdam The Hague Airport at +/- 23.00 h

• Do not forget• Passport or ID card• Programme booklet• OV chip card• Questions for thematic report


Important points

• Study tour script

• Never leave the group without notifying someone

• Full meal schedule, except for Friday and Sunday.

• Maximum weight of cabin luggage is 20 kg (+ 5 kg of hand luggage).

• Inform us after the presentation if you will not depart from Utrecht.

• Take care of your belongings in Barcelona!– Travel insurance?


Representative clothing

• Gentlemen– No shorts– Closed shoes– Dress shirt– Optional: (suit)blazer or pullover

• Ladies– No bare legs– Closed shoes– Dress shirt


Presentation questions thematic reports


Student Life

Studiegerelateerd• Specifieke regels op

universiteiten• Man/vrouwverhouding• Hoeveel studenten zijn er?• Bachelor/mastersysteem en –

structuur?• Werkdruk• Selectie aan de poort• Uitstroom• Collegetijden• Internationale verhoudingen,

PhD na bachelor mogelijk?Vrije tijd• Wat doe je naast je studie?• Faciliteiten op de universiteit,

sport en eten?• Studie- en

studentenverenigingen• Uitgaan

Huisvesting• ’s Weekends naar huis?• Thuiswonend/campus/

huurwoningen• Sociale huisvesting• Transport; OV/auto/brommerFinanciën• Steunpakketten overheid• Leningen/ouders/werken• Levensonderhoud duur?• Collegegeld• Ziektekostenverzekering• Huur


Difference in culture

Geloof• Welke rol neemt het geloof in in het dagelijks leven?• Hoe wordt er in Spanje Pasen gevierd?Eten• Wat zijn de dagelijkse gerechten?• Hoe ziet de maaltijdindeling er uit in Spanje?Werk• Hoe reizen de Spanjaarden naar het werk?• Hoe zien de werkdagen en werktijden er uit in Spanje?Opleiding*• Welke opleidingsniveaus zijn er en hoelang duren de verschillende

opleidingen in Spanje?• Wat is het werkgelegenheidsvooruitzicht voor de verschillende

opleidingsniveaus?Sport• Hoe belangrijk is sport in het dagelijks leven?• Welke plaats neemt sport in de maatschappij?Familie• Hoe belangrijk is familie binnen de Spaanse cultuur?• Hoe zijn kinderopvang en ouderenzorg in Spanje geregeld?


The future of chemistry in Spain

•How do you think your research will contribute to, for example, the energy demand of Spain?

•Do you see your company expanding to a worldwide multinational over the next decades, or will your company stay a smallscale local research institute? If it is already a multinational, what makes your research different from the research performed at the otherlocations of the multinational? Does it have a large contribution to the research performed at the whole multinational company?

•Do you expect Spain to have a leading position in different research fields? If so, which fields?


Knowledge economy in Spain (1)

Definition: -Based on ‘knowledge’ (human capital)-Knowledge is product (results in

knowledge-based services and tools)Aim: -Creating knowledge

-Transferring and utilizing knowledge

E.U. Guidelines: -Lisbon Agenda (2000): 3% yearly economic growth, 70% employment rate

-Lisbon not met; Spain’s econ. Growth <1%-New treaty: Europe 2020

Europe 2020: -3% GDP invested in R&D-75% employment rate-< 10% early school dropouts-> 40% youngsters w/ higher education


Spain/Catalonia 2020?... current unemployment 20.5% (E.U. highest).


Knowledge economy in Spain (2)

Is Spain / Catalonia going to achieve the Europe 2020 goals? How does this compare to other E.U. membership states? Is effort being put into building a better knowledge economy

(by universities, government, companies -> investments in R&D)

How do they contribute to the knowledge economy? Are youngsters sufficiently stimulated to stay in school? Is there enough stimulation (scholarships or other forms of

monetary support) to increase the level of education within the young population?

Is it possible to continue studying while employed / is there enough social security to quit your job and continue studying?

Is there sufficient cooperation between government and NGO’s (e.g. universities, institutes, companies)?

What needs to be improved and what measures are taken? Any actions noticeable?

– By government, industry or universities– Is there awareness among the Spanish / Catalonian


• Final report– Day and thematic reports– Deadline May 16th 2011– Examples of final reports at Proton room

• Reunion dinner– Wednesday June 8th, 18.30 h– Restaurant Amor– First drink for free!


After the tour


See you all on April 17th, 7.50!