1 UNIT 1: COMPUTER SOFTWARE Cite Examples of System Software.

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Transcript of 1 UNIT 1: COMPUTER SOFTWARE Cite Examples of System Software.



Cite Examples of System Software

1.1.1 Cite examples of system software 2

Definition—System Software

• Any computer software which manages

and controls computer hardware so that

application software can perform a task

1.1.1 Cite examples of system software 3

Microsoft Windows•1st introduced Nov.


•Is a GUI (graphical user

interface)−Use a mouse to activate icons which represent files and programs

•2004 statistics showed

that Windows controlled

90% of market

1.1.1 Cite examples of system software 4

Microsoft Windows

• 3.0, 1990, 1st to achieve commercial


• 3.1, 1992, includes TrueType font

system (a set of highly legible fonts

already installed) and Minesweeper

1.1.1 Cite examples of system software 5

Microsoft Windows

• 95, 1995, within a year or two became

most successful operating system; 1st

to have start button & taskbar

• 98 SE, 1999, succeeded 98 because

riddled w/problems; improved USB;

much faster Internet Explorer 5.0;

plug-and-play capabilities

1.1.1 Cite examples of system software 6

Microsoft Windows

• XP, 2001, stands for eXPerience;

faster start-up; updated GUI

• Vista, 2007, upgraded features, start

menu w/search button to search for

programs or put commands

1.1.1 Cite examples of system software 7

Mac OS

•1st introduced in 1984


•Developed, marketed,

sold by Apple Inc.

•Latest version

preloaded on all Apple


1.1.1 Cite examples of system software 8

Mac OS

• Emphasis on “digital lifestyle”

applications−iLife suite−Enhanced business applications (iWork)−Integrated home entertainment (Front

Row media center)

1.1.1 Cite examples of system software 9

Mac OS

• Multitasking & Memory protection−Improved system’s ability to run

multiple applications w/o them interrupting or damaging each other

1.1.1 Cite examples of system software 10


•Much of its basic

design comes from


established in Unix

in the 70s and 80s

•Used mainly by

scientists and



Cite Examples of Application


1.2.1 Cite examples of application software

Definition—Application Software

• Employs the capabilities of a

computer directly and thoroughly to

a task that the user wishes to


1.2.1 Cite examples of application software

Word processing

•A computer application used for the

production (composition, editing,

formatting, and printing) of any sort of

printable material

1.2.1 Cite examples of application software


•A computer application

that displays multiple

cells that make up a grid

of rows and columns−Each cell can contain alphanumeric or numeric values−Used for financial info because of ability to recalculate automatically after a change to a single cell

1.2.1 Cite examples of application software


•Organizes the storage of data and enables

a person or program to pull out desired


1.2.1 Cite examples of application software

Presentation• A computer software package used to display

info, normally in form of a slide show

• Three major functions:1. Editor—allows text to be inserted and formatted2. Method of inserting/changing graphics3. Slide-show system to display the content

1.2.1 Cite examples of application software 17

Media Player

•Describes computer

software for playing

back multimedia


•Support an array of

media formats,

including both audio

& video files

UNIT 1Cite Examples of Utility Software

Describe Various Types

of Utility Software

1.3.1 Cite examples of utility software

1.3.2 Describe various types of utility software

Definition—Utility Software

• Specifically designed to help

manage and tune the computer

hardware, operating system or

application software, and perform a

single task or a small range of tasks

1.3.1 Cite examples of utility software

1.3.2 Describe various types of utility software

Disk Defragmenter

•Detects computer

files whose contents

have been stored on

the hard disk in

disjointed fragments

•Moves the fragments

together to increase

computer productivity

1.3.1 Cite examples of utility software

1.3.2 Describe various types of utility software

Disk Checker

•Scans the contents of a

hard disk to find files or

areas that are corrupted

in some way or were not

saved correctly

•Eliminates them to

make hard drive operate


1.3.1 Cite examples of utility software

1.3.2 Describe various types of utility software

Virus Scanners

•Scans for computer

viruses among files

and folders

1.3.1 Cite examples of utility software

1.3.2 Describe various types of utility software

Disk Cleaner

•Finds files that are

unnecessary to

computer operation or

take up considerable

amounts of space

•Helps the user to

decide what to delete

when their hard disk is
