1. TÉTEL - ATW.huusers.atw.hu/jeriko/angol/Angol tetelsor mintavalaszokkal.pdf · Angol nyelv /...

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Transcript of 1. TÉTEL - ATW.huusers.atw.hu/jeriko/angol/Angol tetelsor mintavalaszokkal.pdf · Angol nyelv /...

Angol nyelv / Felkészítő anyag a középszintű szóbeli érettségire / Összeállította: B.D. (2011)

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Task 1

Topic A Have you ever been abroad? What were your experiences?

Yes, I have. I went to the U.K two years ago. I really loved it. I went to London and I saw all

the major sights. Last summer I went to London with my family. We stayed there for two

weeks. When we went shopping, I could use my English, and I understood a lot. / It was a

great experience for me to visit a foreign country.

I can tell you a lot about the sights of London: The Queen has her London home at

Buckingham Palace. At half past seven most mornings the soldiers at Buckingham Palace

“change the guard”. / The Tower of London is now a museum, and one of London’s most

famous buildings. You can see the Crown Jewels and visit the Bloody Tower and the White

Tower./ The Tower Bridge is near the Tower of London. The middle of the bridge can be

opened to allow ships to pass through. / St Paul’s Cathedral was built by Sir Christopher

Wren after the Fire of London in 1666. The cathedral was built between 1675 and 1711. /

Westminster Abbey is more than nine hundred years old. After William the Conqueror, every

King or Queen of England was crowned king or queen here. / The Houses of Parliament are

called houses of parliament because parliament consists of two chambers known as the House

of Commons and the House of Lords. / The clock high up on parliament building is called Big

Ben. / The prime minister lives at Downing Street 10. / The British Museum in Great Russell

Street is the biggest museum of London. Tickets are free. / Madame Tussaud’s is famous for

its people made from wax. You can see famous people from the past and famous people of

today. In the “Chamber of Horrors” you can see some really bad people.

I loved the place very much. I was less satisfied with the food. I think everything is very

expensive, at least for someone from Hungary.

Topic B How do you get information about the events around the world?

I like reading the newspapers. I read both the serious papers and the tabloids which publish

lots of gossips about the life of celebs. Sometimes I go online and read the on-line news. I

have never tried to read the news in English, but I think it is a good thing to read the news in

English. I can listen to the radio with my mobile phone, too.

Topic C Where would you like to continue your studies? Why? What are your plans for

the future?

After finishing this wonderful school, I would like to take a job as a shop-assistant. / I don’t

think university or college is good for me. I would like to learn a good trade. Maybe I will be

a car mechanic/an electrician/ a beautician/ a hair-dresser. /After finishing this school, I would

like to continue my studies at a university/ at a college. I would like to be an IT specialist. / I

would like to be a teacher. I would like to be a kindergarten teacher. / If I can’t go to

university/college because my exam results are not good enough, I will take a part-time job at

an office. / I would like to make a lot of money, but money is not the only thing in life.

Angol nyelv / Felkészítő anyag a középszintű szóbeli érettségire / Összeállította: B.D. (2011)

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Task 2 You are in England to learn English for three months. You are talking to your

host family who are asking you about your family relatives and friends.

Answer the questions. The examiner is the English host.

English host: What is your family like?

You: I have a big family. I have two younger brothers and an elder sister. My

Mom is a nurse. My father is a doctor at a big hospital.

English host: Why did you come to England?

You I came to England to learn English at a language school. I go to a

language school every day. I have four lessons a day.

English host: Do the members of your family speak languages?

You: My father speaks English. His English is poor. / One of my cousins

speaks English very well, because he went to a bilingual school. His

English is fluent.

English host: Is it easy for you to make friends?

You: Yes, it is. I have lots of friends back in Hungary. At the language

school I also made friends with an Italian boy. I get on well with


English host: I heard you have a pet at home. You said you had a cat. Who takes care

of the cat?

You: My Granny is always at home, and she loves the cat very much. So, I

am not worried about Cirmi. She will be fine, while I am here in


Task 3 Describe and contrast two schools and the different ways of education:

The first school is a primary school. I can see the pupils/kids sitting behind their desks.

They are all about eight years old. They are aged 6 to 8 years. The second school is a

secondary-school. It is a grammar school. It is not a vocational secondary school.

The main differences between the two schools: The first school is for

children/kids/pupils aged 6 to 14. The second school is for students/pupils aged 14 to


Extras and special classes (lessons) these schools can offer: I think the first school can

offer singing classes and extra classes in English. The secondary school has a chemistry

lab, a physics lab and a very good library.

Sports, catering and recreational facilities: The first school has a school canteen. The

second school also has a school canteen. But the second school has more facilities.

Maybe it also has some tennis courts and a basketball court, too.

Quality and quantity of technical equipment: The second school has more computers

and an IT classroom, too. Maybe the second school has interactive whiteboards, too.

Angol nyelv / Felkészítő anyag a középszintű szóbeli érettségire / Összeállította: B.D. (2011)

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Task 1

Topic A What school subjects do you like best at school?

My favourite subjects are languages and arts subjects, including History, Hungarian

Literature, Hungarian Grammar, Arts, Music etc. My favourite subjects are science subjects,

such as Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Biology etc.

Topic B Do you think mobile phones are a good thing? Why? / Why not?

Mobile phones are a good thing. I can call up my girl-friend/boy-friend. I can use my mobile

for various things. I can take photographs. I can make an audio footage. I can make a video

footage. I can send messages. With the new mobile phones you can go online and surf the net.

All mobile phones have a built-in watch and a built-in calculator.

Topic C What kind of job would you like? What is important for you in a job?

I would like to have a full-time job/ a part-time job. I would like to work flexitime. I would

like to make a lot of money. But money is not everything. Everybody says they want to make

a lot of money. But money is not everything. I would like to do work that is not boring.

What is important for you in a job? I would not accept a job offer if this means I have to do

hard physical work. On the whole, I would rather do intellectual work. But you have to see

that the difference between blue-collar jobs and white-collar jobs is not as big as it used to be,

let’s say, 50 years ago. Do you agree with me? There are still differences. For example blue-

collar workers in the U.K. are paid by the week and they get wages and white-collar workers

get a salary and they are paid by the month. But on the whole the difference between blue-

collar and white jobs tends to become smaller. If I had to do physical work, I would like to be

a gardener. I like nature and flowers and fresh air.

Task 2 You wanted to earn extra money so you have taken a summer job in an office

at an international estate agent’s. You are working as an assistant for a month.

Your boss has just called for you. He/she wants you to do overtime today to

translate a letter for him/her. The examiner is the boss.

Boss: Could you translate this letter from English into Hungarian?

You: Mr. Brown, I don’t have to translate letters. My job is to answer the

phone and to write down messages left by the clients.

Boss: You could do it after 5 o’clock. Or do you want to take it home?

You I don’t want to work overtime today. I will take this letter home, and I

will translate it for you. You will get back the translation the day after


Boss: That’s good.

You: Would it be OK with you if I charged 5,000 Ft for the translation.

Boss: That’s OK. But I would like to get a really good translation.

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You: Don’t worry. The translation is going to be OK.

Boss: So, we have agreed. Thanks.

Task 3 This picture shows a very crowded beach in Spain. Describe it and give your

opinion about it including the following points: Are crowded beaches fun or a

source of annoyance?/ Tourism endangers the environment./ What can we do

to protect the environment.

I can see a crowded beach in the picture. In the background I can see some high hotel

buildings. It is a very hot day. Tourists are bathing in the sea. I don’t like crowded

beaches. You can’t have a rest. This place is too noisy for my taste. You should not lie

in the sun. I prefer quiet beaches to crowded ones.

Crowded beach: is it fun or annoyance? I think this is quite funny. You can see a lot of

pretty girls walking on the beach. You can get to know a lot of people. / I think it is bad

to be at such a crowded place. There is too much noise here. I just can’t stand the noise.

I like to go on holiday to quiet places. At the beach you have to be very careful with the


Does tourism/ the tourist industry endanger the environment? Yes, it does. Most tourists

go to Spain by plane. Flying is very bad for the environment. These tourists throw the

rubbish away, and they make the water dirty. With so many people going into the water

every day, the quality of the water gets worse day by day. If you wear too much suntan

lotion this gets into the water and kills the fish.

What can we do to protect the environment, while having fun as tourists. We should not

throw the rubbish/garbage away. The best way to protect the environment is to go on

holiday in Hungary.

Angol nyelv / Felkészítő anyag a középszintű szóbeli érettségire / Összeállította: B.D. (2011)

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Task 1

Topic A Where are you planning to go in summer?

Are you going to stay in Hungary? Yes, I am. I am going to Lake Balaton in July. Are you

going to go abroad? Yes, I am. I am going abroad in June. Where are you going to go? I am

going to the UK in August. Are you going to go by plane? No, I’m not. I will take the train.

Topic B Do you live in a house or in a flat? Tell me about it. Which is better – a house

or a flat? Who do you live with?

I live in a house. I enjoy living in a house. We have a big and beautiful garden around the

house with lots of trees in it. We have two watchdogs in the garden. Our house is a big one. I

have my own room. We have a big family house with five rooms upstairs and four rooms

downstairs. Downstairs we have a big living room. Next to this room, there is a dining room

which is separated from the kitchen.

I prefer living in a flat because I hate gardening. Our flat is not too big, but it is big enough for

a family of four. We have seven rooms: two bedrooms, a living-room, a study, a hall a

bathroom and a kitchen. Our kitchen is not very big. There is a dining table by the window.

Around the table there are chairs. Opposite the window is the sink. We have a big living

room. It is big and nice. There are nice curtains on the windows and a big carpet on the floor.

Our living room faces the front garden. People can live in blocks of flats, terraced houses,

semi-detached houses and detached houses.

Topic C How big is your family? Describe your family.

I come from a small family. I am an only child. I haven’t got any brothers or sisters. My Mum

is a nurse, my Dad is a driver. We get on very well with each other.

I come from a big family. I have got a younger brother. He is in the first year of primary

school. I have got an elder sister. She is five years older than me. My father is 45 years old.

He is a clerk/ a driver/ a teacher. My father is a tall and very strong man. He has brown eyes.

My mother is a short woman. Actually her eyes are green. She has a round face with a small


I get on well with my parents. My parents trust me, and they let me do what I want. They treat

me like an adult and I can always turn to them for help.

I have four cousins. My uncle’s name is George, and he is my father’s brother. Uncle

George’s sons and daughters are my cousins. My aunt’s name is Clara. She is my mother’s

younger sister. She never married. So she lives alone.

My parents did not get on very well. They were fighting each other all the time. So my Dad

decided to divorce my Mum. Are your grandparents still alive? My grandparents are still

alive. My grandparents died a long time ago. I have only one grandparent left, my mother’s

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mother. I don’t visit my Granny enough. The other grandparents died when I was small kid. I

can remember them though. I miss my grandparents.

Task 2 Your ten-year old brother would like to go to an international sports camp, and

take up a new sport to do regularly. He has never done any sports before. Look

at the photos and choose the best option for him. The camp leader’s role is

taken by your English teacher.

Camp leader: As you can see, we offer three activities at the sports camp.

You: My brother is only ten years old. So, I think the best option for him is

the kayak. I think he will like kayaking. Extreme sports are dangerous

for him. My brother should not be in danger.

Camp leader: Can your little brother swim?

You Yes, he can. He learnt swimming when he was six. He has never done

any sports before, but he can swim.

Camp leader: Is your brother in a good physical condition? I mean, is he strong

enough for this sport?

You: Yes, he is. He always went to the Physical Education lessons at school.

Camp leader: Is there a kayak sports club which he could join later?

You: Yes, there is. I think my brother, by the way, his name is Peter, will

join a kayak club later.

Camp leader: Well, your younger brother can come to our camp.

Task 3 Study the picture and discuss one of the following points: Children can learn

new things very quickly. / Parents do not have enough time to play with kids. /

We can’t live without computers and home appliances.

In the picture I can see a young girl. She is about five years old. How do you know you can

see a girl. Well, she seems to be a girl. And besides, have a look at the dolls. The girl is

playing a computer game. She has /wears headphones/headsets on her ears.

Children learn new things very quickly: It is true that children learn to use the computer

quickly. Parents should pay attention to their kids. They should not let their kids sit in

front of the computer for a long time. Kids have to be cared for. So don’t let your kid

play with the computer for a long time. You should read tales to your kids before they

go to bed.

Parents do not have enough time to play with their kids/children: I agree with this

opinion. But this should be changed. Parents have to pay attention to their kids. They

have to play with them, because this is good for their kids.

We can’t live without computers and other home appliances: I would like to speak

about computers. Personal computers and the internet have resulted in a

communications revolution. The internet is without doubt one of the most important

inventions of modern history. In today’s world you simply have to be able to use the


The World Wide Web was created in 1990. Since then, it has completely changed the

world. The internet is a network of millions of computers around the world connected

by phone lines, satellite and cable. All the computers can exchange information with

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each other. Some people say that young people use computers only for games and don’t

really learn anything. They say that young people read much less than they used to. And

all this happens because of computers. / The arrival of computers has brought a number

of new words into the English language such as word processor, hardware, laptop

computer, email, loading, monitor, etc.

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Task 1

Topic A What would you like to do after leaving secondary school?

I would like to continue my studies. If I am not admitted to university/college, I would like to

retake my exams. Well, my Mum says I have a big mouth and I could be a good lawyer. She

is right. I would like to be a lawyer helping people. When I was younger I thought I wanted to

become an engineer. Well, I know now that I am not good at Maths. I don’t want to do an

advanced-level Maths exam. / My friend does not even want to go to university. He likes

working with wood and he would like to become a carpenter. He would like to learn a trade,

which is a good idea. / Nowadays there are not enough bricklayers, plumbers, and car

mechanics. If you learn a trade, you can make a lot of money. /A friend of mine is an

electrician. He went to Australia. He can make good money now. I would like to make a lot of

money, too. But money is not everything. I do not like people who want to stay on their jobs.

They want to keep their jobs, even if this makes them sick. Crazy people! Really!

Topic B Tell me about your best friend.

I used to have good friends, but most recently I have lost two of my friends. I started to

quarrel with my friends and soon my friendship was over. Right now, my best friend is Mary/

George. /A friend should always listen to my problems. If I have a friend, she/he should

always help me when I have a problem. As the proverb says, ‘A friend in need is a friend

indeed.” / My friends are very intelligent. We can go out together. We can go to the pub

together. / My best friend is Shaggy. He is a tall and very intelligent guy. He never dresses up.

He is like a hippie. Really, he never dresses up even if he goes to the opera. He is an easy-

going guy. He has nothing to worry about, and he gets on very well with everyone. He is just

a happy-go-luck boy. His dog is called Scooby Doo. / My other friend is Wilma. She wears

specs and has a good figure. She is always very strict. She is very strict by nature. She is very

serious about her career and believes in dreams. She is also very intelligent.

Topic C When were you last ill?

I was ill about a month ago. I had a bad flu/bad cold. I didn’t feel well. I had a headache and

a sore throat. My nose was running and I was coughing and sneezing. I had a temperature of

37.5 [thirty-seven point five degrees]. I decided to see a doctor. He looked at my tongue and

my throat. He felt my pulse and listened to my lungs. He diagnosed my illness. He told me I

had a nasty flu. He told me to stay in bed, and drink a lot. He advised me to sleep a lot. I got

some prescription pills1 and went to bed as soon as I got home. Do you go to the doctor right

away when you feel ill? It depends. If I am not well, I go to a doctor. Do you catch illnesses

easily? No, I don’t. But there is one problem. I am always having problems with my teeth.

Have you ever been to a hospital? Thanks God, I have never been to a hospital. / Yes, I have.

What was the matter with you? Last year I had to go to the hospital because I had an accident.

I fell off from my bike. I was lucky. It was a nasty fall. I only broke my left arm. I had to go

to hospital.

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Task 2 You and your parents are just looking at some travel brochures to decide where

to go for your summer holiday. Look at the photos and discuss your

expectations with the examiner who plays the role of a travel agent. The

examiner takes the role of the travel agent.

Travel agent: Good morning. Can I help you?

You: I would like to go to Greece or to Spain for a week. I would like to

have half-board. And I would like to get to know the country and its


Travel agent: Well, I could offer you these two holiday options.

You Let me see. The holiday programme in Greece costs 1,000 Euros, and

the Spanish holiday would cost me 2,000 Euros.

Why is there such a big difference in price?

Travel agent: You see in Spain you would stay at a four-star hotel and in Greece you

would stay in bungalows.

You: I like the Greek offer better because the price is more reasonable.

Travel agent: Maybe you are right. But you have to know that a four-star hotel offers

much more than a bungalow.

You: I know that. But there is another reason why I would like to go to

Greece. I find the cultural programmes much more interesting.

Travel agent: Well, that is a matter of taste. Could you please fill out this form and

sign. You have to confirm your booking, you know.

Task 3 These four pictures show different types of work. Compare and contrast them.

Include the following points: The main differences between the jobs. / Which

is the most attractive job for you? Why? / Advantages and disadvantages of

working flexitime. / Why is it worth choosing these jobs? Think of /salaries/

benefits/ paid holidays/.

In the first picture I can see a receptionist. She doesn’t look happy. Anyway, let us move on.

In the second picture I can see two cleaners cleaning the windows of an office building. Right

now, they are doing a very dangerous job. In picture number three I can see a hairdresser. In

the last picture I can see a man working at an office. Maybe he is an IT specialist.

The main differences between the jobs: I think the woman in the first picture and the man in

the last picture have a university or college diploma. (They are white-collar employees.) A

receptionist has to study tourism and catering at a college. An IT specialist has to go to a

technical university to study computer science. A cleaner’s job is physical work. (It is a blue-

collar job.) Maybe the two men are skilled workers but they haven’t managed to find a better

job. If you want to be a hairdresser you have to do/get vocational training.

Which is the most attractive job for you? Why? The most attractive work for me is the IT

specialist. The IT employee makes a lot of money. His work is interesting. If he is really well-

trained, he can always find a better job. /I like the work of the hairdresser the best. She gets

tipped, you know. If you are cleaner you don’t get tipped.

Advantages and disadvantages of working flexitime. The advantage/ the positive side is that

you can manage your time alone. The disadvantage/the negative side of flexitime is that you

have to do too much work.

Why is it worth choosing these jobs? Think of /salaries/ benefits/ paid holidays: If you are a

receptionist, you get tips from the hotel guests. If you are cleaner, I do not think there are any

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benefits. If you are a hairdresser, you get tips. /If you are an IT specialist, you have a good

salary and paid holidays, too.

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Task 1

Topic A How do you usually spend your weekends?

At the weekends I often go out with my boyfriend/girlfriend. We go to the cinema or

sometimes to the disco. Over the last few months I haven’t been able to go out. I couldn’t go

out as often as I used to because I had to learn a lot. But maybe in summer I will have a lot

more free time. I like weekends because on Saturday and Sunday mornings I don’t need to get

up early. /At the weekends I go clubbing. / At the weekends I play football. /I am a

professional footballer.

Topic B What subjects do you like at school?

My favourite subjects are languages and arts subjects, including History, Hungarian

Literature, Hungarian Grammar, Arts, Music, etc. My favourite subjects are science subjects,

such as Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Biology etc.

Topic C Where would you like to travel in your life?

I would like to travel around Hungary. Everybody wants to go abroad. But I think there is a

lot to see in Hungary, too. / I would like to go to Africa to see the wildlife there. But I don’t

think I can afford it. / I have never been to England. I would like to go to London. I would

like to learn English at a London language school. I would like to combine travel with

learning English.

Task 2 As one of the correspondents of an international school magazine you would

like to draw the students’ attention to endangered animals. Discuss the

following points with the examiner who plays the role of the editor: Which

animal is the most endangered? / What do people do to these animals and their

habitats? The editor’s role is taken by your teacher. You are the journalist.

Magazine editor: Good morning. Which animal is in the biggest danger?

You: I think it is the giant panda bear.

Magazine editor: Can you tell me the reason why?

You Sure. The giant panda bear lives in China. There only 1,000 panda

bears are left in China.

Magazine editor: What do people do to these bears in their habitat?

You: These pandas live in forests. The forests are destroyed. I am so sorry

for these bears. They have less and less to eat.

Magazine editor: Do you think wildlife reserves can save these animals from dying out?

You: These animals already live in wildlife reserves. The problem is that too

many tourists go there. It is the tourists who destroy the environment of

these lovely bears.

Editor: Don’t you want to organise a campaign for panda bears?

You: No, I don’t. But please publish my article. It will be interesting.

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Task 3 Compare the two pictures with the help of the following prompts: The main

differences between the two pictures/ The importance of playing with one’s

children./Attention cannot be replaced with toys./ Why is it dangerous to leave

the baby alone?

In the first picture I can see a baby. He is sitting on a bed and playing. Nobody is keeping an

eye on him. This baby has been left alone. He seems to be sad. In the second picture I can see

a swimming pool. The five-year old boy is just jumping into the water. His father is helping

him. He is wearing bathing trunk. The main differences between the two pictures: In the first

picture the baby is alone. In the second picture I can see a man with his son. The importance

of playing with one’s children: It is important to play with children. The baby should not be

left alone, because an accident might happen. Kids/children must be cared for. If a child is

neglected, he/she can’t be really happy and healthy. Attention cannot be replaced with toys: I

agree with this opinion. Parents should pay attention to their children. Why is it dangerous to

leave the baby alone? It is dangerous because the baby can swallow something. If you leave

your baby alone, you should put him/her into a playpen.

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Task 1

Topic A Dou you think you eat healthily?

Yes, I do. A healthy diet should contain a lot of fresh vegetables and fruit. One should avoid

eating too much bread and sugar. One should avoid eating junk food. Junk food is the food

you get at McDonalds. Junk food is food that tastes good but is high in calories and it has

little nutritional value. If you eat only junk food, you get sick. / A healthy diet or balanced diet

is a diet that contains the right amounts of all the food substances. It includes fruits,

vegetables, grains, dairy products, and protein. It does not include too much or too little of

any kind of food. / I have a healthy diet. I eat lots of vegetables and fruit. I don’t eat much

sweets. I avoid fatty and salty food.

Topic B Do you have a mobile phone? Do you often use it?

Silly question. Nowadays everybody has their mobile phone. /I seldom use it. This is because

using a mobile phone costs so much. I can’t afford to use my mobile very often. / I can call

my parents wherever I am. But the problem is that my boyfriend/girlfriend can also call me

anytime and anywhere. / I can make a phone call. I can send messages. I can take photos. I

can make audio records. I can make video records. / Students should know that the making of

video or audio records (footage) during the school lessons is prohibited. With the newest

generation of mobile phones, you can go online and you can surf the net.

Topic C Are you going to go to college / to university /? Are you going to work?

I am going to go to the college of business studies. My father has a small transport company

and I will work for my father’s company. / I am going to go to the technical university. I

would like to be an engineer. I hope I will be admitted to university. / I am going to work. I

will take a part-time job as a shop-assistant. I will also go to a vocational school for shop-


Task 2 You and your family would like to move to a bigger family house. Describe

the problems with the old block of flats and tell the examiner, who is playing

the role of your English friend, about the house you have decided to move to.

Well, we decided to buy a new house three years ago. We moved to our new house. We used

to live in an old flat. There were few shops in our area. These shops were very expensive. It

was noisy and dirty, but it was very close to my school. We didn’t have a garden. We lived in

a block of flats. Public transport was quite good, and we always had kind, friendly and helpful

neighbours. Our new house is peaceful and clean, but it’s far from the central parts of our

town. At our new place, we have lots of shops with reasonable prices. Public transport is very

bad in our area. We have to use the car. Around our new house there is a nice garden with lots

of fruit trees. The rooms in our house are big, sunny and friendly. We have few neighbours

and, unfortunately, they are quite unfriendly.

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Task 3 This picture shows a baby whose birthday is just being celebrated. Describe the

picture and give your ideas. Include the following points: the importance of

family traditions; teaching children to keep traditions alive; how you celebrate

birthdays/name days/ Christmas / Easter, etc.

I can see a baby boy in the picture. He is one year old. He is celebrating his first birthday. I

know this because there is only one candle on the cake. Maybe the baby does not really know

that he is having his first birthday. He does not look very happy now. I don’t know why. The

importance of family traditions: Family traditions are important. They keep the family

together during happy times and during sad times, too. Teaching children to keep traditions

alive: We should teach kids about family traditions. How do we celebrate Christmas? At

Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. On December 24th we celebrate Christmas

Eve. If you try to catch a train on the 23rd December, you may find it difficult to find a seat.

This is the day when many people are travelling home to be with their families on Christmas

Eve. The Christmas tree, a fir tree, is decorated and children are given presents. On the first

and second day of Christmas families have big meals and visit each other. There are a lot of

traditions connected with Christmas but perhaps the most important one is the giving of


In England family members wrap up their gifts and leave them at the bottom of the Christmas

tree to be found on Christmas morning. Children leave a long sock or stocking at the end of

their bed on Christmas Eve hoping that Father Christmas will come down the chimney during

the night and bring them small presents, fruits and nuts. They are usually not disappointed! At

some time on Christmas day the family will sit down to a big turkey dinner followed by

Christmas pudding.

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Task 1

Topic A Could you tell me about your last holiday?

Last year I went to Lake Balaton with my family. We stayed at a friend’s house. We were

very close to the beach. We went swimming every day. The weather was good. Sometimes it

was too hot. We had to be careful with the sun.

Topic B Could you describe the place where you live?

I live in the suburbs. I think it is better to live in the suburbs than in the centre. The suburbs

are less stressful. The only problem is when you have your workplace in town. This means

you have to travel a lot every day. Even if you have a car, you have to sit in your car for a

long time, while the air is terrible because of the other cars. Often there are traffic jams. These

make things even worse. Are there any places to go out? There are few places to go out. What

about public transport? It is quite good. But it costs too much. A monthly ticket costs 10,000


I live in the central part of Budapest. The advantages are as follows: The shops are close; you

can disappear in the big crowd; wherever you go, few people know you; you can go to the

cinema, the theatre, you can go to museums; everything is quite close. The disadvantages of

living in a city: the air is polluted and the streets are noisy; there are lots of gangsters in the

streets; some districts are not safe; buses, trams and the underground are very noisy and

crowded; there are not enough parks.

Topic C What kind of jobs are you most interested in?

I am interested in jobs for professionals. I would like to go to college or university. I would

like to be a lawyer. / I would like to attend vocational training. I would like to be a car

mechanic or car painter. / I am interested in well-paid jobs where I can make a lot of money

without working much.

Task 2 You have just arrived at an international summer camp in Oregon, USA. The

camp leader wants to discuss what kind of duties you will do during the three-

week-long stay. Choose from the list below and give reasons for your choice.

Your examiner is the camp leader.

Camp leader: Good morning. Welcome to Oregon. I am really glad to have somebody

here from Hungary. As you know, the camp is free, but you have to do

some work.

You: I know that. I am glad to be here.

Camp leader: I will show you a list of activities. Please choose three activities which

you can do.

You I would like to teach children new games.

Camp leader: Can you tell me the reason for your choice?

You: Oh, sure. I love kids. And I am a basketball coach. I love ball games.

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Camp leader: What about the second activity?

You: I could help the kids with setting up their tents.

Editor: Can you tell me why?

You: Well, I have camped a lot in my life. I know how to put up tents. And

the kids will need someone to help them.

Editor: And the third activity?

You: I would like to cut the grass on the playground. I like gardening very

much indeed.

Task 3 Study and compare the two pictures. Describe them with the help of these

questions: What is the main difference between the two pictures? What are the

advantages and the disadvantages of doing sports at home or in a fitness


In the first picture I can see a young girl doing gymnastics in her own room. In the second

picture I can see a fitness training club. The girls in the picture are in a gym. They are doing

step aerobics. Step aerobics helps burn calories. The amount of calories burned depends on

the speed of movements, step height, and the length of the training. Step aerobics has a

positive impact on mental health as well. I don’t see the coach. The girls are working out to

music. They are exercising to music. What is the main difference between the two pictures? In

the first picture the girl is working out alone. She is probably exercising regularly. In the

second picture I can see a step aerobics class. Which of the two ways of doing sports do you

prefer? I prefer the gym. I prefer the aerobics class to doing exercises alone. What are the

advantages and disadvantages of doing sports at home or in a fitness centre? The advantages:

When you are at home, you can take exercise when you want. You don’t have to leave home.

The disadvantages: You can’t meet friends and you miss the group experience. A group

experience could be good for you. How can you avoid injuries? Before you start the work-out

session, you should always do some warm-up exercises. When you are taking an aerobics

lesson, you should always follow the coach’s instructions.

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Task 1

Topic A What can you tell me about your hometown?

In Budapest there are always more jobs, more entertainment facilities. But life is more hectic

in Budapest than in the countryside. I would like to tell you a few words about the sights of


There are number of interesting sights in Budapest./ Parliament---The monumental building

of the Parliament is one of the biggest attractions of Budapest. It hosts the crown jewels.

Guided tours are organized 4 times a day.

St. Stephen’s Basilica—It is the largest Catholic Church in Budapest, where the most

important relic of Hungarian Catholicism, St. Stephen's Holy Right (Hand) is kept. The

panorama terrace offers a great view of the city.

Heroes’ Square--The monumental square at the end of Andrássy Avenue sums up the history

of Hungary. The millennium memorial commemorates the 1000th anniversary of the arrival

of the Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin.

Budapest State Opera--The neo-renaissance building is a pearl of architecture, and the rich

inner decoration reflects elegance and splendour. Guided tours are organised every afternoon.

A performance at the Opera is an unforgettable experience, too.

Castle District–With its narrow streets, old citizen houses, the Castle District of Budapest

reflects a medieval atmosphere. The Royal Palace houses different museums and exhibitions.

Fishermen’s Bastion and Matthias Church--The emblems (landmarks) of Budapest, no tour

can be complete without visiting them. Rebuilt several times, Matthias Church is a mixture of

architectural styles. Organ concerts are held there regularly.

City Park––The largest green area of Budapest. You can find there the Castle of

Vajdahunyad, the Széchenyi thermal bath, the Zoo and the Amusement Park. It is a beloved

place of the city for walking and relaxing.

Váci Street and the Danube Promenade--The busy walking areas of the downtown of

Budapest offer famous cafés, terraces, elegant shops, boutiques and theatres. From the

Danube Promenade you get a good view of the Castle.

Topic B Tell me about one of your favourite films?

Last month we saw two films. The first one was a film on DVD called An Inconvenient Truth.

It was directed by Davis Guggenheim. It is a documentary film presented by Al Gore, the

former vice president of the USA. It is on global warming. The world seems to be out of

control. The other film (which) / (that) I saw is also a documentary. Its title is Sicko by the

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American filmmaker Michael Moore about the American health-care system. By the way. My

favourite film is ………………...

Topic C What do you think you will be doing in five years’ time?

Five years from now/ in five years’ time/ I will be working in a shop as a shop-assistant/ I will

still go to university / I will be married with two children.

Task 2 You are expecting a student from England who is going to stay at your place

for a year as an exchange student. He/she has just called to inquire about the

weather in Hungary. Consider the following points and discuss them with the

examiner who plays the English student’s role: The general climate of

Hungary/ The main features of the four seasons here/ The hottest and coldest

month of the year/ Your favourite season. The examiner will take the role of

the English student.

English student: Can I talk to Mr.XYZ X / Miss XZY?

You: Speaking.

English student: I am so glad we can speak now. As you know, I am coming to Hungary

for a year, and I am going to stay at your place. What is the weather

like in Hungary?

You Hungary is in the temperate zone and has a continental climate. This

means that there are big differences between the weather in the four

seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

English student: What is the weather like in winter?

You: In winter it is cold and wet. I like the snow, if there is any, and I like

those winter days when there are no clouds in the sky and the sun is

shining brightly. The temperature falls below zero. I am often cold in

such weather. In winter you must be careful not to catch a cold. In

winter you have to wear warm clothes. In cold weather people usually

wear hats, gloves, scarves, warm sweaters, warm trousers, thick

overcoats and winter boots.

English student: And what about summer and autumn?

You: In summer the weather is very hot, and one must be careful with the

sun. You can get very sick if you are out in the sunshine in the morning

and early afternoon hours. In summer when the sky is completely

overcast, you know that rain is coming soon. In autumn the trees lose

their leaves and the scenery looks wonderful with lots of colours

ranging from green to brown. In Hungary you have the grape harvest

(vintage) at this time.

English student: And what about spring?

You: In spring the weather is slowly getting warmer. Maybe I like spring

better than winter. After the cold and wet days, nature awakens from its

sleep, and the trees and bushes are full of blossoms In Britain it is

colder in summer and milder in winter than in Hungary. In England it

rains a lot more than in Hungary, but it rarely snows.

Task 3 Compare the pictures. Describe and contrast shopping in a supermarket and at

a market place.

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In the first picture I can see a supermarket. In the second I can see a greengrocer’s shop at a

market. What is the main difference between a supermarket and a market? Supermarkets have

a wider choice but they are more expensive than markets. I prefer shopping at the market

because there is a much wider choice of fresh goods there./ Some people prefer supermarkets

to market halls. They think supermarkets are less crowded. They also say shopping is easier in

a supermarket because you don’t have to carry bags. You can put everything into a trolley.

What can you buy at a supermarket that you can’t buy at a market? Maybe supermarkets also

offer products that were transported from countries far from Hungary. What counters are there

in a supermarket? There is the bakery counter, the meat counter, the vegetables counter,

frozen food counter, the sweets counter and the check-out counter. What about prices? If you

want to buy cheap products, you will find them more easily at market halls.

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Task 1

Topic A What do you do in your free time?

I like reading/swimming/ going out with friends/ clubbing/ watching TV. Sometimes I help

my Mom with the housework. Sometimes I go to the swimming pool. Sometimes I go jogging

on Margaret Island. Sometimes I write my homework. Nowadays I learn a lot.

Topic B Tell me something about your school.

Our school building used to be elementary school. My school used to be in the 13th district.

Five years ago our school moved into a new building. Our school is a secondary school. It is a

grammar-school and a secondary vocational-school where pedagogical assistants, helping the

work of teachers, are trained. I like my school because the teachers are all very kind and well-

qualified. How old is the building? Well, I don’t know exactly. But I think it is about 80 years

old. The building is quite ugly when you look at it from the outside. But inside there are lots

of interesting classrooms. The staff room is small. There is a huge yard around the building,

but there are few trees there and there are hardly any benches where the pupils can sit down.

How many floors has it got? The building has got one floor. On the ground floor you can find

a big hall, some of the classrooms, the school canteen and a small gymnasium. Most

classrooms are on the first floor. How many classrooms are there in it? Let me think. I really

don’t know. Maybe twenty or perhaps more. Now this is really strange. You know, I have

been learning at this school for five years, I don’t even know that. What do you like most

about your school? What I like most about this school is the friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Our teachers are not really strict with us.

Topic C What clothes are fashionable nowadays?

I like fashionable clothes. I don’t like posh clothes. I like simple clothes. The secret of looking

great and fashionable is not to overdress. You should not look too perfect, too made-up. / If a

woman dresses up, she should not select a see-through top or a neckline that shows

everything. A woman should leave something to the imagination. Don't give everything away

initially. What clothes have you bought recently? I bought a pair of blue jeans and a T-shirt. I

bought a pair of jeans and I like them well enough but I don’t know if they are the perfect pair

of jeans for me.

Task 2 You would like to join an English speaking club to practice the language. Look

at the offers and choose the best for you. Discuss the following points with the

examiner who acts as your English friend: /Which activities do you like the

most?/ Which schedule fits your daily routine the best? How would you cover

the cost of your fees?

English friend: Do you want to join an English speaking club to practice English?

You: Yes, I do. I have decided to join the third club, the film club.

English friend: How interesting. Can you tell me the reason why?

You Sure. Members of the club are making short films. Sometimes they

make documentaries.

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English friend: How much do you have to pay?

You: Well, club members have to pay. They call this membership fee. It is

very high. It costs 15,000 Forints a month to be a member.

English friend: Isn’t that too much.

You: You see, I would like to study the media at university. We learn lots of

useful things at the club.

English friend: Really? I didn’t know that.

You: We are shown film techniques. We are shown how to shoot and edit a

film. This is useful in today’s world.

Task 3 These two pictures show different ways of collecting rubbish. Compare and

contrast them. Consider the following questions: Why do people litter? Why is

selective rubbish collection useful?

In the first picture I can see four huge containers for collecting rubbish. In the second picture I

can see a waste bin. It is full, but next to it and around it I can see some plastic bags with

waste in it. Some of the waste is on the ground. Why do people litter? Because they don’t care

about the environment. Throwing away rubbish can pollute the environment. How does

selective rubbish/waste collection work? Waste is divided into four categories? Paper, white

glass, coloured glass and plastic. Why is selective rubbish collection useful? It is useful for

two reasons. If waste is collected, it does not pollute. The other advantage is that selected

waste can be recycled.

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Task 1

Topic A What kind of public transport do you prefer to use?

I prefer using the underground. It is fast. It takes me 90 minutes to get to school. I go 20 stops

by underground and then I change to the tram. Do you have a monthly ticket? Yes, I do. But it

costs so much. It is so expensive. I like public transport. There is always heavy traffic on the

roads. Cars create a heavy traffic on the roads. There is always a traffic jam. I am not sorry for

the drivers sitting in their cars. What are the advantages and of having a car? You can go

anywhere anytime. It is comfortable. Driving is fun. It is relaxing to drive. What are the

disadvantages of having a car? Petrol costs very much. You make the environment dirty. You

get into a traffic jam. Your car can be stolen. Can you drive? Yes, I can. / I got my driving

licence last year. I am not a good driver yet. What are the different parts of a driving course?

They are the traffic code training, driving theory, traffic code test, driving theory test, driving

lessons and the driving exam.

Topic B Tell me something about your family.

I come from a large family. I have two elder brothers. They are married. My brothers’

children are my nephews and nieces. I have got a sister who is younger than me. She lives

with my parents. She is still single. I hope she will marry soon.

Topic C What about your ambitions/plans for the future?

I would like to be a nurse/ a doctor/ a car mechanic/ a receptionist, a policeman, a driver, a

football coach, etc. I would like to do vocational training. I would like to learn a trade. I

would like to be a painter, a welder, a car mechanic. I would like to go to college/university. I

would like to take a job as a shop assistant.

Task 2 You want to take a summer job for two months in England. Look at the offers

and choose the best one for you. Discuss your choice with the examiner who

plays the role of an advisor at an international job agency.

Advisor: Good morning can I help you?

You: I am from Hungary. I am looking for a summer job. I would like

to work for two months.

Advisor: I can offer you two jobs.

You I would like to take job No. 012.

Advisor: Can you tell me the reason why?

You: Well, this is the job of a gardener assistant. If I got the job, I

could work in the open air, in a beautiful garden. English parks

are very well-kept.

Advisor: But in the other job you could earn a lot more. If you are a

gardener you only make £ 1 pound an hour, but if you are

cashier, you make £ 2 an hour.

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You: I know that. But a cashier’s job is full of stress. And I am on

holiday in the UK.

Your English friend: Are you over 16?

You: Yes, I am.

Your English friend: I hear your English is quite good. Are you in a good physical


You: Yes, I am.

Your English friend: I will give you the contact details of the company.

You: You have helped me a lot. Thanks.

Your English friend: You are welcome. And I wish you good luck.

Task 3 These two pictures show different ways of living. The first was taken in Asia

while the other shows a western European house. Compare and contrast the

two pictures.

In the first picture I can see some houses. They are on the river. The houses are made of wood

and they are, I think, on a raft. They have thatched roofs. In the second picture I can see the

historic centre of a European town. The picture was probably taken in Germany. I can see the

semi-timbered houses. The most interesting differences between the two types of housing:

The houses in the first picture are made of wood and the houses are on the river. The houses

in the second picture are made of stone, bricks and I can also see the timber. Different life

styles (that/which) the pictures show: I think the houses built in Asia are in harmony with the

tropical climate. The same is true of the European houses which are built of stone and are

good for people even in winter. I think the people living in the wooden houses are fishermen,

and the people living in the European houses can have various types of jobs. The advantages

and disadvantages of living in these two types of housing: Maybe living on the river is quieter

and one is closer to nature. If you live in European city, you have more stress.

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Task 1

Topic A Have you ever been abroad?

Yes, I have. I went to the UK last year. I went to Bristol. I studied English at a language


Topic B Do you use the internet at home or at school?

Yes, I do. You can do various things. You can download information from the net. You can

upload information to the net. You can read newspapers on the net. You can listen to music on

the net. You can look for a subject and find all the websites that have information about it.

This is called surfing the net. When I visit a website looking for information, some words on

the page may be underlined, showing that there is more information on the subject in another

document. The underlined word indicates that there is a link leading to another website. If you

click on this underlined word, the Web automatically connects your computer to a new

document or web site

Topic C Would you like to work in an office when you leave school?

Yes, I would. You see. I would like to be an IT specialist. If I manage to get a degree in

Information Technology, I will work at an office. Modern offices are very comfortable.

Task 2 Your English friend, who is spending his/her summer holiday with you, is

always sitting in front of the computer. Study the list of activities and choose

one for him /her. Discuss your choice with the examiner who plays the role

of your English friend.

You: Good morning, George. Shall we go out?

Your English friend: I don’t feel like going out.

You: Surely, you didn’t come to Budapest to sit in front of your

laptop all day long. You could do that at home, too.

Your English friend: Yes, I could. You are right. Where shall we go?

You How about a concert? Do you fancy going to a concert?

Your English friend: It is not a good idea. I don’t like classical music.

You: What about going to a museum. There is a good exhibition

going at the Museum of Fine Arts. Would it be OK with you to

come? After the exhibition we could take a walk in city park.

Your English friend: An excellent idea.

You: Shall we leave home now?

Your English friend: I still have to write five emails.

You: How long will it take you to write them?

Your English friend: I will finish them in thirty minutes.

You: OK. I will wait for you in the living room.

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Task 3 Compare the two pictures. Describe and contrast the ways of eating out. Speak

about the differences between eating out in a cosy restaurant and having a

quick bite in a fast-food restaurant.

In the first picture I can see an open-air café and a restaurant. In the second picture I can see a

fast-food restaurant. The main differences between eating out in a restaurant and having a

quick meal in a fast-food restaurant: In the restaurant I sit down and wait for the waiter. First

I study the menu, then I choose a dish from the menu and I order my meal. At a good

restaurant there is a wide range of dishes. If I am lucky, the service is good and polite. But

sometimes it takes a lot of time to get your meal. When guests pay their bill at a restaurant,

they always give a tip. (Ten percent of the bill will be enough/ will do.)

At the fast-food restaurant, guests go to the counter and order their meals. There is a limited

choice of meals, but I can always be sure that the restaurant will have the usual meals,

including hamburgers, cheese burgers, fish burgers, chips, shakes, etc. Service is fast. Prices

are a little bit high. But I don’t have to give a tip. Plus these restaurants never offer alcoholic


The prices, the standard of service and the quality of dishes: When I go to a fast-food

restaurant, I always know what the service is going to be like, and what I can buy. The

disadvantage is that it is not good to eat junk food regularly.

If cost didn’t count what sort of restaurant would you go to? I would like to go to a restaurant

that offers Hungarian dishes.

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Task 1

Topic A What is your house or flat like?

We have a big family house with five rooms both downstairs and upstairs. Downstairs there is

a big living-room. My mother works at home, so there is a room for her. There is a kitchen

downstairs. Upstairs there is my room and my brother’s and my parents’ bedroom.

We have a small flat. We have three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom in it.

I have my own room. In my room there is a bed, a desk, a TV, two chairs, three lamps, a built-

in cupboard, a carpet, a shelf and a bookshelf with a lot of books.

Topic B What do you like doing in your free time?

I like reading, walking and doing sports. Sometimes I go out with my friends. Sometimes I go

to the swimming pool. I think it is healthy to take some exercise. I try to take some exercise

every day.

Topic C What are your plans after the final exams?

I would like to take part in / I would like to go to/ vocational training. I would like to be a

hairdresser. I would like to be a car mechanic. I would like to learn at a college. I would like

to work for two or three years, and then I would like to learn a trade.

Task 2 You want to take a summer job for two months in England. Look at the offers

and choose the best one for you. Discuss your choice with the examiner who

plays the role of an advisor at an international job agency.

Please see Topic Ten.

Task 3 Compare the two pictures with the help of the following prompts: The main

differences between the two pictures./ The importance of playing with one’s

children./Attention cannot be replaced with toys./ Why is it dangerous to leave

the baby alone?

Please see Topic Five.

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Task 1

Topic A Tell me something about the place where you live.

I live in the countryside. The advantages of living in the countryside: You can live in a quiet

place. / The air is less polluted than in the towns and the streets are quieter. You know

everybody. (Sometimes, this can also be a disadvantage. / There is no noise and no people

rushing about. / You can take a walk, or you can bike in the countryside. / Some lucky people

can even bike to work. The disadvantages of living in the countryside: You have to travel a

lot to work or to school. / Public transport is less available than in the cities. / Even the local

shops are sometimes far away. So you cannot walk there. / There are few cinemas and


I live in the city. The advantages of living in a city: The shops are close. / You can disappear

in the big crowd. / Wherever you go, few people know you. / You can go to the cinema and

the theatre. You can go to museums. Everything is quite close. The disadvantages of living in

a city: The air is polluted and the streets are noisy. / It may happen that not even your

neighbours know you. / There are lots of gangsters in the streets. / Some districts are not safe.

/ The buses, the trams and the underground are very noisy and very crowded. Public transport

is bad. / There are not enough parks.

Topic B Is sport a part of your free time activities?

Yes, it is. I love doing sports. After training, I feel relaxed. If you want to stay healthy and fit,

you have to do sports. Sometimes though it is a good idea to talk to a doctor about your own

sports activities. It can be dangerous to take too much physical exercise.

Topic C How have computers changed the quality of our lives?

Personal computers and the internet have resulted in a communications revolution. The

internet is without doubt one of the most important inventions of modern history. The World

Wide Web was created in 1990. Since then, it has completely changed the world.

The internet is a network of millions of computers around the world connected by phone

lines, satellite and cable. All the computers can exchange information with each other. Some

people say that young people use computers only for games and don’t really learn anything.

They say that young people read much less than they used to. And all this happens because of

computers. (The arrival of computers has brought a number of new words into the English

language, such as word processor, hardware, laptop computer, email, loading, monitor, etc.)

Nowadays you simply can’t get a job, if you can’t use computers.

Task 2 Discuss the following points with the editor of a magazine. (The teacher will

play the editor’s role.) /What are the most popular jobs in Hungary

nowadays? / Which are the best-paid jobs in today’s Hungary? / Which

colleges/ universities do most students apply for?

Angol nyelv / Felkészítő anyag a középszintű szóbeli érettségire / Összeállította: B.D. (2011)

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You: Good morning, George/ Catharine.

The editor: We would be very glad if you could write an article about job opportunities

for young people in Hungary.

You: That is possible.

The editor: What are the most popular jobs in Hungary today?

You The problem with Hungarians is that they all want to become white-collar

employees. They all want to be doctors, lawyers, teachers and

businessmen. Few people are interested in science or engineering or in

simpler, blue-collar jobs, like being a driver, plumber, electrician or

carpenter. In recent years, too many people wanted to study law.

Unemployment is up in Hungary. Half of the population does not even

have a job in this country. (No one is worried about this.) / Most recently,

secondary-school leavers have become cleverer (more clever). They start to

see that it is a good thing to take part in secondary vocational training. The

qualifications received after these training courses are often good enough

to get a job.

The editor: Which are the best paid jobs?

You: If you are a lawyer, an economist, an accountant, your pay/ your salary is

very good.

The editor: Which universities/colleges do most people apply for?

You: From among students who apply for university, most student apply for

medical university, the technical university and the university of


The editor: For how long do university students have to study to get a good job?

You: It depends on the actual job. I could generally say that it takes about five

years to finish university studies. Another three years of professional

training is needed to get a good job.

The editor: Do you think that young people will have more opportunities to get a good

job in the EU?

You: I don’t think so. The only exception is doctors. Their salary is so low that

many of them want to work abroad.

Task 3 These two pictures show two different aspects of friendship. Compare and

describe the two pictures.

In the first picture I can see a girl arranging the man’s neck-tie. I don’t think they are really

close to each other. The man is dressed up formally. He wears a suit and a tie. In the second

picture I can see a boy who is helping a girl walk through the woods. Maybe the girl has

broken her leg. The most important thing in a friendship: There is an English proverb: A

friend in need is a friend indeed. Can they really count on each other? How?: The man can

count on his girlfriend. When he doesn’t know how to dress up, he can ask his girlfriend for

advice. A lot of teenagers suffer from loneliness nowadays. Why? I think they don’t have

good and close friends. That’s the reason. Teenagers tend to make friends via the Internet. Is

this a good thing? I don’t think this is a good thing. When you meet someone in person, you

can get to know the person much better.

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Task 1

Topic A Do you try to look after the environment? How?

Yes, I do. I support the work of Greenpeace. I do not litter. I follow green values. I do not

waste petrol, paper and electricity.

Topic B Is sport an important part of your life? Why? Why not?

Yes, it is. It is absolutely important. Without doing some sports regularly, you can’t stay fit.

But I also like watching sports on TV. My favourite sports are ball games, including basket

ball and volley ball.

Topic C How do you imagine your life in ten years’ time?

Ten years from now, I will be a millionaire. I will have a mansion in the countryside. / In ten

years’ time I will be an engineer. I will live in the countryside close to Budapest. I will have

two kids and a wonderful husband/ wife.

Task 2 You are in England and your host has just asked you to take his CD player

back to the shop because it doesn’t work. He bought it two weeks ago. Tell the

shop-assistant, whose role is played by the examiner, what the problem is

with the tape recorder and ask for his/ her advice what to do.

Shop-assistant: Good morning sir/madam. Can I help you?

You: Yes please. My English host bought this CD player two weeks ago, but

it went wrong yesterday.

Shop-assistant: Could I have look at the CD player.

You: Sure.

Shop-assistant: Do you have the receipt with you?

You: Unfortunately, I have left it at home.

Shop-assistant: Well, you can leave the CD player here. We can’t have it repaired. If

you bring back the receipt, I can do two things. Can you understand?

You: Yes, I can. Please go on.

Shop-assistant: I can give back /refund/ the price of the CD player, or you can have a

new CD player of the same price.

You: Thanks for the information

Shop-assistant: You are welcome.

Task 3 Compare the two pictures. Describe and contrast the lives of a business woman

and a housewife. Include the following points: The main differences in their

daily routines./ The main differences in what they do in their free time.

In the first picture I can see a mother with her child. They are sitting on the sofa. The little

girl has lots of dolls. She looks very happy. She is smiling. The mother turns to her daughter

with lots of love. In the second picture I don’t see a housewife, but a business woman. She is

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probably the boss of a company. She is dressed up in a ladies’ suit. This woman does not

look happy. She seems to be worried. The main differences between the daily routine of the

business woman and that of the housewife: The business woman concentrates on her work.

The housewife concentrates on bringing up her kid and on her household. She does a lot of

housework and cares for /looks after/ her daughter.

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Task 1

Topic A Can you describe your best friend?

My best friend, Christina looks very pretty. She is rather tall, and has a very good figure.

Actually her eyes are green. I can always trust her. When I am in trouble, she helps me a lot.

She is very good at Maths. She often helps me with my homework.

Topic B Do you think you lead a healthy life? How? Why not?

I think I lead a healthy life. I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. I avoid eating sugar and sweets.

I don’t drink coffee and I never get drunk. I do some sports. I go jogging very often. In winter

I often go to the swimming pool.

Topic C When was the last time you were ill?

Last month I had a bad cold. I had a sore throat, and my nose was running. I had a bad cough.

I had fever. I decided to see my doctor/ general practitioner. I got well again in two weeks. I

stayed in bed and drank a lot of hot tea, and I took the medicines (that) / (which) the doctor

prescribed for me.

Task 2 Your American friend is visiting you and he is feeling rather unwell. After

visiting the doctor your friend has fallen asleep. You have just called his

father/ mother about his/ her son’s condition. The examiner plays the role of

your friend’s father/ mother.

You: Good morning Mr. Smith.

Mother: What is wrong with my son?

You: Well, George fell ill. He has to stay in bed for three days. The doctor took his

blood pressure. It was too high.

Mother: Does George have the medicines with him.

You: Yes, he does. Has Gorge got an insurance?

Mother: Why?

You: The doctor’s fee must be paid. There are also some lab tests which have to be

paid for.

Mother: Does George have to return to the US?

You: I don’t think so. He has to stay in bed. He has to take his medicines. He will be

OK by next Monday.

Task 3 This picture shows a very crowded beach in Spain. Describe it and give your

opinion about it including the following points: Are crowded beaches fun or a

source of annoyance? / Tourism endangers the environment. / What can we do

to protect the environment?

Please see Topic 2.

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Task 1

Topic A Who does the shopping in your family?

My mother does the shopping in my family. At the weekends I help her with the shopping.

Topic B How do you spend your spare time?

In my free time I always go to the library. I usually go to the newspaper reading room. I like

reading the papers. I can’t afford to buy all the papers and magazines.

Topic C What would you like to do after leaving school?

After leaving this school, I would like to be an economist. If I am not admitted to the

University of Economics, I would like to be a language teacher. You see I am good at

English. I have passed the intermediate-level state exam. I can chat in English very well. I

have to improve my vocabulary though. / But I have to learn a lot of words (that) I don’t yet


Task 2 You are one of the correspondents of an international magazine. Which item

has changed our life the most? Which item has had only a positive effect on the

world? Which of these things could you give up using? The teacher plays the

role of the editor.

Editor: You have to write an article on a product that has changed our life

dramatically. Which picture would you choose for the cover of the magazine?


You: I think I would choose the photo showing a PC, a monitor and a printer. In the

past ten years there has been an IT revolution.

Editor: I think you are right. Why have made computers our lives faster and more


You: With the help of the Internet, I can download information whenever I want.

But using a computer and the internet is not always useful. People can

sometimes sit for hours in front of their computes, and that is not good for their


Editor: Would you give up using your car?

You: If I had to, I would give up using it. And I also could do without the

microwave oven.

Task 3 Compare the two pictures. Describe and contrast the lives of a business woman

and a housewife. Include the following points: The main differences in their

daily routines/What they do in their free time.

Please see Topic 14.

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Task 1

Topic A How is housework shared in your family?

My mother does the cooking and shopping. I do the cleaning in the house. I hate ironing,

cleaning the windows and washing up the dishes. But I have to do these tasks. My little sister

sometimes helps me with the housework.

Topic B What do you like doing in your free time?

My real hobby is jogging. Whenever I can, I go jogging. I don’t have any other hobbies, but I

like reading and surfing the net. I can sit in front of my computer for hours. I usually look for

good music on YouTube. The other thing I like to do is to tune in to radio stations on the



Topic C What are you going to do after finishing school?

I think I will take a flexitime job. Besides making money I would like to do vocational

training. I would like to be pedagogical assistant.

Task 2 An English school group is visiting your school. You are their guide. Introduce

your school. The examiner is going to ask questions about the school. When

was the school built? / How many floors and classrooms are there in it? Who

was it named after? / How many students attend this school?

Guide: Welcome to our grammar school. Our school was named after XYZ. The

school building was built about 80 years ago. It is a two-storey building. About

280 students go to this school. There are about ten classrooms in our building.

Some of the classrooms are not big enough. Are there any special facilities?

Yes, there are. There is a chemistry lab. It is not well equipped. Unfortunately

we do not have a real gym. We have a huge yard though. /But we have a huge

yard with a basketball court and a football field. The students generally have

eight lessons a day.

Task 3 These pictures show different kinds of free time activities. Study the pictures

and compare them according to the following questions: How would you

define a hobby? Which hobby is healthy/relaxing/ exciting?

I can see three pictures on this page. In the first picture I can see a man of about forty playing

a game on a slot-machine. (He is at the amusement arcade.) In the second picture I can see a

young man taking a photo in nature. In third picture I can see a young boy riding a horse.

How would you define a “hobby”? If I have a hobby, I do an activity regularly. I do it for fun.

And I do it in my free time. Is a hobby a healthy / relaxing activity? I think hobbies are not

always relaxing. Sometimes they can be harmful to your health. What is your hobby? Which

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of the three hobbies is closest to yours? My hobby is drawing. And taking/shooting photos is

the closest to my hobby. Why do you think the man in Picture 1 has chosen sitting in front of

the slot machine for hours as a hobby? I think the man has a boring job. I think he needs some

excitement in his life. That’s why he likes playing electronic games.

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Task 1

Topic A How often do you use public transport?

I use public transport on a daily basis. I take the underground/the bus to school.

Topic B How do you spend your free time?

I prefer doing outdoor activities. I like walking in nature.

Topic C What will you need English for in your professional career?

English will be needed in my professional career. You see I will be a receptionist. This means

I will have to learn English and German. Without a good knowledge of German and English,

you can’t be a good receptionist. / I would like to be a journalist. Without knowing English I

can’t read the news. If you know foreign languages, your language skills will be of help when

you go abroad.

Task 2 You would like to join an English speaking club to practice the language. Look

at the offers and choose the best for you. Discuss the following points with the

examiner who acts as your English friend: /Which activities do you like the

most?/ Which schedule fits your daily routine the best? How would you cover

the cost of your fees?

English friend: Do you want to join an English speaking club to practice English?

You: Yes, I do. I have decided to join the second club, the club for music


English friend: How interesting. Can you tell me the reason why?

You Sure. Members of the club are performing music together. I can play

the guitar very well.

English friend How much do you have to pay?

You: Well, club members have to pay. They have to pay a membership fee of

HUF 2500. It is not really expensive.

English friend: I agree with you.

You: You see I would like to learn music after finishing grammar school. We

learn lots of useful things at the club.

English friend: Really? I didn’t know that.

You: We can learn to play a new instrument. Besides, meetings are on

Sundays from 3 pm to 8 pm. This suits my daily schedule very much


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Task 3 Study the picture and speak about the following points based on the following

questions: What household gadgets/appliances do you recognize in the

picture? What are they used for? Are these appliances very important or do

they just make life easier?

What household gadgets/appliances do you recognize in the picture? I can recognize the

following household gadgets in the picture. On the left there is a toaster. Next to it there is a

microwave oven. By the microwave oven there is a blender. I can also see a hot water kettle.

In the middle there is a gas stove. What are they used for? The toaster is used for making

toast. The microwave oven is used for warming up food quickly. The gas cooker is used for

cooking. It has an oven that can be used for baking pizzas. The hot water kettle can be used

for boiling water. Are they crucial in the life of the family or do they just make life simpler?

Most of the electric appliances just make life easier. But the gas cooker is very important.

What about energy? I think people could use fewer electric appliances. They use too many,

and they waste a lot energy.

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Task 1

Topic A Could you tell me about your home?

I live in a small flat with my parents. The flat is in a bad condition. We can’t afford to have it

painted. The kitchen is too small. Our flat is too noisy.

Topic B What do you think of sports?

I don’t like doing sports. I like watching sports. I am a good spectator. I like watching

football, tennis and basketball.

Topic C If you could choose, would you rather be a doctor or a teacher?

I would rather be a doctor. Doctors help sick people. You have to learn a lot to become a

doctor. / I would rather be a teacher. I don’t think I could learn as much as a doctor has to.

Teaching is a very good job. I love kids. If you are a good teacher and love kids, you can give

good lessons. This is very important.

Task 2 As one of the correspondents of an international school magazine you would

like to draw the students’ attention to endangered animals. Discuss the

following points with the examiner who plays the role of the editor: Which

animal is the most endangered? / What do people do to these animals and their


Magazine editor: Good morning. Which animal is in the biggest danger?

You: I think it is the giant panda bear.

Magazine editor: Can you tell me the reason why?

You Sure. The giant panda bear lives in China. There only 1,000 panda

bears left in China.

Magazine editor: What do people do to these bears in their habitat?

You: These pandas live in forests. The forests are destroyed. I am so sorry

for these bears. They have less and less to eat.

Magazine editor: Do you think wildlife reserves can save these animals from dying out?

You: These animals already live in wildlife reserves. The problem is that too

many tourists go there. It is the tourists who destroy the environment of

these lovely bears.

Editor: Don’t you want to organise a campaign for panda bears?

You: No, I don’t. But please publish my article. It will be interesting.

Task 3 Study the picture and discuss one of the following points: Children can learn

new things very quickly. / Parents do not have enough time to play with kids. /

We can’t live without computers and home appliances.

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In the picture I can see a young girl. She is about five years old. How do you know you can

see a girl. Well, she seems to be a girl. And besides, please have a look at the dolls. The girl is

playing a computer game. She has /wears headphones/headsets on her ears.

Children learn new things very quickly: It is true that children learn to use the computer

quickly. Parents should pay attention to their kids. They should not let their kids sit in

front of the computer for a long time. Kids have to be cared for. So don’t let your kid

play with the computer for a long time. You should read tales to your kids before they

go to bed.

Parents do not have enough time to play with their kids/children: I agree with this

opinion. But this should be changed. Parents have to pay attention to their kids. They

have to play with them, because this is good for their kids.

It is important to be a computer-literate person.

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Task 1

Topic A How do you spend your free time?

I love surfing the net. I have become completely addicted to surfing the net. Please feel sorry

for me.

Topic B What is your favourite season? Why?

My favourite season is summer. In summer the weather is hot. The sky is blue. If you are

careful with the sun, you can go swimming and walking.

Topic C Tell me about your shopping habits.

When I shop for food I follow some rules. I always buy the freshest food available. When I

buy meat, I always buy the cuts with the least fat. Fresh food is better than frozen food.

Frozen food is better than canned food. I always buy lots of vegetables and fruit. A healthy

diet contains lots of fruit and vegetables.

Task 2 You have just arrived at an international summer camp in Oregon USA. The

camp leader wants to discuss what kind of duties you will do during the three-

week long stay. Choose from the list below and give reasons for your choice.

Your examiner is the camp leader.

Camp leader: Good morning. Welcome to Oregon. I am really glad to have somebody

here from Hungary. As you know the camp is free, but you have to do

some work.

You: I know that. I am glad to be here.

Camp leader: I will show you a list of activities. Please choose three activities which

you can do.

You I would like to teach children new games.

Camp leader: Can you tell me the reason for your choice?

You: Oh, sure. I love kids. And I am a basketball coach. I love ball games. I

have been teaching basketball for three years,

Camp leader: What about the second activity?

You: I could help collecting the firewood.

Editor: Can you tell me why?

You: Well, I have camped a lot in my life. I know how to collect firewood.

Editor: And the third activity?

You: I would like to move the grass on the playground. I like gardening very

much indeed.

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Task 3 Study and compare the two pictures. Describe them with the help of these

questions: What is the main difference between the two pictures? What are the

advantages and disadvantages of doing sports at home or in a fitness centre?

In the first picture I can see a young girl doing gymnastics in her own room. In the second

picture I can see a fitness training club. The girls in the picture are in a gym. They are doing

step aerobics. Step aerobics helps burn calories. The amount of calories burned depends on

the speed of movements, step height, and the length of the training. Step aerobics has a

positive impact on mental health as well. I don’t see the coach. The girls are working out to

music. They are exercising to music. What is the main difference between the two pictures? In

the first picture the girl is working out. She is probably exercising regularly. In the second

picture I can see a step aerobics class. Which of the two ways of doing sports do you prefer? I

prefer the gym. I prefer the aerobics class to doing exercises alone. What are the advantages

and disadvantages of doing sports at home or in a fitness centre? The advantage: When you

are at home, you can take exercise when you want. You don’t have to leave home. The

disadvantage: You can’t meet friends and you miss the group experience. A group experience

could be good for you. How can you avoid injuries? Before you start the work-out session,

you should always do some warm-up exercises. When you are taking an aerobics lesson, you

should always follow the coach’s instructions.