1 Sweco Norway – 1200 consultants located in 27 Norwegian cities.

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Transcript of 1 Sweco Norway – 1200 consultants located in 27 Norwegian cities.


Sweco Norway – 1200 consultants located

in 27 Norwegian cities


Sweco deals with wetland and river restoration on a

multidisciplinary basis

Oppdragets innhold


Vårt oppdrag er beskrevet i utredningsprogrammet som ble vedtatt av NVE 12. mars 2008


•18 biologists with expertise in freshwater biology, birds, flora and land use planning•11 hydrologists with expertise in flow measurement, runoff, groundwater, flood and water line calculation•6 geo-hydrologists with expertise in contaminated soil and groundwater•15 civil engineers with expertise in construction in waterways, flood protection and erosion measures

Problem: Overgrown spawning sites for sea trout on the flat island Smøla


Suggestion to use young people to clean manually in streams and excavator on a fleet in the lakes.

Measures to increase the flow velocity is described.

Problem: Overgrowth of an oxbowe lake


We planned excavation of ponds to increase the lifespan of the locality.

The work was done during winter to minimize disturbance of birds and possibility for permanent vehicle track damage

Wetland restoration on a multidisciplinary basis

Several of the protected wetlands in Norway have, over several years, reduced

its value to birds due to overgrowth. Sweco’s assignments is to assess and

propose solutions to restore conservation values.

We recreate conservation values through physical measures in Rinnleiret and

Slevdalsvannet nature reserves.


Improvement of nursery areas for salmon